caa studenthandbook 201602

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  • 8/18/2019 CAA StudentHandbook 201602



    Certified Actuarial Analyst 

    Student Actuarial Analyst handbook


    February 2016

  • 8/18/2019 CAA StudentHandbook 201602



    Disclaimer: This handbook has been prepared by the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA). The

    IFoA does not accept any responsibility and/or liability whatsoever for the content or use of this

    handbook. This handbook does not constitute advice and should not be relied upon as such. The

    IFoA does not guarantee any outcome or result from the application of this handbook and no warranty

    as to the accuracy or correctness of this handbook is provided.

    Copyright:  All material in this handbook is the copyright material of the IFoA, unless otherwise

    stated. Use may be made of these pages for non-commercial and study/research purposes without

    permission from the IFoA. Commercial use of this material may only be made with the express, prior

    written permission of the IFoA. Material provided by any third party and incorporated into this

    handbook is likely to be the copyright material of that author. Permission to copy or otherwise use

    such material must be obtained from the author.

    © Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (RC 000243).

  • 8/18/2019 CAA StudentHandbook 201602



     A Word from the President

    Welcome to the Student Actuarial Analyst Handbook. This guide sets out the key information you will

    need as you train to become a Certified Actuarial Analyst (CAA), and will therefore be your main point

    of reference throughout your studies.

    I’m delighted that you have chosen to pursue certification with the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries

    (IFoA). Being a member of a professional body sets you apart as someone who has, or is studying to

    gain, specialist skills and knowledge. It also provides a mark of quality and professionalism,

    demonstrating that you are performing your work to certain technical and ethical standards, behaving

    honestly and with integrity, complying with regulatory guidelines and serving the public interest.

    The IFoA is the only UK chartered professional body for those working in actuarial roles. We put the

    needs of our members at the heart of what we do – providing high quality, internationally recognised

    qualifications and lifelong education opportunities. Our role in regulating our members is key to

    assuring public confidence in our profession. We work hard to speak up on matters of public interestand raise awareness of the work that our members do as part of our commitment to advancing all

    matters relevant to actuarial science.

    I am very pleased at the increasing diversity of our 28,000 strong membership, and that we are

    attracting fresh new talent and ideas from all over the globe with over 44% of our members living and

    working outside of the UK. The international recognition that membership brings means that the IFoA

    is ideally placed to support you throughout your studies and at all stages of your career.

    The CAA membership qualification has been designed to equip you with an attractive set of technical

    professional skills, which can be applied to a wide variety of financial roles. This flexibility will help

    you to fulfil your potential in whatever career path you choose. Additional information about the CAAis available on the IFoA website (

    certified-actuarial-analyst), but if you have any queries please do not hesitate to get in touch at

    [email protected].

    Fiona Morrison

    President Institute and Faculty of Actuaries

  • 8/18/2019 CAA StudentHandbook 201602


    Student Actuarial Analyst handbook


    Keeping in touch ..................................................................................................................... 1

    Dates for your diary ................................................................................................................. 3

    How we can help ..................................................................................................................... 4

    Library facilities .................................................................................................................... 4

    Student concession schemes .............................................................................................. 5

    Certified Actuarial Analyst fees ............................................................................................... 6

    Forms of payment ............................................................................................................... 8

    The qualification and exams ................................................................................................... 9

    The CAA exams .................................................................................................................. 9

    Planning a route through the exams .............................................................................. 10

    Suggested study hours .................................................................................................. 10

    Professional skills .............................................................................................................. 11

    Tuition and study material ................................................................................................. 12

    The work related requirements ............................................................................................. 13

    Entering for the exams .......................................................................................................... 16Entering for Modules 0-4 ................................................................................................... 16

    Entering for Module 5 ........................................................................................................ 20

    Entering for the Professional Awareness Test (OPAT) ..................................................... 20

     Access arrangements for sitting the exams (Modules 0-5) ............................................... 21

    Sitting the exams .................................................................................................................. 23

    Sitting the Module 0-4 exams ............................................................................................ 23

    Sitting the Module 5 exam ................................................................................................. 27

    Sitting the Online Professional Awareness Test (OPAT) .................................................. 28

    When sitting any exam ...................................................................................................... 29

    Professional conduct during the exams ......................................................................... 29

    Cheating during the exams ............................................................................................ 29Mitigating circumstances that have affected your performance ..................................... 30

    Your exam results ................................................................................................................. 31

    Exams appeals policy and procedure (Module 5 only) ...................................................... 32

    Exemptions ........................................................................................................................... 34

    Exemptions from Module 0 ................................................................................................ 34

    Exemptions from the later CAA exams ............................................................................. 34

    You have passed the exams ................................................................................................. 36

    Regulation of members ......................................................................................................... 38

    The Actuaries’ Code .......................................................................................................... 39

    Continuing Professional Development (CPD) ................................................................... 39

    Volunteering .......................................................................................................................... 41

     Appendix 1 Exam Regulations .............................................................................................. 42

     Appendix 2: The journey to becoming a Certified Actuarial Analyst ..................................... 45

  • 8/18/2019 CAA StudentHandbook 201602







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  • 8/18/2019 CAA StudentHandbook 201602


    Student Actuarial Analyst handbook 2

     Along with this handbook, we provide further information throughout the year via:

       Analyst Newsletter which is essential for keeping up to date

      articles in The Actuary magazine

      our website:

      Twitter @ActuaryStudents

    Keeping your contact details up-to-date

     All our correspondence with you will be by

    email, so it is important that you keep your email

    address up-to-date.

    You should also check that your email accountaccepts our emails and they are not sent to

    spam or trash folders.

    To login to the ‘My Account’ section of the website:

      your username is your actuarial reference number (ARN)

      you will have set your password when you activated your online account.

    You can keep all your contact details correct by deleting any old information, and then entering the

    new details.

  • 8/18/2019 CAA StudentHandbook 201602


    Student Actuarial Analyst handbook 3

    Dates for your diary

    Dates for s tudent admissions  

     Application for Student Actuarial Analyst membership is open all year round. 

    Exemptions applications for those with Fellowship exam passes

    This option is no longer available unless you have completed all the required exams to qualify as a

    Certified Actuarial Analyst.

