by: bayaan shalaby and razan kahlout. the largest rainforest in the world is the amazon rainforest....

By: Bayaan Shalaby and Razan Kahlout The Tropical Rainforest

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By: Bayaan Shalaby and Razan Kahlout

The Tropical Rainforest

The largest rainforest in the world is the Amazon Rainforest. Tropical Rainforests are located in Africa, Asia, Australia, Central and South America.

("Keeping world environment safer and greener")


Tropical Rainforests are forests with long/tall trees. They have hot/warm climates, and it rains a lot. Tropical Rainforests are a chance for animals and plants to interact and communicate. They put the animals and plants in a safe environment. It has lots of animals and plants because of all the rain and sunshine. Rainforests are exposed to a lot of sunshine.

What is a Tropical Rainforest?


("Dehong Yunnan the homeland of



The Tropical Rainforest

Rainforests have the most diversity of living organisms on earth. Although they cover less than 2% of the earths surface, rainforests support more then 50% of plants and animals in the world. Rainforests have 170,000 animals of the worlds 250,000 animals. The United States Of America has only 81 different species of frogs, while Madagascar which is smaller than Texas has 300 species. Europe has 321 butterfly species, while a park in the rainforest of Peru (Manu national park) has 1,200 species.

Animals in the Tropical Rainforests?

(“Animals in the Tropical Rainforests?”)

Animals and Their AdaptationsAnimals Physical

AdaptationBehavioral Adaption

Mammals: Jaguars Skin is very loose, lessons the chance of injury.

Growling, hissing…etc is giving them a chance to win agreements without getting injured.

Reptiles: Iguanas Expendable tail, large colored tongue for defense…etc this helps them adapt to the tropical rainforest to get out of danger.

To stay warm all the time, iguanas sit on rocks in the sun, to be able to soak up the sun’s heat.

Birds: Scarlet Macaw The Macaw has a foot that is arranged with two in front and two behind. This helps in finding food.

The Macaw has normal big beaks, which helps them act like their prey which will help them get their food. ("Animals and Their Adaptations in the Tropical Rainforest")-("Green

Iguana") ("Scarlet Macaw")

Plant AdaptaionsLianas: They live on the floor in the beginning of their lives, but they depend on trees as they grow upward for the sunlight to get survival.

Bromeliads: Their thick, waxy leaves make a bowl shape to collect rain-water in the centre.

Epiphytes: Epiphytes grow on trees to be able to take advantage of the sunlight in the canopy.

("Rainforest Plants") ("Rainforests")

("Lianas in the Tropical Rainforest")(“Bromeliads in the Rainforest")

("Jaguar in the rainforest") ("Scarlet Macaws in the rainforest")

There are not only biotic factors in the tropical rainforest like plants and animals. There are a lot of abiotic factors in the rainforest such as:

Air: Affects plants and animals by providing oxygen to breathe

Rainfall: Affects how healthy the trees are, and how tall they grow.

Rivers: Provides water for animals to drink.

("Abiotic Factors") (Newman 237)

Abiotic Factors in the Tropical Rainforest

("Abiotic Factors")

("Rainforest River")

("Air in the rainforest")

Human Activity=Bad: Humans do not only take up the animal and plants homes, but do they also cut the trees for building materials. This first of all sometimes lessens the amount of food the animals and plants have, but does it also stop a lot of oxygen, since we get oxygen from trees.

Human Activity=Bad: The collection of fuel; oil usage; logging…etc, these all are causing the rainforests to die even more and more. These activities take life out of the rainforest, which is very un-fair. If we did not have rainforests, we would not of had so much oxygen.

(“Threat to Human-Kind")

Human Activities in the Rainforest

("Rainforest dying") ("Rainforests dying")

("Rainforests getting ruined")

Rainforests also have symbiotic relationships between species. That means that the creatures that live in the rainforest work together to both get benefited. For example, some plants create/perform/produce little housing structures and sugar for ants, in return the ants protect the plant from other insects that might want to eat/feed on the plants leaves

Rainforests have biodiversity. Biodiversity is the large quantity/variety of plants, animals, and fungi in the world. Scientists believe that half of the plants, and animals living on earth’s surface are living in rainforests

Rainforests have a canopy. A canopy is a layer of branches and leaves formed by the space between the close trees. The canopy may be 100 feet above ground

Rainforests get 8- inches (200 meters) of rain every year Rainforests lie in tropics

Fun Facts
