by: alfred toole, jr. based on the book celebration of discipline by richard foster

By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

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Page 1: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

By: Alfred Toole, Jr.Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard


Page 2: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

Part 1: Introduction

Page 3: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

“Everybody thinks of changing humanity and nobody thinks of changing himself.” Let us be among those who believe that the inner transformation of our lives is a goal worthy of our best effort.

Page 4: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

A habit used to train disciples to be God in this world.

Page 5: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

Luke 6.40Romans 8.291 John 2.61 Peter 2.211 Timothy 4.7-8

Page 6: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster


Allows us to place ourselves before God so that he can transform us

An encounter with God God’s work Internal change showing

up on the outside Way of sowing to the

Spirit Purpose is spiritual



The path does not produce the change

Laws or commands Our work External

measurement of who is spiritual

Way of managing or controlling others

Page 7: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster
Page 8: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster
Page 9: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

Inward: Meditation Prayer Fasting Study

Outward: Simplicity Solitude Submissio

n Service

Corporate: Confession Worship Guidance Celebratio


Page 10: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

Part 2: Inward

Page 11: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

Inward: Meditation Prayer Fasting Study

Outward: Simplicity Solitude Submissio

n Service

Corporate: Confession Worship Guidance Celebratio


Page 12: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

8 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,“ declares the LORD.  9 "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Page 13: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

Seeking to think God’s thoughts after him, to delight in His presence, to desire His truth and His way

The ability to hear God’s voice & obey His word

Stresses changed behavior as a result of our encounter with the Living God.

Repentance and obedience are essential We create the emotional and spiritual

space which allows Christ to build an inner sanctuary in the heart

Page 14: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

Psalm 1.2Psalm 63.6Psalm 139.17-18Philippians 4.8 John 5.19

Page 15: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

What it is Direct communication

between Lover and one beloved

Willingness to listen and obey

Attempt to fill the mind

Letting go to hold onto God

Enables us to live better in the world

What it is not Second hand

message from God Attempt to empty

the mind Simply detachment Takes us out of the

world An exegesis or Bible


Page 16: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

1) Scripture focuses on a few verses, key phrases or words (Hebrews 4.12)

2) Creation directs us toward what we can learn from nature (Psalms 19.1)

3) Historical events call us to learn from the world around us and Personal events teach us to reflect on our experiences (Matthew 16.5-12)

Page 17: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

Set aside timeChoose a place free of distractionsFind a comfortable positionListen to God by:

Spending a whole week on a single text, parable, event or word.

Use your 5 senses Be still and center your thoughts on God Palms down, Palms up

Page 18: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster
Page 19: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster
Page 20: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster
Page 21: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster
Page 22: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster
Page 23: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

 1 Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers.  2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night.  3 He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.  4 Not so the wicked! They are like chaff that the wind blows away.  5 Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous. 6 For the LORD watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.

Page 24: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster
Page 25: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster
Page 26: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster
Page 27: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster
Page 28: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster
Page 29: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

Meditate on Psalm 1 Read it 3x times each dayAfter each reading, pause and ask

God what He is trying to tell you

Page 30: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

To Pray is to change. Prayer is the central avenue God uses to transform us. If we are unwilling to change, we will abandon prayer as a noticeable characteristic of our lives. The closer we come to the heartbeat of God the more we see our need and the more we desire to be conformed to Christ.

Page 31: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

We begin to think God’s thoughts after Him: to desire the things He desires, to love the things He loves, to will the things He wills.

Seeing things from God’s point of view.

Page 32: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

Mark 1.35Psalm 63.1Acts 6.4Luke 11.1-13, 18.1-9Luke 22.42 John 15.7Romans 8.261 Thessalonians 5.17

Page 33: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

What it is Direct contact with

God so that His life and power flow through us

Way for us to change the world

Listening Expectation that

change should and would occur

Involves empathy and imagination

What it is not Indecisive,

tentative, half-hoping if it be thy will

Vain repetition Lacks compassion Manipulating God

and telling Him what to do

Page 34: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

Guidance-asking God what to do nextAdoration-praising God because of

who He isConfession-unloading your sins in

light of who He isThanksgiving-expressing your

gratitude for what He has doneSupplication-interceding for others to

be more like Him

Page 35: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster
Page 36: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster
Page 37: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. John 14:13

You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit—fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. John 15:16

In that day you will no longer ask me anything. I tell you the truth, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. John 16:23

Page 38: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster
Page 39: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster
Page 40: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

Set aside time Choose a place free of distractions Find a comfortable position Pray to God by:

A. C. T. S. Flash prayers Sentence prayers Start a prayer journal Imagine Jesus sitting in a chair; talk to Him Prayer walks / Rides

Page 41: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

Meet 2x with the same person and Pray A.C.T.S.

