c itt part b form of tender (13 june 2008)

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    Cheves S.A.

    Contract C Civil Works Instructions to Tenders and Form of Tender and Schedules Part B Form of Tender Commercial Proposal Technical Proposal

    13 June 2008


  • Cheves Hydropower Project Contract C Civil Works Instructions to Tenders and Form of Tender and Schedules Part B Form of Tender Commercial Proposal Technical Tender Proposal

    C ITT Part B Form of Tender Norconsult

    PART B Form of Tender Commercial Proposal Technical Proposal


    Form of Tender


    FORM A ........................................................................................................................................ 2 Tender Security

    FORM B ........................................................................................................................................ 4 Power of Attorney

    FORM C ........................................................................................................................................ 5 List Addenda Received

    FORM D ........................................................................................................................................ 6 Deviations Exceptions

    FORM E ........................................................................................................................................ 7 Valuing Variation, Delay and Disruption

    FORM F ......................................................................................................................................... 8 Price Adjustment Factor and Currencies

    FORM G ...................................................................................................................................... 11 Bill of Quantities

    FORM H ...................................................................................................................................... 12 Unit Price Breakdown

    FORM I ........................................................................................................................................ 13 Indicative Monthly Cash Drawdown

    FORM J ....................................................................................................................................... 15 Contractor Insurance Term Sheet

    FORM K ...................................................................................................................................... 16 Financial Capacity

    FORM L ....................................................................................................................................... 21 Joint Venture


    FORM A ...................................................................................................................................... 23 Confirmation of Experience

  • Cheves Hydropower Project Contract C Civil Works Instructions to Tenders and Form of Tender and Schedules Part B Form of Tender Commercial Proposal Technical Tender Proposal Page 2

    C ITT Part B Form of Tender Norconsult

    FORM B ...................................................................................................................................... 28 Proposed Construction Programme

    FORM C ...................................................................................................................................... 30 Proposed Construction Method Statements

    FORM D ...................................................................................................................................... 31 Proposed Construction Equipment for the Project

    FORM E ...................................................................................................................................... 32 Proposed Manpower Schedule

    FORM F ....................................................................................................................................... 33 Organisation of Construction Team

    FORM G ...................................................................................................................................... 34 Proposed Subcontractors and Subconsultants

    FORM H ...................................................................................................................................... 35 Proposed Interface Plan

    FORM I ........................................................................................................................................ 36 Proposed Temporary Work Plans

    FORM J ....................................................................................................................................... 37 Preliminary HSES Program

    FORM K ...................................................................................................................................... 38 Alternative Proposals

    FORM L ....................................................................................................................................... 39 Additional Information

    FORM M ...................................................................................................................................... 40 Preliminary Design Information

  • Cheves Hydropower Project Contract C Civil Works Instructions to Tenders and Form of Tender and Schedules Part B Form of Tender Commercial Proposal Technical Tender Proposal Page 3

    Tenderer Date

    Form of Tender


    The Chief Executive Empresa de Generacin Elctrica Cheves S.A. Av. Camino Real 456 Edificio Torre Real Piso 7 San Isidro Lima, Peru


    The Tenderer irrevocably offers to execute and complete the Civil Works for the Cheves Hydroelectric Power Project (Project) in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the Invitation Letter (as amended to reflect the non-conformances and qualifications to Volumes 1, 2 and 3, if any, set out by the Tenderer in Form D of the Commercial Proposal) and the Tender prices set out in this Tender Schedule (Draft Contract). The Tenderer warrants that:

    o the Tender Form and the Forms attached in the Commercial Proposal and the Technical Proposal form part of this Tender;

    o all information contained in this Tender is accurate and complete; o it has not, in this Tender or as part of the tender process, provided any inaccurate or

    misleading information to the Employer or representatives of the Employer; and

    o it has read the Invitation Letter documentation, fully understands the Invitation Letter documentation and has fully acquainted itself with all matters relating to the proposed contract.

    The Tenderer undertakes, if its Tender is accepted, to commence the Works as soon as is reasonably possible after the date on which its Tender is accepted, and to complete the whole of the Works set out in the Draft Contract by the dates stated in the Conditions of Contract.

    The Tenderer acknowledges and agrees that:

    o the Tender will remain binding to the Tenderer for a period of 180 days from the Tender Submission Date;

    o in the event that this Tender is accepted, the Tenderer must execute a contract in the form of the Draft Contract (Contract);

    o by submitting this Tender Form, it is bound by the Tender Documents and that this proposal cannot be revoked except in accordance with the Instructions to Tenderers; and

    o if any part of this Tender is incomplete or otherwise not in accordance with the Invitation Letter documentation, the Employer may be able to pass over the Tender or otherwise deal with the Tender in accordance with the Instructions to Tenderers.

