business secrets of the wailing wall

The Kotel Secrets of The Wailing Wall By Rabbi Issamar Ginzberg

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Rabbi Issamar Ginzberg is a Rabbi, a Mohel and a descendant of the Nadvorna rabbinical dynasty. He is currently on a scholarship at the Ohr LaGolah Advanced Rabbinical Training and smicha program at Ohr Somayach in Jerusalem, Israel. Rabbi Ginzberg shares first, the business secrets of the Wailing Wall legend, then explains how he can help businesses dig deeper into the wisdom of the ages.


Page 1: Business Secrets of the Wailing Wall

The Kote lSecrets of The Wailing Wall

By Rabbi Issamar Ginzberg

Page 2: Business Secrets of the Wailing Wall

“According to the exertion is the reward”

לפום צערא אגרא

Page 3: Business Secrets of the Wailing Wall

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Table of ContentsThe Legend of The Wailing Wall (The Kotel) Page 4

The Moral of the Story Page 8

About Rabbi Issamar Ginzberg Page 12

Testimonials Page 24

Copyright & Stuff Page 31

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The KotelThe Legend of the Wailing Wall

Long ago there was a rabbinical student named Rabbi Azulai. He studied with a

master Kabbalist called the Ohr HaChaim in the hills of Morocco. They often talked of

Azulai’s future. One day Azulai asked his master, “Do you really think I should move to Israel?"

"Yes," the Ohr HaChaim told him. "But

wait. Take this note. When you arrive, place the note into a crack in the Western Wall."

Azulai promised he would go straight to the wall and do his master’s bidding the

moment he arrived. So he carefully packed his belongings and prepared to leave.


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As was the custom of the time, he took the important note from his rabbi and sewed it into the lining of his jacket for safekeeping. He wanted to be sure not to lose it.

Once he arrived in Israel, however, Azulai was so overwhelmed by the city and his new life that he promptly forgets not only his promise, but also the note sewn into his jacket.

Every day he would go to the synagogue to learn the Torah, but things were very different in Israel than Morocco. In Morocco he had had many friends and was well regarded and widely respected as a teacher. In Israel he was a stranger and had no friends. His days were filled with learning, but also with great loneliness.

It wasn’t that there was a shortage of Torah teachers in Jerusalem. Azulai was just not the kind of rabbi to push himself forward into a group without an invitation to do so.

After being at the temple one day Azulai was walking home alone. He was feeling very depressed and more alone than ever, so he began to think about his old master. Suddenly he remembered his promise and the Ohr HaChaim's note!

He immediately ran home and unstitched the lining of his jacket. It had not suffered at all from its sojourn in the lining, so Azulai breathed a sigh of relief, took


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the note and immediately ran to the Western Wall and gently inserted it into the crack. He then returned home, his task complete and his promise kept.

He returned to the synagogue the next day, forgetting about his task of the day before. He was surprised to find someone had an intricate question in Jewish law—in a chapter that he just so happened to be studying himself.

Azulai was able to answer the question immediately. Impressed by Azulai’s answer and wisdom, someone else asked him another question—which he was also able to answer. It wasn’t long before Azulai's reputation grew and he was as well known, loved and befriended as he had been in Morocco.

A local rabbi saw the change in Azulai and asked, "What happened to prompt this change?"

"Oh, nothing," Azulai said.

"I don't believe that," the rabbi protested. "Something must have acted in your favor to realign the spiritual forces. Tell


Azulai thought and thought and could think of nothing he had done differently, except …


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“The only thing I have done differently is to put a note from my teacher in the Wall,” he said. “But that is nothing.”

“Perhaps not,” the rabbi said. “But why not go down to the Wall, find the note and see what your master wrote?”

Azulai agreed, returned to wall and retrieved the note. It read, "Dear G-d, please let my student Azulai become successful in Israel."

Azulai went on to become one of the greatest Sages of his time, and is known far and wide today by the acronym, the "Chida." Many believe the Wall is the closest one may come to G-d, and that G-d read Ohr HaChaim's note and answered his request.

To this day people from all over the world come to leave their notes and requests inside the cracks of the Wall. The notes are periodically removed and buried with other religious items that are no longer used.

But wait. There’s more...


