camden town unlimited bid review

Leadership team report This is the final year of our BID term. In April 2006, when we began our work, drug dealers were rife on the streets of Camden Town, the pavements were narrow and overcrowded, and our biggest employers, the creative media companies, were dis-enfranchised and looking to vacate the area. Against this background, we can be justly proud of the major improvements we have achieved. The newly widened and nicely landscaped streets are free of drug dealers, major employers are reporting higher satisfaction levels amongst their staff and Camden Town is one of the most desirable business locations in London once again. What’s more we have done this in a climate of cost cutting, including implementing our own efficiency measures such as freezing levy and staff pay over the past few years to ensure that our levy structure remains fair and transparent. CTU has championed the voice of business and delivered this updated Vision of Camden Town as an innovative and vibrant business district to policy makers and media opinion formers alike. In delivering this message, CTU have re-established Camden Town as a vital driver of London’s economy and therefore firmly back at centre stage to political and policy making decisions. CTU have then been in a position to influence major regional policy and funding decisions, such as Crossrail and the Mayors Economic Development Strategy and ensure a better deal for our members and Camden Town as a whole. Looking to the future – the BID renewal Camden Town Unlimited has delivered significant improvements over the past four years, but we believe there is still much to do. We have launched a major consultation and look forward to meeting you ahead of our renewal campaign to ensure we continue to deliver the projects that most matter to you. In this review we discuss initial ideas on what we would look to deliver in the next term, and we want your feedback – after all this is your business. Simon Pitkeathley Chief Executive Chris Shaw Chair Alex Proud Vice Chair Richard Terry Vice Chair 1 Camden Annual Review 2010_Vis 15.indd 1 29/7/10 23:16:15

Post on 11-Sep-2014




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The 2010 Bid Review from Camden Town Unlimited.


Page 1: Camden Town Unlimited Bid Review

Leadership team reportThis is the final year of our BID term. In April 2006, when we began our work, drug dealers were rife on the streets of Camden Town, the pavements were narrow

and overcrowded, and our biggest employers, the creative media companies, were dis-enfranchised and looking to vacate the area.

Against this background, we can be justly proud of the major improvements we have achieved. The newly widened and nicely landscaped streets are free of drug

dealers, major employers are reporting higher satisfaction levels amongst their staff and Camden Town is one of the most desirable business locations in London

once again. What’s more we have done this in a climate of cost cutting, including implementing our own efficiency measures such as freezing levy and staff pay over

the past few years to ensure that our levy structure remains fair and transparent.

CTU has championed the voice of business and delivered this updated Vision of Camden Town as an innovative and vibrant business district to policy makers and

media opinion formers alike. In delivering this message, CTU have re-established Camden Town as a vital driver of London’s economy and therefore firmly back at

centre stage to political and policy making decisions. CTU have then been in a position to influence major regional policy and funding decisions, such as Crossrail and

the Mayors Economic Development Strategy and ensure a better deal for our members and Camden Town as a whole.

Looking to the future – the BID renewal

Camden Town Unlimited has delivered significant improvements over the past four years, but we believe there is still much to do. We have launched a major

consultation and look forward to meeting you ahead of our renewal campaign to ensure we continue to deliver the projects that most matter to you. In this review

we discuss initial ideas on what we would look to deliver in the next term, and we want your feedback – after all this is your business.

Simon Pitkeathley Chief Executive

Chris Shaw Chair

Alex Proud Vice Chair

Richard Terry Vice Chair


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We want to put business at centre stage to drive regenerationCamden Town Unlimited were appointed in

2006 with an overwhelming priority to reduce

drug crime and anti-social behavior.

We believe, like any good business, it is vital to

develop a growth strategy that isn’t dependant

on single issues or single projects. Camden

Town Unlimited has consistently gone beyond

treating the symptoms and has strived to

articulate a long term, sustainable Vision which

builds from the bottom up. It is not enough

tackle crime with a strategy limited to only

increasing resources – we need a holistic

approach which ensures the problem won’t

return if resources are withdrawn.