    The Tenderer releases the Employer and any representative of the Employer from any claim in relation to or in connection with the Tender Documents, the consideration of the Tenders or the letting of the contract including any claim by reason of any negligence, default or lack of care.

    The Tenderer acknowledges that the Employer is not bound to accept the lowest or any tender it may receive.

    By this Tender, the Tenderer accepts to be bound by the Instructions to Tenderers.

  • Cheves Hydropower Project Contract C Civil Works Instructions to Tenders and Form of Tender and Schedules Part B Form of Tender Commercial Proposal Technical Tender Proposal Page 4

    Tenderer Date

    The person executing this Tender on behalf of the Tenderer warrants that he or she is authorised by the Tenderer to execute the Tender and that, by so executing the Tender, the Tenderer is bound by it.

    Unless the context requires otherwise, words and phrases defined in the Instructions to Tenderers and the General Conditions (as amended by the Particular Conditions) have the same meaning in this Tender Form and the attached Tender Schedules.

    The Tenderer hereby confirms that this Tender complies with the Tender Validity and Tender Security required by the tender documents and specified in the Tender Data.

    Dated . Firm or Joint Venture At .. Signed by (signature)


    Name: .. Name: . Address: . Address: . . .

  • Contract C Civil Works Cheves Hydroelectric Power Project

    Building and Engineering Works Designed by the Employer

    Letter of Tender Package 1 Commercial Proposal CONTRACT C CIVIL WORKS


  • Cheves Hydropower Project Contract C Civil Works Instructions to Tenders and Form of Tender and Schedules Part B Form of Tender Commercial Proposal Technical Tender Proposal Page 2

    Tenderer Date

    Form A Tender Security




    _____________________________________ [Bank s Name, and Address of Issuing Branch or Office] Beneficiary: The Chief Executive

    Empresa de Generacin Elctrica Cheves S.A. Av. Camino Real 456 Edificio Torre Real Piso 7 San Isidro Lima, Peru Gentlemen

    Date: _______________________

    TENDER GUARANTEE No.: _________________

    We have been informed that ____________________ _________________ [name of the Tenderer] (hereinafter called "the Tenderer") has submitted to you its Tender dated _______________ (hereinafter called "the Tender") for the execution of Civil Works for Cheves Hydropower Project. Furthermore, we understand that, according to your conditions, bids must be supported by a Tender Guarantee.

    At the request of the Tenderer, we _____________________________ [name of Bank] hereby irrevocably, unconditionally and jointly and severally undertake to pay you any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of ______________ [amount in figures] (_____________________________________________________________) [amount in words] upon receipt by us of your first demand in writing accompanied by a written statement stating that the Tenderer is in breach of its obligation(s) under the Tender conditions, and without needing to provide or to show grounds substantiating the demand, because the Tenderer:

    (a) has withdrawn its Tender during the period of tender validity specified by the Tenderer in the Form of Tender; or

    (b) does not accept the correction of errors in accordance with the Instructions to Tenderers (hereinafter the ITT); or

    (c) having been notified of the acceptance of its Tender by the Employer during the period of tender validity, fails or refuses to execute the Contract Agreement, if required, in accordance with the ITT.

    This guarantee will expire:

    (a) if the Tenderer is the successful Tenderer, upon our receipt of copies of the contract signed by the Tenderer; or

    (b) if the Tenderer is not the successful Tenderer, upon the earlier of

    (i) our receipt of a copy of your notification to the Tenderer of the name of the successful Tenderer; or

    (ii) twenty-eight days after the expiration of the Tender Validity Period.

  • Cheves Hydropower Project Contract C Civil Works Instructions to Tenders and Form of Tender and Schedules Part B Form of Tender Commercial Proposal Technical Tender Proposal Page 3

    Tenderer Date

    Consequently, any demand for payment under this guarantee must be received by us at the office on or before that date.

    This guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, ICC Publication No. 458. _____________________________ [Signature(s)]

  • Cheves Hydropower Project Contract C Civil Works Instructions to Tenders and Form of Tender and Schedules Part B Form of Tender Commercial Proposal Technical Tender Proposal Page 4

    Tenderer Date

    Form B Power of Attorney

    A: A Board of Directors Resolution in accordance with the Memorandum and Articles of Association and Bylaws (or other formation document) clearly authorising a named person or persons to sign the Tender and any amendments thereto must be provided together with the Tender. A specimen of an acceptable Board of Directors Resolution would read as follows: Resolved: That ______________________________________ (name)

    or failing him _____________________________________ (name)

    be and is hereby authorised to submit and sign the Tender and al l related documents (including, without limitation, the resulting Contract) for the Cheves Hydroelectric Project Contract and any amendments thereto.

    The resolution shall be certified by the Company General Manager. For a company not incorporated in Peru, the resolution shall be notarised by a Notary Public and certified by the Peruvian Consulate in the country of incorporation and duly certified by the Ministry of External Affairs in Peru.



