business baden-württemberg 2 2011

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  • 8/4/2019 Business Baden-Wrttemberg 2 2011


    Issue Nine / October 2011Published by local global, 5 euros

    ISSN 1865-0597

    Baden-WrttembergWhere ideas work.

    Business Baden-Wrttemberg

    4 1 9 75 5 8 4 05 0 08

    CLUSTERS & INITIATIVESNils Schmid, the Minister for Finance& Economy, on future technologies

    GLOBAL PLAYERS, LOCAL HEROESDieter Zetsche, CEO of Daimler onTurkey and the Turks at Mercedes

    TEACHING & TALENTSBilkay ney, Integration Minister,on the role of education

    Building on


    The energy turnaround needsnew concepts for environment-

    friendly buildings







  • 8/4/2019 Business Baden-Wrttemberg 2 2011


    We support your investment projects

    As one of the worlds leading business and research locations,

    Baden-Wrttemberg offers domestic and foreign investors a

    multitude of business and cooperation opportunities. Baden-

    Wrttemberg International, your center of excellence for the

    internationalization of the location of Baden-Wrttemberg, is

    available to field all your questions about the location.

    Regardless of whether you are seeking a cooperation partner inthe area of business, science or research, looking for a location

    for your company or interested in investing in Baden-Wrt-

    temberg we stand by your side and are your first point of


    Our team of experts finds suitable business and cooperation

    partners, provides a comprehensive investor service supports

    you in your plans to locate, and suggests suitable investment

    projects and properties.

    Benefit from our knowledge network

    Baden-Wrttemberg International has extensive knowledge

    networks in Germany and more than 70 countries. These net-

    works serve as a guarantee for successful business contacts

    and comprehensive transfer of know-how. In the past few years,

    we have established contact between more than 7,000 com-

    panies in Baden-Wrttemberg and 25,000 foreign companies in

    34 countries, helped numerous countries locate and and activelyseen investors through investment processes.

    We would be happy to pave your way to a successful invest-


    Start using our know-how and contact us.

    Find out more at:

    Haus der WirtschaftWilli-Bleicher-Strae 19

    70174 Stuttgart


    Telephone: +49(0)7 11-2 2787-0E-mail: [email protected]


    Invest in the Future

    Invest in Baden-Wrttemberg

  • 8/4/2019 Business Baden-Wrttemberg 2 2011


    Business Baden-WrttemBerg


    Where ideas work the subtitle o thismagazine most certainly applies to Baden-Wrttembergs economy. The products andsolutions that our Federal States researchers,engineers and inventors come up with havea great reputation and are much in demand

    throughout the world. The newly electedGreen/SPD state government wants to keepit that way. We want to deend and enhancethe leadership that our universities andcompanies have acquired. That is the onlyway we can generate the innovations thatwe require to create stronger bonds betweenthe environment and the economy. In thisrespect we have already got to work we

    Environment& Economy


    P roj ek tt r ge r: G ef rd er t d urc h:

    Freiburg: No.1 in Sustainability

    With approximately 2,000 companies, institutions, many pioneers and more than 12,000 jobs,

    the environmental economy and solar industry in the region of freiburg is an important economic

    and location factor. The Cluster Green City Freiburg networks the major players and institutions in

    this sector:

    energies and technologies, new-generationIT solutions and in the healthcare sector.We need to harness the creativity, open-

    mindedness and social responsibility o thepeople living in Baden-Wrttemberg tomaintain the competitiveness o our newand conventional industries. Thereore anincreased level o civic participation willin a substantial measure play an importantrole in a new pioneering age, in which sus-tainability, climate protection and environ-mental compatibility will drive economicgrowth orward.

    Regardless o whether you partner withor are a client o a Baden-Wrttemberg-based company, whether you study at one oour universities or are employed by a com-

    pany with global operations we wouldlike you to join us to enhance and imple-ment our ideas to make economic and busi-ness activities sustainable, environmentallyocused and responsible.

    I cordially invite you to ind out moreabout our Federal State and its people. We inBaden-Wrttemberg look orward to com-municating with the rest o the world. 8

    challenge and encourage people to gener-ate new ideas that address the worlds ma-jor environmental and social challenges.You can expect Baden-Wrttemberg to bea major source o innovative inspiration inelectromobility, resource efciency, green

    Winfried Kretschmann

    Minister President

    of Baden-Wrttemberg

    CSaasminiserim BW

  • 8/4/2019 Business Baden-Wrttemberg 2 2011


    Business Baden-WrttembergContent Issue Nine

    04 Business Baden-WrttemBerg

    heibrnn-Francniathe home of he word-marke eaderspage 30

    New camps for Heibronnpage 55

    stuttartNew goernmen, newIniiaies for SsainabiiyIneriew wih Dr. Nis Schmid,Miniser for Finance andEconomicspage 12

    Energy trnarondpage 14

    Inegraion by edcaionIneriew wih MiniserBikay neypage 50

    Dieer Zesche on Mercedesand trkey and he trkpage 46

    the new way of bdingpage 18Ciy ligh Sgar:le's dancepage 70

    manneiMvv Energie:A new wind bowingpage 14

    uniqe in Germany:Mannheims ConenionCenerpage 61

    Karruelearnec: the fre ofcorporae edcaionpage 67

    edbiz: carrers forGoba mindspage 67ZKM fonder Peer Weibeon he nare of innoaionpage 44

    gppinenCener of Mecharonicsin Baden-Wrmberg,page 17

    Saferpark: Work & lifeprincipepage 58

    lrracEnergy efficien biidingspage 18

    offenbur-ortenauthe mos Eropean regionpage 32

    Freiburvaban forBsiness ZeroEmission locaionpage 57

    Ciy ligh Freibrg:le's dancepage 68

    FrickenauenP.E. Scha sccessf radefairs for echnoogy firmspage 62

    otwrtteberCar Zeiss is championing heopoeecronic indsrypage 38

    voih dries he Green Frepage 41

    Margarehe Seiff GmbH:the sccess sory of he

    teddy Bearpage 40

    Te danubeEu sraegy for heregion is sppored byBaden-Wrembergpage 28

    sinefinenInernaiona Schoo expandingfrom Sgarpage 54

  • 8/4/2019 Business Baden-Wrttemberg 2 2011



    Published bylocal global GmbHMarienstr. 570178 StuttgartGermanyPhone: +49 711 225588-0Fax: +49 711 [email protected]

    In cooperation with

    Ministry of Finance andEconomics

    Editor-in-Chief:Hans GngManaging Editor:Daniela Sandmann

    Editors:Urs BlankEsad FazlicHans GngFelix HolmJohannes LaibleDaniela SandmannJan Votteler

    Translation:Ralph Livesey-WardleLinguaKraft Language Services


    Cover Photo:Architekten.3PFeuerstein Rdenauer & PartnerFotograf: Daniel Schuster

    Print: Offizin Scheufele

    Subscription / Sales:Andreas BergmaierPhone: +49 711 [email protected]

    Advertisements:Phone: +49 711 [email protected]

    Business Baden-WrttembergISSN 1865-0597

    Business Baden-WrttemBerg


    Business Baden-WrttemBerg 05


    56 One brand, Top LocationsNearly all regions o Baden-Wrttemberg are present atExpo Real

    58 Attractive Areas in GppingenThe business location Stauerparkcultivates the work, live and playprinciple

    60 Pilot Projects in Turkey

    HWP designs two earthquake resistanthospital buildings in Istanbul61 Unique in Germany

    The convention center o theRhine-Neckar region

    62 Sel-Made EntrepreneursSchall is demonstrating howto establish and grow a successultrade air company

    64 Calendar o Trade Fairs66 Ecco, Eco

    Cleantech air goes virtual67 Learning and IT

    Learntec 2012 to celebrate its

    20th anniversary


    68 City LightsDance and Let Dance in Freiburg andStuttgart A Pulsating, MultiacedMelting Pot

    72 Cheers!New Wine and Onion Tart


    34 A Global Player Going GreenThe Bosch Group is Celebrating its125th Anniversary

    38 One Good Deed Every DayTwo new patents are fled byCarl Zeiss every day

    40 The Stu that Teddy Bears are Made oThe Margarete Stei GmbHsuccess story

    41 Drive or a Green FutureVoith makes the world go around42 Code_N or New

    Ulrich Dietz initiates a worldwidecompetition or IT start-ups atCeBIT

    44 The new and the chance or survival.Ulrich Dietz and Peter Weibel,Director o ZKM in a debate oninnovation

    46 Sper SperDr. Dieter Zetsche, CEO o Daimler,on the role o Turkey and migrants orMercedes


    50 Greater Creativity, More Diversity

    Bilkay ney wants to make better useo the potential that immigrants oer

    52 A Hunger or EducationTurkish immigrants write astorybook about integration

    54 Learning at the Core o All We DoThe International School o Stuttgartcelebrates 25 years o learning

    55 Heilbronn Campus12,000m2 dedicated to eduction

    06 Impressions10 Facts & Figures74 Next Issue


    12 Investing in the utureDr. Nils Schmid wants to makeBaden-Wrttemberg a model oemployment best-practice

    14 The Energy Turnaround

    Baden-Wrttemberg opts entirely orrenewable energies17 Fledgling Key Technology

    Mechatronik BW GmbH pools skillsin Baden-Wrttemberg

    18 The Baden-Wrttemberg Way oBuildingEnergy-optimised construction as oneo Baden-Wrttembergs major exports

    22 Sustainable BuildingDGNB presents analytical instrumentand certifcate or existing buildings

    24 On the Right TrackOrganic Farming has a History

    in Baden-Wrttemberg28 Strategy or the Danube RegionEU Project or the Danube

    30 Be Aware o MegatrendsHeilbronn-Franconia staged WorldMarket Leaders Convention

    32 The most European Economic RegionThe Strasbourg-Ortenau Eurodistrictconducts cross-border marketing

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    06 Business Baden-WrttemBerg



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    Prtt C

    Mercedes-Benz has inaugu-rated two new climatic windtunnels at its Sindelngensite, designed to bringextreme weather conditionsindoors. Temperatures rang-ing rom minus 40 to plus 60degrees Celsius, hurricaneswith wind speeds o up to

    265 km/h, tropical rainalland heavy snowstormsare all part o the standardrepertoire available here tothe test engineers. I needsbe, they can even providea realistic simulation o amercilessly hot sun.

