byram township njdep matching grant groundwater assessment

Byram Township Byram Township NJDEP Matching Grant NJDEP Matching Grant Groundwater Assessment Groundwater Assessment John Robinson, PG, CPG John Robinson, PG, CPG Hydrogeologist Hydrogeologist GeoEnvironmental Research GeoEnvironmental Research

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Byram Township NJDEP Matching Grant Groundwater Assessment. John Robinson, PG, CPG Hydrogeologist GeoEnvironmental Research. Project Tasks to Evaluate Byram’s Water Resources. Prepare Aquifer GIS Maps Gather Information Collect Baseflow stream samples Prepare Aquifer Testing Ordinance - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Byram Township NJDEP Matching Grant Groundwater Assessment

Byram TownshipByram TownshipNJDEP Matching Grant NJDEP Matching Grant

Groundwater AssessmentGroundwater Assessment

John Robinson, PG, CPGJohn Robinson, PG, CPG


GeoEnvironmental ResearchGeoEnvironmental Research

Page 2: Byram Township NJDEP Matching Grant Groundwater Assessment

Project Tasks to Project Tasks to Evaluate Byram’s Evaluate Byram’s Water ResourcesWater Resources

Prepare Aquifer GIS MapsPrepare Aquifer GIS Maps Gather InformationGather Information Collect Baseflow stream samplesCollect Baseflow stream samples Prepare Aquifer Testing OrdinancePrepare Aquifer Testing Ordinance Prepare ReportPrepare Report Prepare Educational Slide ShowPrepare Educational Slide Show

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Topics of DiscussionTopics of Discussion Geology and Groundwater Geology and Groundwater

OccurrenceOccurrence Aquifer MaterialsAquifer Materials Groundwater ContaminationGroundwater Contamination Residential Well Testing Residential Well Testing

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Groundwater Groundwater OccurrenceOccurrence Hydrologic CycleHydrologic Cycle

Runoff and RechargeRunoff and Recharge Recharge and DischargeRecharge and Discharge Changes in the Water TableChanges in the Water Table

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Precipitation may runoff, evaporate, percolate to root zone, or Precipitation may runoff, evaporate, percolate to root zone, or enter aquifer. Water table changes seasonally. Aquifers vary enter aquifer. Water table changes seasonally. Aquifers vary

with geologywith geology

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Precipitation that enters the aquifer flows directionally from recharge areas to discharge areas. The constant flow of groundwater that discharges into a stream is called baseflow.

Precipitation that enters the aquifer flows directionally from recharge areas to discharge areas. The constant flow of groundwater that discharges into a stream is called baseflow.

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BaseflowBaseflow water samples may be collected from streams to evaluate the quality of water samples may be collected from streams to evaluate the quality of the discharging groundwater. Lubbers Run Upstream Sample Location.the discharging groundwater. Lubbers Run Upstream Sample Location.

BaseflowBaseflow water samples may be collected from streams to evaluate the quality of water samples may be collected from streams to evaluate the quality of the discharging groundwater. Lubbers Run Upstream Sample Location.the discharging groundwater. Lubbers Run Upstream Sample Location.

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Groundwater supply wells may alter the natural flow groundwater. Pumping wells depress the water table around the intake. The localized decline is called a cone of depression. Water drawn from a stream into a well through the aquifer is called induced infiltration.

Groundwater supply wells may alter the natural flow groundwater. Pumping wells depress the water table around the intake. The localized decline is called a cone of depression. Water drawn from a stream into a well through the aquifer is called induced infiltration.

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Public Community Supply WellsPublic Community Supply Wells

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This groundwater physical flow mode simulates the recharge/discharge and baseflow of a stream system. Water is added to the sides as recharge and migrates to the middle (steam) as discharge. Dye traces the groundwater flow paths.

This groundwater physical flow mode simulates the recharge/discharge and baseflow of a stream system. Water is added to the sides as recharge and migrates to the middle (steam) as discharge. Dye traces the groundwater flow paths.

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Shallow to deep flow paths migrate to the stream as baseflow discharge.Shallow to deep flow paths migrate to the stream as baseflow discharge.