    ALTERNATIVELY, a Power of Attorney executed in accordance with the Memorandum and Articles of Association and Bylaws (or other formation document) notarised by a Notary Public of the country of incorporation and certified by the Peruvian Consulate in the country of incorporation and duly certified by the Ministry of External Affairs in Peru (if not so notarised in Peru) may be submitted. It may be specific to this Tender or a general one. A general Power of Attorney should contain the following or similar clause:

    authority to sign on behalf of the Company, Tenders and related documents (including the resulting Contract) and any amendments thereto.

  • Cheves Hydropower Project Contract C Civil Works Instructions to Tenders and Form of Tender and Schedules Part B Form of Tender Commercial Proposal Technical Tender Proposal Page 5

    Tenderer Date

    Form C List Addenda Received



  • Cheves Hydropower Project Contract C Civil Works Instructions to Tenders and Form of Tender and Schedules Part B Form of Tender Commercial Proposal Technical Tender Proposal Page 6

    Tenderer Date

    Form D Deviations Exceptions

    If the Tenderer wishes to propose a variation to the Contract, including the Conditions of Contract or in some way qualify his Tender, with respect to commercial matters, he should attach his proposal herein.

    Proposed Variation or Qualifications Tenderer is to indicate by checking the appropriate box.

    There are no variations or qualifications contained in this Tender.

    There are variations or qualifications contained in this Tender.

    Attach (properly cross-referenced) required documentation.

  • Cheves Hydropower Project Contract C Civil Works Instructions to Tenders and Form of Tender and Schedules Part B Form of Tender Commercial Proposal Technical Tender Proposal Page 7

    Tenderer Date

    Form E Valuing Variation, Delay and Disruption

    Valuing Variations: Overhead and Profit Components

    The Tenderer shall insert in the table below the percentage for the overhead and profit components that will be used for valuing Variations in accordance with Schedule 11 of the Conditions of Contract.

    Description Unit of Measurement Rate

    1 Overhead and Management

    a) Overhead and Management oncost of Contractor performed Works

    % [TBA]

    b) Overhead and Management oncost of Subcontractor performed Works

    % [TBA]

    2 Profit % [TBA]

    Valuing Delay and Disruption Cost: Overhead Component

    The Tenderer shall insert in the table below the percentage for the overhead component that will be used for valuing delay and disruption costs claims in accordance with Schedule 11 of the Conditions of Contract.

    Description Unit of Measurement Rate

    Overhead and management costs oncost of Contractor performed works

    % [TBA]

    Overhead and management costs oncost of Subcontractor performed works

    % [TBA]

  • Cheves Hydropower Project Contract C Civil Works Instructions to Tenders and Form of Tender and Schedules Part B Form of Tender Commercial Proposal Technical Tender Proposal Page 8

    Tenderer Date

    Form F Price Adjustment Factor and Currencies

    A. Price Adjustment Factor

    The Tenderer shall provide the following coefficients relevant for Adjustment for Changes in Costs in accordance with Clause 13.8 of the General Conditions (as amended by the Particular Conditions).

    The fixed coefficient a shall be 0.20. The other coefficients to be calculated and justified by the Tenderer are:

    Coefficient and Scope Index Coefficient Index Value **

    b= labour * 47 Mano de Obra

    c= equipment * 49 Maquinaria y Equipo

    d= fuels * 53 Petoleo Diesel

    e= aggregates *** 05-1 Agregado grueso

    f= steel * LME (London Metal Exchange) Steel Index [Mediterranean/Far East] [Tenderer to specify applicable Index]

    g= cement * 21-1 Cemento Portland

    ** Index values at the Base Date to be inserted

    *** shall only apply in event aggregates are not produced by the Contractor.

    The indices are published monthly by Instituto Nacional de Estadstica e Informtica and are available on the web-site.

    The Tenderer shall submit supporting documentation in Excel software to support the coefficients for price adjustment in the format provided in Attachment 1 to this Form.

    B. Currencies

    The Tenderer shall provide the following information in accordance with clause 15 of the Instructions to Tenderers.

    Clause 15 of the Instructions to Tenderers

    Proportions of various currencies for rates of exchange.

