cameras and photography

Cameras By Keesha

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Post on 18-Jun-2015




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This is a powepoint i have created it shows diferent types and techniques of a cam


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By Keesha

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There are different types of cameras such as:• SLR• DigitalAnd many different functions such as:• Shutter speed• Aperture• ISOAnd all these things contribute to the effect and style of

your photograph, for example, portraits/fashion or artistic and creative

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Cameras history

• The first camera that was small and portable enough to be practical for photography was built by John Strognofe in 1685.

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Digital• A digital camera records and stores photographic images in digital form. Many

current models are also able to capture sound or video, in addition to still images. Capture is usually accomplished by use of a photo sensor.

• When you use a digital camera all you have to really do is to turn it on, you can keep on taking pictures and if you don’t like the look of them then you can delete them and then try again. If you really don’t like the lightness or the darkness you can go into the settings and change the ISO, but that only works on some digital cameras.

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SLRAn SLR camera is a single lens camera associated with digital cameras, they have a

mirror in between the lens and the film, to provide focus on the screen, so this makes the image viewed through the camera eye will be the same as the digital

image.When you use a SLR camera you need to consider a few things like:

• The aperture• The ISO• Shutter speedAll of these things will interfere with how clear and artistic your finishing pictures will

look, after u adjust your settings you can take some practice shots to get your desired look.

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• The ISO stands for 'International organization for standardization' and their film speed ratings are used to indicate the relative amount of light necessary to give a proper exposure. A normal film would film would be rated at ISO 100. A film rated at ISO 200 will give a proper exposure with only half the amount of light to compared to the ISO 100 film, enabling you to shoot in lower light or with smaller aperture or faster shutter speed. (speed of the film or sensor ;150,1100,400,1600)

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• What we learnt about the aperture is that it also allows how much light it takes it but it makes the picture more or less focus for example if you had your aperture set as f2.8 it would let a lot of light come in letting its focus be very narrow but if the aperture was set to f11 the focus would be very sharp and wide range set on the picture. ex.

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Shutter speed

• The second lesson we done was on the techniques on the camera such as the shutter speed we learnt that, the shutter speed controls how much light gets in , in a second ex. if the shutter speed is 1/125 which would make the shutter move very fast and the picture very dark,

• if the shutter speed was 1/25 which is very slow a lot of light would get in making the picture light contained. sometimes you can use the extremes to get a really pretty picture if you kept the shutter speed at 1/25 when something was moving you could get a picture like this

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Artistic photography

This photograph is an artistic photograph, this type of image is usually used to advertise for something and to show the technique used.This particular picture was taken by Irving Penn, you can see he used the aperture to give this effect it has he probably opened the aperture to f2.8-f5.6

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This is a portraiture, this is when you take a picture of someone face, to identify him, this is a very famous picture that Lewis Morley took, he would have probably been working with an ISO of 800 maybe more

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• Cityscape is like a landscape but it is in the city, it focuses on the the buildings a lot of the time on the skyscrapers

• I think the best ones are the ones when you can see the water by the building and the lights are reflecting on the water

• They are usually taken from the river

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I like this picture because you can see how the shutter speed was used to catch the movement of the city you can see all of the light smudges .

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I love this picture because you can see the lights reflection in the water, it also looks like the picture has been taken two times and then edited in black and white.

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I like this picture because you can see that the cities are actually taking up the space literally you can se the river in the background and it is the minority.

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Close up

• A close up is a shot that focuses on a the details the normal eye may not notice

• I like close ups because they are such clear images your eye is only really focused on one thing

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I chose this photo because all though it is a close up you can’t tell if this is a boy or a girl or even if they are white and black , also the detail in there eye in their eye is amazing although you can’t

tell what they are looking for.

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I like this image because it is plain but detailed if you zoomed in further it would look like a pattern and you may have not known that it was a flower

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I don’t like this picture but I like the technique that is used they took a close up the head in order to make the body look smaller, it is like the cat is actually being looked at.

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• This is an image that identifies someone it shows their physical characteristics

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This is just one way of identifying someone, going to a photo shoot and taking pictures, maybe to keep a record of yourself or child growing up.

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This is another identity shot but this one is for the public to know who to look out for .

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This is an identity shot this shows the target audience who and what they are buying, they need any real words to go with this just the picture.

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When I 1st saw this picture, I thought that it looked like the white people in

the car above are running over the black people , and the slogan ‘There’s

no way like the American way’ this could be trying to tell the viewer that white people don’t care about what

they do or how they treat black, she is showing how black people are treated

in the American society.1937

Margaret Bourke-white

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Margaret Bourke-white

All of her pictures were in a familiar theme, they all are in black and white, they also make you think, what

was she thinking at the time?

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