    Business Baden-WrttemBerg 07


    Hard Good

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    08 Business Baden-WrttemBerg

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    Business Baden-WrttemBerg 09


    Tak a R

    Fans o these cuddlyButton in Ear toys cansee their avourites upclose in a special Giengensetting. The Stei Museumwas opened here in 2005to celebrate the companys125th anniversary. Morethan 2000 cuddly toyshave a new home in a totalarea covering 2400 squaremetres.

  • 8/4/2019 Business Baden-Wrttemberg 2 2011


    European average.AdminisTRATion

    Foundation on: 25 April 1952

    Campaign sticker: We can do everythingexcept [speak] standard German. Parlamentary Elections o 27 March 2011

    (Percent/Seats)CDU 39/60Greens 24,2/36SPD 23,1/35FDP 5,3/7

    Government:Minister presidentWinried Kretschmann (Greens)Deputy Minister President andMinister or Finance and Economics:Dr. Nils Schmid (SPD)

    Baden-Wrttemberg is dividedinto 35 districts (Landkreise) andnine independent cities (Stadtkreise).Both o them are grouped into the ouradministrative districts:Freiburg, Karlsruhe, Stuttgart, Tbingen

    Neighbour Countries: Switzerland,France, AustriaNeighbour States: Bavaria,Rheinland-Palatinate, Hessia

    AReA And PoPulATion

    Baden-Wrttemberg is one o the

    16 states o the Federal Republic oGermany and among the third largestin both area and population

    Area: 35,751 kmPopulation: 10,745,000 inhabitants(both almost equivalent to allo Belgium)

    Population Density: 301/km Population in proportion to

    Germany: 13.1%

    Number One StateFacts and Figures aboutBaden-Wrttemberg

    Facts & Figures

    10 Business Baden-WrttemBerg










    Tbingen Reutlingen





    GDP: 361,746 billion euros (2010)

    Baden-Wrttemberg is proud o support-ing a number o well-known enterprisesin the state, or example Daimler AG,Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche, Robert BoschGmbH (automobile industry), Carl ZeissAG (optics), SAP AG (largest sotwareenterprise in Europe)

    Growth rate o GDP (2011):4 % (estimated)Purchasing power 15,370 per habitant

    Top 5 Innovation Index o EU

    Baden-Wrttemberg 71,7Bayern 57,9

    le de France (FR) 56,7Berlin 55,9Schweden 55,0

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    Business Baden-WrttemBerg 11

    Business-strategieslocalisation Baden-WrttemBerg

    sCienCe, ReseARCh And develoPmenT

    Baden-Wrttemberg is at the unchal-lenged European oreront in research.Nowhere in Europe is more money spenton innovations by research and develop-ment departments

    Expenses or research and developmentamount to 4.8 % o the gross domesticproduct (BIP) 1.6 % through vehiclemanuacturing

    Domestic applications or a patent2008: 15,081 (24.2 % relative to thewhole o Germany)

    500 patent applications are ledeach year or every 1 millioninhabitants



    FoReign TRAde

    Industry: export rate 2009: 36.4 % Total exports (in billion euros):

    1995 64.4

    2010 153.9

    Ultimate destinations or exports:(in 2010 in million euros)

    EU 27 81,410

    USA 13,618

    France 12,625

    Switzerl. 12,623

    Netherl. 11,353

    China 11,044

    Austria 9,243

    Italy 8,528

    Industrial structure in 2009


    Universities: Heidelberg, Mannheim,Karlsruhe, Freiburg, Konstanz,Tbingen, Ulm, Stuttgart, Stuttgart-Hohenheim plus eight DHBW-locations

    Four o the nine German elite universities

    listed in the the national Competitiono Excellence are located in Baden-Wrttemberg

    Students in Baden-Wrttemberg:

    1980 133,859

    2010 275,005

    logisTiCs And TRAnsPoRTATion

    Baden-Wrttemberg has our aiports.The international airport in Stuttgart isthe sixth largest in Germany

    Baden-Wrttembergs railway systemenolds 3,400 km distance equivalentto the diameter o the moon

    Baden-Wrttembergs rivers Rhineand Neckar are ederal waterways.At their junction in Mannheim oneo the most amous domestic ports inEurope is located


    Baden-Wrttemberg is a gourmet mekka:54 o its restaurants have received one orseveral o the coveted Michelin stars:

    Baden-Wrttemberg 54

    NRW 37

    Bavaria 37

    Berlin 12

    Vehicleconstruction22.5 %Manuacturing o

    equipment or electricitygeneration anddistribution 6.8 %


    51.9 %Machinery20.8 %

    Kompetenz fr Ihre DrucksachenGebr. Knller GmbH & Co KGSedanstrae 16 70190 StuttgartTelefon 0711-28522-0Telefax [email protected]

  • 8/4/2019 Business Baden-Wrttemberg 2 2011



    Top ClusterMicroTEC Sdwestat Motek 201110.10.2011, 2 p - 3.30 p,

    iCs, m stttart

    MicroTEC Sdwest as one oGermany's top clusters is inviting

    the audience to an inormation andnetworking-session at this yearsMotek trade air in Stuttgart, Ger-many. The Spitzencluster MicroTECSdwest and its partners bw-i, MSTBW, Festo and HSG-IMAT are inviteyou to an event during this yearsMotek, the leading internationaltrade air or Assembly & HandlingTechnology and Automation.Thetopic o the session MicroTEC Sd-west: Adding Value through MicroSystems Technology.

    Forum e-mobilityin CaliorniaThe Ministry or Finance andEconomics together with Baden-Wrttemberg International ande-mobil BW will organize aBW-Forum in San Francisco and LosAngeles. The delegation rom24 -27 October 2011will be headedby Daniel Rousta, DirectorGeneral in the Ministry. The orumwill showcase innovative solutionsor a E-Mobility Eco System:

    This systemic approach is astrength o our companies and oersgood perspectives or internation-alization, analyses Franz Loogen,president o e-mobil BW, the stateagency or electric mobility anduel-cell technology. A recent studyo A.T. Kearney estimates the globalmarket volume o electric mobilityto 280 Billion Euros in 2020. But torealize this potential and to build upsuccessul business-models, the verydecisive actor is the ability o devel-oping innovative solutions.

    12 Business Baden-WrttemBerg

    Investing inthe future

    New growth sectors or Baden-Wrttembergsmanuacturing industry

    Aata ert

    Dr. Nils Schmid (SPD) is the new Financeand Economics Minister o the FederalState o Baden-Wrttemberg. Speak-ing to Business Baden-Wrttemberg,he sets out the new State governmentsindustrial policy objectives. The Statewants to secure its international competi-tive position, by applying technologies othe uture or environmental and socialmodernisation purposes.

    We want to make Baden-Wrttemberg a model oemployment best-practice.

    How do you rate the competitivenessand uture o Baden-Wrttembergsmanuacturing industry, given ongoingglobalisation and current economicdevelopments?

    Our State is an impressive perormer, givenits power o innovation, well-qualied spe-cialist human resources and high rate o eco-nomic growth. The new State governmentwill continue to enhance Baden-Wrttem-bergs leadership in partnership with cham-bers o commerce, industry associations and

    companies. Our dialogue-ocused economicpolicies are ocused on the growth sectors othe uture. These are sustainable mobility,environmental technologies, renewable en-ergies and resource eciency, healthcareas well as ICT.

    Many analysts regard the States exportdependency as a weakness, whilst othersattribute record growth to excellent per-ormance in markets abroad. What is yourperspective on this issue?

    Baden-Wrttemberg is a state with a proudindustrial history. Our economy specialises

    in producing innovative, premium-qualityproducts and services and is very successulin all global markets. The State govern-ment will proactively support these struc-tures. However we should not rely solely onexports. We need attractive employmentand investment parameters at home. Thatis why we intend to make Baden-Wrttem-berg a model o employment best-practice.Employment must entail air remuneration,must provide access to social security sys-

    tems and guarantee amily/career compat-ibility.

    The new State government attaches a greatdeal o importance to promoting resourceeciency, electromobility, smart IT solu-tions and healthcare. Do you see new exportopportunities or the States conventionalindustrial sector here?

    Today all our sectors are already very ex-port-ocused. This trend is even set to beintensiied, particularly as Baden-Wrt-temberg is powering away on the innova-tions ront. Lets take electromobility as an

    example o an extremely important marketo the uture. Baden-Wrttemberg, as thehome o the motor car, has the unique op-portunity o now becoming the leadingprovider o electromobility solutions. Thenew State government is specically pro-moting the development o electromobilityin Baden-Wrttemberg, along the entire

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    Business Baden-WrttemBerg 13

    clusters & initiativesneW groWth sectors

    value chain, because we want cars o theuture to be both developed and manuac-tured here.

    How can the Finance and EconomicsMinister help small and medium-sizedbusinesses to board the sustainability train?What are your objectives in establishing theStates new Technology Fund?