    [See table below]

    Clause 15 of the Instructions to Tenders

    Source for obtaining rates of exchange for currencies used by the Tenderer in calculating its tender price

  • Cheves Hydropower Project Contract C Civil Works Instructions to Tenders and Form of Tender and Schedules Part B Form of Tender Commercial Proposal Technical Tender Proposal Page 9

    Tenderer Date

    Clause 15 of the Instructions to Tenderers

    Indicate source of exchange if exchange rates are not published by the source indicated

    Currency (name)

    Percentage Payable in Currency

    Rate of Exchange: One Foreign Equals X USDI

    The Tenderer shall identify below the cost of hedging the exchange rate for the Contract in accordance with Clause 15 of the Instructions to Tenderers

  • Cheves Hydropower Project Contract C Civil Works Instructions to Tenders and Form of Tender and Schedules Part B Form of Tender Commercial Proposal Technical Tender Proposal Page 10

    Tenderer Date

    Attachment 1: Price Adjustment Coefficients - Supporting Documentation



    Labor Cement Fuel Reinforcement Others Labor Cement Fuel Reinforcement Others Resource

    1 Resource

    2 xxxx Others Resource

    1 Resource

    2 xxxx Others AMOUNT


    1 Concreto m3 120.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 10.00 1,200.00 1,440.00 1,680.00 0.00 1,200.00 5,520.00

    2 Reinforcement kg 300.00 5.00 30.00 5.00 1,500.00 0.00 0.00 9,000.00 1,500.00 12,000.00



    TOTAL AMOUNTS 14,820.00 2,700.00 1,440.00 1,680.00 9,000.00 17,520.00

    WEITHINGS 1.000 0.182 0.097 0.113 0.607

  • Cheves Hydropower Project Contract C Civil Works Instructions to Tenders and Form of Tender and Schedules Part B Form of Tender Commercial Proposal Technical Tender Proposal Page 11

    Tenderer Date

    Form G Bill of Quantities

    The Tenderer shall complete the Bill of Quantities provided in Volume 3 Specifications and Bill of Quantities and submit the Bill of Quantities under this Form G as part of its Commercial Proposal.

    The Tenderer shall also provide the completed Bill of Quantities in electronic Microsoft Excel 2003 format.

  • Cheves Hydropower Project Contract C Civil Works Instructions to Tenders and Form of Tender and Schedules Part B Form of Tender Commercial Proposal Technical Tender Proposal Page 12

    Tenderer Date

    Form H Unit Price Breakdown

    Tenderer shall provide a breakdown of its unit prices as per the unit prices provided in the Bill of Quantities in the following form:

    Item Resources Unit Qty Unit Cost Amount

    Local Foreign Local Foreign

    1 Labour



    Total Direct Cost

    Overhead and Management


    Unit Price

    The unit price shall consider up to decimal places.

  • Cheves Hydropower Project Contract C Civil Works Instructions to Tenders and Form of Tender and Schedules Part B Form of Tender Commercial Proposal Technical Tender Proposal Page 13

    Tenderer Date

    Form I Indicative Schedule of Payments

    The amounts (without IGV or withholding taxes) represent the anticipated invoice amounts to be submitted by the Contractor. In developing the schedule of payments table, the Tenderer shall take into account the advance payment, if any, and subsequent repayment and subsequent release amounts.

    Computer-generated print-outs may be submitted in place of the form provided they are signed and dated by the Tenderer.




























  • Cheves Hydropower Project Contract C Civil Works Instructions to Tenders and Form of Tender and Schedules Part B Form of Tender Commercial Proposal Technical Tender Proposal Page 14

    Tenderer Date



















  • Cheves Hydropower Project Contract C Civil Works Instructions to Tenders and Form of Tender and Schedules Part B Form of Tender Commercial Proposal Technical Tender Proposal Page 15

    Tenderer Date

    Form J Contractor Insurance Term Sheet

    The Contractor is to provide insurance coverage in accordance with the General Conditions (as amended by the Particular Conditions), Clause 18.

    Tenderer shall submit a statement in the form of draft insurance policy slips from its proposed insurer(s) describing the coverage and expressing a willingness to provide the coverage.

    Attach (properly cross-referenced) the required documentation.

  • Cheves Hydropower Project Contract C Civil Works Instructions to Tenders and Form of Tender and Schedules Part B Form of Tender Commercial Proposal Technical Tender Proposal Page 16

    Tenderer Date

    Form K Financial Capacity

    Form K.I - Financial Situation Tenderers Legal Name: ................................................ Date: ....................................... JV Partners Legal Name: ............................................... Page ........ of pages Each Tenderer or member of a JV must fill in this form

    Financial Data for Previous 3 Years (US$ Equivalent)

    Year 1 (2007): Year 2 (2006): Year 3 (2005):

    1. Total Assets

    2. Current Assets

    3. Total Liabilities

    4. Current Liabilities

    5. Profits Before Taxes

    6. Profits After Taxes

    7. Net Worth

    (= 1 3)

    8. Working Capital

    (= 2 - 4)

    9. Return on Equity

    (= 5/7 of prior year)

    q Attached are copies of the audited balance sheets, including all related notes, and income statements for the last three years, as indicated above, complying with the following conditions:

    All such documents reflect the financial situation of the Tenderer or partner to a JV, and not sister or parent companies.

