business legit report

SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE, BUILDING AND DESIGN FOUNDATION IN NATURAL AND BUILT ENVIRONMENT INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS [BUS30104] CHARITY DRIVE EVENT BUSINESS REPORT Group Members: Pui Chun Shian ( Leader ) [0323470] Cryslyn Tan Zhia Lyn [0324249] Calvin Wong Kim Ming [0323642] Dixon Kee Tet Lun [0323944] Jack Chung Da Jie [0323948] Ti Cheng Jie [0323531] Zachary Ooi Cheng En [0323120] Chiang Lin Chew [0322923] Brandon Liaw Jun Quan [0323467] Loon Jing Wei [0322074] Su Bang Zheng [0323160]

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Group Members:

Pui Chun Shian ( Leader ) [0323470] Cryslyn Tan Zhia Lyn [0324249] Calvin Wong Kim Ming [0323642] Dixon Kee Tet Lun [0323944] Jack Chung Da Jie [0323948] Ti Cheng Jie [0323531] Zachary Ooi Cheng En [0323120] Chiang Lin Chew [0322923] Brandon Liaw Jun Quan [0323467] Loon Jing Wei [0322074] Su Bang Zheng [0323160] Adam Pandor [0322743] Raveender Corona [0322490] Anderson Wong [0323836]

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Key Summary 3Objectives 4

Target Market 5Competition Analysis 6

Product and Packaging 7-8Pricing 9

Promotion 10Sponsors 11

Distribution 12Green Measures 13

Human Resource Planning 14Evaluation of Results 15-16

Appendix 17-19Conclusion 20

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Key SummaryIn a group of 14, we had been given a task to organize a Charity Drive event to raise

funds to donate for a charity organization to help solve social issues that happens around the world. At the same time, it is a very good opportunity for students like us taking the module , Introduction to Business which gives a benefit to further understand by on hand experience and learn about how a business functions and set for goals.

After numerous discussion within the group, our group has decided to raise funds by selling Onigiris, Soya Bean drinks, Chocolate Brownies, Ice lollies, Oreo Truffles and also Tau Fu Fah. In addition, we chose Onigiri as our main product as it is a very famous Japanese snack. Along the way, we found a supplier who is willing to give us cheaper price for the Onigiri which they supplied to us so that we can further raise our funds and donate to help those in need.

All profits will be donated to an organization called United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. The purpose of this organization is to provide money for refugees where charity donations will help them by paying resource fee and any expenses involved. We chose this organization because we believe every youth deserves a chance to learn and experience more about the world, and also this issue has been increasing yearly. The least we can do is to donate the amount targeted to the HQ. Regarding on what happens around them, giving them opportunity to be part of the impact to the society, start off by learning and educating the basics. Besides that, we also believe that everyone deserves to get help, to collaborate with each other and make our world a better place.

A total of RM2800.00 had been raised by our group.

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ObjectivesIn relation to this project, we were required to donate the full amount of our profit to

support a charity organization of our choice. Due to the recent tragedy that hit Malaysia, we have chosen to donate all our profit to UNHCR. The method we have decided to transact the money to them is we going to hand up the cash we earn as profit straight to them.

Reasons as to why we have decided to do so is because we want to do charity with our business project in order to help those people who need our help. We opened our stall for four days consecutively which is 26th to 29th January 2015, this creating a new opportunity for us to achieve our business target.

After thorough discussion among our team before the charity drive event, we have set our target donation amount as a minimum of RM 2800.00. In consideration to our targeted donation amount, the pricing for each of our products and the number of days we have decided to open our stall (four days in Taylor’s University Lakeside Campus.

Our targeted sales unit for each product is listed below:-

• 40 cups of Tao Fu Fah for the first day and 30 for the next consecutive days• 200 packets of homemade Brownies for 4 days • 10 bottles of homemade Soya Bean for the first day and 40 for the next few days• 110 packet of Oishi Onigiri for the first day, 100 for the second day, 90 for the third day

and finally 100 again for the last day

The reason why the units for each product differs each day because the popularity of each product changes daily. Thus to maximize profit, we have to reduce the least demand product and increase the higher demand products.

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TARGET MARKETMost of our customers are the students studying in Taylor’s University. The most

popular demand from students from a charity sale are food products. Thus selling our products such as onigiris, brownies, ice lollies, oreo truffles and tau fu fah would attract lots of students. It is also known that most of the students have a budget plan. In other words, they have a limited amount of money to spend.

