calling - issue 07 - (14 march 2013)

14 March 2013 No. 07 60 Park Parade Shorncliffe QLD 4017 Tel (07) 3631 9000 Fax (07) 3631 9001 Email offi[email protected] A Catholic Boys' School in the Edmund Rice Tradition catering for Years 5 to 12 Dear Members of the St. Patrick’s College Community Today we rejoice with the announcement of our new Pope, Francis 1. We pray for him as he begins his leadership role of the Catholic Church. Tomorrow the College will celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with a Mass in the morning, followed by the Great Morven Race. It is obviously a special day in our College calendar and I extend an invitation to parents to join the staff and students at Mass in the Callan Centre at 8:45am. Friday is also a Green and Gold Day and students are asked to donate a gold coin. Each Green and Gold Day a different charity is selected to receive the funds raised. is year the Leukaemia Foundation has been chosen. is coincides with the Shave for a Cure campaign which a number of students are involved with on Friday. It is an excellent cause and I ask all students to donate their gold coins on Friday. Another aspect of our St. Patrick’s Day celebrations is the Shindig which is scheduled for Saturday, 23 March, in the Callan Centre. ere are only a few spots left so be quick and contact the College office on 3631 9000 to secure your tickets. Term 1 is rapidly coming to an end with Year 11 and 12 students already completing examinations and other year levels to follow. Reports will be sent home at the conclusion of Term 1 and Parent Teacher meetings are scheduled for early in Term 2. On the last day of Term 1 Shore to Gate will be held. is will be a great way to finish what has been a busy term. All students have already been given sponsorship cards and we ask that the card and money collected are returned before Shore to Gate takes place. As in previous years, 50% of the funds raised will be donated to our various House charities whilst the remainder will be directed to a school project. is year the money will go towards the installation of two additional projectors and screens in the Callan Centre and extra speakers to enhance the sound quality in the centre. e Callan Centre is used extensively for a range of activities so ensuring people can see the images on the screens is important. Since all students will benefit from these additions, I encourage all students to support the cause. e new equipment will be installed over the holidays and will be in operation for the start of Term 2. Finally this week, I wish to congratulate Mr Ben Greenfield and wife Isadora on the birth of their second child Luke. All are doing well. Have a great week God Bless Dr Michael Carroll College Principal WANTED CLEANER Permanent Position 25 hrs per WEEK 12:00-6:00pm Monday – Friday Start beginning second Term 15 April Contact Murray Schultz 0401997753 All students are to wear College tie Terms 2 and 3.

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Today we rejoice with the announcement of our new Pope, Francis 1. We pray for him as he begins his leadership role of the Catholic Church.


Page 1: Calling - Issue 07 - (14 March 2013)

14 March 2013 No. 07 60 Park Parade Shorncliffe QLD 4017 Tel (07) 3631 9000 Fax (07) 3631 9001 Email [email protected]

A Catholic Boys' School in the Edmund Rice Tradition catering for Years 5 to 12

Dear Members of the St. Patrick’s College Community Today we rejoice with the announcement of our new Pope, Francis 1. We pray for him as he begins his leadership role of the Catholic Church. Tomorrow the College will celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with a Mass in the morning, followed by the Great Morven Race. It is obviously a special day in our College calendar and I extend an invitation to parents to join the staff and students at Mass in the Callan Centre at 8:45am. Friday is also a Green and Gold Day and students are asked to donate a gold coin. Each Green and Gold Day a different charity is selected to receive the funds raised. This year the Leukaemia Foundation has been chosen. This coincides with the Shave for a Cure campaign which a number of students are involved with on Friday. It is an excellent cause and I ask all students to donate their gold coins on Friday. Another aspect of our St. Patrick’s Day celebrations is the Shindig which is scheduled for Saturday, 23 March, in the Callan Centre. There are only a few spots left so be quick and contact the College office on 3631 9000 to secure your tickets. Term 1 is rapidly coming to an end with Year 11 and 12 students already completing examinations and other year levels to follow. Reports will be sent home at the conclusion of Term 1 and Parent Teacher meetings are scheduled for early in Term 2. On the last day of Term 1 Shore to Gate will be held. This will be a great way to finish what has been a busy term. All students have already been given sponsorship cards and we ask that the card and money collected are returned before Shore to Gate takes place. As in previous years, 50% of the funds raised will be donated to our various House charities whilst the remainder will be directed to a school project. This year the money will go towards the installation of two additional projectors and screens in the Callan Centre and extra speakers to enhance the sound quality in the centre. The Callan Centre is used extensively for a range of activities so ensuring people can see the images on the screens is important. Since all students will benefit from these additions, I encourage all students to support the cause. The new equipment will be installed over the holidays and will be in operation for the start of Term 2. Finally this week, I wish to congratulate Mr Ben Greenfield and wife Isadora on the birth of their second child Luke. All are doing well. Have a great week God Bless

Dr Michael Carroll College Principal


Permanent Position 25 hrs per WEEK

12:00-6:00pm Monday – Friday

Start beginning second Term 15 April Contact Murray Schultz


All students are to wear College tie Terms 2 and 3.