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While many people will point to this story about Azulai and say, “It was G-d who heard the master’s prayer. It was G-d who read the prayer in the wall and created good fortune for Azulai,” they forget a few important points:

Azulai was already knowledgeable and well known for his expertise, wisdom and practice in Morocco. He didn’t just “get lucky” or suddenly acquire wisdom and knowledge. He had worked his whole life to acquire the skills he had. He just needed the right opportunity and opening to “make his mark.”

He set out for Israel as part of a plan—to move in order to pursue other opportunities.

He consulted with his rabbi before he made his decision. He had some idea of what he wanted to do, but before he made the decision, packed his bags and pursued a new direction, he spoke to someone who knew more than he about life, possibilities and the plans for his future.

He prepared himself for the journey. He “packed his bags carefully.”


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He didn’t actually succeed until he followed through with his master’s request—to put the prayer in the wall. It was a small thing—as the best advice usually is—but it was the pivotal point of his success. Sometimes a wise word or insight is worth more than your weight in gold—especially if you can’t see it for yourself.

Even after following his rabbi’s advice with the note, he had to continue to work his plan, answer the questions and present himself as a wise and competent rabbi. It’s the same with you.

I can help you craft a plan. You must implement it, follow it and work it. If you can do that? Then success is yours!


Don’t let anyone tell you that success is a matter of luck, or of “getting lucky!” It’s NOT! Success is a matter of planning, strategy and know-how. You don’t graduate from college because you “were lucky.”

You don’t learn to drive a car, play golf, fly a plane, become a doctor, run a marathon or become an Olympic athlete because you “were lucky.”


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Successful people know the only secret to success is to prepare, plan, strategize and work their plan. That’s the easy part. The hard part is knowing exactly what that plan should involve!

Professional athletes, professional speakers, anyone who is at the top or well on their way has sought out the experts in their field.

They may know how to play their game, or work their business, but all the great successes in life have coaches or consultants or people who know more than just the rules and skills of the game—they know the strategy to leverage those resources and abilities into success.

I’ve seen them do it. I’ve helped them do it. And I can help you too.

One of the things I’ve learned is that the best lessons, the most profound truths and the secrets to success lie in people’s stories.

When you learn to listen, really listen to the story you are telling, or that your clients, customers or friends are telling you, then you begin to hear success whisper its secrets. They’re right there for anyone to hear—but so few people know how to listen. They’re too busy thinking, “Me! Me! Me! Pick Me!” without taking time to listen to someone who is sharing the secrets to success.


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The story of the Legend of the Wailing Wall has all the secrets you need to know. How many of them can you spot? Go back and see if you can find any more. If you can’t, don’t worry. Call me. I would be happy to explain what they are!

Who am I that I know these secrets? Keep reading.


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Rabbi  Issamar  GinzbergThe Entrepreneur’s Best Friend and Business Mentor

Rabbi Issamar GinzbergMonetized Intellect ConsultingThe Entrepreneurs Best Friend

and Business Mentor

Phone [email protected]

www.issamar.comLinkedIn Profile:

I am Rabbi Issamar Ginzberg. And I started marketing early—selling

myself as a survivor at birth. I was a preemie and almost didn't survive.

My mom got a special pass (she still has it!) for my siblings to enter the

NICU one single time, to see me before I died.

Thank G-d I made it. I’ve heard the human brain (the subconscious

part of it anyway) processes information faster than the speed of light,

taking in ba-jillions of bits of information and locking it away to help us

survive. I think that experience set the stage for me to survive and thrive

forever after that.

The subconscious brain remembers everything we see, hear,

experience or learn from birth to death. It IS our intuition, our silent

guardian and advisor.

Along the way, it feeds our conscious brain the stuff it needs to know

to keep us out of trouble. Life only gets complicated when we choose to

ignore that intuition. The good news is, our subconscious remembers

that too and reminds (or tries to) us of it the next time we mess up.



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Rabbi  Issamar  GinzbergThe Entrepreneur’s Best Friend and Business Mentor

I was fortunate. Most of the time I listened to that

intuition. It taught me well—beginning in grade school.

Even then, I loved business.


I started out as many kids who get bitten by the

entrepreneurial bug do—I sold candy in school. When I

wasn’t selling candy, I was selling cereal by the bowl to

see which sold better. Today marketers call that “testing.”

They too test to see which product sells more.

As I got older, my tastes became a little pricier. I sold

computers locally via classifieds that I bought online on a

CompuServe from a supplier in California. On the Internet,

no one knows you’re a minor charging items on your

parents’ credit card.

I charged my inventory on my dad’s credit card—thank

you, Dad!! I purchased what were called “386 computers.”

