cameron county press. (emporium, pa.) 1910-06-16 [p ] · newton mix, of mix run, called on friends...

"*5Bl Breezy || I County |! I New* || \u25a1 T=~^> STERLING RUN. Children's Day Services were observed in tlh' V 1'!. Church, Sunday. The at- tendance wax iarue and the exercises were ' very good. J. A. Dice, our I'ennsy ticket a»ent, was at \Yillianis|iort. Saturday, having one of his eyes treated, which is giving him considerable trouble. Margaret Wylio has been ill with measles the past week. Mrs. Anna Ilouze and children, of VV. Va.. are the guestsof Mis. Maggie Chap- man. Mrs. Wlll. Berry visited her daughter at llieks Run over Sunday. Mrs. John May is visiting relatives at Williamsport and Newberry. Sterling Run base Isall Team played Driftwood, Monday; Score: (!?0 in fa- vor of homo team. Our boys haven't lost a game yet this season. Hurrah for the Stcrliug Team of 11)10. Nathan S'lin and family of Sinnama- horririg, visited in town Sunday. Louis Whiting owns a young fox, which is very play lul and cute. He found three young foxes in the woods at the time of the forest fires. They all died but this one. Samuel Ebersole Jr., was a business caller in Cameron Monday. BLUE BELL. HICKS RUN. Miss Clara Patphel, who has been at- tending the summer school at Ridgway, spent Sunday with her parents. Thomas Conner, of Huston Hill, had the misfortune to get his left hand badly- injured while working in J. E. Dußois' saw mill on Tuesday last. Mrs. Maltha Losey, of Sinnamahon- ing, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. John Berfield and friends in ilicks Run. Misses Elsie Pepperman and Neva Summerson, who are attending the Sum- mer School at Emporium, spent Sunday with their parents. A large number of our people attend- ed the Masonic banquet at Driftwood June 10th, being members of that order. Born, June 12th to Mr. and Mrs. Tim Condon, a daughter. Harvey Hicks and lamily of Huston Hill left on Tuesday for Lowell, Wash- ington. Raymond Miller, of Huston Hill, has completed his house and will move his family to Hicks Run this week. Some log cars on Whip-por-will Rail- road got loose from the loader men on Friday last and ran into some empties, demolishing six cars, doing about 81,800 damage. The loader and crew escaped unharmed. Harry Ketley and Thomas Barker moved their families to Canton, Ohio, on the 13th. They have accepted positions in the car shops at that place. On Saturday last the degree team from North Bend came up and helped toorgan- ize aP.O.S. of A. lodge here. Sixty- three members were taken in. R. E. W. SINNAMAHONING. Mrs. Josephine Shirk has returned Irom a visit at l'unxsutawney and Ridg- way. Her nephew, Birney Shafer, as- companied her home. V. A. Brooks went to Sizerville Mon- day to do Borne surveying. Miss Myrtle Shafer spent last Sunday at Emporium. Mr. James Wykoff made a trip to Buffalo last Sunday. Miss Mabel Buchauan and Miss Iva Cram, who are attending school at Km- porium, were home over Sunday. Miss Mammon, of Bloomington, 111., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Dr. Gray, at this place. Mrs. Lulu l-'innefrock and children, ofRenovu, visited her sister, Mrs. Krebs the early part of the week. Miss Bertha Fulton visited Mrs. Leo. Peterson, at Kmporinui, Tuesday efen log. J. M. Shafer returned last Sunday froiu a trip to West Virginia. Mrs. O. L. Bailey spent Tuesday in Emporiuaa. Win. VanWert, A. L. Knsign, T. K. Fulton, J. 11. Krebs. and J. 11. Baird attended Masonic l*udge at Kiuporiuui Tuesday evening. A.J Barclay made a buxinoss trip to Kmpoiium Tuesday, XXX Kept the King at Hoaw, Fur the oait year we have kept the King <>l all l<axatiro?Di. King's New Life IMla?in our huuie and they have proved a blessing in our family,' write* I'aul Mathulka, of Buffalo, N Y.. Kasv, but sure rt tiiidy for all Stomach, Liver and Kidney trouble*. < luly ilfie at all I 'ruggutlK. Go'i'l Piano tor Sale. A Bradbury I'lanu aquara) in iC'""! condition Apply at I'KHst otWie 17-If. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY JUNE 16, 1910. ay; '\u25a0?