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  • 8/12/2019 byg s12-112


    Danish technical university


    Bachelor thesisDevelopment of dynamic energy saving artificial lighting concept based on LED and


    Supervisors: Svend Aage Svendsen andChristina Charlotte Skaaning

    Prepared by Sebastian Sgaard Mller,d.Yms&psig=AFQjCNH5YDx_v8-7wPF4LV8heLlpoPQxww&ust=1360675971249775
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    Sebastian Sgaard Mller, S083412 Bachelor Thesis

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    PrefaceThis is a bachelor thesis which is working as final report in the bachelor studies of the civil engineering

    education. This thesis counts for 20 ECTS points.

    The thesis is about applying dynamic lighting control to a school in Odense. The goal is to reduce the energyconsumption while maintaining the light levels of the Danish standard.

    Proffesor Svend Aage Svendsen has worked as supervisor on this project along with phd. StudentChristina

    Charlotte Skaaning as co-supervisor; the inputs under this thesis have been greatly appreciated.

    Sebastian Sgaard Mller, S083412

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    Sebastian Sgaard Mller, S083412 Bachelor Thesis

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    AbstractThis thesis is based on an ongoing project on a school in Odense. The current lighting system has been

    renovated and new luminaries have been installed. The current setup has been investigated if they are on

    pair with the Danish standard then suggestions have been made on improvements to the current system.

    The current lighting system consists of two rooms, an LED and fluorescent room. The LED room got an

    annually energy usage of 6.33kWh/m2 by applying intelligent control the energy usage is reduced by 42%.

    The fluorescent room got an annually energy usage of 6.30kWh/m2 by applying intelligent control this is

    reduced by 40%.

    A LED matrix pattern has been designed to improve the lighting quality and further control zones have been

    added. The annual energy consumption with a control system where all light zones are controlled the same

    way came in at 5.1kWh/m2 by applying control based on user activities in the room the annual energy cost

    where reduced by another 17% resulting in an annual energy performance of 4.23kWh/m2.,d.Yms&psig=AFQjCNEti2ymtEB6XhWTDWqcAn8NV7KmsQ&ust=1360676703318119
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    Sebastian Sgaard Mller, S083412 Bachelor Thesis

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    Table of contentsPreface ............................................................................................................................................................... 2

    Abstract ............................................................................................................................................................. 3

    1 - Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 6

    1.1 - Problem introduction ............................................................................................................................ 6

    2 - Fundamentals ............................................................................................................................................... 7

    2.1 - Properties of lightamount and direction. .......................................................................................... 7

    2.2 - Energy performance .............................................................................................................................. 8

    2.3 - Color properties of light ........................................................................................................................ 8

    2.4 - Danish standardDS700 and EN12464-1 ............................................................................................. 9

    2.5 - Daylight ................................................................................................................................................ 102.6 - LED and OLED ...................................................................................................................................... 11

    2.7 - Economy .............................................................................................................................................. 12

    2.7.1Fluorescent lighting and LED ....................................................................................................... 12

    2.7.1Energy performance .................................................................................................................... 12

    2.7.2 - Lifespan......................................................................................................................................... 13

    2.7.3 - Prices ............................................................................................................................................ 13

    2.7.4 - Profitable ...................................................................................................................................... 13

    2.7.5 - Future predictions ........................................................................................................................ 13

    2.8 - Dynamic lighting .................................................................................................................................. 15

    2.9 - Control systems ................................................................................................................................... 15

    3 - Simulations of a school in Odense, Skt. Klemensskolen............................................................................. 17

    3.1 - Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 17

    3.2 - The project .......................................................................................................................................... 17

    3.3 - Presentation of the school. ................................................................................................................. 18

    3.4 - Visit at the school, December 2012. ................................................................................................... 18

    3.5Measurements .................................................................................................................................... 20

    3.6 - Justification of the use of simulation software ................................................................................... 21

    3.7 - The model. ........................................................................................................................................... 22

    3.8 - Simulation of the two rooms. .............................................................................................................. 23

    3.8.1 - Fluorescent room - illuminance .................................................................................................... 24

    3.8.1 - Led room - illuminance ................................................................................................................. 25

    3.8.3 - Comparison of the two setups. .................................................................................................... 25,d.Yms&psig=AFQjCNEti2ymtEB6XhWTDWqcAn8NV7KmsQ&ust=1360676703318119
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    3.8.4 - Glare assessment without daylight. ............................................................................................. 25

    3.8.5 - Fluorescent room - glare .............................................................................................................. 26

    3.8.6 - Led roomglare ........................................................................................................................... 27

    3.8.7 - Comparison of the two setups. .................................................................................................... 27

    3.9 - Assessment of the daylight control system. ........................................................................................ 27

    3.10 - Energy performance .......................................................................................................................... 29

    3.11 - Pros and cons of the current lighting system. ................................................................................... 29

    3.12 - Improvement suggestions ................................................................................................................. 31

    3.13 - LED spot matrix system ..................................................................................................................... 31

    3.14 - Comments ......................................................................................................................................... 33

    3.15 - Matrix system with three zones. ....................................................................................................... 34

    3.16 OLED light design system..................................................................................................................... 35

    4Discussion .................................................................................................................................................. 38

    Discussion of measurement compared with simulated values. .................................................................. 38

    Discussion of the control system. ................................................................................................................ 38

    Discussion of energy performance. ............................................................................................................. 38

    Discussion of LED spot matrix system ......................................................................................................... 39

    Discussion of OLED system assessment. ..................................................................................................... 39

    Discussion of application of matrix pattern contra big luminaries ............................................................. 40

    Discussion of main results ........................................................................................................................... 40

    Discussion of the schools design possibilities. ............................................................................................ 41

    Discussion of lighting in the future. ............................................................................................................. 41

    Discussion of further work .......................................................................................................................... 42

    5 - Conclusion .................................................................................................................................................. 43

    6 - References .................................................................................................................................................. 44

    7Simulation files .......................................................................................................................................... 44

    8 - Appendix ..................................................................................................................................................... 45

    IBlueprint school groundlevel. ................................................................................................................. 45

    IIDatasheet Riegens, Block serie. ............................................................................................................. 46

    IIIDatasheet Phillips, Powerbalance serie ................................................................................................ 47,d.Yms&psig=AFQjCNEti2ymtEB6XhWTDWqcAn8NV7KmsQ&ust=1360676703318119
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    1 - IntroductionWe are living in an age where green energy is a well-known term, and energy savings are a hot topic.

