business nabil

Toyota is known as one of the best car manufacturers in the world today. It has been claimed that Toyota is the third largest automobile manufacturer in 2011. The Japanese company’s commitment in producing automobiles of great quality for their customers is a well-known fact today. Furthermore, their cars are sold at a very affordable price. In just 25 years, Toyota has gone from being a little known Japanese start-up to the world’s largest auto manufacturer. In the process of achieving this impressive feat, Toyota has leapfrogged longtime giants General Motors and Ford who have been competing between themselves as the top car manufacturers for more than 70 years. As for introduction, Toyota Motor Corporation is a company from Japan whose businesses are mainly focused on the automobile and financial business. The company basically is divided into three major segments of business. The three major segments are Automobile Segment, which focuses on the design and the structure of the car products, Financial Segment which focuses in the provision of financial record and analysis and the last one being the Others Segment which involves the design and manufacture other kinds of business. This shows that Toyota is a very well-organised company and contributes to them being a very good company in terms of performance. Here are some reasons why and what are the effects on them being a very good performing company. There is a saying; “to do great is to look further ahead.” This is what Toyota has been doing since the very start. They do not go for a short-term benefits, but they always do something that is beneficial in a very long period of time. Long-term planning is how they start manufacturing cars. They do not respond to trends, fads and quarterly numbers in designing a car that would fit in today’s trend. Instead they look further ahead, something that will benefit people for a long time. Toyota Prius Hybrid is one good example. When it was first released, the fuel price wasn’t as high as today and so people were underestimating the car. But today, it is a car that leads the hybrid technology line of cars and since the fuel price is very high, the car is one of the most sought-after cars, mainly because of its efficiency in energy consumption. Not just that, Toyota is also one of the companies that know how to learn from mistakes by figuring what went wrong and why. They always figure out what better processes can be put in place for the future. This also leads to always producing a good long-term cars, in terms of almost everything.

Upload: ahmad-taqiyuddin

Post on 07-Nov-2015




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Toyota is known as one of the best car manufacturers in the world today. It has been claimed that Toyota is the third largest automobile manufacturer in 2011. The Japanese companys commitment in producing automobiles of great quality for their customers is a well-known fact today. Furthermore, their cars are sold at a very affordable price. In just 25 years, Toyota has gone from being a little known Japanese start-up to the worlds largest auto manufacturer. In the process of achieving this impressive feat, Toyota has leapfrogged longtime giants General Motors and Ford who have been competing between themselves as the top car manufacturers for more than 70 years. As for introduction, Toyota Motor Corporation is a company from Japan whose businesses are mainly focused on the automobile and financial business. The company basically is divided into three major segments of business. The three major segments are Automobile Segment, which focuses on the design and the structure of the car products, Financial Segment which focuses in the provision of financial record and analysis and the last one being the Others Segment which involves the design and manufacture other kinds of business. This shows that Toyota is a very well-organised company and contributes to them being a very good company in terms of performance. Here are some reasons why and what are the effects on them being a very good performing company.

There is a saying; to do great is to look further ahead. This is what Toyota has been doing since the very start. They do not go for a short-term benefits, but they always do something that is beneficial in a very long period of time. Long-term planning is how they start manufacturing cars. They do not respond to trends, fads and quarterly numbers in designing a car that would fit in todays trend. Instead they look further ahead, something that will benefit people for a long time. Toyota Prius Hybrid is one good example. When it was first released, the fuel price wasnt as high as today and so people were underestimating the car. But today, it is a car that leads the hybrid technology line of cars and since the fuel price is very high, the car is one of the most sought-after cars, mainly because of its efficiency in energy consumption. Not just that, Toyota is also one of the companies that know how to learn from mistakes by figuring what went wrong and why. They always figure out what better processes can be put in place for the future. This also leads to always producing a good long-term cars, in terms of almost everything.

Other than that, since it is the modern era with internet almost reachable at anywhere and anytime, Toyota has taken a good step by having a very efficient social media team that can be reached by their customers almost 24/7. This team, they provide responses and views in real time for the customers especially when it comes to their cars problems. This increases the ability for the company to reach out and have a dialog with their valuable or potential customers, as they will always listen and make things better for the customers. Toyota is also well-known for their loyal and deep relationships with the customers. Thanks to their customer service team, it is very important for the company to always make their customers feel that the brand Toyota is very reliable and can be trusted. The stand to never complain about what the customers say, accept their mistakes, repair them and move forward is something that other companies do not practice regularly. Plus this is an age when customers can be kept up to date on what is happening at the company and what is the news about new releases. It is important to once again build the faith that Toyota drivers held in their brand.

The best thing about the people of Toyota is that the bosses or managers are not someone who only give out orders or instructions but they are more like coaches or fasilitators for the workers. This basically improves the manager-worker relationship as they do not only give out orders and want it to be done just right, but they also ensure that the workers have the passion to do everything right as well, not just following instructions. This might sound like a cliche but the way Toyota handle their staff is too good that they always seem to treat facts better than opinions, even if the opinions come from a very high level of worker. Even the environment of the workplace is developed in a way that the workers can share their knowledge between them. The higher-rank worker always treat the lower-rank worker like their proteges. Not just that, Toyota employees are being taught to always find a way to contribute. It does not matter if its about improving the companys policy or anything but its the spirit of having the urge to do continual improvement in their employees that make Toyota a better company from time to time.

For all these reasons on why Toyota is a great company, the effects can be easily seen in the world today. For example, we can see Toyota cars on the road almost on any road in any countries in the world today. How they focus on improving the little things like their employees performance and principles is highly rated since it has been proven that those little things bring out bigger success as Toyota is the most sucessful Asias car manufacturer in the history and they never stop. Their continuous effort in improving their customers way of moving with their vehicles is very impressive. Other companies should take them as an example especially for the other automobile companies in Asia. Toyota has proven to the world that starting from small is never wrong, because it is the attitude and the little things that matter the most. Perhaps it is their vision in continuous improvement is the only way to success that made them a very good performing company.