butterfly orchid

BUTTERFLY ORCHID Positive Health Benefits 1. Improve !ir "#alit$ Plants absorb carbon dioxide from their surrounding environment and release oxygen back into the air. Since humans do the opposite, plants provide the p erfect complement to our environment. Placing plants around your home can help encourage deep breathing, which can even help you sleep better. You may want to consider putting an orchid on your dresser or the bedside table in your bedroom. %. &tress Relief The presence of plants can have a calming influence. Decorating your home with orchids can help you relax and reduce stress, which, in addition to improving your mood, can help reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease and other chronic illnesses. '. Re#(e &easonal !ilments Plants help increase the humidity content of their environment, which can help you avoid seasonal ailments like sore throats, coughs and dry skin. Some research suggests a higher humidity level can even decrease the likelihood of the flu to spread, so its even possible that your orchids could keep your home safe from a flu outbreak. ). In(rease Healin* !ts no coincidence that plants are a popular gift to bring to a patient in the hospital. Since their mere presence can reduce stress and improve air "uality and humidity in a room, plants can improve healing times after surgery or illness. Plus, brightening up a dreary hospital room with a colorful orchid is bound to make anyone feel better. +. Improve Fo(#s # $niversity of %ichigan study found being around plants helps improve concentration and  productivity and can even increase your memory retention up to &' percent. !mproved focus and  productivity can lead to an overall improved "uality of life. So, next time you need to buckle down at work, consider bringing an orchid to your office.

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Post on 28-Feb-2018




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Positive Health Benefits

1. Improve !ir "#alit$

Plants absorb carbon dioxide from their surrounding environment and release oxygen back into

the air. Since humans do the opposite, plants provide the perfect complement to our environment.

Placing plants around your home can help encourage deep breathing, which can even help you

sleep better. You may want to consider putting an orchid on your dresser or the bedside table in

your bedroom.

%. &tress Relief 

The presence of plants can have a calming influence. Decorating your home with orchids can

help you relax and reduce stress, which, in addition to improving your mood, can help reduce

your risk of cardiovascular disease and other chronic illnesses.

'. Re#(e &easonal !ilments

Plants help increase the humidity content of their environment, which can help you avoid

seasonal ailments like sore throats, coughs and dry skin. Some research suggests a higher 

humidity level can even decrease the likelihood of the flu to spread, so its even possible that

your orchids could keep your home safe from a flu outbreak.

). In(rease Healin*

!ts no coincidence that plants are a popular gift to bring to a patient in the hospital. Since their 

mere presence can reduce stress and improve air "uality and humidity in a room, plants can

improve healing times after surgery or illness. Plus, brightening up a dreary hospital room with a

colorful orchid is bound to make anyone feel better.

+. Improve Fo(#s

# $niversity of %ichigan study found being around plants helps improve concentration and

 productivity and can even increase your memory retention up to &' percent. !mproved focus and

 productivity can lead to an overall improved "uality of life. So, next time you need to buckledown at work, consider bringing an orchid to your office.

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Basi( Care Re,#irements

# moderately bright windowsill or similar spot to grow in.

(atering when it begins to dry out, usually every ) to *' days.

+ertiliing with a fertilier made for orchids.

-epotting when the bloom is finished with fresh orchid mix.

-hat oes the Or(hi Floer /eans

The name orchid finds it origin in #ncient reece. !t was associated with a long history

of lust, greed and wealth. /rchids are the most delicate and exotic flowers in the world and

available in many varieties. The orchid flower meaning varies from country to country and

different meanings are associated with the types of orchids. There are various meanings of 

orchids. 0et us discuss some of them in the following paragraphs.

The meaning of orchids, in other words, orchids stand for the symbol of love and affection. !t has

the ability to grow anywhere and has the resistance power to bloom under any condition,that

makes it a symbol of love. During the 1ictorian 2ra, it was said, the gifting a flower that was

found with much difficulty, means the love has deeper affections and emotions.

The orchid flower meaning symbolies a beautiful lady according to the 1ictorian era. The

meaning of orchids was also associated with luxury, wealth and in ancient reece it was a

symbol of manliness. 0ater on, /rchids had many uses as a medicinal plant for curing diseases.

The other meaning of orchids stands for refinement, thoughtfulness, maturity and charm. The

ancient 3hinese interpreted the orchid flower meaning as a symbol for many children. %en

displayed orchids to women as a symbol of 4wink4.

Uses of Or(his

/rchids were used for many medicinal purposes in ancient times. They were thought to

have healing properties and the ability to ward off diseases. The 3hinese thought orchids had a

cure for heart ailments, coughs and other illness. The #tecs used to drink a mixture of vanilla

orchid and chocolate. They thought it helped give them power and strength. Today, orchids have

 become an indoor ornamental flowering plant.

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!na(amptis papiliona(ea


En($(lia tampensis

Ha0enaria ps$(oes

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Pol$rrhia linenii Phalaenopsis !phroite