c o m e n i u s project presentation

Jan Amos Komensky (1592-1670) COMENIUS

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Post on 06-Jul-2015




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Jan Amos Komensky (1592-1670)


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Жить вместе– Миграция как вызов и шанс –

Учиться друг у друга – Понимать друг друга

... это международный школьный проект программы Comenius. Четыре школы из Германии, Северной Ирландии, Эстонии и Болгарии собрались вместе, чтобы работать над темой „Миграция” и её воздействие на местных школьников и учеников с миграционным фоном. Главная цель проекта состоит в том, чтобы научиться жить во взаимном уважении, понимании и толерантности.В конечном счёте, проект имеет цель обогатить культурным многообразием не только школы, участвующие в данном проекте, но и жителей нашего города, а так же стимулировать другие учебные заведения участвовать в подобных проектах.

Living together– Migration as a challenge and a

chance –Learning from each other – Understanding each other

... is a Comenius school project. The participating four schools from Northern Ireland, Germany, Estonia and Bulgaria work together under the common topic "Migration" and its effects on local pupils as well as on pupils with migration background.Living together and treating each other with respect and tolerance is the (prior) aim of this project.To raise awareness of cultural differences and varieties, which will enrich the life of the participating schools and communities, is the final intention of our project, as well as to ultimately encourage other schools to join in similar projects. Our project is financially supported by the National Agency for EU programmes concerning school life.

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The first meeting in Germany

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Kohtumise ajal meie külalised said palju teada meie koolist,kooli õppekavast.Eesti haridudussüsteemi põhimõtetest räägiti neile Tallinna Haridusametis. Projekti osalejad külastasid ka Mustamäe Linnaosavalitsust,kus humanitaarnõunik pr.Tiiu Polli rääkiks neile Mustamäe linnaosa ajaloost ja perspektiividest. Meeldivaks üllatuseks meie külalistele oli Vanalinnaekskursioon.Inglise keeles meie linna ajaloost ja vaatamisväärsustest jutustasid 12. klassi õpilased- Roman Kornilov,Marjana Makodõm,Natalia Rumjantseva,Aleksandr Guljanski,Jevgenia Orlova,Margarita Kaljuvee ja Aleksei Anfimov. Kultuuriprogrammi raames külastati ka KUMU ja Estonia teatrit. Kohtumise meeldivaks lõpetamiseks oli kooli õpetajate poolt korraldatud puhkeõhtu,kus tutvustati külalistele eesti rahva muusikat,traditsioone,tantse,laule,rahvariideid.Nad said ka teade meielaulupeo rikastest traditsioonidest.

Рабочая встреча в Таллинне/Töökohtumine Tallinnas

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Встреча в ИрландииTöökohtumine Iirimaal

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Irina’s family storyMy name is Irina Tokareva.I’am 18 years old I live in Tallinn and visit the "MustamäeHumanitaargymnasium". I am very interested in music and fotography.I think that I will finish school with good marks. In my sparetime I go to a German language course and meet with my friends.

But our family is interesting for other things too.My mum and dad met in year 1988. It was in February. My mother came here, to Estonia, with her mother for her cousin’s birthday. And my father was working at a factory with her cousin. My parents met at this birthday party and exchanged their addresses. They corresponded a short time later my father visited my mother in the Ukraine. In year 1989 they got married. They had two weddings: one in Estonia and the other in the Ukraine. After the wedding my mum moved to Estonia. I and my brother were born here.We have many relatives in the Ukraine, Estonia and Russia. All my relatives, who live in Estonia, live in Tallinn! We often celebrate our birthdays and jubilees together. Lately I have been to Moscow on a wedding reception and, there were 150 people invited to it. And they all were close relatives! All my relatives are different and interesting people. For example, my grand grandfather was marshal of the Tihvin nobility. And one of my cousins is now dancing in the ballet of "Estonian National Opera".Traditions are important for my family. Actually, we celebrate all Russian feasts. For example, we celebrate Estonian and Russian Christmas. And in addition to this my mum was born on the 7-th of January, so we have double feast (Russian Christmas is also on the 7-th of January)!At home we speak Russian, but my mum also speaks Ukrainian fluently, and I sometimes watch Ukrainian channels, because there are very interesting programmes. I can not speak Ukrainian very well, but I can understand what people say. We prepare at home traditional dishes. My mum likes Russia cookies a lot, and my aunt often cooks Ukrainian national dishes. My favourite dishes are probably vareniks (cherry in pastry) and pancakes.When I am asked who I am by nationality, I answer, that I am Russian, who was born in Estonia. My mother was born in Vyborg; it is in Russia, near the Finnish-Russian border. She had a brother and a sister, and some time later her father, who is my grandfather, took all the family to the Ukraine. So nearly from her birth she lived in the Ukraine. And my father`s family came here long ago from Russia. His parents had to work in Estonia by assignment. Well, I was born in Tallinn, in Estonia. But Russia is also very dear to me!

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Julia’s family story

My family:The story of my family begins in Russia. There my grandmother and grandfather (He was a solider) had met: One day my grandfather was sent to Tallinn, and grandmother, like a faithful helpmate goes with him. My relatives in Russia: Certainly, we have many relatives in Russia, unfortunately I don ’t know them personally, but with the greatest pleasure I write letters to them (with my mother), also we have correspondence by e-mail, and we are calling for each other on high days and holidays. It is good to know that someone remembers you.Living in Estonia: .I have a lot of friends of different nationalities: Estonians, Koreans, Finns, Poles, Tatars, Jews, Azerbaijani. I am an International girl, all nationalities, like people in general are special and interesting.Still more I love my family. We respect and remember Russian traditions. So we have twice as many holidays, because we are celebrating the Estonian and Russian dates. My mother really likes cooking. When I asked her a question about national Russian dish, she answered me without thinking – blins with honey or with caviar. I can say that Estonia is my native land, because I was born in Tallinn, like my mother and father. I love my city! There is really beautiful landscape, amazing Old Tallinn with interesting history, a lot of sociable and well-wishing people. My native language is Russian, but sometimes I speak with my mother in Estonian, it helps me to improve my speaking skills Will I live in Estonia or in another country – I don’t know yet. I want to continue my studying here. Life will show what is waiting us in the future.

I’m 18 years old.I cannot live without singing and dancing. I’m really sociable girl and I like smiling and speaking with different interesting people.I prefer active rest and in the future I want to travel more.

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Meeting in Germany

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Meeting in Bulgaria

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