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~ebotrb to tbt 'j:1tere~ts of tf)e ((burcb in tf)t ~ iottst of ~lgoma


FOR THE PRE ENrr DI rrRE T HE BI HOP ha anction d for u e in the Dioce e at the pre ent

time of distre the following prayer for the unemployed which ha been ent by mail to all cler ·y. All hurch people are asked to u e it daily.

Lord our H avenly Fath r, we comm nd to Thy pro­tectino- car and compa sion the men and women ufferino­di tre s and anxiety through lack of work. Keep them from lo of charact r, kill and power, and from the de -pair that come "' ith con tant di appointment. upport and treno·then them, w be eech The ; and o give O'uid­ance to tho e to whom i ommitted the duty of O'Overn­ment and tho e engaged in indu trial life, that Thy peopl may be et fre from want and anxiety, and may be nabl d to labour in ecurity, to the r elief of their nece sitie and the wellbeing of our land, for the sak of J u hri t ur Lord, Amen.

FOR THE DI E E The Bi ho i al o O'lad to anction the cu tom whi h ha grown

up in some part of the Dioce e of in er ting cer tain wor ds into the "Prayer for the Clergy and P eople", o a to read:

nd down upon our Bi hop and lergy, ( e pecially Thy ervant Rocks'borou ·h to whom Thou ha t given charO'e

over thi Dioce e, the lergy of thi Dioce e), and all con­gr egation committed to their charo-e etc.

THE CHUR H ' RULE REGARDIN MARRIAGE T HE BI H P wi h to r mind the cl rgy that it i the rule of

our Church that weddino· hall be olemnized within the hurch building it l£, and not in par onage or oth r private hou e . Thi rule hould be departed from only in ca e of real nece ity. The parish pri t mu t, of course, b the judge of what con titu te neces ity, becau e he know all the circum tance , but he hould not be too a ily p r uaded by peciou argument ; for in the e day when the Church' marriage law i op nly flouted and di­vor e are o common, we mu t do all w can to emphasize the olemnity of thi acred ordinance, and thi we can do by inve t ing

the ervice with the reverence and aw which God' holy house hould in pire. In thi Diocese the e consideration are trength­

ened by the fact that th ynod at it e ion in 1926 called upon all clergy and laity to r nd r obedience to the paragraph in the "' onstitution and anon " of the Dioce e whi h tate that " the rule of the Church i that 'bapti m , marriage and funeral be olemnized in the church. "

The Rev. Thoma W. Daniel, who ha been in charO'e of the mi · ion of Bala for orne time pa t, ha b en a J ointed to tl1e char

of St. Mary' hurch, Pittsburg, Pa. W wi. h him every s11r~ ce~:•::;1 in hi new work in our i t r hurch in the nited tate .

\ ol. 27. No. 5

~be Blgoma Missiona r\1

1Rews r , 1931


~o cent I r annulll

" GOD HEIGN ' ''

Ev n this yeal' wh n our mind · s m t o b e filled with forebodinO' and f ar tfhe Church 'bid. u lift up our h art · in thank. o·iving to

od. For God stillr io·n triumphant ov r th world, and G d , till car : for His children so that H e supp1ie what i nee ary both for our bodie. · and our ·ouls. A · we r eal our · ibles " e ar truck by the fact that it is u ualiy in adv r .·ity that p eople r turn to Go l. Pr o ·p rity has a habit of ali na tin g m n fr om God. \Ve grov,r carele and self- uffici nt. W e n ith r think of God nor car for Him. But adver ity i: od · opp r tunit . Our elf- ufficiency is :hatt r d, and in our h lple ·:n : '' turn again to G d. W e fail to r ealize that pro perity and adv r it )' are but passing pha e , and that behind them both stands the on o l , et rnal, immutable, the . ame yesterday, to-day and forever. Y t in adversity that le ·soH l. ' brouo•ht hom e to us mo t clearly. ln th chano·e and despair of earthly life we lift up our eyes to od, th et rnal and the true, and "' an ven learn to thank God for our . uffer.ino·s and our want if th ar leadinO' us back to Him. rrhis tim of eli tre i a call to a d eper faith in God a well a · gratitude for all Hi bl . ing ·. It me ·age may b ·ummed up in ne phra ·e ' od r eign ' ·

- R V .. J. tuart .

. The dvent Ordination will b held at All aints' hurch, Hunts­Vlll. , on Sunday, Dec mb er 13th. Th r etreat and other preparation ~Uhn th e prec dino· week ''ill b h ld at th e Mis ion Hous

ra brid .



T HE Bi 'hop '· annual vi ·itation of the D ean ry of Muskoka wa · looked forward to this year with more than u ual plea ur , aH

Hi Lord._ hip had intimat d that he would be ac ompanied by Mr ·. Rock borough mith, "'hom the wive. of many f the clerg.) had not t been 1 rivil ged to m t. 'Phe Bi hop very o· nerou ly o·ave u the whole month of Augu t for hi vi it .

Arrivino· at Grav nhnr t on August r.:::th h '"' a. w lcomed by the Rural Dean, the Rev. J. . IJinds 11, who ·e home wa to be hi hea d­quarter during hi vi itation. On Thur da~' (the F a t of tl1 Tran fio·uration ) his fir ·t epi pal function wa th induction of the n w In umb ent of ravenhnr t , th Rev. yril Goodi r. 'rhe hurch was w ll filled for th occa.jon an l the remony of in-

duction wa · both in ·tru tive and impres. ive. At the c]o e of the induction the ishop confirmed a cla . of eiO'ht candidate who were pre· nted b~- the Rev. Canon Allman. the retiring Incumbent. Am ng the l rgy pr ent were th R v ·. W. ~. mith , L. ~ in clair,

anon Allman P. Maye1; (of Niagara Fall ·) , Fr. Ro ·e and the Rural D an , a] o ro. Edward of the . . J. E. Aft r th . ervic a r c p­.tion ,;~,r a · h 1d at th e home of the Rnral Dean and Mr . Lind ell for th Bi.·hop and Mrs. Rock. b rough , mith.

