by yin blanden i ffi · "t. ' i b cock wins: for b" vqle\ -z. b. vcrle lllqmpsteodf...

"t. ' i b Cock Wins:For B" Vqle\ - z. B. Vcrle lllqmpsteodf won fhe SAllpAts five.bild ' \ ?' linri{fhoryborough race from 248 otfrer owners and ì ì lrl59 birds on Saturdoy. Secretar,v'S success I ? The .. winnei is a bwo- : year.old blue ohecker cock ;. which performed tLre rare i'feat of gaining the ûop ', honors in a, ma,ior atso- ; ciation, flve-bird limit i eveni. ' In most cases.hens ,t¿ke the award. Pigeon flotes ByUin Blanden When he won. the SAHPA 690-mile Finke roce on Sundcy, ossociotion' secreto'ry D. Green, scored his first big success si4ce his lost mojor win in 1949. Pigeon llotes By Yin Blanden veãi ¡r. ¡iÈÇ Èônãfi rast vea-r, à - -'-,-,,--' clockÊd Dimboota t'¡rts vur anã COUntryt å3ü!il'Sö""îå,i'ii-*.=^glå Augusr i ó BÌicoux.. D¿rm, Janssen. V. pape, ä-Èt¡, ÈC t-ivo-ve". Whvalla. From Keith'. 265 r!. nrerv-Benãü iast yeai.#,i TïÌÎ: ,ål' €31;,o ,Bs8]n.fü clocked bird thÌee times this äLì1,. ìino """"^"' yeer. She. is _sr¿nddaus¡ter oi -Þ,iäi-àlË From Mount Gam- lsi sAHpA MarÍee De¡by anq biei; -Þss---¡íilt!J-isl-att-_-¡,i. a mixtme of the old pied blæd ó-aiitaïe ïôìnli ¡iiO-'ín ¿aj;j, with an Éitzen cutcros. ili¡å.,¡ïrfilitå ronii secm"a-ã-a:i . REglrtTSå tní3T,lIY'þ.o* porr pirie. 1?0 Mdfuyborough Ëå"3:""!1 É.u'.";'o*'"4'å?å'"ft saHp (249, 1159) - B. va' bv M Bartsch' 1122. H. câsey 11,1s, n. Maro¡il r'clare Frw Y*II9*;299Jlit"f ant 1116, A. Thornton 1113, c. Èivõ'ís¿e, ¡l ¡ïää'iå?r':'hä: HendersÐn 1112- V_;j paþ€ 1110, õñj, ¡v-ùìxdnãii¿! ;;(i Ahe;ñ. R. .lúa¡ohânt 110e,r. Fl,. Ruttæ-s --rvai-kd;i;:-Fiì,ä-pöi ãueïs_ !09.5,,_8. Web¡er _1109.2, J. ta: ril mies-t-tl.-Z¡t, -_ -C.-el- Todd 1!O5, E. Oastle and Son iio'tf togö,-Ã-. ñoäct-'<two UiraJ) 1104.7,J. Todd i104.4, 3,. Bur- logz. : --' ford 1102, A. cleorge l1û1, Port Aususta H.C. From Verco and Wiuoughby i096;8, Kèith. 290 miles (13, gOJ - C. Family Reu¡nion Thcmas and Han.nah Roberts and their five childt'en arrived in South '1 Australia on the Sir Charles Forbes in 1839. Their descendants are . .,.ti.,ì holding a reunion at Gol- r',1Âr den Grove ovatr on Sun- day, September ?. i A Cornishman, Mr. Roberts was first captain of the Burra Burra, -Mine in 1845. 'ì.