*^^ju7inizrrmnT4{ l r. ?S.MOTTga?awaaM?? kIMIiaunraMBMMaiMBgHMB»g»MMMMBMBErtaMg3Sa* BURSON Special Sale of Millinery 1 \u25a0 r> \u25a0 i IV T /-v corset ? fashioned by master- I HOSE <sa|P% and opnng ouits Now On. r^ 1 ° ° r d Every Trimmed or Untrimmed Ladies Stylish Spring Suits are 111 the Hat. Every Flower and Feather reduced much below cost. You "NUFORM" Wouf a £&&r and Mi!linery Trimmin s Greatly can buy them nw at about the to Scam Reduced. cost of the material. slender, stout, lon-and short? cut ??? 011 curving lines, and fully gored. $6.50 Brown 4ft Niagara Maid $3.50 Back t 4 iTTtrmTnF^'-^^"- Shap * d fa* ? ? _ With a properly selected Taffeta Silk Pet- ||T Silk Gloves Resting Nemo "NUFORM" Corset Seftm HOr° ticoats for $4.50 These famous Gloves Corsets for $2.25 you are delightfully at ease?- ilf You Have Worn W1 112 M ftv to be hJd beSt qUal " t, The T on we offer both physically and stylishly. We have a few very uy to oe naci. these Corsets $1.25 imported hosiery?the kind with excellentquality Skirts pBH Wrist lengths under regular price is, .11 t i i.l in Brown bilk, winch Bn we do not have all sizes a seam through the foot and the tri _ n . HM rn £ » ? " ULim , \ ?^SHS&[ 1 .1 r,l 1 we wish to close out, JHA SUC Dair But we have your I I entire length of the leg you at $2.00 less than regu- W ||| jifflMMjft size you can save this I *} C\ 8 know how it leaves a mark?you lar price. If you want J You can have them j amount by buying one I 8 I know how uncomfortable it is. one come early. * in any color. | this week. I JT Burson Hosiery Special Value in Lunch Cloths Stamped Belting Ready to be ?, ? 1 <\u25a0 11 r1 * , and Nankins Embroidered. V / is knit to shape?full fashioned? allll lldpttllld. \\ T l't ?I ' vS'lk /'*? ? not a seam anywhere. It is al- Luncli Clothes 36x36 with Blue or Red p e r Belt len«tli, - * - - £Sc / ways comfortable. Border and Six Napkins to match. CQ C In Heavy White Cotton, -|C /(."-'li When laundered, Burson Hos- J"st the thing for Pic-Nics or Outings - Belt Lengths each - - - iPvMI iery is still fashioned?always in ??_________________________________________________ s, 'Sti:" yl e S? D KIIFHNF Emporium's k ftHV Price 25c and 35c. IwLllllLj Greatest Store. Price 1.00 and $1.50. DENTS RUN. The Byrnedale ball team defeated Dents Run on the home ground, Satur- day; score 9?2. Inability to hit ex- plains it all. Willis Bicrly and family, from Kebers- burg, Centre county, spent a day with his brother at this place, C. M. Bierly. Thos. Johnson, a brother of Mrs. J. P. Owens, returned to his home in Buf- falo after attending the funeral of his nephew, Clair Owens. Miss Audrey Hollinsworth, who spent some time at the home of Earl Deuip- sey, returned to Benezette, Saturday. .Mrs. A. C. Wagner, returned to her home here after spending some time in Williamsport. Mrs. Herbert Smull returned to her home in Rebcrsburg after a ten day's visit with her sister, .Mrs. C. M. Bierly. W. 11. Rankin and Kd. Whitcomb transacted business in St. Marys last Monday. Miss Montgomery is visiting with her friend Miss Odessa Dent. A brother of P. O. Parrell with daugh- ter,spent past week at the former's home. Miss Maggie Henderson returned to this place after spending some time at Kldred, Pa. Isaac Smith, one of Benezette Town- ship's aged and highly and respected citizens and a veteran of the civil war, has been confined to his house with rheumatism, but at this writing is im- proved. Earl Dempscy made a business trip to Dußois Priday. Doctor Mock was seen in this place last Saturday and assisted doctor Mer- rill in removing a growth from the throat of Muter Lucius Patterson. Robert Brown, of Dußois, but for- merly from the mines here, was seen at this place oue day last week. Harvo McManigal, who is employed on the tlicks Run mill, accidentally col- lided with an oak slab and as a result his nose bears the marks of a true "slab- man." B. E. W. HUNTLEY. A. W. Smith, of River street, is re- pairing his barn and when finished will have a very tine one. Mrs. Emetine