    Artificial lighting is a big part of our daily routine, and is needed by many to carry out daily routines. This

    has led to lighting taking up roughly 12% [5] of the worlds energy usage. So it has become of great interest

    to improve the energy performance of lightingespecially with the easy attainable energy sources

    becoming scarcer. The politicians are focused on this topic and they have decided that in year 2050 we

    should only use renewable energy sources such as solar and wind along others.

    This puts pressure on the lighting section as it is of no interest to change the candle lights. To maintain the

    current expectations of light at work spaces dynamic lighting is needed. The old inefficient light sources

    have been banned, such as the incandescent bulb, simply due to newer technologies being more energy

    efficient along with less poisonous to our environment. To obtain the goals of the politicians and without

    lowering the current lighting standards, smart intelligent design is of the essence.

    1.1 - Problem introduction

    This thesis is about dynamic lighting design on Skt. Klemensskolen in Odense. A lighting system has already

    been deployed with two different luminaires. The current setup is to be investigated and analyzed to check

    that it matches the current standards in Denmark. With two visits to the school a simulation model will be

    created to match the current scenario. This model will be looked upon and improvements to the current

    settings will be made. Energy performances will be analyzed and see if there is any gain on dynamic

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    2 - FundamentalsBefore further continuation a few parameters are to be explained for better understanding of the

    upcoming sections of the thesis.

    2.1 - Properties of light amount and direction.

    The definitions used to describe the amount and direction of light is illustrated in table 1.

    Table 1- Overview of the properties of light, from Jacobs 2004.

    Name Definition Unit Illustration



    Total light

    output in


    directionsfrom a light








    emitted in






    Illuminance The


    flux that

    hits a





    Luminance Theluminous

    intensity in

    a specific


    from a

    surface of a



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    Sebastian Sgaard Mller, S083412 Bachelor Thesis

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    2.2 - Energy performance

    The energy performance of a luminaire is measured by the ratio of light it can emit versus the energy

    putted into it. This ratio is defined as Lumen per Watt (Lm/W) and is the standard for how well a luminaire

    performs energy wise.

    The LENI number is used to measure the energy usage of a whole year compared to the usage pattern of

    the room the luminaire is used in. The LENI is calculated by the standards of EN15193.

    The year in the formula being the time the lights are turned on over a whole year. In EN15193 a whole year

    at a school is assumed to be 1800 hours.

    2.3 - Color properties of light

    The color properties are used to describe how well the colors are rendered in a given light setting.

    The white light emitted from a light source can be described by the correlated color temperature, CCT (in

    Kelvin, K). CCT is a measure for describing the color of light sources. It indicates the equivalent temperature

    that a black body radiator would need to have in order to produce light of the same color.

    The different CCT of different subjects can be seen in figure 1.

    Figure 1 - The color temperature of different objects,d.Yms&psig=AFQjCNEti2ymtEB6XhWTDWqcAn8NV7KmsQ&ust=1360676703318119
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    To compare the rendering properties of different light sources a Color Rendering Index has been made, also

    known as CRI. CRI is a scale used to determine how well a light source renders color compared to a defined

    light source who have the same color temperature (normally the sun or a black body is used), the sun

    having a CRI of 100. Figure 2shows the CRI values that should be maintained in the different environments.

    2.4 - Danish standard DS700 and EN12464-1

    This is a short recap of the requirements defined in DS700 and EN12464-1.

    The lighting in a building is coming from two parties: artificial light and sunlight. Due to the big variation in

    sunlight during the day both parties plays a role in the interiors design. As a general rule of thumb a

    daylight factor of 2% should be achieved10k lux outside would result in 200lux inside, the 2% definition.

    However this may not be achieved in every scenario due to different building designs eg. A room with a big

    depth compared to a small width hence the need for artificial lighting.

    Since this project is involving school lighting only those illuminance levels are listed. According to DS700 an

    illuminance level of 200lux is acceptable while EN12464-1 says 300lux is acceptable.

    Glare can be a side effect when working with lighting, and can cause discomfort for those who are

    experiencing it, design wise it wants to be avoided. Glare comfort also referred to as UGR (Unified Glare

    Rating) is defined in the standards, where a value below 20 is defined as acceptable where the scale is

    ranging from 13 to 28. Everything thing below 13 is counted the same, as everything above 28 is counted

    the same.

    Figure 2 - The different CRI values with their associated application,d.Yms&psig=AFQjCNEti2ymtEB6XhWTDWqcAn8NV7KmsQ&ust=1360676703318119
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    Where work is being conducted for longer periods of time a CRI value of atleast 80 should be used for the

    luminaires to achieve proper working conditions.

    In figure 3the values suggested in the EN12464-1 standard can be seen. These are the values that will be

    used as references throughout the thesis.

    Figure 3 - Required values for acceptable lighting according to EN12464-1

    2.5 - Daylight

    Why daylight? Everyone is interested in saving energy thus the greater need and benefit of using it to our

    advantage. The sun is shining the whole year and gives a bright and natural lightsome periods more than

    others. This leads to proper use of daylight, the more daylight the less need for artificial light. But that is

    not the only benefit, the documentary Det ndvendige dagslys [2], looks into how it affects us as humans.

    Many persons get a depression during the winter period, claimed to be because of the lack of daylight. The

    human brain is designed to operate with the light of the sun and its color. Today humans are mostly

    occupied inside and many will have a lack of daylight. The brain tries to compensate the artificial lighting

    and wants to replicate the suns light in form of its light colorsince thats what the brain is designed to do.

    Daylight is a free light in the terms there is no energy cost associated with it, so many architects and

    engineers takes daylight into account when forming buildings. It should however be noted that it is not

    possible to make a glass house in order to ensure great daylight conditions, as huge glass surfaces will

    result in high need of cooling during the summer due to the intense energy input from the sun.,d.Yms&psig=AFQjCNEti2ymtEB6XhWTDWqcAn8NV7KmsQ&ust=1360676703318119
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    2.6 - LED and OLED

    LED (Light-emitting diode) is a semiconductor light source. It works

    with electrons and electron holes combining and energy is released in

    form of photons, thus light is produced. LED is a highly efficient source

    of lighting with laboratory values at 231lm/W [4] while the market

    value is currently at 140lm/W [3]. LED are small and can be used for

    many purposes and offers a lot of design freedom in lighting design.

    Organic Light Emitting Diode, OLED, is the next generation of the LED

    family. OLED works in the same manner as LED does however it can be

    formed in any shape. The OLED technology is also based on a

    semiconductor but instead of a traditional diode it is a thin layer film

    with the capability to emit light in response to an electric current. It is currently used a lot in the TV

    business where OLED allows to make super slim TV and even mobile phones. But it is starting to show up in

    the office environments as well due to its freedom of design.

    On figure 5 is an illustration of the applications of OLED.