    As Economics Minister I know that Baden-Wrttembergs medium-sized business sec-tor is already doing an amazing job turninga lot o excellent sustainable business ideasinto reality. In order to extend that capabil-ity we are enhancing the technology andknowledge transer inrastructure betweenscience and business and in particular wantto support business start-ups in this sector.Innovative start-up companies are especial-ly dependent on venture capital. Their ac-cess to such sources o nance is oten ham-pered. This is where the Technology Fundcomes in. The Fund enables us to nurture

    start-up companies and help young entre-preneurs to get venture capital unding. Inthis respect we are ocusing particularly onthese our issues o the uture resource e-ciency, electromobility, smart IT solutionsand healthcare.

    How important do you rate the promotion oindustrial clusters, o which several occupyleading positions in Baden-Wrttembergand indeed in Germany?

    Baden-Wrttemberg has some highly com-petitive mechanical and electrical engineer-ing as well as vehicle manuacturing clus-

    ters. I thereore see cluster strategy playinga key role within our dialogue-based eco-nomic policy. It is the key to communica-tion between scientic theory and businesspractice. This makes clusters the engine oinnovation and international competitive-ness.

    In this regard how important are globalmarkets o the uture the BRIC countries,Turkey, the Gul States, Latin America?Is the State going to expand its activities inthese regions?

    Entering and establishing a sustained pres-

    ence in the global markets o the uturerepresents a golden opportunity or ourexport-ocused economy. However we wantto consolidate Baden-Wrttembergs posi-tion in these attractive markets. Thus, orexample, the new LBBW-sponsored Ger-man Centre will open in Moscow next year.In the autumn o this year I am leading thebusiness delegation on Premier Winried

    Kretschmanns so-called MP Trip to Ar-gentina and Brazil. Turkey is also an excit-ing market. For that reason I will be accom-panying representatives o companies romBaden-Wrttemberg on a trip to Turkeyin 2012 to attend RENEX, a leading tradeair or renewable energies.

    Where are you paying your rst ocialvisit and what are your expectations orthis trip?

    I am paying my rst ocial visit at the be-ginning o October as part o a delegationto the Czech Republic. The countrys most

    important international mechanical engi-neering show is being staged in Brno andcompanies rom Baden-Wrttemberg areshowcasing what they have to oer at theshared Baden-Wrttemberg Internationalstand. I want to use my visit to support theoreign business activities o these core sec-tors and to intensiy political contacts inthe region.

    What importance do you attach to valuessuch as Corporate Social Responsibility?To what extent can Baden-Wrttemberg-based companies set global standards inthis regard?

    We and the Caritas organisation jointlyaward the SME Prize or Social Responsi-bility. Here corporate social responsibilityplays a key role. It reinorces social cohe-sion in our society and at the same time im-proves living conditions or people in othercountries. Baden-Wrttemberg-based com-panies support a large number o projects,ranging rom setting up eye clinics to en-suring the supply o clean drinking waterin crisis zones. We are proud o this and arekeen to highlight this commitment in thepublic arena.

    What impact do training, vocational educa-tion and lie-long learning opportunities thatthe State and companies can oer to theworking population have on Baden-Wrt-

    tembergs international competitiveness?

    Qualiied human resources increasinglyrequire international skills, especially inan export-driven economy such as Baden-Wrttemberg. The Ministry o Finance andEconomics (MFW) thereore supports theGo or Europe central manpower mobili-ty agency, or example. This agency brokersinternships abroad. Baden-Wrttemberg,with its complement o more than 1200urther education establishments, is alsowell-positioned as ar as lie-long learningis concerned.

    I you wanted to persuade a oreignbusinessperson that they should come toBaden-Wrttemberg, how would yousummarise your message in a singlesentence?

    Baden-Wrttemberg has the committedhuman resources, innovative industries anddialogue-based economic policies requiredto play a pioneering role in the growth sec-tors o the uture, such as environmentaltechnologies. Put succinctly i you wantto invest in the uture, you have to come toBaden-Wrttemberg. 8

    Dr. Nils Schmid (38) wants tomake Baden-Wrttemberg a modelo employment best-practice

    CMinisry of Finance and Economics Baden-Wremberg

    Our medium-sized businesssector has great ideas or doingsustained/sustainable business.

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    clusters & initiativesthe energy turnaround

    The EnergyTurnaroundBaden-Wrttemberg opts entirelyor renewable energies


    he new state governmentwants Baden-Wrttembergo become a leading en-rgy and climate conserva-on region. Phasing outuclear power is to be anirreversible process.

    14 Business Baden-WrttemBerg

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    Business Baden-WrttemBerg 15

    clusters & initiativesthe energy turnaround

    Rf g otraAn Innoaie Hydroeecric ProjecEuropes most modernhydroelectric power planthas gone onstream a jointventure project involvingEnergiedienst AG, EnBWEnergie Baden-WrttembergAG and the Swiss company,Axpo AG. Swiss FederalCouncillor Doris Leuthardcommended this successulexample o the proven part-

    nership between Germanyand Switzerland.Premier Winried Kretsch-mann said Rheineldendemonstrates what techno-logical and environmentalopportunities there are ingenerating electricity usinghydropower. The newpower plant an investmento 380 million Euros has

    an installed capacity o 100megawatts. It can thereoredeliver our times the outputo the old plant. In uture itwill generate around 600million kilowatt/hours oelectricity using the hydro-power o the Rhine. That issucient to supply greenelectricity to around 170,000households.

    Baden-Wrttemberg is to become a lead-ing energy and climate conservation region.Our objective is to play a major role inimplementing Germanys energy and cli-mate policy goals, Premier Winried Kret-schmann and Environment Minister FranzUntersteller airm. Both reactor blocks,Neckarwestheim I and Philippsburg 1, areto remain deactivated and will be decom-

    missioned.The Federal government needs the vari-ous German states to take the required ac-tion to acilitate this energy turnaround.That includes increasing use o renewableenergies and modernising the energy inra-structure by upgrading power grids and de-veloping energy storage acilities. Greaterimportance will thereore have to be at-tached to decentralised energy supply, en-ergy eciency and renewable energies.

    The challenge or the Federal govern-ment is thereore to champion renewableenergies and energy eiciency to an even

    greater degree, in order to attract investorsto commit unds to the necessary processo energy supply restructuring. The Stategovernment wants to increase renewableenergies as a raction o total power genera-tion and electricity consumption in Baden-Wrttemberg to at least 40 percent in eachcase by 2020.

    Ambitious Goals or Wind Energy

    Hydropower is set to play a signicant rolehere Europes most modern hydroelec-tric power plant recently went onstream inRheinelden. Baden-Wrttemberg has a lot

    o catching up to do, in particular as ar aswind power is concerned. We want to in-crease the wind power raction o the energymix rom barely one percent today to tenpercent by 2020.

    However, in upgrading renewable ener-gy resources, Baden-Wrttemberg does notwant to rely solely on oshore wind power.We support the expansion o oshore windpower, but at the same time we requiremore decentralised solutions and a range otechnologies onshore, says Untersteller.

    The intention is to substantially increasecombined-heat-and-power (CHP) as a rac-

    Pwr fr t Batc saEnBW Iness in Renewabe EnergyAlmost three years aterthe project kicked o, the21 wind turbines and the1000-tonne transormerstation platorm are now inposition 16 kilometres o thecoast o Mecklenburg-WestPomerania in the Baltic Sea.Each wind turbine has aninstalled capacity o 2.3 meg-awatts, giving a combined

    total o 48.3 megawatts, andthey are capable o generat-ing up to 185 gigawatt/hourso electricity per annum,enough to supply 50,000households. The EnBW Bal-tic 2 Wind Farm representsa corporate milestone. Wewill put the experience wehave gained to good useon our next EnBW Baltic II

    project, which is six timesthe size o the rst one,says Hans Peter Villis, CEOo EnBW. We want to createa total o 3000 megawattsrenewable energy capacityby 2020. That would signiya doubling o our currentcapacity and would require atotal investment o 8 billionEuros.

    German-Swiss cooperation:Rheineldens hydroeletricpower plantCEnergiediens / R. Horn

    Oshore Wind Powerrom the BalticSea genrated by EnBWCEnBW / EnBW Baic I

    01 02

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    16 Business Baden-WrttemBerg

    clusters & initiativesthe energy turnaround

    The Wind of Change Blowing in from MannheimMVV Energie wants to invest in wind power in Baden-Wrttemberg

    W Pwr

    The Mannheim-basedenergy business, MVVEnergie, wants to invest inan expansion o wind pow-er in Baden-Wrttembergand is looking or regionalpartnerships to help itachieve this objective.

    tion o net electricity generation, in partic-ular or locality and industrial heating pur-poses. Energy eciency potential is to beexploited systematically and smart energymanagement systems are to be put in place.The State government also views highlyeicient, low-pollutant gas-ired powerplants as playing an important role. Theconstruction o lexible-output gas-ired

    power plants, which are set to replace dis-continued nuclear power capacity and alsoable to make up or wind and solar powerfuctuations in particular, is very much inline with our energy policy vision, Unter-steller said. 8

    The Mannheim-based energy business,MVV Energie, wants to invest in an expan-sion o wind power in Baden-Wrttembergand is looking or regional partnerships tohelp it achieve this objective. The objec-tive o the new Green/SPD State govern-ment o increasing wind power as a pro-portion o total power generation rom allsources in Baden-Wrttemberg to at least10 percent by 2020 has been described asambitious, yet achievable by the CEO othe Mannheim-based energy business, Dr.Georg Mller. MVV Energie is champion-

    ing changes in the level o assistance pro-vided or onshore wind power plants. Anydecline in assistance onshore coupled witha simultaneous improvement in the statuso oshore wind arms is sending out thewrong signal, Mller emphasises. Thebenets o onshore wind arms must be har-nessed to acilitate rapid implementationo the energy turnaround. Onshore windpower is a proven, cost-eective technology.The use o onshore wind could thereoreenable power generation rom renewablesources to be shited to where consumptionis greatest and thereore reduce the need or

    the North-South power grid to be upgradedand expanded.MVV Energie insists there are plenty o

    available sites in Baden-Wrttemberg. Thecompany adopted a strategy in good timeto gear up or the expansion o renewableenergies and the use o environmentallycompatible CHP combined with districtheating. We intend to utilise our growthprogramme to invest around 1.5 billionEuros by 2020 in this energy turnaround,Mller states. In this process MVV Energiewould like to partner with regionally basedinterested parties in southern Germany. 8

    Chemica Sorces for erThe Karlsruhe Institute orTechnology (KIT), BW Bankand the University o Stutt-gart, the Knowledge andInnovation Community (KIC)InnoEnergy are appealingto small and medium-sizedcompanies to enter intodialogue on the issue osustainable energy supply.Because fuctuations in theavailability o the sun and

    wind have to be balancedout, or example via the useo ecient energy storageacilities that are acceptedby the public, high-gradechemical energy sourcesgenerated rom biologicaland ossil uels or byprocesses o synthesis playan important role.We are seeing a largenumber o new busi-

    ness concepts here.TheSteinbeis-Europa-Zentrumis above all a vital link toEurope and to Europeaninnovations and partners,emphasised ProessorNorbert Hptner, EuropeanAairs spokesman at theMinistry o Finance andEconomics and Directoro the Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum.