    There is no deadline for making this choice to transfer your membership.

     Apri l 2016 exams (Modules 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4)

    Registration open until  29 March 2016 

    Exam dates:  11-22 April 2016 

    Exam results:  3 June 2016 

    September 2016 exams (Modules 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4)

    Registration open until  12 September 2016 

    Exam dates:  26 September – 7 October 2016 

    Exam results:  18 November 2016 

    Module 5 dates

    5 May 2016 Results published: 17 June 2016 

    19 October 2016 Results published: 2 December 2016 

  • 8/18/2019 CAA StudentHandbook 201602


    Student Actuarial Analyst handbook 4

    How we can help

    Website – The Certified Actuarial Analyst pages of the Institute and

    Faculty’s website contain practical information about all

    aspects of the qualification, such as

      exam dates

      syllabuses and resource guides

    as well as information about work-based skills, and


    Library facilitiesThe Institute and Faculty library service supports the learning,

    research and information needs of members, academics,

    university students and anyone interested in actuarial science.

    The library collections cover the full spectrum of actuarial

    science, including areas such as insurance, pensions,

    investment, finance, health and care, and risk management.


    The Librarians provide a professional enquiry service offering assistance in person at our London and

    Edinburgh offices, by email, telephone or post.

      Literature searching service available on any topic

      Inter-library loans service for books and papers that are not in our collections

      Postal loans from our hard copy collections available to members worldwide


      Thousands of electronic journals and ebooks available to members anywhere in the world, 24hours a day via the eLibrary

      A print collection of over 10,000 books, papers and conference proceedings focused on

    actuarial science

      The Institute and Faculty of Actuaries library catalogue: a continually updated database of

    over 40,000 academic references from the actuarial literature

      Current journals and trade magazines covering all areas of professional practice

      Access to Core Reading, course notes and textbooks for Fellowship, CERA and the Certified

     Actuarial Analyst qualifications, at the London and Edinburgh offices

      Reference access to the world’s premier collection of historical books on the history and

    development of actuarial science as a discipline and a profession

  • 8/18/2019 CAA StudentHandbook 201602


    Student Actuarial Analyst handbook 5

    Study facilities

    Comfortable, quiet study spaces with internet access are

    available in our Member Lounges at the London and

    Edinburgh offices.

    Contact details

    Email: [email protected] 


    David Raymont, IFoA, 7th Floor Holborn Gate, High Holborn, London WC1V 7PP

    Tel: +44 (0)20 7632 2114


    David Hood, IFoA, Level 2 Exchange Crescent, 7 Conference Square, Edinburgh EH3 8RA

    Tel: +44 (0)131 240 1311

    Student concession schemes

    If you are in the British Isles and studying for our exams you can subscribe to

    The Economist at a reduced rate.

    Further details can be obtained from: 

     As an actuarial student you can also take advantage of the discounts available by

    having an NUS Extra card.

    See the NUS website for details of how to apply for a card: 

  • 8/18/2019 CAA StudentHandbook 201602


    Student Actuarial Analyst handbook 6

    Certified ctuarial nalyst fees

    You will be eligible to pay a reduced rate for exam fees and subscriptions if you earn less

    than £5100.00 this year. We reserve the right to ask for proof of your income.

     All fees are current as at 1 July 2015.

     Admiss ion as a Student Actuarial Analyst

    Full rate fee Reduced rate fee

    Entrance fee (one-off payment)  £99.00 £99.00

     Annual subscript ion  £170.00 £70.00

    Total £269.00 £169.00

    Subscription fee for qualified Certified Actuarial Analysts

    Full rate fee Reduced rate fee

     Annual subscript ion  £250.00 £70.00

    Exam fees for CAA module exams

    Full rate fee Reduced rate fee

    Module 0  £99.00 £49.00Modules 1-4 £130.00 £60.00

    Module 5 £195.00 £90.00

    Professional skills training

    OPAT: Free of charge 

    Exemptions for those transferring from the Fellowship qualification 

    Exemptions: Free of charge 

    This option is only available if you have completed all the required exams to qualify as a Certified

     Actuarial Analyst. 

  • 8/18/2019 CAA StudentHandbook 201602


    Student Actuarial Analyst handbook 7

    Exemptions from exams

      For those joining with exemption recommendations from a university w ith which we

    have an agreement, or

      For those with exam passes from an actuarial association with which we have an


    Exemption recommendedfor / overseas pass


    Leads to exemptionfrom CAA Module


    Full rate fee for the


    Reduced rate fee

    for the exemption

    CT1 Module 1 £170.00 £84.00

    CT3 and CT4 * Module 2 £170.00 £84.00

    CT5 Module 3 £170.00 £84.00

    CT6 Module 4 £170.00 £84.00

    CA2 Module 5 £350.00 £200.00

    * CT3 and CT4: You must be eligible for exemption from both these CT exams to be eligible for

    exemption from the CAA Module 2 have an exemption

    Work-based skills

    Final sign off fee: £50.00 

    Exam appeals 

    Full rate fee Reduced rate fee

     Available for Module 5 only £100.00 £50.00

    DISCLAIMER The views expressed in this publication

  • 8/18/2019 CAA StudentHandbook 201602


    Student Actuarial Analyst handbook 8

    Forms of payment

    We take payment for all our education services by:

      Card (credit or debit)

      Bank transfer

      Cheque  PayPal

    Most of our exams can now be booked and paid for online through ‘My Account’ on the website. This

    provides the quickest means of booking your exam.

    If you wish to pay for your exams by cheque or by bank transfer you will need to send in an exam

    entry form by email or by post, together with your payment.

    If you pay by bank transfer you should include a remittance slip from the bank with your application,

    as proof of your payment. We receive many payments in our account so it is important that we can

    identify yours and allocate it to your application. If we can’t identify your payment we will be unable to

    book your exam or provide another service you are applying for.

    We hope to be able to take online payments for other services in the near future.

    Membership subscript ions

    Our subscription year runs from 1 October until 30 September each year. The Regulations require

    that all members pay an annual subscription on 1 October each year.