    Figure 5 - OLED lighting integrated in curtains - By Osram,

    OLED is very new on the lighting market thus its efficiency isnt as great as its bigger brother the LED.

    Currently the value is at 50lm/W, however compared to LED the OLED technology dont have issues with

    glare due to how the light is emitted. It should be noted that the OLED is expected to have the same

    potential as the LED in terms of energy performance.

    Figure 4 - Demonstration of the

    flexibility in form of and OLED.,d.Yms&psig=AFQjCNEti2ymtEB6XhWTDWqcAn8NV7KmsQ&ust=1360676703318119
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    2.7 - Economy

    When economy is to be compared between two different luminaire types it is important to investigate

    several areas. These areas are listed below and will try to shine light on the main differences concerning


    2.7.1 Fluorescent lighting and LED

    On the current market there are 2 dominating sources of light: LED and fluorescent lightening. Both types

    give an acceptable lighting according to the Danish standards. The main difference between the two is the

    future development. Fluorescent tubes are at their peak considering energy performance ranking in at

    around 100lm/W. Fluorescent lightening got a warm up time, it means that to achieve its full effect in

    terms of output it needs some minutes in order to achieve its 100% effect while LED achieves its peak

    instantly. Fluorescent tubes arent well suited for dampening, since it will decrease it lifespan. LED is

    dimmable and dont lose any life time.

    2.7.1 Energy performance

    On figure 6 the development of the different light sources can be seen. While the Fluorescent technology

    isnt expected to perform higher than they currently are. OLED and LED are however predicted to have a

    great future ahead of themin terms of energy performance and light quality.

    Figure 6 - Predicted development of LED and OLED,,d.Yms&psig=AFQjCNEti2ymtEB6XhWTDWqcAn8NV7KmsQ&ust=1360676703318119
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    2.7.2 - Lifespan

    Based on [4] the newest LEDs have a lifespan of atleast 50.000 hours compared to fluorescents lifespan of

    at least 10.000 hours. It should however be noted that the fluorescent lifespan is based upon there is no

    more than 3-7 on/off switches during an entire day, more switches results in less lifespan of the fluorescent

    tubesthis has no effect on the LEDs lifespan.

    2.7.3 - Prices

    It is hard to make a price comparison with two different light sources, as its not the same light emerging

    from the origin. To make a comparison the two sources has been made equivalent to a 60W incandescent,

    which turns into 10watt LED bulbs and 14watts fluorescent bulbsthe 60W comparison is done by

    following the European guideline of what is equivalent to the 60W incandescent bulb,

    To make a price comparison of the two different kinds of bulbs a table has been created, table 2. The

    energy price has been taken from and the bulbs cost have been found via

    Table 2 - Lifecycle comparison of LED and fluorescent lightening.

    LED Fluorescent

    Expected lifespan, hours 50.000 10.000

    Watts pr. Bulbequivalent to 60 wattsincandescent bulb.

    10 14

    Cost pr. bulb about 150 dkr about 35 dkr.

    kWh of electricity used

    over 50.000 hours

    500 700

    Cost of electricity at0,495 dkr pr. kWh.

    247,5 dkr. 346,5 dkr.

    Bulbs needed for 50.000hours use

    1 5

    Equivalents 50.000hours bulb expense

    150 dkr. 175 dkr.

    Total cost 50.000 hours 397,5 dkr. 521,5 dkr.

    2.7.4 - Profitable

    Table 2shows that the initial cost is far greater for the LED but it catches up with the fluorescent due to its

    longer lifespan. It should be noted for bigger facilities such as a storage hall where the height to the ceilingis far greater than a normal office, as it requires more labor salary in order to change to light bulbs, so in

    such a scenario the savings would be greater.

    2.7.5 - Future predictions

    Demands for proper lighting are in the high seat while maintaining a proper energy performance, there is

    no interest in raising one bar having the other going down. It is therefore in center to both improve the

    energy performance while meeting the lighting demands set in the Danish standards. Fluorescent lighting is

    more or less at its peak considering energy performance while LED has a long way to go.,d.Yms&psig=AFQjCNEti2ymtEB6XhWTDWqcAn8NV7KmsQ&ust=1360676703318119
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    LED offers a very bright light and they can be putted together to create a matrix pattern to ensure uniform

    illuminance level at the working plane. The LED spots can create shadows in the room and give a more cozy


    OLED is on its way and offers much freedom in terms of it can be formed into any shape, eg. An entireceiling could be turned into an illuminating plane and therefore ensure uniform light across an entire room.

    The diffuse lighting of OLED creates cozy lighting and got possibilities to replace the current LED system

    thats been used and integrated a lot in newer office environments.

    The diffuse lighting of OLED offers better lighting quality and can be used to create shadows in a room, and

    help it with becoming more spacious with its bright light.,d.Yms&psig=AFQjCNEti2ymtEB6XhWTDWqcAn8NV7KmsQ&ust=1360676703318119
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    2.8 - Dynamic lighting

    Dynamic lighting is an expression used when talking about lighting

    systems that got the ability to vary illuminance, CCT, color and

    intensity during the day. This got many applications and can be used in

    many fields etc. to make more exciting facades to vary the pale

    buildings; an example of this is seen on figure 7. In many offices today

    theilluminance is kept at a constant level and is either turned on or

    off. Dynamic lighting is beneficial in the ways of creating a better

    workspace and of course energy savings if applied correctly.

    In this thesis dynamic lighting will be used to vary the illuminance in an

    office environment according to a set control system.

    2.9 - Control systems

    Control systems are used to control the lighting pattern in a certain way. By using controls correctly it

    should result in a better experience for the user and in an energy cost reduction. There is many different

    kinds of systems to control the lighting, the main two are presence sensing and daylight sensing. In the

    following section the different kinds of sensor systems will shortly be described.

    Occupancy sensor

    Occupancy sensors usually use a passive infrared sensor or an ultrasonic sensor to detect presence in the

    room. The first detects radiation from heat and the latter detects movement and therefore they are not

    completely reliable. They might fail in detecting humans or detect heat and movement from other sources

    than humans and control light based on this detection.

    Enhanced presence sensing

    Enhance presence sensing is a system used for a more detailed assessment of how many persons are

    present in a room at a given time. In [1] there is used ultrasound to send a wave through the room in a

    sinus wave it can then follow movement due to the rebound time of the wave when it hits a surface. The

    ultrasound array sensor can track the movement of several individualsonly limited to the number of

    arrays used.

    Daylight sensor

    This sensor system is taking into account the amount of daylight received in

    a certain area and then dims the electrical lighting the daylight level

    increases, thus reducing the energy required to maintain a proper lighting

    level. The system aims at keeping a specific level of light at the workspace.