Friday "a.· ·pent on the Mu ·koka I_;ake ·, and on aturda~- the party ] ft on th ·teamer for Bala. H re a onfirmation servi e wa. held on undaY m rnin o· when ven andidate were ll'e-ented by the R v. rr. Daniel th e Incumbent. The Bi. hop wa at­

tended b~- th Rural Dean ancl !fr. E. Ro k borouO'h mith, while the Very Rev. Dean H erron, of Ho1.v 'rrinity burch, Cincinnati, and the Rev. . J. J n · n of t. Thoma ·' h Baltimor . read th pr fac and the pa sag · of ripture.

After dinner th e Bi . hop and Rural D an "" r motored to Parry ound where a v ry in . piring rvi wa held at rrrinity hur ch,

eio·ht andidat . for onfirmation being pr ent d b~r th Re tor, the R v. . 'rurn er.

n Monday a vi it wa paid to t. eorge .· hur h, D pot H ar-bour, wher eight andidat . w r pr ented by th ev. L. ~- in-clair the prie t in h aro·e.

On Tue da~' morning the i ·hop returned to rtb Bay to attend a m eting of the Executive ommitt , and to w lcome the R v. Canon ~... tac,- \Vadd \' of th . and the Rev. · anon Hyde of th lVIi ion~ry ou~cil of the hur h in England. (An account of thi meeting and of vi.:;its to various Mu ·koka mi ·ion. by the vi -itor from England wa · given in ur la t i · u ) .

n aturday, Au ·u t 15th, the Bi hop , Mr . Rock borough '· mith and the Rural D an mbarked for Port arling, wher they were welcomed by the Incumbent, the Rev. A. E. arding. On unday, after an early eel bration at t. J ame ' hurch a tart wa made


'cn· liJJ g ' h 'P .·ix. ·audidat .· Th " Bishop wa. a ·-


.S ER \rl 'E mar kino· th Fifti th nni' r ·ary and the Harv st Thank ·o·iving were h ld in t. Mark · hurch , Em dale, on un­

day 0 tob r 4th. Th v.reather " a~ briO'ht and ver y mild. Th int r ior of the burch was artiRticall~r d corate 1 and liberally . up­plied "ith f t·uit and o·ard n produ .

rrhe Rev. l.JGIWI' nee in lair \\TGIS the lebrant at the Eucharist, a · ~i ·t d bv th Dea on-in- haro· , R v. Edwin V\ right on. Mr . ... in­clair pr ach d from th t ext , P alm : 5, 'Th earth is full of th o·ooclne ·s of th LORD '. At th evenin o· · rvic th hurch wa cr wcle l , and th e pr ach r wa · th Rev. anon Allman, who "a. fo r many year in char ·e of t. MC~;rk s. Hi t xt wa J o hua 21 : 45 '' Th r faile i not aught f an y o·ood thino· which th LORD had ·poken unto the hou e of I rael; all am to pa s. ''

t. l\ifark ' hurch wa built in 1 1 b) th late R v. William r m1 ton , and "a ituat c1 on th t p of th hill along the old prucedal e Roa l in th Town ·hip of P erry . Th fir t rvic wa a

Rarve t rrhank o·iving. orne year lat r th church was moved to it pre ·ent it onth Tor ontoandNorthBay hio·hwa andoc-cupi . a fh1 pi of land on '''hi h al . o tb v1 arag i erected.


hcaYy burden at fir~t :ight, but there i~-; little doubt that th in Ca nada "·ill rise to it~-; re.'pom;ibility in the matter a.' our <'ltureh in the { nitcd ~·Hates has clonP.



A JlH'lltol'iH l from t hr Hnwcl of rrorouto \\"CI.' introclu ed favour­ing approaelws to the othPr Christian bodies for reunion on the he~-;is of tlw , rhE'lllP a bout to lw triE'cl out in South In lia. I e.' iron: a onr ('h ureh has alwaYs bren for the reunion of Christendom, it is ttnlilu· h· that the ~,·n~>cl ,,·onlcl havt> enclor.'ecl a s ·h me which is not evE'll in its P."lH'l'il~tenta I stc:lgE'~ in Indic-1 as )·et, and \Vh ich would inYolvt• for th<' Clmreh in Canada (as it will for th Church in ~ontlt lndia if tlH' propos<>cl s<'heme of reunion there i proce d d ''it h) withclrawa I from th Anglican Communion for a t rm of .'·ear:, JWnding t!w gT<Hlnal attainment of the ful1 piscopal :y. tern in tlw rf'stdting unitrd ('hm·<..'h. Tlw .. ')·nod. how ver .'imply re­ft>J'J't>d tlw matH·r to the Committc>r on H.( union. A memorial from t IH• Dioee~e of Algoma dl'pl· '<..'ating cll1)' : ·hemf' of rt>nni n which l<[(·kPd proper c1odrinal saff'gnards (wh ic:h has already h en print d in our <..'ohmms) \\·as also r<>fern•d to tlw sam committee.

A \GLH'_..L · X.\TIOX,\L ('0:\L\rif\.'lOX

'l'ht• n•pol't of the Angli~an Xational Commi.' ·ion wa: pre.'entecl, and a gTPat d('c-d of tii1H~ was spt>nt in consiclering and revising the 1 <'<'oll1 11H'IH1a timt~ at· •ompanying- it. Tlw subj<>ct of <'O-operation with other ('h ri~t ian communions in t hr more i~.;olated di:tri •t. ] er­ha ps arow·Pc1 th<' most intrrrst, hut this i.' d alt with in a separate a1·1i1·le in this i:-.stw. It on])· r main. to sa)· that one of th fine. t .']H'!'thes of the :--;)·noel was mad(' hy a layman from Calgary Mr. '\V. \Y. \\TiiL'JH.'CH', who spokP as one who had on the prairie: experienc d isolation from the Chureh in )-enr.' past. He told how first h and h i~ fa mily, and tlwn thry \Yith thrir nc>ighbours, had m t in hi, housp for worship :--;nnclay hy Sunday, and ha <1 carried on in thi W<t)" until it \nls possihlp for tlwm to havP a <'hurch and full Chri -ti<lll privilf'g s. And lH' protested strong]_,. again. t the propo al of th t> ( 'o mnis. ion that Clmr('h JWoplr in snell position: sl10uld b a. k •d to accPpt othrr ministrations.