I bought them for about $175-$199, (about $300-$500 at

today’s prices) and sold them for $300 (About $650 at

today’s prices). Now you can pick them up used for about

$50. I was fascinated by the world of software as well—

especially “shareware.” So I developed a process to create

icons for the Macintosh computer just as custom icons

were becoming all the rage.

My shareware became the number one download on

CNET for more than 14 weeks. That achievement alone

got me mentioned in MacAddict (now MacLife) issue #3,

and was included on "the disc" that came with the

magazine. The idea of a free CD when you bought a

magazine was new at the time, but very common now.

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Rabbi  Issamar  GinzbergThe Entrepreneur’s Best Friend and Business Mentor

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That success led to other shareware products, for both

the Mac and PCs. I had a plan and I followed it. Within

months I was getting checks from people around the


But the best check of all was for a "site wide license"

for Apple computer from a fellow named Jason Spitler

from the Newton MessagePad division.

As the checks started rolling in, my subconscious went

into overdrive, feeding me more and more ideas on what

worked and what didn’t.

I started getting the hang of what makes a business

tick—not just from my successes, but from my failures too.

I learned how to leverage an hour of time into many hours

of time. I learned the worth of being paid not for my time,

but for my value. I was no longer trading time for money.

I was beginning to learn the secrets of leverage.

Remember—I was still a child!

When many children are in summer sleep-away camp

writing home for candy money, I was busy stuffing

envelopes with the international checks and money orders

pouring into my mailbox. I hadn’t learned enough though.

I was innocently mailing the international checks and

money orders to my bank (The Dime Savings Bank of NY,

known today as Chase Bank) by writing "Dime Savings

Bank, Corner of Avenue J and Coney Island Avenue,

Brooklyn, New York." I didn't even know you were

supposed to sign the back of the checks!

That was a relatively minor thing to learn, but making

all that money led me to a new passion, one where the


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Rabbi  Issamar  GinzbergThe Entrepreneur’s Best Friend and Business Mentor

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lessons would get tougher and where failure would sting a

lot more—the stock market.


I was introduced as a young man to small public

companies. Coming in on the “ground floor” meant I

helped with publicity as a sub-sub-sub contractor on small

projects. I issued press releases and generated media

attention on sites like Bloomberg News and many others.

I was learning, absorbing everything from everyone and

everything around me. I learned to trade the stock market.

Stocks, options, penny stocks. And I lost my pants. For

many people losing everything means they give up, walk

away and never play again.

They’ve been stung once and they’re not going to get

stung again. It had the opposite effect on me. I love a

challenge. I knew there had to be a rhyme and reason to

the stock market. And I knew if I understood it, I could win.

So I read every book on the stock market, on money,

on mutual funds I could find. I read Forbes, Fortune,

Businessweek, and even the Investors Business Daily (I

still bet I was their youngest subscriber!).

If it was about money and the market and business, I

read it. And all the while that subconscious mind was

soaking it all in, filing it all away, preparing for the day

when I could start implementing what I was learning.

But I was not only pursuing business. I was pursuing



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Rabbi  Issamar  GinzbergThe Entrepreneur’s Best Friend and Business Mentor

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I went to Yeshiva, and started cracking the books there

as well. I grew up. I got married. I became the

administrator of a small school. Then I met a family friend

who advised me to get into mortgages.

I got set up as a commercial mortgage broker at

Meridian Capital Group. I learned to cold call and I learned

about selling. It wasn’t long before I closed $22,500,000+

in loans.

That’s when I got interested in buying real estate

myself. So I purchased property in three states. I leased

apartments and commercial space. I started advertising on

my own, using the “New York Times” Sunday classifieds.

($218 an ad—the price of one of the computers I used to

sell! Oy!)

It took some time, and a few misses, but eventually I

got my New York State licensed salesperson license. And

while I passed the Real Estate Broker’s course and test, I

never sent in the application because my first passion was

still marketing and business. Real estate was part of that

passion, but it wasn’t the whole passion.

I wasn’t finished learning. I became a commissioned

NYS notary public in a single day when it turned out that I

had missed the real estate test because I was in the wrong

waiting room.

As long as I was there, I figured what the heck. So

while I was waiting, I read the book on becoming a notary

and I passed the test, adding one more thing for that

overworked subconscious to file away.