Page 2: Calling - Issue 07 - (14 March 2013)

2 | St Patrick’s College Calling 

Mr David Gardiner College Dean

CONNECT TIP OF THE WEEK Parents are able to access Parent Lounge through Connect. If you log onto Connect there is a button on the left hand side that will direct you to Parent Lounge. Once in Parent Lounge you will be able to access a range of data including your son’s results, his cur-rent assessment tasks, update your contact details, upcoming events, copies of previous reports, your financial account and the ca-pacity to pay bills online.

SHORNCLIFFE SHUFFLERS A great turn out for our second Shore to Gate practice run last Sunday. Conditions were perfect for running!

This Sunday we return to our 40 or 60 minute options running around the local area.

Meet at 6.55am in the plaza for a 7am start. All running abilities, students, parents and friends welcome. Younger athletes in primary school should be accompanied by an adult in case they are unable to complete the 40 minute course.

Many Shorncliffe Shufflers are now also running on Saturday mornings at the free 7am Sandgate Park Run (next to the pool). Congratulations to Makoi Makuel for his 2nd place at the Park Run last Saturday.

If you have not already downloaded the SPC App, I would encourage you to do so for your iphone or android phone. You are able to select specific aspects to reduce the number of notices received. On the extreme bottom right of the app there is a button that will take you to settings. Under this heading is a subheading called Subscriptions. Clicking the associated arrow will take you to a page with Whole School, AIC Sport and CIC Sport listed. Whole School is for general notices—such as a notice regarding bus delays or camps and excursions. AIC and CIC Sport will provide information such as cancellation of train-ing or changes to venues, game times. Tick the relevant section for which you wish to receive notices and event information. It is only two weeks to the Shore to Gate. I hope all students are making some effort to raise some money as this is our major fundraising activity for the year. Half of the funds go to the particular House International project. We currently support many communities in India, East Timor, South Africa and the Phillipines. I know from first hand experience through our India Immer-sions, how much our donations mean to those communities. The money donated creates many opportunities for young people to attend school when it otherwise would be impossible. Education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty and the money our families raise provides hope to so many. Please support and encourage your son to be active in collecting donations/sponsors. It will make a difference.

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St Patrick’s College Calling | 3 

Mr Matthew Hawkins AP Identity

This week, the Catholic Church leaders – Cardinals from throughout the world – have gathered in Rome to elect our new Pope., Francis 1. This process is a reminder of the long history and tradition of the Catholic Church. This tradition is watched by billions, whether they are followers of the Catho-lic faith or not. People care about the outcome –it seems to symbolize not just the past, but also is a sign of the future. The timing of this Conclave is interesting. Globally, the Church is currently in the “Year of Faith”. If ever the Catholic population of the developed world needed to reflect on our faith, surely this is it. For young people today, faith does not necessarily come easily. Fewer Australian students attend Mass regularly than in the past; families are seemingly busier than ever before; and consequently, Catholic schools are, in my opinion, being asked informally (and in some cases for-mally) to provide the vast majority of faith experiences or spiritual formation experiences for young people, as opposed to the family or the local Parish. This is of course not to say that young people are not developing their faith within and through their family or parish community, just that the more traditional Catholic upbringing has changed a great deal in recent years. This presents a challenge to schools, and one that we endeavour to meet to the best of our ability. Sometimes I think the language we associate with the Church or with our faith can be difficult for our young people to engage with – at St Patrick’s, we try to provide experiences through which our students encounter God, or see the face of Christ. Perhaps they have not before recognized God in that experience but can do so after some reflection. That said, I think words are also important in deepening our understand-ing of our faith. One word we hear quite a bit is “Grace”. This year in Australia, since Pentecost 2012, is the “Year of Grace”. So, what does that mean? Let’s look at a couple of definitions of “Grace”:

“Faith seeking understanding is the beginning of grace at work. It comes into full play when this faith is expressed in action. Grace comes disguised in our acts of faith, hope and love, which are recognised through the eyes of faith seeking a greater understanding of God.” (Margaret Ghosn mshf) Or, U2 fans among you might recognise these lyrics from their song, “Grace”:

It's a name for a girl It's also a thought that changed the world

And when she walks on the street You can hear the strings

Grace finds goodness in everything What once was hurt

What once was friction What left a mark No longer stings

Because grace makes beauty Out of ugly things

Either way, let’s pray that “Grace” has been at the heart of the selection of Pope Francis 1 so that our quest to come to a fuller understanding of our faith can be nurtured by our Church leaders.

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4 | St Patrick’s College Calling 

Rylie Thompson-Bagshaw India Immersion

In trying to describe my time in India, I could explain our itinerary and nearly four weeks of amazing activities and sights. However, on reflection I think a more effec-tive way of explaining my true experience of India might be by sharing this simple story. The following story how-ever does no justice whatsoever to express exactly how loving and caring some people are towards us. When I first got to India we were put to work at one of the centres that Mother Teresa had started. It was called Dydan and it was a place for boys and girls who had a physical disability of a kind and who didn’t have a home. We worked there for 3 days doing many things to help out like laundry, cleaning walls, feeding children and also do-ing physiotherapy work on the children to help with their movement. One day while doing physiotherapy I was given the task of doing work with a small but very crippled girl named Sonia. When I first started to work with Sonia all the usual helpers and most of the Sisters were off on their break which proved to be quite unlucky as I was not clear on her name at the time as well as having to look for records so I could start work. So we went around and ended up find-ing someone telling us that her name was Sonia and gave me her files.

