by myself

Chapter 1 “Prince Kim.” “Yes father.” “Please receive this edict. You will lead our army to fight the Silla.” “Yes father.” Prince Kim Taeyeon bowed down and received the imperial edict. Prince Kim Taeyeon, riding on his horse, looked over the hill. On the other side of hill was his enemy, his country’s enemy. The amount of enemy’s troop was significant. They outnumbered Baekje’s army. Prince Kim sighed before turning his ride backwards, rode back to his camp. he jumped down the horse and received bows from his army. He waved them up and walked towards his tent. “Tell me, advisor. How is our situation?” “My lord.” The advisor bowed down fretfully. “I’m afraid we are on the down side.” Prince Kim sighed and looked out to the far where he could see the enemy. “There’s no need to be repentant, my servant. Their number is far too enormous than us.” He turned to the advisor and thought deep. “We have to come out with another approach. A new method. Something that can hit them in revelation.” “Yes my lord.” The advisor also engaged in strategy thinking. It was not long before Prince Kim snapped his fingers in excitement. “Cheer my servant! I have got a dazzling idea!” “Yes my lord, I’m all ears.” “We will disguise and sneak into their country. We will fish out their military information. We will have a surprise attack from both outside and inside!” The young prince spoke enthusiastically. “Oh no! I will! I will disguise and sneak into their country!” “But my lord…”

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  • Chapter 1

    Prince Kim.

    Yes father.

    Please receive this edict. You will lead our army to fight the Silla.

    Yes father.

    Prince Kim Taeyeon bowed down and received the imperial edict.

    Prince Kim Taeyeon, riding on his horse, looked over the hill. On the other side of hill was his enemy, his countrys enemy.

    The amount of enemys troop was significant. They outnumbered Baekjes army.

    Prince Kim sighed before turning his ride backwards, rode back to his camp. he jumped down the horse and received bows from his army. He waved them up and walked towards his tent.

    Tell me, advisor. How is our situation?

    My lord. The advisor bowed down fretfully. Im afraid we are on the down side.

    Prince Kim sighed and looked out to the far where he could see the enemy.

    Theres no need to be repentant, my servant. Their number is far too enormous than us.

    He turned to the advisor and thought deep.

    We have to come out with another approach. A new method. Something that can hit them in revelation.

    Yes my lord. The advisor also engaged in strategy thinking.

    It was not long before Prince Kim snapped his fingers in excitement.

    Cheer my servant! I have got a dazzling idea!

    Yes my lord, Im all ears.

    We will disguise and sneak into their country. We will fish out their military information. We will have a surprise attack from both outside and inside! The young prince spoke enthusiastically. Oh no! I will! I will disguise and sneak into their country!

    But my lord

  • Hush, they never saw me. They are oblivious of how I look like. I will go. And this is final.


    The velvety voice rippled around the spacious room tilted with marble floor. Red pillars stood firmly linking themselves with buttresses on the high end of the roof. Everything was in wood or vine, yet the room sparkled with the decorative gold engraved in the wall. Crimson curtains made of silk draped from the high roof, adding a feminine feel in the room.

    The melodious sound riveted in the room, blew everyones mind in that room.

    It took awhile after the song ended, before the audience in the room snapped back and gave a standing ovation.

    Well sang my child.

    The humble vocalist bowed to her queen. Conscious of her own status, she immediately retreated back behind the curtains to excuse herself. She needed to stay there until the banquet was over.

    And so the filthy merchants and royals started to openly judge the still listening singer. Though the lady in the middle and one young man sat beside her stayed silent throughout the conversation.

    She is gorgeous my queen.

    I would be ever glad to have her by myself.

    So I see why this servant is the best of all women.

    The woman is exactly my kind of type.

    The pasty-dressed young lady scoffed inwardly, feeling pity for herself that she needed to hear those rude old mans talk.

    Enough. The old lady sat in the middle of the room closed her eyes. She too, tired of these vulgar talks.

    Please forgive us, my queen. All the man bowed fretfully, fearful of the chastisement they might get.

    The queen frowned and waved them off.

    The banquet is over now. Please return.

    The timid merchants and royals started to retreat as the queen ordered. The young man beside the queen stood up as well.

    Stay, my prince.

  • But I have no business here, mother. The prince stood still and bowed. Plus, I need to see my seonseangnim for my learning.

    Very well then. Be sure you are present at the dinner. Your father wished to see you.

    Yes mother.

    The prince bowed again and exited the hall.

    It was till then that the young singer could come out from behind the curtain. She walked forward towards the queen and kneeled down in front of her.

    Very well done my child. You can stand up now. The queen gestured the girl to stand up. I shall reward you with 300 gold and 10 carton of silk. The queen smiled pleasingly.

    The meek servant bowed again.

    Please take back the rewards my queen.

    Oh no. You have done a spectacular job. The rewards are well deserved.

    If then, may I ask your majesty another request in replace?

    Speak my child.

    I wish to visit my mother in our hometown, my queen.

    The queen frowned a bit.

    You know the circumstances out there are unstable. War is raging my child.

    Thats the reason why I should visit my mother now. I would not dare to risk the last chance of seeing my mother.

    The queen looked at the determined expression on the young ladys face. She smiled pleasingly.

    You have a kind heart, my child. Your wish is granted. You may stay there for a month.

    The servant kneeled down happily and thanked her queen. She bowed again before going out of the hall.

    And, Miyoung-ah. The queen called before she left. Take two sacks of grains with you. And dont think of refusing.

    The girl called Miyoung bowed respectfully again before retreated out of the room.


  • The prince skipped gleefully into his room. He was ought to be seeing a familiar working figure in his room. And there she was. The prince sneaked stealthily until he stood right behind the young servant. The girl, cleaning the glass and vase on the table, was oblivious of the well-built young man behind of her.

    The prince smiled from the bottom of his heart looking at the back of the girl. He stepped closer to the girl and slipped his arm onto the girls waist, hugging her tightly.

    Ouhh! The servant jumped a little shocked by the sudden contact. Fortunately she was able to put the vase back onto the table without breaking it.

    When she registered who was behind her, she immediately tried to struggle out of the embrace. But her strength was no compare of the princes.

    Y-your highness She squirmed in his embrace.

    The prince took in a deep breath, smelling the sweet flora scent of the girl and smiled.

    You dont even call me Prince Choi now?

    P-P-Prince Choi, p-please She turned to look at the wooden door. Thank goodness it was locked.

    Now call me Sooyoung.


    Its Sooyoung.

    S-Soo Sooyoung.

    The prince showed a toothy smile and finally let go of the poor girl. But before she could escape, he caught her in his arms again, this time they were facing each other.

    You dont know how boring the banquet was. I was missing you all of the time.

    He took her hand and put it on his cheek affectionately.

    The girl didnt reply. Her heart thumped crazily, but her mind told her not to give in. She was in no position to be with the prince like this.

    The prince could see the apprehension and worry in her eyes. He knew what was going in her mind. And he had told the girl a thousand times before.

    Quit the thinking. What did I say to you? I love you and I want you. Dont be bothered about anything else.

    The girl didnt understand how he could utter the three words so easily.

  • How how could you say those words so easily?

    The prince looked intensely into her eyes.

    Because I love you, Sooyeon-ah.

    The answer left a huge impact on Sooyeons heart. Everything seemed so easy for him, but everything was exactly the opposite in the reality. Everything was dead difficult for them.

    A prince cannot be with a servant

    Hush, Sooyeon. He stopped her by his index finger.

    He leaned in to softly peck on Sooyeons lips. The sweet, tempting lips made him lingered there for a few more moments before he leaned back. He touched his forehead with Sooyeons.

    Now tell me. Do you love me?

    Sooyeon was still dizzy from the kiss they had, closing her eyes to savor the moment as long as she could.

    Sooyoung, being impatient, kiss her again before asking the same question. Do you love me?

    I love you.


    Prince Kim Taeyeon stood within his tent with his best generals and advisors all with him. He was already dressed in normal civilians outfit, packed his belongings into a small cloth satchel.

    Are you sure with this, your highness? One of the advisor asked, worrying for their wise prince.

    More than ever. Now. He straightened up after finished with himself. I will entrust you all to oversee our troops in my absent. I will be expected to back in a month time.

    The proud soldiers bowed for the prince.

    Dont initiate any attack while Im absent. Defend our land as best as you could.

    His people nodded respectfully.

    But I still worry about your safety, my prince. One of the general spoke. Its best if one of us tag along with you, your highness.

    Yes, thats a brilliant idea, my prince. The others agreed immediately.

  • Prince Kim Taeyeon looked at his trusted comrades.

    Very well then. Ill take one of you with me.

    One of the general kneeled down immediately, bowed down to offer his service.

    Servant Kim Hyoyeon at your service Your Highness.

    Prince Kim Taeyeon nodded approved the proposition.

    Well we better be off now. Theres no time to waste.


    The dinner was in complete silent. The King, the queen and Prince Choi ate in silent, all with poker face on, except for Sooyoung with occasion peeks to Sooyeon, who was standing at a side, serving the royal family.

    It was how the dinners always went through.

    It was not long after that they finished their dished.

    The king cleared his throat, indicating he was planning to talk. The servants quickly retreat and closed the doors, making Sooyoung pouted a bit, not able to see his lover anymore.

    Prince Sooyoung my son. I have a proposition for you.

    Yes father? Sooyoung sighed inside and answered solemnly.

    General Park had given me a great suggestion. It seems like we are winning the war. And the attacks had been more temperate recently. I had considered his offer, to let you lead the army from now on.


    Prince Sooyoung stood up abruptly shocked by the proposal his father made.

    The King stared at him and frowned. Whats the matter my son?

    Prince Sooyoung sat down awkwardly.