    Our objective is to play a major role in implementingGermanys climate policy goals.

    Fraz utrtr, Miniser of he Enironmen, Cimae Proecion and he Energy Secor

    CMinisry of he Enironmen, Cimae Proecion and he Energy Secor Baden-Wremberg

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    Business Baden-WrttemBerg 17

    clusters & initiativesmechatronic

    Fledgling KeyTechnology

    Mechatronik BW GmbHpools skills in Baden-Wrttemberg

    ntwrk t Ftr

    Gppingen-based Kompe-tenznetzwerk MechatronikBW pools resources or allthose involved in this tech-nology o the uture. Thenew state-based cluster isintended to initiate innova-tions and attract new pro-essionals to this industry.

    text: Urs Blank

    To coincide with KompetenznetzwerkMechatronik BW e. V.s tenth anniversary,the Swabian cluster is gearing up or a me-chatronics oensive. Whilst the KMBW as-sociation will primarily concentrate on pro-viding network opportunities and support tomember organisations, a new MechatronikBW GmbH will add resh impetus to thiskey technology.

    Mechatronik BW GmbH will receive

    nancial assistance rom the European Re-gional Development Fund (ERDF). Baden-Wrttembergs Ministry o Finance andEconomics and the European Union areproviding a grant o 500,000 Euros to ena-ble this state-based cluster to be establishedand expanded. CEO Volker Schiek regardsone o the principal objectives as motivat-ing uture generations o proessionals inschools and universities.

    Cross-company CooperationRequiredFurthermore he wants to enhance commu-

    nication. Project reports and events needto oster the sharing o inormation andknowledge. A database will provide projecttransparency, know-how transer and part-ner search acilities, as well as research plustraining and urther education inormation.We now have a unique opportunity to os-ter cross-company/cross-discipline/cross-industry developments and advances inmedical technology, mobility, lightweightconstruction, electronics and in saety andenvironmental engineering as well as topool our skills and know-how in an ei-cient and arsighted manner, says Schiek.

    Kompetenznetzwerk Mechatronik BW e.V.(KMBW) is an industry-driven collabora-tive alliance with more than 100 membersrom the business, scientic and politicalcommunities. As a crossover technologymechatronics provides an ideal environ-ment or long-term, constructive interdis-ciplinary networking, Schiek emphasises.Members come rom a wide range o di-erent industries and include major global

    players, SMEs and business start-ups.Focus on Greentech

    However universities and research insti-tutions are also members o Kompetenz-netzwerk Mechatronik BW. This ben-ets the genesis o radical innovation, saysSchiek. Network executives have ocusedon six global issues since the beginning o2011. These topics are energy, health, sae-ty, mobility, communication and the envi-ronment. The complexity o mechatronicshowever creates a need or qualiication-related projects. A ocus on implementation

    and sustainability are key elements. Thenetwork is involved in developing a retro-t upgrade kit, named EleNa or diesel-powered vehicles in the Stuttgart E-Mo-bility Pilot Region. Fostering high-techbusiness start-ups is also part o KMBWsremit. Currently almost 10 percent o allmembers can be described as business start-ups, says Schiek. 8

    Fr frtr ifrat

    KompetenznetzwerkeMechatronik BW

    We now have a uniqueopportunity to oster cross-company/cross-discipline/cross-industry developmentsand advances in medical

    technology, mobility, light-weight construction, elec-tronics and in saety andenvironmental engineering aswell as to pool our skills andknow-how in an efcientand arsighted manner.

    vkr sck, Mecharonic BW GmbH

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    18 Business Baden-WrttemBerg

    clusters & initiativesenergy-eFFicient Buildings

    T Ba-WrttbrWa f B

    Architecture has alwaysplayed a major role inBaden-Wrttemberg and inthe lives o its inhabitantsand has a particular statuswithin Germany as well.Construction quality ishigh and the architecture ismultiaceted.

    text: Johannes Laible

    Buildings Play

    a ClimateConservation RoleEnergy-optimised construction tobecome one o Baden-Wrttembergsmajor export goods

    The Black Forest, with its almost inex-haustible supply o construction timber,plays an important role in architecturaltradition, as does the states low populationdensity, which can accommodate plentyo spacious owner-occupied homes. The

    above-average incomes o Baden-Wrttem-bergs inhabitants during the last ew dec-ades have also been a crucial actor in theparticularly brisk level o construction ac-tivity. Yet Baden-Wrttemberg would notbe a land o inventors, i it did not act asan important source o inspiration or theconstruction industry o the uture. Indeedwhen addressing the uture o the construc-tion industry, we keep having to revert backto Germanys south-western corner.

    The uture o the construction industryis energy-optimised or energy-ecientbuilding. Energy eciency issues are at the

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    Business Baden-WrttemBerg 19

    clusters & initiativesenergy-eFFicient Buildings

    heart o all sustainable or environmentally-compatible construction methods. Essen-tially this issue involves two questions: 1.)Energy eiciency how does a particu-larly energy-ecient building need to bedesigned and built, in order to consume a

    minimum o energy when in operation? 2.)Power generation: how can power be gener-ated on site and used to operate the build-ing?

    The answer to the question about op-timum energy eiciency was providedaround 20 years ago by Wolgang Feist,when he dened the Passive House abuilding with a minimum heating require-ment, the relatively low incremental costso which are amortised quickly. Feist grewup in the Baden-Wrttemberg town oHerrenberg and studied in Tbingen. Heheaded up the Passive House Institute in

    the neighbouring State o Hesse or manyyears beore being lured to the Universityo Innsbruck in Austria in 2008. He and hispassive house concept suered the same ateas the proverbial prophet in his own land.Whilst energy-ecient construction is onlyslowly gaining acceptance in Germany, inAustria it is almost standard, especiallyin its most systematic orm the passive

    house. So the passive house concept has alsobecome a genuine export hit. There are nowaround 30,000 such buildings throughoutEurope, and around 50 % o these are lo-cated in Germany. In terms o passive housedistribution many neighbouring countriesare catching up at pace or have alreadyovertaken the homeland o energy-ecientconstruction. The ederal states o Bavariaand Baden-Wrttemberg lead the way inGermany by a mile, as ar as the energy e-ciency o buildings is concerned. So in rela-tion to the number o inhabitants, there arethree times as many passive houses in the

    south o the Federal Republic than in therest o Germany.A native o Baden-Wrttemberg also

    provided a particularly explicit answer tothe second question concerning power gen-eration on the plot o land where a build-ing is located. Rol Disch is an architectin Freiburg and or about ten years nowhas been building PlusEnergy houses, i.e.buildings that on balance generate more en-ergy than they consume over the course o ayear. The energy surplus is ed into the elec-tricity grid. This is acilitated by install-ing large-scale photovoltaic units usually

    on the roo o the building. Admittedly aparticularly ecient building, e.g. the pas-sive house, needs to be used as the basis orachieving a net-negative energy ootprint.Since every kilowatt-hour saved does notneed to be generated any more.

    Regulations and Subsidies

    Initially only a ew people in Germanytook an interest in those developments byinventors, who wanted to revolutionise ar-chitecture. Politicians in particular ailedor a long time to provide any kind o ap-propriate support. A whole rat o more or

    less eective measures has now been put inplace to achieve climate conservation objec-tives and the recently agreed nuclear powerphase-out. Facilitating and challenging isthe name o the game. Regulations are orc-ing principals to opt or energy-optimisedconstruction, whilst nancial incentives aredesigned to lighten the supplementary costburden or promote particularly energy-e-

    cient buildings.O particular note in this regard is theGerman Energy Saving Regulation (EnEV),where regular amendments constantlytighten up legal requirements in respecto energy eciency in new and reurbishedbuildings every two to three years. TheEnEV is still miles away rom coercing peo-ple to build passive houses, but a passive-house-equivalent standard will become lawin Germany and in the rest o the EU by nolater than the end o the decade. In this parto the world, principals, who now go beyondwhat the EnEV requires o them, receive

    attractive incentives rom the state-owneddevelopment bank. Particularly cheap loansand repayment grants beckon the higherthe energy eciency standard, the higherthe grants. There are also so-called mar-ket incentive programmes, which makegrants available to principals or speciicmeasures, such as installing solar panels orheat pumps. From time to time the relevantauthority announces that all unds havebeen used up. This practice o providingsubsidies is problematic and results in awindall eect. Many principals plan theirinvestments without actoring in market

    Passive houses in Lrrach.