    Figure 7 - Creating an exciting facade with lighting,

    Danmarks Radio.

    Figure 8 - Showcasing howdaylight sensing works.,d.Yms&psig=AFQjCNEti2ymtEB6XhWTDWqcAn8NV7KmsQ&ust=1360676703318119
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    Camera sensor

    Currently being developed at DTU, its multiply cameras each watching a section of a room. The camera

    then offers a large set of tools to measure different kind of things and isnt limited to lightonly. In the light

    area its measuring the current lux level at the working plane along if there is anyone present in that area.

    Along with that it can also measure the CO2 level as it is connected with the ventilation system.

    Usage pattern

    The electrical lighting can be controlled by a time scheduled to a specific pattern. This could for an example

    be used at a school with fixed times to turn on and off.

    From the above it can be seen there is many possibilities of control of dynamic lighting. One of them arentthe best and they all got their appliances, it should however be noted to create a better system thedifferent types can be mixed together.,d.Yms&psig=AFQjCNEti2ymtEB6XhWTDWqcAn8NV7KmsQ&ust=1360676703318119
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    3 - Simulations of a school in Odense, Skt. Klemensskolen

    3.1 - Introduction

    This section will shortly describe the ongoing project at Skt. Klemensskolen. The rooms will be simulated

    and held up with data measured at the school with a lux meter. Further simulations will be donethese

    simulations will be improvements to the current system, if deemed necessary, along with new designs

    including OLED lightening. Energy performance along with glare will be analyzed.

    3.2 - The project

    In year 2050 it has been decided we are only to use alternative energy sources, such as wind and solar, this

    raises demands to our current designs while maintaining our needs. The municipality of Odense has beentaken on the lead on this area and has decided to open up for intelligent lighting design. A school has been

    chosen as a test subject.

    The ongoing project on the school is called: Intelligent lighting control based on daylight conditions,

    weather forecasts and energy prices.

    As the title suggest the project is about energy savings while maintaining a proper lighting design for a

    school. A few rooms have already been properly equipped with new lighting luminaries and a single room

    has gone a bit further with dynamical lighting systems and got the ability to change the color temperature

    of the lighting. This has opened up for scenarios where the light can be very bright for intense focus

    moments and later in can be dampened down for reading books on the pupils work desks.

    The project is adapting something called SmartGrid. This is a control system that controls everything

    needed at the school to maintain a proper indoor climate. Along with that it is also linked to the

    municipalities electrical network, and is able to see the current electricity prices and can adapt the

    illuminance level to the varying price. For instance when the electricity price is high the light level is putted

    to a minimum while still maintaining proper light level to work in. And when energy prices are low the light

    can be turned up accordingly.,d.Yms&psig=AFQjCNEti2ymtEB6XhWTDWqcAn8NV7KmsQ&ust=1360676703318119
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    3.3 - Presentation of the school.

    The school is located in southern Odense. There are 384 pupils and green areas for outdoor activities. The

    school was built in early 1970s, and its quite a common school. The windows are having a south direction.

    To get an idea of the scenario some pictures have been taken to showcase the case, the pictures have beenputted together in table 3.

    Table 3 - Pictures of the class room along the outer face.

    3.4 - Visit at the school, December 2012.

    The following observations were made in the afternoon in the time frame of 13.00 to 15.00.

    There are 3 rooms to look at, room 54, 47 and 48, all 3 rooms are identical in geometry and orientation.

    54 is the reference room, where nothing has changed and the current lighting the school uses were

    deployed. Walking into the room with no lights on the room is in complete darkness. There isnt much

    sunlight this day, and the room also got an overhang of 1,65 meters which is blocking the remaining sun of

    the day. The light gets turned on and there is barely an increase in the illuminance it is clear that the,d.Yms&psig=AFQjCNEti2ymtEB6XhWTDWqcAn8NV7KmsQ&ust=1360676703318119
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    luminaires havent been updated in a while. A rising question might be if its even possible for the pupils to

    work under these conditions.

    Room 47 is fluorescent tubes made by Riegens about 70lm/W, the data sheet over the luminaire is to be

    found in appendix II. Presence sensors and daylight sensors are active here in order to save energy. Alsothis room is dark without artificial lighting, but compared to the other room when the lights are turned on

    it gets very bright. And it seems like the lighting level without dampening is more than sufficient.

    Room 48 is with LED lightening made by Phillips about 70lm/W, the data sheet over the luminaire is to be

    found in appendix III. Due to the geometry and position of the room it is dark without artificial lighting. The

    LED lightening generally seems brighter, overall there isnt much difference to detect.

    Figure 9 is the setup of the 2 rooms which have been implemented already. The sensors detecting presence

    and sunlight is formed into 2 zones. Zone 1 being the yellow and zone 2 being the green. The reasoning

    behind this must be how the sunlight gets into the room and it must be expected to drop quite fast due to

    the large overhang of the building.

    Figure 9 - Groundview of the two rooms, and how the zones are divided.,d.Yms&psig=AFQjCNEti2ymtEB6XhWTDWqcAn8NV7KmsQ&ust=1360676703318119
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    3.5 Measurements

    Only the LED and fluorescent room are taken into account in this analysis. Reasoning behind this is that

    they are the only rooms where suggestions are valid to be made.

    Due to the absent of the sun at this time of the day this period of the year, it was decided to conduct 3measuring spots deep into the two rooms. This was done in order to see the illuminance from the

    luminaries and then later to compare with the simulated values to see if there was any substantial


    The points measured have been marked in table 4 which is the ground plane of the room, the measured

    height is 0.7m above the ground floorthis was the height the tables were in. The picture on the left

    shows the geometry along the marked points, the right picture shows how the luminaries are placed, it

    should be noted around point 1 is a table that was moved with every measurement to ensure the proper

    working height was maintained.

    Table 4 - Marked points indicating the spots where measurements were done.,d.Yms&psig=AFQjCNEti2ymtEB6XhWTDWqcAn8NV7KmsQ&ust=1360676703318119
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    The measured values are listed in below table 5 for the two rooms; these values are when the luminaire is

    on 100% effect.

    Table 5 - Measured values in the two rooms.