    No, no nothings wrong.

    Then I may appoint you to lead our army to fight the Baekje, and come back victoriously.

    Y-yes father.

  • Chapter 2

    Sooyoung stood beside the small round table in his room with his hands linked behind himself. On the table was a plate full of traditional pastries with a pot of Korean tea.

    The prince just came back from the dreadful dinner. In his mind was all about the unpleasant edict his father just gave him. Sooyoung let out a long sigh, alarming the humble servant stood by the locked door. She looked at the back of the prince but dared not to speak a word.

    Frowning, Sooyoung turned his body and supported his weight by putting his both hands on the exquisitely decorative table. He eyed his favorite pastries but shook his head.

    Oh no this is no time for food. He mumbled but still eyeing those delicate, mouthwatering, savory little pastries.

    The tall shiksin gulped at the sight of those delicate gourmets.

    In the speed of light, two of the gourmet already disappeared from the plate and another one was firmly held in the princes hand. With mouthful of food in his mouth, Sooyoung looked up at the ceiling and let out a sigh, a content sigh.

    Gahhh Twhiss ishh juz amajjing!

    He took the pot off the table and didnt even care much but just literally poured the tea into his pastries-full mouth. He gulped down all the content in his mouth and continued to shove another few pieces of cakes and biscuits before patting his tummy satisfyingly.

    Sooyeon on the other hand witnessed the literally chaotic eating manner, was trying hard not to laughing out loud. But the laughing was so intense that even with her both hands covering her mouth to muffle it, Sooyoung could hear it and turned around.

    He couldnt help but smiled dorkily looking at the laughing girl he loved so much.

    What are you laughing at? He accused playfully.

    Sooyeon lowered her head and wiped off the tears from laughing so hard before answering.


    Heehee The prince let out some cute chuckles, Sooyeon-ah

    The girl wanted to raise her head but before she could do, she felt a pair of arms tightly held on both of her shoulders and pulled her into a warm embrace. She whimpered slightly at the warmness and coziness of the hug. Her hands on the princes chest while her head tucked just perfectly into his neck. The pleasant smell of Sooyoung made her heart thumped faster as she felt heat crept up on her cheeks.

    Im sorry.

  • Why?

    Sooyeon felt something soft and warm pressed on her hair just above her forehead. The sensation stayed there for a few seconds before leaving, immediately made her felt longing for it again.

    My father is sending me to the frontline.

    Sooyeons heart jumped and eyes widened hearing it.

    But the war is at its end. Sooyoung said softly, I promise I will be back before you know.

    Sooyeon didnt respond. She just stayed in the prince embrace quietly.

    Sooyoung felt his chest tightened. Even a dinner without seeing her was that painful. Even being a wall apart from each other hurts him that much. How would it feel when hes away from his one and only princess for weeks and months, miles and yards away?

    But he laughed, trying to pry off the uneasy feelings in his chest.

    Hehe Sooyeon-ah He let go of Sooyeon and held her hands, lets go.

    Go where?

    Prince Sooyoung smiled mischievously and pulled the servant along and went out from his room.

    To find your kind!

    What is my kind?

    The stars!

    Loud, tinkling laugh could be heard as the two headed to somewhere quiet and hidden.

    A figure walked out from the dark looking at the two. She shook her head and continued her path; having the little conversation she just heard hanging in her mind.


    Two danshins stood at the hills before the towns boundary. It was dawn and the sun didnt even rise yet. The people in the town most probably were still in their sweet slumber or preparing to start their day.

    Were here your highness.

    Yes, I know. Taeyeon rolled his eyes as his follower just stated the obvious, And how many times should I tell you to address me as Deoryeonim? Im your master, not prince from now on.

  • Oh yes Deoryeonim. The shorty called Kim Hyoyeon bowed.

    Lets go. Taeyeon walked at the front while Hyoyeon followed him obediently. Oh and remember who we are

    Deoryeonim is a merchant from the Far East and Im your faithful servant.


    With that, the two made their ways to the port where two sturdy guards stood at the gate, each wore a sword nesting properly in sheathes tied to their waist. The guards noticed the two outsiders approaching immediately got alert and stopped them before they enter the town.

    Who are you people? What is your business doing here?

    Ni men shi shui Rang gong zi jin qu rang gong zi jin qu!!!

    Even Taeyeon was stunned by the random sound emitted from Hyoyeons mouth. The two guards frowned looking at the talking danshin puzzled by the foreign language he was speaking.

    Taeyeon coughed to stop Hyoyeon and grab attention from the two guards.

    I am a merchant from the Far East. He tried to enhance the accent in his talking, while gesturing Hyoyeon beside him, Please pardon my servant. He speaks little Korean.

    The two guards looked forth and back at the two danshins suspiciously. After exchanging looks, the two eventually let the two enter the town.

    What was that? Prince Taeyeon asked after they reached a safe distance from the guards.

    Chinese. Hyoyeon smirked recalling the faces of the guards when they heard his Chinese.

    The sun rose as the town residents started to wake up from their dreams too. Taeyeon and Hyoyeon walked down the street and realized the street was getting crowded by each minute passed. Some were businessmen, merchants and hawkers ready to start their business; some were housewives coming out from the houses to buy daily necessities; some were teens and youngsters waking up early playing with their playmates.

    Quite a prosperous town yeah Deoryeonim?


    Taeyeon watched the happy faces of the civilians. Somehow he felt pity of them. The poor civilian under the rule of kings, who just wished to have peaceful life, would suffer the most consequences of the war. And he was there, to fish out military information, to start a war, to make them suffer.

  • He sighed looking around him as the street started to become lively as sellers shouting and selling their goods and the residents walked around the street to buy breakfast and necessities.

    Steamed buns! Tasty steamed buns!

    Hyoyeon drooled over the buns as she stood just in front of the stall. Taeyeon wanted to tell Hyoyeon to focus on their mission but then his tummy growled just at the time. He rubbed his tummy and pouted.

    Oh a breakfast to boost our energy wont harm.

    Yes Deoryeonim the buns seem delicious! Hyoyeon chirped goofily with his eyes still stared at those buns in the bamboo steamer.

    The hawkers eyes lit up hearing the potential customers words.

    Yes yes mister, please sit down. He led the two to a table and wiped the table clean.

    The two ordered some buns and a pot of tea. Soon, the foods had been wolfed down by the two hungry guys.

    We should start our mission now! Taeyeon scanned the surroundings after the two left the table and wandered on the street. There should be a

    Toilet!! Hyoyeon uttered hurriedly. He was biting his lower lips with his face crumpled together.

    I was going to say the local judiciary Taeyeon rolled his eyes and waved his servant off. Go finish your business fast and come back here!

    YES! Hyoyeon couldnt wait anymore and ran inside a building which looked like an inn.

    The prince then turned around to observe his surroundings. He was about to ask a passer-by for the location of the local judiciary when he heard a neigh of a horse and some gasps from the people. Before he knew what was happening a horse brushed through him making him almost lost his balance.

    He frowned and looked at the now faraway horse with a man wearing mauve silk robe and black gauze cap. It must be some well-off aristocrat as Taeyeon thought.

    Aishh, those heartless aristocrats He scoffed while brushing off the dust on his shirt.

    Looking up, he found a middle-aged lady sat on the ground, her basketful of vegetables and fruits rolled around the ground. His brows instinctively knitted together seeing the poor lady. He hurried beside her and squatted down to help picking up those vegetables and fruits. He put all of them back into the vine made basket. He then turned to the old lady and helped her up.

    Are you alright ahjumma?

  • The lady looked at him with a grimaced face. She painfully exhaled when she touched her left ankle. Taeyeon noticed it and immediately checked it. It was slightly swollen in a reddish color. The ahjumma must have sprained her ankle when she fell down to avoid the reckless horse rider.

    We should go for the doctor.

    The ahjumma noticed how the young lad she seeing used we instead of you. She was grateful for that, of course, to have this kind young gentleman there for her. She gathered her strength to stand up, with the help of Taeyeon for sure. The disguised prince gently put the ladys arm over his shoulder without hesitation, and walked slowly, following her pace, to the nearest clinic there.

    Thank you again... The lady bowed her head a little to show her gratitude. She was still in his arm, walking unsteadily towards the direction of her house. She then realized she had not known the name, so she looked at him dubiously.

    Taeyeon caught the stare and smiled politely.

    I am Tae- He then realized he was still in disguise, which means he shouldnt give out anything true about himself, Taengoo, madam. He made up a random name.

    Taengoo, The lady repeated, and her eyes disappeared into a sweet crescent. Thank you Taengoo.

    And ahjumma is?

    Im a Hwang, but ahjumma is fine for me Lady Hwang laughed, I know Im not young anymore.

    He smiled and continued to walk following the ladys instruction until the two reached the end of the street, in front of a fence made roughly by uneven twigs gathered together in a cluttered manner. The entrance was barely discernible as it was made with the same muddled twigs gathered together. The lady opened the gate and they were in the earthy lawn with a small house stood in it.

    Taeyeon flickered his eyes around to observe the environment. It was evident that Lady Hwang came from a humble household, with not much material properties. The lawn was not big with some baskets and pots piled up on one side, a water pump stood beside those; A pair of ropes held up by two vertical woods for each on the other side with some garments hanging on them.

    The house was small, in fact tiny, for Taeyeon. It was made of earth and straw-thatched roof topping it. The small wooden door and two vine frame covered holes, which Taeyeon believed to be windows, were all that decorated the house.

    Nothing fancy but still a cozy home for me. The middle-aged lady showed her eye-smile again and gestured the guy to lead them into the house.

    Taeyeon pushed the door open and sat the lady onto the chair by the wooden table in the living room. There was just a pathway to the back for the kitchen and two doors for bedrooms.