I worked with her for a good 20 minutes doing activities like stretching her legs out massaging, her shoulders and trying to lay her out properly for correct posture. The whole time during doing work with her I was having many mixed emotions, as she was showing quite a lot of dis-comfort and I was sure she couldn’t understand me. All that emotion was pushed into one moment when I read Sonia’s birthday it was 17/10/95. She was the same age as me. That’s when it hit me how serious it was what this poor girl was going through everyday and how if she wasn’t where she was today she would without a doubt not be alive today. How different our two 17 year old lives are and the troubles that they go through in India. It mainly taught me the differences between India and Australia and the struggles and hardship they face, I have taken this away from that experience and the whole trip.

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St Patrick’s College Calling | 5 

Mr Chris Campbell AP Curriculum


Ms Emily Rotta Student Counsellor

The Careers and Counsellor websites which are located under Student Life, Student Support are up and running and will display regularly updated careers information throughout this year.

In last week’s Calling article I spoke to the students regard-ing effective study habits. One of the points I made was to do with a strong reliance in some instance on end of term revision sheets. The comment raised an amount of discus-sion amongst staff as well as some of the students.

Like many things, the compilation of a series of revision questions is a genuine attempt to draw together a term’s work and assist students in becoming focussed for an up-coming exam. In isolation it is a reasonable teaching tool. My concern is when students either become dependant on revision sheets or in a worse case scenario, become compla-cent during the term because all that is required to be cov-ered will be the revision paper. In my view, the most effective way to develop the knowledge, skills and in depth understanding required for success in a subject is through a consistent application to classwork and homework. Coast-ing from week to week with a view to “switching on” in the week leading up to the exam is limited.

The same argument can be used regarding an over reliance on feedback provided on essay drafts. Once again, present-ing a rough copy of a piece of extended writing is a worth-while process. However, to maximise the benefits in doing this, the drafts should be the culmination of weeks of work. Writing a below par rough copy in the hope that a teacher will provide extensive feedback, which can then be used to structure the final copy is taking a short cut which in the long run may prove detrimental. The rough copy should come after weeks of completing shorter, focussed writing tasks.

Parents will note that in the middle school years, lots of units are now asking students to complete smaller sections of a task on a week by week basis. The aim is to develop knowledge and skills in a gradual way rather than over-whelming students with what can seem like an enormous culminating activity.

I am reminded of an incident in my second year of universi-ty. Faced with the task of writing 2,000 words as an assign-ment task, I approached my lecturer for some guidance on what to do and how to begin. At this initial stage I was ra-ther overwhelmed by the job at hand and felt that if my lecturer could give me an outline I would benefit in two ways. Firstly I would be clear on exactly what was required and secondly it would save me hours of researching materi-al that may ultimately prove irrelevant to the topic.

Dr Ryan listened patiently but declined to give me an out-line. Her suggestion was that I go back over the course con-tent with a view to formulating a series of questions in re-sponse. She encouraged me to challenge the assumptions made by the writers of our articles. Ask why. Try to find out more about the issue go and read a viewpoint from some-one with a different perspective and ask what are the flaws, if any, in this alternative way of thinking. At first, I had diffi-culty coming up with any questions at all. Eventually, I be-came better at doing this and have found this approach was not only valuable when studying, but has assisted me in the many years since then.

There are rarely easy options available on the path to suc-cess. Whilst the journey can be grinding, the benefits of a detailed and in-depth understanding are the ultimate prize.

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6 | St Patrick’s College Calling 

Mr Frank Torrisi AP Student Formation

As part of our St Patrick’s Day celebrations this Friday, we will be holding the annual Great Morven Race. 150 boys will participate in a flying dash around the school property and past the historic Morven House in the centre of the College grounds. It is an expectation that all boys in Years 11 and 12 attend our celebration. The students in Years 11 and 12 will be dismissed following the Great Morven Race. GREEN AND GOLD DAY – will be held tomorrow Friday, 15 March. Students are allowed to wear clothes to school that are predominantly green and gold. The aim of the day is to provide students with a chance to wear some-thing different to school but also to show their pride in their school. Students can wear blue denim shorts or jeans but all other pieces of clothing must be predominately green and/or gold. Closed shoes are compulsory and black school shoes are required for Manual Arts classes. Thongs are singlets are not permitted. We also ask all students to bring a gold coin donation. The money collect-ed will be donated to the Leukaemia Foundation. The SHORE TO GATE Walkathon will be held on the last day of this term- Friday 30 March. The day will involve a 10km walk/run, and House BBQs to finish the term. It is designed for students and staff to relax and enjoy a day together as well as raising some money for the College. Every student has been given a sponsor card this week for the Shore to Gate. We are asking every student to raise a minimum of $30. Last year the community raised nearly $50,000 and a similar strong effort by all will benefit the students greatly. Students are to wear their PE/Sports uni-form to school for the day.