Besides that, since we have 14 members in our group, there are also more friends who support us throughout the sales. No matter what we sell and how much it is cost, they would still buy from us because they understand how hard it is to sell, especially during this period of time where there isn’t much students in the campus. Since our friends are also students, they also have limited cash.

Another group of people who are our customers are the staffs, especially the lecturers. Most lecturers we encountered in the staff rooms supported us and even donated a generous amount of money to the charity organization as well. Since most of the staffs are adults, they don’t really have a budget plan.

Overall, all of the group of people mention above were willing to donate their money to the charity organization, UNHCR.

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COMPETITION ANALYSISThe first competitor is Happy’s group. They sold drinks, gift cards and also onigiris. Their

group’s strength is that their onigiris are sold at a lower price which is RM4 for most of the flavours except for salmon which is sold at rm4.50, while our group we sold all our onigiris at rm5 for all flavours. Their weaknesses are that they do not have much promotions for their products. Besides that, their onigiris have less flavours than our group. Customers also gave their comment saying that our onigiris tasted much nicer than Happy’s group because our onigiris have more fillings compared to theirs.

The other competitor is Jie En’s group. They mainly sold ice cream puff, sweet corn and also ice lollies, but they called it popsicles. Their groups strength is that their popsicles had much more unique flavours compared to ours, but their weakness was that their popsicles were much expensive than ours. On the other hand, our group also had a promotion which offered 1 for rm2 and 2 for rm3. Customers actually buy from both sides because different people have different preference.

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PRODUCT AND PACKAGINGDuring the charity drive, we sold quite a number of products. We had Onigiri, Tau Fu

Fah, Soy Milk, Brownies, Ice lollies and Oreo Truffle. Six different types of products from the customers could choose from.

Short description for each product:

1. Onigiri – it is a Japanese food made with white rice formed into a triangle shape and wrapped in seaweed. We had different types of fillings to offer namely chicken, tuna, salmon, ebiko and octopus.

2. Tau Fu fah – a Chinese snack/dessert made with very soft tofu (a food made by coagulating soy milk).

3. Soya Bean – a plant milk produced by soaking dried soybeans and grinding them in water.

4. Brownies – flat, baked dessert square (chocolate flavor)5. Ice Lollies – We offered different types of flavors, like Ribena, Mango etc. 6. Oreo Truffle – Oreo cookie crumbs blended and covered with chocolate.

The Onigiri and Brownies were wrapped in plastic. It was a very simple packaging. For the Tau Fu Fah, it was put in small round clear containers whereas the Soy Milk was in a plastic bottle.

Clear plastic wrap for the Brownies

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Clear plastic wrap for the Onigiri

Clear Plastic bottles for Soy Milk and clear Plastic containers for Tau Fu Fah

The packaging for the onigiris were the most eye catching ones so it was the one that was sold the quickest. Besides that, customers also gave us reviews saying that it is packaged very attractively. For the brownies, the packaging isn’t really attractive so it didn’t really attract the customers to buy it. The ice lollies were packaged normally but they were in an ice box which customers couldn’t really see and they weren’t really sold quickly. The tau fu fah and soya bean were packaged normally and customers do not mind how they look as long as the taste is good. For the oreo truffles, it was packaged poorly because we didn’t had time to get a good packaging. Thus it was the slowest selling product.

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PRICINGWe sold different varities of food products which fell under the category of snacks and

desserts. Below are the list of products and its selling and cost price that we sold during the sales:

Selling Price Cost Price

Onigiris - RM5 -RM2.50 Brownies - RM4 -RM1.80 Tau Fu Fah - RM4 -RM1.50 Soya Bean - RM4 -RM2.50 Ice Lollies - RM2 -RM1 Oreo Truffles - RM5 -RM2

Our most popular products were onigiris, tau fu fah and soya bean. Onigiris were packaged nicely and it attracted lots of customers. The least popular ones were the ice lollies and oreo truffles. Customers gave us review saying that the products weren’t appealing enough.

For the oreo truffles, we decided to sell them at RM4 for the last 2 days and it was sold faster than before. For the ice lollies, we decided to let customers donate any amount to the charity and let them take one ice lolly after donating. It also sold out faster than before as well.