  • You live alone? Taeyeon asked as he couldnt found any presence in the house.

    Yes, Lady Hwang nodded, But I do have a daughter

    Taeyeon nodded and silence took over. The danshin felt awkward as he didnt know what to do next.

    Oh, where are my manners The lady tried to stand up with her hands supporting her by pressing on the table. I have a guest here

    Taeyeon was about to tell her to be careful when the lady felt the awful pain from her left ankle as she shifted weight on it. She forgot that she sprained her ankle and yes, she was one clumsy ahjumma. In the aftermath, the lady fell sat on the floor before Taeyeon could reach to her.

    Taeyeon quickly attended to her and helped her up by holding both hands of the ahjumma. She frowned as the ankle still hurts while standing up. And that was then the wooden door was being pushed open revealing a young lady in her twenties.


    Taeyeon turned around, still holding to the ahjummas hands. He only caught a glimpse of the girl before he got pushed by the surprisingly forceful young girl. He stumbled a bit before getting back on his feet steadily. Frowns crept their ways onto the princes face as he raised his head to clearly see the figure in front of him.

    The young woman was holding Lady Hwang in her arms when he looked up. She looked beautiful; he could tell that the first second he laid his eyes on her. The girl was in her pink hanbok; her hair in its natural chocolate brown shades was tied into a simple yet eye-catching braid, falling onto her left shoulder.

    What are you trying to do to my mother?! The girl uttered a little bit too loud; her expression was not of the happy ones.

    Taeyeon was stunned by the sudden appearance of the girl, and maybe by her beauty, and was standing stiffly unable to utter any words. But fortunately Lady Hwang, sat securely on the chair, was there to speak for him.

    Miyoung! How can you be so rude?! This kind gentleman here was trying to help me up.

    Miyoung looked at her mother and looked back to the silent guy. She was supposed to apologize but she didnt.

    What happened mother? She asked instead.

    Not until you apologize to this nice young lad there.

    Miyoung pouted but obeyed.

  • Im sorry for my thoughtless act. She bowed a little.

    Taeyeon froze awhile before bowing back, No harm done.

    Miyoung turned to look back at her mother.

    I sprained my ankle and he helped me. Lady Hwang sighed.

    You should be more careful mother. Miyoung frowned, I knew I shouldnt leave you alone here, why wouldnt you just come with me?

    Lady Hwang sighed again knowing her daughters exaggerated worries; she shook her head.

    We have a guest here. Lets talk about this another time okay?

    Fine. Miyoung pouted.

    The three sat down by the table full of appetizing dishes prepared by Miyoung, since Lady Hwang was unable to cook, as the two young adult said. They ate in silence, a little awkward for the two while Lady Hwang eyed her daughter and the young man. She already liked Taeyeon and would gladly accept him into her family someday. Yeah, she had already thought of that.

    So, where are you come from and why are you here, Taengoo? Lady Hwang started.

    I came from the Far East. Taeyeon tried to think of a why hastily, I travel around to see the world? He sounded unsure. He then thought of his faithful servant. Oh gosh Hyoyeon!


    My servant. I left him on the street!

    Ahh Im sure hell be fine. Lady Hwang smiled, You can go look for him after lunch.

    Taeyeon nodded.

  • Chapter 3

    Taeyeon set foot on the street he stood the same morning. The danshin prince just finished his lunch with the Hwangs and excused himself to go search for the poor abandoned Hyoyeon. The street was crowded with people at that time too, but it was more quiet than the morning.

    Taeyeon was hoping to see his servant at the same place where they had their breakfast, buns. But there was no sign of the other danshin. He sighed and remembered Hyoyeon was going for the toilet before he lost him. The prince found the place where it resembled a simple looking inn and entered the place.

    He was immediately greeted by the waiter there.

    Greetings sir! Are you looking for a room to stay?

    Im afraid not Taeyeon tried to peek into the hall, Did you happen to see a guy whos at his twenties, wearing plain colored clothing, a little shorter than me

    SHORTER THAN YOU?? The very person described appeared into their sight, wobbling and struggling his way towards the two.

    Taeyeon hoisted his brows at the evidently drunken Hyoyeon. Hyoyeon struggled to open his heavy eyes and looked upon the person in front of him. And when he recognized the figure, his mouth hung opened and his eyes widened instantly.

    P-prin- I mean. D-Deoryeonim! Hyoyeon tried to stand straight but failed, he had to balance himself by putting his hand on the table beside instead. Of course Im shorter than you

    Kim Hyoyeon Taeyeon sighed and turned to the waiter instead. Im sorry for the troubles he caused. Heres some silvers

    The waiter thanked him for the tips and left the two immediately.

    Would you like to tell me why are you drunk?!

    Hyoyeon lowered his head in shame.

    It was umm toilet a girl soju she me and umm The poor servant mumbled in a hushed voice.

    Aishh forget it I dont want to know the details Taeyeon face palmed himself and sighed. Now come quick, we need to search for the judiciary here

    Y-yes Deoryeonim!

  • The two stood before the large crimson door decorated with heavy bronze doornails as ornaments. Two armored men stood before the door, holding on spears with sharp-pointed head, threatening to stab into every intruders ribcage.

    Yah what business do you have here?! The left guard barked.

    Taeyeon bowed his head down and brought Hyoyeon away from the scene.

    But why Deoryeonim? I could easily tear their heads off!

    Patience my servant Taeyeon gawked at the building again before turning away, We will sneak in when the night falls we wouldnt want to create any commotions. Just get what we want and go Arasseo?

    Ne, Deoryeonim.

    The two continued to walk down the street aimlessly. After awhile of silence, Hyoyeon, who was apparently bored, spoke.

    Deoryeonim what should we do in the meantime?

    Taeyeon looked at him. He thought of Lady Hwang, and her beautiful daughter.



    Oh umm nothing. Taeyeon twitched his eyebrows, I mean I have some place to go How about you go reserve a room for us to stay and we meet when night falls?

    Algetseumnida Deoryeonim. Hyoyeon bowed and soon excused himself.

    Ahhh you are back Lady Hwang sat by the table and greeted when she saw Taeyeon passed through their front gate.

    Yes ahjumma. Taeyeon showed his charming smile and bowed, then he noticed something, Wheres umm wheres your daughter?

    Just call her Miyoung-ah Taengoo! Lady Hwang smiled, shes out to get me some groceries


    Taengoo-ah, so did you found your friend?

    Ah yes, I found him.

    Good Lady Hwang smiled before she remembered something, Taengoo?

  • Yes ahjumma?

    Do you have a place to stay? How about you staying in our house?

    Oh thank you for the kind offer, but Hyoyeon my servant is already looking for a place to stay

    Oh but I really hope you can stay You can save your expenses in that way

    But I really

    And its more lively if youre here Lady Hwang put on a sulking face, A man in house could be very helpful

    She sighed and hung her head down.

    Taeyeon didnt know what to say. He couldnt stay but who in the world could say no to the sulking face of Lady Hwang? No.

    O-okay Ahjumma, Ill stay

    Lady Hwangs face lit up immediately after that. She beamed and showed her eye-smile.


    Yes ahjummaTaeyeon nodded and noticed the unwashed dishes left on the wooden table. Ill help you with these

    Oh never mind them! Youre our guest, how could I

    Its okay ahjumma, I want to do it.

    Seeing Taeyeons insistent look Lady Hwang gave up on refusing. Thank you Taengoo.

    Taeyeon smiled and took the dishes to the back kitchen. He picked up the loofah (A/N: the dried fibrous part of the fruit of a plant of the genus Luffa; used as a washing sponge or strainer) and brushed the clay-made dishes under running water. As a prince, he wouldnt have to know how to wash dishes; but as Kim Taeyeon, he had always liked to join his servants in the chores. It was how he played back when he was a young lad, with the absence of any peers in the palace back then.

    Lady Hwang sat at her place and couldnt help but smiled and bobbed her head slightly, staring at the working Taeyeons back.

    What a good man I want him to be my son-in-law The older lady showed her eye-smile when Taeyeon took a glance at her.

    The disguised prince then continued to offer his hands in sweeping the floor, watering the plants, even laundering the washed clothes.

  • When Miyoung the daughter came back, Taeyeon was holding on an inner robe and preparing to hang it up onto the rope meant for drying the clothes. Taeyeon froze at the sight of the young girl while the latter did the same. Miyoung turned her gaze onto the inner robe her was holding, HER inner robe he was holding.

    YAHHHHHHHH Byuntae!!!!!

    The girl stomped her way towards the startled Taeyeon and snatched away the inner robe.

    What are you trying to do?!! Ohh what a byuntae!

    B-b-byun-byuntae?!! Taeyeon stuttered out of shock, What are you talking about? B-byuntae?!

    YES! What else does this look like? Holding on my my Miyoung was too shy to utter the correct noun of the piece of article.

    I was trying to do the laundry Miss Miyoung!!

    H-how could you?!! Miyoung didnt even listen to Taeyeons words.

    Im not I just-

    Aigoo Miyoung-ah!! Lady Hwang stood beside the door, leaning on it to support herself. Taengoo is trying to help me!

    W-what? Miyoung looked back and forth towards her mother and the danshin.

    I told you! I was just doing the laundry!

    B-but Mother! The girl ran to her mother with a pout on her face, How could you let a stranger hold on my our clothing?!

    Miyoung-ah Taengoo is not a stranger, and theres nothing to be ashamed of Its just clothes right?

    Taeyeon walked towards the two and bowed.

    Im sorry if I offended you again, Miss Miyoung I really am. He bowed again.