    You cant spot energy-ecientbuildings just rom theirarchitectureCsiedngswerksa

    The rate o home ownership,i.e. the proportion o peopleowning rather than renting theirhomes, is particulary high inBaden-Wrttemberg, comparedto other ederal states.

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    20 Business Baden-WrttemBerg

    clusters & initiativesenergy-eFFicient Buildings

    Johannes Laible is thepublisher o the PassivhausKompendium annualsCJohannes laibe

    You can generate morepower by incorporatingphotovoltaic systemsCsiedngswerksa



    The uture o theconstruction industry areenergy-optimised orenergy-efcient buildings.

    incentive programmes and are delightedwhen they receive an unexpected windallrom the State.

    One German success story o note isthe Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG),which became law in 2000. The objectiveo this law is to reduce dependency o ossiluels, such as oil, gas and coal, as well as onnuclear power by promoting the generationo electricity rom renewable sources, suchas solar, wind and hydro. Mini power gen-eration plants in particular, such as those

    located on a large number o properties,benet rom high rates o reimbursement,when their operators eed the electricitythey generate into the national grid. Withthe support o the Act, power rom renew-able sources as a raction o total powerconsumption in Germany rose rom justover ve percent prior to the Act becominglaw in 2000 to nearly 17 percent in 2010.In Germany this Act has not only changedthe uel mix but architecture or buildingmethods as well. Nowadays it is dicultto conceive o a modern building not ea-turing photovoltaic modules. The EEG has

    also had a global impact according to theFederal Environment Ministry it served asa model in 47 countries introducing theirown action programmes.

    Since 2009 there has been an obligationin Germany to use renewable energies toheat buildings. The specically enacted Re-newable Energies Heat Act (EEWrmeG)envisages that up to 50 percent o heating

    requirements are solar/thermal-, biomass-(e.g. wood pellets) or geothermal-sourced(e.g. heat pumps). However these require-ments only apply to new buildings and alsopermit a wide range o oset measures, suchas a reduction in heat consumption throughimproved insulation.

    Only one ederal state in Germany hastaken the next step and that is Baden-Wrttemberg. It has enacted its own Re-newables Heating Act (EWrmeG), whichstipulates the use o heat generated romrenewable sources not just in new but alsoin reurbished buildings. To date the law

    requires that at least 20 percent o annualheating requirements are sourced rom re-newable sources in the case o new residen-tial buildings.

    Baden-Wrttembergs Own HeatGeneration Modus OperandiA ten percent renewable energies rate hasbeen prescribed or existing buildings since2010, when heating systems or essentialcomponents thereo are replaced. The Heat-ing Act is also regarded as having beencomplied with i the legal requirements re-lating to buildings energy eciency have

    been exceeded by 30 percent. In 2013 theederal state in the south o Germany in-tends to tighten up its requirements con-siderably by amending the Act.

    I reading this article makes you dizzy,you are by no means alone. Indeed the widerange o dierent applicable laws, regula-tions, programmes and assistance actionelicits a mixed response. Energy-optimisedconstruction could be urther advanced inboth Germany and Baden-Wrttembergi the politicians were more systematicand reliable in applying their policy o a-cilitating and challenging. Our European

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    Nevertheless Baden-Wrttembergshould be commended ordemonstrating such pioneering spiritand or being so closely involved inblueprinting the uture o architecture.

    neighbours are adopting concepts such aspassive house construction or the PlusEn-ergy House with enthusiasm and are ap-

    parently generating the political tools innext to no time to achieve climate conser-vation objectives ast. Meanwhile all thoseinvolved in the energy-ecient buildingssector in a requently hesitant Germany arelooking incredulously to Berlin and waitingor that major step orward that renders en-ergy-optimised construction and reurbish-ment obligatory and genuinely systematic.Nevertheless Baden-Wrttemberg shouldbe commended or demonstrating suchpioneering spirit and or being so closelyinvolved in blueprinting the uture o ar-chitecture.8

    Abo PaaKp

    This annual provides inorma-tion about all aspects o pas-sive houses to principals andconstruction proessionals.The current edition deals withtopics including passive-builtresidential and non-residen-tial buildings or insulation

    materials, ventilation andheating systems or passivehouses. Principals will ndthe supplement, eaturingthe Kleines Passivhaus1x1 (Mini Passive HouseABC) and an A-to-Z glos-sary o terminology, useul.

    Allensbach: PHK-Verlag2010, 176 pages, 7.40 Euros.Available in German rom booksellersor via

    The Passivhaus Kompendium 2012will be published in December 2011.

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  • 8/4/2019 Business Baden-Wrttemberg 2 2011


    22 Business Baden-WrttemBerg

    clusters & initiativesdgnB

    taab B

    ustainable action hasecome an indispensableement o the buildingnd real estate sectors,nd is a matter o course ine planning o many new

    uildings. It is thereoreven more important toace priority on optimizing

    xisting buildings. Withs certicate or existinguildings and an instru-ent or the analysis o ex-ting buildings, the DGNBocusing on this building

    egment and oering newolutions.

    Existing Buildingsin Focus

    DGNB presents analytical instrument andcertifcate or existing buildings

    The German Sustainable Building Coun-cil (DGNB) existing building analysis pro-duces a comprehensive picture o a build-ing in terms o its sustainability. Based onthe DGNBs established criteria catalog,it provides investors, building operatorsand planners with a sound basis or theirdecisions about the uture o their proper-ties: Are modernization or revitalizationmeasures necessary? Which measures areeconomically expedient? How sustainableare the management and control measures

    and how can they be improved? Is it pos-sible to optimize energy and resources man-agement? Can operating costs be reduced?Based on the quality o the solid DGNBcertiication system, the new instrumentensures maximum transparency and reli-ability.

    Outstanding Building Stock

    The DGNB has added another importantmodule to its certication system with thecerticate or existing buildings. Unlike the

    Meaningul instruments,which oer a means oachieving transparency withrespect to the condition oa building, constitute anessential oundation orgreater sustainability in

    existing buildings.dr. Crt latr, CEO of he DGNBCDGNB

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    Business Baden-WrttemBerg 23

    clusters & initiativesdgnB

    planning-based certication o new build-ings, real data are used in the process orexisting buildings. This means, or exam-ple, that the assessment is based on actualenergy and drinking water consumptionvalues, as well as operating and runningcosts. Maintenance and resources manage-ment, documentation, strategy and nan-cial reporting are also taken into account in

    order to acquire detailed inormation con-cerning sustainable building management.Furthermore, an appraisal is carried out todetermine the actual condition o the prop-erty in terms o accessibility, ecient useo available space or technical quality, orexample.

    Optimizing Existing Buildings

    The assessment o an existing building isbased on the principles o the comprehensiveDGNB system. This means that a buildingis considered rom six points o view:

    Environmental Quality

    Economic Quality Sociocultural and Functional Quality Process Quality Technical quality Site Quality

    All o the relevant international certica-tion systems were subjected to a year-longintensive trial and testing process beoreDenmarks Green Building Council nallydecided in avor o the system developed bythe DGNB German Sustainable Build-ing Council which will be used or uturebuilding certication assessments in Ger-

    manys northern neighbor.The DGNB system has also been appliedsuccessully in other regions such as EasternEurope. Several oce buildings and a shop-ping mall are already undergoing the cer-tication process in Bulgaria, or example.The Bulgarian Green Building Council, theDGNBs partner organization, has around45 members and is already able to providethe rst qualied auditors or local projects.DGNB auditors are currently involved inthe preliminary work or the rst certi-cation processes in Hungary and Russia,where auditor training courses are already

    being conducted locally. A partner organi-zation is being established in Slovenia andauditor training is due to commence shortlyin the Czech Republic. We are actively in-volved in several places at the same time.There is tremendous interest in the DGNB

    system at the international level, concludesDr. Lemaitre.

    Successully in other Regions

    Dynamic growth is evident in the devel-opment o the partner organizations thathave already been established in Austriaand Switzerland. The Austrian Society orSustainable Real Estate (GNI) has around250 members and has certied almost 30projects. The Swiss Sustainable BuildingCouncil (SGNI) has completed the processo adapting the DGNB system to the coun-trys alpine conditions and is getting ready

    to certiy its rst projects. The coveted cer-tiicate has already been awarded to realestate projects in Luxembourg and as inSwitzerland these are soon to be ollowedby city districts.

    The DGNB is conducting partnershipnegotiations with interested organizationsin many other countries. One example isthe oce which the DGNB has set up inChina, where the irst project is goingthrough the certiication procedure. TheDGNB is very actively involved in inter-national networks. One o its membershas been elected to the Board o the World

    Existing buildings canexert great leverage topromote sustainability.

    dr. Crt latr, CEO of he DGNBCDGNB

    Green Building Council, the umbrella asso-ciation or organizations in the sustainablebuilding sector. This is supplemented bythe DGNBs commitment to EU projects.