    Room number / armature type 47 / Fluorescent 48 / LED

    Point 1 303 lux 608 lux

    Point 2 188 lux 265 lux

    Point 3 393 lux 670 lux

    3.6 - Justification of the use of simulation software

    In order to get more into this and clever suggestions can be made it is smart to carry out simulations of

    different scenarios in a virtual room instead of implementing them directly. There are quite a few programs

    out on the market to simulate lighting environments in buildings. However none of them offers an option

    to work with dynamic lighting. In former work experience in different courses at DTU2 programs have

    been introduced. Velux software and DiaLUX. Both works well and gives a good tool for simulating lighting

    environments. Velux works extremely well when daylight is in the picture as it offers better tools for

    handling windows, however in this scenario where daylight is absent that isnt much of need. DiaLUX can

    directly import the data from the different luminaries from the datasheets of the manufacturers and that is

    why DiaLUX has been chosen to carry out the following simulations.,d.Yms&psig=AFQjCNEti2ymtEB6XhWTDWqcAn8NV7KmsQ&ust=1360676703318119
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    3.7 - The model.

    The model is based on the two rooms of the school. It got the correct geometry, however a few

    simplifications have been made. In table 6the room is shown on the left and the model on the right. In the

    room the glass goes more or less completely down to the floor but is blocked by a radiator followed by a

    plank of wood. In the model the window glass has been reduced to meet the plank height. This has been

    done due to simulation time and the daylight level isnt that interesting in such small gaps in that low

    height. The room has also been modeled empty due to chairs and tables are being moved around a lot,

    instead a work plane have been made at the height of 0.7m to simulate the illuminance level as if the tables

    can positioned anywhere.

    Table 6 - Comparison between the model and the real class room.

    The overhang has been made completely like it is on the school. No changes have been made to it

    whatsoever. To compare the two both are shown in table 7.

    Table 7 - Comparison of the outer face of the classroom.,d.Yms&psig=AFQjCNEti2ymtEB6XhWTDWqcAn8NV7KmsQ&ust=1360676703318119
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    3.8 - Simulation of the two rooms.

    Before further simulations are done with artificial lighting it is important to define the reflectance of the

    walls, ceiling and floor. The walls are painted white, but many walls are covered with small cork walls for

    the pupils to hang different things up upon, and of course the blackboard that covers an entire wall. The

    color white has a generally high reflectance but that cannot be used in this case due to the coverage. A

    value of 50% has been chosen in DiaLUX upon using a light brown color as the cork walls arethe

    blackboard has been chosen completely black. A light grey/brown has been chosen for the ceiling and the

    floor. The values are also shown in figure 10in DiaLUX reflectance is noted as Rho. It is important to note

    that there is not taken daylight into account in the following simulationsdaylight will be applied when the

    artificial lighting in the two rooms has been assessed. When daylight is being applied it will be noted clearly.

    Figure 10 - Reflectance values (Rho) used in the simulation model.,d.Yms&psig=AFQjCNEti2ymtEB6XhWTDWqcAn8NV7KmsQ&ust=1360676703318119
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    3.8.1 - Fluorescent room - illuminance

    In figure 11the results are shown. The illuminance level is shown with failcolors to give an easier

    overview and the illuminance levels to compare with the measured values are shown in table format in the


    There is a substantial difference in the illuminance level measured and simulated. Due to it being

    fluorescent lightening there is a warm up time, so it takes a while for it to reach it maximum, this may have

    led to a flaw in the measurement. The spread is really good there is a stable value in a big zone of the room.

    Figure 11 - Simulated illuminance levels at the working plane.,d.Yms&psig=AFQjCNEti2ymtEB6XhWTDWqcAn8NV7KmsQ&ust=1360676703318119
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    3.8.1 - Led room - illuminance

    Figure 12 shows the results from the simulations.

    The results are a little different, that was to be expected given the conditions where no reflectance values

    are given and they all have to be assumed. However with that taken into account the results looks quiteconsistent compared to the measured values. On figure 12 the overall illuminance level at the working

    plane can be observed. The spread of the light is decent.

    3.8.3 - Comparison of the two setups.

    Both setups prove to give a fair illuminance level at the working plane and are in compliance with the

    Danish standard.

    The LED setup got a higher output of light they can however be dimmed in order to get the illuminance

    level down. Its variance in the lux level is also far greater than the fluorescent one.

    The fluorescent setup got a far nicer distribution but offers less light output and only just fulfills the Danish


    3.8.4 - Glare assessment without daylight.

    While the illuminance level has been determined as acceptable the glare should also be investigated.

    Multiple persons have been placed in the rooms, this has been made with a workplane of the wanted

    height, the eyes have been placed in a height of 1.2m simulating a sitting pupil. A secondary scenario has

    also been made where the teacher walking around is simulated, this height is at 1.8m, this height is high for

    Figure 12 - Simulated illuminance levels are the working plane.,d.Yms&psig=AFQjCNEti2ymtEB6XhWTDWqcAn8NV7KmsQ&ust=1360676703318119
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    the eye level but it has been taken due to such a scenario is likely to occur, eg. Standing on a chair/table.

    The eyes are positioned in a horizontal angle.

    3.8.5 - Fluorescent room - glare

    Table 8 showcasing the rooms results, two snapshots are taken in two different eye heights.

    Table 8 - UGR levels in the fluorescent room.

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    3.8.6 - Led room glare

    In table 9 the two different work heights for the glare simulations are shown.

    Table 9 - UGR levels shown for the LED room.

    1.2m 1.8m

    3.8.7 - Comparison of the two setups.

    According to the glare index a number below 20 is marked as acceptable. The LED is consistent and the

    values are low and likely no glare issues will occur. The fluorescent lightening is more unstable in its values

    and shows values above 20 at the 1.8m height. Glare issues for the fluorescent setting is unlikely to occur

    but can happen in certain situations. Generally both are fine.

    3.9 - Assessment of the daylight control system.

    The current control is based on presence sensors along with daylight control sensors. The rooms are

    divided into two zones. It is suspected to have been done so mostly taken the daylight control into account.

    Due to the rather wide out hang blocking most of the sun out in the depth of the room. To assess this asummer day, with clear sky, has been evaluated to track the suns illuminance gain towards the room.

    The results have been gathered in table 10. The table has been divided into four figures depending on the

    time of the day, so the pattern can be observed.,d.Yms&psig=AFQjCNEti2ymtEB6XhWTDWqcAn8NV7KmsQ&ust=1360676703318119
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    Table 10 - Illuminance levels - changed with the time.

    8.00 10.00


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    3.10 - Energy performance

    To compare the energy performance a LENI number is to be calculated. The LENI number is an index for

    how much energy the lighting uses for a year.

    By using the following setups as previously mentioned, the following LENI numbers have been calculatedvia DIALux using the EN15193 method. The results have been gathered in table 11.

    Table 11 - Energy performance of the two rooms.

    LED [kWh/m2] Fluorescent [kWh/m2]

    No control 6.33 6.3

    Presence sensoring 4.39 4.37

    Presence and daylight sensoring 3.64 3.88

    3.11 - Pros and cons of the current lighting system.