Therefore, we developed a step change

approach, which not only delivered an

immediate reduction in crime but has put in

place a series of vital support strategies, such

as improving the public realm and attracting

a broader customer base to the area that will

ensure Camden Town will, with continued

careful stewardship, remain a safe, secure and

vital destination in the future.

We want to build on Camden Town’s

reputation as a centre for the creative

industries, world class nightlife and new

fashion. We believe that providing a unique,

eye-catching and innovative business

offer will attract footfall and like-minded

companies that will strengthen the

business offer and make it an international

destination for arts, design, fashion, music

and media.

• A safe, clean and pedestrian friendly commercial district

• A sustainable High Street environment that excites and delights, and is the location of choice for innovative and inspiring businesses

• Establish Camden Town at the heart of London’s creative industries community


Short Medium Long


Independent and creative business centre

Streetscape improvements

Tackling crime, anti social behaviour and drugs

Our strategy - delivering long term, sustainable change for Camden Town

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Our Vision for Britannia Junction, a new public space at the heart of Camden Town

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Camden Town is a major hub for creative industries in London, with

over 5,000 (25%) of its workforce is employed in this field,

including MTV, EMAP, ASOS, RKCR and Getty Images.

Camden Town provides London with a cultural and creative sector like

no other. We want this quarter in partnership with Kings Cross and

Euston, and for NW1 to become the postcode of choice for creative

businesses, a label that represents innovation, winning new contracts and

high-quality employees alike. This will drive footfall, new customers and

higher average spend customer profile to the area – good news for us all.




UK Centre for Medical Research &


New Art Gallery

10 minute walk to Champagne Bar

20 minute walk along the canal




York & Albany



French Connection, Hugo Boss


Major PR & Digital Media Hub




CBS Outdoor

H Bauer


The Roundhouse

The British Library

Opportunity Gateway to North London

OpportunityGood Access to Central London

OPPORTUNITYKings Cross Central

• £2 Billion investment – how do we make sure Camden Town has integrated links with Kings Cross

• £4.9 million sq ft of office space

• 500,000 sq ft of retail space

• 2,000 new homes and apartments

• 25 acres of open space


• £1 billion development currently on hold – how do we make sure Camden Town benefits?

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• Delivering Camden Town First...

• £3 million invested to date

• High Street North – Completed May 2010

• Funding secured for Britannia Junction; implementation scheduled September 2011

• Cobden Junction – Detailed design work ongoing with TFL and LB Camden

• High Street South – Design phase completed

• £2 million invested in Chalk Farm Road

• Legible London – funding agreed to extend the innovative West End signage scheme to Camden Town

• Increased profile of the large number of cultural institutions and major creative design/media sector presence

• Increased profile of proximity of major international transport connections at St Pancras

• Encouraged creative entrepreneurship and attracted high quality new businesses

• Delivered an innovative new pop up shop programme, showcasing 30 groundbreaking new shows

• Delivered Collective, a major new spaces to host international launches and creative shows

• Major progress on cutting crime and the perception of crime

• An additional 28 uniformed officers dedicated to the BID district until 2011

• Over 50 Members on CBAC Radio Scheme

• 65 ASBO’s served on drug dealers over BID term

• 76% of businesses reported that crime had significantly reduced during the BID term


Kings Cross


UK Centre for Medical Research &


London University

of Arts

The German Gymnasium

10 minute walk to Champagne Bar

20 minute walk along the canal

The British Library



• Building relationships between the major creative/ commercial partners in the area

• Creating new business opportunities by working together and increasing b2b activity

• Establishing a commitment to Camden Town from creative start ups

OPPORTUNITY• Using property to drive long term change

• Camden High Street South = 4 times less expensive than prime space in Kings Cross

• Lots of vacant/derelict units

• Potential for use of space in new, innovative way to stimulate footfall

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Since our inception, reducing crime and anti social behaviour has been our core objective.Whether it’s your staff feeling safe on their journey

to work, preventing theft from your business, or

attracting new visitors, keeping crime and the

perception of crime down is essential.