Summerson is on the sick list. Mrs. (J, S. Hill, of Driftwood, was a pleasant caller in town on Sunday and at- tended services at the old Huntley church. Rev. Smith preached a very able ser- mon to a large congregation at the Huntley church at the usual hour, 11 1(0 a. in., Sunday. Miss Turlcy and Miss Jordan, both of Emporium, were the quests of B. J. Collins and family, over Sunday. Several of our youu*; folks gathered in a company and dropped in on our young friend \S ayne Nelson at a late hour Wedutvday evening, June Mth, it being hia 'J Ist birthday and cave him a sur- prise. All enjoyed a pleasant tuue and a good supper. A. H. Jordan and Henry Hill, ol <«rove Hill, wt-re »cen on our streets on Friday. John Witchry, ot HenoVu, wu the o| W. W. Jiillii«it) *ud taiuilf Kri ?lay. and abo took a trout Kali with his brother-in law, t'larvftco Juhomm. They wcuri-d a lir m<-» of *pr kM fwavlm C I*. I.ut>r<> «»f Kui|xiriuui. wa» a | K roller in town i n Friday U Smith and W H >iuiik took a stroll on Brooks Bun for trout, on Tues dast, but on account of the run being very high they had poor luck and only got 22 speckled fellows. Miss Mattie Collins, County Superin- tendent, of Emporium, was the guest of her brother B. J. Collins, of this place, J over Sunday. Auiberson Smith, of Castle Garden, 1 was a caller in town on Saturday. Newton Mix, of Mix Run, called on friends at this place on Saturday. SI'ORT. FIRST FORK Another old settler gone. Uncle Tom Logan, of Wharton town- ship, as he has been familiarly known for a great many years, died on Sunday about '.I p. m., at his old home in that place. We believe he was in his B(}th year and had been suffering a long time with a complication of diseases principly of which was dropsy. He leaves one sister, Mrs. John Brooks, of East Fork; one daughter, Mrs. B. F. Ross, three sons, Arch, James, Bridge, and several grand children. We have not heard the particulars of the funeral, but interment will be made in Gilmore Cemetery at this place beside his wife, who preceded him a number of years ago. C. E. Logue has bought (he house and lot of Geo. Morton and is repairing the buildings, aud a foundation laid for a two-story house and will probably open a "Bear Hunter's Paradise,," about (Jet. Ist and then if they are as thick as they were last year there will be something doing. Mr. King has opened up Dental Kooms at First Fork and is turning out some first class work. The teachers are all hired for the four schools in Grove township and all home taleut as follows: Miss Stella Ixigue, Gilmore School; Miss Drum, of Sinnma- honing, Bailey School, Miss Mildred Haynes, Havne# School; Miss Pitts, Mil- ler School. Dr. Mansuy, of Austin, was called to see your correspondent at this place, who has been "under the weather" for some time, and is it any wonder, such weather as we have had* The people expect to start for Texas in about a week. M. J. Colcord and son Haskell, of the Potter Journal, were in on a fUhing ex- pedition last week and stopped with W. W. Wykoff a few days and we heard that he took home a nice basket of trout. Art Nelson and family uf Couden- port are veiling with Turn Collier, ot the "Panama Ditch at W. W. Wykoffs. Our farmers are clear behind with their culitvating and htlini; buckwheat ground on account of wet wcatner. No fruit at all here this year. Mr. Terribcrry Kxrt a horn- on a trip to Coudersport lata week. The house ot lieu. Morton which C. K Logue had just putin good repair, | was burned last night about 2 o'clock Kvidently incendiary work. Jnne I'l Nt rHfcD. ' It eared me," of"It saved ihe hie of my child,'' are the eaprcasions yon hear ?very day about Chamberlain a Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Krtnedy. Thi» is tru« tlx world over where (his valua Me remedy ha* been introduced No other medicine in use lor diarrhoea or buw«-l complaints has received »u« h g< n ? ral approval The Mcr«>t «t th« »uce< «» of Ctiamln ilaiu » Colic I 'holt ra and Diarrhoea llemedy u> that it cure* "???Id by all deal*)*. SINNAMAHONING. Halley's comet has gone and the wea- i ther is getting warmer. Glad it don't | come every year. Nathan Silin has his new store nearly i done. Fulton Bros, are painting it this j week. Walter Swank, of First Fork, is work- j ing on the State Koad up Wykoff HUD. j Geo. I). Meade was a visitor at Du- j Bois, Tuesday. 