    Its its okay Miyoung sighed when she saw her mothers expression, IIm sorry too

    Taeyeon smiled as politely as possible to the girl. But Miyoung just turned her head around, embarrassed by both herself and the fact Taeyeon had held her intimate clothing.

    Later at night

    Taeyeon had spent the whole evening worrying about the plan. What would Hyoyeon do if he couldnt find him? The prince just hoped that his servant wont do something reckless without him.

  • After dinner, Lady Hwang and Miyoung had returned to their chamber to call it a night. Well they ushered Taeyeon into the room which used to be Miyoungs. Of course Taeyeon couldnt sleep; he sat in the room, with the lights off to avoid any suspicions from the mother and daughter. Now he just needed to wait for the two to fall into deep slumber before he went out to find Hyoyeon and begin their operation.

    After a good ten minutes or so, Taeyeon sure he could hear nothing but light snores once in a while. He quietly tiptoed out of his assigned bedroom and slid the door closed. He sneaked towards the front door and tried to open it.


    Aishh this door is too loud Taeyeon grumbled faintly before closing the door in the gentlest way, but it still created slow, agonizing cracking sound.

    Taeyeon stopped for awhile to ensure that Lady Hwang and Miyoung didnt wake up from the noise. After that, he rushed silently towards the front gate. And thats when he realized that he forgot to bring his mask. His black mask that should had matched the dark night-colored robe he was wearing.

    Ughh He couldnt possibly sneak into a place full of armored guards without get noticing, and if he got noticed, he couldnt let the guards to recognize his face.

    A mask is a must.

    And his mask was inside the room, within his satchel. If he went back to his room, he need to go into the house. In order to enter the house, he needed to open that loud cracking door.

    Damn that loud cracking door.

    That would probably woke up the Hwangs and thats the least Taeyeon want it to happen.

    He flickered his eyes around in the starless night. Everything was so dark and there was nearly no one now in the street. He looked back into the front yard of the Hwang and got an idea. He rushed back, silently to the Hwangs lawn, and looked around the laundries, to find if anything would be suitable for his mask.

    There was one. A piece of silk handkerchief just good enough to wrap around his face and cover most of his face. But theres one problem. One single problem that made Kim Taeyeon scratched his head in frustration.

    It was pink.

  • Chapter 4

    Taeyeon sneaked into the night, sprinting towards where he and Hyoyeon agreed to meet. He skillfully avoided any pedestrians still wandering on the street, and jumped up the roof through a pile of loads. He flew from roof to roof without creating much noise under his legs.

    The building of judiciary was soon insight. Taeyeon slowed down and bent his body to stealth himself from the eyes of the night guards. Soon he reached the rooftop of a building just opposite of the judiciary, where he found Hyoyeon already squatting there.

    He tapped Hyoyeons shoulder while crouching down beside him.

    Deor- Bwahaha- Mmpphh! Hyoyeon laughed his heart out before got muffled by Taeyeons hand when he saw the pink garment tied onto Taeyeons face.

    Shhh!! Taeyeon shushed him and shot him a glare. Whats so funny?!

    No no I mean Deoryeonim Hyoyeon wiped off his tear of laughter, where did you get this cute pink mask?

    Shut up. Taeyeon hissed and turned his gaze to the building where the two guards started to move off their spot.

    Looks like theyre changing shift. We better take this opportunity.

    Taeyeon whispered as he moved to another closer building with Hyoyeon behind him. They waited till the two guards were completely out of sight.

    Ill go in; you stay here and look out for me.

    Taeyeon didnt wait for Hyoyeon to protest. He jumped down the roof stealthily. He landed on the earthy ground with a low thud and rolled himself to the other side where he hid himself behind a stack of wooden boxes.

    The prince got held of his short royal gilded dagger and observed the surrounding with his hawk eyes. Everything seemed static and clear; Taeyeon rolled himself out of his hiding place and rushed towards the side wall shielding the judiciary building. He climbed up with a swift movement and hung there to inspect the situation inside of the wall. There were a few guards patrolling, holding fire torch with them while their swords were tied on their waists.

    Taeyeon waited for the patrols to pass by and prepared himself to intrude the area. But before he could do that, a high-pitched scream could be heard from the alley just on the other side. Taeyeon widened his eyes and turned to look at the patrols. But they seemed to not even bother about the scream of help, but only laughed at it and continued their watch on the area.

    The feminine voice screamed again. Taeyeon turned to look at the direction and finally he sighed. Jumping off the wall, he sneaked his way towards the dark alley.

  • What laid in front of his eyes enraged him with his eyes flared with wrath. A young lady lying on the ground crying with her hair being pulled into cluttered mess; her clothes were half torn by the drunken bastard now wobbling in front of the girl, trying to untie his sash.

    Taeyeon charged at him and kicked him on his butt with all his strength. The boozer fell on his face in impact. The girl gasped at the sight of her pink masked hero before she gasped again but this time its because of the drunkard was standing up again, holding his broken soju jar.

    The drunk launched towards Taeyeon with his unstable steps, swinging the jar at Taeyeon. The latter dodged the attacks easily. He jumped up and flew his foot towards the guys waist, hitting hard on the side belly of the drunk. The drunk whimpered in pain but didnt fall. Taeyeon lifted himself in the air and swung his body, using the force to land his powerful leg right on the drunks head.

    A loud crack sound could be heard and the drunk collapsed along with a thud on the ground. Taeyeon landed on the ground at the same time kneeling, with his left hand balancing himself.

    The girl looked at him with fear still linger in his eyes while the pink masked Taeyeon stood up. At the same time, they heard some rushing footsteps and loud yelling sounds coming near. Taeyeon nodded slightly to the girl before disappearing into the air. Okay, he just jumped onto the roof and fled to where Hyoyeon was.

    Deoryeonim! Hyoyeon was still crouching at the same spot with a worried face, Where did you go? The guards are moving back!

    Aishh, I had to do that Taeyeon sighed as he peeked on the judiciary building, it was now filled with alarmed guards, I guess we have to come here another time.


    [bump bump]

    Sooyeon had been up that night; in fact she didnt slept at all. And when she heard the low hitting sound came from the wooden window, she climbed off her bed without awaking other maids. She tiptoed to the window and opened it.

    The prince beamed with a huge smile hung on his face when he saw who he expected to come out.

    Prince Sooyoung Sooyeon gasped when she saw the royal figure.

    Sooyeon, He leaned his body through the window and hugged the servant; I knew you couldnt sleep. He whispered at Sooyeons ear.

    He released his lover from his embrace and held her hands.

  • Come out.

    He helped the girl to climb over the window and embraced the girl before she fell onto the ground. He chuckled softly and helped the girl up. Sooyoung held Sooyeons hand and led her through the twists and turns of the garden before they reached the lakeside.

    They sat by the lake with the starry night sky above them. Sooyoung had his hand secured around Sooyeons shoulder with her head leaned on his shoulder.

    It was plain silent, just two lovers enjoying each others warmth, before Sooyoung sighed and spoke.

    I will probably be gone for a month or two depends on how the war would go on

    Sooyoung felt his girl nodded in his neck.

    The campsite is set just at the boundary; it takes about four hours to go there Sooyoung continued, Maybe I can sneak back when the guards are not on watch.

    Sooyeon jumped from his embrace and stared at him worriedly.

    No, my prince you should not risk

    Shhh Sooyeon Sooyoung put his index finger onto her soft pink lips. Im afraid I will die without seeing you for so long So let me be.

    Sooyeon blushed at the sweetness the prince showing her and hung her head low. Sooyoung smiled at the sight and lifted her chin with his hand. Sooyeon looked at the princes reassuring gaze, smiled eventually with her heart softened. Sooyoung stared at her lovingly before leaning in, sealed their lips together as he made a promise with himself inside, to love and protect this girl he loved so much.


    Next Morning

    Taeyeon followed behind Miyoung as the two was out to help Lady Hwang to buy fresh vegetables for the day as the ahjumma sprained ankle wasnt fully healed yet. His hands were already carrying two baskets full of vegetables and fruits that they bought. And the daughter of Hwang still wanted to look for more greens.

    Are these still not enough, Miyoung-ssi? Taeyeon sighed from the back, already exhausted from the walk for the whole morning, not to mention from the fight yesterday night.

    Miyoung stopped and turned abruptly, making Taeyeon almost bumped into her.

  • I dont know why mother likes you Taengoo-ssi but I certainly dont! So dont act like were close! Byuntae!

    W-what? Taeyeon hung his mouth opened, Im not a byuntae and, I never acted close with you Miyoung-ssi!

    Whatever you think doesnt matter now just follow me and be quiet. Miyoung narrowed her eyes at him before turned around and started walking again.

    Taeyeon hoisted his left brows in confusion and followed her.

    Aigoo women in Silla are weird

    The two continued to walk until they noticed theres a crowd huddled together around a wooden notice board. Out of curiosity, Miyoung also blended into the crowd to look at the board. Taeyeon at the back also tried to peek but he couldnt see a thing. Blame his height and the baskets on his hands.

    The danshin puffed his cheeks and sat down at the road site to wait for Miyoung to come out from the crowd.

    The girl only came out after around ten minutes. Taeyeon stood up immediately and asked her what happened with his eyes glittering in curiosity.

    Oh it said that theres a anonymous hero last night the saved the village chiefs daughter and they wanted to award him. And it said the hero was masked in pink? Miyoung couldnt help but laughed at that, Although I do love pink, but pink masked rogue is kind of funny.

    Taeyeon felt his face heated in embarrassment.

    I wonder who would stupid enough to use pink mask to shield himself.

    Miyoung uttered before walking away, making Taeyeon to follow her.

  • Chapter 5

    Taeyeon carried the back basket on his back, and walked out of the Hwangs house. He was supposed to go to the mountain to get some firewood for the family but he walked towards the market street instead. The Hwangs was out of firewood and he volunteered to help them. But he figured he could use some time to meet Hyoyeon.