    It is your responsibility to ensure that you pay the correct subscription. You may be eligible to pay a

    reduced rate subscription if your earnings are less than 30 times the level of the full subscription fee.

    You’ll need to send a new application form for this to the Membership Team each year, and proof of

    your income may be asked for.

    You can pay your annual subscription online by logging in to ‘My account’ on the website and

    selecting 'Pay your subscription' from the left hand navigation.


    If your subscription payment is not received by 31 October a 10% surcharge will be added. If it is still

    not received by 30 November a further 10% will be added to the amount due. If no payment is

    received by 31 December, your membership will default.

    If your membership has lapsed for any reason and you want to take exams, you will need to reinstate

    your membership before you can do so. Contact the Membership Team for details of how to do this

    and the fees required ([email protected]).

    Further information about subscriptions can be found on the website at: 

  • 8/18/2019 CAA StudentHandbook 201602





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  • 8/18/2019 CAA StudentHandbook 201602


    Student Actuarial Analyst handbook 10

    Short Term Actuarial Mathematics – Module 4

    The aim of this module is to give a grounding in mathematical and statistical techniques that

    are relevant to non-life insurance.

    Models and Audit Trails – Module 5

    The aim of this module is to ensure that you can model data, and maintain an audit trail todocument the work.

    Online Professional Awareness Test OPAT

    This test is designed to help you develop the ability to exercise judgement in compromising

    ethical situations including those where you may need to seek advice from senior


    More information about sitting the exams is given on page 23.

    Planning a route through the exams

    Modules 0-4

    The topics covered in each of these exam modules have been structured so that they help develop

    your knowledge in a logical way. A good study plan is to sit the exams in numerical order, though this

    is not compulsory.

    Module 5

    You will need to complete Modules 0-4 before you can sit the Module 5 exam.

    Suggested study hours

    The amount of time you need to spend on a particular subject will vary from student to student. The

    quality of your study time is far more important than the quantity of study time. However, we suggest

    the following guidelines:

    Exams Suggested study hours

    Modules 0-4  between 125 and 150 hours depending on the subject and your past

    educational background in the subject. 

    Module 5 100 hours 

    Online Professional

     Awareness Test (OPAT)

    1-5 hours 

    We anticipate that it will take a minimum of two years part time study to qualify as a Certified Actuarial Analyst.

  • 8/18/2019 CAA StudentHandbook 201602


    Student Actuarial Analyst handbook 11

    Professional skills

    Professional skills is a key part of your training and ongoing


    This area of training aims to help actuaries maintain and

    enhance their skills, and to promote confidence in the work ofactuaries in the public interest.

    The Online Professional Awareness Test (OPAT)

    This free of charge test will:

      help you understand your duties under the Actuaries’ Code, and

      help you develop the ability to exercise judgement in compromising ethical situations,

    including those when you may need to ask for advice from senior colleagues.

    You will be:

      asked some questions about the Code itself, so you should read this document carefully and

    also have a copy with you while you take the test

      shown some ethical scenarios, and asked to make a judgement about the appropriate course

    of action in each situation, from the options offered.

    You need to pass this 90 minute test at any time within one full CPD year of joining as a Student

     Actuarial Analyst member.

    More information about sitting the test are given on page 28.

  • 8/18/2019 CAA StudentHandbook 201602


    Student Actuarial Analyst handbook 12

    Tuition and study material

    The Institute and Faculty of Actuaries does not provide tuition for the CAA

    exams, but you will find a Resource guide for each subject on our website

    which will give you:

      the syllabus for the Module

      a specimen exam paper, and

      links to online study resources.

    You can find the Resource guides at


    Tuition for the exams

    BPP Actuarial Education (ActEd), provides online study

    material for the exams.

    Details of their training materials and services are available on their website.



     [email protected] 


    +44 (0)1235 550 005

     Aced, based in Malaysia, offer courses and training across Asia for

    the exams.

    Details of their training materials and services are available on their website.



    [email protected] 


    + 6017 366 8100

    Please note

    These education providers are listed here for information purposes. The Institute and

    Faculty of Actuaries has not assessed the quality of the services provided.

  • 8/18/2019 CAA StudentHandbook 201602


    Student Actuarial Analyst handbook 13

    The work related requirements

    In order to qualify as a Certified Actuarial Analyst, as well as passing the exams, you need to

    show evidence of one year of relevant work experience in an actuarial or other support role.

    This is known as ‘work-based skills’.

    You don’t have to complete the work-based skills whilst you are sitting the exams, but you will need to

    complete this before you can become a Certified Actuarial Analyst.

     Aims of work-based ski ll s

    The work-based skills requirement aims to help you:

      understand the interaction between theory and

    practice when using actuarial techniques;

      work within a professional and ethical framework;

      communicate with stakeholders and colleagues;

      satisfy the public need for competence;

      understand the need for continuing development; and

      develop processes for reflection and self-assessment

    of competence.

    Key areas

    Will be expected to demonstrate that you have acquired specific skills in three key areas:

      technical application of actuarial


      professional and ethical


    What do I need to do?

    Getting a supervisor appointed

    Once you have joined the IFoA and have received your ARN, you need to talk to your employer abouthaving a supervisor appointed. Your supervisor will be responsible for your development. We

    envisage the supervisor as being the person who is also responsible for carrying out the employer’s

    own internal appraisals. The supervisor will sign-off your work-based skills documentation.

    Managers who are not Fellows can act as supervisors. In all cases, the final supervisor who signs-off

    of the final documents must be a Fellow of an International Actuarial Association (IAA) recognised

    actuarial association (this will normally be a Fellow of the IFoA) who is familiar with your work and


    Your supervisor will be expected to meet with you regularly, at a minimum, once every six months.

    The purpose of these review meetings is to:

  • 8/18/2019 CAA StudentHandbook 201602


    Student Actuarial Analyst handbook 14

      review your progress since the last review meeting;

      discuss what skills should be addressed in the next review period; and

      consider what training is needed - both on-the-job and through relevant courses.

    If you work for an organisation that does not employ any Fellows, you and/or your supervisor should

    contact the Education Services Team in Oxford. An actuary will be appointed by the IFoA to sign-off

    the work of the supervisor.