Onp of the re<'ommrncle:ltions of ihC' (\nnmi~sion " 'a.' that the ll HlllP of tlw Chnreh shonl<l lw ehangN1 to 'rrlw Angli an hurch in (';tn;Hl a ". Thi~ was ovrrwlH·lmingly <lrfeated, and our offi ial 1 it ll· . till l'<'ma in.- TlH• Clmn;h of England in Canada' , though <1 ouLt1Pss thr term ''Angliean Chm·th" will continue in popular tt. <' ns h<.>forr .

• \ntong· th<· ltHl.'t .. tirring incicl('nt:-; of tlw Synod wer the two · b I• t vi!-iit .. of the Bishop of L<' JHlon. On t>aeh oct:asion h aclclre .. ed !h ' ~.n10d and gavP ns a m('s:-;agr of good heer from the hurch 111 th(• ~Iotlwr Land. ThP <.>Iltlmsiasti<..' wel<·ome he rcceiv d left no do11h1 as to tlw \\'Hl'lll placr lw hol<ls in tl1c hra rts of ~hurchmen l'\'{'1'\' Wl!P l'l'

.\ .gTPat <l al of useful work was <lone wl!i ·b ·we hav not :pa f'

<'\'Pil to mention. bnt whi<'h " ·ill have ~o< c1 rffect in th(' Chnr h for Yl'Hrs to come.



M ANY of the Recommendatio11 made by th Ano·lican Nationa l Commi ·ion cau ed a great deal of discus ion at the General

Synod, and ome of them w r con iderabl~ revised before they wer e accepted. In fact a o·ood proportion of the time of the Gen­eral SJ n od wa occupi ed in thi "ork of discussion and revision. On one o ca. ion tw o line· of print, at the beginning of Recommend­ation 5, on New Dioceses o en p ied th e "·hole of on e evenin g, and then wer e not pa d .

Jt was number , h owever , entitl ed ' ·a-ope ration' which arons d mos t feelino· among th delegate . Unfortunately th debate on this ·ubject "·a .· ·plit up b~· oth er bn iness into two or three dif­ferent occasion , and th la k of continuity somewhat . poilt its; effectivenes . In the end h owev r , the clause, a · it ev ntnally ap­p eared after con iderabl revi ·ion "·a ver,,- different from what it r ead as originally presented to the Synod . A th matter is a very imr ortant one for a missionan· d ioc s , " ·e propo e to s t before om· reader a clearly a · we an th various alt eration.· mad e in the clause.

As originally framed it . read a fo lio"· : "rrhat, . in ce in the ""parsely ettled pa rts of our ·onntry the diffi nlty in rea hing, with an) degree of regularity th . catt red group of our people, is alma t insurmountable, '"'hi h difficulty extend · to oth r Chri -tian communions, we recommend that in the intere t of the Chri -tian faith an advanc be made to the authorit ie of the United Chnrch aud th Pre by terian hurch "it h a 'ievi to di covering if some arrangement could be made for a more friendl~- a-operation with them in th matter of mini ~ tering t o the ·e mall units, subj ect always to the prin iple being lea dy indicated that " ·e mnst ad­minister the a rament to our o" n p ople . .. . '

A great deal of oppo ·ition naturally how d it. elf to this pro­po al, for it eemed to indicate that if vi·e found it difficult to min­ister to little cattered group of hurch p eople in i olated spots which are not easy to r ach, we hould hand them over to ·ome Protestant body; wherea the principle upon whi h "' e have always gone hitherto has been th at we mu t use even · ndcavour that is humanly possible t o r each our own people h.owrver r emote and .iso lated they may be . Tt is for apo toli ]a bour. of this ki'nd that we r evere the nam s of . uch men as out· dear old Ar ·hdeacon Gill­mor, and several of our pre ·ent mi · ionarie ar famed for th e arne self-denyino· zeal It wa th ou o·ht , howev r , b) tho. e who disap­proved of th uo·gestion mad in t his R ecommendation that it would be bad. policy to try to d efeat it br a . ~traight vote; though it i by no mean. certain that it. fr i nd ·would have carried the clause if the vote had been tak n. It '~a s onsid r d ".iser to try ·to amend th " ording. o a clau.·e wa inserted to ay: "This does not commit the burch to any liv.i. 1ion. ·of territory" 111 rder to


.·hut out the possibility of other religious -bodies handing over cer­tain tracts of country to us on condition that we would not enter their ov.rn tracts. rrhen after the words "an advance be made", the following ·was added, ''through the Bi hops of our Church'', putting it up to the Bishops to take the fir rt steps, which would mean that in many dioceses they would never be taken at an. Another amend­ment omitted the reference to the United and Presbyterian Churches, o that this clause read, " to the authorities of other Ch ristian commtmiom; iu the several localities concerned." In thi. altered form the recommendation was passed by the Lo,ver House, Cat holic-minded Churchmen feeling that our defiliite Church prin-iples had been safeo·uarded.

In th Upper Hous , however, it "as felt that the Recomm nd­ation was still dangerou ·, and the Bishop of Algoma moved to add tlH•se word· at the end: "nor does it impl,v that v; e should in any wa y relax our effods to afford ·piritual ministrations to all our people, however remote from onr churches. '' 'fhis was seconded, and after some debate carried unanimously, thouo·h the fear wa · •xpre · ·ed that it would not be accepted by the J..Jower House. How­ever, this fear was ground less for after a short debate it was car­ried wi h onl.r a small handful of dis ntients.

