by patricia galien click to start. click to start the game

tion Let’s play Con cen tr a by Patricia Galien Click to start. Click to start the game.

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Post on 29-Mar-2015




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  • Slide 1

Slide 2 by Patricia Galien Click to start. Click to start the game. Slide 3 Students play this game in teams. Under these cards there are pictures that make up seven pairs. One of the pictures is a cause and the other is an effect. Following the rules of Concentration, students match the cards. After a team makes a match, they come to the board and write a grammatically correct sentence of cause and effect, using one of these words or phrases. (Cross off the words after they have been used, so that all of them get used.) because as a result since so for this reason that is why consequently I didnt include thus and therefore because these words are usually used for logical conclusions in math and law and wouldnt fit any of the sentences in the game. The source for the images is My English Images: Slide 4 Sorry, this card doesnt have a match. X Return Remove Slide 5 birthday happy love animals/dogs vet windy kite ghost frightened ate too much sick mouse surprised hot / sunny melt