    Recording your experience – the learning log

    You are required to maintain a record of your “on the job” experience through which you acquire work-

    based skills. This record is called a ‘learning log’.

    The learning log for each review period will include:

      A self-assessment by you of the skills you have addressed.

      A record of formal learning activities including computer-based training, training events and

    courses attended with reasons for attendance and comments on what was gained from the


      A statement of the skills to be addressed in the next period of development

    In addition, you will be required to show that you have completed a minimum of 10 hours of formal

    learning outside of studying for the exams.

    What skil ls wil l I be developing and should I be recording?

    For each area, a variety of skills relevant to good actuarial practice is listed below.

    It is not necessary for you to cover all of the skills shown under each, but an appropriate selection

    should be covered and recorded in your learning logs. Some skills will take time to develop whereas

    others will be acquired in a shorter period of time.

    Dimension Skills

    Technical application of

    actuarial skill s

      Validate data

      Analyse data  Build or specify models for a variety of different purposes

      Analyse and validate results from a model

      Perform useful checks on work

      Apply actuarial principles and methods to solving defined and

    routine problems

  • 8/18/2019 CAA StudentHandbook 201602


    Student Actuarial Analyst handbook 15

    Professional and ethical   Accept professional responsibility and accountability

      Understand the need for ethical considerations

      Understand the impact of issues regarding the public interest

      Use professional and ethical standards

      Justify professional opinion in the face of questioning

      Understand the viewpoint of a customer and how this can

    conflict with that of the company  Understand the role of the professional body

      Understand the need to act only where competent to do so

      Understand priorities and sensitivities

    Communication    Communicate in writing to a range of audiences

      Communicate in writing using a range of communication media

    I have now completed the one year work experience requirement, but have not

    completed all the exams for qualification. What should I do?

    If you are in employment then you need to complete a learning log every six months until you submit

    all your paperwork and qualify as a Certified Actuarial Analyst.

  • 8/18/2019 CAA StudentHandbook 201602





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  • 8/18/2019 CAA StudentHandbook 201602


    Student Actuarial Analyst handbook 17

    Paying for your exams

    You can pay for your exam by:

      Card (online payments only)

      Bank transfer



    You should ensure that we receive the money BEFORE the exam entry closing date. If we don’t

    receive it in time you will not be entered for the exam, and the money will be returned to you.

    Paying by credit/debit

    card, or PayPal Paying by bank transfer   Paying by cheque 

    Log into the ‘My Account’

    section on the website using thedetails provided and click on

    ‘Pay for CAA exams’.

    Follow the instructions to make

    your payment.

    If you have any difficulties

    paying online contact the

    Education Services Team for


    The exam entry form gives you

    our bank details, and youshould arrange to make the

    payment to our account.

    Your payment reference should


      your ARN, and

      Module number

    Email the completed exam entry

    form to the Education Services

    Team, with a copy of the

    ‘remittance advice slip’ the bank

    will give you.

    Cheques should be sent by

    post, together with your examentry form.

    Send it to the Education

    Services Team in our Oxford

    office. The address is given on

    the exam entry form.

    Your responsibility for payment

    It is your personal responsibility to ensure that you complete your exam entry and payment in time.

    If you pass it to any of your company departments for processing you are still responsible for ensuring

    that it reaches us by the closing date and time.

    Forms and/or payment received after the exam entry closing date will not be accepted

  • 8/18/2019 CAA StudentHandbook 201602


    Student Actuarial Analyst handbook 18

    Booking your exam date and centre 

     After you have paid for your Module 0-4 exam you will need to

    book your exam date and centre with Pearson VUE.

    When and where can I sit the exam?

    The Module 0-4 exams are held over a two week period twice a

    year, and you can choose a date and time within this period that

    suits you.

    You will sit the exams at one of the many centres worldwide managed by Pearson VUE.

    You can find details of your local exam centre on their website at:,

    clicking on ‘Locate a test centre’.

    Booking the exam

    Once your payment has been processed, login to your ‘My Account’ page of the website, and click on

    ‘Book CAA exams’ to book your exam date and centre. You will be redirected to the Pearson VUE

    website to do this.

    If you paid online  If you paid by bank transfer/cheque 

    You will be able to book your exam date and

    centre immediately after you’ve made your


    We will email you to say that we’ve processed

    your payment. You can then to login to ‘My

    account’ to book your exam date and centre.

    Confirmation of your exam booking

    Once you have booked your exam, you will receive an email from Pearson VUE confirming the details

    of your booking. If you do not receive this confirmation you should contact Pearson VUE.

    You will not be able to change your exam booking other then to cancel the appointment up to 48

    hours before the exam takes place.

    Difficulties in booking

    If you have any trouble booking your exam, have a question about your booking, or don’t receive

    confirmation from Pearson VUE you should contact their Customer Services team.

    Find your regional contact number on their website at:

  • 8/18/2019 CAA StudentHandbook 201602


    Student Actuarial Analyst handbook 19

    What if I need to reschedule or cancel my exam sitting?

    Once you have booked your Module 0-4 exam with Pearson

    VUE you can not change the date or time of your exam sitting.

    You can cancel the exam up until 48 hours before the exam appointment, but you may not get a

    refund of the exam fee.

    If you cancel an exam, you will need to wait until the next exam sitting to take the exam.

    In exceptional circumstances the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries may allow you to reschedule your

    exam, for example if you are unable to sit the exam for reasons beyond your control, such as illness

    or accident. No fee will be charged for this.

    We must authorise Pearson VUE to allow you to do this, so please contact the Education Services

    Team first to discuss it. You will not be able to rearrange your exam until we have authorised

    Pearson VUE to allow you to do so.

    Can I get a refund of the exam fee?

    You can only have a refund of your Module 0-4 exam fee if you paid the full rate, and you apply for

    the refund on or before the exam entry closing date.

    No refund will be given if you paid the reduced fee.

    If we receive your refund application:

    On or before the exam entry closing date   Af ter the exam entry closing  date 

     A 50% refund of the exam fee paid will be


    No refund will be given.