\nd novY, in its final and revi · d form, what does the Recommend­ation mean . Read it right through, and you will find it v ry diffi­cult to say, for the la. t part of it contradicts the first. And that is perhaps the best thing that could happen to a Recommendation like this, ·which in its unrevised form would have been a great di ·couraO'ement to some of the very best of our clergy, who, fo1low­in g the example of our 1hurch throuo·hout the long years of her mi · ionary effort, have bent every sinew and strained every nerve to minister in the acred thino·s of God to every hurch of England man woman and child whom they could po. sibly reach. Certainly it would have disheartened a great number of very faithful Church people to know that their spiritual Mother was willing to give them over into other hands. A it stands, the Recommendation is self­con tradictory it is true, but at least "its poison has been ab­st 1·a t d," as a famous war Padre in th Synod said.

On unday, August 30th, two of our Algoma clergy the Ven. Archdeacon Burt and the Rev. Lawrence Sinclair, celebrated the fortieth annivers~ary of their ordination, that of the former :to the diaconate and that of the latter to the priesthood. Both were or­dain d by Bishop Sullivan in the Church of the Redeemer, Rosseau. Th '' A. M. N.'' joins with man,v fri nels in congratulations upon their long and fruitful ministry.



A VERY inter tino· and mo. t njoyable m eting of the Rura Deanery of Algoma wa · h ld at ''Thit fi h Fall on October 7

th and 9th. rrh e followino· l rgy w r 1 re nt, Th Bi hop, . F. Y oman · Rural D an , rchd a on Balfour, Archd aeon B anon olloton R v. E. \Y ek · R v. A. \Y. tump and Rev. F. E

Jew 11, and al o l\1r. L. F. Hardyman. Th pro eeding. p n 1 with Even.·ono·. 'I h er ice wa

by the Rural D an and th e ·ermon preached by the Ven. Ar ch d aeon Balfour, who took for hi .· text Psalm 90: ] 7, ' Ij t the beau of th L RD our od b upon u .· . ''

n the following m rning th re w r two elebration of H o ommunion , th . · cond b ing in th . natur of a Requiem for t

Mo t Rev. David William , Arrhbi. hop of Huron and l\1:etropolita of ntario , n w, of whosp . ndden death had been r c ivecl t h evening before.

Aft r l\Iatins there wa a Quiet Hour condn ted by th R ur D an, who took for the . ubje t of hi addre e th idea of o ·e ration. Hi earne ·t word , ombined with the devotional a mo:spher of th beautiful littl hnr h , rend r d th Qui t Ho v ry impre iv and helpful.

In the afternoon the Bi. hop poke to th memb r of h D an r on orne of th matters dealt with by th en ral ynod, and t wa follow d by ·hort a ldre ', ·es from Archdea on Balfour an Canon ~olloton giving their impre. ·ion · of the ynod.

Th arrangement. made for the D an ry meeting by the Rev. \V. and Mr. . ~ tump and their loyal band of h lper were mo. t c plete and sati factory. 'rh e vi. itor w r a ommodat d in t hunting lodge belongi11g to Mr. eorg A. McGr gor of Pitt bur Pa., and m al "ere .' uppli e 1 by th ladie of the mi. ion w worked very harrl for th comfort and njoym nt of their O'Ue Hearty vote. of thank. were pa.·se l to Mr. 1\1 reO'or and th k in ho te


n Friday mornino· , tober 9th, th r wa an arly celebratio and thi · wa follow d by the oTeat event of the gatherino·, th

on ecration of th n wl;r ere t ed Church of t. AuO'u tine o anterbury. rrh church wa: rowd d , the conoTeo·ation COn. i, tin '

of both white and Indian people, and al o vi itor from a far awa a iaO'ara Fall and uclbury . The , rvice wa fully choral an was beautifully uno· by a . mall choir ·ituated in the · we t gallen (rrhi i th , only hur h in Alo·oma which ha. thj , arrano·emen and th eff t wa very good ind d. )

The , ervi e wa th Pray 'r Book · rvic of on cration, with eel bration of Hol ommunion. rrhe etition wa read at th doo by the I ri . t in charo·e, R v . A. \Y. tump, who wa a ompani


e f g ~ (1

r.· t,

a >r ~d


Th e Chut·e h of t. Augu ti11 c of C:mt rbur.Y. Whitefi h F'nll

by the tv1ro Ward n lVIes r . v\. K. ran ton and Charl . orbi r e. ne part of th Consecration ervice "·a.· parti ularl.r impressive.

Before each of t] t prayer . r elatino· to the variou part. of the hur h and ti1 e ri1 · onnected ther with one of th e len:!.'y or at­

e hi. t proce ded to the prop r place and there r ad appropriate enten from H<,lY Scriptnr . Tho e who took part in t hi por-

ti n of th ervice wer the two Archd aeon , the Rev . E . \Y ek A. \V. tump, F. E. J ewell and E. H . Rudge, and M . sr .. h F. Hardyman, Georo·<' F. Dill and G oro· H. Di k en. on. Th Bi:hop prea he el takino· ;t hi text the "' ark ·, ' Th hou that i to b builded for the L >RD must b :s:ceediJ1°' magni:fical ' . Canon ""~o l-

lo ton acted as th Bi ·hop ' haplain.

The chur h is a handsome tru ture, built of ement block , and i ompl t ely furn i h d with t he xcept ion of a font. Th e h artiest congratulation ar due to th Rev. A. W . tump and hi people for · u ce fully arn·ino· throuo·h the er ction of uch a fine church in a mall mi ion. ~incer thank for valued assi tance in th build­inO' ar du t th l' Dominion and Alo·oma Dioce ·an Board· of th \Yornan's Auxi liarY th . P. G., the P. . K . and th Dio e e of rr oront whi ch made a grant from th urn ·icl B queRt.