11. F. Berfield was a visitor at the j County Seat, Tuesday. Jos. M. Shaf'er, who has been away on business for a couple of weeks, came j home, Monday. Miss Charlotte Brooks, who has been j visiting at Washington, 1). C., came > home this week. Tracy Berfield, of Emporium, visited his parents over Sunday. Owing to the cold weather farmers will have to plant a great deal of their corn over. "I'ap" Blodget was a visitor at Ileno- vo one day last week. J. F. Peaslcy is laid up with la grippe. Mrs. Geo. P. Foutz and Mrs. C. Mix were visitors at Wyside, Tuesday. Miss Anna Chase, of Renovo, visited | her grand-parents, this week. Sinnamahoning Lodge, No. 11158, I. 1 O. O. F., will hold a class initiation on Saturday evvning. The Renovo De- , gree staff will be present to confer the degree. Camp No. 12'2, I'. O. of A., initiated two more members, Tuesday evening. This noble order is gaining fast and will soon be the largest order in this district. Miss Carrie Hill, of Driftwood, was a pleasant visitor, Tuesday evening. Word came down the Fork the other day that Chaunccy Loguc had captured an old bear and three cubs and as Bio. IjOgue does not generally bother with anything smaller thau bears, it raised ijuite au excitement. Jim Batehelder , and Seth Nelson said it was not fair for j l«»irue to take advantage that way. Game Warden Smith, who is looking out for the interests of the State Game laws, went up to investigate, when it proved that brother Loguc had only captured a ground hog with three little ones, which are all doing well. Don't excite us at;aiu that way brother l«oguc. it makes un old hunters feel bad. Willie Smith and Harry Ensign ate after that big trout in Wykoff Run this week. They sav that it is bigger than the one caught at Sixerville, if they could only get it. A letter from Mm. K. 11. Weltoa, of liotae, Idaho, stated that they arrived at j their destination safely and are well pleased with their new home. Mrs. O. L. Bailey was a visitor at Emporium this week. M is»«* Myrtle and Grace llaird spent a couple of day* in Krie last week. Peter Foy, the man who £ot used up 1 badly on Memorial I hay, is about i. covered front his injuries Karl I'outi and Miss Lulu Logue are visiting is York State this w< < k DtlMI illaJ to WtiumiiMiiil 112 ham Ml. K Weakley K>>kom>», Iml '? Alter taking Foley s Kidney Pills, the MWIK backache left lu«, luy Weill) ? bo 'Mm stronger, the accretion* natural aud blatlder tto I .Mgi r twined me | a 111 glad to tuiiwili' lid t**" ?1 ? v K ilin) I'ill. In a fellow paikaiti lot al> by Km |N>rmui I*fUjj tV Cost and Below Owing to the backward season and having the largest stock of Men's and Boys' Clothing To be seen in this section, I am de- termined to reduce the stock even if I have to sell AT COST and BELOW COST. You have known the reputation of our store for over forty years and when we say we will sell allgoods At Cost and Below Cost We will do just as we advertise to do. Our immense stock was pur- chased early for this trade, paid spot cash for the same and if we give the people of Cameron and adjoining counties Big Bargains in Clothing You gain?we pocket the loss. N. SEGER, Pioneer Clothier of Cameron County. YOU CAN HAVE It! $2.50 Free We are determined to close out at SPECIAL BARGAINS all seasonable goods and to make it an object we will give every cash purchaser an opportunity To Secure $2.50 for Nothing Only one customer. That is the customer purchasing the largest sum in dollars aud cents, between Wednesday and Saturday will be given $2.50. Catch on quick. The Largest and most Beautiful Line of Goods in the County. Special Bargains in Every Department. H.A.Zarps&Co If you have anything to be printed bring it to this office.

