by angelika mucha. slavery between 9.6 and 10.8 million africans arrived in the americas. also...

Racism and slavery By Angelika Mucha

Upload: katherine-lindsey

Post on 13-Dec-2015




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Between 9.6 and 10.8 million Africans

arrived in the Americas.

Also about 500,000 Africans were

imported into what is now the U.S.

between 1619 and 1807--or about 6

percent of all Africans forcibly imported

into the Americas.

This is the map of the slaves that were being transported to different countries

This is a slave triangle. They treated black people like animals or machines


Segregation is separation of humans

into racial groups in daily life. It may

apply to activities such as eating in a

restaurant, drinking from a water

fountain, using a public toilet,

attending school, going to the movies,

riding on a bus, or in the rental or

purchase of a home.

Here’s some pictures of racism and slavery and segregation


In, 1955, Rosa Parks, a 42-year-old African American woman who

worked as a seamstress, boarded this Montgomery City bus to go

home from work. On this bus on that day,. She sat near the middle

of the bus, just behind the 10 seats reserved for whites. Soon all of

the seats in the bus were filled. When a white man entered the

bus, the driver insisted that all four blacks sitting just behind the

white section give up their seats so that the man could sit there.

Mrs. Parks, who was an active member of the local NAACP, quietly

refused to give up her seat.

Here’s the picture of the bus that Rosa insisted to give up a

seat to a white man

Segregated America After the Civil War, millions of formerly enslaved African Americans hoped to join the larger society as full and equal citizens. Although some white Americans welcomed them, others used people’s ignorance, racism, and self-interest to sustain and spread racial divisions. By 1900, new laws and old customs in the North and the South had created a segregated society that condemned Americans of color to second-class citizenship.