'l'he Rev. . F . r omans, of Ma ·sey, informs u. that work on th pani ·h Riv r In ian hurch ha .· comm need and it is hoi eel, if

the vveath r r majn. favourable , to have th builclin<Y up thi. fall and to ha ve it quit c mplete n ext ·ear.


3J n .fflemoriam

1 o:·tn1it bv o·trte. ,. of · 'Thp ~ f a il c · Emp ire''


hurch in . lo·oma ha s

third Bi. ho p of

Mr . Du Ioulin wa b rn ov r ninety-two year ag at :Manito w­anino· on the Manitotliin I land, t h e dauo·ht r of th ReY r ncl

harl ro bi Brough th first r id nt Ano·Jican mi .. i nary on the I land who afterward b am Ar hdeacon of London Ontar io. H r lonO' lif nearly ov r th whole p riod of our hurch · · work in what i · now th Dio e of Alo·oma la king onl~' ix y ar .


bearers were six son , harles B., Edward ., V\ alker H., Philip, Septimus and the Rio·ht Rev. Frank DuMoulin of Philadelphia, and H l. ·o three o-rands,ons.

\.t th clo ·e of the ervice the body wa · taken to Hamilton, where, after a funeral ervice in hrist Church athedral, it was · laid to re. t '' in ure and certain hope of the Re urrection to Et rnal Lif , through our Lord J e u Christ. ''

A1,HARlNE ANNE BEA VI O N rrhursday, October 1st, Miss Catharine Anne Beavi died in

the Lady JVIinto Hospital, New Liskeard, "here she had been a patie11t since last January. The funeral took place from the Church of St. John the Evano·elist on Saturday, the 3rd October, the Rev. E. A. Invin the new Rector of New Liskeard, officiatino>, as isted b~· his predece sor, th Rev. harle Glover, now of Cobalt.

For many years Miss Beavis ha been one of the most en rne t an d faithful hurchwomen in the Diocese of Algoma. Her half­bro th r, Mr. '\Villiam Murray, was one of the very ea rliest "ettler ' ; lH' was joined there b~' Mis. Rebecca Charlotte Beavis, and in 1R96, Iis · C. A. Beavis j oin d them; later still, their half-. ist cr, ~,riss

K .T. Murr·a~·.

Th e little house still standing at the bottom of the hill leading to th e old church, "a for many ~·ear the Mnrray-Beavis home. Titer , i 11 the earl iest days of his episcopate Bishop Thorne lor was ag-a in and again an honoured gue t; ther the first ervi e of our Chur h wa.- held; there "as an unfailino· welcome for the clergy of Hai ley bury in early days; for the late Archdeacon Gillmor, and mc.1n~ · of the pioneers of the Church in 1,imiskaming. From the time that the old church -vvas built, in 1899, up to the last year or so wh n old age and v.reakness mad her attendance impo., ible, Miss Beayi wa . beyond all question , the mo t faithful and regular att nclant.

Th out tanding point in the character of Mi s Beavi v;rere fai thfulness and loyalty to the Church, and through that to the ' ' hurch 's One Foundation, J e us hrist, her Lord ''. Th re wa no waYeri11g in her allegiance. She was an example of an old typ whom we seldom produce in these days. She knew and understood elea1·h' the nature of the Catholic Church of Christ, and of th e grac and power through the Sacrament of the Church. The writee :rell re member. her telling, many years ago, how in her ~·oun g days tn Haliburton she had read all the volum s of Robertson's ·hurch Ri tor .'·· he kn w her Bible and Prayer Book by constant and diligent u e. It was this loyalty which inspired all the work for th e C'h nrch which Miss Beavis did in the day of her activity.

II r latter days mu t have been very lonely; and there was an add ed burden of straitened means, always borne ·without complaint. 1t ha.- been very gratifyino· to her friends of the old day to know how mu h was done in recent years bJ h r friends in N e" L iskeard to li g·ht n her burden, and to add to her comfort.

102 'l' HE

Those who knew h er y ars a go 1rill tr a ·nre her nw mory, <1nl pray the an ient pray r: " Grant her . 0 1 or l tern a l r .-t ·and may Jio·ht perp etua I .- I! in UJ on h er. "

- _A . P. D.


QN "A'l' RD ~y morning lOtlt ,J ohann': Gom r Bloemmen, of oni.-ton, pa sed t his r ef-;t in t he lnternational

Nickel ompa ny 's ho pital at opper ]iff aft r a fe w w - k. · illn e ~ . . 1r. Blo mmen w a · born n ar Antw rp , Jg- ium , fi ft_, ·-on : ·<' <U'

ago an 1 had been a r e ·iclent f ana 1a fot' mar t han tw nt~·-two :·ear. . H e " ·a. a fa ithf ul and c1 vont 'hnr hman , and for mor than . ix Year ha 1 b e n on e of tit " ·ard n.- f 11 Sa in t.-' Chnr lt. · Coniston.· H was an ex cellent t_,· pe f c i ti~:en , c-1lway.- cl1 c rful e111cl ready t do his part in ,,-hatev r lut.'· cam t his hand.

'rh fun ral .-ervi wa. h lcl at All 'ajnt.- Chur h, Coni ,· ton , on 1\londa ~- Octob er 12th an 1 wa .- att eJlcl ecl by a large c•on g r g t:lti n . fn a .-hart aldress anon Simpson mc-1de fe eling rd'r n t o t lt e lo:·alt: ·, levotion and ch e rfn]n .- · lmcler a ll cir ·mns t;-ln of their cl parted fr iend. lnt rm nt took pla e in th An ~tl i m t err. udbur~- -To hi.- .-orrowing wid"- and famil ,,·. h,· o sons ;:m el thre e d ·ntgh­

t er.-, "· e extend sincere . ') ·mpath~- -R equie. at in Pa e.


