calculation for water pressure testing

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Page 1: Calculation for Water Pressure Testing

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Calculation for Initial Water Pressure Testing

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1.0 INTRODUCTION..........................................................3

2.0 DEFINITION AND ABBREVIATION.................................3

3.0 THE REFERENCE STANDARD........................................34.0 MODEL SETUP............................................................4

5.0 CALCULATION PROCESS..............................................6

5.1 CALCULATION FOR  THE PRESSURE LOAD:........................................6


5.3 BEARING CAPACITY OF CONCRETE SLAB:.........................................7

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1.0 Intro!"t#on

Based on Item testing Appendix A of the contract, following is the specific calclation for initial water pressre testing.

2.0 D$%n#t#on &n A''r$(#&t#on

P! applied test pressre

 A! area of pipe section

"! force de to the water pressre

#$%! &em'er allowa'le strain

"(! 'earing force of one lifting )ac*s

"1! the total 'earing of the mem'ers

"a! the force of one mem'er 

"d! the force of the design

 A(! Area of one hori+ontal section of mem'er 'ar 

1! length ratio of the mem'er 

-! length coefficient of the mem'er 

! length of the mem'er 

i! radis of inertia of mem'er section

! standard length ratio of the mem'er 

"cr! allowa'le 'earing force of press'ending

0! ratio of radis

"n! straining on the consla'

#$con%! design ale of the grade 35 concrete

3.0 T)$ r$*$r$n"$ +t&n&r

A standard of strctre! A4I 31(5

B 6 188211!2((9A test standard! A:&

;&<=6>25((<(1! :he geologic report

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4.0 Mo$, S$t!-

 As per or site arrangement, on 'oth sides of pipe testing section the spporting s?stem consistof seeral components inclding 'lan* flange, anchor 'olts, ( nos. lifting )ac*s,5 nos. [email protected] plate and concrete sla' [email protected]@(.1m against to ndistr'ed soil.

Please refer to following &odel and photos.Model:

PIP6 364:I7


7CI3:<B6C 3I

3:66 PA:6

[email protected]

474<6:6 3AB


67: PIP6

PIP6 "A7D6

;A:6< 3PPE

"<& ;A:6< P&P P<633<6 DAD6

"II7D PIP6PIP6 "< P<633<6 DAD6


&6&B6< BA<


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5.0 C&,"!,&t#on Pro"$++

5.1 C&,"!,&t#on *or t)$ -r$++!r$ ,o&

Basic parameter!

p Htest pressreJ1K.5'ar CHdiameter of the pipeJ1.Km

 AHarea of pipe sectionJ0@CL2/[email protected]/9J2.(mL2

"Hforce de to the water pressreJp@AJ33@1(L2G

5.2 C&,"!,&t#on *or /$/'$r '&r+ '$&r#n "&-&"#t &n +t&'#,#t

1. Bearing capacit ($r#%"&t#on:

#$%Hmem'er allowa'le strainJ8(&Pa

"(H'earing force of one lifting )ac*sJ5@5((GJ25((GHMantit? is 5,one lifting force is 5((G

"1Hthe total 'earing of the mem'ersJ33((25((J((G

"aHthe force of one mem'erJ((/(J1(G

"dHthe force of the designJ1.5@1(J15G

 A(HArea of one hori+ontal section of mem'er 'ar J0@27L2/9J572.3mmL2

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