$ His 12 children all sÞt- ,ri tled. on the land. Descer¡- r,rl dqnts will be coming frorm 'all States for the re-unrion, : which the organisers enpect to à,ltrâ,ct an at- ./ tendance of several thousând. / t- Rockets Up TOKYO Japanesd scientists have succèssful',r ly laurìched two Japaness made rockets for bbser/ ing electric sound wavl The.launching site waç' ucnrnoura. I ¡ landed at the same time. The Union's last ra,eÆ for the lrcâr - the lt2ã- mile Ben-alla event - left a lot t'o he desired wit'h no dav a¡rivals andonly 21 of 24õ birds home by S{¡nda.Y nisht. iackson Bros. and Son won firsü and third Prizes. NEST TIPS Adequrete nesting mat- eria.lsáre needed to.ensu¡e 's8i:t"'L?i**"ii" äg soueaKers. -It is e, gPod idea to use nesb bowls with conc¿ve þottoms, not, na,t, ana PaÏ¡ litt witñ pine shâvingS. ff a sood supply of p¡ne nee-dÌes. cr stiff straw cut inø sii inch le'ngths, is made available to tþe Par- èñt ¡lros, a comfortåble cup-shaped nest wiU xe- tull'r, "ro sound policv Lo sþrinkle a small amoullt 3å,1î,iågå"n3ili$"{,'-""-$å tne palrent birds free of ¡ãdv'and feather lice, and tni';tî$"ffif"+til"u,î u,," - thing will keep red. mife out -of the ñest þowls. Once red mite gain a fooJ- hold it becomes a ma.üter iri õònstant inspection and tpl?tls;i*ore to deslrov ühem. but moÞt difficult t0 orevent other invasions. 5 Ñest ttowls lacking in sufficient neltir-rs mã are coid and the reason for several coln¡non diseasesin Young Pigeons. vrãnv õrookel Reèls and the óomPlaint known as bie S. A. H. P. A. Mi. Green is on selêCb ttr¡ee wil bhan 12 imn,or.ta 'Winner of more than 12 e S. A. H. P. A. fixbures, i. Green is one of tJrè one or Ene with more Mr. seld0b th¡ee with more. tþap 12 important- asso=, cia.tron'races in th€lba,gi. Only 29 of tJIe rq25- only 20 of tJIe ã25 en- trarr¡ts released at Finke at 6 a.m. Soturdav h|ad reached home by -Sunday reached home by Sunday nisht. fbe first- six w€re clõcked from about 2 p.ûL about 2 p.ûL Sunday and to 2.Ð p.m, Sunda lülre otrhers be'gân to úhe otrhers began to alrive at about 4 p.m. onwa¡cl,s. Two þir-ds owned bY Graham Bros. (Vit€sse) Dinwheel (one or bûth legs, stickine out aü nlghf angles to-the bodY) are dué to Door nests. Results ;i FINKE ].i saHPA (136. 525) - D. Gráen 915, L. Cox 912, C. Howke 906.5. B. Boulderstone 906.2, R. Donserfìeld 902, A. Dowsón ond Son 900,.M. Hor- sheovi 834.6, W. Motthews ' 834.i. A, Gcodqer 833, S. Gre-.. oersoñ 827. A.-Mcouire 826.9, , F. Delsor 826.1, A. Noble 825, ì Grohom Bros. 799.8, Grohom. , Bros. 799.3. T. Quinn 787' K: Wickhom 761. H-Webber 760, B¡rd ond Rosser 758, S. Fergu-. ì.