    The refund request form is available on the website at: 

  • 8/18/2019 CAA StudentHandbook 201602




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  • 8/18/2019 CAA StudentHandbook 201602


    Student Actuarial Analyst handbook 21

     Access arrangements for sitting the exams (Modules 0-5)

     Access arrangements (or reasonable adjustments) are changes made to exam conditions.

    These may be necessary in circumstances where students are experiencing long or short term

    conditions or regarded as disabled in terms of the Equality Act 2010. Adjustments will be considered

    when the absence of such would otherwise put the student at a disadvantage whilst undertaking theassessment. Such adjustments may relate to extra time, use of a computer or enlarged papers for


    Whether a suggested adjustment is reasonable or not will depend on the circumstances of each

    individual case. Some factors taken into account include the particular needs of the individual, the

    requirements of the examination and the nature, extent and cost of the adjustment itself. Supporting

    documentation from health and educational professionals is therefore required on application.

     An adjustment may not be regarded as reasonable if it prejudices the credibility or reliability of the

    examination process or if it involves excessive cost resources.

    The Access Arrangements application form can be downloaded from our website at 

    You will need to send in an application form each time access arrangements for an exam are

    needed so that we can put these in place for you. This can be sent by pos t or by email.

    We are reviewing our access arrangements policies and practices and we will inform you as soon as

    possible of any changes.

    To accommodate your requirements we reserve the right to allocate you to a specific exam centre,

    which unfortunately may not be the one closest to you. If we do this we will inform you accordingly.

    You will need to provide supporting documentation for your request and we reserve the right to

    decline requests for where the documentation requirements have not been met, or if the deadline for

    applications has passed.

    Your application must be clearly titled ‘Access Arrangements’ and must be sent, by post or by

    email, separately from any other correspondence.

    You should send your application to the Education Services Team 

    For the Module 0-4exams 

    You should send it at least three weeks before the exam entry closing


    For the Module 5 exam You should send it at least six weeks before the exam date.

    The application form can be downloaded from the website at 

  • 8/18/2019 CAA StudentHandbook 201602


    Student Actuarial Analyst handbook 22

    To apply fo r access arrangements for the first t ime

     All new applications for access arrangements must include:

      a completed application form

      an explanatory covering letter, and

      supporting documentation, all of which must be current and up-to-date, such as:

    o  a medical certificate,

    o  doctor’s note

    In cases of dyslexia, your supporting documentation must also include the recommendation given for

    extra time, where applicable.

    For long term conditions we reserve the right to request new supporting documentation if your original

    evidence is more then two years old.

    Ongoing conditions such as disabili ty, dyslexia, RSI and long term injury 

    For these conditions you must send in the completed application form for each exam sitting.

    The exam entry closing dates still apply, but please send your application as soon as possible so that

    we can set up appropriate arrangements for you in good time.

     Applications and supporting documentation will be stored electronically and may be shared with

    appropriate third parties as necessary during the examination process. If you need any changes to

    your current arrangements, you must inform the Education Services Team, and provide new

    supporting documentation.

    We reserve the right to seek guidance, advice and documentation from specialist practitioners on

    certain conditions, other than GPs. This is to ensure that all students have the arrangements

    appropriate to their needs. In addition we reserve the right to request updated documentation.

    Single occasions, for example if you have a broken hand or wris t 

    If, after the exam entry closing date you find that you need access arrangements for a single

    occasion, please tell us as soon as possible – we may still be able to make suitable arrangements for

    you, though we can not guarantee this.

    In some cases it may be necessary for you to postpone your exam to a later date.

  • 8/18/2019 CAA StudentHandbook 201602


    Student Actuarial Analyst handbook 23

    Sitting the exams

    Sitt ing the Module 0-4 exams – at the Pearson VUE exam centre 

    Important note

    You should NOT be charged any additional administrative fees when you arrive at your exam

    centre. If you are asked for an additional fee, please contact Pearson VUE immediately to

    report this.

    Find your regional contact number on their website at: 

    Reminder email

    will remind you by email about the date and time of your exam,

    seven days beforehand.

     Arriving at the exam centre

    You can find directions to your Pearson VUE exam centre on their website:

    You should arrive at your exam centre 30 minutes before your appointment

    time, so that you can complete the sign in procedures and security checks.

    Pearson VUE have checks in place at all their centres which you must be aware of:

      You will need to bring 2 forms of ID (see below) with you, one of which must be photographic

    and also contain your signature. These will be checked at the centre.

    The following are acceptable forms of identification if they contain your photograph:

      your current passport

      your company identify card/pass

      your driving licence

      your national identity card

      your bank card

      You will need to sign in at the centre and may have your photograph taken

      You will not be allowed to take food or drinks (including water) into the exam room

      You may be monitored by CCTV while at the centre

    Lockers wi ll be available at the exam centre for your personal belongings because:

      You may not take any information or documents into the exam room with you

      You will have to empty your pockets

      You will have to remove personal items such as watches - as some of these are now internet


  • 8/18/2019 CAA StudentHandbook 201602


    Student Actuarial Analyst handbook 24

      You may not take your mobile phone in with you – this must be switched off while it is in the


    These arrangements may differ slightly depending on the centre you sit your exam at, and additional

    checks may take place at some centres.

    Pearson VUE also manage exams for many other organisations. You may therefore experiencesome slight disruption while other people start or complete their exams at different times.

    The start of the exam

    Before you start your 2 hour exam you will have an extra 15


      for reading the exam instructions, and

      working through some basic sample questions so that youbecome familiar with the format of the exam.

    You will also need to sign a statement of confidentiality in relation to the exam materials.

    Leaving the exam room

    Once the exam has started you will not be able to leave for the first 15 minutes.


    There is only one authorised calculator for all the CAA exams:

      Texas Instrument TI-30 Multiview (with or without suffix).

    You should bring your own calculator with you to the exam. It will be checked by exam

    centre staff, and the memory will be cleared.

    If you bring a different calculator model it must be left in the locker with

    your other personal belongings.

     An on-screen scientific calculator will also be available for you to use during the exam.

    However, some students have reported that they found this on-screen calculator

    difficult or cumbersome to use, and so you may prefer to take your own TI-30 calculator

    to the exam with you.