From funding over 1000 security patrol hours,

lobbying for extra policing and facilitating a growing

radio link scheme, our projects have been a major

factor in reducing crime by a year on year average

of almost 30%. Working in partnership with the Met

Police and London Borough of Camden, we have

strived to step up police presence in Camden Town,

which now has a dedicated additional team of 18

PCSO’s and 10 PC’s.

CTU have helped foster a dialogue between

residents and the night-time economy to reduce

crime and anti-social behavior from major venues.,

including Koko, Proud Camden, the Electric Ballroom

and The Ice Wharf.

A long term, sustainable strategy

It is essential that Camden Town persists

in keeping crime at bay. CTU will continue

to lobby to ensure our dedicated policing

team remains in place until our long term



LB Camden, the Met Police and CTU working in partnership have transformed Inverness St in recent years

improvement strategies, such as a better

quality public realm and diverse business mix

means Camden Town can sustain a crime free

environment without these resources.

Our strategy - delivering long term, sustainable change for Camden Town

Short Medium Long


Independent and creative business centre

Streetscape improvements

Tackling crime, anti social behaviour and drugs

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We Did- Directly paid for over 1000

hours of security patrolling, and secured another 6880 additonal hours from LBC/Met police

- Secured over £2million investment in additional policing resources

- Secured an additional 28 uniformed officers dedicated to Camden Town

We Did65 ASBO’s have been served on drug dealers in

Camden Town

We Did- Appointed a dedicated Radio Link manager in Camden Town (the only dedicated service in the Borough)

- Increased effective membership by 50% and in partnership with the Met Police

- Developed the adopt-a-shop scheme, assigning a local PCSO to each

participating retailer

We DidCamden Town Unlimited provides three services

- One stop shop for any anti-social behavior/street issues – 020 7380 8260

- CBAC radio link, connecting business direct to CCTV and on-duty PCSO/wardens

- Work with the Met Police to publicise Safer Neighbourhood direct line

Adding value – going further for Camden TownCTU are active members of CTOG, the local crime prevention

partnership which has managed a £150,000 budget delivering

number of local initiatives related to begging, on street alcohol

abuse, fly posting and other anti-social behavior. Representing

the business community in Camden Town, CTU provide a

united and effective voice.

Camden Town Unlimited also has a seat on the Local Strategic

Partnership, a high level group of key stakeholders and

partners controlling a budget to deliver Boroughwide change.

CTU have used this position to ensure Camden Town remains

one of the boroughs key indicators focusing attention and

advocating additional resources for Camden Town.

‘We have significantly increased police presence, and as a result, people feel safer. Without the continuous support of CTU, this transformation would not have been possible.’Chief Superintendent Dominic Clout, Borough Commander

The former Leader of the Council, Keith Moffitt, and former Borough Commander, Mark Heath, launch Camden Towns new Police force in 2008

We will increase security presence on the streets

We will establish An anti-social behavior hotline

We will increase theeffectiveness of the Business Radio Link

We will initiate an ASBO project targeting drug dealers

CTU delivers. Below are the commitments we outlined under Cut Crime in our BID proposal in 2006, and the

projects we have delivered to make Camden Town a safer and more profitable location for your business.

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Camden Town First is crucial to delivering sustainable and long term change The largest and most significant project that we

have delivered to date is Camden Town First – a £10

million streetscape strategy that boldly outlines a

series of public realm projects that will transform

our commercial environment. By creating a package

of improvements that can be phased, leading to

incremental improvement, we have achieved much

of the programme and have a blueprint for the next

BID term.

This is the second step in our long term

regeneration strategy. We believe that significantly

upgrading the physical environment will support

the work of our crime reduction partnership by

preventing opportunities for criminal activity to

return, and in addition attract high quality

businesses to the area.

Since the strategy was launched in September 2007,

a design partnership including CTU, TfL and LB

Camden have completed detailed design work on

four of the five projects, consulted on and delivered


High Street North, secured funding

commitments on a second and

entered into detailed discussions on

a third.

