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HL7 Care Plan (CP) Project Care Coordination Services Project Updates May 2013 – Atlanta Meeting Updates *Care Plan Project wiki: http :// wiki.hl7.org/index.php?title=Care_Plan_Project_2012 * Care Coordination Project wiki: http :// wiki.hl7.org/index.php?title=Care_Coordination_Capabilities Stephen Chu Laura Heermann Langford HL7 Patient Care Work Group To join the meeting: Phone Number: +1 770-657-9270 Participant Passcode: 943377#

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To join the meeting: Phone Number : +1 770-657-9270 Participant Passcode : 943377# . HL7 Care Plan (CP) Project Care Coordination Services Project Updates May 2013 – Atlanta Meeting Updates. *C are Plan Project wiki: http :// wiki.hl7.org/index.php?title=Care_Plan_Project_2012 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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HL7 Care Plan (CP) ProjectCare Coordination Services ProjectUpdatesMay 2013 – Atlanta Meeting Updates

*Care Plan Project wiki: http://wiki.hl7.org/index.php?title=Care_Plan_Project_2012

* Care Coordination Project wiki: http://wiki.hl7.org/index.php?title=Care_Coordination_Capabilities

Stephen ChuLaura Heermann Langford

HL7 Patient Care Work Group

To join the meeting:

Phone Number: +1 770-657-9270Participant Passcode: 943377#

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• Care Plan DAM ballot delayed to Sept ballot cycle Continuous works

o Refinement of completed storyboardso Care Plan structural and process models

http://wiki.hl7.org/index.php?title=Care_Plan Minor updates based on ONC/S&I collaborative discussions

o DAM main document: progressing• Care coordination services functional model

Informative ballot: May 2013 – on schedule Ballot comments from ONC/S&I tiger team Ballot reconciliation commenced and to continue after May WGM To be followed by OMG Technical Specification

• Collaboration with ONC/S&I• Collaboration with Structured Doc WG – C-CDA IG: Care Plan

Overview of Progress: since January 2013 WGM)

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Care Plan Structural Model (Conceptual)


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Care Plan Structural Model (Conceptual)

Some definitions:Care Plan, Plan Of Care and Treatment Plan

• "A care plan integrates multiple interventions proposed by multiple providers for multiple conditions.” Includes relevant components from multiple plans of care to provide a patient centric, multi-disciplinary, comprehensive and coordinated collaborative care.

• "A plan of care is proposed by an individual clinician to address several conditions”. It supports specialty specific plans.

• A Treatment Plan is specialty specific’ Developed to manage a specific condition.

The model below illustrates the use of inheritance of shared features from an abstract Plan class.

• "The Care Plan represents the synthesis and reconciliation of the multiple plans of care

• It serves as a blueprint shared by all participants to guide the individual’s care.

• As such, it provides the structure required to coordinate care across multiple sites, providers and episodes of care. "

• Supports collaboration across care settings and providers.

• The "Care Plan and Plan of Care share the universal components: health concern, goals, instructions, interventions, and team member. “

• The “Plan” structure is designed generic enough to support: Care Plan, Plan of Care and Treatment Plan


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Care Plan Structural Model (Conceptual)

Plan Structure Overview

• General Definition: A “list of steps with timing and resources, used to achieve an objective. See also strategy. It is commonly understood as a temporal set of intended actions through which one expects to achieve a goal. “ Wikipedia

• Plan Types:• Care Plans, Plans of Care,

Treatment Plans

• ** The abstract plan is a modeling convenience to represent shared components.

