business research. farm house

Business Research Methods Teacher | Dr. Theerachote Pongtaveewould. Subject Code | 700-111 Semester | 3/2014 CREATED BY | PRABIN RAI (MAC) 55 1 719 0 045 [email protected] 1

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Page 1: Business Research. Farm house

Business Research MethodsTeacher | Dr. Theerachote Pongtaveewould.

Subject Code | 700-111

Semester | 3/2014


55 1 719 0 045

[email protected]


Page 2: Business Research. Farm house


The Company does not conduct business solely for profit only. But a philosophy that seeks to produce quality so that consumers get the most performance based on four reasons.

Company’s Background

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Company’s Background

1. Best raw material widely To get the best quality products

2. To develop products to meet the nutritional needs of Thailand dynamically.

3. The development of production technology and management to create better quality always.

4. Fresh take safety so that consumers get the best.

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The Company intends to maintain its leadership in the production and distribution of bread and other bakery wholesaler in standardized and consistent quality. Including a commitment to development. More new products to provide consumers with more choice. Expanding market to new consumers, develop original products that have added value to meet the needs and habits. Consumers are constantly changing.

Company’s Background

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VisionIs a leading manufacturer and distributor of bakery products of all types? The popular building and satisfaction to consumers.

Mission1. Committed to developing and producing products that meet

the quality, safety and nutritional value.2. The use of technology in modern production and high

efficiency.3. Administrative Development and effective management

continued.4. Build confidence and satisfaction to those involved.

Company’s Background

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Company President's Bakery Limited (the Company) was incorporated in the product portfolio. Line Food Chain Sahapathanapibul Ltd. was founded by Dr. artificial Chokwathana the food product lines.

History of the Company

Saha is one of the products received. And a highly successful example of Mama instant noodles and biscuits Nissin both products contain wheat which is the main raw material in production. The concept to expand into bread lines and bakeries which use it. Flour is a raw material as well in those households, bakeries, mostly small and family run business products

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available on the market, it is no quality standards consistent lack of development, both in terms of products, distribution systems and maintenance. Good deal Understanding consumer products. Bakery quality standards are minimal. Market size and popularity of the consumption of bakery also not much.

However, at the time when the government has to support the industry. Production for commuting Instead of importing a particular industry. Which is based on agriculture, coupled with the lifestyle of the people of Thailand to change. The rural population moving into society. More urban countries the role of foreigners moving into more countries.

History of the Company

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With all the factors these opportunities bakery products can meet Thailand's lifestyle even better.

Therefore, the Company's President Bakery Limited was established in 2525 with the specific objective to produce and distribute bread and products. Bakery quality standards. Under the international standards “Farmhouses”.

History of the Company

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1. Identify a company that you may gain access to be departmental manager (introduction of the company)


2. Interview the current functional Activities and itsimprovements areas with one manager. Show his/her Business card

Answer: Likewise Questions asked: What is the main activities of their business What is the Net Profit of this current main activity What is the expectation in the future What kind of activities are profitable in their


Assignment # 1

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OFFICE: 121/84 - 85 RS Tower Building 29th Floor, Ratchadapisek Road, Dindaeng, Bangkok 10400,Thailand.

Tel: +66 (0)2209 3000 Fax: +66 (0)2209 3091-2

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3. Search information for the specific in which the firm belong toAnswer: Bakery Product

 4. Practice writing a statement of problem for his company.Answer: Sales Drop of Farmhouse’s bread, Bread categories is different waysStandardization: Company has to improve its standard and quality according to their present price struggling with their competitors, Because of their stable price the company is facing very hardship to maintain their qualityNutritional Value: Lack of innovation of good quality ingredients.Promotional Activities tools: there should be proper use of promotional tools like visual/audio advertisement, Brand proposition , efficiency of sales force,

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1. Apply theories from either empirical research or textbooks or internet to fit your research problem.

Answer: We use empirical research, textbooks and internet

Assignment # 2

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2. Draw a schematic display of your conceptual model containing certain relationship needed in your research case.

Inefficiency of Sales Force

Sales Drop of


Different Local Brands


Import Products

Lack of Nutritious Value

Improper use of Modern Promotional


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3. Re-write part “A” with the assertion of the remaining sections, i.e. objective of the study; delimitation (scope), and importance of the study.

Answer -

Objective of the study

1. To find whether the consumers prefer local product over

Import, and find the possible causes for it.

2. To find whether the advertisement affects the preference of


3. To find out the sales drop of Farmhouse Product

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Delimitation (Scope)1. Our research has some delimitations scope described below:2. We have limited funds that may affect the activity.

Availability of sufficient funds may be helpful in producing better and more perfect results.

3. Time is other limitation. A comprehensive and perfect research may take more time we have a limited short period of time to accomplish this activity.