Simon Pitkeathley, CTU Chief Executive, & Councillor Chris Knight lay paving slabs for High Street North -

Phase 1 of our £10 million public realm strategy

Our strategy - delivering long term, sustainable change for Camden Town

Short Medium Long


Independent and creative business centre

Streetscape improvements

Tackling crime, anti social behaviour and drugs

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Added value – going beyond our BID Proposal- Updating Camden Lock Bridge

The famous Camden Lock mural, across the railway bridge, is

one of the most photographed images in London but was in a

serious state of disrepair. Not only did CTU secure £50,000

from L’Oreal to re-paint the mural, but also commissioned a

new bold image for the reverse to represent the presence of

a major design/media business cluster around the Lock.

- Supporting major infrastructure projects

and planning applications.

Since 2006 CTU has responded to 59 planning applications, 22

license applications and 15 major consultations on behalf of

Camden Town Unlimited, and supported a number of schemes

at Planning Committee.

‘Camden Town Unlimited has overseen a major upgrade of the quality of the High Street, which have had a huge impact on how our clients and staff view the area’.Justin Smith, Conran Design Group

- Smart Green Business

A range of free support will be available to SMEs

within the BID area from July 2010 to improve

environmental performance and reduce costs.

The services include environmental audits and

advice, resource efficiency clubs, recycling and waste

collection services and more.

- Recycling

In September 2009 we investigated the feasibility of

setting up a collective recycling scheme in Camden

Town. Using the funding secured from the European

Regional Development Fund, we hope to roll out

the scheme within this year.

We will facilitate the redevelopment of vacant and derelict buildings

We Did- In partnership with LB Camden,

we have cleaned a 3756 pieces of graffiti from sites in Camden Town. We guarantee to remove all reported serious incidents of graffiti within 24 hours, and all other incidents within 7 days


Completing work on High Street North

We will improve the quality of the streetscape

We Did- A comprehensive £10million public realm renewal programme agreed with key partners

- Over £3 million invested in the projects to date

- Over 60m of railings and unnecessary street clutter removed from the streets

We Did- We lobbied extensively for a Compulsory Purchase Order for the burnt out buildings at Mornington Crescent, a process which is now underway

- Our programme of Pop up Shops has vastly improved the appearance of the High Street, with vacant premises being transformed into hotbeds of creativity

We will deliver immediate cleansing solutions and remove graffiti

CTU delivers. Below are the commitments we outlined under Clean & Green in our BID proposal in 2006, and

the projects we have delivered to make Camden Town a more attractive and pedestrian friendly environment.

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Camden Town is the most vibrant, eclectic and creative district in London The traditional heartland of new music, fashion

and design, we aim to maintain Camden Town’s

reputation as the most distinctive area of London and worldwide visitor destination.

Camden Town Unlimited’s promotion strategy has

three elements:

- Support & develop the world renowned new music scene

- Re-engage new audiences by promoting the cultural ‘hidden gems’ alongside the more famous attractions

- Creating a year long programme of activity that generates ongoing positive press coverage and word of mouth amongst key influencer groups

We have delivered an unprecedented £350,000 investment programme, delivering two major

international marketing campaigns in partnership

with Visit London, Time Out and the Guardian,

supported six festivals generating international press coverage and hosted over 25 press trips,

re-framing the press perception of Camden Town

amongst key influencers.

Preparing for 2012 The upcoming 2012 Olympics and subsequent

legacy will bring both opportunities and challenges

for Camden Town. When people come to Camden,

they want something fresh and unique. We cannot

stand still in what we are offering, and must continue

to develop our creative offer and celebrate the

distinctiveness of Camden Town.