    The non-prot organization is one o thepartners in the GreenConServe project, orexample. The European Commission pro-gram helps small and medium-sized en-terprises prepare themselves or sustainablebuilding. The DGNB also contributes itswidely diversied expertise in sustainablebuilding issues to EU research and knowl-edge-transer projects such as OpenHouseand Construction21. 8

    Fr frtr ifrat

    Quartier Mailnder Platz.Architect: Jost Hering /Gisela SimonCECE, Sgar

    An oce building inStuttgart. Architect: BlocherBlocher PartnersCBocher Bocher Parners

    The OWP 11 oce buildinghas been awarded the DGNBGold CerticateCDress & Sommer AG




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    24 Business Baden-WrttemBerg

    clusters & initiativesorganic Farming

    if t a orac

    t lab, t Ctt

    t b orac

    Increasingly moreconsumers are reverting toorganic oods and rightlyhave certain expectationsabout what they buy i it says organic on thelabel, the content must

    be organic, explainsConsumer Aairs Minister,Alexander Bonde.

    text:Daniela Sandmann

    On the Right TrackOrganic arming has a long history in Baden-Wrttemberg

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    Business Baden-WrttemBerg 25

    clusters & initiativesorganic Farming

    Organic farming has a long history in

    Baden-Wrttemberg. A stable market hasnow been established the amount o or-ganically armed land has increased rom73,000 to 107,000 hectares out o a totalarea under cultivation o 1.4 million hec-tares. This means that 7.5 percent o agri-cultural land is devoted to organic arming.In contrast, almost 20 percent o agricul-tural land in Austria was devoted to organicarming in 2009. Sales o organically grownproduce have increased steadily rom2000 to 2010 sales in act tripled. The or-ganic market is thus one o the ew growthsegments in the German ood industry.

    Sales o milk, vegetables, potatoes and ruitin particular orged ahead in 2010. Carrots,along with potatoes and eggs, are the dis-counters best-selling organic products.

    67 percent o those living in Baden-Wrttemberg regularly buy organicallygrown produce, whilst 80 percent would bewilling to buy more organic produce romthe region. However demand is increasing

    at a aster rate than regional supply. Thisprovides many agricultural businesses inBaden-Wrttemberg with a major marketopportunity, explains the Minister or Ag-ricultural and Consumer Aairs, AlexanderBonde.

    Producing premium-quality organicproduce represents considerable businesspotential, particularly or small and medi-um-sized enterprises. Organic arming alsomakes a signicant contribution to society,in particular by being environment- andclimate-compatible, because it uses re-sources sparingly and incorporates trans-

    parent production processes. With its 10.7million inhabitants, Baden-Wrttemberghas to date been one o Europes import-ers o organic produce. These days organicarming is economically important, Bondeemphasises. I every second organic carrothas to be imported rom abroad to satisydemand, then somethings not right. Thestate also sponsors the marketing o organicproduce rom the region, using the Bio-Zeichen Baden Wrttemberg (Baden-Wrttemberg Organic Mark). Organicand regional are a great t, because both as-pects are important in generating consumer

    condence, Bonde says.Organic + Regional = Optimum

    People wanting to take the direct route toconsuming organic produce should look outor the Bio-Zeichen Baden-Wrttembergwhen they are shopping. In addition toguaranteeing that produce originates romBaden-Wrttemberg, this quality markalso indicates that producers have switchedover to purely organic arming. Baden-Wrttemberg was the irst ederal stateto introduce a seal o quality or region-ally grown organic produce, in cooperation

    with organic growers associations. TheBio-Zeichen Baden-Wrttemberg addsto the perception o quality that producerom Baden-Wrttemberg has and comple-ments the Qualittszeichen Baden-Wrt-temberg (Baden-Wrttemberg Qual-

    ity Mark). The Organic Mark may only beused i EU Eco-Regulation requirementshave been complied with. Produce bear-ing the Organic Mark may only be sold iit has been grown by producers that haveswitched to purely organic arming andwhose production chain is veriably locatedin Baden-Wrttemberg. The productionand processing o organic produce are sub-

    A chickens paradise.Organic arming allows

    chickens to movearound reelyCChrisoph Ebere

    The Baden-Wrttem-berg quality mark

    stands or products thatare manuactured andprocessed in the regionThe entire productionprocess rom arm tothe shop counter, is alsochecked regularly.

    The Bio-ZeichenBaden-Wrttembergadds to the perceptiono quality thatproduce rom Baden-Wrttemberg has.

    Organic arming is

    economically important.Axar B, Miniser of Rra Affairsand Consmer ProecionCBaden-Wremberg Minisry of Sae

    oRienTATion REGIONAl SEAlS

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    26 Business Baden-WrttemBerg

    clusters & initiativesorganic Farming

    ject to EU Eco-Regulation requirements.Consumers must thereore be able to rely onthe states seal o organic quality. Accordingto the results that we have, they can, saysthe Minister.

    Results Validate the PremiumQuality o Organic ProduceLast year as part o the states Organic Mon-

    itoring programme, more than 700 productsamples were analysed and examined to val-idate organic claims relating to ingredients,residues and contaminants. The scope o theinvestigation ranged rom pesticide residuesin ruit and vegetables via dioxin in poultry,mildew toxins in cereals, genetically modi-ed organisms in maize, soya and linseed toadditives in ready-meals and conectionary.These organic products were also comparedwith equivalent, conventionally armedproducts. In line with the steadily increas-ing range o products on oer, processedoods, such as ready-meals, wines and juices

    were also included. Consumers are par-ticularly sensitive as ar as organic productsare concerned. They expect organic prod-ucts in particular to be residue-ree, sinceorganic growers promise in their productclaims that they completely avoid the use ochemical/synthetic pesticides, says Bonde.More and more consumers want to avoidconsuming the favour enhancer, glutamate.The use o the additive glutamate as a fa-vour enhancer in organically grown prod-ucts is banned by law.

    Organic Farmers are Businesspeople

    Previously they were all called nutcases,now they are smart businesspeople. Baden-Wrttembergs organic armers have atradition that goes back many years. Thisincludes Joachim Schneider, a passionateorganic armer, who took over his parentslong-established business. When he was ateenager he was very active in helping hisparents. I drove a tractor at an early ageand weeded the elds, although it was notalways un running across the elds in 30Cheat. The weeds caused scratches every-where and I preerred to drive the tractor,Schneider recounts. Nevertheless I was


    A orac grwt Bioandceebraes is 40h AnniersaryBioland,which is nowGermanyslargest organicarming as-sociation, has

    its roots in Baden-Wrt-temberg, although the ideaoriginated rom Switzer-land, Christian Eichert,CEO o Bioland Baden-Wrttemberg, explains. In1971 twelve committed menand women establishedbio-gemse e.V. in theoothills o the SwabianAlps, which was renamedBioland-Verband (BiolandAssociation) in 1978.

    From those initial 28producers, this agricul-tural movement has nowgrown to incorporate 5,500producers and more than900 processing partnersthroughout Germany, whoarm in compliance withBioland guidelines. Alone inBaden-Wrttemberg 1163businesses arm an area o46,491 hectares in accord-ance with Bioland Asso-ciation guidelines. Biolandproducts meet premiumquality standards.

    All partners use standardBioland raw materials andprocess these in compli-ance with Biolands strictspecications. One o themost important objectives isresource-riendly process-ing. Controversial methods,such as genetic engineer-ing or ood irradiation aretaboo, as are a majority othe additives licensed oruse throughout the EU.Healthy products, which areproduced in an environmen-tally compatible manner, areavailable directly rom arm-ers or processors, as wellas rom health ood stores,weekly armers marketsand supermarkets.

    No. o organic arming businesses and amount o organically armed land inBaden-Wrttemberg. Source: Regierungsprsidium Karlsruhe 2011

    Agricultural businesses (n/i meadow orchard prod.)100% meadow orchard businesses Farmed area (ha)

















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    Business Baden-WrttemBerg 27

    clusters & initiativesorganic Farming

    glad to spend most o my leisure time help-ing out. Ater completing his Abitur(German university entrance qualication),he rst o all studied agriculture, prior tojoining his parents business.

    Major Challenge

    At the beginning o the 1970s, Schnei-ders parents were giving increasingly more

    thought to organic arming. I recall theswitch to organic arming as posing a majorchallenge. The risk o ailure was immense,Schneider explains. Back then armers werenot able to compare notes as easily as now.Only a handul knew how organic armingworked. My parents were initially con-ronted by a number o problems, Sch-neider adds. These problems resulted inSchneiders ather one day writing a lettero resignation to the Bioland Association.Luckily he did not send his letter o resig-nation o, Schneider recounts. At the endo the 1980s poultry keeping at the arm

    went organic. Back then, a well-organisedorganic armers association, which reallysupported the armers, did not exist.

    This requently gave rise to tangibleproblems, since each armer was let to hisown devices to gain plenty o experience.Many thought that by ceasing to use er-tilisers and pesticides, they were organicarmers. But it was/is not that easy. Farm-ers had to learn the ropes as ar as this or-ganic system was concerned. Back thenthere was denite hostility rom externalsources. Snide remarks such as so you justspray the ertilizer at night were requently

    made. Fortunately all the organic armersstuck together.

    Organic Farmers wereall regarded as Nutcases.It is only nowadays that organic armingis able or the rst time to elicit a positiveemotional response rom people. Back thenorganic armers were all regarded as nut-cases. There was only limited acceptance owhat they were doing, Schneider recounts.At that time there was no properly organ-ised marketing inrastructure. Only a ewshops stocked organic cereals, or example,

    Back then they weredrop-outs, who attempted todo something dierent, based

    on a strong inner conviction.Jac scr, Organic FarmerCDaniea Sandmann

    Fr frtr ifrat

    because there was little demand. Back thenthey were drop-outs, who attempted to dosomething dierent, based on a strong in-ner conviction. These days you nd organic

    products in almost every discounter.Schneiders arm is a member o the Bi-oland Association. There are a lot o rulesand guidelines that apply to organic arm-ing. Bioland provides assistance by answer-ing questions and dealing with issues. Inaddition to eggs, he sells cereals, pasta andanimal eed. Joachim Schneider is proud ohis organic arm. We are well-known inthe district or our organic eggs. We lookater our chickens really well here. 8

    67 percent o those livingin Baden-Wrttembergregularly buy organicallygrown produceCAnara

    Sales o organically grownproduce have increasedsteadily rom 2000 to 2010sales in act tripledCAnara

    whilst 80 percentwould be willing to buymore organic producerom the regionCBasic



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    28 Business Baden-WrttemBerg

    clusters & initiativesdanuBe region

    Strategy for theDanube RegionImplementing projects to ostereconomic growth, environment protection

    and cultural cooperation

    eu Prjct fr t dab

    Baden-Wrttemberg willsupport the strategy o theEU or the development othe entire Danube region. Itwill place the same weighton economic growth andon the protection o theenvironment. Baden-Wrt-temberg will also enhancethe educational opportuni-ties as well as strengthenthe civil society.

    text: Hans Gng

    I am truly optimistic that we will initiate

    a number o projects and implement themover the course o time o which the peoplein the Danube area will directly benet,stated the Minister President Winriedwhen he received State Guests rom Roma-nia, Bulgaria and Croatia on the occasion othe opening event The EU Danube RegionStrategy Opportunities and Perspectivesin July 2011 in Stuttgart.

