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BOHEMIA VILLAGE VOICE ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ No. 29. Your local newsletter - everything and anything to do with Bohemia Wednesday 26 July 2006 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NEW BUSINESS Let us pamper you … Georgina Little and Louise Sadler want to pamper you … at their new health and beauty studio at 72 Bohemia Road (where the ‘Uniques’ pine furniture business used to be). But you’ll have to wait a few more weeks – opening of the new studio is not until mid August. Louise Sadler with sleeves rolled up getting the ‘GL Sanctuary’ ready for business. [Sat 22 July] Georgina, 28, and Louise, 34, promise “a luxurious pampering place, away from busy living - a safe, happy environment in which to enjoy relaxing therapies and the best of health and beauty treatments – somewhere to be pampered in mind, body and soul.” The name of the new business is ‘GL Sanctuary’, and will cater for men as well as women. Louise is a practising reflexologist healer, but was busy with paintbrush applying ‘lavish blue’ with partner Chris when the Bohemia Village Voice called last Saturday. Both Georgina and Louise live nearby in Sedlescombe Road South. Georgina, who has done modelling, will be offering aromatherapy massage. Any children? Yes, she has two ‘beautiful little monkeys’, Archie, 2, and Isabella, 3. GL Sanctuary – the new sign is up, but the previous owners’ “Quality Pine” has only partly been removed [Sat 22 July] ‘La Stone’ therapy, using special smooth stones from the USA ‘which have been blessed’ will also be provided. There will be skin facials and masks and a nail bar is planned for the rear of the shop. Some of the therapies on offer will be “cutting edge stuff,” for example, ‘electro-magneto-stimulation equipment’ – a new treatment from Poland which can be used for all kinds of aches, pains, arthritis and so on. ‘Airbrush tanning’ is a fake tanning system, using all natural materials such as Aloe vera will be provided. A skin rejuvenating programme ‘Green peel’ will be offered. The GL logo was designed and painted by Louise’s mural artist mother, Cynthia Sadler, who has also done much of the artwork which will be used to decorate the walls of the new shop. The colour scheme is two-tone Egyptian sand and ‘lavish’ blue. For further information: Georgina or Louise at the GL Sanctuary, 72, Bohemia Road, Bohemia Village. Tel: 01424 721890. ________________________________________________________ MUNDAY’S NEWSAGENTS Home made sweets & radios Did you know that Munday’s Newsagents used to manufacture radios? and make home-made sweets? When Bohemia Village Voice popped into the newsagents to find out how the ‘Bohemia Bygones’ exhibition was progressing, a lot of interesting historical facts came to light, courtesy of current owner, Terry Foord. Terry is the longest serving shop-keeper in Bohemia – he started at the age of 16 – and that was 46 years ago. “When I was young, you could get everything you wanted from the shops in Bohemia,” said Terry, “There was a better range of shops here than in St Leonards proper.” SWEET FACTORY It was Terry’s grandfather, Harry Munday who originally opened the shop in 1911. Things were very different then: Harry used to make his own sweets and he made his own ice-cream. In the short parade of shops in which Munday’s Newsagents lies, all the properties used to have stabling at the rear. Harry Munday converted his stable into a sweet factory. Sweets were all the rage and the shop used to open till 10:00pm to satisfy the demand. Even then, at closing time it was sometimes a struggle to get the last customers to leave. HAND MADE RADIOS “All the family worked in the shop,” said Terry. “And my granddad, Harry, was the first person in St Leonards to make hand-built radios – before they became mass produced. And each radio had a number of different-sized interchangeable coils which were switched over each time you wanted to listen to a different station.” After cheap, mass-produced radios started to come onto the market, Harry Munday then started to service accumulators – heavy glass jars which had to taken back to the newsagents for re- charging. Does Terry have any plans for retirement? “Yes, only four more years,” said Terry, who plans to retire, after an amazing half a century behind the counter – just like his grandfather and his uncle who both clocked up fifty years in the shop. And ‘Bohemia Bygones’, which Terry is organising? This will be held at Park Road Methodist Church Friday/Saturday 15/16 September. It was originally conceived as an exhibition of pictures – drawings and photographs – of Bohemia is days gone by, but the