ì son 751 ,- subiect to check' ì.,tj BENALLA SAPU ond Sth. Fed...ri (31.240) - Jocksón Bros. oind 'rri Son 717. W. Movle ond Son . 70l. Jockson Bros, ond Son ' 699, W, ond K. Moyle 646, S. Mitton ond Sons 629, W. Moyle .: ond Son 614, S. Mìtton ond , Sons 611. R. Wotson 582, L. ! Condlett 5?2. G. Seorle 552. ' l couNTRY, ocT. to ' Port P¡r¡e H.S. {two roces) 1 - From Alice Sorinqs I L Munn ' : Memor¡ol. 707 inileé (14, 321 I -R. ond S. Loube 758, J. Dor- I mer 678 - troohies b:¡ W. BliEht ond A. l$ocdoneld. Frm Benollo H. Muln Memorlo,l, -51 I miles ( 15, 64' - G. Bow- ; erino 1007. G. Bowering 979, J-. E Dorñer 975 - trcphies bY M.' Boillieu. Solomoniown HC ond The Mo¡n Tyre Co. Solomontown {two rocesl. I From Cook - G. Nitz 1229. L Newberry- 1226. L. Tee 1223iàì From Geelono - R. Hobbo 880,.1. Newbérry 793, Argent I ond Leoo /)Y. Wo¡k;ríe - From Borton chompionshiÞ, 50O miles (2, 9)ìiì..Ììi - G. Elliott 1056, A. Noock I 10r9. Glore -. From Benollo, 458i:'l|'ìl miles (4. t2)-J. Lone 810, A. Geriori 708. S. Lone 498 - trophies by SAHPA ond Mc:;r'i Kendrick o,rd Ahern. Murrov Bridge - From Be- nollo (13, 83) - L. Leishton i237, B. KennèIi 1140, .Gti:d Rowlond 1087. Por't Augusro { Flinders HC i - From Bollorot,49O m¡les. t16.14t - F. G¡ll 943. J' Gloss 942, Fronk Gronthom 94Ì. : l r s fl L. f i t s 4r -q aj, '* r li ' 5J p s.t ;l ot , ::äiü:L;rs er Ji.,+ i;:'+Htät¿:l-*'È;ålnä Ë'i{i:'iilå'"ää;Fr:":':':åTfi comprÍsed th.e fi.rst_batch sal¡iñ.irv-iiä. -i0di_ä:'"¡,ì;*_ - Þuï-ei¡?üsta (Ftinders H.c.) . and R. Marohant (CamÞ- ine s.+¿..1'8, Ìirõmpsôä -'ãna Two r¿ces.r¡óm rãl¿m Èìñrl. beurownr :.'ecordedt¡p Morrimer 8.4?.28, R yit""rf ià3r,*ifî.#å ilnà;"iigliÈÌ nñé lôãìr of -c-lóìÈiñg t-rïõ küÈ'-¿.r3ä:t3: åL*t0"".0.... ;. R. Martin.1212. From Arice ?fl'"u8Jiå]" h." j. liBfi ¿î.i : fi"l'H# Ï#'#tii Bieizi$ " m l1¡*i â ãi' l'-¿o qJ iravé iwo Ëläeä^Tn 'iñã J..-r,ipsys s.2e^ti----Ä 'i::-'-'-: Þm. s. crifton 3 58.22 pm. virso nrsr ¿wenry. g:t9i!i-","1"f1il%* ,ï?T.1 1l{rif-iil'11s":i3,0* s* Desp t e se e minsiy ioe a r ir 5;fe l,I f_,'"1, 1 * "ilN tjji "å' .frii;:h 1i?# ",ä *if i 7 weather cornditio.ns, ...a ¡.-s"lì-iat-anã"sä-il ' Ëàøi,v-.a.e,léËülteä'w,'" fiir-v^ev -!.b.q4: eåiäi¿i; åii,\îå. Hnt;ll3llti""JJ""* patohv race I'esul¡ed wl¡n Harvev 8.5.s4: Alexand.ra Fifri_a, _ii.'*;eËiõñi"S*ockejUer'i inany owners timing la,fe i6'Jll-- -T.=H-ains 8.18.2, MÌs. and H. Linou. a¡rivâs and oühers fãilins ä-ãf#i"¡[{f å!