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Groundwater physical model depicting injection scenario common in septic systems. Notice mounding and radiating flow paths that spread out before reaching the water table.

Groundwater physical model depicting injection scenario common in septic systems. Notice mounding and radiating flow paths that spread out before reaching the water table.

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Groundwater flow concepts applied to typical Wallkill Watershed aquifer. Water table occurs as a subdued replica of the surface topography. Notice the water table is deeper at the upland watershed boundary and intersects the ground surface at wetlands and streams. Town well may draw from both groundwater and surface water.

Groundwater flow concepts applied to typical Wallkill Watershed aquifer. Water table occurs as a subdued replica of the surface topography. Notice the water table is deeper at the upland watershed boundary and intersects the ground surface at wetlands and streams. Town well may draw from both groundwater and surface water.

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Physical model depicting flow to a well. Notice the cone of depression and flow paths to the well intake. Deeper flow paths may be influenced by pumping but escape intake.

Physical model depicting flow to a well. Notice the cone of depression and flow paths to the well intake. Deeper flow paths may be influenced by pumping but escape intake.

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Groundwater discharge from a bedrock outcrop. Position of the water table surface is clearly visible.

Groundwater discharge from a bedrock outcrop. Position of the water table surface is clearly visible.

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Aquifer MaterialsAquifer Materials

Unconsolidated DepositsUnconsolidated Deposits BedrockBedrock Limestone and KarstLimestone and Karst

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Sand and gravel deposit in the Waterloo section of Byram depicts the coarse grained and permeable nature of glacial outwash aquifers.

Sand and gravel deposit in the Waterloo section of Byram depicts the coarse grained and permeable nature of glacial outwash aquifers.

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The Aquifers of ByramThe Aquifers of Byram

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Glacial Sediments andGlacial Sediments andSurfacial AquifersSurfacial Aquifers

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Surficial AquifersSurficial Aquifers

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Buried valleys in the Northern NJ area were formed by glaciers and the release of sediments in the ice interacting and deposited with the meltwater.

Buried valleys in the Northern NJ area were formed by glaciers and the release of sediments in the ice interacting and deposited with the meltwater.

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Groundwater in bedrock aquifers flows through interconnected fractures. Fractures close at depth with increased lithostatic pressure. Wells that miss the interconnected fracture network may be dry.

Groundwater in bedrock aquifers flows through interconnected fractures. Fractures close at depth with increased lithostatic pressure. Wells that miss the interconnected fracture network may be dry.

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Bedrock AquifersBedrock Aquifers

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This fractured crystalline bedrock outcrop along Lakawanna Road is typical of the upland areas of the watershed. Notice the irregular occurrence of the fracture network.

This fractured crystalline bedrock outcrop along Lakawanna Road is typical of the upland areas of the watershed. Notice the irregular occurrence of the fracture network.

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Limestone outcrop along Route 15 in Sparta. This type of bedrock is typical beneath the valleys in the Wallkill Watershed. Notice the more regular spaced and frequent bedding plane fractures.

Limestone outcrop along Route 15 in Sparta. This type of bedrock is typical beneath the valleys in the Wallkill Watershed. Notice the more regular spaced and frequent bedding plane fractures.

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Limestone outcrop along Route 94 in McAfee. Notice the soluble nature of limestone.Limestone outcrop along Route 94 in McAfee. Notice the soluble nature of limestone.

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Groundwater RechargeGroundwater Recharge

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Soil filled vertical fracture in limestone.Soil filled vertical fracture in limestone.

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Quantitative HydrogeologyQuantitative Hydrogeology

Groundwater and BaseflowGroundwater and Baseflow Gradient and Hydraulic Gradient and Hydraulic

ConductivityConductivity TestingTesting

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Seasonal changes in the water table is accompanied with a change in gradient and volume of baseflow.

Seasonal changes in the water table is accompanied with a change in gradient and volume of baseflow.

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Aquifer yield is evaluated by conducting an aquifer pump test. A controlled pumping stress is applied to the aquifer and the results are measured and interpreted.