‘For me Wedge is about bringing the community together. Wedge has changed the community on this street and has pulled everyone together’Jon Moran, The Spreadeagle


Signing up wedge card holders at MTV and Sophie Ellis Bexter & Richard Jones relaunch Sodastream in our pop up shop

Our strategy - delivering long term, sustainable change for Camden Town

Short Medium Long


Independent & creative business centre

Streetscape improvements

Tackling crime, anti social behaviour and drugs

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Added value – going beyond our BID ProposalThe Camden Market fire

Camden Town Unlimited led the PR and

marketing response to the Camden Canal

market fire in February 2008. Interviewed on

several major international broadcasters, CTU

successfully managed the immediate media

response to reassure local and international

visitors that Camden Town remained open and

the majority of the market retail areas were

unaffected, ensuring other retailers were not

affected by a drop in footfall. Furthermore,

CTU led the award winning ‘Turning London

On’ campaign, which increased average spend,

attracted an additional 110,000 visitors and

generated 31 positive international press stories

‘Local employees and residents are our core customer base and Wedge Card is the ideal way of attract new regulars with exclusive offers – we are delighted!’Jeremy Ledlin, The Monarch


Camden Town Wedge Card – making lunchtime

more interesting

We introduced our hugely popular Wedge

Card scheme to advertise locally exclusive

offers and discounts in our best retailers, bars

and restaurants. Over 10,000 cards have been

distributed, and cardholders are updated with

new weekly offers by our e-newsletter and

online updates. CTU have further supported

participating retailers with targeted publications

such as The Christmas Big Book of Wedge,

distributed to all major offices and residents

in the area.

We will provide a local business directory

We Did- We match-funded the Time Out/Visit London Guide to Camden

Town, a comprehensive international marketing campaign that

distributed 500,000 copies of our guide across the UK and US with

key media partners the Guardian and Time Out

- We introduced the Camden Town Wedge card, an online directory

of over 100 businesses advertising special offers to over 10,000

local wedge card holders (and over 100,000 across London)

We will re-launch the Camden Re-Mix Festival, promote the Camden Fashion Show and provide local events.

We Did- We continue to support a series of events and festivals

celebrating Camden Town, including The Camden Crawl,

one of the biggest music festivals in London, which

draws in crowds of over 15,000 visitors each year

– We also supported The Camden Fashion Show, Camden

Happening and delivered a Pop up shop scheme which

showcased 30 art shows and events, ensuring a year

round programme of high profile events

CTU delivers. Below are the commitments we outlined under Celebrate & Promote in our BID proposal in 2006, and the projects

we have delivered to ensure Camden Town remains one of London’s top visitor destinations, attracting over 6000 people an hour.

Our Chair Christopher Shaw & Will Fulford meet Nicky Gavron, the former deputy Mayor of London to discuss the fire recovery package

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Using our empty spaces as an opportunity to diversify business activity and generate footfall and press during the recession. As part of a package of initiatives to battle the

recession, we worked with local landlords to make

use of their empty retail space, whilst also providing

a platform for creativity on the High Street.

Our first Pop up opened in June 2009, and since

the initial launch, all three shops have been filled

with art, high fashion and design from some of

the UK’s most exciting creative talent. In total, the

shops have hosted over 30 exhibitions, including

environmental and graduate fashion brands, art

collectives and high profile PR launches.

Branded by local design practice and CTU Members,

Conran Design Group, the shops have also been

occupied by CTU members RKYR and Dexter

Moren Associates, who used the space to provide

free support to local businesses.

Initially developed as a project to drive footfall to

the high street during the recession, the potential

for this project to revitalize the high street is

enormous. The press coverage generated from

this scheme has completely changed the media


perception of Camden Town, and bringing new

customers and investment to the High Street and

generating a real identity change for the area.

We welcome applications to use the space from any

of our BID members to use the space. If you’d like

to get involved please call 020 7380 8260.

Botox 69 - Over 1000 visitors over three weeksWorn With Love - a new boutique fashion labelRKCR, a CTU member, launched the first High Street ad agency

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30 unique exhibitions/retail events to the area

50 international media articles

Provided a showcase for the creative talents of over 75 creative young people in Camden Town

£30,000 investment from public and private sector

International expressions of interest

‘The pop up shop was a fantastic opportunity to deliver an innovative, high profile campaign with international reach for our agency whilst also re-engaging our team with the local area, and we couldn’t have achieved it without CTU’Matt Steward, RKCR (Y&R group)

The award winning Dexter Moren Associates, a CTU member,launched London’s first architectural drop in clinic

Who’s Jack, one of London’s hottest online magazines, hosted a collaborative show with the best of London’s photographers and graphic designers

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We want to make Camden Town the most

business friendly location in London, attracting the

top entrepreneurs, most innovative new creative

businesses, hottest promoters, groundbreaking

designers and talented artists to set up in the area.