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Page 1: Cameron County press. (Emporium, Pa.) 1910-06-16 [p ] · Newton Mix, of Mix Run, called on friends at this place on Saturday. SI'ORT. FIRST FORK Another old settler gone. Uncle Tom

"*5BlBreezy ||

I County |!

I New* ||\u25a1 T=~^>


Children's Day Services were observedin tlh' V 1'!. Church, Sunday. The at-

tendance wax iarue and the exercises were 'very good.

J. A. Dice, our I'ennsy ticket a»ent,was at \Yillianis|iort. Saturday, havingone of his eyes treated, which is givinghim considerable trouble.

Margaret Wylio has been ill withmeasles the past week.

Mrs. Anna Ilouze and children, of VV.Va.. are the guestsof Mis. Maggie Chap-man.

Mrs. Wlll. Berry visited her daughterat llieks Run over Sunday.

Mrs. John May is visiting relatives at

Williamsport and Newberry.Sterling Run base Isall Team played

Driftwood, Monday; Score: (!?0 in fa-vor of homo team. Our boys haven'tlost a game yet this season. Hurrah forthe Stcrliug Team of 11)10.

Nathan S'lin and family of Sinnama-horririg, visited in town Sunday.

Louis Whiting owns a young fox,which is very play lul and cute. Hefound three young foxes in the woods atthe time of the forest fires. They alldied but this one.

Samuel Ebersole Jr., was a businesscaller in Cameron Monday.


HICKS RUN.Miss Clara Patphel, who has been at-

tending the summer school at Ridgway,spent Sunday with her parents.

Thomas Conner, of Huston Hill, hadthe misfortune to get his left hand badly-injured while working in J. E. Dußois'saw mill on Tuesday last.

Mrs. Maltha Losey, of Sinnamahon-ing, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. JohnBerfield and friends in ilicks Run.

Misses Elsie Pepperman and NevaSummerson, who are attending the Sum-mer School at Emporium, spent Sundaywith their parents.

A large number of our people attend-ed the Masonic banquet at DriftwoodJune 10th, being members of that order.

Born, June 12th to Mr. and Mrs. TimCondon, a daughter.

Harvey Hicks and lamily of HustonHill left on Tuesday for Lowell, Wash-ington.

Raymond Miller, of Huston Hill, hascompleted his house and will move hisfamily to Hicks Run this week.

Some log cars on Whip-por-will Rail-road got loose from the loader men onFriday last and ran into some empties,demolishing six cars, doing about 81,800damage. The loader and crew escapedunharmed.

Harry Ketley and Thomas Barkermoved their families to Canton, Ohio, onthe 13th. They have accepted positionsin the car shops at that place.

On Saturday last the degree team fromNorth Bend came up and helped toorgan-ize aP.O.S. ofA. lodge here. Sixty-three members were taken in.

R. E. W.

SINNAMAHONING.Mrs. Josephine Shirk has returned

Irom a visit at l'unxsutawney and Ridg-way. Her nephew, Birney Shafer, as-

companied her home.V. A. Brooks went to Sizerville Mon-

day to do Borne surveying.Miss Myrtle Shafer spent last Sunday

at Emporium.Mr. James Wykoff made a trip to

Buffalo last Sunday.Miss Mabel Buchauan and Miss Iva

Cram, who are attending school at Km-porium, were home over Sunday.

Miss Mammon, of Bloomington, 111.,is visiting her sister, Mrs. Dr. Gray, atthis place.

Mrs. Lulu l-'innefrock and children,ofRenovu, visited her sister, Mrs. Krebsthe early part of the week.

Miss Bertha Fulton visited Mrs. Leo.Peterson, at Kmporinui, Tuesday efen

log.J. M. Shafer returned last Sunday

froiu a trip to West Virginia.Mrs. O. L. Bailey spent Tuesday in

Emporiuaa.Win. VanWert, A. L. Knsign, T. K.

Fulton, J. 11. Krebs. and J. 11. Bairdattended Masonic l*udge at KiuporiuuiTuesday evening.

A.J Barclay made a buxinoss trip toKmpoiium Tuesday,


Kept the King at Hoaw,

Fur the oait year we have kept theKing <>l all l<axatiro?Di. King's NewLife IMla?in our huuie and they haveproved a blessing in our family,' write*

I'aul Mathulka, of Buffalo, N Y.. Kasv,but sure rt tiiidy for all Stomach, Liverand Kidney trouble*. < luly ilfie at allI 'ruggutlK.

