by: jessie, trevor, brian, and andrea. france, russia, britain’s empire, serbia, usa

BY: Jessie, Trevor, Brian, and Andrea Allies & Central Powers of WWI

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Page 1: BY: Jessie, Trevor, Brian, and Andrea. France, Russia, Britain’s empire, Serbia, USA


Jessie, Trevor, Brian, and Andrea

Allies & Central Powers of WWI

Page 2: BY: Jessie, Trevor, Brian, and Andrea. France, Russia, Britain’s empire, Serbia, USA

France, Russia, Britain’s empire, Serbia, USA


Page 3: BY: Jessie, Trevor, Brian, and Andrea. France, Russia, Britain’s empire, Serbia, USA

Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkish Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria, and Romania.

Central Powers

Page 4: BY: Jessie, Trevor, Brian, and Andrea. France, Russia, Britain’s empire, Serbia, USA

Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia after a member of The Black Hand assassinated Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand and his wife.

The ultimatum provided a reason to go to war against Serbia The demands were too high, giving Austria-

Hungary a reason to declare war on Serbia.

Reasons for War

Page 5: BY: Jessie, Trevor, Brian, and Andrea. France, Russia, Britain’s empire, Serbia, USA

Germany supported Austria-Hungary with The Dual Alliance, eventually Italy joins making it the Triple Alliance

Russia supported Serbia because they were both Slavic

Triple Entente= Russia, G.B, and FranceGermany had the Schlieffen Plan to win the

war in six weeks, with the idea that they would be fighting with Russia and France

After defeating France, the Germans would go to Russia and defeat them

Reasons for War

Page 6: BY: Jessie, Trevor, Brian, and Andrea. France, Russia, Britain’s empire, Serbia, USA

France- Raymond PoincareRussia- Tsar Nicholas IIBritain- David Lloyd GeorgeSerbia- Peter 1st of SerbiaUnited States- Woodrow Wilson

Allies' Leaders

Page 7: BY: Jessie, Trevor, Brian, and Andrea. France, Russia, Britain’s empire, Serbia, USA

Germany- Kaiser Wilhalm IIAustria- Hangary- Franz FerdinandSerbia- King peter 1st

Turkish- Mehmet Resat Bulgaria- Tsar Ferdinand IItaly- Vittorio Orlando

Central Powers' Leaders