
1 Key Terms 1. How is applying Change Anything principles different from applying Influencer principles? 2. What are the three criteria for “Clear Results”? 3. Draw and briefly describe the Science-Of-Change Model. 4. Explain how to read the model right to left and left to right. Explain why each is important. Change Anything Mastery Skills Assessment

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Post on 16-May-2017




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Key Terms

1. How is applying Change Anything principles different from applying Influencer principles?

2. What are the three criteria for “Clear Results”?

3. Draw and briefly describe the Science-Of-Change Model.

4. Explain how to read the model right to left and left to right. Explain why each is important.

Change AnythingMas t e r y Sk i l l s A s s e s smen t

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5. What does it mean to be both the scientist and the subject? Share an example you’ve seen of someone doing this effectively.

6. What’s a vital behavior? Why do Changers look for vital behaviors?

7. What are crucial moments? How are they different from vital behaviors? What is the relationship between crucial moments and vital behaviors?

8. Give an example of “studying the past” to find a vital behavior.

9. How would you help someone escape the willpower trap?

10. What does it mean to be “blind and outnumbered”? Provide an example.

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11. Why is it important to see all six sources before we start getting them to work in our favor?

12. Draw the Six-Source Model and give an example of how each source of influence might contribute to procrastination.

13. What processes would someone use to create a personal motivation statement?

14. How do “self-justifying stories” affect personal motivation?

15. What does it mean to do a skill scan? What are four major skill areas to consider?

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16. What is the difference between an accomplice and a friend?

17. Please identify the five roles of social influence, define each, and provide an example for each.

18. What are the four steps for holding a transformation conversation?

19. What if you hold the transformation conversation and the other person’s answer is “no”?

20. Your coworker asks for advice about how to overcome his horrendous eating habits. He knows social influence is huge and that he needs to

change his mix of friends and accomplices. But he doesn’t know how. What would you say?

21. Please explain how social motivation (Source 3) and social ability (Source 4) differ. Describe a situation where only Source 3 contributes to a

behavior. Describe a situation where only Source 4 contributes to a behavior.

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22. What does it mean to “invert the economy?”

23. Name and describe the two tactics in Source 5.

24. Provide an example of how you could use loss aversion to help overcome a career-limiting habit.

25. Describe how a lack of Source 3 (social motivation) and Source 5 (structural motivation) can look like a lack of Source 1 (personal motivation)

in a person.

26. Describe how improper use of structural motivation (Source 5) could undermine personal motivation (Source 1).

27. Name and describe the four tactics in Source 6.

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28. A friend is trying to get his or her finances in line. He or she is hugely in debt because of overspending. Provide an example using each of the four

tactics (in source 6) to help your friend shake this habit.

29. Give an example of how multiple sources of influence perpetuated a personal bad habit in yourself or someone else.

30. Give an example of how multiple sources of influence perpetuated a professional bad habit in yourself or someone else.

31. Give an example of how multiple sources of influence were used to foster positive change in yourself or someone else.

Change Plans

Critique the change plans below. What is missing or wrong? How would you improve it?

32. Result: I want to get skinny.

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33. Result: I want to get an “excellent” score on my performance review as soon as possible.

34. Vital Behaviors: Make sure my relationship with my spouse is peaceful.

35. Vital Behaviors: Collaborate with marketing.

36. Six-Source Plan: In order to quit smoking by January 1 of next year I will attend a smoking cessation class, put my cigarettes in the garage, and

write a personal motivation statement.

37. Six-Source Plan: In order to save 10 percent of each paycheck I will attend a budgeting class, ask my spouse to support me, and reward myself

with a fudge sunday for every successful year.

38. Give a personal example of a behavior you were trying to change and the change plan you used.

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Tough Questions

39. Can you really change any behavior?

40. Do you have to use all six sources of influence every time?

41. Personal motivation is the most important source of influence. If I want it bad enough I’ll get the skills, friends, and environment, right?

42. How can you be sure you’ve got the right vital behaviors?

43. What if your change tactic doesn’t work? Then what?

44. What are the biggest mistakes people make when trying to create personal change?