business english: office phrases quiz

“In the Office” Conversation Quiz

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Page 1: Business English: Office Phrases Quiz

“In the Office” Conversation Quiz

Page 2: Business English: Office Phrases Quiz

“Where’s your office?”

“It’s _________ the 19th floor.”

a) inb) onc) atd) located

Page 3: Business English: Office Phrases Quiz

“Where’s your office?”

“It’s _________ the 19th floor.”

a) inb) onc) atd) located

Page 4: Business English: Office Phrases Quiz

What are your ____________ hours?

a) workb) workingc) officed) occupation

Page 5: Business English: Office Phrases Quiz

What are your ____________ hours?

a) workb) workingc) officed) occupation

Page 6: Business English: Office Phrases Quiz

“Can you please help me? This copy machine is ___________and I’m not sure how to make it work again.”

a) Brokeb) Not workc) Jammedd) Stuck

Page 7: Business English: Office Phrases Quiz

“Can you please help me? This copy machine is ___________and I’m not sure how to make it work again.”

a) Brokeb) Not workc) Jammedd) Stuck

Page 8: Business English: Office Phrases Quiz

(on phone) “Hi, Can you please ___________ me to Mr. Duc.”

a) Transitb) Transferc) Give med) Pass me

Page 9: Business English: Office Phrases Quiz

(on phone) “Hi, Can you please ___________ me to Mr. Duc.”

a) Transitb) Transferc) Give med) Pass me

Page 10: Business English: Office Phrases Quiz

_____________ you for your help with my presentation. I really ___________ it.

a) Thanks; valueb) Thanks; appreciatec) Thank; appreciated) Thanks; value

Page 11: Business English: Office Phrases Quiz

_____________ you for your help with my presentation. I really ___________ it.

a) Thanks; valueb) Thanks; appreciatec) Thank; appreciated) Thanks; value

Page 12: Business English: Office Phrases Quiz

The printer is _________ ink. Do we have another cartridge of black ink?

a) finished withb) run out ofc) out ofd) completed of

Page 13: Business English: Office Phrases Quiz

The printer is _________ ink. Do we have another cartridge of black ink?

a) finished withb) run out ofc) out ofd) completed of

Page 14: Business English: Office Phrases Quiz

We’ve __________ instant coffee. Can we ______a request for more?

a) finished with; put inb) run out of; put inc) out of; maked) completed of ; make

Page 15: Business English: Office Phrases Quiz

We’ve __________ instant coffee. Can we ______a request for more?

a) finished with; put inb) run out of; put inc) out of; maked) completed of ; make

Page 16: Business English: Office Phrases Quiz

“Hey, can I ___________ your stapler please? I lost mine.”

a) borrowb) lendc) haved) used

Page 17: Business English: Office Phrases Quiz

“Hey, can I ___________ your stapler please? I lost mine.”

a) borrowb) lendc) haved) used

Page 18: Business English: Office Phrases Quiz

“I’m feeling so sick. I think I may _____________ tomorrow. I should go to the doctor.”

a) Call inb) Call onc) Call sickd) Call out

Page 19: Business English: Office Phrases Quiz

“I’m feeling so sick. I think I may _____________ tomorrow. I should go to the doctor.”

a) Call inb) Call onc) Call sickd) Call out

Page 20: Business English: Office Phrases Quiz

“Did you hear the news? Thanks to budget cuts, 10 employeeswill be _____________”

a) Firedb) Terminatedc) Laid-offd) Firing.

Page 21: Business English: Office Phrases Quiz

“Did you hear the news? Thanks to budget cuts, 10 employeeswill be _____________”

a) Firedb) Terminatedc) Laid-offd) Firing.

Page 22: Business English: Office Phrases Quiz

“Did everyone get the ____________? It’s regardingour conference next month.”

a) letterb) notec) messaged) memo

Page 23: Business English: Office Phrases Quiz

“Did everyone get the ____________? It’s regardingour conference next month.”

a) letterb) notec) messaged) memo

Page 24: Business English: Office Phrases Quiz

“I’m sorry, but Tom’s __________ today. May I take a message?”

a) absentb) outsidec) not ind) gone away

Page 25: Business English: Office Phrases Quiz

“I’m sorry, but Tom’s __________ today. May I take a message?”

a) absentb) outsidec) not ind) gone away

Page 26: Business English: Office Phrases Quiz

“Is the internet working?” “No, it will be ________ for 2 hours while they fix the cable”

a) downb) brokenc) stopd) cut off

Page 27: Business English: Office Phrases Quiz

“Is the internet working?” “No, it will be ________ for 2 hours while they fix the cable”

a) downb) brokenc) stopd) cut off

Page 28: Business English: Office Phrases Quiz

“Where’s Amy?”

“Oh, she’s ______ maternity leave.”

a) gone tob) inc) ond) going to

Page 29: Business English: Office Phrases Quiz

“Where’s Amy?”

“Oh, she’s ______ maternity leave.”

a) gone tob) inc) ond) going to

Page 30: Business English: Office Phrases Quiz

What does “FYI” Stand for?

a) For Your Interest

b) For Your Idea

c) For Your Information

d) For Your Insist

Page 31: Business English: Office Phrases Quiz

What does “FYI” Stand for?

a) For Your Interest

b) For Your Idea

c) For Your Information

d) For Your Insist

Page 32: Business English: Office Phrases Quiz

It's a lot of work, but I can __________________________ it. a) managementb) handlec) deal d) take

Page 33: Business English: Office Phrases Quiz

It's a lot of work, but I can __________________________ it. a) managementb) handlec) deal d) take

Page 34: Business English: Office Phrases Quiz

I'm sorry, but could you please __________________________ what you mean by that?

a) clarifyb) sayc) clearly sayd) say again

Page 35: Business English: Office Phrases Quiz

I'm sorry, but could you please __________________________ what you mean by that?

a) clarifyb) sayc) clearly sayd) say again

Page 36: Business English: Office Phrases Quiz

I think our meetings are _______________ because we oftenend up talking for too long and wasting time.

a) anti-productiveb) improductivec) counter-productived) productive

Page 37: Business English: Office Phrases Quiz

I think our meetings are _______________ because we oftenend up talking for too long and wasting time.

a) anti-productiveb) improductivec) counter-productived) productive

Page 38: Business English: Office Phrases Quiz

I’m ___________ for lunch. I’ll be back around 2:30.

a) going outb) going awayc) outd) eating outside

Page 39: Business English: Office Phrases Quiz

I’m ___________ for lunch. I’ll be back around 2:30.

a) going outb) going awayc) outd) eating outside