• The Model Captures:• Who - Patient, Care Team, Family,

other Support Individuals...• Why – Concerns, Risks and Goals• What – Proposed and

Implemented Actions, Outcomes Observations, various types of Reviews

• When - Effective times, completion times, update times

• Where –Steward organization, place of service for interventions

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Care Plan Structural Model

Plan AttributesDescriptive Attributes• displayName – descriptive display name for the plan• clinicalSpecialty – specifies zero or more specialties

representing the topic of the plan.• confidentiality – specifies the plan’s confidentiality level

State Attributes• planStatus – plan stage lifecycle status

Temporal Attributes• createDate – specifies when the plan was created• effectiveDate – specifies the start of the plan

implementation• completeDate – specifies when the plan becomes inactive• lastUpdateDate – specifies the last date/time the plan

was changed

Information Management Attributes• id – unique identifier for the plan• version – change or difference indicator in the defining

plan elements (concern, goal, risk, proposed actions) Implementation and tracking does not change the version

of the plan types• planClass – a class code (Care Plan, Plan of Care,

Treatment Plan)

• The Plan abstract class is specialized by CarePlan, PlanOfCare and TreatmentPlan.

• The attributes are shared by all subclasses of the Plan.

class Plan Attributes


+ achivementState :AchivementStateType+ clinicalSpecialty :Code [1..*]+ completeDate :DateTime+ confidential ity :Confidential ityType+ createDate :DateTime+ displayName :String+ effectiveDate :DateTime+ id :Identifier+ latestUpdateDate :DateTime+ planClass :PlanClassType+ status :PlanStatus+ version :String


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Problems, Goals, Interventions and Risks

Diagnosis (e.g. Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus) [a diagnosis often results in one or more problems for the patient]

[Primary] Problem 1: inability to regulate blood glucose level

Problem 4: weight loss (resulting from inability to process calorie from foods)

Problem 5: polyphagia (resulting from hunger effect of increased insulin output to process high blood glucose)

Problem 6: lethargy (resulting from inability to utilise glucose effectively)

Problem 7: altered mental state (resulting from hyperglycaemia, ketoacidosis, etc) [agitation, unexplained irritability, inattention, or confusion]

Problem 2: urinary problems (resulting from hyperglycaemia) [polyuria, nocturia]

Problem 3: polydipsia (resulting from excessive urine output)

Goal 1: maintain effective blood glucose control [fasting = 4-6 mmol/litre]

Goal 2: maintain HbA1C level =< 7%

Intervention 1: diet control (diabetic diet)Intervention 2: medicationsIntervention 3: exercise (if overweight)

Outcome measuresdaily BSL measures: pre-prandial reading 4-7mmol/l post-prandial reading <8.5 mmol/lHBA1C 3 monthly reading =<7%

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Intrinsic Risks: consequential to problem

Diagnosis (e.g. Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus) [a diagnosis often results in one or more problems for the patient]

[Primary] Problem 1: inability to regulate blood glucose level

Problem 4: weight loss (resulting from inability to process calorie from foods)

Problem 5: polyphagia (resulting from hunger effect of increased insulin output to process high blood glucose)

Problem 6: lethargy (resulting from inability to utilise glucose effectively)

Problem 7: altered mental state (resulting from hyperglycaemia, ketoacidosis, etc) [agitation, unexplained irritability, inattention, or confusion]

Risk 1: poor wound healing (resulting from impaired WBC, poor circulation from thickened blood vessels) [high risk of foot/toe ulcers and gangrene] ← intrinsic risk (consequential to Type 2 DM)

Risk 2: increased infection (resulting from suppression of immune system from high glucose in tissues) [skin, urinary tract] ← intrinsic risk

Risk 3: hyperlipidaemia ← intrinsic risk (can create outbound risks, e.g. increase CVS risks to those with family history)

Risk 4: microangiopathy ← intrinsic risk

Problem 2: urinary problems (resulting from hyperglycaemia) [polyuria, nocturia]

Problem 3: polydipsia (resulting from excessive urine output)

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Extrinsic Risks: consequential to interventions

Diagnosis (e.g. arthritis)

Problem 1: pain

Intervention 1: cox-2 inhibitor analgesics

Risk 1: ↑ cardiovascular complication risks [e.g. cardiovascular events]

Risk 2:↑ renal dysfunction /renal failure risks

Is outbound CVS risks affecting CVS care plan for same person with CVS comorbidity (or increase CVS risk for those with positive family history of CVS problems)