¡iå ,'-;:"år"ËB *JåËl*""i,T}t"fi,å'îï*."":"fiõ to clock ât aJl. nano g.r.ã-0. -ñ.--cr"i*-i.g.t,1, Iniles -(14. 55)-w. Harvey s95, Combine ,and Union L.-.HqIìn_s.16.¿.2. r,. oàrtv sisi, .1. Ériulïsoi. ---' birds did well to_fly wil- ""ì3l"'iÏi'i3'orliriTr1ln;n\. *,1"1"?3rXh 1"# Ef}*l',j1,1"7 ¡ birds did \ryell to^fly W^il- "#3i"',Ì;:i3tr-åiti TIrJ - t ancaston. From Bendiso,330 húin cie€Ë-n'q6 .ä-¿, ',. r,ee 8.43.28: .on*ouJ#;u; ittËå.l8iniìta ,1Såää"f ,t'rt' ' þUq nere ùg:Arn, lne leAC- (26, 113)-8. tlerds 10b3, c. - troÞhy by.q,. C. Schulz pty. inEl batch \ry'as few in and D. lscar 1042.8, T. S'¿evens ot*;rrn. ,,ro* ctadstone, 223 Nh?uî:rr8tioffioå3i"i il''1"¡h G'rÏeuidav 103e' " äfftî,','J,x'i*"yr;"sl's¿g: <43; o¡nTåî,n,'lîS !yiì: Willierm Creek Ìflå å.,I,".*f,.iiaiåS3ä íånt* ìfrÁ\i ãü?í'ð. äìäboù;:': s.a.P.u. (54. 578r -  ê vears. (sourrr. r,ed.) were ;ij; #¡1,T",$_.'r"r.i,""*;,'*iãìrgj *S_lïL::?årr'i,i,,ii"oåiuï*rrf iff maìorwinners. $;'.%id,fss.#"d]".lltåfltirÃ: r¡f'¡.".ilJiîif"rtn3¿i'tsxl-'tåB8. , ¡@l'EFffi f ilrri äl{iufJfyåJ,åi lfi åisü"*'"'i'å i,iåx, dr"$:'J* =."';?r'R$fr: | -TBlóodlined ¡ ",'å'tåå"t13;u',tu¿. õo¡l "*"tt must reach me at 153 rhird B. ÌãlÐTsrlgt:*ûm-vear , !. Morris 1lss,o. nqreJ$s ï?33: " ï'Ju¿; *'?'ìt?f," Fåå5" ttKl;*tïË C. clocked Benall,a last yeâr t Pridham and son ll81..g Êlrd eaclr race. Sire, Royal (C. Wtkinsõñj.'tD. Edwsrds 11?8; Sou Wnu##' *i."ïï1iïî'li{r"i¡{Hif"#'i¡3::qåri'ü, Roberts ,#;,,få.uo'¿",,T,i ïf*Y;"T;iä::Ë';*'âiäi'' äbs:'".ìl'copor F .t__ iå.Ä'ri. "siË;;;îå*."ruì-"o. a,i ]]-8tia1""",111; ?l___*r..^F_"Ðt_ |.ðmlly Gtiullia:o:#i; -1q51,'d;p'"!l'ir.riri"Ë,"""3"ii'å'slir Reunion u teï"!!{;i.¡".'jao._Ëå'¡.i'lQi,üj ìho¿l?iln',fl*53i'"olo%ffi'J'',,å: Thcmas and Hannah ç,M'LL'ttu,Lur Lus redr ."1s. .95) _ D. smith 10.56.i3, R. Au-_ Roberts and their five Sire and dam .bogh bred by wins; beinc ¡n¡iä¿ tõ r,.-beT iftgålrttt?9."r3f,u ltLo' iTËjå qhiio!èñ ar-äîeo in-soutri rsar's_Blue Pâir..'{,iilo.23,-ö'. oüiiant rrr¡.¿i.-Íi AuStralia on the Sir I A. rnornton, 4m. b.c. tÞDe- F_rown 1_1.1.1.31; Sth. Wes.t,J¡rn. Chafles trrorbes in 1g3g. 'fÄî-u At"i,Ðiå,'uol3,n?J"i Ëì.lte ll:tr.*,"J,",";".å"" tlñ88î -- Chêü ðäöË.rirnt"t ur" from a pair pÌocured from ¡., - J. .qlqsvqnor 13.I.3?, E. holding a reunion at Gol- S¡,j*ll9r',ggTh caÌÌy a lot/of EvÈnsrr 13.8.19, R. McKenzie den GrOVe OVatr On SUn_ "älií,iü¿ãiiàñ, ¡¿h, e.s.'t*'o- '"'1" "' dav, Sept'ember 7. Know Your Breed

