camera shos and movements

Camera Shots Extreme Close Up- The shot is so tight that only a detail of the subject, such as someone's eyes, can be seen. This shot is used to build tension, and to show the audience exactly how the character feels as the audience can see the characters emotions. Extreme Long Shot- This can be taken from as much as a quarter of a mile away, and is generally used as a scene- setting, establishing shot. This shot is used to show the audience where the characters are and what is happening around them. Two Shot- a cinema or television shot of two people together. This shot is used to show the connection and relationship between two characters or people, it is most commonly used in TV shows.

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Page 1: Camera shos and movements

Camera Shots

Extreme Close Up- The shot is so tight that only a detail of the subject, such as someone's eyes, can be seen. This shot is used to build tension, and to show the audience exactly how the character feels as the audience can see the characters emotions.

Extreme Long Shot- This can be taken from as much as a quarter of a mile away, and is generally used as a scene-setting, establishing shot. This shot is used to show the audience where the characters are and what is happening around them.

Two Shot- a cinema or television shot of two people together. This shot is used to show the connection and relationship between two characters or people, it is most commonly used in TV shows.

Page 2: Camera shos and movements

Camera Shots

Long shot- A view of a scene that is shot from a considerable distance, so that people appear as indistinct shapes. The long shot is used to stress or show the setting of the scene, and to also show how the character is feeling, it could show that the character is alone.

Close up- A close-up or close up in filmmaking, television production, still photography and the comic strip medium is a type of shot, which tightly frames a person or an object. Close-ups are one of the standard shots used regularly with medium shots and long shots.

Mid Shot- In film, a medium shot is a camera angle shot from a medium distance. It usually shows the character from the waste up to show what they are doing.

Page 3: Camera shos and movements

Angle Shots

Low angle shot- A shot from a camera angle positioned low on the vertical axis, anywhere below the eye line, looking up. It is used to make the character look strong and powerful.

Over the Shoulder Shot- an over the shoulder is a shot of someone or something taken from the perspective or camera angle from the shoulder of another person. This has the effect of making the viewer feel like they’re there and part of the film

A high-angle shot is a cinematic technique where the camera looks down on the subject from a high angle and the point of focus often gets "swallowed up." High-angle shots can make the subject seem vulnerable or powerless when applied with the correct mood, setting, and effects.

Page 4: Camera shos and movements


Tilt Shot- Moving the camera up or down without changing its vertical or horizontal axis. You are not tilting the lens, rather you are moving the entire camera.

Crane Shot- In filmmaking and video production, a crane shot is a shot taken by a camera on a crane or jib. The most obvious uses are to view the actors from above or to move up and away from them, a common way of ending a movie

Zoom- A zoom is technically not a camera move as it does not require the camera itself to move at all. Zooming means altering the focal length of the lens to give the illusion of moving closer to or further away from the action.

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Panning Shot- Panning is a camera movement technique that involves moving the camera horizontally to the right or left. With this technique you can track an object or follow any type of movement

Tracking Shot- A tracking shot is when a camera follows a person or an object physically moving with the subject- This can be done using tracks, handheld, ropes, Steady-cam etc.

Crane Arc- A shot in which the camera rises above the ground on a mobile support. This is used in fast moving scenes for a smoother effect, rather then using the tracking or panning shot.