    Historic financial statements must be audited by a certified accountant.

    Historic financial statements must be complete, including all notes to the financial statements.

    Historic financial statements must correspond to accounting periods already completed and audited (no statements for partial periods shall be requested or accepted).

  • Cheves Hydropower Project Contract C Civil Works Instructions to Tenders and Form of Tender and Schedules Part B Form of Tender Commercial Proposal Technical Tender Proposal Page 17

    Tenderer Date

    Form K.II. - Average Annual Construction Turnover Tenderers Legal Name: ................................................ Date: ....................................... JV Partners Legal Name: ............................................... Page .............. of pages Each Tenderer or member of a JV must fill in this form

    Annual Turnover Data for the Last 3 Years (Construction only) Year Amount






    Average Annual Construction Turnover

    The information supplied should be the Annual Turnover of the Tenderer or each member of a JV in terms of the amounts billed to clients for each year for work in progress or completed, converted to US Dollars at the rate of exchange at the end of the period reported.

  • Cheves Hydropower Project Contract C Civil Works Instructions to Tenders and Form of Tender and Schedules Part B Form of Tender Commercial Proposal Technical Tender Proposal Page 18

    Tenderer Date

    Form K.III. - Summary of Current Contract Commitments / Works in Progress

    Tenderers Legal Name: ................................................ Date: ....................................... JV Partners Legal Name: ............................................... Page .............. of pages Each Tenderer or member of a JV must fill in this form

    Name of Contract Value of Outstanding Work

    (current US$ equivalent)

    Estimated Completion Date







    Total Outstanding Work

    Tenderers and each partner to a joint venture, joint operation or consortium Tender should provide information on their current commitments on all contracts that have been awarded, or for which a letter of intent or acceptance has been received, or for contracts approaching completion, but for which an unqualified, full completion certificate has yet to be issued.

  • Cheves Hydropower Project Contract C Civil Works Instructions to Tenders and Form of Tender and Schedules Part B Form of Tender Commercial Proposal Technical Tender Proposal Page 19

    Tenderer Date

    Form K.IV. - Sources of Credit Line Tenderers Legal Name: ................................................ Date: ....................................... JV Partners Legal Name: ............................................... Page .............. of pages Each Tenderer or member of a JV must fill in this form

    Source of credit Amount (US$ equivalent)





    Total Credit Available

    Tenderers shall specify proposed sources of credit line to meet the cash flow demands of the Project.

  • Cheves Hydropower Project Contract C Civil Works Instructions to Tenders and Form of Tender and Schedules Part B Form of Tender Commercial Proposal Technical Tender Proposal Page 20

    Tenderer Date

    Form K.V. - Pending Litigation and Arbitration Tenderers Legal Name: ................................................ Date: ....................................... JV Partner Legal Name: ................................................ Page . ..of . pages Each Tenderer and each JV Partner must fill in this form and indicate its role in the litigation (ie Plaintiff or Defendant).

    Pending Litigation

    q No pending litigation and/or arbitration

    q Pending litigation and/or arbitration, as indicated below

    Year Matter in Dispute

    Value of Pending Claim in

    US$ Equivalent

    Value of Pending

    Claim as a Percentage

    of Net Worth

    Total Value of Pending Claims (US$ equivalent)

    Total Value of Pending Claims (% of net worth)

  • Cheves Hydropower Project Contract C Civil Works Instructions to Tenders and Form of Tender and Schedules Part B Form of Tender Commercial Proposal Technical Tender Proposal Page 21

    Tenderer Date

    Form L Joint Venture

    If the Tender being submitted is in the name of a joint venture of companies, the Tenderer shall submit with his Tender full details1 including:

    1. Name and addresses of all participant companies.

    2. Name of Lead Company.

    3. Name of Joint Venture Representative.

    4. % of Participation in Project of each Joint Venture member.

    5. Scope of work for each joint venture member.

    6. Joint venture organization chart down to level of Senior Engineer (by discipline).

    7. Statements signed by each Joint Venture member, conforming that it agrees to be held jointly and separately liable under the Contract, if awarded, in accordance with clause 2.2 of the General Conditions of Contract (as amended by the Particular Conditions).

    8. A copy of the joint venture agreement shall be submitted with the Tender.

    Tenderer is to indicate by checking the appropriate box.

    Attached (properly cross-referenced) required documentation.

    None proposed.

    1 It is appreciated that during the Tender Validity Period, responsibilities within the joint venture may change from that envisaged during prequalification. Tenderer shall indicate any such changes that have occurred. The eligibility requirements of the lead company remain unchanged.

