business english upper intermediate

Business English Upper Intermediate U1S09 John Silberstein [email protected]

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Business English Upper Intermediate. U1S09 John Silberstein [email protected]. Agenda. Writing a cover letter. Writing. Cover Letter. WHAT SHOULD YOUR COVER LETTER DO FOR YOU ? It should answer the question - Why should I hire you? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Business English Upper Intermediate


John [email protected]

Page 2: Business English Upper Intermediate


•Writing a cover letter

Page 3: Business English Upper Intermediate

WritingCover Letter


It should answer the question - Why should I hire you?

It should grab the employers attention and point out why you, above all other

applicants, should be contacted for a personal interview.

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WritingCover Letter

Parts of a cover letter:

your contact information,employer contact information,salutation,body of cover letter,

first paragraph,middle paragraphs,final paragraphs,

complimentary close,signature.

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WritingCover Letter: Your Contact InformationYou contact information should include your name, permanent address, phone number and an email


As a student, you will want to consider which address you will use. You may not be living with your family, but you may want to use this address because you may be easier to contact through this

address than any other. Any employer who will review your CV/Resume will see your University and address and understand what the address


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WritingCover Letter: Your Contact InformationYou contact information should include your name, permanent address, phone number and an email


You should need only include your cell number. You may want to consider a second land line also.

You may want to consider creating a new email address just for your job search, especially if your primary email is not professional or you have been using the University e-mail and there is a chance

this will be turned off.

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WritingCover Letter: Your Contact Information

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WritingCover Letter: Employer Contact Information

Include all the information that you may have. The available

information may be limited.

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WritingCover Letter: Employer Contact Information

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WritingCover Letter: Salutation

Depending on the information provided about the opportunity, you may not have the name of the person your are contacting.

If hyou do not have a name you have to acceptable options:

omit the salutation complete and proceed to the first paragraph or

address the letter, “Dear Sir/Madam,”.

The second form is more traditional and you would have definitely used this form in the past.

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WritingCover Letter: Salutation

In a cover letter, it is always best to be conservative in your use of salutation.

If the name give for the address is “Jane Smith” you should start, “Dear Ms. Smith”.

You should never use “Mrs.” in a salutation unless it is specifically given as part of the contact information.

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WritingCover Letter: First Paragraph

State why you are writing; how you learned of the organization or position, and basic information

about yourself.

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WritingCover Letter: First Paragraph

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WritingCover Letter: Middle Paragraphs

Tell why you are interested in the employer or type of work the employer does (Simply stating that you are

interested does not tell why, and can sound like a form letter). Demonstrate that you know enough about the employer or position to relate your background to the employer or position. Mention specific qualifications which make you a good fit for the employer’s needs.

(Focus on what you can do for the employer, not what the employer can do for you.) This is an opportunity to explain in more detail relevant items in your resume.

Refer to the fact that your resume is enclosed. Mention other enclosures if such are required to apply for a


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WritingCover Letter: Middle Paragraphs

You indicate that a requirement for the position is a track record of success in meeting sales goals. I have done this. After completion of my B.S. in biology, and prior to beginning my master’s degree in marketing, I worked for two years as a sales representative with a regional whole foods company.  My efforts yielded success in new business development, and my sales volume consistently met or exceeded company goals. I would like to repeat that success in the pharmaceutical industry, using my academic background in science and business. I will complete my M.S. in marketing in mid-May and will be available to begin employment in early June.

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WritingCover Letter: Middle Paragraphs

My diverse and intense academic, professional, and leadership experiences would make me a valuable asset to Eastern PG Arbor. Currently, as a professional Student Admissions Associate, I assist in promoting Trinity College to prospective students and parents. I am responsible for interviewing and evaluating students as well as leading group information sessions. Since I work with people every day in a business setting, I have developed strong interpersonal and communication skills.

My leadership experience, particularly with the President’s Special Council on Women, is another example of my strong sense of responsibility and motivation. As a council member concerned with the rights of women, I have brought fierce new ideas onto the agenda, such as bringing student leaders together to discuss how to create a more active community at Trinity. As a result of this idea, the council along with other student leaders has begun planning a leadership forum for next semester. In all of my business experiences, my motivation and energy has ignited me to work hard and accomplish goals.

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WritingCover Letter: Final Paragraphs

Indicate that you would like the opportunity to interview for a position or to talk with the employer to learn more

about their opportunities or hiring plans.

State what you will do to follow up, such as telephone the employer within two weeks.

If you will be in the employer’s location and could offer to schedule a visit, indicate when.

State that you would be glad to provide the employer with any additional information needed.

Thank the employer for her/his consideration.

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WritingCover Letter: Final Paragraphs

I would enjoy being a part of your company and am available for an interview at your convenience. You can contact me at 555-1212 or leave a message at 555-1234. I look forward to hearing from you.

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WritingCover Letter: Final Paragraphs

I look forward to talking with you regarding sales opportunities with Acme Pharmaceuticals. Within the next week I will contact you to confirm that you received my e-mail and resume and to answer any questions you may have.

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WritingCover Letter: Final Paragraphs

My resume and transcript are enclosed for your evaluation. I will contact you on the week of Augustl 30th to schedule a time in which I may further discuss my qualifications for the Marketing position. Thank you for your time and consideration.

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WritingCover Letter: Complimentary Close


Best Regards,


Sincerely Yours,

Respectfully Yours,

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WritingCover Letter: Signature

For a handwritten letter, your signature should be hand written.

For a letter sent via email, you may omit your address information at the top and include your address information at the bottom (as in an email, auto signature).