    Deoryeonim!! Hyoyeon shouted and ran to his master as soon as Taeyeon stepped foot into the inn Hyoyeon stayed in.

    YAH! No need to shout. Taeyeon sat down at the table and put down his back basket.

    But youre a hero now! The whole village is talking about you being the pin-

    Hyoyeon was immediately muffled by Taeyeon in his mouth.

    Shhh! You want the whole world to know its me?! Taeyeon hissed.

    Hyoyeon shook his head as Taeyeon was covering his mouth. Taeyeon sighed and let go of him.

    Aigoo I never wanted things to be like this We shouldnt catch so many attention around here.

    Hmm its okay Deoryeonim. Hyoyeon drank his cup of tea. It was the right thing to do.

    I guess so

    As the two was talking, people suddenly fussed and went outside to the street. Taeyeon and Hyoyeon frowned as they didnt know what was happening. Hyoyeon stopped the waiter who was going outside too and asked him what was happening.

    The prince is going to the war! Now hes passing by our village! The waiter uttered and rushed towards outside.

    Taeyeon and Hyoyeon looked at each other knowingly before joining the crowd, lining at the side of the main road as soldiers with full armor and weapons walked in line preventing the civilians to get any closer.

    Taeyeon and Hyoyeon tried to squeeze themselves to the front and luckily they did. There were lines of soldiers heavily armed that they couldnt see the end of the line. Taeyeon frowned as he saw the number of Sillas army. They were obviously outnumbering Baekjes.

    After around ten minutes, the line finally came to an end. Generals, as Taeyeon suspected, were riding on horses, advancing forward slowly. The crowd cheered harder when a prestige-looking guy on a white horse appeared at the end of the line.

    This should be the prince, Deoryeonim. Hyoyeon whispered beside Baekjes prince.

  • Taeyeon nodded as he scrutinized the prince thoroughly. The prince was tall-looking, rather tanned, with an determined piercing eyes. He was smiling warmly and waving at his people.

    Taeyeon pulled Hyoyeon back into the inn. He let Hyoyeon showed the way to his room and locked the door behind them. Hyoyeon knew that the prince had something in mind. They sat down by the round table.

    Okay Hyoyeon. Ive got an idea.

    Yes my prince.

    Now that we know that the prince is going to the war, this would be our best chance to launch a surprise attack.

    Surprise attack?

    Yes. Taeyeon took out the map of the boundaries area. He pointed at where the Baekjes camped. Heres our campsite. And theirs should be here.

    Hyoyeon nodded as Taeyeon continued to speak out his strategy.

    The prince is coming, means that they would be welcoming the prince. The defense should be the weakest at that time.

    And they wouldnt be well prepared. Hyoyeon uttered, understood Taeyeons thoughts.

    Yes, and thats why I need you to rush back to the camp now. Inform the generals about this and lead the army for the attack!

    Me? Hyoyeon looked at Taeyeon surprisingly as he was always the assisting general of all.

    Yes, I trust you Hyoyeon.

    Hyoyeon smiled and nodded his head. Yes your highness.

    Now, heres the hill and theres another path that you can approach them Taeyeon continued to study the map and plotted the attack plan for Hyoyeon.

    After 5 minutes of explaining, Hyoyeon rode on his horse and sprinted towards their camp.


    What takes the byuntae so long?

  • Miyoung crossed her arms, sitting on the front yard of her house, gawking at the door but there was no one passing through it. She pouted with her hands supporting her head on her knees, and huffed a sigh.

    Picking up a twig, Miyoung drew random letters on the sand ground. Her expression was of bored one as she continued to wait for Taeyeon who should, theoretically, be back by now with a bundle of firewood.

    After a good twenty minutes or so of creating abstract drawings on the sand, Miyoung was out of patience. She stood up abruptly and threw the twig onto the ground puffing a frustrated sigh.

    Mother!! Im going out for awhile! She shouted into the house and held up the hem of her long dress and trotted out of the house.

    Where could he be? Miyoung moved her legs in a fast pace, turning her head left and right hoping to spot a certain danshin.

    Soon, she arrived at the fork where the road had been forked into two; the left one to the mountain, where Taeyeon should be for the firewood collecting; another one led to the market.

    This byuntae Miyoung hissed while looking uncertainly at the crossroads, He must be in some brothel having the time of his life!

    They have brothel here?!

    Of cours-KYAAAAAAAAAAA! Miyoung jumped from surprise and turned around to see the guy she was looking for, Byuntae! Youre here!!!

    Yah, I have a name okay? Taeyeon pouted, Im not byuntae

    Miyoung somehow found the pout on Taeyeons face cute. But she shrugged it off anyways. Looking towards the back basket Taeyeon was carrying, Miyoung was surprised that it was filled with bundles of firewood, which was more than enough.

    What took you so long?! Miyoung still wanted to blame Taeyeon anyways, I was waiting for the firewood!

    I just went to see my servant for awhile Taeyeon sulked.

    Aha! So you did go to the market!

    And? Taeyeon tilted his head like a kid. And with his baby face, he looked cute, too cute for Miyoung to handle. I collected the firewood.

    You Miyoung quickly turned away when she couldnt find something to retort with, and because of her heated face, AISHH! Lets just go home!

    Taeyeon smirked as he followed the fluttered girl.

  • They really have a brothel here?!

    SHUT UP!

    Sooyeon let out another sigh as she cleaned the wooden door with a damped cloth. She had been doing the chores for hours now. In actual fact, she had been doing all the chores alone, finishing the work of even other servants.

    The servants had always known that Prince Sooyoung favored Sooyeon. Although Sooyeon didnt act arrogant from that, the servants still felt threatened and decided to isolate her. Now that the prince was away, of course the servants would gang up and bully her by giving all the works to her.

    Being a shy and timid girl like Sooyeon, she wouldnt dare to speak against them.

    Sooyeons hand paused from the repeated wiping movements as she thought of the prince. Her lips angled up into a small smile. Despite every hardship that she was facing, Sooyeon could still endure as long as Prince Sooyoung was there.

    Its a really strange emotion she had with the prince. She respected and looked up to the prince, like everyone else; and she did love him. What woman could resist a prince with the handsome looks, sturdy body, and most importantly the gentle touches, the sweet words?

    She would just contented with admiring the prince from far, serving him with everything he needs.

    So it was something beyond Sooyeons ever dreamt of when Prince Sooyoung confessed his love for her. And everything happened after that was heavenly for her.

    The soft voice calling out her name in the most affectionate way she could ever imagine; the warm touch that was so gentle like she was something so delicate; the kisses that brings every wonder in the world awake.

    Sooyeon sighed again, but this time, a contented sigh. Her hands got back to their routine of wiping the wooden frame of doors.

    Working hard?

    The sudden voice startled the servant as she turned to see who was talking. Sooyeon was shocked when she saw the owner of the sweet caring voice came out from no other than the queen, with a few servants behind her. She frantically bowed down and greeted the queen.

    Your majesty Sooyeon bowed.

    Please, stand up. The queen smiled sweetly at the servant.

  • Sooyeon bowed for the last time before standing straight, not daring to make any moves in front of the queen.

    Actually, The queen spoke, I have something to discuss with you, Jung Sooyeon-ssi.

    Algesseumnida, your majesty. Sooyeon bowed as she followed the queen until they reached her majestys chamber.

    As they entered the resplendent chamber, the queen sent off the other servants, leaving her majesty and Sooyeon only in the room. Sooyeon lowered her head, her mind was flying through thousands of possibility of the reasons the queen wanted her there, alone.

    Please, sit. The queen said after she sat on her seat.

    Sooyeon bowed, Ill just stand here, your majesty.

    No, please, sit. The queen said again, with a determined face.

    Sooyeon bowed again as she knew there was no use refusing the queens word. She gingerly sat down on the seat in front of the queen.

    Sooyeon was stunned when the queen put her hands on top of hers. The queen patted her hands gently while a smile plastering on her face.

    No need to be feeling restrained. The queen gave her an amiable smile.

    Sooyeon nodded slowly and cautiously.

    Well, Sooyeon-ssi. The queen started, You do know His highness and I have only one child, right?

    Sooyeon nodded, feeling uneasy of what the queen had to say.

    Prince Sooyoung is our only son, and I love him very much. He is going to succeed the throne.

    Sooyeon kept quiet, listening attentively at her queen. The queen paused for awhile to observe the servants expression but the latter just kept a blank face.

    I have heard that Prince Sooyoung is really fancy of you, right?

    Sooyeon widened her eyes. Her heartbeat raced like ten times faster than before as she wondered how the queen knew about that. Would she be expelled from the palace, or worst, be killed? She couldnt imagine the consequences if the queen had known the relationship of the prince and her.

    Honestly The queen said in a calm way, but it brought waves and waves of nervousness inside Sooyeon, Ive already known about you and Prince Sooyoung.

  • Sooyeon thought she couldnt be more shocked but she was wrong. The last sentence struck her like how a lightning practically struck a person. She kneeled down on the ground frantically and begged for forgiveness; her tears ran down like unstoppable stream of waterfalls.

    Please please its all my fault your majesty Please dont punish Prince Sooyoung She cried, Ill take all the consequences, expel me, e-even k-

    Youve got me wrong Sooyeon-ssi! The queen stood up and went to Sooyeon, helping the now dazed girl up. I wasnt even angry at you! Why would I punish you?

    E-Ehh? Sooyeon looked puzzlingly at the queen; her face stained with tears.

    I am not angry about you and Prince Sooyoung. The queen smiled warmly.

    Ehh? Sooyeon was still dazed, B-but why?