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Louise is a practising reflexologist healer, but was busy with paintbrush applying ‘lavish blue’ with partner Chris when the Bohemia Village Voice called last Saturday. Both Georgina and Louise live nearby in Sedlescombe Road South. Georgina, who has done modelling, will be offering aromatherapy massage. Any children? Yes, she has two ‘beautiful little monkeys’, Archie, 2, and Isabella, 3. SWEET FACTORY HAND MADE RADIOS NEW BUSINESS MUNDAY’S NEWSAGENTS


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No. 29. Your local newsletter - everything and anything to do with Bohemia Wednesday 26 July 2006 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Let us pamper you … Georgina Little and Louise Sadler want to pamper you … at their new health and beauty studio at 72 Bohemia Road (where the ‘Uniques’ pine furniture business used to be). But you’ll have to wait a few more weeks – opening of the new studio is not until mid August.

Louise Sadler with sleeves rolled up getting the ‘GL Sanctuary’ ready for business. [Sat 22 July]

Georgina, 28, and Louise, 34, promise “a luxurious pampering place, away from busy living - a safe, happy environment in which to enjoy relaxing therapies and the best of health and beauty treatments – somewhere to be pampered in mind, body and soul.” The name of the new business is ‘GL Sanctuary’, and will cater for men as well as women.

Louise is a practising reflexologist healer, but was busy with paintbrush applying ‘lavish blue’ with partner Chris when the Bohemia Village Voice called last Saturday. Both Georgina and Louise live nearby in Sedlescombe Road South. Georgina, who has done modelling, will be offering aromatherapy massage. Any children? Yes, she has two ‘beautiful little monkeys’, Archie, 2, and Isabella, 3.

GL Sanctuary – the new sign is up, but the previous owners’ “Quality Pine” has only partly been removed [Sat 22 July]

‘La Stone’ therapy, using special smooth stones from the USA ‘which have been blessed’ will also be provided. There will be skin facials and masks and a nail bar is planned for the rear of the shop. Some of the therapies on offer will be “cutting edge stuff,” for example, ‘electro-magneto-stimulation equipment’ – a new treatment from Poland which can be used for all kinds of aches, pains, arthritis and so on. ‘Airbrush tanning’ is a fake tanning system, using all natural materials such as Aloe vera will be provided. A skin rejuvenating programme ‘Green peel’ will be offered.

The GL logo was designed and painted by Louise’s mural artist mother, Cynthia Sadler, who has also done much of the artwork which will be used to decorate the walls of the new shop. The colour scheme is two-tone Egyptian sand and ‘lavish’ blue.

For further information: Georgina or Louise at the GL Sanctuary, 72, Bohemia Road, Bohemia Village. Tel: 01424 721890.



Home made sweets & radios Did you know that Munday’s Newsagents used to manufacture radios? and make home-made sweets? When Bohemia Village Voice popped into the newsagents to find out how the ‘Bohemia Bygones’ exhibition was progressing, a lot of interesting historical facts came to light, courtesy of current owner, Terry Foord. Terry is the longest serving shop-keeper in Bohemia – he started at the age of 16 – and that was 46 years ago. “When I was young, you could get everything you wanted from the shops in Bohemia,” said Terry, “There was a better range of shops here than in St Leonards proper.”


It was Terry’s grandfather, Harry Munday who originally opened the shop in 1911. Things were very different then: Harry used to make his own sweets and he made his own ice-cream. In the short parade of shops in which Munday’s Newsagents lies, all the properties used to have stabling at the rear. Harry Munday converted his stable into a sweet factory. Sweets were all the rage and the shop used to open till 10:00pm to satisfy the demand. Even then, at closing time it was sometimes a struggle to get the last customers to leave.