    The TI-30 Multiview calculator is available to buy from shops or online retailers, and is also available

    from our eShop:

    To clear the memory and reset the calculator:

  • 8/18/2019 CAA StudentHandbook 201602


    Student Actuarial Analyst handbook 25

    Making notes during the exam

    You will be provided with an erasable note board at the centre to

    use during the exam.

    You will only be given one board at a time but are entitled to as

    many as you need during the exam, and you will be able to keep

    these at your desk for the duration of the exam. You should ask

    the supervisor for more if you need them. The Pearson VUE staff will not provide you with an eraser

    for the note boards.

    The note boards will be collected by Pearson VUE staff at the end of the exam.

    On occasion you may be given scrap paper to make notes on instead of a note board.

    Formulae and Tables for actuarial examinationsThe book of  Formulae and Tables for examinations has been published to

    help students who sit actuarial exams.

    The book gives you formulae for

      selected mathematical and statistical methods,

      calculus, time series and economic models, and many other topics.

    There are also tables for

      compound interest calculations,

      selected statistical distributions, and

      other actuarial calculations.

    You should make yourself familiar with these tables and formulae

    during your exam preparation.

    You will not be able to use your own copy of the book during your

    exam, but a PDF copy will be available on your exam screen for

    you to use.

    You can buy a copy of the book from our eShop: 

    Once you fin ish your exam

     After the exam, Pearson VUE will email you an ‘End of Examination’ report

    to confirm completion.

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    Student Actuarial Analyst handbook 26

    Exam centre comments

    If you have any comments about the centre where you sat your exam,

    or how your exam sitting was managed at the centre, please fill in the

    Exam comments form and send it to the Education Services Team.

    These comments will be passed on to Pearson VUE for them to consider when they are administering

    future exam sessions.

    The form is available at: 

    Problems experienced at the exam centre

    If your exam sitting is suspended, or prevented, by circumstances at the exam centre beyond our

    control or that of Pearson VUE we may waive the fee for your next sitting.

    This might be due to:

      an IT failure at the exam centre

      the centre being unavailable due to, for example, a fire or flood

      other unavoidable circumstances.

    Please email the Education Services Team if this happens to you.

    You can contact the team at [email protected] 

  • 8/18/2019 CAA StudentHandbook 201602




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  • 8/18/2019 CAA StudentHandbook 201602



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  • 8/18/2019 CAA StudentHandbook 201602


    Student Actuarial Analyst handbook 29

    When sit ting any exam

    Professional conduct during the exams

    When you are sitting the exam it is important to note that professional conduct is required at all times:

      the Exam Regulations apply to you when taking this exam, and these can be found in

     Appendix 1 of this Guide

      inappropriate behaviour during the exam may lead to expulsion from the exam, with

    disciplinary consequences.

    Cheating during the exams

     Any incident of alleged cheating in the exams is taken very seriously. While there have been very few

    cases of alleged cheating in exams anyone caught attempting to cheat, or to collude with another

    candidate, will be risking their job and professional membership.

    Details can also be found in Exam Regulation Number 9.

  • 8/18/2019 CAA StudentHandbook 201602


    Student Actuarial Analyst handbook 30

    Mitigating ci rcumstances that have affected your performance

    If you think that you studied effectively but that mitigating circumstances, such as illness, have had a

    serious effect on your performance in the exam, you may tell the examiners about this.

      If you applied for access arrangements, you may not apply for mitigating circumstances for

    the same reason.

    The Mitigating Circumstances application form can be downloaded from our website at 

    When sending the form you need to also send supporting documentary evidence, such as a medical

    certificate or doctor’s note.

    You should send your application and supporting documents to the Education Services Team within

    two weeks of the exam taking place, and it can be sent by email or by post.

    You should only inform us of serious circumstances that have had a significant effect on your

    performance. It is important to note that even when mitigating circumstances have adversely affected

    your revision or your performance in the exam, the weight that the Board of Examiners can give them

    is limited. Please consider very carefully whether your case merits attention before completing the


    Serious mitigating circumstances may include Supporting evidence

    Severely debilitating illness during most of the revision

    period and/or the exam

    Medical certificate

    Death or critical illness of a dependant or close relative Medical certificate or death certificate

    Loss, due to circumstances beyond your control, of more

    than 10 minutes of exam time

    You should also have brought this to the

    attention of the invigilator

    Unexpected loss of your job Termination of contract letter from


    Incident/emergency Police report or fire certificate

    Mitigating circumstances applications that are not supported by documentary evidence will

    not be considered

    If evidence is not immediately available due to circumstances beyond your control, you should submit

    your application without the evidence, but you must include a brief explanation of why you cannot

    provide the evidence. You will have to send it later, and we will tell you the deadline for doing this.

    The decision on whether to consider the circumstances is at the discretion of the Board of Examiners

    and their decision will be final, confidential and any changes to grades will be undisclosed.

  • 8/18/2019 CAA StudentHandbook 201602


    Student Actuarial Analyst handbook 31

    Your exam results

    The results for the Module 0-4 exams will be published on aFriday, six weeks after the final date in the exam sitting.

    The results for the Module 5 exam will be published on a Friday,

    seven weeks after the exam.

    Before the exam results are released any mitigating circumstances (discussed on page 29 above)

    that students have reported will be taken into consideration by the examiners.

    Exam dates Results published on

    Modules 0-4: April 2016 exams 3 June 2016

    Modules 0-4: September 2016 exams 18 November 2016

    Module 5: 5 May 2016 exam 24 June 2016

    Module 5: 19 October 2016 exam 9 December 2016

    The pass lists will be published on the website at 18.00 (UK time) the previous evening.

    You will be able to download a letter confirming your result from the website, under ‘My exams’ in the

    ‘My Account’ section of the site.

    Modules 0-4

    These exams are computer marked and any mitigating circumstances are taken into consideration

    before the results are released. The result is a pass or a fail.

    Module 5

    For Module 5 each exam script is marked by two independent assistant examiners, and all borderline

    scripts are reviewed by either the Principal Examiner or a member of the examining team.