Take 1 day and pray flash prayers for people you meet: Ask for a deeper awareness of God’s

presence to rise up in every person you meet

Invite Jesus to walk up to the person saying I Love you, I forgive you, I’d love to rule your life

Page 42: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

Abstaining from food for spiritual purposes

Page 43: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

Moses in Deuteronomy 9.9David in 2 Samuel 12.16Elijah in 1 Kings 19.8Esther in Esther 4.16Daniel in Daniel 9.3, 10.3Ezra in Ezra 10.6Nehemiah in Nehemiah 9.1-3Paul in Acts 9.9, 2 Corinthians 11.27 Jesus in Luke 4.2

Page 44: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

Matthew 6.16-18, 9.15Colossians 2.20-23, 1 Timothy 4.3-5 Isaiah 58Zechariah 7.5Psalm 69.10Matthew 4.1-4 John 4.32,34

Page 45: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

What it is Direct communication

between Lover and one beloved

Willingness to listen and obey

Attempt to fill the mind

Letting go to hold onto God

Enables us to live better in the world

What it is not Emphasis on the

outward form devoid of spiritual power

Rigid and practiced with extreme mortification and flagellation

Motivated by vanity or power

Page 46: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

1) Normal fast- abstaining from all food, solid or liquid, but not from water (Luke 4.2)

2) Absolute-abstaining from food and water (Esther 4.16, Acts 9.9)

3) Restriction of diet –refuse certain foods (Daniel 10.3)

Page 47: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

Start slow (partial fast from lunch to lunch24 hours3 days7days)

Eat a lighter meal of fresh fruits & vegetables

Cut out caffeine 3 days prior to reduce headaches

Drink distilled water or fruit juices Move slower and rest when needed Keep a blanket with you Break the fast with a small meal

(fruitmilkyogurtfresh saladcooked vegetables)

Page 48: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

Fast & journal from lunch to breakfast 1 day

Go without your cellphone and computer for 2 days

Page 49: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

Careful attention to something that moves the mind toward God

Page 50: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

Bereans in Acts 17.11Apollos in Acts 18.24-28

Page 51: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

Romans 12.2Philippians 4.8Psalm 139.9,11Deuteronomy 6.6-9, 11.18-20 John 8.322 Timothy 3.16-17

Page 52: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

What it is Analytical Explaining a word Involves

observation, concentration, perception, reflection and repetition

Includes books, lectures, nature and events

What it is not Devotional or a

Meditation High priority on

application Relishes a word Limited to books or

lectures Reduced to an

accumulation of knowledge

Page 53: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

1) Verbal (Books & Lectures)2) Nonverbal (Nature, Events and


Page 54: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

Step 1

Page 55: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

Step 2

Page 56: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

Step 3

Page 57: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

Step 4

Page 58: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster
Page 59: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

Set aside time Choose a place free of distractions Find a comfortable position Comes as a student, not a teacher Learn with humility Study God’s word by:

Reading a smaller Bible book each day for a month

Reading a Major book straight through 3x Do a word study on a single word

Page 60: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

Relate it to your experienceReflect on it in light of other booksDiscuss it with others

Page 61: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

Observe carefully and prayerfully Imagine what nature would say if it

had an recognizable voicePerceive the divine mystery in natureComprehend the message

Page 62: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

When spider webs unite, they can tie up a lion.

Page 63: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

Watch how much of our speech involves justifying our actions

Become attentive to ordinary relationships we encounter throughout the day

Learn the things that control usLook at the values around usRaise questions

Page 64: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

Go out and study natureStart reading a Christian bookTake notesReview your notes:

Ask what the author means Evaluate is the author’s opinion

Relate it to your experienceReflect on it in light of other booksDiscuss it with others

Page 65: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

Part 3: Outward

Page 66: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

Inward: Meditation Prayer Fasting Study

Outward: Simplicity Solitude Submissio

n Service

Corporate: Confession Worship Guidance Celebratio


Page 67: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster
Page 68: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster
Page 69: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster
Page 70: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster
Page 71: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster
Page 72: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster
Page 73: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

What it is Sets things in their

proper place Joyful unconcern for

possessions Rejoices in the

Lord’s gracious provisions

Inward change expressed outwardly

Unity and Balance

What it is not Attachment to

things Lust for status &

position Forced poverty Limited to living

without things Fragmented

Page 74: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

Severe temptation towards legalismCanonize our choices as the simple


Page 75: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

1) Receive what we have as a gift from God

2) We are stewards with the freedom to trust God with our possessions

3) We make our goods available to others

Page 76: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

Ecclesiastes 7.30Leviticus 25.23Philippians 4.111 Timothy 6.6-11Matthew 6.33Luke 12.16-21, 29-34Matthew 5.37

Page 77: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

Freedom that creates space, time, energy, and resources so that we

might reorder our lives to intentionally pursue God's kingdom

in all of our daily living.

Page 78: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

1) Buy based on usefulness, not status 2) Reject anything producing an addiction

in you 3) Develop a habit of giving things away 4) Refuse the bells and whistles 5) Enjoy things without owning them 6) Develop a deeper love for creation 7) Beware of debt, usury and credit 8) Maintain plain, honest speech 9) Reject anything that exploits others 10) Shun anything that distracts you from

seeking first the kingdom of God

Page 79: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?  "And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them.