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Rabbi  Issamar  GinzbergThe Entrepreneur’s Best Friend and Business Mentor

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Life slowly began to shift for me. I was seeing the “big

picture” like I never had before. I had learned how to make

money, how to invest it, how to spend it.

Now I began to learn about how money works for

those who have it and those who don’t.

I learned about credit. Not only did I learn about it, I

was an original member of the credit boards when they

started, and I was the force behind the business credit


I became a consultant for hundreds of clients who

wanted to learn how to improve their personal credit score

so they could get better bank rates and higher approvals.

Not only did I understand businesses, I understood

how to help businesses start and self-fund using business


All this experience on both sides of the fence gave me

tremendously valuable insights. I not only had the “head

knowledge” of how things worked. I had been in the

trenches with businesses and business owners.

I experienced first-hand a wide variety of business

challenges—both on the real estate side and on the capital


Not content to watch others making money and

investing, I dove head first into property ownership. I

became a fixture in landlord-tenant court, where I learned


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Rabbi  Issamar  GinzbergThe Entrepreneur’s Best Friend and Business Mentor

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the ropes of rent control, bad tenants, drug addicts, and

the never-a-dull-moment of being a landlord.

Life as a landlord isn’t all paper pushing. I once

dropped off my handyman near his house in Flatbush—a

rough area of town for those not familiar with the name.

I had no sooner let him out (admittedly at 1 a.m.) than I

was greeted with drawn guns and shouts of, "Put your

keys on top of the car!" by police looking for a local

shooter. (Hint. It was NOT me!!)

It was not my last encounter with the police. Squatters

in one of my apartments called the cops on me for daring

to chain an empty apartment shut. It later turned out that

the squatters had moved in two days before, giving them

some rights to remain there and they knew it.

The police made me open the door and let them in. It

took me almost a year to to evict the squatters—but I

learned oodles along that path as well.

Anyway—I say all this to introduce you to my

background, my experience and the wide range of human,

business and legal expertise I bring to my role as a

marketing consultant.

That expertise runs from business start-ups to

business management. I’ve worked with the human

element on all levels—from the perspective of the investor,

the buyer, the vendor and the impoverished.

I’ve been involved in the financial world as a business

owner, start-up, investor, landlord, buyer and seller.


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Rabbi  Issamar  GinzbergThe Entrepreneur’s Best Friend and Business Mentor

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I’ve learned how and when to leverage, to wait, to bail

and to invest and when not to. As that old country music

song advised, I’ve learned when to hold them and when to

fold them, when playing business cards.

I’ve worked in everything from construction, to

promotion and public relations. I have a bird’s eye view of

business as well as a worm’s eye view.

Add to that knowledge my lifelong background and

schooling in the Jewish texts—the Torah, the Talmud, and

my rabbinic training— as well as my public speaking, my

mentoring, world travel, and my experience teaching

students of all ages, including the seniors at a senior

center where I’m now teaching the Torah, I have the

knowledge, ability and experience to teach and help as a

friend in a way that is both pleasing and understood by

people of all ages, faiths and backgrounds.

My clients include MBAs, PhDs, inventors, and high-

powered executives. I’ve been a consultant to farmers,

authors, and speakers of all faiths, some of whom would

be extremely embarrassed to admit that they don't know it


I also started ESEI, a networking group in Israel. I have

been invited to speak in places like Vietnam (I didn't go)

and to conferences around the world.

Before I was old enough to process all I was learning, I

was fortunate enough to get a tremendous amount of

wisdom form my father and grandparents, who were both

rabbis and have razor sharp minds. Both of my parents are



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Rabbi  Issamar  GinzbergThe Entrepreneur’s Best Friend and Business Mentor

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I was blessed to have the wisdom of the ages in my

home as well. My great-grandmother, who passed away at

105-and-a-half years old in 2008, lived with my wife and I.

We took care of her and in return benefited beyond

measure with her stories of life and people.

She was the daughter of a famous rabbi, who lived at a

time when people owned their cows for milk and rode their

horses for transportation.

We benefited from a wisdom that began when life was

simple—milking cows and no electricity—all the way to

today. She was able to span four generations - talking with

me about everything from her childhood to the Internet

and social media.


Life hasn’t always been easy or beautiful. I’ve also seen

the ugly side of human nature and people. I’ve known or

seen far too many people who rage with jealousy over

someone else's success, or gloat at their downfall.

Like many people today, through a series of decisions

and circumstance, I lost my own home to foreclosure and

then later, I lost my 32-year-old sister to lung cancer.