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PROMOTIONFor promotions, we are advocating the message of 'Save the Refugees'. It is simple and

straightforward which donators can understand more easily. When donators ask more questions, we explain more about the charity we have chosen such as the refugees come from places like Cambodia and Vietnam.

We chose this charity as on the Internet, the biggest news medium there is, there are a lot of uprising news about refugees from all around the world and many of them who are still stuck in their country and want to seek refuge. They stuck in a war torn country and want to find safety in a new place. A lot of people suffer from malnutrition and need access to basic supplies. We want to help them in anyway we can and this charity event gave us the opportunity to. Our main tools for promoting are the Internet, specifically social media such as Facebook and also posters.

We used Facebook to promote the charity sale and tried to get more people to attend our charity drive. We asked for donators through Facebook if anyone would love to help. We also made posters digitally and then printed them out so that people could see what we were selling from far away. We had deals such as buy 2 for less and buy 2 get 1 free. During the last day, we had a promotion where you could donate any amount and get a free ice lolly. That promotion worked really well for us. We chose Facebook as it is the biggest social media we teenagers use. We were trying to get more young adults from other universities to come and support us. The posters were used to show which charity we were supporting and to show the prices of each of our items plus the deals we were having

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SponsorsWe actually try to approach big company such as Nestle to sponsor us cash or the

product itself but it was rejected. Nestle is a company which produces products such as Milo and Vico. Initially, my group and I intended to sell Milo drinks which comes well with our homemade oreo truffle, but unfortunately it couldn’t be done. Besides that, they are also very financially stable so we thought we could get a bit of sponsors from them.

The sponsors that we received from are from our group members’ own family members or friends. Our group leader’s friend’s dad, Mr Yeo who sponsored a generous amount of RM100. Our group leader approach Mr. Yeo through his daughter who is a student from FNBE January Intake 2015. Not to forget that each of our group members donated RM50 which adds up to a total of RM700.

Oishi Onigiri is the one of the company which we ordered onigiris from. They were generous enough to reduce the cost of each onigiris to RM2.50 which made our profits much more. For this company, our leader contacted Jenna, the person-in-charge, through FaceBook and manage to get the offer by offering to promote their brand in return.

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DISTRIBUTIONWe found our supplier for the onigiris from Oishi Onigiri. Their nearest branch is located

at Seri Petaling where they supply us the amount we asked for. The onigiris are delivered to the campus latest by 10am in the morning. The onigiris are freshly-made every day and they didn’t charge us delivery fees. They also provide us a big yellow basket which allowed us to sell the onigiris around the campus. Besides that, we also had these beautiful atrractive baskets which were used as well.

For the brownies, we got the supplier’s detail from one of our seniors from the January Intake. The brownies are supplied from English Hot Breads. We ordered 2 boxes of brownies which contained 100 in each boxes. The brownies were freshly made and refrigerated when we got them. We would also refrigerate the brownies ourselves after each day of the sales and take it out the next day to be sold again. The brownies were able to withstand 1 week if refrigerated daily.

Customers don’t have to wait at all for the products because all of the products sold are already made. They can just buy and instantly eat the food from our stalls. The only short delay was that if customers asked for a cold soya bean or tau fu fah, we would have to get it under the table in a polystyrene container where the products were kept cold.

For our business, customers cannot purchase our products online or via phone. But to get more profit, some of our members were scheduled to walk around the campus and sold the food to students.

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GREEN MEASURESFor this whole business sales, we actually used 3 methods in environmentally-friendly


First, to prevent the littering of rubbish, we pinned a poster on our signboard which stated that no littering is allowed in to keep the surrounding area clean and tidy. The poster was in an A3 size so it would be easily noticeable by the customers.

Besides that, we also set up our own rubbish bin beside our stall. Since we sold products such as onigirs, brownies, oreo truffle and ice lollies which used plastic as the packaging, it would be very convenient for customers to throw the rubbish into the rubbish bin. Most of the customers bought the ice lollies and wanted to eat them immediately. So we prepared a scissor and cut off the knot and threw it into the bin.

Finally, we also had a plastic bags in case customers bought a lot and needed it to carry it around. We would only give the plastic bag if the customers asked for it. As we all the, wastage of plastic bags is increasing year by year and this is the least that we can do.

