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CAF Reporting Patrick STAES Nick THIJS European CAF Resource Centre European Institute of Public Administration - EIPA IPSG meeting 4 & 5 April 2013, Dublin

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Page 1: CAF Reporting Patrick STAES Nick THIJS European CAF Resource Centre European Institute of Public Administration - EIPA IPSG meeting 4 & 5 April 2013, Dublin

CAF Reporting


European CAF Resource Centre

European Institute of Public Administration - EIPA

IPSG meeting

4 & 5 April 2013, Dublin

Page 2: CAF Reporting Patrick STAES Nick THIJS European CAF Resource Centre European Institute of Public Administration - EIPA IPSG meeting 4 & 5 April 2013, Dublin


1. CAF 2013

2. CAF and Education version

3. European and national CAF action plans

4. CAF contribution to the broader MTP

5. CAF at the 7th QC

Outline & topics

Page 3: CAF Reporting Patrick STAES Nick THIJS European CAF Resource Centre European Institute of Public Administration - EIPA IPSG meeting 4 & 5 April 2013, Dublin


Reminder:•Presentation at 5th European CAF Users Event, Oslo, September 2012•Approval by IPSG, October 2012 and DG’s, December 2012, in Cyprus

For the moment: •Various member states are in the process of translating and promoting the CAF 2013

1. CAF 2013

Page 4: CAF Reporting Patrick STAES Nick THIJS European CAF Resource Centre European Institute of Public Administration - EIPA IPSG meeting 4 & 5 April 2013, Dublin


- As with the CAF 2006, the CAF 2013 is “translated” for the sector of education

- Thanks to the Working Group (Belgium, Italy, Norway , Portugal and EIPA) CAF & Education is ready

- Final version will be ready for DG’s meeting

2. CAF and Education

Page 5: CAF Reporting Patrick STAES Nick THIJS European CAF Resource Centre European Institute of Public Administration - EIPA IPSG meeting 4 & 5 April 2013, Dublin


• MTP ambition: Drafting of European and national CAF plans

• Link with the EU 2020 strategy (“qualitative public sectors”)

• And with the EU 2014-2020 programming/budget. Topical area 11 of the common strategic framework (“Enhancing institutional capacity and efficient public administration”)

• The important role CAF plays and can play in this field

3. European and national CAF action plans

Page 6: CAF Reporting Patrick STAES Nick THIJS European CAF Resource Centre European Institute of Public Administration - EIPA IPSG meeting 4 & 5 April 2013, Dublin


• Target set by the CAF National correspondents: 3500 registered CAF Users by the end of the MTP

• 3 strategic objectives:

1. to promote the use of CAF at European and national level to enhance administrative capacity of the public sector in Europe

2. to spread and improve the use of CAF

3. to support organisations in the use of CAF

3. European and national CAF action plans (Cont.)

Page 7: CAF Reporting Patrick STAES Nick THIJS European CAF Resource Centre European Institute of Public Administration - EIPA IPSG meeting 4 & 5 April 2013, Dublin


1. Topic : “CAF & staff engagement”

CAF NC will prepare a discussion note on the topic

2. CAF Action plans roll out and implementation

During Lithuanian and Greek Presidency

3. Preparation of the 6th CAF users event (2014)

During Lithuanian and Greek Presidency

4. CAF contribution to the broader MTP

Page 8: CAF Reporting Patrick STAES Nick THIJS European CAF Resource Centre European Institute of Public Administration - EIPA IPSG meeting 4 & 5 April 2013, Dublin


Proposal for CAF in the 7QC

-Agora style “CAF and Administrative Capacity Building”

-Parallel session on CAF

5. CAF at the 7th QC