by:chyma,elisabeth,taher,rosa and maría group 2

Light and darkness By:Chyma,Elisabeth,Taher,Rosa and María Group 2

Upload: aleesha-wright

Post on 08-Jan-2018




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Q1-Do you think scientists will invent electronic organs in ten years?


By:Chyma,Elisabeth,Taher,Rosa and Mara Group 2 Q1-Do you think scientists will invent electronic organs in ten years? Q2-Do you think that telephone batteries wont run down? Q3-Will holograms exist in the future? Q4-Do you think that cars will be powered by solar panels? Q5-Do you think that we will control computers with our voice? Q6-Experts are making another aleternative to WIFI:LIFI.People will surf the internet through light.Do you thin we will use LIFI in our homes? Q7-Will the army use robots to transport materials? Q8-In the future technology developments will stop. Q9-Do you think we will go into our houses with a body scanner? Q10-Do you think that electronic gadgets(iPods)will be charged with the sun? The students that we interviewed were so nice,but some of them didnt think the answer. Over at all this was a good experience and if we have to repeat well do without any problem.