Is an outbound risks affecting renal infections management care plan of same [elderly] person with reducing renal function


Problem 2: decrease mobility

Comorbidities: hypercholesterolemia; hypertension

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Care Plan Domain Analysis Model

• Project Plan with target for September Ballot

• Further discussion on glossary and relationships

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Care Plan Domain Analysis Model

Care Plan DAM Project Plan 17-Apr 1-May 15-May 29-May 12-Jun 26-Jun 10-Jul 24-Jul 7-Aug Aud 21 4-Sep 18-Sep

HL7 Deadlines for Ballot

Notification of Intent to Ballot due July 7Complete NIB

Initial Content Deadline (including topic and artifact place holders) July 14th

Complete Initial Content

Preview for Ballot Opens (all material (even draft) required for ballot July 21

Content and Reconciliation Deadlines (all supporting V3 Content due. V2.7 final content due. Recons completed. July 28

Complete Final Content

Ballot review period July 22-August 3Ballot Review 7/22-8/3

Ballot period August 12-September 16Ballot Period

HL7 Working Group Meeting September 22-27


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Care Plan Domain Analysis ModelCare Plan DAM Project Plan 17-Apr 1-May 15-May 29-May 12-Jun 26-Jun 10-Jul 24-Jul 7-Aug Aud 21 4-Sep 18-Sep

HL7 Deadlines for Ballot

Domain Analysis Model Deliverables

Buisiness Requirements, Scope and Vision

(2) Care plan can be essentially be divided into three key constructs: (a) clinical, demographic and financial/administrative contents that drives the care plan design and implementation; (b) structure that represents the structural components of a care plan; (c) dynamic behaviours that drive the care delivery and care plan information activities

Standards Context

Storyboards/use Cases

Acute Care

Chronic Care

Home Care

Pediatric Allergy

Pediatric Immunization


Stay Healthy

Process Flow Diagram(s)

Domain Glossary

Business Process Model

Business Trigger Analysis

Business Rules

Information Model

Complete DAM Document write up

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Care Coordination Services (CCS)

• Co-sponsored by HL7 SOA, Patient Care, and Clinical Decision Support work groups

• Part of Health Services Specification Program (HSSP) HL7 Service Functional Model (SFM) standard To be followed by OMG Technical Specification

The Care Coordination Service specification supports:1. Dynamic care team collaboration and communication2. Shared and up to date care plan and continuity of care

data required for effective coordination of care3. Synchronized care team and patient information context

• Informative ballot: May 2013 ballot cycle• Draft standard for trial use planned for September 2013

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CCS: Business Rules

These are general usage patterns with multiple cross disciplinary uses• Collaborative Contribution to an Integrated Care Plan

Care Team Members work together to devise and maintain the plan and its parts

• Sequential transitions of care Plan content gets lost on intake and discharge

• Iterative Plan Reviews and Revisions Constant iteration by any or all players

• Starting and Monitoring of ActionsDocument: http://wiki.hl7.org/index.php?title=Care_Coordination_Business_Scenarios

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CCS: Capabilities Summary

The capabilities express the functions CCS supports:• Care Team Membership and Collaboration• Patient Assessment & Screening Process• Care Planning and Execution Process• Progress Tracking• Team ReviewsBalloted Document at:http://wiki.hl7.org/index.php?title=Care_Coordination_Capabilities

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Collaboration with ONC/S&I

• Members of HL7 Care Plan project working closely with ONC/S&I• Call between the teams on March 27 resulted in several

items of coordination.