    The EU strategy or the Danube regionis very promising or Baden-Wrttemberg.It gives us the opportunity and potentialwe are looking or, said Kretschmann.He emphasised the unique opportunity or

    Baden-Wrttemberg provided by the EUDanube Strategy to place the same weight

    on economic growth and protection o theenvironment. It will support the expansiono transport routes and improve the inra-structure. Another added value o the coop-eration between the Danube riparian statesare better research and science. It will alsoenhance the educational opportunities aswell as strengthen the civil society.

    The River as Symbol or Europe

    Today, the Danube more than any otherriver has become a symbol or the Europeanintegration, underlined Minister PresidentKretschmann. The Danube is an integral

    part o every single riparian state and thuspart o the national identity; however, it isrst and oremost a part o our Europeanidentity.

    Baden-Wrttemberg was the irst re-gion within Europe to recognise the eco-nomic, political and cultural potential othis macro region. At the Danube summitin 2009 in Ulm, Baden-Wrttemberg, Ba-varia, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia,Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria signed ajoint declaration, which underlined the po-litical intention to give more emphasis tothe Danube area in the uture.

    Peter Friedrich, Ministeror the Bundesrat, Europe andInternational AairsCSaasminiserim



    Laiz, the hometown oMinister President WinriedKretschmann, is showing thenatural beauty o the DanubeCKaiber

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    EU Commissioner GntherH. Oettinger, the RomanianDeputy Foreign Minister Dr.Doru Costea, Minister Presi-dent Kretschmann, Bulgarian

    Deputy Ministeror Regional Development,Dr. Liliyana Pavlova, theCroatian Under Secretary inthe Ministry or International

    Aairs and European Inte-gration, Andrej Plenkovic,Peter Friedrich (02) and UlmsMayor Ivo GnnerCSaasminiserim BW

    In June 2009, the European Councilcharged the Commission with the task o

    designing a strategy or the Danube regionby the end o 2010. Baden-Wrttembergtogether with Croatia took on the task ascoordinator or the priority area economyor the whole Danube region.

    Action Plan or the Region

    The EU Danube strategy breaks down intoan action plan, which substantiates the pri-orities with actions and project cases.

    Connecting the Danube region: improv-ing mobility, encouraging the use o sus-tainable energies, promoting culture and

    tourism; Protecting the environment in the Dan-ube region: water quality, managing envi-ronmental risks, preserving biodiversity;

    Building prosperity in the Danube region:developing a knowledge society throughresearch, education and inormation tech-nologies, supporting the competitivenesso enterprises including the ormation oclusters, investing in peoples skills;

    Strengthening the Danube region: step-ping up institutional capacity, cooperat-ing to enhance security and ghting se-vere and organised crime.

    Minister or European Aairs Peter

    Friedrich had been nominated as specialrepresentative or the implementation othe EUSDR in the State o Baden-Wrt-temberg.

    The Minister or European Aairs willbe charged as special representative withthe appropriate political activities or thestrategy. The special representative will besupported by an oce which will serve asthe rst point o contact or all matters othe EUSDR in Baden-Wrttemberg. Aninter-ministerial working group will makeit their concern to constantly add new im-pulses to the strategic alignment. 8

    The EU strategy or

    the Danube region is verypromising or Baden-Wrttemberg. It gives usthe opportunity andpotential we are looking or.

    Wfr Krtca, Minister President

    03 Migration 2.0: Educationin an Open Worldedubiz is the conference on qualification and HR

    development in internationally active companies. It discusses the challenge of globalisation

    and demographical development. How to at

    tract international talents to the technology and

    world market leaders in Germany? How to qua

    lify a worldwide workforce? How to bind a new

    generation of global minds by opening interna

    tional career perspectives? The conference aims

    at a dialogue between Germanys globally active

    firms and the international education sector.

    1 February 2012:

    Focus on the Internationalisation of Education

    Opening Speech:

    Bilkay ney, Minister forIntegration of Baden-Wrttemberg

    How to participate?At the edubiz area of LearnTEC service providers

    education and training institutes can present

    their services for globally active companies

    within a joint stand and by forum presentations.

    A special focus on education and vocationatraining in the Central & Eastern EuropeITurkeyIChinaIIndiaIBrasil

    Meet Germanys global players where theydiscuss corporate education strategies!

    Boosting Corporate Brain

    LEARNTEC I Messe Karlsruhe

    31 January - 2 February 2012

    International Perspectivesfor Corporate Education

    Forum I Exhibition

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    30 Business Baden-WrttemBerg

    clusters & initiativesheilBronn-Franconia

    Bt Practc:

    T sme ctr

    World market leaders, owhich there are a largenumber in Heilbronn-Franconia oten occupyniche segments, employ600 people, turn over 100million Euros, are to 70percent amily-owned and

    exports represent 62 per-cent o their total sales.

    Be Aware ofMegatrendsThe Heilbronn-Franconia region,where many medium-sized businesses arebased, staged Germanys frst everWorld Market Leaders Convention

    What they do, they do extremely well,were words o praise expressed by Baden-Wrttembergs Premier Stean Mappusduring the World Market Leaders Conven-tion. This event, in contrast to the WorldEconomic Forum taking place in Davos atthe same time, is less theoretical and ad-dresses the specic problems and character-istics o medium-sized businesses.

    Many Medium-sized Businessesare Based in Heilbronn-FranconiaIndeed many o Germanys approximately1,500 world market leaders are benetingrom the current upturn in the global econ-omy and are even enhancing their currentpositions o strength. Yet despite all the eu-phoria amongst the approximately 300 del-egates to this rst-ever convention, cautionwas called or. I there was a message thatcurrent and potential world market lead-ers were able to take away with them, thenit was that they could not aord to regard

    their utures as being secure, based on thestatus quo now.To do business successully as a com-

    pany is actually quite simple, said Hans-Jochen Beilke, CEO o EBM-Papst. Youmust listen to what your customers wantand you have to be aware o megatrends.Beilke is deinitely in a good position totalk. His company, which is committedto the engine and ventilator business, in-creased its sales between 1994 and 2009 byan average o 13.2 percent per annum to thecurrent gure o 986 million Euros.

    Great Challenges

    Yet it is not quite that simple, as strategyexpert Bernd Venohr ound out rom re-search he perormed. O 218 medium-sizedworld market leaders in 1994, 20 percenthave ceased to exist, due to bankruptcy orrestructuring, whilst 18 percent have losttheir positions. The greatest challenges areposed by changes in technology, shrinkingmarkets, over-estimation o corporate ca-pabilities and disagreements within owneramilies.

    The growing lack o qualied human re-sources is also a risk, which Michael Hther,



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    Have a Seat in the Regionof the World Market LeadersDynamic Business LocationsGlobal Success

    Hit the ground running in the region of the World Market Learience great diversity in the region of the World Market Leaders

    tschaftsregion Heilbronn-Franken GmbH Weipertstrae 8-10 D-74076 Heilbronn Phone +49 7131 7669 860 [email protected] www.heilbronn-franken.c

    Invest in the region of the World Market Leaders

    Investment Opp ortunities

    Prime connections in the region of the World Market Leaders

    EXPO REAL, Munich 4-6 October 2011, Hall B1, Booth B1.222

    clusters & initiativesheilBronn-Franconia

    Director o the Cologne Institute or Eco-nomic Research, pointed out. A populationdecline o up to 30 percent is anticipated insome regions. Some 150,000 o the work-ing population are lost to the labour marketyear on year.

    Hther recommended three strategies tothe convention delegates to counteract thisproblem increasing productivity by im-

    proving the level o qualication, providingclear incentives to and simpliying proce-dures or immigrants as well as increasingwork volumes in relation to annual workinghours and working lietimes. His bottomline: Those companies that want to remainworld market leaders have to take changedHR Policy requirements seriously. 8

    To do business successullyas a company is actuallyquite simple: You must listento what your customers wantand you have to be aware omegatrends.

    ha-Jc Bk, CEO o EBM-Papst

    Many o Germanys worldmarket leaders are benet-ing rom the current upturnCWirschafsregionHeibronn-Franken GmbH

    First-ever world marketleaders convention atHeilbronn-FranconiaCWirschafsregionHeibronn-Franken GmbH

    The award ceremony atthe world market leadersconventionCWirschafsregionHeibronn-Franken GmbH


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    32 Business Baden-WrttemBerg

    clusters & initiativesWro

    The most EuropeanEconomic Region

    The Strasbourg-Ortenau Eurodistrict conducts cross-border marketing

    ep t mtt

    The most European Eco-nomic Region, the UrbanCommunity o Strasbourg(CUS) and the Oenburg/Ortenau Economic Region(WRO) are conductinga cross-border locationmarketing campaign. Ashared booth at both theworlds largest commercial

    real estate shows, thisyears ExpoReal in Munich(Booth B1.030) and MIPIMin Cannes (March 2012) aresure to attract a great dealo attention.