    I love Sooyoung, and I want him to be happy The queen smiled, Since the day I saw him smiling with you beside, I knew that only you can make him happy.

    Sooyeon widened her eyes, this time, surprised with a hint of relieve and gladness in it.

    Thats why I wanted to talk to you The queen said, I want you to know that, no matter what happens, please stay by the princes side and love him, make him the happiest man in the world. Can you do that?

    Sooyeon blinked her eyes. She still couldnt make herself to believe that the queen was actually asking her to be with Sooyoung, not parting with him. It made her heart jumped in joyfulness.

    Yes, I do. Sooyeon bowed deeply at the queen. I can.

    The queen smiled looking at the determination Sooyeon had in her eyes, it made her smiled from the bottom of her heart. The same goes to Sooyeon; it was a shame that Sooyoung was not there to witness the sweetest smile Sooyeon could ever offer then.

  • Chapter 6

    The same night

    Taeyeon rolled across the street, leaning his back against the brick wall as his eyes pierced through the whole area, scanning for any movements. The street was cold and quiet.

    Taeyeon took the silence as an opportunity and he turned his body and jumped up the wall, hanging himself with his hands to check on the situation inside. The guards had just passed the area. Taeyeon smirked as he rolled himself off the wall, successfully landing on the ground with minimum noise created.

    Not wasting anytime, Taeyeon sprinted stealthily towards the buildings, trying to locate his destination while avoiding the guards on patrol. His leaned against the wall of a building, sticking his head out and observed his surroundings.

    His eyes lit up as he saw the plaque imprinted with The Judiciary fixed to the wall of a building opposite of him. The only problem was the two sentries posting in front of the door. He needed to find another way to get in.

    Taeyeon took a long path to the back of the judiciary building. There was no back door without guards, sadly. He proceeded to the other side of the building and was rejoiced when he saw a window, not far from the ground and definitely a great pathway into the building.

    The prince jumped into the building with a low thud. Immediately, he stood up and stuck to the wall and observed his surroundings. Breathing through his black mask, Taeyeons eyes flickered around like an eagle.

    Letting out a heavy sigh, Taeyeon walked gingerly through the hallways on the concrete floor. He was in the basement of the building; and it seemed there was nothing there as Taeyeon checked the only room. There was a staircase at the end of the hallway.

    Taeyeon climbed up the stairs hurriedly but halted abruptly as he heard footsteps coming closer. He held his breath listening to the set of footsteps. Fortunately it just passed by without going to the stairs where Taeyeon was at.

    Making sure the guard was gone, Taeyeon set his feet on the ground floor of the building. There was a room with lines and lines of rack full with manuscripts. Taeyeon smiled, figured that he might found the right place.

    Silently, Taeyeon tiptoed along the aisle, rummaged through the racks of documents trying to look for something useful. He wished that he could at least find something about Sillas military information. The prince flip opened some of the books, analyzing the contents in them carefully and swiftly.

    It was until he made his way to the third aisle that his eyes stopped him from moving forward. The document in his hands appeared to be some financial records of the officials. And there was something

  • odd about the numbers which Taeyeon could figure out easily from all those years of studying in the palace.

    Yeoksi Taeyeon smiled, Maybe I can make use of this

    This was not what he came for but at least he found something that might be useful as a distraction to the Sillas army. Rolling the manuscript into a small cylinder, Taeyeon tucked it into the inner of his tight robe as he found something in it.

    Why is this here?

    Taeyeon wondered as he took out the soft fabric that its color almost blinded his eyes in the dim lights. It was the pink mask that he wore several nights ago. He must have forgotten to return it to where it belonged, on the laundering strings.

    As Taeyeon was about to insert the garment into his robe, a set of footsteps alerted him as his heart jumped and beat faster in nervousness. Someone was coming to his way! He could see the dim room lightened by the light source of the torch holding by a guard.

    Taeyeon hastily crouched down as the pink cloth decided to slip away from his hands and dropped onto the ground near him. His eyes widened as he wanted to grab the piece of garment but the sound of footsteps was getting louder and louder. Taeyeon knew he had to flee now or else he might get into a huge trouble.

    Taeyeon ran, bending as low as possible as he flashed through the aisles quickly to get to the only entrance of the room. But his effort to stay stealthy was wasted as the guard caught his shadow as he dashed through the entrance.

    WHOS THAT?!!

    Taeyeon ran as fast as he could, heading to the main entrance now knowing that he had already alerted the guards. The silent night were now alive with shouting and gong beatings, all targeted to the intruder.

    Taeyeon pushed the main door with all his strength, shocking the two sentries that were standing outside. He did a fly kick to the left one and used the repulsive force to help him accelerate away from the other guards.

    There were more and more guards trailing behind him with weapons and torches. Taeyeon dashed towards one of the wall and kicked the trunk of an old tree beside the wall, successfully bringing him outside of the wall.

    Landing effortlessly, Taeyeon kicked his leg and ran off into the shadows. The guards chased after him but eventually they gave up, seeing no signs of the black masked trespasser.

    I had found this A guard handed the pink cloth to a seemingly higher ranked official.

    The pink-maskedrogue?

  • The official clenched the cloth in his hands, gritting his teeth as he looked towards the direction where Taeyeon disappeared.

    The next day

    Hyoyeon watched as the scout hurried to his front. Behind them was the army of Baekje, lined up in order and waited for Hyoyeons command.

    General! The scout bowed, The army of Silla is slacking No sentinel on the watch!

    Perfect. Hyoyeon smiled, Then we should follow the Princes order and attack now!

    He raised his hands, signaled the army to prepare for the blitz. As planned, the Baekje army split into two and marched towards Sillas campsite from different directions.

    A firework burst into the mid air with loud screeching sound, burning in the bright sky. The Baekje army knew this was the signal. They roared vigorously while starting to charge towards the camp of Silla. Everything seemed perfect as Hyoyeon thought they would finally success in attacking their long time enemy.

    But he was wrong.

    The army of Baekje was thrown into disarray when Sillas soldiers appeared from thin air by the side and attacked their panicked enemy mercilessly. Hyoyeon stunned from the view in front of him, halting his horse from advancing.

    What the hell Hyoyeon gritted his teeth, They knew it all along! This is a trap! DARN IT!

    RETREAT!! Hyoyeon yelled on the top of his lung, RETREAT!!

    The army knew that the goddess of luck wasnt on their side; the only way was to retreat as what Hyoyeon had ordered. Frantically, the army of Baekje withdrew themselves from the battlefield, running disconcertedly from the Silla.

    Fortunately, Silla didnt have any intention to chase after them as they too, drew back to their camp. This abrupt and short-lived battle ended with the obvious losing of Baekje army, as they had lost more soldiers than they had from the sudden reencounter of Silla.

    Well done soldiers. Sooyoung smiled as he welcomed the victorious army.

    The general of Silla, Hyomin bowed before him with his usual straight face. Sooyoung nodded mindlessly as a reply before turning around, wanting to get back to his tent. But General Park stopped him before he could do what he wanted.

  • Wangjanim. The general stepped forward as he had strategies in mind that he wanted to share with their prince. While Sooyoung secretly sighed, didnt want to involve in any forms of conversation with anyone now, when he was actually depressed from his current distant with his lover.

    What it is, general?

    Baekjes army are having their morale breakdown currently. From what I think, it is the best if we

    General Park, Sooyoung interrupted him with a wave of his hands, Please talk to the advisor for this matter. Im tired.

    But Wangjanim Hyomin frowned.

    Advisor. Sooyoung signaled the bearded man as he retreated to his tent.

    Hyomin sighed, looking at the back of their prince. He didnt have much liking in the prince since the latter was just like a thoughtless brat who only care about their fancy toys; and he definitely wouldnt change his mind after today, when he noticed the prince had no interests in protecting and honoring their country in any ways.


    Where could it be?

    Miyoung fumbled through every corner of her chamber, but still couldnt find her favorite handkerchief. It was a present from her mother, not to mention that it was pink! Miyoung had her brows crumpled together when she found nothing after even searching around the house.

    What are you looking for, Miyoung-ah? Lady Hwang asked as she was getting dizzier with Miyoung going round and round in the small house.

    Mother, do you remember the pink handkerchief you gave me? Miyoung pouted at her mother, I cant find it!

    Is that so? Lady Hwang frowned as she tried to remember the last time she saw the handkerchief, I think I remember I laundered and hung it outside in the lawn

    Miyoung headed out to the door after hearing that. She went and checked but there was no sign of the handkerchief among all the laundries. Lady Hwang who went beside her patted her back.

    Aigoo its okay Miyoung-ah. Just buy a new one! She took out an amount of money and shoved it into Miyoungs hand.

  • But mother you gave me that. Miyoung sighed as she was really fond of that piece of cloth.

    Its okay. Im buying you this new one as well. Lady Hwang smiled her eye smile to reassure her daughter.

    Miyoung nodded, though she was still pondering about how and where is it possible that she lost it. Sighing, she bid goodbye to her mother and decided to go to the market to buy a new handkerchief and a few daily necessities.

    Why is it everyone gathered around there?

    Miyoung let her curiosity lead her to the crowd. As she was approaching, she could hear a loud and firm voice shouting out to the crowd.

    He is framing our king and his highness loyal servants and trying to provoke rebellion! You should not believe in such thief! Instead, The King has offered reward to anyone that catches this pink rogue mask!

    Miyoung managed to squeeze through the crowd and was now witnessing how the officers teared down pieces of papers from the wall. She managed to take a glance of the paper and was surprised that it was written with rows and rows of numbers and names of some high-ranked officers.

    What happened? Miyoung tried to ask an ahjumma beside her.

    Aigoo these notices were sticking all around the town since this morning and theyre written with the evidence of officers bribing history!