Page 80: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

Page 81: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster
Page 82: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster


Page 83: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster
Page 84: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

Perform 3 Acts of Simplicity: Act 1: Give something away. Act 2: Spend an hour watching nature

without your electronic gadgets. Act 3: Spend a day letting your yes be

yes, and your No be No.

Page 85: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

The ability to lay down the terrible burden of always needing to get our own way.

Page 86: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster
Page 87: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster
Page 88: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster
Page 89: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster
Page 90: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster
Page 91: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster
Page 92: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster
Page 93: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

Self Hatred Psalm 8.3-6 Psalm 139.13-14 Matthew 6.25-26 Matthew 10.29-30

Self Glory Romans 12.3 Philippians 3.3-9 1 Corinthians 1.26-

31 2 Corinthians 10.17-


Page 94: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

Police Crime Scene Police Crime Scene Police Crime Scene Police Crime Scene Police

Page 95: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

34Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. 35For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it. 36What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul? 37Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul? --Mark 8.34-37

Page 96: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

Philippians 2.4-81 Peter 2.13, 14, 18, 21-23Matthew 5.39, 44Mark 8.34Mark 9.35 John 13.15Colossians 3.18-4.1Ephesians 5.21

Page 97: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

Jesus in John 10.17-18, Matthew 26.36-39

Peter in John 21.18-19Annanias in Acts 9.10-21

Page 98: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

Self Denial is the posture fitting for all those who follow the crucified Lord.

Page 99: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

I do; you help.You

do, I help.

You do, I watch.



Page 100: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

What it is The freedom to give

in The ability to value

others Giving up your


What it is Not Demanding your

way Outward compliance

but inward rebellion Quid pro Quo Self Contempt Self Pity

Page 101: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

Acts 4.19, 20Acts 5.29

Page 102: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

To God in James 4.7, Ephesians 5.24To Scripture in Matthew 7.24-25To Elders in 1 Peter 5.5, Hebrews

13.17To the Believing Community in

Ephesians 5.21, Philippians 2.4To Family in Ephesians 5.22To Authorities in Romans 13.1-8, 1

Peter 2.13-14

Page 103: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

Perform 3 Acts of Submission: Act 1: Submit to someone younger than

you. Act 2: Submit to someone older than you. Act 3: Submit to someone who differs in

opinion with you.

Page 104: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

Part 4: Corporate

Page 105: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

Inward: Meditation Prayer Fasting Study

Outward: Simplicity Solitude Submissio

n Service

Corporate: Confession Worship Guidance Celebratio


Page 106: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster
Page 107: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

Ordered way of acting and

living that sets us before God so He can transform us.

Page 108: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

What it is Our response to

God Avenues that bring

us to God Transforming and

Renewing Varied responses

What it is not Neither use or

disuse of Forms, Rituals, and Liturgy

Limited to Singing Cookie Cutter Style

Page 109: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

Romans 12.1Acts 2.42 John 4.23-24Colossians 3.16Matthew 5.23-24Amos 5.21-24, Isaiah 1.10-171 Corinthians 14.26-40Psalm 29.2Psalm 46.10, Habakkuk 2.20

Page 110: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

1) Practicing the Presence of God2) Praising Him3) Singing4) Teaching5) The Lord’s Supper6) Giving7) Prayer

Page 111: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster
Page 112: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

1) Practice the Presence of God Daily

Page 113: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

1) Practice the Presence of God Daily

2) Vary your experiences

Page 114: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

1) Practice the Presence of God Daily

2) Vary your experiences

3) Prepare ahead of time

Page 115: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

1) Practice the Presence of God Daily

2) Vary your experiences

3) Prepare ahead of time

4) Adopt a “we,” not “I” mentality

Page 116: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

1) Practice the Presence of God Daily

2) Vary your experiences

3) Prepare ahead of time

4) Adopt a “we,” not “I” mentality

5) Cultivate holy dependency

Page 117: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

1) Practice the Presence of God Daily

2) Vary your experiences

3) Prepare ahead of time

4) Adopt a “we,” not “I” mentality

5) Cultivate holy dependency

6) Embrace Distractions

Page 118: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

1) Practice the Presence of God Daily

2) Vary your experiences

3) Prepare ahead of time

4) Adopt a “we,” not “I” mentality

5) Cultivate holy dependency

6) Embrace Distractions

7) Worship anyway

Page 119: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

If worship does not propel us into greater obedience, it has not

been worship. To stand before the Holy

One of eternity is to change.

Page 120: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster
Page 121: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

Choose 1 Act: Act 1: Show up early and pray for people

as they enter Act 2: Inwardly examine yourself and

confess your sins Act 3: Attempt to spend an entire day

listening for God’s voice

Page 122: By: Alfred Toole, Jr. Based on the book CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard Foster

Part 5: Review