TERM 2 UNIFORM A reminder that all students are re-quired to wear a College tie from the beginning of Term 2. Also all students in Years 10, 11 & 12 students require long trousers and blazers. These are available now from the Uni-form Shop. COMMUNICATION The Student Diary is a significant means of communication between staff and families. Please continue to use the Student Diary on a daily basis. If you have an urgent message that needs to be communi-cated to your son, please contact the Student Office and at an appropriate time during the day the message will be passed on to your son. If your son has an appointment dur-ing the day, please write a note in his diary so he can show his Group Tutor and his classroom teacher. This will ensure your son leaves class at the appropriate time to meet you at the Student Office to sign out. MOBILE PHONES We understand the need for many stu-dents to have a phone, particularly for communication purposes. St Patrick’s has a policy of taking a student’s phone if it is seen or heard during school hours. This aims to minimize the inappropriate use of mobile phones at school. The Mobile Phone Policy is clearly outlined in the College diary. I encourage all parents to read the policy and to support the College in maintaining a good teaching and learning environment. BLAZER A reminder that all boys in Years 10, 11 and 12 will be required to wear long trousers and their blazers to and from school during Term 2 and 3. In preparation for this I ask that if dry cleaning of Blazers is required, that this is done over the next couple of weeks for the commence-ment of Term 2.

HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED WHAT IT WOULD BE LIKE TO WORK AS A ZOO KEEPER? Well, wonder no more because the school holidays are back, and so is Australia Zoo's holiday program, Zoo Keeper For a Day! If you are aged between seven and twelve you can join the zoo crew to help feed the animals and clean enclosures, with ex-clusive behind the scenes access and plenty of hands-on action with some of our gorgeous animals. It's a day you won't forget! Places are booking out fast so call 07 5436 2025 to make a reserve your spot. Ages: 7 - 12 years Price: $85 Includes: Zoo entry, Zoo Keeper for a Day cap and water bottle, lunch, photo with one of our animals Duration: 5 hours Location: Australia Zoo Dates: 29 March to 14 April 2013 Further details are available at

Page 7: Calling - Issue 07 - (14 March 2013)

St Patrick’s College Calling | 7 

Mr Geoff Samuels Director of Culture

INTERHOUSE DEBATING 2013 ROUND TWO : Thursday March 21- 8:30am (House Assembly) Note- first team listed is the affirmative team. Junior Teams = one student from years 7, 8 and 9 (3 MINUTES MAX PER SPEAKER) Senior teams = one student from years 10, 11 and 12. (4 MINUTES MAX PER SPEAKER) JUNIOR DIVISION TOPIC “THAT MOTHERS ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN FATHERS”

GAME 2: THURSDAY March 21 House Assembly…8:30am




O206 O208 O210

Possible tie break game 3 if Treacy, Mooney or Coffey are defeated GAME 3 : if needed TUESDAY April 23 Period 5 (Junior Lunch) 12:30pm









E202 E203 E204

Possible tie break game3 if Mooney, Coffey or Treacy are defeated GAME 3 – If needed TUESDAY April 23 Period 6 (Senior Lunch) 1:20pm





DEBATING NEWS We might be heading into cooler months, but that just means the Debating action is getting even hotter. Last night saw our Firsts make their stunning debut for 2013. In front of a packed crowd, Patrick Cashman, Harrison Kecek and Christian Pana-retos were emphatic in their five point victory over Genesis Christian College, successfully arguing that we should have criminal penalties for all cases of cyber bullying. Through the many devoted parents and friends, the full force of the Paddies Battalion and a support crew of younger brothers (all proudly in full College uniform) we ensured that spectator numbers saw us notch up a win there too, with some ten SPC supporters to every one from the opposing school. Our two Year 10 teams also begun their 2013 campaign last night. Year 10 Team 2 (now under the expert tutelage of Mr Corfield) recorded a solid victory, arguing that schools should police the behaviour of students outside of school. Like their Team 1 counterparts, Alister Kerr, Tai Reupera and Matthew Southwell have all been Debating for the College since Year 8 and their developing experience continues to show. Unfortu-nately for Team 1 they, yet again, encountered some very stiff opposition. We fear a repeat of Season 2012, which saw this tremendous team come away with some very narrow defeats against incredibly daunting opponents, but Lachlan Kuhr, Har-rison Hanelt and Matthew Weekes will surely regroup and come back tougher than ever in Round 2. Whilst his team did

not come away with the win, Lachlan Kuhr’s theatrical opening was surely the ‘Most Memorable Moment’ from last night, de-scribed by the adjudicator as ‘awesome’. Next week – our Year 8s make their entrance into the big league. Be there to support them if you can 7.45pm @ St Paul’s. MS ZOE MORGAN, DEBATING COORDINATOR

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8 | St Patrick’s College Calling 

Mr Geoff Samuels Director of Culture

INTERHOUSE CHESS 2013 The finals of this year’s chess competition will be held during lunchtimes in the Waterford building on Wednesday March 27. Each House must provide 4 players per year level.





