cag document generation achitecture

20 Document Generation Architectures Tim Murphy Technical Specialist

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Post on 11-Nov-2014




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Document Generation Architectures

Tim MurphyTechnical Specialist

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Objective• Show how open standards for business

documents allows you to build template based, business logic oriented, rich presentation document generation solutions without installing business document applications on your server.

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Agenda• Review Document Generation• Competing Standards• Common Features• Why Template Based Solutions• Separating Business Logic From

Presentation• Office Open XML Demo

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Review Document Generation• Print Merge• Office Automation• Office Open XML• Open Document Format

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Competing Standards• Microsoft Office

– Office Open XML (OOXML)– Favored by Microsoft community– Best library from Microsoft

• Open Source– Open Document Format (ODF)– Favored by Open Source community– Best libraries in Java

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Common Features• Open Standards• XML Based• Packaged As Zip Files• Do Not Require Application Binaries

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Document Structure

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What Is Open XML

• ISO Standard – Interesting Fact

Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here

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Good Document Generation• Template Based• Isolate Presentation Code• Build/Use Business Rules Engine

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Why Template Based Solutions• User Can See End Product• Complex Document Standards =

Complex Code• Cloning Document Parts Is Efficient

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Isolate Presentation Code• Define Data Structures• Define Data Markup (Annotation)• Consistent Markup

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Build/Use Business Rules Engine• Documents Are Data Heavy• Business Rules Engines Give Flexibility

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Office Open XMLDevelopment

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How The SDK Tools Are Critical• Thank you Document Reflector• The OpenXml Diff tool increases

productivity• Document Validator• OOXML Documentation

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General Challenges With Document Generation• Uniquely Identify Object• Identifying text in charts• Different containers for the same object

types depending on conditions

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So Let’s See Some Real Code


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Real World Results• Research Director, Inc.• Microsoft Case Study • 200 presentations, each consists of 440 slides

including 372 charts/tables


re 8 hours each

1600 hours


er 10

minutes each

33 hours

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ResourcesDownload OOXML SDK –

OpenXML Developer –

Eric White’s Blog -

Microsoft Case Study -

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ResourcesAspose .NET Components –

ODF Toolkit Open Source Library –

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Thank You!Blogs –

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Twitter –@twmurph