“All the family worked in the shop,” said Terry. “And my granddad, Harry, was the first person in St Leonards to make hand-built radios – before they became mass produced. And each radio had a number of different-sized interchangeable coils which were switched over each time you wanted to listen to a different station.” After cheap, mass-produced radios started to come onto the market, Harry Munday then started to service accumulators – heavy glass jars which had to taken back to the newsagents for re-charging.

Does Terry have any plans for retirement? “Yes, only four more years,” said Terry, who plans to retire, after an amazing half a century behind the counter – just like his grandfather and his uncle who both clocked up fifty years in the shop.

And ‘Bohemia Bygones’, which Terry is organising? This will be held at Park Road Methodist Church Friday/Saturday 15/16 September. It was originally conceived as an exhibition of pictures – drawings and photographs – of Bohemia is days gone by, but the

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show will now include written items of historical interest. Terry has a photograph of Bohemia Cinema – where ‘Lullabuys’ pram shop was situated for many years.

______________________________________________________ NEW BUSINESS

Do we need another Offie?

Mary’s Foodmarket in Norman Road – another in Bohemia? [photo taken yesterday]

Will Mary’s Foodmarket return to Bohemia? Rumour has it that the owner of the mini-supermarket and off-licence in Norman Road, St Leonards, has his eyes set on taking over the old ‘Lullabuys’ shop in Bohemia Road. A notice fixed to the front of the old pram shop provides a partial answer:

“Licensing Act 2003 Site Notice of Application for Premises Licence. This notice is to advise that on Friday 21 20 [presumably ‘2006’] July an application for a Premises Licence for the premises known as premises name: Bohemia Foodmarket, address 68-70 Bohemia Road, St Leonards-on-Sea TN37 6RQ was made by MASOOD IQBAL for the following activities: supply of alcohol by retail for consumption of [presumably 'off’] the premises. Any person wishing to make representations about this application should write to Hastings Borough Council, Executive Director, Environment & Safety, Century House, 100, Menzies Road, St Leonards-on-Sea, TN38 9BB, within twenty eight consecutive days from the date of the application shown above ( It is an offence knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement in connection with an application & a person is liable to a fine of up to a maximum of £6,000 on summary conviction for the offence.”

Some reactions from local residents and groups:

Bill Third (resident of St Peter’s Road) Yes, it’s Masood Iqbar who used to own ‘Mary’s Foodmarket’ in Bohemia Road. For a food market, it sold a lot of booze and presumably it will be the same at the Bohemia Foodmarket. We don’t need another booze outlet in Bohemia. There are two off licences already within 50 metres – Alldays & News & Booze. We also have four pubs. I intend to object and I know that some of the existing shopkeepers will to. Please use your newsletter to publicise this and stop this retrograde development. Dave Kent (Cloudesley Road resident): I've always found Mr Iqbal very pleasant and he seems to employ pleasant staff. Were you expecting a rant of the "Wogs aht!" variety? He used

to run a Mary's Foodmarket where Alldays / Co-op is now, did he not?

Daniel Poulter (Conservative councillor for Gensing): My initial thoughts are that as far as I am aware, ‘the pram shop has been in Bohemia for many years and it is a great shame to see specialist and established local businesses disappear.’

Louise Sadler (Partner, GL Sanctuary, Health & Beauty Salon, next door to the proposed off-licence): I feel that a 'good' (and hopefully it will be) supermarket which might possibly sell some decent quality fruit and veg could be a boon for Bohemia Village. The fact that it may sell alcohol doesn't worry me unduly as I believe that Alldays, together with Tesco and the Co-op in Silverhill already do.

Bohemia Area Association : was asked for comment but none had been received at the time of going to press.

Masood Iqbal (owner, Mary’s Foodmarket in Norman Road): an attempt was made to speak to Mr Iqbal, who was not at his St Leonards’ premises. “We cannot give you his telephone number,” said a woman working there.