-18 BOARDS 19

-27 BOARDS 28-

36 BOARDS 1-


-18 BOARDS 19-

27 BOARDS 28


1 C v O 10 C v K 19 O v Q 28 C v O 1 C v X 10 C v T 19 O v E 28 C v T

2 O v X 11 K v T 20 Q v E 29 O v T 2 O v C 11 K v C 20 Q v O 29 O v C

3 X v C 12 T v C 21 E v O 30 T v C 3 X v O 12 T v K 21 E v Q 30 T v O

4 K v M 13 O v Q 22 K v M 31 Q v R 4 K v R 13 O v R 22 K v R 31 Q v X

5 M v R 14 Q v R 23 M v R 32 R v X 5 M v K 14 Q v O 23 M v K 32 R v Q

6 R v K 15 R v O 24 R v K 33 X v Q 6 R v M 15 R v Q 24 R v M 33 X v R

7 Q v E 16 M v E 25 C v T 34 K v M 7 Q v T 16 M v X 25 C v X 34 K v E

8 E v T 17 E v X 26 T v X 35 M v E 8 E v Q 17 E v M 26 T v C 35 M v K

9 T v Q 18 X v M 27 X v C 36 E v K 9 T v E 18 X v E 27 X v T 36 E v M




-18 BOARDS 19

-27 BOARDS 28-

36 BOARDS 1-


-18 BOARDS 19-

27 BOARDS 28


1 K v O 10 K v Q 19 C v E 28 K v M 1 K v E 10 K v E 19 C v R 28 K v Q

2 O v E 11 Q v E 20 E v R 29 M v Q 2 O v K 11 Q v K 20 E v C 29 M v K

3 E v K 12 E v K 21 R v C 30 Q v K 3 E v O 12 E v Q 21 R v E 30 Q v M

4 M v R 13 C v R 22 K v O 31 C v R 4 M v T 13 C v X 22 K v X 31 C v X

5 R v T 14 R v X 23 O v X 32 R v X 5 R v M 14 R v C 23 O v K 32 R v C

6 T v M 15 X v C 24 X v K 33 X v C 6 T v R 15 X v R 24 X v O 33 X v R

7 C v Q 16 M v O 25 M v Q 34 O v E 7 C v X 16 M v T 25 M v T 34 O v T

8 Q v X 17 O v T 26 Q v T 35 E v T 8 Q v C 17 O v M 26 Q v M 35 E v O

9 X v C 18 T v M 27 T v M 36 T v O 9 X v Q 18 T v O 27 T v Q 36 T v E

Page 9: Calling - Issue 07 - (14 March 2013)

St Patrick’s College Calling | 9 

Mr Luke Donatini Director of Sport

Like our younger swimmers last Tuesday 5th March at the CIC Swimming Championships, the St Patrick’s AIC swim-ming squad also represented their College proudly both in and out of the pool on Thursday 7th March at Chandler. This year’s AIC Swimming Championships saw some of the best performances we have seen in many years at a school boy level. There were over a dozen AIC records broken and those who witnessed the day were constantly kept enter-tained by the swimming performances. The overall general standard of AIC swimming has definitely lifted to another level with fitter and faster competitors. Not only were we impressed with the way in which our swimmers performed and gave it their all when competing for our College but we were equally impressed with how they conducted themselves outside of the pool. We were also very impressed with the behavior and enthusiasm of our Year 10 and Year12 supporters who really offered great support for our athletes on the day. Many thanks must also be extended to Mr Locke (SPC Coor-dinator of Swimming) and all the other coaches and staff involved in preparing our swimmers for the 2013 swimming season. Their time and dedication is greatly appreciated. Overall, St Patrick’s College placed 7th at the AIC champion-ships. We would like to offer our congratulations to Marist College who won the day. Following are the places for 2013: 1st MCA 2nd SPLC 3rd IONA 4th SLC 5th SEC 6th VILL 7th SPC 8th PAD

OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENTS Lachlan Stringfellow (Year 11) – selected into the Metropolitan North Under 19 Volleyball Team to compete at the Queensland Schools U19 Volleyball Championships, 21st to 24th March at Runaway Bay, Gold Coast. Christian Ramsey (Year 12) – selected into the Queensland U18 Indigenous Rugby Union Team to com-pete at the National Indigenous Championships, NCIE Sydney in April. Matthew Travers (Year 11) – selected into the Metro-politan North U19 Tennis Team to compete in the Queensland Schools Tennis Championships being held in Toowoomba. Thomas Giuliano (Year 8) and David Locke (Year 10) – selected into the Metropolitan North U15 AFL team to compete at Queensland Schools U15 AFL Championships in May at Dalby. Karl Haughey (Year 11) – won two Silver Medals at the Australian U16 Karate Championships held at Redbank Plains, Queensland, one for Sparring, one for Kata. Ben Barber (Year 7), Krishna Maisuria (Year 7), Liam Ferris (Year 7) – selected into the Bramble Bay District Un-der 12 Basketball Team. William Sanders (Year 7), Lachlan O'Hara and Mat-thew Moate – competed at the Queensland State Life Sav-ing Championships at Hervey Bay. William placed 2nd in the beach sprint. His team also came first (gold) in the All Age Relay. Matthew came 1st (gold) in the Under 11 beach re-lay. Lachlan competed well and placed in the top half of the field in the 1 km beach run.