    The illuminance level is fine when school work is considered. The room is divided into two control zones.

    This is working decent with the daylight control due to the large decrease in daylight lux level throughout

    the room.

    The room usage and the room design is however inconsistent in form of its use and how the lighting is

    formed. On figure 13 the usage of the room is shown. The orange zone is where the pupils are seated, in

    this zone the blackboard lighting is marked with a

    blue square. The green zone is used as an entrance to

    the room. The red zone is used as a place to producegroup work or just play games during breaks and can

    be used as a cozy corner. The green and red zone

    is/can be divided by a cork wall. It is not possible to

    sit in the red while teaching is occurring, due to not

    being able to see the blackboard properly, this results

    in two idle zones. With the current lighting setup it is

    not possible to dampen or turn off the lightening in

    either of those zones.

    The orange zone might be divided into more zonesdue to how the rows of tables can be placed, when

    looking at the pupil numbers in Appendix IV for the

    school it is viewable that the max number of pupils at

    a time is 24. With 24 pupils the far side away from the

    blackboard could get dimmed down.

    Even thou the energy performances of the two rooms

    are quite excellent further savings could be made by

    applying more zones. It would not be practicable to

    use the current luminaries and adept into more

    Figure 13 - Zones based on activities in the room.,d.Yms&psig=AFQjCNEti2ymtEB6XhWTDWqcAn8NV7KmsQ&ust=1360676703318119
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    zones, as the luminaries are too big in size and wouldnt be used to its full effect in such a scenario.

    A matrix pattern could be adapted using LED spots, thus many small spots could open up for a lot more

    user creativity and use the room to its full potential regarding light quality along with maximizing energy


    Another option is to create an entire diffuse light ceiling in form of OLED. These two options would open up

    for more control along with creating a more uniform lighting due to the many spots in the ceiling.,d.Yms&psig=AFQjCNEti2ymtEB6XhWTDWqcAn8NV7KmsQ&ust=1360676703318119
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    3.12 - Improvement suggestions

    This section will look into how to improve the lighting quality along the energy performance by utilizing the

    application of more control zones. The luminaries will consist of LED spots and an OLED situation will be


    3.13 - LED spot matrix system

    For the LED matrix system small LED spots have been used. The spots got an effect of 1.4W and produces

    100Lm, resulting in an efficiency of about 71 Lm/W thus comparable to the current luminaries. The LEDs

    have been placed in a matrix pattern along the room as shown on figure 14, a total of 263 spots have been


    Figure 14 - LED placement in matrix pattern.,d.Yms&psig=AFQjCNEti2ymtEB6XhWTDWqcAn8NV7KmsQ&ust=1360676703318119
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    The illuminance on the working plane can be seen on figure 15.

    Figure 15 - Illuminance level at the working plane.,d.Yms&psig=AFQjCNEti2ymtEB6XhWTDWqcAn8NV7KmsQ&ust=1360676703318119
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    The glare has been analyzed and the results are shown in figure 16.

    Figure 16 - Glare assesment of the LED spots.

    3.14 - Comments

    The matrix system offers great lighting and offers more creation freedom concerning possibilities of

    dampening due to more control systems are applicable in this situation. To further reduce the energy

    demands a scenario will be put up next where the cozy area and the entrance will be dimmed, and then the

    energy demand will be calculated manually due to DIALux restrictions on this part.,d.Yms&psig=AFQjCNEti2ymtEB6XhWTDWqcAn8NV7KmsQ&ust=1360676703318119
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    3.15 - Matrix system with three zones.

    There will typically be three scenarios. One where all the zones are at 100% lighting, occurring when people

    are entering the room in the morning and after longer breaks. The other two scenarios are listed in table


    Table 12 - Display over the new utility zones.

    Scenario 1 Scenario 2

    The energy performance has been made for the entire year in the different scenarios and is shown in table


    Table 13 - Energy performance of the new zone system.

    Energy performancekWh/m2,year

    Scenario 1 4.23

    Scenario 2 4.78

    Scenario 100% light 5.10

    33%33% 33%,d.Yms&psig=AFQjCNEti2ymtEB6XhWTDWqcAn8NV7KmsQ&ust=1360676703318119
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    3.16 OLED light design system

    There arent many OLEDs on the market currently. The leading OLED

    panels are coming from OSRAM (ORBEOS serie) where an efficiency of40Lm/W has been reached. No support via design files are offered to

    this new technology.

    To simulate the OLED panels a LED panel from Phillips have used

    (CoreView Panel) due to its shape. This panel is 25 times greater than

    the OLED panel in area size. 1 luminarie will simulate 25 OLEDs. The

    OLED can produce 67lumen at a 40Lm/W ratio.

    It is known that 300lux on the working plane is wanted. If assumed the OLED can achieve 67lumen at the

    working plane which mean the light travels 1.8meters and are able to produce 67lumen this can be dividedalong the floor area and a measurement of how many OLEDs can be calculated if 300lux is wanted.

    The calculation is done by the definitions written in the first part of the thesis.

    Wanted illuminance on floor: 300lux. Floor area: 68.25m2

    Each OLED panel is producing 67Lm. So a total of OLEDs required are:

    Since 25 OLEDs are going to match 1 LED panel a quick assumption would be to use 12 LED panels resulting

    in 300 OLEDs.

    Figure 17 - The new OLED series

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    A scenario in DIALux with a decent spread could look like figure 18.

    Figure 18 - OLED setup in classroom, each square equal to 25 OLEDs,d.Yms&psig=AFQjCNEti2ymtEB6XhWTDWqcAn8NV7KmsQ&ust=1360676703318119
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    And figure 19 is looking at the illuminance at the working plane.

    Figure 19 - Illuminance level at the working plane.

    With such a setup the energy performance would be 8.17kWh/m2 annually.,d.Yms&psig=AFQjCNEti2ymtEB6XhWTDWqcAn8NV7KmsQ&ust=1360676703318119
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    4 DiscussionThe discussion section contains comments on the simulation results and is linked to each specific section of

    the report. The last part of the discussion contains further thoughts on how the school is designed for

    lighting optimization.

    Discussion of measurement compared with simulated values.

    The measurements were conducted on a dark winter day, disabling any daylight in the back of the room.

    This resulted in fortunate settings when measuring the luminaires only. The measurements were

    conducted with a lux meter, where some uncertainties may occur in form of measurement uncertainties in

    form of the design of the meter. It is however doubtful that is causing the difference in the fluorescent

    room. This is most likely to be due to the warm up time of the luminaire, and it wasnt at its max when

    measurements were done, even thou they had been on for several minutes beforehand.