Bob in Bohemia to buy billycans

Robert Ledsham on his cherished Lambretta [photo taken yesterday]

The lure of the ‘Outdoors Man’ in Bohemia Road brought Robert Ledsham and his Lambretta to Bohemia yesterday. “I popped up for some trousers, billycans and camping equipment,” he said. It has taken Robert, 55, five years to lovingly restore his 1964 ‘Silver Special’ Lambretta. “I use it nearly every day in the summer months,” he said. What’s it worth? “To me, it’s priceless.” Robert is a member of the Saxon 1066 Scooter Club – which has its own website.



Long hot summer sports School holidays - kids driving you mad at home? Let ‘em use up some energy at Horntye Park, which is offering four weeks of sports coaching for children aged 9 to 13 in the month of August. What sports? Quite a range is planned: archery, badminton,

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football, golf, martial arts, rocket building [still haven’t found out what this is], rugby, table tennis, tennis and volleyball. ‘Top class coaching’ is promised. For further information and to book, called Horntye Sports Complex, Bohemia Road, tel: 01424 716666. E-mail to [email protected] ___________________________________________________


Nearly there

Final touches to the fascia boarding being carried out yesterday at Park Road Church

A lone Hills & Pollington carpenter was yesterday carrying out final fitting work to the fascia panels over the main entrance to Park Road Church’s new vestibule. “New railings have yet to be fitted on the steps and the whole forecourt will be asphalted,” he explained. “Despite none of the windows opening, it’s surprisingly cool inside.” It is understood that the church has considered removing the front boundary wall for easier access, but that the cost of removing a street lamp which is directly in front of the new entrance is prohibitive. ___________________________________________________ BUILDING WORK

Listed building work to start Work is to start next month at 79, Bohemia Road, previously the site of Hastings Locksmiths, and, with the Masquerade fancy dress shop next door the only listed buildings in Bohemia. Owner, John Humphries, yesterday agreed terms with local award winning builders Dovetails Construction, for work to begin in about two weeks time. They are expected to last up to four weeks. Architects for the project are Maher Paradine Associates of Hastings Old Town. The alterations include a new toilet and utility area in the rear office, with a new partition, and new matchboarding similar to the existing. Damaged floor boards will be replaced, an old sink and water heater are to be removed.

In the shop part, six ceiling pendant rose lights will be fitted and the existing strip lighting and old cabling removed, new power sockets will be installed and a storage heater moved to cover up an area of damaged tiling. The work is programmed to take 4 weeks. What will the premises be used for? John Humphries said "The first thing I want to do is hold an exhibition of paintings by Ron Beauchamp who moved to Bohemia from London about 8 years ago and who died in 2001". The exhibition is scheduled for the first week in October this year. What then? “I don’t know.” ___________________________________________________


Flat trashed On Monday evening, a Chapel Park Road flat was broken into, burgled and ‘trashed’ reports Neighbourhood Watch by e-mail. The incident happened between 6:00pm and 7:00pm on Monday 24 July. If you have any information about this crime, please contact Sussex Police on 0845 60 70 999 (open 24x7) and please quote serial number 521 of 24 July. If you prefer to report it anonymously please call Crimestoppers: (open 24x7) on 0800 555111.



Vie de Bohème …

How the Bohemian Club was Founded (8) The young man was about to answer, when a dragoon acting as an orderly came into the yard. “M. Bernard?” he enquired, pulling a letter from a big leather despatch-case dangling from his hip.

“This is where he lives,” said the janitor.

“Here’s a letter for him. Give me the receipt for it.” The dragoon handed the janitor an official form, which the latter took into his lodge to sign.

“Excuse me for leaving you,” the janitor said to the young man, who was striding impatiently about the yard. “This is a letter from the Ministry to M. Bernard, the landlord, and I’m taking it up to him.”

When the janitor entered his apartment, M. Bernard was trimming his beard.

“What do you want, Durand?”