In my grief and a desire to understand and assimilate

all I’ve learned and experienced, I took the moment of my

sister’s death to decide to move to Israel for a few months.


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Rabbi  Issamar  GinzbergThe Entrepreneur’s Best Friend and Business Mentor

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Those “few months” have turned into three years! What

can I say?! There is so much here to learn! I travel back

and forth as necessary.

As an expert speaker and presenter, I utilize my talents

as the opportunity arises. I utilize my expertise in social

media to find the common bond among business owners,

clients and customers.

I use my understanding of human nature and behavior

to really help my clients with life decisions, almost all of

which involve business, money, challenges and

relationships. However, I try to stick to the business side of

things, and help people improve their lives financially.

I wouldn't trade places with anybody … my goal is to

help people better their lives and succeed … making this

world a better place.


I send this ebook out to friends, clients, potential

clients and businesses that want to know who I am and

where my experience and expertise comes from.

In a world that mistakenly values college degrees more

than hands-on experience, it is impossible to sum up the

extent of one’s knowledge without a story about the path

you have trod.

If you are a businessperson wondering if you or I can

truly be a success without a degree, let me reassure you.


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Rabbi  Issamar  GinzbergThe Entrepreneur’s Best Friend and Business Mentor

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You don't have to go to college to be a success. Even if

you go for a while, you don't have to graduate to be a

success. The “School of Hard Knocks” has graduated

more successes than anyone other than The University of

California. I’m not kidding.

A survey conducted by Bloomberg in 2010 shows that

next to The University of California, “The School of Hard

Knocks” (Life), truly is the number one source for CEOs of

S&P 500 companies. Harvard was the #3 source (along

with the universities of Texas, Missouri, and Wisconsin) for

CEOs who never graduated from college.

If you want to see a list of CEOs who never attended or

graduated from college, CLICK HERE.


Do you ever feel like YOUR message just isn’t getting

through? Maybe you look like everyone else, or even

sound like everyone else. You’ve tried social media, or

haven’t tried social media—Twitter, Facebook, whatever

else is out there. Nothing is working. And you want to

know why?

Because the only secret to marketing (which is really

just a fancy word for selling) is in getting customers to

“Look at you!” And the biggest secret I know? How to

make that happen for YOU. Need more proof? Look at

who has noticed that I get results:


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Rabbi  Issamar  GinzbergThe Entrepreneur’s Best Friend and Business Mentor

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Top 10 Inc. Magazine

Entrepreneur of the Year Awardee


Inc. Magazine

Chicago Pizza Today

Restaurant Business


Reader’s Digest

Funeral Homes Today




Wall St. Journal

Prevention Magazine

Fox Business

Costco Magazine

NY Times

ABC News


Mishpacha Magazine

Ami Magazine

Der Yid

Der Blatt


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Testimonials Itay PazRevenue $eminar


“Issamar is one of the brightest and smartest guys in the industry I

know. His mind is sharp and his knowledge is extensive. When it comes to

both online and offline marketing strategies, Issamar is your whiz guy and

you would want to hire him...!

He is a great asset to anyone who is willing to learn from him and I

would love to continue working with him again and again. Amazing

individual! February 21, 2011

Itay Paz

Founder & Chairman at Revenue Seminar

Israel’s largest internet marketing event

“Issamar’s top qualities: Sharp and extensive knowledge about on and offline marketing.”

Itay Paz

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“Issamar’s top qualities:

Actionable, tactical, practical

advice every time.”

Marco Cucco

Marco CuccoPrinciple JetBag - the wine bag


“I have hired Issamar to help me refine my product's commercial opportunities. He has served as a sound board to analyze and reflect on our past activities and as an artful in shaping our short-term objectives.

I found him available, prepared and ready to discuss our overarching strategy. His advice is matter of fact, actionable and very tactical.

You will come up with items, you can actually act upon the next day.

I will work with Issamar again soon; I would suggest you do the same….”

Marco Cucco & Chef Mario BataliMarco & the JetBag with Chef Mario Batali

Marco CuccoPrincipal

The JetBag

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“After reading numerous glowing recommendations, I hired Issamar

(February 2011) for a consultation on ways to improve the marketing of my

Take Control books. We spent 70 minutes on the phone, during which time I

took several pages of notes.