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Human Resource & PlanningThroughout the discussion with our groupmates, tasks have been distributed along our

groupmates equally. This is to prevent unwanted miscommunications so that the business will run smoothly. The leader of this team is Pui Chun Shian, while the members are Dixon Kee, Jack Chung, Loon Jing Wei, Brandon Liaw, Su Bang Zheng, Alfred Ti, Zachary Ooi, Klaus Chiang, Adam Pandor, Raveender Singh, Anderson Wong and Cryslyn Tan. Jobs are distributed equally as I told just now to prevent any conflicts

Organizational chart and job scopes


Strengths : Leadership skills Job scopes :- Lead and manage the business team and ensure that assigned tasks are carried out as planned.- Contact and arrange all matters regarding the charity organization.- Host regular meetings to discuss in detail about the event.- Convey important messages from the lecturer and ensure that members are clearly notified.- Discuss and plan relevant business strategies to be implemented.


Strengths : High conscientiousness

Job scopes :- Propose detailed planning about how the sales are to be executed.- Propose effective sales strategies to maximize profit and achieve business target.- Analyze the market as well as our fellow competitors to propose critical sales solutions that fit with current situations.



Strengths : Highly persuasive, Photoshop and poster design

Job scopes :- Propose effective promotional strategies to boost our sales.- Propose ways and methods to implement decided strategies and plans.- Prepare advertising tools such as posters and other printed materials.


Strengths : Knowledgeable in accounting

Job scopes :- Prepare needed accounting materials such as receipt books and calculator.- Ensure that all transactions are recorded clearly and all receipts are kept.- Propose budgeting and ways to ensure that all transactions can be recorded clearly after sales.

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Evaluation of Results The main goal for this event was to donate our target amount, RM2,800 to the charity organization, UNHCR, United Nations High Commissioners for Refugees through the charity sales.

Each of group members were assigned to their respective tasks by our group leader, Pui Chun Shian. At first, we were in a group of 9 people. Due to some adjustments, our group became a group of 14 members and our target was adjusted to RM2,800 from RM2,000.

Firstly, we approached a few companies, people and request their sponsorship. After few attempts, we each also sponsor RM50 as capital to purchase our stock. Actually, it was quite difficult for us to find suppliers who were willing to sponsor us with their goods. Thanks to one of our group member, Cryslyn Tan, she managed to find a company who were willing to sponsor us half the amount of the cost price of the product, which was the onigiris.

Furthermore, with the cooperation of all of our group members, we have managed to run our business from morning 9am to 6pm evening everyday. We run our business together so that we can sell more stuffs everyday but for those we have to attend their classes we will took shifts to run our business. So, we were actually running our business all the time. The system we used was very efficient and that did not adversely affect our business or our classes.

In the nutshell, we feel that our business was run very smoothly during this few days of our charity event. At the end, we successfully achieve RM2,800.00. We felt so happy because we try our very best to hit our target. The most important we have to help other group each other so that we can achieve our target together.

As for what we did wrong, we feel that each member put in his/her best effort in our charity drive and we are happy with our outcome. However, there were times when we received negative feedback from a lot of customers who would either ignore us or even insult of our products. This really disheartened us and there were times when our low moral affected our sales. Nevertheless, we have learnt a very important lesson and that is, people will say what they want to say and we must never allow it to affect us.

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P & L STATEMENTProfit & Loss Report for the Charity Event


Less : Cost Of Goods Sold

Gross ProfitAdd : Donation Box Revenue Sponsorships Adjusted Gross Profit

Less: Operating Expenses1) Selling Expenses

- Delivery Fees2) General Expenses

- Dry Ice and Normal Ice- Typhoid Injection

3) Financial Expenses- Donation to other groups

Total Operating Expenses

Net Profit






RM2,022 RM1,658RM602RM1,000RM3,260



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Receipts for ice lollies syrups and ingredients for oreo truffles

Receipts for onigirs

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Charity Organization Receipt

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ConclusionRunning a business isn’t as easy as it seems. To ensure the success of a business, there

are lots of difficulties faced by the business. Through this charity sale, we learned that patience is the most important thing. Charity sales’ products will always be much more expensive than normal pricing. Thus, it was harder for us to convince them to buy. Secondly, team work is important. If you have a team of unmotivated members, then you will also be discouraged to sell your products. Team spirit is very important to complete one task. The most important thing is sincerity. If you are sincere, customers would gladly buy from you.