Aquifer yield is evaluated by conducting an aquifer pump test. A controlled pumping stress is applied to the aquifer and the results are measured and interpreted.

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Pumping wells spaced too close together may create cumulative drawdown.Pumping wells spaced too close together may create cumulative drawdown.

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Groundwater Groundwater ContaminationContamination

Sources of ContaminationSources of Contamination Well Head ProtectionWell Head Protection

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Contamination threats to groundwater are everywhere. They may be organic, inorganic or both. Each type reacts differently in the subsurface.

Contamination threats to groundwater are everywhere. They may be organic, inorganic or both. Each type reacts differently in the subsurface.

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Organic chemicals, such as petroleum based fuel, have a specific gravity less than water and float on the water table. Their subsurface movement is influenced by the direction of groundwater flow, including the rising and falling of the water table.

Organic chemicals, such as petroleum based fuel, have a specific gravity less than water and float on the water table. Their subsurface movement is influenced by the direction of groundwater flow, including the rising and falling of the water table.

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Chlorinated organic chemicals, such as dry cleaning fluid (TCE) and PCBs are denser than water and sink to an impermeable layer. The migration of dense non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPLS) is dictated by gravity, not the direction of groundwater flow.

Chlorinated organic chemicals, such as dry cleaning fluid (TCE) and PCBs are denser than water and sink to an impermeable layer. The migration of dense non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPLS) is dictated by gravity, not the direction of groundwater flow.

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In areas serviced by septic systems, delivery of chemicals into the subsurface is as common as going to the supermarket.

In areas serviced by septic systems, delivery of chemicals into the subsurface is as common as going to the supermarket.

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Septic systems work by maintaining vertical unsaturated separation of at least 4 feet between the leach field and groundwater. In high volume systems, the vertical separation is rarely unsaturated.

Septic systems work by maintaining vertical unsaturated separation of at least 4 feet between the leach field and groundwater. In high volume systems, the vertical separation is rarely unsaturated.

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Septic Suitable SoilsSeptic Suitable Soils

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Karst aquifers have special problems. The enhanced permeability created by solution makes them exceptional aquifers. Unfortunately, this characteristic also makes them extremely vulnerable to contamination by run-off short-circuiting through sinkholes.

Karst aquifers have special problems. The enhanced permeability created by solution makes them exceptional aquifers. Unfortunately, this characteristic also makes them extremely vulnerable to contamination by run-off short-circuiting through sinkholes.

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Contaminant Threats in ByramContaminant Threats in Byram

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Well head protection identifies the ground surface areas around wells which contribute to direct recharge of the well.

Well head protection identifies the ground surface areas around wells which contribute to direct recharge of the well.

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The commonly used arbitrary fixed radius method of delineating well head protection areas is just that - arbitrary. No thought is given to pumping rates, aquifer properties or anything scientific. Its use may be justified by political motives, such as preserving current zoning.

The commonly used arbitrary fixed radius method of delineating well head protection areas is just that - arbitrary. No thought is given to pumping rates, aquifer properties or anything scientific. Its use may be justified by political motives, such as preserving current zoning.

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Calculated fixed radius is simplistic but considers properties such as pumping rates.Calculated fixed radius is simplistic but considers properties such as pumping rates.

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Well Head Protection AreasWell Head Protection Areas

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Known Contaminant ThreatsKnown Contaminant Threats

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Things to RememberThings to Remember Groundwater is out of sight, but not Groundwater is out of sight, but not

mysteriousmysterious Groundwater can be protected with Groundwater can be protected with

thoughtful planningthoughtful planning Runoff is episodic and baseflow is Runoff is episodic and baseflow is

constantconstant The landscape and movement of water The landscape and movement of water

and contaminants is dictated by and contaminants is dictated by underlying geology.underlying geology.

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Next Steps Next Steps Collect Additional Well Information Collect Additional Well Information Implement Residential Well Implement Residential Well

OrdinanceOrdinance Identify Vulnerable EnvironmentsIdentify Vulnerable Environments Plan to protect Vulnerable Plan to protect Vulnerable

Environments From contaminants Environments From contaminants and groundwater mining.and groundwater mining.