    If you are unsuccessful in Module 5 you will be graded FA, FB, FC, or FD if you achieved:

    FA 95–99% of the pass mark FC 60-79% of the pass mark

    FB 80–94% of the pass mark FD less than 60% of the pass mark

    Examiners’ reports for Module 5 which aim to show what the examiners were looking for, and to

    highlight common errors made in students’ answers, are published on the website. 

  • 8/18/2019 CAA StudentHandbook 201602


    Student Actuarial Analyst handbook 32

    Exams appeals policy and procedure (Module 5 only)

     All requests under the appeals policy and procedure will be treated impartially and confidentially and

    will not impact in any way on future assessment decisions on individual cases.

    The Director of Education is responsible for overseeing and managing the administration of the

    appeal process, including monitoring the progress of appeal reviews and ensuring time scales areadhered to.

    Right of appeal

    You may make an appeal on the following grounds:

      Belief that an administrative or procedural error has occurred. Under these circumstances

    scripts will not be remarked but all marks will be checked against the results data for an

    administrative error.

      Belief that the grade awarded was inappropriate. Scripts will be remarked and checkedagainst the results data for any administrative errors.

      Mitigating circumstances which you were unable to divulge by the published closing date. If

    the reason is deemed to be valid then the script will be remarked and mitigating

    circumstances evidence you have provided will be considered.

    Please note that mitigating circumstances, whether submitted here or at the time of the exam, are

    considered at the complete discretion of the Board of Examiners. Their decision is final and their

    reasons for the decision will not be divulged.

    We cannot accept appeals made on the following grounds:

      Mitigating circumstances, incidents or comments that could have been or were divulged by

    the published closing date for submission.

     Appeal fee

     An appeal fee is payable for each paper reviewed.


    Submission of appeal application forms

      An application form should be completed and sent with the appropriate fee to the Appeal

     Administration at Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, 1st Floor, Park Central, 40/41 Park End

    Street, Oxford, OX1 1JD. Please complete a separate form for each module that is reviewed.

      Appeal forms need to be received within 15 working days of the publication of the results. We

    reserve the right to refuse applications for any appeals that are received after the deadline.

      Please note that any applications for an appeal not accompanied by an appropriate fee will be


      Receipt of all appeal forms will be acknowledged within 5 working days.

    For appeals on the grounds of an administrative or procedural error

      An internal review of the results data relating to examination attempts will take place to

    ensure that no administrative error has been made at any point.

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    For appeals on the grounds of mit igating circumstances

      An appeal on grounds of mitigating circumstances will only be considered if you can provide

    good reasons why a mitigating circumstance was not submitted by the published deadline.

      An appeal is likely to be rejected if you advise that the circumstances were too sensitive to

    reveal by the due date, but are able to explain them once the results are published.

      The team will forward the appeal form and supporting documentation, exam script and resultsdata to the Principal Examiner (or nominee) for consideration.

      The Principal Examiner (or nominee) will submit a report and the script to the Director of

    Education and the Chairman of the Board of Examiners (or nominee).


    There are two possible outcomes to the appeal application:

      an improvement to your result for the assessment (i.e. pass rather than fail)

      no change in your result for the assessment

     Appeal results will be issued no later than 30 working days after receipt of the appeals request form in

    Oxford. If an undue delay is expected (e.g. due to illness, holidays) then all candidates will be


    The Director of Education is responsible for the dispatch of appeal result letter. A copy of the appeal

    form and appeal report letter will be retained with the script until one year after submission of the


    In the event that an appeal results in a revision of the original exam result, you will be notified and the

    fee will be refunded accordingly.

    Once the appeal has been completed and the result communicated to you , the IFoA wil l not

    enter into any further correspondence regarding the appeal.

     Addi tional important in formation

    Registering to re-sit a failed exam whilst an appeal process is in progress

    If you are awaiting the outcome of an appeal, you do not need to wait for the result before applying to

    resit the exam that is under review or appeal, and/or other exams. An outstanding appeal does not

    exclude you from the deadline dates for submission of exam entries. In the event that an appeal

    results in a change of fail grade to a pass, a full refund of any exam entry fee paid will be made.

    Monitoring of reviews and appeals

    The Director of Education will monitor appeals made and their outcomes, and prepare a bi-annual

    report for the Board of Examiners. This will include an analysis of individual appeals together with

    statistical monitoring by subject, location and gender. If an appeal and its outcome may affect other

    candidates, e.g. a major procedural error, the circumstances to which the appeal applies will

    immediately be drawn to the attention of the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Board of

    Examiners who will take appropriate action.

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    Exemptions from Module 0

    You may not need to take the Module 0 exam if you have already passed some actuarial


    Students new to the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries

    If you have passed the CT1 Financial Mathematics exam as a non-member you will be exempt from

    taking Module 0 if you decide to follow the CAA qualification.

    If you are joining the CAA qualification with exam passes from another actuarial association, or with a

    degree from a university with which we have an exemption agreement, you may be eligible for

    exemption from Module 0, depending on the exams or degree you have completed.

    You can find details of the agreements we have with these associations and universities on the

    website at:


    The Module 0 exemptions listed on these pages are the only ones available to new students.

    Exemptions from the later CAA examsStudents new to the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries

    If you are joining the CAA qualification with exam passes:

      from another actuarial association, or

      with a degree from a university with which we have an exemption agreement

    you may also be eligible for exemption from the following CAA exams, depending on the exams or

    degree you have completed.

    If you are eligible for exemption from:  You will be eligib le for exemption from:  

    CT1 Module 1

    CT3 and CT4 Module 2

    CT5 Module 3

    CT6 Module 4

    CA2 Module 5

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    You can find details of the agreements we have with these associations and universities on the

    website at:


    The CAA exam exemptions listed on these website pages are the only ones available to new Student

     Actuarial Analysts.

    Fellowship students

    If you are a Fellowship student who has already passed the exams for subjects CT1, CT3, CT4, CT5,

    CT6 and CA2, you will be able transfer and to qualify as a CAA as long as you also meet the work-

    based skills and professionalism requirements.

    There is no deadline for making this choice to transfer.

