caddo steam presenation stem + arts

Common Ground: The CaddoSTEAM Project Presenters: Paul Spivey, Susan Tompkins, Jan Graff

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Post on 10-Dec-2014




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Caddo Parish Schools partnered with Biomedical Research Foundation, Cyber Innovation Center & Louisiana Tech University for STEAM movement.


  • 1. Common Ground: The CaddoSTEAM Project Presenters: Paul Spivey, Susan Tompkins, Jan Graff

2. COLLABORATION 3. Concept: PD must be embedded Strengthen core knowledge Problem/Project Driven Standards/Deeper Exploration 4. "Every teacher is a S.T.E.M. teacher. Economists predict that over 80% of all jobs in the coming decades will require some kind of STEM background 5. STEAM in Congress U.S. House Committee on Science, Space and Technology http://www.youtub U425V3NSkESTEAM Caucus Briefing http://www.youtub vH0sEEtgWw 6. STEAM in Congress U.S.House Committee on Science, Space and Technology 5V3NSkE STEAMCaucus Briefing sEEtgWw 7. For These Schools, Adding Arts to STEM Boosts Curriculum Adding the arts to a STEM curriculum engages students who might otherwise have been left behind 8. Teacher Quotes Thesheer involvement in this hands-on program has made me feel exponentially more confident in exposing my students to similar projects. Ibelieve that [the students] are learning and, more importantly, using and applying that information in real and relevant ways. 9. Caddosteam makeup 1) TechSTEP Academic Year Program2) STEM EDA Academic Year Curriculum 10. NICERC Focus Teacher Professional DevelopmentCurriculum DesignCollaboration in K-12 Education 11. NICERC Themes Professional and Leadership DevelopmentSystemic and Sustainable Change Mentoring and EmpowermentHands-on, Project-driven Context for the Content Integration of STEM with Liberal Arts 12. Tech STEM Talent Expansion Program (STEP) Professional Development Program Interactive professional development program aimed at high school science and math teachersTeacher Workshops and Discovery Weekends Cohort of teachers attend a series of collaborative Teacher Workshops leading to Discovery Weekends with their students where they design prototypes and apply knowledge gainedCommon Engineering/Science Theme The workshops and weekends are designed around a common engineering or science theme for the year illustrate practical applications of high school mathematics and science topics 13. video 14. I am comfortable answering the "Why do I need to know that?" questions posed by students. 63%agree or strongly agree before the program 95%agree or strongly agree after the program 15. NICERC Offerings Curricula STEM EDA, Cyber Literacy, Cyber Science, Physics, Advanced Math for Engineering and Science Programs Cyber Discovery, Cyber Discovery 2.0, Junior Cyber Discovery, STEP Competitions Regional Autonomous Robotics Circuit, Nationally and Regionally Supported Competitions Internships NICERC STEM Education Interns Consulting Subject Matter Experts (Multi-level Consulting, Technology Implementation, Curricular Implementation) 16. Curricula Vertical Integration Grade Level 6-8thCurricula STEM: Explore, Discover, Apply9thCyber Literacy10thCyber Science11thPhysics12thAdvanced Math for Engineering and Science 17. STEM: Explore, Discover, Apply Course Sequence Three course elective sequence for middle school grades 6-8 covering a series of hands-on projects incorporating STEM fundamentalsModular CurriculumProvides flexibility for teachers to implement in full or embed within existing math/science courseStudent OutcomesImproves student problem-solving and critical thinking skills as well as develop invaluable competencies in leadership, teambuilding, creativity, and communicationEngineering Design ProcessGuides the students through the research, development, and analysis of their prototypesdesign, 18. Engineering Design Process 19. Education Discovery Forum Dynamic Professional Development ExperienceOffers a dynamic professional development experience for 6th - 12th grade teachers interested in implementing innovative curricula across multiple disciplinesHands-on ExperienceTeachers gain experience in NICERCs integrated curricula and learn new ways to engage their studentsCollaborative EnvironmentTo foster relationships between K-12 teachers and university facultyAccess to CurriculumAccess to lessons, presentations, resources, exam banks, etc. 20. watch?v=_DIMvagz31ovideo 21. For More Info about the Education Discovery Forum 22. Find this slideshow at Slideshare or use the QR code with any [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]