    Oh my Miyoung gasped. This was definitely a serious matter since no one dared to challenge the administration before.

    Again! If anyone catches this pink masked rogue, The King will reward them generously!

    Miyoung looked over to the officer announcing and was surprised when she saw the pink mask held in the officers hand.

    The article of garment that looked too familiar to her.

    It was her pink handkerchief!

    Why on earth her handkerchief was in the hand of the officer? Why were they assuming her pink handkerchief as the rogues pink mask? If its so, how and why did the rogue got her pink handkerchief?

    Who is this pink masked rogue?

  • Chapter 7

    Taeyeon sat on the ground, taking off the small scroll of paper off the pigeon. Patting it, Taeyeon put the pigeon into the cage beside him. He unwrapped the scroll of paper and began to read it.

    As he deciphered the message on the paper, Taeyeon frowned deeply. The situation, according to Hyoyeon, was not good at all. He needed to do something quick, in order to win this battle. He didnt even get any useful information about Sillas military; he just did useless distraction to the local judiciary.

    Taeyeon took out a brush and started to write a reply on a small piece of paper.

    [Defend as best as you can. Give me time till the end of this month and I promise I will return with great news.]

    He rolled up the paper and took out the pigeon. Placing in the paper onto the little container tied at the pigeons leg, Taeyeon set the bird fly.

    Looking at the parting pigeon, Taeyeon huffed out a sigh.

    He really needed to do something quick. The fate of the nation was in his hand while he was here doing basically nothing. He felt disappointed at himself.

    He had two weeks for him to do something.

    Taeyeon walked into the land of Hwang resident and put the firewood he collected on the ground. The moment he walked into the house, he was welcomed by the glares from Hwang Miyoung.

    Before he could say anything, Miyoung walked towards him and dragged him by his hand.

    You. Me. Talk. Now.

    She led the way, dragging the oblivious Taeyeon along.

    Taeyeon soon found himself standing on a riverside. Totally unaware of what Miyoung had to say, Taeyeon could only looked at the said girl blankly.

    Spill. Miyoung had her arms crossed. I know everything already.

    Taeyeon was totally blank.

    What? He asked innocently. What are you talking about?

  • Why did you steal my pink handkerchief?!

    Taeyeon hung his jaw low as he heard that. How did she?

    There is nobody else that would steal a handkerchief from strangers house and use it as mask, You byuntae! And you! You must be lying about your intention here! Who are you, Taengoo?!

    Taeyeon was shocked. His cover was blown.

    I will now tell the administration officers that you are the pink masked rogue! Miyoung grunted and stomped away after receiving no respond from the guy.


    Taeyeon ran up to her and blocked her way. Miyoung stopped as he wished and glared at him, waiting for an answer.

    Taeyeon was still debating if he should tell her the truth. But Miyoung started to walk again and this made Taeyeon panicked.

    Okay okay! I admit! Taeyeon shouted, Im the one who took your handkerchief because I had no choice! Im the pink masked rogue they all talked about!

    Miyoung turned around with her widened eyes.

    I cant believe you are really that rogue! She had her shoulder slumped. What- why are you doing this?

    Wh-why? I I Now Taeyeon knew that he couldnt tell her this part of the truth. I cant tell you.

    Really? Miyoung raised one of her brows, Then I need to ask the officers to found out then

    No! Taeyeon frowned and scratched his head, I I really cant tell you. Its kind of personal.

    Miyoung looked at him deeply as if she wanted to know if he was telling the truth. Eventually, she sighed and nodded.

    Very well. Ill just believe you this one time since you are actually doing something good for the people here She said much to Taeyeons relieve.

    Thank you. Taeyeon said.

    He bowed a little before he suddenly remembered about something. Putting his hand into the pocket inside his sleeve, Taeyeon fished out a piece of garment. He walked towards Miyoung and handed her the cloth.

    What is this? Miyoung asked as she took over the pink silk handkerchief.

  • I wanted to put this back on the hanger without being noticed Taeyeon smiled apologetically, But since youve already found out I bought this as a compensation for the one I lost.

    Miyoung looked back and fro at the handkerchief and Taeyeon. She didnt actually expected Taeyeon to be like this, to be considerate enough to think of recompense her.


    Youre welcome. Taeyeon showed her his huge dorky grin that Miyoung found cute.

    Please, dont tell this to anyone else okay? He asked as they began to head towards the Hwangs.

    Okay. Miyoung nodded; the handkerchief being clutched tightly in her hand.

    Sooyoung sighed. The air in the tent was dead in silence and the prince couldnt felt anything else but bored. He peeked at the two bodyguards stationing just beside the entrance. His eyes glittered mischievously as he thought of an idea.

    He faked a yawn, Guards I think I will rest soon. You can go now.

    The bodyguards looked at each other before nodding, agreeing to what Sooyoung said. Sooyoung smiled as they excused themselves. After making sure that the guards were gone, the prince stood up from his chair and went towards the way out.

    Lifting a little part of the curtain covering the entrance, Sooyoung stole a look to outside. He smirked making sure that theres no one along the way of his escape. The prince lowered his body and sneaked out of his tent cautiously.

    Sooyeon walked along the corridor in the palace having just finished her chores of the day. She headed towards the maids room, walking silently in the night.

    Glancing to her right, she saw the place that made her stop on her track.

    Prince Sooyoung

    She couldnt help but thought about her lover. Before she knew, her feet had already brought her to the princes room. Pushing the door open, Sooyeon stepped inside the deserted room cautiously. She glanced around the dark room before lighting the candle set on the table, giving a weak source of light to the room.

    The girl paced slowly around the room, reminiscing every memories she spent there with Sooyoung.

  • The table that always served the princes favorite snacks; the chair that he always insisted her to sit even though she shouldnt be; his favorite pot of flower that she taking extra care of; the bed that-

    Gahh-mmpphh! She screamed her dolphin scream but was immediately muffled by someones hand. Her eyes widened as she struggled in the intruders tight hold.

    Shhh its me.

    Sooyeons body instantly relaxed when she heard the voice. She felt the grip on her waist loosened. She turned around and finally had her eyes met with the pair that she missed so much.

    Prince Sooyoung She whispered as she eased her body onto Sooyoungs toned torso.

    Sooyoung smiled as he wrapped his arms around her, letting comfortable silence taking over for awhile. He then pulled out from the hug only to close in again and claimed the lips that he missed so much.

    The kiss was a short but sweet one. Sooyoung smiled at his precious lover before taking her hands and led her to sit on the bed.

    I miss you so much. Sooyoung spoke, caressing the girls face so ever softly as if she was made by glass. His eyes glittered with happiness, finally feeling content that he was by his lover side again.

    I miss you too. Sooyeon shyly admitted with her head hung low.

    Its so boring back in the camp! I cant stop thinking about you Sooyeon-ah

    The words sunk in and Sooyeon finally recalled something. She raised her head and looked at the prince abruptly.

    Prince! You shouldnt be here! She frowned, feeling uneasy and guilty for some reason.

    Sooyeon-ah, I thought we talked about this? Sooyoung smiled weakly as he took Sooyeons hands into his, I need to see you. Nothing can stop me.

    Sooyeon stared at the princes determined eyes. She sighed as she knew she could not convince him. Sooyoung chuckled softly at her sigh.

    Now, can I get a kiss from my beloved princess? Sooyoung smiled charmingly as he leaned closer to Sooyeon.

    The girl blushed at the princes sweet words. Im not a princess

    You are, in my heart you are forever my one and only princess.

    Sooyeon smiled shyly listening to his sweet talk while looking into his beautiful eyes. Slowly, she moved herself closer to the prince and closed her eyes.

  • Sooyoung smiled as Sooyeons lips pressed lightly onto his. He snaked his hands around the girls waist, pulling her closer and deepened the kiss.

    Sooyoung broke the kiss but let his lips lingered by Sooyeons lips. The corner of his lips was crooked into a satisfying smile as he slowly breathed in her sweet scent. Moving downwards, Sooyoung traced his lips along her defined jaw line down to the crook of her neck.

    P-prince Sooyeon breathed out, feeling Sooyoungs lips nibbling at her neck.

    Call me Sooyoung.

    Soo Sooyoung.

    The prince pulled away from her neck and looked into her eyes. His hand stroke gently at her side, before reaching to the coat-string that tied her hanbok, lightly pulling it.

    Do you want this?

    Im yours, Sooyeon placed her hands on Sooyoungs collar, Ive always been yours.

    Sooyoung dove in and claimed her lips, giving her pleasures that she had never had the first time in her life.

  • Chapter 8


    Taeyeon put down the sack of potatoes with difficulty. He puffed out a sigh and wiped the beads of sweat on his forehead.

    Are you even a man? Miyoung squinted her eyes at Taeyeon, as she put down another sack of potatoes beside him.

    Yah, what do you mean? Taeyeon retorted, Mine is heavier than yours!

    Looking at his pouty lips, Miyoung couldnt help but let out giggles. Taeyeon who was bewildered by her reaction just stood there puzzled.

    S-sorry. Miyoung finally stopped her laugh, I know, I was just kidding.

    Oh. Taeyeon mumbled.

    He looked at the still smiling Miyoung and smiled as well. Suddenly, his body leaned in closer without him knowing. He lifted his sleeve and approached Miyoung, wanting to help her wipe off her sweat. Miyoung was stunned. She immediately took back a step.

    I- I I have handkerchief She took out the pink handkerchief that Taeyeon gave her. T-thanks anyway.

    Taeyeon was embarrassed. He nodded and turned around to hide his face. While Miyoung also felt heat on her face as she used the handkerchief to clean her face.

    W-we need to take some of these and plant them in the lawn. Miyoung said after awhile.