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Page 1: By Yin Blanden I ffi · "t. ' i b Cock Wins: For B" Vqle\ -z. B. Vcrle lllqmpsteodf won fhe SAllpAts five.bild ' ?' \ linri{fhoryborough race from 248 otfrer owners and ì

"t .


i b Cock Wins: For B" Vqle\ -

z. B. Vcrle lllqmpsteodf won fhe SAllpAts five.bild ' \?' linri{fhoryborough race from 248 otfrer owners and ì

ì lrl59 birds on Saturdoy.


? The .. winnei is a bwo-: year.old blue ohecker cock;. which performed tLre rarei'feat of gaining the ûop', honors in a, ma,ior atso-; ciation, flve-bird limiti eveni.' In most cases.hens ,t¿ke

the award.

Pigeon flotesBy Uin Blanden

When he won. the SAHPA 690-mileFinke roce on Sundcy, ossociotion' secreto'ryD. Green, scored his first big success si4cehis lost mojor win in 1949.

Pigeon llotesBy Yin Blanden


veãi ¡r. ¡iÈÇ Èônãfi rast vea-r, Ã - -'-,-,,--'clockÊd Dimboota t'¡rts vur anã COUntryt

å3ü!il'Sö""îå,i'ii-*.=^glå Augusr i óBÌicoux.. D¿rm, Janssen.

V. pape, ä-Èt¡, ÈC t-ivo-ve". Whvalla. From Keith'. 265r!. nrerv-Benãü iast yeai .#,i TïÌÎ:

,ål' €31;,o ,Bs8]n.füclocked bird thÌee times this äLì1,. ì ino """"^"'

yeer. She. is _sr¿nddaus¡ter oi -Þ,iäi-àlË

From Mount Gam-lsi sAHpA MarÍee De¡by anq biei; -Þss---¡í i l t!J-isl-att-_-¡,i.

a mixtme of the old pied blæd ó-aiitaïe ïôìnli ¡iiO-'ín ¿aj;j,with an Éitzen cutcros.

ili¡å.,¡ïrfilitå ronii secm"a-ã-a:i

. REglrtTSå tní3T,lIY'þ.o* porr pirie. 1?0

Mdfuyborough Ëå"3:""!1 É.u'.";'o*'"4'å?å'"ftsaHp (249, 1159) - B . va ' bv M Bar tsch '

1122. H. câsey 11,1s, n. Maro¡il r 'clare Frw

Y*II9*;299Jlit"fant 1116, A. Thornton 1113, c. Èivõ'ís¿e, ¡l ¡ïää'iå?r': 'hä:HendersÐn 1112- V_;j paþ€ 1110, õñj, ¡v-ùìxdnãii¿! ;;(i Ahe;ñ.R. .lúa¡ohânt 110e,r. Fl,. Ruttæ-s --rvai-kd;i;:-Fiì,ä-pöi

ãueïs_!09 .5 , ,_8 . Web¡er _1109.2 , J . ta : r i l m ies- t - t l . -Z ¡ t ,

-_ -C. -e l -

Todd 1!O5, E. Oastle and Son iio'tf togö,-Ã-. ñoäct-'<two UiraJ)1104.7, J. Todd i104.4, 3,. Bur- logz. : -- '

ford 1102, A. cleorge l1û1, Port Aususta H.C. FromVerco and Wiuoughby i096;8, Kèith. 290 miles (13, gOJ - C.


Thcmas and Han.nahRoberts and their fivechildt'en arrived in South '1A u s t r a l i a o n t h e S i rCharles Forbes in 1839.

Their descendants are . .,.ti.,ìholding a reunion at Gol- r',1Ârden Grove ovatr on Sun-day, September ?. i

A C o r n i s h m a n , M r .Roberts was first captainof the Burra Burra,


in 1845. 'ì.$His 12 children all sÞt- ,ri

tled. on the land. Descer¡- r,rldqnts will be coming frorm'all States for the re-unrion, :which the organisersenpect to à,ltrâ,ct an at- ./tendance o f severa lthousând. /


Rockets UpTOKYO Japanesd

scientists have succèssful',rly laurìched two Japanessmade rockets for bbser/ing electric sound wavlThe.launching site waç'ucnrnoura. I¡

landed at the same time.The Union's last ra,eÆ

for the lrcâr - the lt2ã-mile Ben-alla event - lefta lot t'o he desired wit'h nodav a¡rivals andonly 21 of24õ birds home by S{¡nda.Ynisht.

iackson Bros. and Sonwon firsü and third Prizes.