    Strasbourg, one o the capitals o Europe,

    and the Ortenau region have combinedto orm the Strasbourg-Ortenau Eurodis-trict a metropolitan region with almostone million inhabitants, 500,000 jobs and60,000 students at 18 universities and re-search establishments. An eective politicaland business network, organised by WROand CAFA, the Franco-German BusinessClub, ensures close ties between universi-ties and companies.

    Partners to Co-ExhibitThe 600-hectare startkLahr Airport &Business Park Raum Lahr site is located

    right next to the A5 Rhine Valley motor-

    way in the Germany/France/Switzerlandtri-border region. Transport links are mul-timodal the Rhine port o Kehl is locatednearby and the Black Forest Airport Lahrprovides this business park with ecientcargo airport acilities. The business park isable to oer logistics and large-scale manu-acturing companies as well as smaller in-dustrial irms and cratsmans businessessuitable plots o land. That is why 170companies employing a total o 3,000 peo-ple have now relocated here.

    Kehl, as a business location, is hometo a number o innovative medium-sized

    companies with global operations. These

    companies and their qualied specialist andexecutive human resources have a majorimpact on local creativity and productivity.A range o attractive commercial real estateis on oer in the Franco-German border re-gion. Both Rhine ports o Kehl and Stras-bourg provide locational benets to com-plement the French and German motorwaynetworks and close proximity to Strasbourgairport. The Ba-Sic intermunicipal businesspark is ully integrated into national andinternational transportation networks, pro-viding an attractive environment or busi-ness activities.

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    Business Baden-WrttemBerg 33

    clusters & initiativesWro


    Company Contact Phone e-mail Web

    B.i.W. gbh Alexander Reichert +49 7852 81210 [email protected]

    BiB gbh Bernhard Bayer +49 781/9668-0 [email protected]

    ertrct strabr-orta Generalsekretariat +49 7851 899750 [email protected]

    stat sttcaft


    Lionel Delbos +33 388 609378 [email protected]

    statarkt- Wrtcaftfrr gbh K

    Fiona Hrtel +49 7851 881500 [email protected]

    tartklar Arprt & B

    Park Ra lar

    Markus Ibert +49 7821 94030 [email protected]

    stzr Parka gbh & C. Kg Hugo Zap +49 7841 704116 [email protected]

    WRo gbh Manred Hammes +49 781 96867-31 [email protected]

    Zwckrba gwrbpark

    Ra offbr c

    Ral Grundheber +49 781 822520 [email protected]

    A cross-border location marketing

    campaign: Strasbourg-Ortenau booth atExpoReal and MIPIMCWRO GmbH

    Oenburg (at 60,000 inhabitants and

    35,000 jobs) is the largest town in the Or-tenau district and the employment centreo the Mid-Baden economic region respec-tively. The municipality has managed tocreate an attractive industrial and businesspark the hoch business park. Given itscentral location and net building area o21.5 hectares, the hoch business park pro-vides excellent business development op-portunities or the uture.

    An Attractive Industrialand Business ParkB.I.W. GmbH is the site operator at Will-

    sttt Industrial Park. More than 25 inno-vative, high-productivity companies roma very wide range o industrial sectors haveestablished operations in an area o around35 hectares (approximately 86 acres).B.I.W. GmbH is responsible or providingthose companies operating on this site withall the services they require, including en-ergy supply (electricity, natural gas, steamand pressurized air), HVAC, re-ghtingand security services, electrical and techni-cal maintenance services, business locationmanagement, approval regulations and en-vironmental protection management. The

    area is a dedicated industrial site. There is

    more than 90,000 square metres o produc-tion, warehousing and oice space avail-able.

    Experts in construction sotware is theclaim o Oenburg-based BIB GmbH.Specialising in meeting turnkey construc-tion requirements, the company recognisedearly on how important it is to plan andorganise the complex structures involvedin turnkey construction. The quality thatBIB GmbH delivers is based on the special-ist knowledge o 25 qualied members osta construction engineers, architects,IT specialists and sales proessionals.

    Stolzer Parkhaus GmbH & Co. KG is anAchern-based global player. The automatedcar parking systems specialists install bothsmall- and large-scale parking systems pri-marily in Europe and North America. Thecompanys fagship projects in the Spanishcities o Segovia and Valencia and in NewYork provide a more-than-reliable service.

    We want to use Strasbourgs position-ing as a City o Europe to promote ourregion and anticipate that joint participa-tion will once again generate a very largeamount o trans-regional interest, saysWROs CEO Manred Hammes. Showcase

    ocus is both on Strasbourgs urban develop-

    ment strategy to the year 2020 and on theOrtenau districts commercial real estate.A large number o co-exhibitors rom theOrtenau have already committed to partici-pating. The Chamber o Commerce and In-dustry (CCI) and the Port o Strasbourg arerepresenting the French side.

    Germany and France are some o theworlds top-rated countries as ar as loca-tional advantages are concerned. And theseacts are signicantly more in evidence onthe Upper Rhine than in other parts o thecountry ranging rom inrastructure viademographics and education through to

    purchasing power and innovation capabil-ity. 8

    Fr frtr ifrat

    WRO GmbHManred HammesIn der Spck 10,77656 Oenburg, GermanyPhone: +49 781 9686731e-mail: [email protected]:

    Why not visit the Eurodistrict at theStrasbourg-Ortenau booth at ExpoReal.Booth number: B1.030.

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    34 Business Baden-WrttemBerg

    db Arar

    at Bc

    Double anniversary atBosch: in 2011, the Bosch

    Group is celebrating its125th anniversary, as wellas the 150th anniversary oits ounders birth. Duringhis lietime Robert Boschalready set the course orthe international successo his company. Today, theBosch Group is a leadingglobal supplier o technol-ogy and services withmore than 350 subsidiar-ies and regional compa-nies with a workorce oapproximately 285 000employees.

    text Esad Fazlic

    MAHLE Expandsin IndiaMAHLE Filter Systems India in Chen-nai, a new lter production plant othe MAHLE Group, takes up seriesproduction. It will supply Indianvehicle manuacturers with air ltermodules. The actory is located attwo hours drive rom the harbouro the metropolis o Chennai. Theproximity to the vehicle manuactur-ers strengthens our position in theIndian market, states Pro. Dr. Heinz

    K. Junker, Chairman o the Manage-ment Board o the MAHLE Group.

    DEKRA Contributesto Improved SaetyIntelligent light and assistant systemsin modern vehicles improve saety onthe road and help reduce the numbero accidents. DEKRA is activelyinvolved in this highly promising de-velopment, explained Stean Klbl,

    Chairman o the Management Boardo DEKRA e.V. and DEKRA SE, talkingat a press conerence at the FrankurtMotor Show. With the certicationprocedure and product testing oeredby our high-tech laboratories or lighttechnology in China, the Netherlandsand Germany we are making a sus-tained contribution to the develop-ment work o vehicle manuacturersand their suppliers. According toKlbl these are examples o servicesuelling and expanding DEKRAs inter-national growth.


    34 Business Baden-WrttemBerg


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    Business Baden-WrttemBerg 35Business Baden-WrttemBerg 35

    gloBal players, local heroesBosch

    A Global

    Player GoingGreenWhen Robert Bosch on November 15,1886, established his Workshop or Preci-sion Mechanics and Electrical Engineeringin Stuttgart, nobody could have anticipated

    that he was laying the oundations or whathas since become a leading global suppliero technology and services.

    Quality and InnovationLead to SuccessThe construction o a low-voltage mag-neto ignition device or vehicle enginesin 1897 is the start o a long list o Boschinnovations. It was succeeded in 1902 bythe Bosch high-voltage magneto ignitionsystem. This was the decisive commercialbreakthrough in the companys rise to asuccessul, leading automotive supplier.

    From the very beginning, Bosch played adecisive part in shaping the automobilesevolution into the mass means o transporto the 20th century. The product range wassteadily expanded. The year 1913 saw thelaunch o the Bosch automotive lightingsystem, with its own power supply rom agenerator and a battery. It was ollowed byinnovations such as electric starters, horns,windshield wipers, power-assisted brakes,and direction indicators. These Bosch prod-ucts made the cars o the time more suit-able or everyday driving, and made a majorcontribution to more comort and saety.

    In 1927, a groundbreaking technologywas nally ready or series production: thediesel injection pump. Initially or trucks,it was installed in the rst diesel-poweredpassenger cars in 1936. In 1951, Bosch in-troduced gasoline injection into the auto-motive market.

    Bosch also steadily expanded its porto-lio in the eld o automotive electrics. Inthe latter hal o the 20th century, semicon-ductors became the decisive component inelectronic systems, eaturing in everything

    rom engine management systems to driverassistance systems.With automotive electronics playing an

    ever more important role, Bosch opened anew plant in Reutlingen near Stuttgart in1970. This acility was exclusively devotedto semiconductor manuacturing. WithoutBoschs innovative semiconductor technol-ogy, the lambda sensor (1976), which al-lowed a catalytic converter to be used tomake exhaust cleaner, would not have beenconceivable. Nor would the ABS antilockbraking system (1978) or the ESP elec-tronic stability program (1995) have been

    The Bosch Group is Celebrating its125th Anniversary

    Poster or Boschspark plugs(1928)CBosch

    Bosch Solarsystems thatautomaticallytrack the positiono the sunCBosch

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    36 Business Baden-WrttemBerg

    gloBal players, local heroesBosch

    possible. With the company continuing toocus on these uture-oriented technologies,the year 2010 saw the inauguration o a new,ultra-modern semiconductor ab in Reutlin-gen. This new acility is the largest singlecapital investment ever made by the Bosch

    Group in its 125-year history an invest-ment totaling some 600 million euros.

    A Global Objective: IncreasedEnergy Efciency and e-MobilityAround the world, a clear objective or bothgasoline and diese