    Taeyeon helped Miyoung to pick a few potatoes and carried them to the small vegetable farm the Hwangs had in their lawn. Squatting side by side, they started their work, planting the potatoes in silence.

    Taeyeon glanced at Miyoung that was dibbling holes on the soil to place the potatoes inside. He widened his eyes when he noticed the clumsy way Miyoung when she used the sharp tool.

    Yah, wait!

    Taeyeon quickly grabbed the dribble away from Miyoungs hand, surprising the latter.

    YAH! What are you doing?! Miyoung snapped.

    This is dangerous! Taeyeon exclaimed, Let me do this!

  • What? Miyoung scoffed, Ive done this before I know how to use that!

    Its dangerous Taeyeon insisted, as he dug another hole while Miyoung put in the potato. Youre still a girl, Miyoung-ah.

    Miyoung stopped what she was doing as she heard how Taeyeon called her. W-what did you call me?

    Uhh, It was then Taeyeon noticed what he blurted out unthinkingly, M-Miyoung-ah?

    Miyoung wanted to retort but somehow she couldnt. Her heart pounded loudly and she couldnt think of anything clearly. She blinked a few times before lowering her head, wordlessly continued the gardening work.

    Mianhae Miyoung finally uttered after awhile of silence.

    Taeyeon stopped what he was doing and looked at the girl, What did you say?

    I said Im sorry! Miyoung muttered again edgily, for being rude

    Taeyeon stunned for a minute before bursting out laughing. His loud, tinkling laugh filled the lawn while Miyoung looked at him bewildered.

    W-why are you laughing?!

    N-nothing Taeyeon laughingly answered, Its just that its just that I never thought that you would apologize

    Mwo yah Miyoung pouted, I have manners too okay?

    Alright alright. Taeyeon smiled looking at the girl, Im sorry too.

    Miyoung glanced at him and the two began to have a staring contest. Taeyeons smile gradually disappeared from his face as he felt himself being drawn towards Miyoungs eyes. The latter felt the same as she forgot to blink for that moment.


    Taeyeon and Miyoung snapped out of the staring when they heard the loud voice coming from their back. They turned around only to see a group of men wearing official uniform gathered around the entrance of Hwangs lawn.

    Miyoung glanced at Taeyeon who frowned knowing what might the officers want before standing up.

    Yes, officers?

  • One of the officers stepped forward and held up a piece of notice, which Miyoung recognized as what she saw in the market the other day. The notice was written with the description of the drawing which was clearly the Pink Mask Rogue.

    Have you seen this guy? The officer asked, eyeing Taeyeon, You there! Have you seen him?

    Taeyeon stood up and went beside Miyoung, No, Ive never seen this guy before, sir.

    Yes, me neither, sir. Miyoung uttered politely.

    Hmm The officer hummed, as he continued to eye Taeyeon, Who is this guy? I havent seen you around before.

    As they lived in a small town, almost everyone knew everyone. The officer was sure that he had known everyone in his town but he had never saw Taeyeon before.

    I Taeyeon stuttered.

    Hes my cousin! Miyoung quickly interrupted before Taeyeon would say anything wrong, He just came from the Far East!

    The officer let his eyes lingered on Taeyeon for awhile before turning his gaze to Miyoung.

    Alright. He nodded, Be sure to inform us if you see the Pink Mask Rogue. Have a nice day.

    The group of officers left after that. Taeyeon let out a deep breath as he loosened up from the tension just now. Miyoung sighed as well, glad that the uniformed guys didnt suspect much.

    Thanks, Miyoung-ah. Taeyeon showed a weak smile.

    Youre welcome. Miyoung beamed her eye smile, Thank you too for doing this for our peoples sake.

    Taeyeon didnt know what to answer as he was mesmerized by the eye smile. The corner of his lips arched upwards involuntarily before he let out a few chuckles, feeling shy all of the sudden.

    A-Aniya Its nothing great Taeyeon rubbed the back of his neck.

    Anyway thanks. Miyoung smiled, squatting back down and prepared to work, Lets go back to work now, oppa.

    Taeyeon blushed realizing that it was the first time Miyoung had ever address him properly. Somehow he began to like how the appellative rolled off Miyoungs tongue. He smiled his dorky smile before squatting down and started to dig holes again.

    Peeking at the girl, Taeyeon sighed as he became conscious of something.

    I think I like her but is this a right thing to do? To be in love with a Sillas woman?

  • Later that night

    Aigoo Im alright already! Lady Hwang sighed, I can cook! Let me cook for our guest!

    No! Miyoung said firmly as she held her mother down on the chair, I will cook. Mother you just sit here!

    Taengoo-ah, please tell her to let me cook! Lady Hwang stared at the young guy hoping that he would help her.

    Im afraid I cant do that ahjumma. Taeyeon smiled apologetically, Miyoung is right. You still need to rest

    Miyoung smiled at Taeyeon as a thank you.

    Lady Hwang sighed as she gazed at the two. So now you two gang up to bully me huh?

    Aniyo ahjumma. Were doing this for your wellness.

    Oppa is right. Please just let me cook for you.

    Lady Hwang stared at the two suspiciously. Is there anything happened that I dont know? Why you two suddenly became all friendly? Arent you hate each other?

    Taeyeon widened his eyes, A-aniyo ahjumma! He stuttered. I dont hate her!

    Miyoung arched her brow at Taeyeon before turning back to her mother. What are you talking about mother? It is just that we had a bad start now were friends, right oppa?

    Taeyeon tried hard to calm his heating face down as he saw the eye smile Miyoung was showing.

    Y-yeah, of course.

    Lady Hwang snickered as she noticed the flustered Taeyeon.

    Alright alright I dont have much say after all She sighed.

    Miyoung smiled happy that her mother finally gave in.

    Good. Now Im going to cook us dinner. Miyoung uttered happily as she walked into the kitchen.

    Taeyeon stood there while Lady Hwang suddenly spoke.

    Yah, what are you waiting for? Lady Hwang scolded, Go and help her!

  • Huh? Taeyeon hoisted his brow confusedly, What?

    Help her babo-yah! Lady Hwang ushered.

    Taeyeon was bewildered by Lady Hwangs sudden excitement as he obeyed the old lady, walking into the kitchen. While Lady Hwang tried to peek into the kitchen with a sly smile on her face, happy of her little scheme to get the two some alone time.

    Hey. Taeyeon greeted as he stood beside Miyoung who was cutting the vegetables. What can I do to help?

    Hmm? Miyoung muttered halfheartedly as she focused on the cutting, You dont have to.

    But ahjumma asked me to

    So youre not wanting to help actually? Miyoung stopped as she raised her head to look at Taeyeon with a smile.

    An-aniyo I-I mean, I want to help too. Taeyeon stammered.

    Miyoung giggled at the panicking Taeyeon. She passed some potatoes into Taeyeons hands.

    Wash and cut these.


    Taeyeon took the potatoes and went to the sink. Putting them into a basket, Taeyeon froze at there. He didnt know how to wash the potatoes properly. He blinked a few times as he looked back and fro at the potatoes and Miyoung, wondering if he should just ask the girl.

    Miyoung noticed that Taeyeon was just standing there doing nothing.

    The potatoes dont know how to wash themselves, Taengoo.

    Taeyeon jumped a little. Im your oppa Miyoung!

    He was shocked that Miyoung had called him by his fake name. But somehow that only meant that Miyoung was comfortable enough to call him that right?

    Miyoung just merong-ed him as she went beside Taeyeon.

    And and I dont know how to wash potatoes He chuckled softly.

    Miyoung giggled quietly as she took a potato off the basket.

    You just wash it like this, oppa. Miyoung said as she rubbed the soil off the surface of the potato and cleaned it thoroughly.

    Taeyeon watched intently and nodded. Okay, got it.

  • And cut it like this. Miyoung at the same time demonstrated how to cut it, Easy right?

    Yeah. Taeyeon beamed as he smiled at Miyoung.

    Great. Miyoung smiled back.

    Lady Hwang laughed silently observing the young couple in the kitchen.

    Aigoo, Im such a great matchmaker!

  • Chapter 9

    Miyoung! Im going to the Seos! Lady Hwang said as she readied to walk out of the door.

    What? Mother, youre not fully healed yet! Miyoung came out running from inside the house.

    Im fine Aigoo The old lady sighed from her daughters over worrying, I can walk!

    She then stomped her feet on the ground, proving to her daughter that shes all fine. Miyoung sighed as she watched her stubborn mother.

    Alright. Miyoung finally agreed, Ill accompany you to there.

    No! Theres no need Miyoung-ah. Lady Hwang refused frantically, I can go alone!


    No buts! The older Hwang interrupted, Ah! Taengoo has gone for so long! How about you go and find him?

    Taengoo oppa? Miyoung frowned, W-why would I find him?

    Aigoo You you havent show him around the town yet! Lady Hwang quickly said, Taengoo should have a proper guide!

    Miyoung frowned feeling suspicious of her mothers intention, What are you planning actually mother?

    N-nothing! Lady Hwang shook her head, Please, just go and find him

    Miyoung furrowed her brows deeper but she couldnt win over her mother. She sighed before nodding her head. Alright mother. Please be careful on the way mother.

    I will. Lady Hwang smiled as Miyoung bowed her goodbye.

    Miyoung looking at the back of her mother and huffed out a sigh, unable to comprehend what was in her mothers mind.

    Taeyeon sat on the riverside; his feet immersed in the cool soothing river water. Looking up into the blue sky, he sighed remember the letter he just got from the carrier pigeon Hyoyeon sent him.

    They lost some men again few days ago; the overall situation was not of good one for the Baekje army. Hyoyeon told him that he had called for reinforcement hoping to turn the tide.

    Baekje was losing.