NEST TIPSAdequrete nesting mat- áre needed to.ensu¡e's8i:t"'L?i**"ii" ägsoueaKers.-It

is e, gPod idea to usenesb bowls with conc¿veþottoms, not, na,t, ana PaÏ¡litt witñ pine shâvingS. ffa sood supply of p¡nenee-dÌes. cr stiff straw cutinø sii inch le'ngths, ismade available to tþe Par-èñt ¡lros, a comfortåblecup-shaped nest wiU xe-tull'r,

"ro sound policv Lo

sþrinkle a small amoullt

3å,1î,iågå"n3ili$"{,'-""-$åtne palrent birds free of¡ãdv'and feather lice, andtni';tî$"ffif"+til"u,î u,," -thing will keep red. mifeout

-of the ñest þowls.

Once red mite gain a fooJ-hold it becomes a ma.üteriri õònstant inspection andtpl?tls;i*ore to deslrovühem. but moÞt difficult t0orevent other invasions.5 Ñest ttowls lacking ins u f f i c i e n t n e l t i r - r smã are coid and thereason for several coln¡nondiseases in Young Pigeons.vrãnv õrookel Reèls andthe óomPlaint known as

bie S. A. H. P. A.Mi. Green is onselêCb ttr¡ee wilbhan 12 imn,or.ta

'Winner of more than 12e S. A. H. P. A. fixbures,i. Green is one of tJrèone or Ene

with moreMr.seld0b th¡ee with more.tþap 12 important- asso=,cia.tron'races in th€lba,gi.

Only 29 of tJIe rq25- €only 20 of tJIe ã25 en-trarr¡ts released at Finke at6 a.m. Soturdav h|adreached home by

-Sundayreached home by Sundaynisht. fbe first- six w€reclõcked from about 2 p.ûLabout 2 p.ûL

Sunday andto 2.Ð p.m, Sundalülre otrhers be'gân toúhe otrhers began to alriveat about 4 p.m. onwa¡cl,s.

Two þir-ds owned bYGraham Bros. (Vit€sse)

Dinwheel (one or bûth legs,s t i c k i n e o u t a ü n l g h fangles to-the bodY) aredué to Door nests.

Results ;iFINKE ] . i

s a H P A ( 1 3 6 . 5 2 5 ) - D .Gráen 915, L . Cox 912, C.Howke 906.5. B. Boulderstone906.2, R. Donserfìeld 902, A.Dowsón ond Son 900,.M. Hor-sheovi 834.6, W. Motthews


834. i . A , Gcodqer 833, S . Gre- . .oersoñ 827. A.-Mcouire 826.9, ,F . De lsor 826.1 , A . Nob le 825, ìGrohom Bros. 799.8, Grohom. ,Bros . 799.3 . T . Qu inn 787 ' K :Wickhom 761. H-Webber 760,B¡rd ond Rosser 758, S. Fergu-. ì.ìson 751 ,- subiect to check' ì.,t j

BENALLAS A P U o n d S t h . F e d . . . r i

(31.240) - Jocksón Bros. oind 'rri

Son 717. W. Mov le ond Son . r ì

70 l . Jockson Bros , ond Son '

699, W, ond K. Moyle 646, S.Mitton ond Sons 629, W. Moyle .:ond Son 614, S . Mì t ton ond ,Sons 611. R. Wotson 582, L . !Cond le t t 5?2. G. Seor le 552.

' l

couNTRY, ocT. to 'Port P¡r¡e H.S. {two roces) 1

- From Alice Sorinqs I L Munn ' :

Memor¡o l . 707 in i leé (14 , 321 I-R. ond S. Loube 758, J . Dor - Imer 678 - troohies b:¡ W.BliEht ond A. l$ocdoneld. FrmBeno l lo H. Mu ln Memor lo , l ,- 5 1

I m i l e s ( 1 5 , 6 4 ' - G . B o w - ;e r ino 1007. G. Bower ing 979, J - . EDorñer 975 - t rcph ies bY M. 'Bo i l l i eu . So lomoniown HC ondThe Mo¡n Tyre Co.

