business environment

by select global bodies

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Page 1: Business environment

by select global bodies

Page 2: Business environment

Ranking by ‘Doing Business Project’ ( a World Bank Group)

The Doing Business Project (World Bank Group) presents quantitative indicators on the regulatory aspects of BE that can now be compared across 183 economies.

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Regulations affecting 10 stages of a business’s life are measured:

» starting a business, » dealing with licenses, » employing workers, » registering property, » getting credit,

» protecting investors, » paying taxes, » trading across borders, » enforcing contracts and » closing a business.

Data in the ‘Doing Business 2011’ report are current as of June 1, 2010.

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Ease of Doing

Business Rank

Starting a


Dealing with





Getting Credit



Paying Taxes

Trading Across Borders



Closing a Business

Singapore 1 4 2 15 6 2 4 1 13 2

Hong Kong 2 6 1 56 2 3 3 2 2 15

New Zealand 3 1 5 3 2 1 26 28 9 16

United Kingdom 4 17 16 22 2 10 16 15 23 7

United States 5 9 27 12 6 5 62 20 8 14

South Africa 34 75 52 91 2 10 24 149 85 74

China 79 151 181 38 65 93 114 50 15 68

Egypt, Arab Rep. 94 18 154 93 72 74 136 21 143 131

Indonesia 121 155 60 98 116 44 130 47 154 142

Brazil 127 128 112 122 89 74 152 114 98 132

India 134 165 177 94 32 44 164 100 182 134

Economy Rankings (June 2010)

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Now, Sub national Reports brought out by the Doing Business Project are also available in their website which compare the ease of doing business in different parts of a country.

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EconomyEase of Doing

Business Rank Starting



PropertyPaying Taxes

Trading Across Borders

Enforcing Contract

Closing Business

Ludhiana 1 7 7 11 1 12 4 2Hyderabad 2 4 4 9 13 13 1 1

Bhubaneshwar 3 5 8 17 9 1 5 5Gurgaon 4 9 2 1 7 17 14 6

Ahmedabad 5 14 4 2 11 3 16 4New Delhi 6 1 4 7 7 14 12 6

Jaipur 7 3 13 3 2 14 7 14Guwahati 8 13 12 14 6 7 2 12

Ranchi 9 15 9 6 4 8 11 13Mumbai 10 12 17 5 4 3 17 3Indore 11 8 13 10 10 11 10 9Noida 12 6 9 12 2 16 7 16

Bengaluru 13 17 1 4 12 9 15 8Patna 14 2 9 15 15 10 2 15

Chennai 15 10 3 16 17 2 7 10Kochi 16 16 15 7 14 5 6 10

Kolkata 17 10 16 13 16 6 13 17

Ease of Doing Business: Comparison of Indian Cities

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The Doing Business Project ranking information of course do not throw light on many important aspects of BE like the quality of a country’s infrastructure, size and attractiveness of its market, macroeconomic conditions and many others.

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Agency: World Bank

Web site

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By using the information made available by different global bodies, World Bank prepares BE Snapshots to show a country’s relative ranking in the globe in terms of specific BE parameters.

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# Indicator & AgencyRank

Scale Trend over past year2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

1 Business Environment Index

62 62 61



EIU - Global Outlook Report (82) (82) (82)

2 Control of Corruption Indicator  111 103 92



World Bank Group (202) (201) (201)

3 Regulatory Quality

107 106 105



World Bank Group (202) (200) (200)

4 Country Credit Rating 51 55 58 58



Institutional Investor (178) (174) (174) (173)

5 Index of Economic Freedom

123 116 119 130



The Heritage Foundation and the Wall Street Journal (179) (157) (157) (157)

6 Political Risk Rating (ICRG) 80 84 97 88 81



PRS Group (140) (140) (140) (140) (140)

7 Doing Business Ranking 134 135

1-1832  World Bank Group (183) (183)


Quality of National Business Environment Ranking

33 30


World Economic Forum - Global Competitiveness Report (127) (111)

Global Ranking of India’s BE (2010)

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World Bank’s BE Snapshots list only seven global rankings. However, rankings are done by some other organisations as listed below:

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Organization Indicator

A.T. Kearney FDI Confidence Index

AccountAbility National Corporate Responsibility Index

Business Monitor Online* Business Environment Ranking

Fraser Institute Economic Freedom of the World Index

IMD* World Competitiveness Index

The Kurtzman Group Opacity Index

The PRS Group -International Country Risk Guide* Financial Risk Rating

The PRS Group -International Country Risk Guide* Economic Risk Rating

Transparency International Corruption Perception Index


World Economic Forum – Global Competitiveness Report Growth Competitiveness Index

World Economic Forum – Global Competitiveness Report Business Competitiveness Index

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Agency: weforum

Web site

ReportGlobal Competitiveness Report

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The Global Competitiveness Report’s country-rankings are based on the Global Competitiveness Index (GCI), developed for the World Economic Forum by Sala-i-Martin and first introduced in 2004.

The GCI is based on 12 pillars of competitiveness.

The pillars are: institutions, infrastructure, macroeconomic environment, health and primary education, higher education and training, goods market efficiency, labour market efficiency, financial market development, technological readiness, market size, business sophistication, and innovation.

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The 2010 report covers 139 economies.

The survey captures a broad range of factors affecting an economy’s business climate.

The report also includes comprehensive listings of the main strengths and weaknesses of countries.

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  Rank  Score (1–7)GCI 2010–2011 (out of 139) 51 4.3GCI 2009–2010 (out of 133) 49 4.3GCI 2008–2009 (out of 134) 50 4.3

Basic requirements 81 4.31st pillar: Institutions 58 42nd pillar: Infrastructure 86 3.53rd pillar: Macroeconomic environment 73 4.54th pillar: Health and primary education 104 5.2

Efficiency enhancers 38 4.45th pillar: Higher education and training 85 3.96th pillar: Goods market efficiency 71 4.17th pillar: Labor market efficiency 92 4.28th pillar: Financial market development 17 4.99th pillar: Technological readiness 86 3.310th pillar: Market size 4 6.1

Innovation and sophistication factors 42 411th pillar: Business sophistication 44 4.312th pillar: Innovation 39 3.6

Global Competitiveness Index

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Overall assessment

• The investment climate and the competitive condition in India have shown hardly any improvement in the recent past.

• There are in fact four areas where serious attention need to be given on a priority basis to improve India’s competitive ranking and also to facilitate speedier economic development.

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1. Physical Infrastructure: electricity supply, roads, port infrastructure & overall connectivity

2. Controlling Corruption and improving overall governance standard.

3. Social sectors: Eradication of Poverty and Health & Education

4. Reduction of gender disparity & improving Female participation in labor force