We believe delivering a diverse and vital business

mix is the nest step to embed the long term social

and economic benefits we have delivered through

our crime and public realm projects.

In order to attract the top talent, CTU are

identifying all the barriers to entry for these

businesses and delivering showcase projects

which positively promotes business and business

orientated property developments.

‘Collective’, at 37 Camden High Street is an

innovative new office concept, developed from

a design partnership including CTU, Dexter

Moren Associates, Conran Design Group and LB

Camden delivering high quality design space for new

companies and individuals working in the creative

industries, and re-affirming London’s reputation as

one of the most dynamic creative business capitals.

With flexibility at its core, the space functions as

a dynamic open-plan office during the day and

private venue hire at night to be used for launches,

exhibitions and other outlets.

These small businesses are the MTVs, Y&Rs and

ASOS of the future and we want them to grow

up connected with Camden Town.


Business tenants use Collective during LondonFestival of Architecture 2010 installation

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‘The opening of Collective is another step towards equipping Camden Town with the space it needs to establish itself as the creative district of choice’Councillor Keith Moffit, Former Leader, London Borough of Camden

‘As a startup company, Collective has provided us with a fantastic opportunity and made us look at Camden in a new way. There is a real creative buzz about the space and surrounding area’Louise Naunton Morgan, Hato Press

Our new Pop up space: Collective. A new 24 hour commercial space, part business incubator, part gallery, it has added a focal point for the

creative industries on Camden High Street

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Keeping Camden Town open.London Underground are delivering a major tube upgrade

programme, increasing speed and capacity by up to 20%

ahead of the Olympics. Whilst we support the need for an

improved service of the northern line, we are determined

that any upgrade and infrastructure works will not come

at the expense of the business community.

The initial programme proposed 33 consecutive full line

closures and 16 months of early weekday closures (last

trains south running at approx 10.30pm). The impact of

this closure programme would be devastating, especially

on the retail and late night economy.


We immediately notified all our members and initiated

a far reaching lobbying campaign, retaining PR & Public

Affairs consultants and engaging with key players including

London Underground, Transport for London, the Mayor’s

office, Department for Transport and Tube Lines, the

PPP company responsible for delivering the upgrade. As a

result of this campaign, we entered into detailed dialogue

with Tube Lines Chief Executive and were very close to

agreeing a much reduced closure programme of around

12 non consecutive weekend closures.

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The Mayor has since announced that Tube Lines will be

brought into public ownership and the upgrade work will

be carried out by London Underground. As a result, the

final closure programme will be revised again, and may

well be further affected by public funding cuts. However,

we can move forward with firm evidence of the viability

of a reduced programme and strong relationships already

established with key individuals who will determine the

length of the programme.

It is important to understand that aside from CTU and

London First, no other business organizations appear

to have succeeded in making Tube Lines and London

Underground understand the huge impact of the closure

programme on local business.

Camden Town Unlimited will continue to fight on your

behalf to keep our tube stations open.

‘The original tube closure programme would have seriously impacted the pubs, bars and venues that make Camden Town special - I lose 25% of trade when the tube is closed. I am delighted CTU responded so quickly to this threat to our business’Michael Nicholas, Camden Bars Group

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This information is provided in line with schedule 4:3 of the Business Improvement District regulations (2004)

Total BID levy liability: £487,100.25

Concessions: £5,664.01

BID Collection Rate: 95%

Total BID levy received: £462,845

Direct income received: £79,100

Allocated project funding carried forward: £142,000

Total available for BID projects: £683,945

Total project funding raised £1,925,000

Income Total Available Levy Income £462,845 Voluntary memberships £1,600 Radio Link Income £11,500 Interest Receivable £2,000 Other funding £64,000 Roll over £142,000