4. The research will be conducted in Bangkok and its surroundings. It is quite possible that results may differ if other areas of Thailand are also covered because the behavior of the market varies from period to period.

5. We are not provided with necessary data from the management side.

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Importance of the studyAim of this research is to study the influence of the independent variables i.e., hygiene, taste, convenience, nourishment and economy in use over the dependent variable, which is preference of BREAD. This study was correlational type of study. The research was analytical in nature. This was an ex-post facto research because variables were neither controlled nor manipulated and no artificial setting was created for the study. The research was a cross-sectional study. The time to complete the research is not yet confirmed. All of the data are primary in nature.

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1. Write a table of “Operationalization” of all your concepts and variables.

Answer – Structure of Operationalization Table

Assignment # 3

Labeling DefinitionOperationalcomponents


Farmhouse Bread (Bakery Products)


A staple food prepared from a dough of flour and water, usually by baking. And not made from chemicals or synthetically

Standardization Advertisement Convenience Economy Hygiene Taste

Ordinal{ Likert Scale} Excellence Very Good Good Average

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Re-write your conceptual model in correspondence to the Operationalization part.The variable of primary interest or the dependent variable is “preference for a type of bread”. The variables influencing this are independent variables:Standardization The quality of the product helps to costumer choose easily.Advertisement The proper use of promotional tools increase the sales of the

product. Convenience The more the Bread is convenient in availability and usage,

the more preference for it.Economy More economical, higher preference of the bread.Hygiene More hygienic, higher trust.Taste Better the taste of wheat and barley, higher selection of

bread.Nourishment Much nourishment value, the higher demand in daily food.Popularity It can be one of the influential factors in buying decision of

Bread. Mostly people prefer Import Breads because it is available at doorstep and they have to pay the price in form of monthly payments.

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Align part “A” in such a way that it is compatible with all of the aforementioned writings.

Unit of Analysis The research was conducted to examine people’s reference of a type of Bread regarding their considerations of convenience, economy, hygiene, taste and nourishment. As Bread is a product relating to household consumption, therefore, the unit of analysis for this research study was families of different localities belonging to different income groups.

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Population and SamplePopulation of the research undertaken comprised of the people of different localities of Bangkok. Unstructured and structured interviews were conducted using a sample of 60 respondents, taking 10 sub-samples from each of the 6 areas. These areas were:

Sathorn District Lat Phro DistrictChatuchak District Watthana DistrictKhlong San District Pathum Wan District

The whole population was equally divided into the relevant income groups so that opinion of every income group family with reference to their Bread preference could be registered.

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Analysis and Results

LocationFor finding any relationship between the use of Farmhouse Bread and the region/area of the city, the city was divided into 6 regions, and a sub-sample of 10 was taken from each area. A cross tabulation of ‘location’ with ‘use of Farmhouse Bread’ is shown below.

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Interpretation: The table shows that there is not much relation between the location and the usage of Farmhouse Bread, except areas like Chatuchak, Khlong Sant and Pathum Wan, where the usage is relatively higher, but not much significant.

LocationUse of Farmhouse Bread

TotalYes No

Sathorn District

Lat Phro District

Chatuchak District

Watthana District

Khlong Tan District

Bangkok Noi




















Total 42 18 60

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Analysis and Results

LocationFor finding any relationship between the use of Farmhouse Bread and the region/area of the city, the city was divided into 6 regions, and a sub-sample of 10 was taken from each area. A cross tabulation of ‘location’ with ‘use of Farmhouse Bread’ is shown below.

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1. State all the Null and Alternate hypotheses of your work.Answer: Null Hypothesis:Ho1= There is no relationship between Inefficiency of Sales

Force of Farmhouse Bread and Sales Drop of Farmhouse Bread

Ho2 = There is no relationship between Improper use of Modern Promotional tools of Farmhouse Bread and Sales drop of Farmhouse Bread

Ho3= There is no relationship between lake of Nutrition value of Farmhouse Bread and Sales Drop of Farmhouse Bread

Assignment # 4

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Alternatives Hypothesis:Ha1 = There is a relationship between Inefficiency of Sales

Force of Farmhouse Bread and Sales Drop of Farmhouse Bread

Ha2 = There is a relationship between Improper use of Modern Promotional tools of Farmhouse Bread and Sales drop of Farmhouse Bread

Ha3= There is a relationship between lake of Nutrition value of Farmhouse Bread and Sales Drop of Farmhouse Bread

Therefore ρ = 0

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Exhibit the test statistics of each hypothesis.Answer: The test statistic is a quantity calculated from our sample of information. Its value used to decide whether or not the null hypothesis should be rejected in our hypothesis test. Example: in hypothesis testing for the mean µ, the test statistic “z” is so large.The choice of a test statistic will depend on the assumed probability model and the hypotheses under question.

Correlation coefficient