QN Satnrda: ·, 0 tob r lOtl1 , th e f uneral .-erYi • of th e lat e Most R verend David \Villiams, l' I bi.-110p of Hur n ;-mel lVI tro-

poiltan of Onta ri o, 1ra.- held in ~ t . PRnl ·.- Cathe h-aJ , JJonclon, Ontario.

All tl1 e Bi.-hop. of the Pr )Vince - T oronto Otta1Ya , Tiaga r a, On­tario and A lg-o ma ,- w r Jre. nt togeth r '"i tl1 the Bi.·h op of M ontreal , and i ·h o1 .- Ne1Ynh am and 1--'n a.- , r etired . 'I'b e JJien­t cnant-Gol ern or of Ontario was in Rtt Pncl anee with hi .- sta ff . a l.·o r epre ·entahve.- of th milita r~· fore , th e niY r.-i t ie.-, ;-mc1 a large number of otJ1er organizatio ns, and the majorit ~ ·- of th ·l rg~· of th e Dio .- . 'rh e a.th edra 1 '"a · r ow l l to t h do or s , and an even laro· r number of p eopl e ·to od in r sp ctful , j] --'n e outside.

'I'h e .- rmon wa prea h eel b~· the Bi.-h o p of ontreal, c-l close fri end of th lat A.J:· hbi hop for -inore than f ort_, . . n·ar.- , who .-poke wjth d p emot ion. Th hymn ·· " ·er e" !orion.- th in g .- of thee are spoken ', ' ~ od of th li1 ing " and " l nto th e hill ".

After the . ervi e in th bur h th e lono- pr > essioJl p1·o ·r cl ed to the c m t n ·, "h r th e ommittal wa · r ead b,v th e T-h ·h p of 'ror-onto , the nior Bi hop of the Provin



X :--; nncla .'· 0 t ob r 11th , a b eautiful ·tain d "indo\\ , whielt had hu'n i .·tail ed b.'· fr. lVIilt on torms, a memb r of t. Paul'· choir , in mrmon · of hi .· m oth r, " ·as unveiled and d dicated. 'rhe window is in t l1e south "all of th e san tuary and adds gr eatly to the ap­pPa rance of tha t part of th ehur h. lt d . pict th e Pre entation of ('h l'ist in the T emp i ' . ,_' imeon i. holdino· th H oly Child in hi arm <ltH I to t b 1ft ar the B les.:e l Yiro·in and a little further back, t. ,J osPp h.

A t the •lo.- c of Mor11ing Pray r on unday, th R ctor and Mr. Ntorm.- pro ee cl 'd to t h san tuar: , aqd , th . cover~no· ov er th e \Vin­do \\' havino· b n lowered P .. alm 4- wa s uno·· aft r which w er sai d t l1 e .-p ce iaJ pra~· I'S 'of d edicat ion and r:membrance of the departed. Th n follo w c1 a 11~··mn , 'Jeru.-alem th lcl n , and a .·prnH'n by th R cto r from th text, " fin ~' hav n th.'· ·al-n-ttioH '' . Tl1e fa t that t hi · window was in a place wher mo ·t of ill <' <:o ngr 'gelt ion could n ot .- ee it , ·aiel the preacher, ,., as . ugo·es tivc of 1 h llv e.- whi c h wer in on.- pi uou . in this world , the beaut,v of " ·hi<• h Wi:l.' known on ly t o a few, and y et fulfilled od '. purpo ·e and W< r lived t Hi.- g lm·.'·· \\T e r epeat fr equ ently the word of imeon; ,,.<' may .-bare in a · n .- his xperien e. ~rh e nations in distt·e. and eo11f usion at the pr s nt tim e will find r e ·ov n· peace, and order wlwn th i t poli: •i .· ar o·ui ded by the prin cipl es taught by Christ. 11 is in Him a lone that in hviclnal soul. burdened with in and ·or­l'o\\· ma y fi11d th e rr sa lvation. '\Ve fittingly sing th e Nunc Dimitti.­at 1he do.-, of tl1 e H ol v u hari.-t b a m; Jhri.-t has man ife.-ted IIimspl C 1 o ns uncle I' th · v eils of Br ad and V\ ine, and the faithful havp . ren hi.- .-a lvat ion. Bnt a lear r vision and a full er e ' per­i J H~<· <:o me.- \\' h n th ,. ar a ll ed from life h r e to t b e life b vond. R ft·t'<'nc waf.> til n Jllacl e to ih · pa · ·ing clnring the previous ~,,· eek of : lw .... tio ·t R eve r· n 1 th e Archbi ·h op of Huron.

'1' 11<' 11e w Bt-lptist n· with ·tain d "indo w ·, whi h waF; provicl 'd fen· fro m a h ql .-t of th lat Mr . . W. H. l.J ewi.- , a form r par­

. i ~· hiontT, i.- n arin<)' omp]etion. It i.- in tb form of an apse at th e we.-t Pnd of 1he r hurch th e entran e into it b ing an ar h bord .red 'r ith rug- h l' i ·k similar to th chan el arch.

, .MuL·IJ sy mpat iJ .'· is felt with th e Rev. E. J. G. ~ru k er , of t. · nnon 's Chur ·h ~ort h a ,· " ·ho early in ept mber m et with a " Pry painful a'· ·id nt. ·u"·taining· a ··evere fractur 'of the leo·. Re~ovpry was r at h r .-low for a tim Ul}t the latest r 1 ort sho " ;non' t'Hpi cl progTe~s . During hi.- abs n ee th work at t. 1mon s 1

a!'> h n ta k n h~· th e R ev. tT. J. F nton B.A.