Core Costs Salaries £50,000 Collection Costs £17,000 Administration £40,000 Legal and accountancy fees £5,000 Tax £1,750Rent Including service charge/Biz rates £27,280

Total Administration £141,030


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Vision/Economic stimulus 34%Core Costs 26%Cut Crime 13%Clean & Green 11%Celebrate & Promote 9%Contingency 7%

* Percentage figures based on income not including roll over, as this was reported on last year







Projects Additional funding secured Funding secured against projects Vision /Economic Stimulus Project costs + ERDF £45,000 Wedge - set up £19,000 Wedge Christmas £7,000 Pop up space - 22 Chalk Farm Road £11,000 Pop up space - 46 Camden Road £6,700 £10,000 Pop up space - 73 Parkway £17,000 Collective £60,700 £20,000 Website £22,000

Total Vision/Economic stimulus £188,400 Cut Crime Project costs £28,000 £800,000.00Business crime manager £30,000 CBAC £7,000 NBIS £2,500

Total Cut Crime £67,500

Clean & Green Project costs + ERDF £45,000 £34,000 ERDF London Remade £10,000 Recycling £7,000 Streetscape Strategy: Britannia Junction/Legible London £75,000 £1,125,000

Total Clean & Green £137,000 Celebrate & Promote Project costs £29,000 Camden Crawl £7,500 Christmas lights £9,000 £45,500

Total Celebrate & Promote £45,500

Contingency £27,849 Total Expenditure £607,279 Total Funding secured £64,000 Profit/Loss (to be re-invested next year) £76,666 Total funding secured against projects £1,925,000

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The BID boundaries focus around the core business district running between Chalk Farm Road and Mornington Crescent tube stations, as well as the commercial area along Parkway, Kentish Town Road and Camden Road.


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Adelaide Road (pt)Albert StreetArlington RoadBayham PlaceBayham StreetBeatty StreetBonny StreetBridge ApproachBuck StreetCamden High StreetCamden Lock PlaceCamden Road (pt)Camden Street (pt)Carlow StreetCarol StreetChalk Farm Parade (pt)Chalk Farm RoadCrowndale RoadDelancey PassageDelancey StreetDewsby TerraceEarly Mews Eversholt Street (pt)Gilbey’s YardGloucester CrescentGrand Union WalkGreenland PlaceGreenland RoadGreenland StreetHampstead Road (pt)Harrington SquareHaverstock Hill (pt)Hawley Crescent

Hurdwick PlaceInverness Street Jamestown RoadJuniper CrescentKentish Town Road (pt)Kings TerraceLidlington PlaceMandela StreetMary’s TerraceMiller StreetMillbrook PlaceMornington Crescent (pt)Mornington Place (pt)Mornington Street (pt)Nelson’s YardOakley SquareOval RoadParkwayPleasant RowPlender Street (pt)Pratt MewsPratt Street (pt)Regents Park Road (pt)Regents Park TerraceSt Martin’s AlmshousesSt Martin’s CloseSign Makers YardStanmore Place Stucley PlaceSymes MewsUnderhill PassageUnderhill StreetWater Lane

Street List


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Five year income Total 2006/7 2007/8 2008/9 2009/10* 2010/11** Levy Income £401,828 £425,169 £418,443 £462,845 £476,730 £2,185,015Additional income £73,622 £57,864 £68,527 £79,100 £57,100 £336,213Surplus carried forward £54,499 £35,387 £9,666 £40,382 Core costs £119,162 £138,145 £141,020 £141,030 £152,000 £691,357(Start up costs) £22,789 £22,789Vision/Economic stimulus £45,000 £184,500 £178,000 £407,500Cut crime £157,500 £95,500 £89,500 £67,500 £73,000 £483,000Clean & Green £65,500 £189,000 £202,500 £62,000 £75,000 £594,000Celebrate & Promote £55,000 £79,500 £45,250 £45,500 £40,500 £265,750Contingency £56,000 £56,000 Project funding income £0 £2,350,000 £900,000 £1,925,000 £800,000 £5,975,000

Over the five years of our BID term, we have delivered an average of almost £4 return for every £1 invested by BID businesses, towards projects to make Camden Town a better place to work, live and visit.