    The illuminance level of the LED and fluorescent system gives a wide light zone where 300lux is maintained,

    and it is a fine lighting design based on the illuminance quality at the working plane. If the two were to

    picked between the LED system would probably get ahead due to its longer lifetimeas the energy

    performance is equal to each other and the lighting quality of the two is also near identical in form of

    occupant zone where 300lux is to be maintained.

    The glare analysis shows no indication of the luminaires has to be changed. There is only glare issue at a

    single spot in the 1.8m height. As the general eye level will be below that the glare results are marked as

    acceptable. Glare was only assessed for the luminaires that it was quickly found out the glare values from

    the sun were close to non-existent due to the large and curtains were assumed to be used to prevent glare

    from the outside.

    Discussion of the control system.

    The zone planning seems to be tailored to the daylight control system. The large overhang is blocking a lot

    of the sunlight that could possibly be gained. Therefore dividing the room into two zones seems like a legit

    concern when having daylight taken into account. It is however weird when taken into account the class

    room designs, as it was obvious and quite clear how its usage of the room where. More zones could easily

    have been made. It seems like the main focus has been on getting a standard improved luminaire matching

    the current old ones that has been used without giving much thought of proper utilization of the room andthe varying activities in the classroom. For instance when the room were visited two pupils were sitting

    insideyet all the lighting were turned on.

    Discussion of energy performance.

    The energy performance is excellent. This was to be expected with brand new luminaries having been

    installed from two top manufacturers. The LENI numbers are incredibly low and it should be clearly noted

    that the yearly basis of this number is calculated from the standards where a schools yearly working hour is

    equal to 1800 hours opposed to a normal office where the working hours are set to 2250 hours a year.,d.Yms&psig=AFQjCNEti2ymtEB6XhWTDWqcAn8NV7KmsQ&ust=1360676703318119
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    Discussion of LED spot matrix system

    The matrix system opens up for more possibilities concerning dynamic lighting. It offers a lot of freedom in

    terms of design and zone utilization. The system has been created with just three zones. A fourth zone

    could have been deployed at the blackboard which then could have been dimmed down when nothing was

    going on. Three zones were analyzed and scenarios were assessed. It is hard to assess dynamic lighting and

    look upon how well the energy performs as there is many parameters linked with such an event. It wasnt

    possible to make a yearly simulation in DIALux where the three scenarios have been mixed according to a

    set usage pattern. This could have led to very interesting situations and possibly even further energy

    reduction costs. The dimmed levels are set to 33%, this value is based on achieving at least 100lux in those

    inactive zones. There isnt much research on the area on the values the inactive zones can be dimmed

    down to however it is shown that it cannot be completely switched off without causing discomfort of the

    occupants in the primary zone.

    The scenarios are created as frozen, which means they are still in the situation. It is due to software

    limitations, there is currently no support for such zone control and daylight integration. DIALux got no

    option of controlling specific zones according to a user pattern.

    The current setup doesnt improve the energy performance the two current luminaires are having.

    However they are offering a greater lighting quality and freedom in moving the working desks around as

    the occupants may feel like. The matrix system offers acceptable lighting levels in every space of the room

    unlike the current luminaires where the working spaces are centered around the 8 luminaires. Further

    assessment could have been made where the outer LED spots could have been dimmed down to further

    improve the energy performance.

    It is however important to look upon that with the utilization zones being applied the energy bill could bedecreased by another 17% which is quite a benefit.

    The current LED spots got a narrow light spread either more could be placed with them being dimmed

    down; this would however cause a higher initial cost. There could also be looked into finding a wider light

    spread LED spot thus the number of spots could be reduced. However the LED market is currently a jungle.

    A great help is that Carsten Dam-Hansen from DTU Fotonik has just (January 2013) released a new

    homepage that is the result of a project where LEDs are analyzed to help the consumers in the jungle that

    the current LED market is. If of any interest the page can be found on this address:

    Discussion of OLED system assessment.

    OLED is quite new and not many products exist on the current market. It is unfortunate that no files have

    been made public in order to simulate these new luminaries. The simulation has however been attempted

    in form of manipulating a LED panel with the values from the OLED datasheet. The way the light is spread is

    assumed to be the same this is highly unlikely however the OLED is by judging data from the manufacturers

    supposed to provide an even better spread.

    With current simulation it can clearly be noted that the OLED system offers a very viable solution in terms

    of maintaining a uniform level of light. Further simulations havent been made as it was done with the,d.Yms&psig=AFQjCNEti2ymtEB6XhWTDWqcAn8NV7KmsQ&ust=1360676703318119
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    matrix pattern. The energy savings will seemingly be the same percentage wise, as the zones would be the


    OLED got the possibility to cover large areas of ceiling, thats why its a real shame that no files are available

    for use. Due to this the distance between the luminaries are quite big and better results could had beenmaintained if the spread was more uniform across the ceiling. The smallest LED panels used for lighting that

    was able to be found was 600x600mm which resulted in 25 OLEDs placed in 1 panel.

    No glare were simulatedsince OLED is glare free due to how the lighting is emitted.

    But due to current efficiency of the panels it is not a viable solution.

    Discussion of application of matrix pattern contra big luminaries

    From these results it is shown that benefits can be obtained by using more luminaries to achieve a greater

    illuminance level at the working plane along with more user control. It should however be noted that it is

    hard to switch to such systems. For starters 267 LED spots take a long time to install compared to 8

    luminaries. The luminaries are hanging from the ceiling where the spots are generally integrated in the

    ceiling. More time is also spent installing the different spots or panels depending on how many control

    zones are to be used. For that reason alone many would prefer picking bigger luminaries and then

    compromise on the lighting quality in a room.

    Discussion of main results

    Currently the already installed luminaries proved to be better energy wise. The matrix pattern system useda bit more energy however it also provided a much better lighting quality. If the light spread of the small

    LED spots had been better less could had been used and the same calculation pattern from the OLED

    system could had been used. If lighting control is being applied correctly energy savings are to be achieved

    by having many luminaries spread across the ceiling. It is however unlikely many will pick this solution,

    since the price of so many spot lights will be far greater than the bigger luminaries also taken installation

    and adaption into account. However with newer buildings where spots can be directly integrated in the

    ceiling such a pattern system is to be advised if control zones with substantial big differences in activity are

    to be used. As for a residential building such a system wouldnt be used due to rooms generally being

    smaller and activities are more centered in such a room.,d.Yms&psig=AFQjCNEti2ymtEB6XhWTDWqcAn8NV7KmsQ&ust=1360676703318119
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    Discussion of the schools design possibilities.