MOUTH GUARD FUNDRAISER For every mouth guard made by Bracken Ridge Denture Clinic

$10 Goes Directly To St Patrick’s College.

Junior Mouth Guards (Grades 5 to 7) $80.00 Senior Mouth Guards (Grades 8 to 12) $120.00

Teams can order colour matching mouth guards or players can choose their own colours!!!

Teams can come on a Saturday or Sunday or players can make their own appointments. (after hours

available) Bracken Ridge Denture Clinic

ABN: 82361931575 2 Wurley St Bracken ridge 4017

PH: 0403706685 Ken Warland RDT/RDPNew Dentures Full & Partial

Dental Prosthetist Repairs & Relines Medicare Provider No. 4279081H







CURLEW PARK Further information regarding times of games will be published

next week

Page 10: Calling - Issue 07 - (14 March 2013)

10 | St Patrick’s College Calling 

Mr Luke Donatini Director of Sport

Metropolitan North Regional Sport Information All students and parents requesting information regarding any up and coming Met North Regional trials are asked to go to the Met North Website to find out such information - Metropolitan North Trial Information for various Cluster Days have been posted on the Met North Website and it is the responsibility of both students and parents to be aware of what trials are up and coming. For further information regarding these trials please contact Ryan Schultz (College Coaching Administrator).

SPC Rugby and Football Fixture Calendar 2013

Wet Weather Sports Information Line

The telephone number for St Patrick’s College Sports Information Line is 3631 9080. Please be reminded that in the event of Wet Weather, any changes to the published schedule for sporting fixtures will be made just before 7.00am on the day of the fixtures (via Information Line)

St Patrick’s College App (Only used for Cancellations or Changes)

The St Patrick’s College App will also be updated (send through a notification) should there be any cancellations or changes in sporting events due to wet weather.

Round Date Fixture Location Clinics 11 & 12

April Year 5 to Under 15

Home at SPC (Curlew Park, Shorncliffe)

Trial 13 April AIC vs VILL (H) CIC vs VILL (H)

Home at SPC (Curlew Park, Shorncliffe) Home at SPC (Curlew Park, Shorncliffe)

Trial 20 April AIC vs SPLC (H) CIC vs BBC (A)

Home at SPC (Curlew Park, Shorncliffe) Away at BBC (Miskin Street, Toowong)

R 1 27 April AIC vs MCA (A) CIC vs BGS (H)

Away at MCA(Frasers Road, Ashgrove) Home at SPC (Curlew Park, Shorncliffe)

R 2 4 May AIC vs SEC (A) CIC vs BBC (H)

Away at SEC (Mary Street Woodend, Ipswich) Home at SPC (Curlew Park, Shorncliffe)

R 3 11 May AIC vs IONA (H) CIC vs TSS (A)

Home at SPC (Curlew Park, Shorncliffe) Away at TSS (Lupus St, Southport)

R 4 18 May AIC vs PAD (H) CIC vs PAD (H)

Home at SPC (Curlew Park, Shorncliffe) Away at PAD Playing Fields (Elliott Rd, Banyo)

R 5 25 May AIC vs VILL (A) CIC vs ACGS (A)

Away at VILL Playing Fields (Manly Rd, Tingalpa) Away at ACGS (Oakland Pde East Brisbane)

R 6 1 June AIC vs SPLC (A) CIC vs IONA (A)

Away at SPLC (Hart Street, Indooroopilly) Away at IONA (North St, Wynnum West)

R 7 8 June AIC vs SLC (H) CIC vs NJC (H)

Home at SPC (Curlew Park, Shorncliffe) Home at SPC (Curlew Park, Shorncliffe)

Back to Shorncliffe Day

Please Note: The information supplied above is the current information available to us at this point in time. Changes to venue information may occur as the season commences and progresses.

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St Patrick’s College Calling | 11 

Mr Ryan Schultz Cricket Round 6/ March 16

AIC Cricket - St Patrick’s College vs St Peter’s Lutheran College

CIC Cricket St Patrick’s College vs Iona College

Team Time Venue Location 1st’s 9.00 – 5.15pm Curlew Park Oval 1

(Turf) Curlew Park, Curlew Street

Sandgate 2nd’s 1.00 – 5.30pm Mayer Oval (Turf)

St Peter’s Lutheran College SPLC Harts Road,

Indooroopilly 3rd’s 1.00 – 5.30pm Stoltz Oval (Turf)

St Peter’s Lutheran College SPLC Lambert Road,

Indooroopilly 4th’s 1.00 – 5.30pm

Indooroopilly State High

(Synthetic) Lambert Road, Indooroopilly

15A 8.15am – 12.45pm Mayer Oval (Turf) St Peter’s Lutheran College

SPLC Harts Road, Indooroopilly

15B 8.15am – 12.45pm Stoltz Oval (Turf) St Peter’s Lutheran College

SPLC Lambert Road, Indooroopilly

15C T/20

11.00am – 2.30pm (Vs SPC 14C)

St John Fisher College Oval 3 (Synthetic)

St John Fisher College John Fisher Drive, Bracken Ridge

14A 8.15am – 12.45pm Curlew Park Oval 2 (Turf)