  • Freehills doc ID: C ITT Part B Form Of Tender (13 June 2008) Norconsult

    Contract C Civil Works Cheves Hydroelectric Power Project

    Building and Engineering Works Designed by the Employer

    Letter of Tender Package 2 Technical Proposal CONTRACT C CIVIL WORKS


  • Cheves Hydropower Project Contract C Civil Works Instructions to Tenders and From of Tender and Schedules Part B Form of Tender Commercial Proposal Technical Proposal Page 23

    Tenderer Date

    Form A Confirmation of Experience

    Form A.I. - Project Personnel / Staff

    Tenderers Legal Name: ................................................ Date: .......................................

    JV Partners Legal Name: ............................................... Page .. of . pages

    Project Personnel Requirements

    The Contractors team shall comprise not less than the following positions:

    Contractor Representative

    Construction Manager

    Design Manager

    HSES Manager

    Quality Assurance Manager

    Tunnel Manager

    Blasting Supervisors

    Plant Engineer

    The Contractors Representative shall have not less than 15 years total relevant experience, not less than 10 years experience in similar works and not less than 5 years experience as a construction manager outside his home country. The Contractors Representative may be the Construction Manager.

    The Construction Manager shall have not less than 10 years total relevant experience, not less than 7 years experience in similar works and not less than 5 years experience as a construction manager outside his home country. The Construction Manager shall be based at the Site for the duration of the physical works.

    The Design Manager shall have not less than 15 years total experience, not less than 10 years experience in similar works. All other key design team members identified above should each have not less than 10 years relevant experience.

    The HSES Manager shall have not less than 7 years relevant experience in the management of health and safety for above and below ground civil works construction.

    The Quality Assurance Manager shall have not less than 7 years relevant experience in the management of and delivery of quality assurance systems for civil engineering works.

  • Cheves Hydropower Project Contract C Civil Works Instructions to Tenders and From of Tender and Schedules Part B Form of Tender Commercial Proposal Technical Proposal Page 24

    Tenderer Date

    The Tunnel Manager shall have not less than 10 years relevant experience in underground work and controlled blasting techniques.

    Blasting supervisors engaged by the Contractor for the underground works shall have not less than 5 years experience in supervising the loading and firing of charges for the tunnel excavation and shall have all necessary licences and permits required by local or other relevant authorities.

    The Plant Engineer shall have not less than 10 years total relevant experience in the management, operation and maintenance of construction plant and equipment for underground works and above ground civil works.

    Personnel / Staff Proposed for the Project

    1. Title of position: Contractor Representative

    Name of prime candidate

    Name of alternate candidate

    2. Title of position: Construction Manager

    Name of prime candidate

    Name of alternate candidate

    3. Title of position: Design Manager

    Name of prime candidate

    Name of alternate candidate

    4. Title of position: HSES Manager

    Name of prime candidate

    Name of alternate candidate

    5. Title of position: Quality Assurance Manager

    Name of prime candidate

    Name of alternate candidate

    6. Title of position: Tunnel Manager

    Name of prime candidate

    Name of alternate candidate

    7. Title of position: Blasting Supervisor No.

    Name of prime candidate

  • Cheves Hydropower Project Contract C Civil Works Instructions to Tenders and From of Tender and Schedules Part B Form of Tender Commercial Proposal Technical Proposal Page 25

    Tenderer Date

    Personnel / Staff Proposed for the Project Name of alternate candidate

    8. Title of position: Plant Engineer

    Name of prime candidate

    Name of alternate candidate

    For specific positions essential to contract implementation, Tenderers should provide the names of at least one prime candidate and one alternate candidate qualified to meet the specified requirements stated for each position. The data on thei r experience should be supplied in separate sheets using one Form A.II for each candidate.

  • Cheves Hydropower Project Contract C Civil Works Instructions to Tenders and From of Tender and Schedules Part B Form of Tender Commercial Proposal Technical Proposal Page 26

    Tenderer Date

    Form A.II. - Experience Summary of Key Project Personnel

    Tenderers Legal Name: ................................................ Date: .......................................

    JV Partners Legal Name: ............................................... Page .. of . pages

    Personnel Experience Record Position Candidate

    Prime Alternate Candidate information

    1. Name of candidate

    2. Date of birth

    3. Professional qualifications

    Present employment

    4. Name of employer

    Address of employer



    Contact (manager/personnel officer)



    Job title of candidate

    Years with present employer

    Summarize professional experience over the last 20 years, in reverse chronological order. Indicate particular technical and managerial experience relevant to the project.

