business communication module 1 - kerala university


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Unit I Nature and purpose of communication; Process and Elements - Classification of communication - intrapersonal, interpersonal, written, verbal, non verbal, visual etc; Barriers to communication; Principles of effective communication; Business communication - Role, Importance, types; Deductive & inductive logic.


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• Communication - derived from the Latin .

• Communis – means – common.

• Human beings are poor in communication.

• No common form for communication.

• But through learning & practicing can improve competency.

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• We communicate to : (a) inform (b) persuade.

• To Inform :

– Focus is the subject of the communication.

– Called : Expository Communication - desire to expose ,develop &

explain the subject.

• To Persuade:

– Focus is on the receiver.

– Wants the receiver /reader to understand the message and to be

influenced by it.

The Purpose of Communication

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• A natural human activity of all humans, which is to convey opinions,

feelings, information and ideas to others through words (written or

spoken), body language or signs.

• An act of sharing one’s idea’s, emotions, attitudes, perceptions etc with

another person or group of persons through words (written or

spoken), gestures, signals, signs, or other models of transmitting



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• One way process – flow of information from a sender to a receiver.

Process of Communication

Sender Media ReceiverMessage Message


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Process of CommunicationShannon –Weaver Model

Information Source

Encoding Decoding DestinationChannel



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Sender • The person who transmits or spreads a message.

• Operates an electronic device

Encoding • Changing the message into symbols.

• Symbols : words, gestures, pictorials, signs etc

Channel • Medium that facilities the sending of the message.

• Channel : Oral. Written, audio- visuals etc.

Receiver • Targeted audience of the message.

• Tries to understand, interprets, & tries to perceive

the total meaning of the message.


Elements of Communication

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Decoding • Act of translating symbols into meaningful message.

Acting • Receiver act in a desired manner.

• Shows how he/she understood the message.

Feedback • Loop

• Helps the sender to know if there is any corrections

or changes to be made in the proposed actions

Elements of Communication

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Classification of Communication

Communication basis of the medium employed

Verbal Communication

•Communicating with words, written or spoken.

• Includes speaking, listening, writing, reading & thinking


•Use of pictures, signs, gestures & facial expressions.

Meta Communication

• When the speaker’s choice of words unintentionally

communicate something more than what the words

themselves state

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Classification of Communication

Communication based on No: of persons receiving

Intrapersonal Communication

•Talking to oneself in one’s own mind.


•Exchange of message between two persons

Group Communication

• Among small or large group in which all individual

retain their identity.

• E.g. Classroom

Mass Communication

• A message is sent to large group.

• No opportunity of feedback.

•E.g. by newspaper, TV, Radio etc

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Classification of Communication

Non Verbal Communication

Visual Communication

• Usage of charts, maps, graphs, posters ,signs & signals

for communication.

Aural Communication

• Pertaining to hearing or the ear

•Usage of Bell ,Whistle, Horn, Siren for communication

Kinesics• Behaviour related to movement, either of any part of the

body or the body as a whole

•Usage of Posture, Smile, Arm position, Handshake, Eye

contact, Walking style

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• Barrier – something non-physical that keeps people apart or prevents

activity, movement and so on.

Barriers of Communication

Barrier attributable to the sender

• Lack of planning • Poor choice of words • Different perceptions

of reality

• Wrong choice of


• Vagueness about the purpose of

communication and objectives to be achieved.

• Information


• Emotions • Offensive style

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Barriers of Communication

Barrier attributable to the receiver

• Poor listening skills • Inattention • Different perceptions

of reality

• Mistrust •.Bias • Lack of trust

• Premature


• Lack of interest • Attitudinal clash with

the sender.

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Other Common Barriers of Communication



• Noise, Distractions, Inadequate listening, lack of


Personal or



• Social and cultural values

• Judgments

• Emotions



• Barriers that arise from the symbolic systems

used for communication - ie; words ,pictures &


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The communication can be considered successful when :

– The message is properly understood.

– The purpose of sender is fulfilled.

– The sender & the receiver remain linked through feedback.

Rule of Five : Five receiver step for successful communication :

– Receive

– Understand

– Accept

– Use

– Give feedback

Effective Communication

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7 C’s of Communication

Candidness • Speaker’s self confidence

Clarity • use Clear, accurate, familiar words

Completeness • Communicate whatever necessary, answer all the


Conciseness • Communicate in brief and be able to say whatever

we have to say in minimum words

Concreteness • Being specific

Correctness • Avoiding grammatical errors

Courtesy • Maintaining proper manners & conduct

•Eg : Saying Thank you, please, sincerely apologize

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• All messages that we send and receive for official purpose like running

a business, managing an organization, conducting the formal affairs of

a voluntary organization and so on.

• Internal Communication : When people within the organization


• External Communication : when people in the organization

communicate with anyone outside the organization

Business Communication

Types of Business Communication

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• The success of any business to a large extent depends on efficient and

effective communication.

• No business can develop in the absence of effective communication


• Communication takes place among business entities, in market and

market places, within organizations and between various group of

employees, owners and employees, buyers and sellers, service

providers and customers, sales persons and prospects and also

between people within the organization and the press

Role of Communication in Business

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Purpose of Business Communication

For Instruction

For information

For Evaluation

For DirectionFor Teaching

For Influencing

For Employee Orientation