Go'i'l Piano tor Sale.A Bradbury I'lanu aquara) in iC'""!

conditionApply at I'KHst otWie 17-If.


ay; '\u25a0?*^^ju7inizrrmnT4{ l r. ?S.MOTTga?awaaM?? kIMIiaunraMBMMaiMBgHMB»g»MMMMBMBErtaMg3Sa*

BURSON Special Sale of Millinery1 \u25a0 r> \u25a0 i IV T /-v

corset ? fashioned by master- IHOSE <sa|P% and opnng ouits Now On. r^ 1 ° ° r d

Every Trimmed or Untrimmed Ladies Stylish Spring Suits are 111 the

Hat. Every Flower and Feather reduced much below cost. You "NUFORM"

Woufa£&&r and Mi!linery Trimmin s Greatly can buy them nw at about the to

Scam Reduced. cost of the material. slender, stout, lon-and short? cut??? 011 curving lines, and fully gored.

$6.50 Brown 4ft Niagara Maid $3.50 Backt4iTTtrmTnF^'-^^"- Shap *d fa*

? ? _With a properly selected

Taffeta Silk Pet- ||T Silk Gloves Resting Nemo "NUFORM" CorsetSeftm HOr° ticoats for $4.50 These famous Gloves Corsets for $2.25 you are delightfully at ease?-

ilfYou Have Worn W1 112 M ftv to be hJd beSt qUal "

t,The Ton we offer both physically and stylishly.

We have a few very uy to oe naci. these Corsets $1.25imported hosiery?the kind with excellentquality Skirts pBH Wrist lengths under regular price is,

.11 t i i.l in Brown bilk, winch Bn we do not have all sizesa seam through the foot and the tri _ n . HM rn £ »?

"ULim, \ ?^SHS&[

1 .1 r,l 1 we wish to close out, JHA SUC Dair But we have your I Ientire length of the leg you at $2.00 less than regu- W ||| jifflMMjft size you can save this I *} C\ 8know how it leaves a mark?you lar price. Ifyou want J You can have them j amount by buying one I 8

Iknow how uncomfortable it is. one come early. * in any color. | this week. I JT

Burson Hosiery Special Value in Lunch Cloths Stamped Belting Ready to be?,

?1 <\u25a0 11 r1 * , and Nankins Embroidered. V /

is knit to shape?full fashioned? allll lldpttllld.\\

T l't ?I ' vS'lk /'*? ?not a seam anywhere. It is al- Luncli Clothes 36x36 with Blue or Red per Belt len«tli, -



£Sc /

ways comfortable. Border and Six Napkins to match. CQ C In Heavy White Cotton, -|C /(."-'liWhen laundered, Burson Hos- J"st the thing for Pic-Nics or Outings - Belt Lengths each - - - iPvMI

iery is still fashioned?always in??_________________________________________________

s,'Sti:" yleS? D KIIFHNF Emporium's k ftHVPrice 25c and 35c. IwLllllLj Greatest Store. Price 1.00 and $1.50.

DENTS RUN.The Byrnedale ball team defeated

Dents Run on the home ground, Satur-day; score 9?2. Inability to hit ex-plains it all.

Willis Bicrly and family, from Kebers-burg, Centre county, spent a day withhis brother at this place, C. M. Bierly.

Thos. Johnson, a brother of Mrs. J.P. Owens, returned to his home in Buf-falo after attending the funeral of hisnephew, Clair Owens.

Miss Audrey Hollinsworth, who spentsome time at the home of Earl Deuip-sey, returned to Benezette, Saturday.

.Mrs. A. C. Wagner, returned to herhome here after spending some time inWilliamsport.

Mrs. Herbert Smull returned to herhome in Rebcrsburg after a ten day'svisit with her sister, .Mrs. C. M. Bierly.

W. 11. Rankin and Kd. Whitcombtransacted business in St. Marys lastMonday.

Miss Montgomery is visiting with herfriend Miss Odessa Dent.

A brother of P. O. Parrell with daugh-ter,spent past week at the former's home.

Miss Maggie Henderson returned tothis place after spending some time atKldred, Pa.

Isaac Smith, one of Benezette Town-ship's aged and highly and respectedcitizens and a veteran of the civil war,has been confined to his house withrheumatism, but at this writing is im-proved.

Earl Dempscy made a business trip toDußois Priday.

Doctor Mock was seen in this placelast Saturday and assisted doctor Mer-rill in removing a growth from the throatof Muter Lucius Patterson.

Robert Brown, of Dußois, but for-merly from the mines here, was seen at

this place oue day last week.Harvo McManigal, who is employed

on the tlicks Run mill, accidentally col-lided with an oak slab and as a result hisnose bears the marks of a true "slab-man."