Curlew Park, Curlew Street, Sandgate

14B 8.15am – 12.45pm Curlew Park Oval 3 (Turf)

Curlew Park, Curlew Street, Sandgate

14C T/20

11.00am – 2.30pm (Vs SPC 15C)

St John Fisher College Oval 3 (Synthetic)

St John Fisher College John Fisher Drive, Bracken Ridge

13A 1.00 – 5.30pm Curlew Park Oval 2 (Turf)

Curlew Park, Curlew Street, Sandgate

13B 1.00 – 5.30pm Curlew Park Oval 3 (Turf)

Curlew Park, Curlew Street, Sandgate

Team Time Venue Location 7A

30 Overs 8.00am – 11.45am Kianawah Park Oval 4

(Synthetic) Wynnum Road, Tingalpa

(Map 162 E14)

7B T/20

8.00am – 10.30am St John Fisher College Oval 3 (Synthetic)

St John Fisher College John Fisher Drive, Bracken Ridge

7C T/20

7.30am – 10.00am Kianawah Park Oval 6 (Synthetic)

Wynnum Road, Tingalpa (Map 162 E14)

7D T/20

7.30am – 10.00am St John Fisher College Oval 2 (Concrete)

St John Fisher College John Fisher Drive, Bracken Ridge

6A 30 Overs

8.00am – 11.30am St John Fisher College Oval 4 (Synthetic)

St John Fisher College John Fisher Drive, Bracken Ridge

6B T/20

7.30am – 10.00am Coghill Oval Iona College (Synthetic)

Iona College North Road, Wynnum West

5A 30 Overs

8.00am – 11.45am

Kianawah Park Oval 5 (Synthetic)

Wynnum Road, Tingalpa (Map 162 E14)

5B T/20

7.30am – 10.00am

St John Fisher College Oval 1 (Concrete)

St John Fisher College John Fisher Drive, Bracken Ridge

5C T/20

10.00am – 12.30pm

Dywer Oval Iona College (Synthetic)

Iona College North Road, Wynnum West

5D T/20

7.30am – 10.00am

Dwyer Oval Iona College (Synthetic)

Iona College North Road, Wynnum West

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Mr Tim Walker Volleyball Round 6 / March16

St Patrick’s College hosted Villanova College last weekend for the ‘age old’ battle between the green and gold. Overall, SPC won the day convincingly. Winning performances by 13A, 13B, 13C, 14A, 14C, 15B, 15A, 16A, 2nds and 1st VI teams were recorded. The Paddies’ Battalion was magnificent again with MVP performances from Makoi Makuel, Jakob Rosenblatt and Daniel Gerandonis. This weekend we face up against St. Peter’s Lutheran College, who we played in the trial round at the beginning of the year. We are looking to notch up another great ‘big team’ performance this weekend. As always, when St Patrick’s College is hosting, we must also provide people to perform ‘duty’ on our home games (team is in brackets below). Duty require-ments are two lines people, and 2 scorers. If you did not stay for duty last week, you will be required to do so this week. Training will be back to normal this week as Boondall is available again on Tuesday. Rosemary Martin at Boondall Sports Centre has also requested that ALL BOYS USE THE CHANGE ROOMS TO GET CHANGED AT BOONDALL. Students must be aware of this when in public places.

AIC Volleyball

St Patrick’s College vs. St. Peter’s Lutheran College

St Patrick’s College Venue: Callan Centre – Pier Avenue, Shorncliffe Please ensure boys are at the venue 30 minutes before game time.

Please Note: Access to Callan Centre is via Yundah Street or Park Pde. Shorncliffe

If any student is unable to fulfill his duties on the weekend, he must get in touch with his coach at least 24 hours before-hand. Coaches emails addresses are as follows:

The end of season volleyball break up has been advertised the last few weeks in the Calling and at training sessions. Fill in the tear off section of the flyer and return to the main office with payment. The break up day will attempt to cater for all age groups. We would love to have parents, friends and siblings enjoying a day of volleyball in the sand to finish what has been a successful season thus far. Finally, please ensure boys are wearing St. Patrick’s College volleyball jersey and green PE shorts for the game. Players should also bring their own water bottle to the games. Good luck, and Fight the Good Fight.

Time Court 1 Time Court 2

8.00am 14C (1st VI) 8.00am 13C (1st VI)

9.00am 14B (14C) 9.00am 13B (13C)

10.00am 14A (14B) 10.00am 13A (13B)

11.00am 3rd VI (14A) 11.00am 15C (13A)

12.00pm 16A (3rd VI) 12.00pm 15B (15C)

1.00pm 2nd VI (16A) 1.00pm 15A (15B)

2.00pm 1st VI (2nd VI)

13A 13B 13C

Chris Carlill Chris Carlill Aidan Molloy

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

14A 14B 14C

Tim Merrett Tim Merrett Aaron Kerr

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

15A 15B 15C

Jeremy Papagallo Tim Hoysted Shane Bowden

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

16A Tim Walker [email protected]