Solomontown {two rocesl. IF rom Cook - G. N i tz 1229. LNewber ry - 1226. L . Tee 1223 ià ìFrom Geelono - R. Hobbo880, .1 . Newbér ry 793, Argent Iond Leoo /)Y.

Wo¡k;ríe - From BortonchompionshiÞ, 50O miles (2, 9)ìiì..Ìì i- G. E l l io t t 1056, A . Noock I1 0 r 9 .

Glore -. From Benollo, 458i: ' l | ' ì lm i l e s ( 4 . t 2 ) - J . L o n e 8 1 0 ,A. Geriori 708. S. Lone 498 -trophies by SAHPA ond Mc:;r ' iKendrick o,rd Ahern.

Murrov Bridge - From Be-no l lo (13 , 83) - L . Le ish toni237, B . KennèI i 1140, .Gt i :dRowlond 1087.

Por't Augusro { Flinders HC i- F r o m B o l l o r o t , 4 9 O m ¡ l e s .t16 .14 t - F . G¡ l l 943 . J ' G loss942, Fronk Gronthom 94Ì . :


u l

Iwii rwêgoi€.rs


L .Pef ievt

I ersl 4 rIte-q

laj,l'*I rI kili

I 'I 15Jl A pI rs.t

I i;l!NotI .FrolL r it : l

TP. }

t - . - . _


, ::äiü:L;rs er Ji.,+ i;:'+Htät¿:l-*'È;ålnä Ë'i{i:'iilå'"ää;Fr:":':':åTficomprÍsed th.e fi.rst_batch sal¡iñ.irv-iiä. -i0di_ä:'"¡,ì;*_ -

Þuï-ei¡?üsta (Ftinders H.c.). and R. Marohant (CamÞ- ine s.+¿..1'8, Ìirõmpsôä

-'ãna Two r¿ces. r¡óm rãl¿m Èìñrl.

beurownr :.'ecorded t¡p Morrimer 8.4?.28, R yit""rf ià3r,*ifî.#å ilnà;"iigliÈÌnñé lôãìr of -c-lóìÈiñg

t-rïõ küÈ'-¿.r3ä:t3: åL*t0"".0....;. R. Martin. 1212. From Arice?fl'"u8Jiå]" h." j. liBfi ¿î.i : fi"l'H# Ï#'#tii Bieizi$ " m l1¡*i â ãi' l'-¿oqJ iravé iwo Ëläeä^Tn

'iñã J..-r,ipsys s.2e^ti----Ä

'i::-'-'-: Þm. s. crifton 3 58.22 pm. virsonrsr ¿wenry. g:t9i!i-","1"f1il%* ,ï?T.1 1l{rif-iil'11s":i3,0* s*

Desp t e se e minsiy i oe a r ir 5;fe l,I f_,'"1, 1 * "ilN :ö tjji "å' .frii;:h 1i?# ",ä *if i7 weather cornditio.ns, ...a ¡.-s"lì-iat-anã"sä-il' Ëàøi,v-.a.e,léËülteä'w,'" fiir-v^ev -!.b.q4: eåiäi¿i; åii,\îå. Hnt;ll3llti""JJ""*patohv race I'esul¡ed wl¡n Harvev 8.5.s4: Alexand.ra Fifri_a, _ii.'*;eËiõñi"S*ockejUer'iinany owners timing la,fe i6'Jll-- -T.=H-ains 8.18.2, MÌs. and H. Linou.a¡rivâs and oühers fãilins ä-ãf#i"¡[{f å!¡iå ,'-;:"år"ËB *JåËl*""i,T}t"fi,å'îï*."":"fiõto clock ât aJl. nano g.r.ã-0. -ñ.--cr"i*-i.g.t,1,

Iniles -(14. 55)-w. Harvey s95,Combine ,and Union L.-.HqIìn_s.16.¿.2. r,. oàrtv sisi, .1. Ériulïsoi.


birds did well to_fly wil- ""ì3l"'iÏi'i3'orliriTr1ln;n\.