“There’s an orderly here, sir,” said the janitor, taking off his cap, “who’s brought this for you. It’s from the Ministry.” He handed M. Bernard the letter. Its envelope was stamped with the seal of the War Department.

“Goodness gracious!” said M. Bernard, so excited that he almost gashed himself with his razor. “It’s from the Ministry! It must be my nomination to the rank of Chevalier of the Legion of Honour, that I’ve been after for so long. At last my correct attitude has been appreciated … Wait, Durand,” he said, rummaging in his waistcoat pocket, “here are five francs to drink my health. Ah no, I haven’t my purse on me. You shall have it immediately, just wait a moment.”

The janitor was so moved by this staggering access of generosity, to which the landlord had not accustomed him, that he put his cap back on his head. But M. Bernard, who at other times would have passed severe strictures on this infraction of the laws of social hierarchy, seemed not to notice it. He put on his spectacles, broke the envelope with the respectful emotion of a vizier receiving a firman from his sultan, and began to read the despatch. At the first lines a horrible grimace streaked the fat of his monkish jowls with crimson furrows, and his little eyes shot out

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sparks which almost set alight the locks of his tousled wig. Soon all his features were so convulsed that his face looked as it had suffered an earthquake.

To be continued …

[Vie de Bohème by Henry Mürger, a vivid portrait of the ‘Bohemian’ life of the artistic quarter of Paris in the nineteenth century was originally published (by Michel Lévy) in 1851. The extract above is taken from a translation by Norman Cameron, published by Hamish Hamilton. The illustration is by Dodi Masterman.]



Marion Proud - correction Dear Sir, correction of detail: Marion Proud is moving to us from Holsworthy in Devon, but her husband who is a probationer minister will have churches in the Eastbourne Circuit, Hailsham I believe. [noted]. Because of the slowness of my connections Bohemia Village Voice took about 1/2 hour each to down load creating some problems. Very good articles about Park Road Methodist. Would it be possible to let me have Bohemia Voice in hard copy in the future C/o The Church? [yes]. Rev. Michael Ward, Park Road Methodist Church.

Cornfield Terrace ‘rebarbatives’ Dear Sir, has that nice lady [Betty Barnett, 170, Bohemia Road] sold her house yet? The fact that it's still on the market may have something to do with it's being rather close to the ‘Wheatsheaf’ and Cornfield Terrace being popular with groups of rebarbatives*.

Mr Katanga, Bohemia. *[rebarbative \ree-BAR-buh-tiv\, adjective: Serving or tending to irritate or repel. Rebarbative comes from French rébarbatif, "stern, surly, grim, forbidding," from Middle French rebarber, "to be repellent," from re- (from the Latin) + barbe, "beard" (from Latin barba).]

Fishy things Dear Sir, who is responsible for the decorative fish on the lamp posts in Bohemia Road? Is it Christian symbology? I don't care really, they are quite nice as fishy things go. I was hoping there was going to be a Bohemia fish festival, or something. Community art is always a bit of a bore, although the fish are quite jolly.

Dave Kent, Cloudesley Road.

[Sorry, don’t know – anyone with inside info?]


Bohemia Village Voice is published and edited by John Humphries at 33, St Peter’s Road, Bohemia Village, St Leonards, Sussex, England, TN37 6JQ. Telephone: 01424 446759. Mobile: 07891 634377. E-mail: [email protected] Items for inclusion: please send to the editor. To begin receiving this newsletter: please send an e-mail to John Humphries with the message “Please subscribe me to Bohemia Village Voice.” To cease receiving this newsletter: please send an e-mail to John Humphries, with the message “Please unsubscribe me from Bohemia Village Voice.” Number of recipients of this e-newsletter: 50. Number of copies of this edition printed: 4. The printed version may be viewed at 79, Bohemia Road. First published May 2006. © 2006 John Humphries.

Next issue : Saturday 29 July 2006. Deadline for letters, stories, etc, 6pm, on the day prior to publication.