    From To Company / Project / Position / Relevant technical and management experience

  • Cheves Hydropower Project Contract C Civil Works Instructions to Tenders and From of Tender and Schedules Part B Form of Tender Commercial Proposal Technical Proposal Page 27

    Tenderer Date

  • Cheves Hydropower Project Contract C Civil Works Instructions to Tenders and From of Tender and Schedules Part B Form of Tender Commercial Proposal Technical Proposal Page 28

    Tenderer Date

    Form B Proposed Construction Programme

    The program herein titled Proposed Construction Programme shall show:

    (a) the order and manner in which the Contractor proposes to carry out the Works (including each stage of design, procurement, manufacture, delivery to Site, construction, erection, testing, commissioning and completion) in order to achieve the progress milestone events by their respective milestone dates;

    (b) all progress milestone events and dates identified in the Conditions of Contract and Schedules;

    (c) the periods for the pre-construction reviews of the Contractors Documents and for any other submissions, approvals and consents specified in the Contract;

    (d) the sequence of all tests specified in the Contract;

    (e) float for each activity or task;

    (f) works (if any) required to be carried out by others including construction drawings from the Employer;

    (g) to the maximum extent possible integrate, the performance of the Works (including the work of Subcontractors) with:

    (1) the activities of the Other Contractors including the preparation of joint programs, use of the access roads, method statements, c oordination drawings and specifications; and

    (2) with the activities of public or private utilities, statutory and other relevant authorities and others who may be engaged on the Site or who are on or carry out work on the Site; and

    (h) plan, program and perform the design of the Works so as to minimise any interference with, or hindrance of or by, the performance of the [Related Works];

    (i) indicate all interfacing activities with other contractors or authorities working on or providing services at the Site which may affect the completion of the Works.

    The Proposed Construction Programme shall be developed using precedence networking techniques, showing early start, late start, early finish and late finish dates. The Contractor must provide the Proposed Construction Programme (and any updated Proposed Construction Programmes) in the latest version of Primavera P3 in hard copies and electronic copy.

    As part of the Proposed Construction Programme, the Contractor shall submit a critical path analysis (network program) that will be used to manage and control the Works and will show the relationship and logic between the completion of major activities in the Proposed Construction Programme, with sufficient detail to support the analysis of any claims for an extension of time.

    The Contractor will update the Proposed Construction Programme to the Programme prior to the Commencement Date.

  • Cheves Hydropower Project Contract C Civil Works Instructions to Tenders and From of Tender and Schedules Part B Form of Tender Commercial Proposal Technical Proposal Page 29

    Tenderer Date

    The Programme shall be based on and consistent with the Proposed Construction Programme herein (and shall only deviate from the program herein to the extent that the Employer agrees to such deviation).

  • Cheves Hydropower Project Contract C Civil Works Instructions to Tenders and From of Tender and Schedules Part B Form of Tender Commercial Proposal Technical Proposal Page 30

    Tenderer Date

    Form C Proposed Construction Method Statements

    The Tenderer is to provide its proposed construction method statements of key construction activities and critical path activities describing the method in which it shall execute the Works. Each proposed construction method statement shall expressly describe the health and safety measures and quality control measures that the Contractor shall put in place when executing the Works.

    The minimum proposed construction method statements to be provided by the Tenderer are:

    (i) Access (suitability wrt delivery of plant and equipment). (ii) Diversion of rivers for the construction of the Checras Dam, Intake and Sand Excluder,

    Huara Dam and Intak e. (iii) Tunnel (incl tunnel cycle analysis, drill length, explosive type and loading, installation of

    support (including grout type and rockbolt type) etc). (iv) Vertical Shaft. (v) Inclined Shaft. (vi) Lining (i.e. steel or concrete lined inclined pressure tunnel). (vii) Powerhouse cavern excavation. (viii) Concrete production and delivery. (ix) Material haulage and disposal.

    Attach (properly cross-referenced) the required documentation.

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    Tenderer Date

    Form D Proposed Construction Equipment for the Project

    General Construction Equipment. Tenderers shall list all general construction equipment that will be provided for construction of the project.

    Tunnelling Equipment: Drill and Blast. Tenderers shall provide details of all tunnelling equipment to be provided for the construction of the Works including:

    Equipment for core drilling and water pressure testing.

    Equipment for excavating the tunnel effectively in the ground conditions to be encountered at the progress rates necessary to complete the work within the specified time of completion.

    Equipment for removal and disposal of materials (spoil) excavated from the tunnel.

    Pressure grouting equipment for fracture grouting, consolidation grouting, contact grouting, backfill grouting, etc.

    Shotcreting equipment.

    Water collection and pumping equipment to handle ground water and storm water that enters the tunnel during its construction.

    Relevant experience from sub-contractor will count towards meeting compliance requirements, however Tenderer will not be allowed to change this sub-contractor after the Tender Submission Date.

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    Tenderer Date

    Form E Proposed Manpower Schedule

    The Tenderer is to provide in the form of the table below its proposed manpower schedule of staff, skilled labour and unskilled labour during the contract period.

    Months 1-3















    Skilled Labour



    Total Monthly Presence

    Manmonths (Period of

    3 months)

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    Tenderer Date

    Form F Organisation of Construction Team

    The Tenderer shall provide a logical and practical organisation of the construction team.