B. E. W.

HUNTLEY.A. W. Smith, of River street, is re-

pairing his barn and when finished willhave a very tine one.

Mrs. Emetine Summerson is on thesick list.

Mrs. (J, S. Hill, of Driftwood, was apleasant caller in town on Sunday and at-tended services at the old Huntleychurch.

Rev. Smith preached a very able ser-mon to a large congregation at theHuntley church at the usual hour, 11 1(0

a. in., Sunday.Miss Turlcy and Miss Jordan, both of

Emporium, were the quests of B. J.Collins and family, over Sunday.

Several of our youu*; folks gathered ina company and dropped in on our youngfriend \S ayne Nelson at a late hourWedutvday evening, June Mth, it beinghia 'J Ist birthday and cave him a sur-prise. All enjoyed a pleasant tuue and agood supper.

A. H. Jordan and Henry Hill, ol<«rove Hill, wt-re »cen on our streetson Friday.

John Witchry, ot HenoVu, wu theo| W. W. Jiillii«it)*ud taiuilf Kri

?lay. and abo took a trout Kali with hisbrother-in law, t'larvftco Juhomm. Theywcuri-d a lir m<-» of *pr kM fwavlm

C I*. I.ut>r<> «»f Kui|xiriuui. wa» a| K roller in town i n Friday

U Smith and W H >iuiik took a

stroll on Brooks Bun for trout, on Tuesdast, but on account of the run beingvery high they had poor luck and onlygot 22 speckled fellows.

Miss Mattie Collins, County Superin-tendent, of Emporium, was the guest ofher brother B. J. Collins, of this place, Jover Sunday.

Auiberson Smith, of Castle Garden, 1was a caller in town on Saturday.

Newton Mix, of Mix Run, called onfriends at this place on Saturday.



Another old settler gone.Uncle Tom Logan, of Wharton town-

ship, as he has been familiarly known fora great many years, died on Sundayabout '.I p. m., at his old home in thatplace. We believe he was in his B(}th

year and had been suffering a long timewith a complication of diseases principlyof which was dropsy. He leaves one

sister, Mrs. John Brooks, of East Fork;one daughter, Mrs. B. F. Ross, threesons, Arch, James, Bridge, and severalgrand children. We have not heard theparticulars of the funeral, but intermentwill be made in Gilmore Cemetery atthis place beside his wife, who precededhim a number of years ago.

C. E. Logue has bought (he houseand lot of Geo. Morton and is repairingthe buildings, aud a foundation laid for a

two-story house and will probably opena "Bear Hunter's Paradise,," about (Jet.

Ist and then if they are as thick as theywere last year there will be somethingdoing.

Mr. King has opened up DentalKooms at First Fork and is turning outsome first class work.

The teachers are all hired for the fourschools in Grove township and all hometaleut as follows: Miss Stella Ixigue,Gilmore School; Miss Drum, of Sinnma-honing, Bailey School, Miss MildredHaynes, Havne# School; Miss Pitts, Mil-ler School.

Dr. Mansuy, of Austin, was called tosee your correspondent at this place, whohas been "under the weather" for sometime, and is it any wonder, such weatheras we have had*

The people expect to start for Texasin about a week.

M. J. Colcord and son Haskell, of thePotter Journal, were in on a fUhing ex-pedition last week and stopped with W.W. Wykoff a few days and we heardthat he took home a nice basket of trout.

Art Nelson and family uf Couden-port are veiling with Turn Collier, ot the"Panama Ditch at W. W. Wykoffs.

Our farmers are clear behind withtheir culitvating and htlini; buckwheatground on account of wet wcatner. Nofruit at all here this year.

Mr. Terribcrry Kxrt a horn- on a tripto Coudersport lata week.

The house ot lieu. Morton which C.K Logue had just putin good repair, |was burned last night about 2 o'clockKvidently incendiary work.

Jnne I'l Nt rHfcD.

' It eared me," of"It saved ihe hie ofmy child,'' are the eaprcasions yon hear?very day about Chamberlain a ColicCholera and Diarrhoea Krtnedy. Thi»is tru« tlx world over where (his valuaMe remedy ha* been introduced Noother medicine in use lor diarrhoea orbuw«-l complaints has received »u« h g< n

? ral approval The Mcr«>t «t th« »uce< «»

of Ctiamln ilaiu » Colic I'holt ra andDiarrhoea llemedy u> that it cure* "???Idby all deal*)*.

