caldecott-newberry program


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Page 1: Caldecott-Newberry Program
Page 2: Caldecott-Newberry Program
Page 3: Caldecott-Newberry Program

The Newbery CaldeCoTT awards baNqueT 2010

Hilton Washington • Washington, D.C.JuNe 27, 2010

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Thom barThelmess, President Association for Library service to Children,

a division of the American Library Association

Camila alire, President American Library Association

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riTa auerbaCh Chair, 2010 Caldecott Award selection Committee

KaTie o’dell Chair, 2010 Caldecott Award selection Committee

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The rAndoLPh CALdeCoTT MedALJerry PiNKNey

“The Lion & the Mouse” Little, Brown Books for Young readers

The John newBerY MedALrebeCCa sTead

“when You reach Me” wendy Lamb Books, an imprint of random house Children’s Books

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The 2010 CALdeCoTT honor Book iLLusTrATors

marla Frazee “All the world”

Beach Lane Books, an imprint of Atheneum Books for Young readers/ simon & schuster

Pamela zagareNsKi “red sings from Treetops: A Year in Colors”

houghton Mifflin Books for Children/ houghton Mifflin harcourt

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The 2009 newBerY honor Book AuThors

PhilliP hoose “Claudette Colvin: Twice Toward Justice”

Melanie kroupa Books/farrar straus giroux, an imprint of Macmillan Children’s Publishing group

JaCqueliNe Kelly “The evolution of Calpurnia Tate”

henry holt Books for Young readers, an imprint of Macmillan Children’s Publishing group

graCe liN “where the Mountain Meets the Moon”

Little, Brown and Company Books for Young readers/ hachette Book group usA

rodmaN PhilbriCK “The Mostly True Adventures of homer P. figg”

The Blue sky Press, an imprint of scholastic inc.

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2010 rAndoLPh CALdeCoTT AwArd seLeCTion CoMMiTTee

riTa auerbaCh, new York, n.Y., Chairzahra m. baird, Cineaste/Librarian, white Plains, n.Y.

ChrisTy b. esTroviTz, san francisco Public Library, san francisco, Calif.ChrisTi showmaN Farrar, woburn Public Library, woburn, Mass.

suzaNNe harold, Multnomah County Library, Portland, ore.merri liNdgreN, Cooperative Children’s Book Center, university of wisconsin-Madison

geNe NelsoN, Provo City Library, Provo, utahJulie raNelli, Queen Anne’s County free Library, stevensville, Md.

Julie roaCh, Cambridge Public Library, Cambridge, Mass.braNdy saNChez, daniel Boone regional Library, Columbia, Mo.

JohN P. sCoTT, friends school of Baltimore, Baltimore, Md.heNrieTTa m. smiTh, sLis-university of south florida, Tampa, fla.

JoaNNa ward, County of Los Angeles Public Library, Los Angeles, Calif.JaN s. waTKiNs, skokie Public Library, skokie, ill.

luCiNda whiTehursT, st. Christopher’s school, richmond, Va.

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honored guesTs (ConTinued)

KeiTh miChael Fiels executive director, American Library Association

miCKi FreeNy Co-Chair, ALsC Local Arrangements Committee

saho FuJii senior designer, Little, Brown Books for Young readers

loida garCía-Febo President, reforMA

gary geNTel President, Trade and reference division, houghton Mifflin harcourt

mary ghiKas senior Associate executive director, American Library Association

beTsy grobaN senior Vice President and Publisher,

houghton Mifflin harcourt Children’s Book group

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honored guesTs (ConTinued)

PaTTi aNN harris senior Art director, Little, Brown Books for Young readers

allyN JohNsToN Vice President and Publisher, Beach Lane Books

melaNie KrouPa editor-at-Large, Marshall Cavendish

weNdy lamb Vice President, Publishing director, wendy Lamb

alviNa liNg senior editor, Little, Brown Books for Young readers

CaroliNe meCKler Associate editor, wendy Lamb Books

Kim olseN-ClarK director, American Library Association development office

aNN rider executive editor, houghton Mifflin Books for Children

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honored guesTs (ConTinued)

roberT l. siberT President, Bound to stay Bound Books, inc.

aNdrea sPooNer senior executive editor, Little, Brown Books for Young readers

aimee sTriTTmaTTer executive director, Association for Library service to Children

megaN TiNgley senior Vice President and Publisher, Little, Brown Books for Young readers

sharoN KorbeCK verbeTeN editor, Children and Libraries:

The Journal of the Association for Library service to Children boNNie verburg

editorial director, The Blue sky Press, an imprint of scholastic inc.Julie walKer

executive director, American Association of school Librariansdavid youNg

Chairman and Ceo, hachette Book group

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honored guesTsala legaCy soCieTy members

JohN aNdersoN executive Vice President & Publisher, simon & schuster Children’s Publishing

CassaNdra barNeTT President, American Association of school Librarians

ellie berger President, Trade Publishing, scholastic inc.

ChrisToPher borawsKi Co-Chair, ALsC Local Arrangements Committee

simoN boughToN Publisher, farrar straus giroux,

an imprint of Macmillan Children’s Publishing groupliNda brauN

President, Young Adult Library services AssociationJeaN Feiwel

senior Vice President and director, Macmillan Children’s Publishing group; Publisher, feiwel and friends and square fish

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2010 John newBerY AwArd seLeCTion CoMMiTTee

KaTie o’dell, Multnomah County Library, Portland, ore., ChairJoel baNgilaN, san Antonio Public Library, san Antonio, Texas

meaghaN m. baTTle, Berkley, Mich.NaNCy baumaNN, Albany County school district, Laramie, wyo.

FraNCesCa burgess, Brooklyn Public Library, Brooklyn, n.Y.sTeveN eNgelFried, Multnomah County Library, Portland, ore.

lori FausT, warren-Trumbull County Public Library, warren, ohiodiaNe FooTe, Chicago

elva garza, southeast Austin Community Branch Library, Austin, Texasmaria e. geNTle, Arlington Public Library, Arlington, Va.

liNNea heNdriCKsoN, Bandelier elementary school, Albuquerque, n.M.holly JiN, skokie Public Library, skokie, ill.

alisoN o’reilly, Austin Public Library, Austin, Texasmaria salvadore, washington, d.C.

deborah sTeveNsoN, Center for Children’s Books, Champaign, ill.

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The Association for Library service to Children, a division of the American Library Association, gratefully acknowledges the receipt

of contributions from Little, Brown and Company Books for Young readers to the frederic g. Melcher scholarship endowment in honor of Jerry Pinkney for “The Lion & the Mouse” and scholastic inc. to the frederic g. Melcher scholarship endowment in honor of rodman Philbrick for “The Mostly True Adventures of homer P. figg.”