    A. Organisation Diagram

    B. Narrative Description of Organisation

    C. Description of Relationship Between Head Office and Site


    2 Indicate clearly which responsibility and what authority will be delegated to site management.

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    Tenderer Date

    Form G Proposed Subcontractors and Subconsultants

    The Tenderer shall list below the operations and value of sub-contract, if any, he intends to carry out under subcontract together with name, address and country of origin of the contractors he proposes to engage.

    Operation Value of Work to be subcontracted

    Name and Address of Subcontractor

    Country of Origin

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    Tenderer Date

    Form H Proposed Interface Plan

    The Tenderer shall provide a brief description of how it plans to manage the interface with the works by other contractors or the Employer on the Site, in particular it shall describe:

    1. how it shall plan, coordinate and program, and to the maximum extent possible integrate, the performance of the Works (including the work of Subcontractors) with:

    the activities of other contractors employed in connection with the design and execution of the Works including the preparation of joint programs, use of the access roads, method statements, coordination drawings and specifications; and

    with the activities of public or private utilities, statutory and other relevant authorities and others who may be engaged on the Site or who are on or carry out work on the Site;

    2. plan, program and perform the design of the Works so as to minimise any interference with, or hindrance of or by, the performance of works by other contractors or the Employer on the Site;

    3. refrain from carrying out any Works on the Site in a manner which is likely to cause damage to, or inconvenience the execution of, the works by other contractors or the Employer on the Site; and

    4. the Site facilities and services that Contractor will make available to the Electrical and Mechanical

    Works Contractor and the Hydraulic Steelworks Contractor in accordance with the Contract, at the location and to the standards described in the Specifications.

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    Tenderer Date

    Form I Proposed Temporary Work Plans

    The Tenderer shall provide to the Employer, within 60 calendar days of the date of the issue of Tender Documents, its proposed Temporary Works plan in which shall include the following minimum information:

    1. Location, size and volume of disposal areas. 2. Location, size and layout of production facilities. 3. Location, size and layout of camps, stores, workshops, offices etc. 4. Location and size of areas required for Contract E and H. 5. Location and type of treatment facility for water discharged from tunnel. 6. Location of explosives magazines. 7. Location, size, type, specification of site facilities (offices, temporary working and storage areas) and

    services (i.e. water, power solid waste management, security, cleaning etc) to be made available to the Electrical and Mechanical Works Contractor and the Hydraulic Steelworks Contractor in accordance with the Contract.

    8. Additional construction/haul roads including location, length and width. 9. Additional Areas required for Temporary Works including location, size and volume (if applicable). 10. Use and management of Public Roads.

    The Employer does not warrant any additional land(s) identified by the Tenderer as being required for its temporary works will be made available.

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    Tenderer Date

    Form J Preliminary HSES Program

    The Tenderer shall provide as part of its Tender a preliminary HSES program (Preliminary HSES Program) that it proposes to use to comply with its health, safety, environmental and social management obligations under the Contract.

    The Preliminary HSES Program submitted shall be based on and consistent with the Contractor Quality Policies, Environment Policies, Social Policies, and Safety Policies and Procedures and the Employers Health Safety Environmental and Social Management Requirements.

    The Preliminary HSES Program must meet the requirements of Good Industry Practice, all applicable Laws, rules, regulations, norms or procedures as well as all of the obligations of the Contractor under the Contract, and shall systematically address all aspects of the Work engaged.

    The Preliminary HSES Program must:

    i) Include the Contractors Policies and Goals related to health and safety, environmental and local community relations.

    ii) Organisation and responsibilities iii) Itemize the specific plans and programs that will be developed as part of the HSES Program. iv) Include a draft of the environmental management plan that it proposes to use to comply with the

    Resolucion de Calificacion Ambiental and the Employers Environmental Impact Assessment.

    The Preliminary HSES Program may be a collection of documents and manuals (for example: emergency plans, training manuals, data sheets, etc.).

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    Tenderer Date

    Form K Alternative Proposals

    Tenderers wishing to offer technical alternatives to the requirements of the Tender Documents must first price the Bill of Quantities as described in the Tender Documents and shall provide all information necessary for a complete evaluation, by the Employer, of the alternative, including drawings, design calculations, technical specifications and proposed construction methods. Only technical alternatives conforming to the basic technical requirements shall be considered by the Employer.

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    Tenderer Date

    Form L Additional Information

    Tenderer may submit any further information he considers relevant to his Tender.

    Tenderer is to indicate by checking the appropriate box.

    Attached (properly cross-referenced) required documentation.

    None proposed.

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    Tenderer Date

    Form M Preliminary Design Information

    The Tenderer shall provide as a minimum the information stipulated in Volume 3 Specifications and Bill of Quantities.