• Review and analysis of Care Plan models, workflow and CCS supports

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PCWG – S&I Coordination work items

Summary of conference call between HL7 Care Plan and ONC/S&I groups:

(1) There are terminology and definition alignment issues (within the health and health informatics community) that need to be addressed urgently and effectively

(2) Care plan can be essentially be divided into three key constructs: (a) clinical, demographic and financial/administrative contents that drives the care plan design and implementation; (b) structure that represents the structural components of a care plan; (c) dynamic behaviours that drive the care delivery and care plan exchange activities

(3) The uses cases developed by PCWG covers both the contents and behavioural constructs. The use cases developed by LCC appear to cover the behavioural aspects especially in relation to care plans exchange

(4) There are two broad categories of risks: (a) intrinsic risks that are related to a person’s risk factors, barriers and their implications on health risks and health concerns; (b) extrinsic risks that arise from the treatments or interventions that are planned and implemented. Extrinsic risks are manifested as inbound and outbound risks in care plans

(5) Intrinsic risks (risk factors, barriers, health risks) and goals may be organised into hierarchies

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PCWG – S&I Coordination work items

Summary of conference call between HL7 Care Plan and ONC/S&I groups (continued):

(6) Intrinsic risks, goals, interventions and outcomes are related to each other in *..* relationships

(7) There is definitive needs to rate/rank risks, prioritise goals and interventions

(8) Barriers can block interventions but not goals [I personally believe that barriers while may not necessarily block goals, do often result in modification of goals]

(9) There are significant alignment between the thinking and design of ONC/LCC work and HL7 Care plan work

(10) (a) There are also differences between work of the two groups. The plan is for the differences to be clearly documented and for both groups to harmonize those areas of differences before the September Care Plan DAM ballot (b) review and refine care plan model

(11) ONC/LCC and HL7 Care plan group will organise conference calls to progress the harmonization activities

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PCWG – S&I Coordination work items

Summary of conference call between HL7 Care Plan and ONC/S&I groups (continued):

(12) HL7 Care Plan project team will work with Structure Doc on Care Plan CDA-IG development with the aim of aligning the work of two groups.

(13) Review FHIR resources on Care Plan work and try to engage FHIR team to work towards alignment [One proposal: to identify a set of absolute minimum care plan components that are required to support effective collaborative and continuity of care of the patient; do a gaps analysis between the FHIR resources and the care plan minimal component set determined by PCWG; work with FHIR team to address deficits in FHIR resources on Care Plan]

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PCWG – S&I Coordination work items

• 6 items related to Business Requirements, Scope and Vision

• 1 item related to Storyboards

• 1 item related to Domain Glossary

• 1 item related to the information model

• 4 items related to logistics of coordination between the teams.

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Care Plan Workflow analysisTo inform Care PlanBehavioural ModelDevelopment

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Collaboration with ONC/S&I

Latest update from S&I Tiger Team:• Define differences between Risks and Health Concerns,

map out how to categorize them• Define Barriers, map out how to categorize them• Define Goals, Concerns and Interventions, map out how

to designate prioritization of each • Map out how to mitigate irrational choices (this

could fall under Risk discussion, as well)• Map out how to assign Care Team Members to

prioritized Goals, Concerns and Interventions• Patient priorities vs. Care Team Member priorities

• Align terminologies, definitions and Use Cases between PCWG and LCC

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Collaboration with ONC/S&I

• Inputs from S&I will continue to help refine the Care Plan DAM leading up to September 2013

ballot the Care Coordination Services functional modeloPlan for DSTU ballot in September 2013

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Collaboration with Structured Document

• Structured Document work plan Produced C-CDA Implementation Guide for Care

Plan Patient Care WG co-sponsor PSS document being reviewed By PCWG and in

endorsement process Post Atlanta conference calls to develop a set of

care plan templates for C-CDA IG

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• Call with FHIR team held April 18• Concerns expressed about minimal involvement from PCWG on

FHIR progress to date

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Care Plan Project

• Call for collaboration and contributions from other workgroups

• Care plan is a critically important tool to facilitate effective coordinated care delivery

• If designed and implemented well, will make significant contributions to health care improvements

• Please participate and contribute• Care Plan Project wiki:

http://wiki.hl7.org/index.php?title=Care_Plan_Project_2012• *Care Coordination Project wiki:


• Questions?