Issamar impressed me greatly with his insights and clever thinking. He

asked all the right questions, and within minutes demonstrated that he

understood the unique challenges and opportunities of my work. All the

people who claim he's a gold mine of ideas are not exaggerating.

He truly knows his stuff, and also understands how to

tailor it to a specific audience.

His suggestions ranged from interesting to

audacious (and that's a very good thing). I have no

doubt whatsoever that I'll be able to increase sales

dramatically as I begin to implement his ideas. I'll certainly

recommend his services to other people, and will very likely

turn to him for additional help in the future.”

“Issamar’s top qualities:

Expert, Good Value, Creative”

Joe Kissell,

MacWorld Columnist

February 1, 2011

Joe Kissell,Macworld columnist


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Melinda EmersonForbes Magazine Named Top 20 Women to Follow


Forbes magazine named her one of the Top 20 to follow on Twitter) Melinda hosts

#Smallbizchat a weekly talk show on Twitter. Melinda Emerson's first book, Become Your

Own Boss in 12 months; A Month-by-Month Guide to a Business That Works released in

March 2010. Melinda has been featured on NBC Nightly News and in the Wall Street

Journal, U.S. News and World Report and Black Enterprise.

“I’m Melinda Emerson, smallbizlady...

And I’m here to tell you, if you are small biz

owner in need of marketing advice, You can’t

go wrong with Rabbi Issamar.

He helped me with my book launch for Be Your

Own Boss (Wiley) in 12 months... now a

bestseller in my second printing. I can truly

testify that his advice generates real results for your bottom

line. Check him out, he's awesome! In the marketing consultation I had

with Rabbi Ginzberg, he explained to me in a super clear and jam packed

hour at least three hours worth of marketing advice and strategy that

took my breath away….(Source: )

“Issamar’s top qualities: He gives super-clear, jam-packed

advice filled sessions.”

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Testimonials Sharon FeingoldVoice Over Artist


"I have an MBA in Marketing, and come from a family where 4 out of 5 of

us are MBA's, and the 5th one owns a business. I know marketing.

Yet after a three hour strategy session with Rabbi

Issamar, I am totally blown away and bowled over

at the clarity of vision, depth of knowledge, and

step-by-step outline of what to do now to take

my business to the next level.

I've found my new marketing person for life!"

Sharon Feingold


Voice-Over Talent

“I've found my new marketing person for life!"

Sharon Feingold


Page 29: Business Secrets of the Wailing Wall

Please go to to learn more about how I can help you market YOUR business!


“What a gem! A valuable consultant

to a company of any size!!!”

Shan MassuccoFounder & CEOShan So Healthy & Natural Skin Care

Shan MassuccoFounder & CEO of Shan So Healthy & Natural Skin Care

“In the past I’ve hired not one, but THREE marketing consultants, and not one of them were able

to give me a clearly defined strategy like Issamar did!

Issamar delivered a tremendous value to my company with his step-by-step guidance and clearly

laid out strategy for my business.

Point by point, he gave me several solutions to the challenges my business faces, with contacts to

back it up. I will continue to reach out to Issamar to tap into his expertise. What a gem! A valuable

consultant to a company of any size!!!”


Page 30: Business Secrets of the Wailing Wall

Please go to to learn more about how I can help you market YOUR business!


“Issamar is simply a genius. He blows the competition out of the water.”

Dr. Leah Gniwesch, PhD

Dr. Leah GniweschLife Coach

"Issamar is simply a genius-I have consulted with several marketing

"gurus" over the years, but Issamar simply "blows the competition out of

the water."

Five minutes with Issamar are worth hours of meetings with anybody else.

He is excellent at both creating an overall plan and strategy for your

business and also making sure that EVERY detail is "dead on."

Thanks to you Issamar I am doubling my income this year, FINALLY

publishing my book, and having the time of my life to boot.

Thank you Issamar!

Leah Gniwesch, PhD


Page 31: Business Secrets of the Wailing Wall

Please go to to learn more about how I can help you market YOUR business!

© 2011 by Rabbi Issamar Ginzberg

Please feel free to forward this ebook to any one you know. You may

not sell it or bundle it with other items for sale, but please share it

freely. The legend of the notes of the Wailing Wall is public domain,

but this particular version is copyrighted as it is a uniquely told

version of the story. The moral of the story is also copyrighted and

may not be reproduced in whole or in part although you may use it

in its entirety with no changes as long as you quote me as the

author and link to my website:

Book design, layout, editing and copy writing by Becky Blanton,