*,1"1"?3rXh 1"# Ef}*l',j1,1"7¡ birds did \ryell to^fly W^il- "#3i"',Ì;:i3tr-åiti

TIrJ - t ancaston. From Bendiso,330

húin cie€Ë-n'q6 .ä-¿, ',. r,ee 8.43.28: .on*ouJ#;u; ittËå.l8iniìta ,1Såää"f ,t'rt'' þUq nere ùg:Arn, lne leAC- (26, 113)-8. t lerds 10b3, c. - troÞhy by.q,. C. Schulz pty.inEl batch \ry'as few in and D. lscar 1042.8, T. S'¿evens ot*;rrn.

,,ro* ctadstone, 223

Nh?uî:rr8tioffioå3i"i "¡ il''1"¡h G'rÏeuidav 103e' " äfftî,','J,x'i*"yr;"sl's¿g:

<43; o¡nTåî,n,'lîS !yiì: Willierm Creek Ìflå å.,I,".*f,.iiaiåS3ä íånt*ìfrÁ\i ãü?í'ð. äìäboù;:': s.a.P.u. (54. 578r - Â ê vears.

(sourrr. r,ed.) were ;ij; #¡1,T",$_.'r"r.i,""*;,'*iãìrgj *S_lïL::?årr'i,i,,ii"oåiuï*rrf iffmaìorwinners. $;'.%id,fss.#"d]".lltåfltirÃ: r¡f'¡.".ilJiîif"rtn3¿i'tsxl-'tåB8.

, ¡@l'EFffi f ilrri äl{iufJfyåJ,åi lfi åisü"*'"'i'å i,iåx, dr"$:'J* =."';?r'R$fr:| -TBlóodlined

¡ ",'å'tåå"t13;u',tu¿.

õo¡l "*"tt must reach me at 153 rhird

B. ÌãlÐTsrlgt:*ûm-vear , !. Morris 1lss, o. nqreJ$s ï?33: " ï'Ju¿; *'?'ìt?f," Fåå5"

ttKl;*tïËC. clocked Benall,a last yeâr t Pridham and son ll81..g

Êlrd eaclr race.

S i re , Roya l (C. Wtk insõñ j . ' tD . Edwsrds 11?8; Sou

Wnu##' *i."ïï1iïî'li{r"i¡{Hif"#'i¡3::qåri'ü, Roberts,#;,,få.uo'¿",,T,i ïf*Y;"T;iä::Ë';*'âiäi'' äbs:'".ìl'copor F .t__

iå.Ä'ri. "siË;;;îå*."ruì-"o. a,i ]]-8tia1""",111; ?l___*r..^F_"Ðt_ |.ðmlly

Gtiullia:o:#i; -1q51,'d;p'"!l'ir.riri"Ë,"""3"ii'å'slir Reunionu teï"!!{;i.¡".'jao._Ëå'¡.i'lQi,üj ìho¿l?iln',fl*53i'"olo%ffi'J'',,å: Thcmas and Hannahç,M'LL'ttu,L ur Lus redr ."1s. .95) _ D. smith 10.56.i3, R. Au-_ Roberts and their f iveSire and dam .bogh bred bywins; beinc ¡n¡iä¿ tõ r,.-beT iftgålrttt?9."r3f,u ltLo' iTËjå qhiio!èñ ar-äîeo in-soutrir s a r ' s _ B l u e P â i r . . ' { , i i l o . 2 3 , - ö ' . o ü i i a n t r r r ¡ . ¿ i . - Í i A u S t r a l i a o n t h e S i rI A. rnornton, 4m. b.c. tÞDe- F_rown 1_1.1.1.31; Sth. Wes.t,J¡rn. Chafles trrorbes in 1g3g.'fÄî-u

At"i,Ðiå,'uol3,n?J"i Ëì.lte ll:tr.*,"J,",";".å"" tlñ88î -- Chêü ðäöË.rirnt"t ur"from a pair pÌocured from ¡., - J. .qlqsvqnor 13.I.3?, E. holding a reunion at Gol-S¡,j*ll9r',ggTh caÌÌy a lot/of EvÈnsrr 13.8.19, R. McKenzie den GrOVe OVatr On SUn_"älií,iü¿ãiiàñ, ¡¿h, e.s.'t*'o-

'"'1" "' dav, Sept'ember 7.


Know Your Breed