1 4


lloJi la y tim :'a.· a I arti ular]y happy ou t iLi · yea r. ther w a · all that

rrh old Hom 1 · now a full h u ·e and a v ry b u ·y

'r lt \\ a­·har

Our Harve t F ·tiva] wa · held on unday, There wa an early 1 bration of Holy ommunion at io·ht o 'clo k, and the Harve t Thank ·o·ivino· rvic at thr e in the aft rnoon that hour b ing the m ·t nient for vi it r . who lik to come ·to ur b autiful hapel. y ar our harv t wa v r y good, and


lllany wer th e backache~ the boys had to endure b fore th Ja , of the p otatoes w r e sa£ 1.) gathered in. But the boy~ did " ell for t he) " . r e beautiful potato . , and mor over th r wa s the promi e of a treat aft r the la t potato "as safely bagg d. Fifte n dollar· wa · t o be ·pen t in any way the boys thought fit . Some thought £ a pic­ni with o·ood th in g · to eat but ·om wiser ones propo eel to .·p nd it on a 0 Tamophon . Th er e wa ne for . al , a r eal o·ood one, and a lot of record · with it , and so a vote was taken on the matter , and t he 0Tamophone won th e clay. o the boy have a really good gramophon which i. · w aring out the r ecord ev r y night. (May a littl e reque ·t be in.· rt d here to thos who may have record which th y perhaps hav o·ot a little tired of hearino· . Y u may be ·ur the~ · ·would b oTeatly appreciated h er e if you ould fincl ti m to pa k them up and .- end them. )

At la. t our b autiful li t tl chapel i · b ing r estor ed. Already ne" shingles have b n put on and w are hopino· that funds may comC' in. ·ufficient t r tore the interior al o.

'l'h e illu ·tration a companyin g the notes i from a pen and ink clrawinO' by Ella Jackson a former pupil now in training in the Civic Hospital Ottawa.


A inter stino· l anon ... imp ·on , tell in o· of .__,om Septemb r vi ·it· to th smaller plac ·which h

.- er v from hi · centr at oniston. Over thi r· ty " ere pre ·ent at t. ~John ·~ Bi · ota in g , at Even. on o·,

and there were h' en t.,·-two commnni ant. the n xt morning at th two . ervic .-. 'J'hr e of onr faithful Indians have moved t o the Dio­ese of foo onee, vvhi h "·ill be a great lo to thi · littl mi · ion,

a · theY were very regular in att ndance and v ry liber al. On W dnesday S ptemb r 23 rd th an on visited Monetville,

a tinY spot b tw en th w st end of T.1ak Nipi in g and the G or­gian Bay. ~,h e r i no hurch there, . o service have to b held in a holls . At Even ong the attendan wa.- venteen. Mr . • T hn

orrill . of and Hill Farm, wa · pres nt d ·with a lay r eader' licen ce <m el haclF-· , al ·o with ca ·sock and . urplice. A c l bration of H ol,v C:ommunion was h eld th next morning.

F r om l\tionetvill e ,anon Simp ·on w en_t on to French River , -vvh r e th at t ndance a t . ervi e wa · th b st ther had ver b en thee . 'rouri. t tra:ffi ha be n very goocl ·this summ r . Mr. P et r Antoine a.bout eio·hty- ix y ar · old. delights to come to the Holy ommunion hght the altar candl and help th prie t to vest.

The ongregation of th hurch of the Good hepherd, ar. on 1ine, has paid th final in.talment on its d bt, and the chur h will

be con cr ated at th fir ·t opportunity. Mr. Harold P eacock th w? r clen of H1 e chur h f r eight } ar , has moved to Timmins. H e Will b a gr eat loss to u , as he is a k een Churchman. H e rna Je the Prayer de k 1 ct rn r den ta bl and font.


It is a plea ·ure to welcome to th Diocese the Rev. Eric A. Irwin; L.S.'l'. , who has come to u from th Dioces of CalO'ary. After a t emporary locum t enenc) at Cobalt, Mr. Invin has be n chosen Rector of New Liskeard, and will b induct d shortly by the Rural Dean.

Th e Rev. J ohn R.obim;o11 has r ecently come from England, and ha be n appoint ed to th e Mission of Bala. Mr. Robinson volun­t eered for work in Al goma some years ago, wa · trained at St. Boni­face Co !leo- vV armin ·t er , and ordained deacon and prie ·t in 1929 and 1930 by th e Bishop of Worcester for the Bishop of Algoma. He has 1-hu · had two years ' ex p rience in the hurch of Eno·land be­for e comin g to anada .

Mr. Norman H. Thorntol1 , a candidat for ordination, has also come to us fr om England , and ha s b en o·iven charo·e of the 1\II:ission of Elk Lake.

To all these '" e extend a heart.) w 1 ·om e, and very good wish for H happ) and su ccessful mini ·tn· in Al goma.


T HE enlargement of th church hall, consistino· of t en fee t on the ast .·id e and twelve f eet on th e south , pres nts, ,\rith the im­

proved interior decoration, a very attractive appearance. The col­our of th e wain cot is ]io·ht oak, and the walls and ceilin~ . cream. At the south nd are the vestry. choir room and kitch en, the latter furni shed with sink and tan . · B id e th u ·e of the hall for enter­tainments, meetin g . et c., th e unday ·chool will be held here in­·t.ead of in th e church , or at 1 a t as man_v clas e. as can be accom-modat d onvenientl v . 'l'h e scholar · will a · mble in the church for th e opening service.

- 'l'h e building contract includes th e extension of th church fif­t een feet , but ov' ing to the n ear approach of winter it has been found necessary to p o ·tnone thi · work until spring.

Th e fir <::t function in the hall was a tea and sale of home cooking, under th e au. pic s of the W. A. , whose memb er are making every effort to supplement the total cost of the church and hall extension, otherwi e raised by u bscrip tions. W e are inde'bted to the Execu­tive ommittee of tb e Di ocese for a loan of $400.00 towards defray­ing th e co. t , nnd for thi th congregation desires to express its sincer e appreciation through the "A. M. N. "

W e are ~.dad to hav some n " names on our list of . ubscribers to th e '' A.M. N." .