    The school is made in the 1970s it seems like it has been designed without using the daylight for lighting

    purposes. Instead its focus has been upon the indoor environment in form of temperature, thus a big

    overhang have been made in order to limit the suns energy input to the room. If an energy renovation was

    to be suggested a choice would likely be to reduce the overhang thus allowing more sun to enter the room.

    To meet the same thermal conditions indoor the windows should get an update. Another solution would be

    to make use of skylight windows. These windows allow daylight to enter through the ceiling and can direct

    daylight further into the back of the room. Taken the depth of the room into account skylight would

    provide the necessary daylight which the normal window wouldnt be able to provide due to the depth of

    the building.

    Discussion of lighting in the future.

    From a professional perspective lighting should be sustainable while providing the necessary illuminancerequired. However a big part of the human being is also about having nice things. When walking into a shop

    people get drawn on design perspectivethat is the first thing we notice. The same thing applies to the

    lighting area; we are no longer just interested in light but also a good design. The days of the standard bulb

    are over and new luminaries are making their march onto the market. The LED offers many possibilities in

    form and shape but is still limited to being a bulb. The new OLED makes everything possible and can be

    shaped into any shape imaginable due to its properties.

    Currently lighting is generally being controlled by a computer monitoring different parameters and then

    turned on via a computer or a panel on a wall. The new SmartGrid takes it a step further and integrates

    energy costs with the energy usage of the room. This opens up for new possibilities to what acceptablelighting is. For instance is it acceptable if the energy price is high to lower the illuminance at the working

    plane of the pupils to 200lux for some time, and how long is this to be allowed? The SmartGrid is really

    complex and an interesting approach to how intelligent design can work, and with time even being

    integrated in the standard residential building. SmartGrid is controlled via a computer, but with time it

    could be adapted to be used with smartphones, Ipads and so on.

    Currently the LEDs are matching the fluorescent tubes and can be used instead. They got the same energy

    performance and a longer lifespan while the LED offers support when it comes to controlling them in form

    of dimming as the fluorescent tubes lifespan is being hurt by dimming down below 25% of its max value.

    The LEDs are still in development so it is expected to see more LED luminaires in the time to come.

    A good guess on the future is the LED will be a part of it. If OLED achieves a better energy performance than

    they currently have they will take a big part of our future lighting due to its design freedom and the lighting

    quality it offers and this seems most likely if the current development speed continues.,d.Yms&psig=AFQjCNEti2ymtEB6XhWTDWqcAn8NV7KmsQ&ust=1360676703318119
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    Discussion of further work

    A room that hasnt been talked about a lot is the room where the lighting color is able to be changed

    depending on the activities. This has been left out since no changes can be made and is of no interest

    directly to this project. It would however be interesting to go back to the school once the project period is

    over, and look upon if it has had any effect on the teachings conducted at the school in form of very warm

    light used to focus intense periods and then a colder light to be applied where the work load is far less.

    If further work were to be conducted in the lighting area, it would be interesting to look into how

    dynamical lighting could be simulated. The future and its technologies opens up for a lot of opportunities

    when it comes to how lighting can be controlled, its a shame none of this can currently be simulated.

    Maybe in the master project development of such a program could be looked intohowever the quantity

    of such work is more likely so suit a Phd. Project.,d.Yms&psig=AFQjCNEti2ymtEB6XhWTDWqcAn8NV7KmsQ&ust=1360676703318119
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    5 - ConclusionThe classrooms are newly renovated in the lighting apartment and are measuring up with the standards.

    The fluorescent room is maintaining 300lux in the working areas of the room, along with having an UGR

    value below 20. The room is having an energy performance of 6.3kWh/m2a year without control and with

    controls applied it is reduced to 3.88kWh/m2a year resulting in roughly 40% energy consumption


    The LED room is maintaining the 300lux in working areas of the room. The UGR value is always below 20.

    The energy performance is 6.33kWh/m2a year without any control being applied and is reduced to

    3.64kWh/m2a year with controls resulting in roughly 42% energy consumption reduction.

    A LED matrix system was made in order to utilize the activities in the rooms and adapt them into control

    zones. This resulted in 263 LED spots being installed and the room divided into three zones.

    With control systems applied and setting the lighting to a maximum this resulted in an energy consumptionof 5.1kWh/m2. Two scenarios were created where the lighting levels were decreased in the non-occupied

    zones. When the entrance were dimmed the energy cost dropped to 4.78kWh/m2 roughly 7% reduction

    while the entrance area and the cozy area were dimmed down the cost were reduced further to

    4.23kWh/m2 roughly a 17% energy cost reduction.

    OLED is a new technology and have great future prediction however with its current performance the

    energy usage of the classroom would range in at 8.17kWh/m2 anually.

    By this the current lighting situation has been assessed and suggestions have been made on how to

    improve the lighting quality. The results strongly suggest that energy performance can be improved by

    applying dynamic lighting when working with larger rooms such as offices and classroom where control

    zones can be applied intelligently.,d.Yms&psig=AFQjCNEti2ymtEB6XhWTDWqcAn8NV7KmsQ&ust=1360676703318119
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    6 - References

    1 - Daylight integrated illumination control of LED systems based on enhanced

    presence sensing, Ashish Pandharipande, David Caicedo, Philips Research, High Tech Campus, HTC 34-1.41,5656 AE Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 2010

    2Det ndvendige daglys, Danmarks Radio (DR2) 22. november 2005., 28 Januar 2012.

    4 - Comparison of Life Cycle Assessments of LED Light Sources,J. Light & Vis. Env. Vol.36, No.2, 2012,Leena THKM*,**, Marjukka PUOLAKKA*, Liisa HALONEN* and Georges ZISSIS**

    5 -


    Efficient_Future_Electric_Lighting_for_Buildings.pdf,Aalto University of science and technology.

    Other literature with no specific references:

    Synthlight handbook, Chapter 1: Fundamentals & Chapter 2: Daylight

    Danish standard DS700

    European/Danish standard EN15193

    7 Simulation filesThe files mentioned below are freely available for use via the internet, the files can be found on the

    following link:

    Files are directly available for use no signup whatsoever is required.

    DiaLux files:

    LED room model Fluorescent room model Matrix pattern LED room model DIALux installation file

    School information:

    Blueprint of school in its original size,d.Yms&psig=AFQjCNEti2ymtEB6XhWTDWqcAn8NV7KmsQ&ust=1360676703318119
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    8 - AppendixI Blueprint school groundlevel.,d.Yms&psig=AFQjCNEti2ymtEB6XhWTDWqcAn8NV7KmsQ&ust=1360676703318119
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    II Datasheet Riegens, Block serie.,d.Yms&psig=AFQjCNEti2ymtEB6XhWTDWqcAn8NV7KmsQ&ust=1360676703318119
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