Start Up Costs 1%Vision/Economic stimulus 16%Core Costs 27%Cut Crime 19%Clean & Green 24%Celebrate & Promote 11%Contingency 2%





2% 1%


*This does not include rollover**Allocated

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Our initial BID term is coming to a close. In

February 2011 we will be asking businesses

to endorse our achievements and our

Vision for a better Camden Town by

‘Voting Yes’ to renew the BID for another

five years. Democratically elected, a BID

can only be formed following consultation

and a ballot in which businesses vote

on our BID Proposal, our Vision for the

regeneration of the area. CTU will consult

over the summer and launch our new BID

proposal in autumn 2010.

We believe we are at a pivotal stage

in the regeneration of Camden Town.

We have achieved a significant shift in

focus in the perception of the area away

from crime and drugs and have started

a programme of major works which

will secure the future of commercial

activity in the area. It is vital we maintain

momentum on the success of the

first term and build to consolidate our

achievements to date.

However, as we move into an era of

funding cuts and continued pressure on

spending, we need to work even harder

if we want to achieve your backing for

BID 2. The following pages outline new

projects for the next BID term. We would

appreciate if you could take a few moments

and fill in the feedback form, telling us what

you think of the proposed projects for

BID2 and any other priorities you feel are

important for the second term.

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- Keeping Crime DownWe will continue to lobby for additional policing in Camden Town and ensure that

extra policing hours are not cut.

- Major Public Realm Improvements We are halfway through the delivery programme of our streetscape strategy

Camden Town First, with two of the five projects due to be delivered and detailed

design completed on another two. It is vital that we keep up the momentum on

these projects to ensure Camden Town has an attractive public realm and is a safe

and business friendly environment.

- Regeneration of High Street SouthCamden High Street South continues to underperform, with multiple empty units,

frequent turnover of tenants and a number of long term vacant units. Camden Town

Unlimited will seek to revitalize this section through innovative retail programmes

and long term property regeneration strategies.


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- Driving down costsCTU Members will have the opportunity to participate in a joint procurement

scheme, significantly reducing the cost of services. There are a number of jointly

procured services CTU hopes to be able to offer its businesses, including electricity,

gas and water, and even taxis, stationary and furniture. We expect the cost saving

benefit to cover the cost of your BID levy at the very least.

- International marketing campaigns and major festivals

CTU will continue to work with our major media partners and key stakeholders

such as Visit London, Visit Britain and Camden Crawl to deliver visitor campaigns

and major festivals year round.

- Representing business and working with the public sector to deliver quality service

CTU will act as your, eyes and ears, monitoring service delivery, highlighting good

practice and working with the public sector when services are not up to scratch.

All BID services are provided in addition to those provided by the

Local Authority and other organisations.


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Simon PitkeathleyChief Executive

Matthew McMillanDeputy Chief Executive

Clayton ClarkeBusiness Development Manager

Helena SundarajooOffice Manager

Rozanne ShipmanMembership Manager

Cllr Theo BlackwellLondon Borough of Camden (Observer)

Cllr Chris NaylorLondon Borough of Camden (Observer)

Chief Supt Raj Kohli (Observer)Metropolitan Police

CTU would like to thank all board members and staff, both past and present, who have made such a big contribution to our ongoing success. In particular, we’d like to thank the following who left us in 2010: Keith Moffitt, Mark Bensted & Ben Larsen.

Jim Donovan (Morrisons)

Richard Pearl (Observer)Resident

Michael DohenyThe Worlds End

Christopher Shaw (Chair)Shaw Corporation

Alex Proud (Vice Chair)Proud Galleries

Richard Terry (Vice Chair)Arup

Berry CaseyHache Restaurant

Caroline SewardGetty Images

David LynnMTV

Graham GoodkindFrank PR

Keir EmmsCamden Lock Market

Andy GodfreyAlliance Boots Plc

David GilbertsonEmap

Not PicturedMichael Nicholas (Camden Bars)

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