The harvest thank ·g·iving service wer e held on eptember 13th and '" er e well attended. Two helpful and instructive sermons were nrea hed b,· the Rev. "V\T. R. Tindle of St. Mary 's hurch, Monteith, Diocese nf Mooson . Ther e was al o a full church on the occasion of the children's ·ervi e on October 18th . The attendance of the


WQt Algoma !lllttsstnttary News THE ALGOMA MISSIONARY NEWS is the official organ of the

Diocese of Algoma. It is published for the Diocese by the Cliffe P rinting Co., Limited, 12.2 Spring Street, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario.

THE ALGOMA MISSIONARY NEWS is published bi-monthly. The price for single copies is lOc. The subscription price is 50 cents. per annum. .

All subscriptions, items of news and oth er communications should be sent to the Editor.

REV. CANON COLLOTON, 16 Forest A venue,

· Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.

scholars was most encouraging, and it was gratifying to see so many of the parBnts present.

lt i hoped that St. Peter's will derive increased benefit from the r eorganization and activities of the Men's Society this winter, and al o from the or()"anizing of the young people for active participation in the work of the Church.

Syrian priest from Montreal celebrat~d the Holy Eucharist for his fello:w-countrymen in St. Peter's at nine o'clock on Sunday, 0 tober 4th.

T HE Bishop has received the following articles for disposal, which he will be glad to send to any priest who will make use of

th m. Those who wish to apply for .any of them should do so with­out delay.

small electro-plate box for wafers, 2! x 1i inches, 11/s inches d ep.

A anterbury cap, not new, but very u eful for funerals, size 6-i. very thick and warm cassock, 56 inche long. frock coat (lay shape), 40 inches long, 42 in chest. bla ck clerical evening cloak, 51 inches long.

A very thick and warm brown overcoat, 53 inches long. . andlesticks: Brass 51jz inches and 7 inches; electro-plate 6% m . h e . .

~ our lectern Bibles (two with Apocrypha ), about 12 x 8 in., or by 10 in. (Two very good ones) .

'J.1wo very fine purple frontals, each 58 in. by 33 in., one with v lv t orphreys and gold fringe; one with damask orphreys and ()"old braid and fringe. ·

Bur s and veil · : 2 white, 1 purple, 2 red . (One white and one red very good) .

air linen cloths, palls, corporals, lavabo towels, linen veils, puri­ficator ., 2 linen maniples.

Re ipients will be requested to write and thank the donors in England.


A BOOK of great value to all vvho are interested in the govern-· ment and organization of our Church (and all its members

should be) is the " Handbook to the Work of the General Synod of the hurch of England in Canada," compiled by the Rev. Maurice R. Kingsford, M.A. 'rhis is a vvork of permanent value, for although the General Synod of 1931 is over, yet the work it has done will affect the hurch for many years to ome, and as time goes on the General Synod will become more and more a power for good in the

hurch. And this i the only book so far published which has at-· tempted to give the history, development achievement and out­look of the enera l Synod.

The book can be obta ined throu()'h the G. B. R. E. , 604: Jarvis tr·eet , Toronto 5 for $1.00 a copy.


R c ipts month .

Income Eda Green 1Memorial Fu nd (for Manitowaning), $ 6.25. Apportionm nt : Mi lford Ba:v (per Mrs. Goodier ), $10.00; Blind River,

$5.00; Pnrry • ound, $50.00; Tonancc, $35.00; Mo r timer 's Point, $35.00; Res­to ul c and N ipis i11g, $21.65;

tipcnd quota ·: Gra smere, $10.35; Rav nscliffe, $14.33 ; Bear Island, $40.57. M. . APPORTIONME rr

Milforl Bay (per Mrs. Goodier) $10.00; B lind River, $4.00; Lancelot, $1.11; Tonance, $35.00; Mortimer' Point, $35 .00; Re toul e and ipis ing, $20.15.

DIO E A I. EXPE E PUND A SE ,MEN T Blind Rinr, $22.0 ; Lancelot, $3 .90; Fox Point, $18.82; Por t ydn y, $3 0.34 ;

Pany ouncl, $50.00 · Torrance, $3.24; Mortimer' Point, $3.24; Restoule and NipissinO", $15 .. -1.

PERA NUATION FUND A sse ment : B lind River, $3 .00; Fox Point, $3.04; Port .} dney, $5.25;

Parry ouncl, $14.00; Tonan ce, 27 ; Mortimer' Point, 28c. CH RCH ANJ PAR ONAGE LOA PUN"D

hurch of t he Good heph rcl, Garson, $104.00. E~PI OPAL ENDOWMEN T PUN D

hapel of t he Interce sion, L lewellyn B nch, $219.67. SPECIAL P RPOSE

Jewi h Mi sions : t . John', orth Bay, $20·.00; Bay ville, $4.00; Blind River, $4.00; Fox Point, $1 .00; Port ydne:v, $1.71; Sudbury, $15.00 : Parry

ound, $11.00; Torrance, $4.00; Mortimer' Point, $4.00; Emsd3 le, $1.67. ocia l ervice: t. John 's, orth Ba y, $24.00; Baysvill e, $2.00 ; Blind River,

$4.00; Pox Point, $1.00; udbury, $1 .00; Parry 1Soun d, $14.00; Torrance, $2.00; Mortimer's Point, $2.00; Emsdale, $1.00.

G. B. R. E.-Sud bury, $·23.00; Torranc e, $3.00; Mortin1cr s Point, $3 . .00; Res-toul e and ipissing, $1.00. ·

Gifts for Clergy : Miss Cartwright, per W . A., $24.00. ~orway Point (Edgewood) hur h: Dominion W. A., $100.00.

t urgeon Falls Church R epairs: Dominion W. A., $100.00. Bi hop's Discretion: R ev. D . D . Macqueen, rai eel in EnO"]a nd , !t;32.:-0.

Byng Inl et R emo val: Mrs. Bigwood, $50.00.