SINNAMAHONING.Halley's comet has gone and the wea- i

ther is getting warmer. Glad it don't |come every year.

Nathan Silin has his new store nearly idone. Fulton Bros, are painting it this jweek.

Walter Swank, of First Fork, is work- jing on the State Koad up Wykoff HUD. j

Geo. I). Meade was a visitor at Du- jBois, Tuesday.

11. F. Berfield was a visitor at the jCounty Seat, Tuesday.

Jos. M. Shaf'er, who has been awayon business for a couple of weeks, came jhome, Monday.

Miss Charlotte Brooks, who has been jvisiting at Washington, 1). C., came >home this week.

Tracy Berfield, of Emporium, visitedhis parents over Sunday.

Owing to the cold weather farmerswill have to plant a great deal of theircorn over.

"I'ap" Blodget was a visitor at Ileno-vo one day last week.

J. F. Peaslcy is laid up with la grippe.Mrs. Geo. P. Foutz and Mrs. C. Mix

were visitors at Wyside, Tuesday.Miss Anna Chase, of Renovo, visited |

her grand-parents, this week.Sinnamahoning Lodge, No. 11158, I. 1

O. O. F., will hold a class initiation onSaturday evvning. The Renovo De- ,gree staff will be present to confer thedegree.

Camp No. 12'2, I'. O. of A., initiatedtwo more members, Tuesday evening.This noble order is gaining fast and willsoon be the largest order in this district.

Miss Carrie Hill, of Driftwood, was apleasant visitor, Tuesday evening.

Word came down the Fork the otherday that Chaunccy Loguc had capturedan old bear and three cubs and as Bio.IjOgue does not generally bother withanything smaller thau bears, it raisedijuite au excitement. Jim Batehelder ,and Seth Nelson said it was not fair for jl«»irue to take advantage that way.Game Warden Smith, who is looking outfor the interests of the State Game laws,went up to investigate, when it provedthat brother Loguc had only captured aground hog with three little ones, whichare all doing well. Don't excite usat;aiu that way brother l«oguc. it makesun old hunters feel bad.

Willie Smith and Harry Ensign ate

after that big trout in Wykoff Run thisweek. They sav that it is bigger thanthe one caught at Sixerville, if they couldonly get it.

A letter from Mm. K. 11. Weltoa, ofliotae, Idaho, stated that they arrived at jtheir destination safely and are wellpleased with their new home.

Mrs. O. L. Bailey was a visitor atEmporium this week.

M is»«* Myrtle and Grace llaird spenta couple of day* in Krie last week.

Peter Foy, the man who £ot used up 1a» badly on Memorial I hay, is about i.

covered front his injuriesKarl I'outi and Miss Lulu Logue are

visiting is York State this w< < k


illaJ to WtiumiiMiiil 112 hamMl. K Weakley K>>kom>», Iml

'? Alter taking Foley s Kidney Pills, theMWIK backache left lu«, luy Weill) ? bo

'Mm stronger, the accretion* natural audblatlder tto I .Mgi r twined me | a 111

glad to tuiiwili'lid t**"?1 ? v K ilin) I'ill.In a fellow paikaiti lot al> by Km|N>rmui I*fUjj tV

Cost and BelowOwing to the backward season andhaving the largest stock of

Men's and Boys' ClothingTo be seen in this section, Iam de-termined to reduce the stock evenif I have to sell AT COST andBELOW COST.You have known the reputation ofour store for over forty years andwhen we say we will sell allgoods

At Cost and Below CostWe will do just as we advertise to

do. Our immense stock was pur-chased early for this trade, paidspot cash for the same and if we

give the people of Cameron andadjoining counties

Big Bargains in ClothingYou gain?we pocket the loss.

N. SEGER,Pioneer Clothier of Cameron County.


$2.50 FreeWe are determined to close out at SPECIAL BARGAINS

all seasonable goods and to make it an object we willgive every cash purchaser an opportunity

To Secure $2.50 for NothingOnly one customer. That is the customer purchasing the

largest sum in dollars aud cents, between Wednesdayand Saturday will be given $2.50. Catch on quick.

The Largest and most Beautiful Line ofGoods in the County.

Special Bargains in Every Department.

H.A.Zarps&CoIf you have anything to be printed bring it to

this office.