    If you choose to transfer from the Fellowship qualification to the CAA qualification you will not loseyour existing exam passes. They will remain on your exam record in case you move back once again

    to the Fellowship qualification.

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    Your certifi cate

    You will be sent a certificate for your qualification approximately 8 weeks after

    becoming a Certified Actuarial Analyst.

    This will be sent to the address we have recorded for you, so you must ensure

    that your contact details are up to date.

    Continuing to Fellowship

    If you decide that you would like to become a fully qualified actuary, it will be possible for you to go on

    to study for Associateship (and then Fellowship) of the IFoA.

    This route will be available from 2017/18, as part of the IFoA’s Education Strategy review and in time

    for when we anticipate demand will arise for this from the first fully qualified CAAs.

    This will be a longer route to becoming an actuary, which is why it is so important for you to choose

    the qualification which is right for you.

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    Regulation of members

     As a Certified Actuarial Analyst you will be subject to regulation by the

    Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, including:

      compliance with the Actuaries’ Code

      the Disciplinary Scheme and CPD Scheme, and

      ongoing CPD and professional skills training requirements.

    The IFoA is incorporated by Royal Charter, which states that its objectives shall be, in the public

    interest, to advance all matters relevant to actuarial science and its application and to regulate and

    promote the actuarial profession. The IFoA’s work is overseen by the UK’s Financial Reporting

    Council (FRC).

    The FRC sets technical standards for members working within the scope of the FRC's geographic

     jurisdiction. The IFoA has the primary responsibility for the regulation of its members acting in their

    professional capacity. This responsibility includes issuing:

      ethical standards for all members worldwide; and

      technical/professional standards for members working outside of the FRC’s geographic


     As a member of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries you are bound by the Charter, Bye-laws, Rules

    and Regulations: 

    The full regulatory framework consists of:

      the Actuaries’ Code,

      Actuarial Profession Standards (APSs) (which include the APSs, Guidance Notes (GNs), the

    FRC Technical Actuarial Standards, and Information and Assistance Notes (IANs),the

    Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Scheme which includes Professional Skills

    Training requirements, and

      non-mandatory resource material to help members apply our ethical standards in practice.

    You can find this material in the Upholding Standards section of the website: 

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    The Actuaries’ Code

    The Actuaries’ Code consists of principles which members of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries

    are expected to observe in the public interest in order to build and promote confidence in the work of

    actuaries and the actuarial profession itself.

    The Code applies at all times to members’ professional conduct and it may also be taken intoaccount where their conduct in other contexts could reasonably be considered to reflect on the

    profession. The Code will be taken into account if a member’s conduct is called into question under

    the Disciplinary Scheme.

    The Actuaries’ Code is available on the website in the Standards and Guidance section of the


    If you have any queries about the Actuaries’ Code, APS, TASs, or an ethical issue, you are

    encouraged to seek guidance from the confidential Professional Support Service; see 

    Disciplinary scheme

    The Institute and Faculty of Actuaries considers allegations of professional misconduct against

    individual members under its Disciplinary Scheme. An independent Disciplinary Board oversees the

    management and operation of the Scheme. Matters which have a wider impact on the public interest

    in the UK are dealt with by the FRC under its Actuarial [Discipline] Scheme.

    Information about the Schemes can be found on the following websites at:



    Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

    One quality that distinguishes a profession is the acceptance of a responsibility, in the public interest,

    to keep levels of knowledge and competence current throughout a career through a rigorous

    programme of professional development.

    Our CPD Scheme demonstrates our commitment to that responsibility and is the practical expression

    of the principle set out in the Actuaries’ Code, that: “Members will keep their competence up-to-date”.

    We keep the operation of our CPD scheme under regular review.

    We require that our Certified Actuarial Analysts, with some limited exceptions, complete a minimum

    amount of CPD each year and report their activities to us. You are not required to complete an

    annual quota of CPD, although you will need to complete some professional skills training each year.

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    Therefore as a Student Actuarial Analyst member you are covered by the CPD Scheme.

    To meet the requirements of the scheme you must undertake the professional skills training, shownon page 11.

    If you would like to learn more about the CPD Scheme, you can find the Scheme itself and other

    guidance on the website. 

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    400 Club

    One of the key elements of the Institute and Faculty’s strategy is 'to offer

    excellent support that meets members' varied and evolving needs'. As part

    of this drive, and to help track our progress four hundred volunteers have

     joined our pioneering "400 Club" to give us feedback on how we are doing.

    To ensure that the Club is an accurate representation of the membership we have selected members

    with care, and they represent the entire membership body. There are IFoA members spanning all

    ages, locations and practice areas, and student members and international members are well

    represented too with members taking part from across the world.

    The commitment to the 400 Club is not onerous; it means answering an online questionnaire about 6times a year. However, your input will have a big impact on how we respond to members' needs

    going forward, and by doing so you will help shape the future of your profession.

    You can read what some of our members thought of their time as a volunteer member of the IFoA's

    pioneering 400 Club via this link: 

    If you are interested in volunteering to be part of the 400 Club please volunteer to join the reserve list.

    Details can be found on the Volunteer Vacancies section of the website: 

    Or contact Debbie Atkins, Head of Volunteer Engagement, to find out more.

    [email protected]

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     Appendix 1Exam RegulationsCertif ied Actuarial Analyst(April 2014)

    1. The assessments leading to qualification as a Certified Actuarial Analyst of the Institute andFaculty of Actuaries (IFoA) consist of the following subjects:

    Module 0 – Entry Exam

    Module 1 – Finance and Financial Mathematics

    Module 2 – Statistics and Models

    Module 3 – Long Term Actuarial Mathematics

    Module 4 – Short Term Actuarial Mathematics

    Module 5 – Models and Audit Trails

    OPAT – Online Professional Awareness Test

    Modules 0-4 are assessed by computer based testing held at specific assessment centres. The

    exam will run for 2 hours with 15 minutes at the start of the exam for administrative purposes.

    Module 5 is 3 hour web based exam.

    2. To become a Certified Actuarial Analyst candidates must obtain passes in all subjects.

    Candidates must also satisfy any other conditions for Certified Actuarial Analyst Membership as

    required by the Council of the IFoA (the Council) from time to time.