1st VI 2nd VI 3rd VI

Matt Grinlaubs Dom Crowley Richard Gradwell

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

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Mr Tim Walker Volleyball

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Mr Luke Donatini Football

2013 SPC FOOTBALL PRESEASON SPC FOOTBALL CONTACTS Mr Ryan Schultz – Football Administrator (main point of contact) [email protected] AIC and CIC Administrator

Mr Josh McCloughan – Director of Football [email protected] Student Contact and Emergency Contact ONLY Mr Michael Angus – Junior Football Coordinator [email protected] CIC Football Coaching


18 March – College Back Oval (3.30pm to 4.45pm)

25 March – Curlew Park (3.30pm – 4.45pm) (In season training – Term 2 will be on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons at Curlew Park)

YEAR 6 FOOTBALL – THURSDAY MORNINGS 21March – Curlew Park (6.30am – 7.45am) MONDAY AFTERNOON 25 March – Curlew Park (3.30pm – 4.45pm) (In season training – term 2 will be on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons at Curlew Park) YEAR 7 FOOTBALL – FRIDAY MORNINGS 22 March – Curlew Park (6.30am – 7.45am) MONDAY AFTERNOON 25 March – Curlew Park (3.30pm – 4.45pm) (In season training – term 2 will be on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons at Curlew Park)

MIDDLE SQUAD (UNDER 13, UNDER 14, UNDER 15) TUESDAY MORNINGS (19 March and 26 March) Curlew Park 6:40am – 7:50am

Following on from our success with our 2013 swimming program we now move into cross country season. The boys at SPC are encouraged to play a team sport of either rugby or football. Cross country racing does not clash with the team sports. As with the swimming program, boys who attend the training sessions just to improve their fitness levels don’t have to commit to represent-ing the school in CIC & AIC carnivals.

CROSS COUNTRY TRAINING TIMES ARE AS FOLLOWS: Monday & Friday afternoon 3.15pm until 4.30pm. Wednesday 6.45am – 7.50am (Pancake breakfast supplied) Sunday 6.55am – 8am Long Run (CIC students need to be accompanied by an adult runner)

Students are encouraged to attend as many sessions as possible. Our coaches understand that students have many school and sporting commitments and are realistic in knowing that boys sometimes cannot commit to all sessions.

The SPC ‘X Men’ as we are known develop a team spirit and encourage all runners slow and fast. As we say in cross country ‘you can’t help getting fitter and faster if you continually turn up!’

We Look forward in seeing your son participate in 2013.

Mr Doug Locke Cross Country

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Update Shindig

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23 March 2013 Shindig

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P & F

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Bluewater Festival Community Notices

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Bluewater Festival Community Notices

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Tues 12-4pm, Wed 10am-2pm, Thurs 7.30-11.30am

DRUM STICKS @ $18 are available. MUSIC BOOKS are also in stock. BLAZER ORDERS – Blazer deposits of $65 are still being taken but delivery may be delayed for these orders. There are some second hand blazers in stock but these will need to be tried on for size. Blazers are compulsory for Years 10/11/12 for Terms 2 & 3.


Fri 15/03 Maree Denkes, Leanne Ferris, Leanne Hume, Jenny Evans

Tue 19/03 Chris Hare, Gina Macpherson, Janelle Lakey, Fiona Foster

Wed 20/03 Noelene Jones, Bonnie Flaherty, Theresa Browning, Debbie Birthisel

Thu 21/03 Gina Jeffery, Susanne Brough, Lisa Cawthorne

Fri 22/03 Tania Caruana, Natalie Dare, Karen Johns

Mon 18/03 Jane Gregory, Careena Roche, Mina Buiatti, Cathy Weir

The Paddies Van is Proudly Sponsored by:


Tuesday Morn BBQ Decker Park, Sandgate

7.25 am-9.00 am

Thursday Morning BBQ Humpybong School 7. 30 am-9.00 am

Thursday Evening Street Van Brisbane City

5.00 pm-8.45 pm

Saturday Night BBQ Sandgate Lagoon, Sandgate

5.45 pm-8.30 pm

Tuesday, 19 March Zac Hogan, Owen Smith, Jor-dan Conroy, Tom Mulherin,

Sean Gill, Sam Cleary, Remy Elleray 


Thursday, 21 March James Haughey, Riley Baker, Mitch

Jeffery, Christian Penshorn, Jack Harvey

Thursday, 21 March

Ryan Hollyman, Fabian Power, Johan Baines, Matt Fegan,

Lachlan Munro, Lachlan Righetti 

Saturday, 16 March

Sam Ricks, Elijah Huxtable, Masot Makuel, Will Tanzer 

Please Note: If you cannot fulfil your commitment to take part in these service programs, please advise Mrs Righetti ASAP.

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Term 1 Week 8 & 9 Date Claimers


March 20

Parents & Friends Meeting

March 22

Co-Curricular Photo Day

March 23

Shin Dig Cricket/Volleyball AIC v SLC (A) CIC v NJC (H)


March 25

Year 11 Marine Studies Excursion

March 27

Year 12 QCST MCQ Practice Inter-House Chess Finals

March 28

End Term 1 Easter Liturgy Shore to Gate Students Dismissed at 12.30pm

March 29

Good Friday

March 30

Easter Saturday

March 31

Easter Sunday