camp six highlights

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8/7/2019 Camp Six Highlights 1/15


Copyright © 2010 by American Family Camp. All rights reserved.

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.......................................................................................Camp One Summary  3

..........................................................................................................Overview  4

.....................................................................................................Session One 5

...................................................................................................Session Two


................................................................................................Session Three 21

..................................................................................................Session Four 23

........................................................................Supplies List and Materials 27

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MISSION: Enable family members to know what is worship, how do we

 worship, who we worship. Begin to worship as a family.

EMPHASIS: Family worship

FOCUS SCRIPTURE: John 4:23 "But the hour is coming, and now is,

 when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for

the Father is seeking such to worship Him. "God is Spirit, and those who

 worship Him must worship in spirit and truth."

ULTIMATE GOAL: Upon returning home, families will continue

disciplines from Camps One, Two, Three and Four and Five, as well as,

make worship a family lifestyle.

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..... Welcome Activity  Welcome, Camp 5 Review, Testimonies, Songs, Family Huddle

...................Teaching  Sin

.........................Game Rules--Basketball Game.

.........................Story  Boxing Basketball Story 

.........................Game Strength and Weakness

.........................Game Obstacle Game

.........................Game Imitators Game

...............Illustration Worship comes from within.

...................Teaching  What is Worship?


Who is to Worship?..................Dismissal Family Huddle, Homework


..... Welcome Activity   Welcome, Review Session One, Homework Discussion

........................Media  Camp Songs

............................Skit Woman at the Well

...................Teaching  When do we Worship?

...................Teaching  How do we Worship?


Where do we Worship?...............Illustration The Components of Worship?

..................Dismissal Family Huddle, Homework


..... Welcome Activity  Welcome, Review Session Two, Review Components of Worship

..................... Activity  Worship

..................Dismissal Homework, Family Huddle, End of Session


..... Welcome Activity  Welcome, Review Session Three

..............Camp Seven Go you into all the World

..................Dismissal Homework, Family Huddle

................................... End of Session Four of American Family Camp Six and Seven

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SESSION ONE:Camp Six Main Idea:  Worship

Key Scriptures:

John 4:23 "But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will

 worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship

Him. "God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth."

Session One Main Idea:Rules/Law/Heart. What is Worship? What do we Worship? Who is to Worship?

[REVIEW: Camp Five]


Review Confession.

 Ask if someone has testimony about previous camp and how confession worked intheir weekly family time at home.

If a friend of yours in another family asked you what you did during family camp

 weekend about confession how would you explain the benefits of your confession

teaching in your family?

[SONGS: Camp Music]


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Lord we thank you for the opportunity to be at Family Camp 6. Lord we ask you to

open up our minds and our hearts and show us what you want us to learn about Youand Your Word this weekend. Lord we thank you that we are here safe and we ask

 you to keep us that way through our weekend. Lord teach us all what we need to

know about confession and show us how to work with our family as you would have

us do.



{Have slide with rules and go over the rules of the camp.}


1. Families stay together.

2. Families must participate in all family activities together.

3. Families pray together.

4. Families must attend all family camp sessions together.

5. There are no rules.

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{Go outside to the basketball court. Appoint two people as captains. Have the

captain choose teams. Start the game. Don’t call the game basketball. Let themfigure out what the game is by having them on a basketball court and giving them a 

 basketball. If they ask about what the rules are tell them to figure it out for

themselves. Let them play according to the rules they know. Let them play and have

fun playing their game. Disrupt the game by breaking the rules. As teams play 

game someone runs from off the court and grabs the ball and shoots the ball. Not

following the rules. Not dribbling the ball. Throwing the ball to anyone they wish.

Taking over the game.}


How do we know how to play the game?

How do we know the rules?

 What was wrong with playing the game without the rules?

Is it still basketball?

[Boxing Basketball Story]


 When I was in high school my PE coach was also my football line coach. Tough guy,

always coming up with an idea for us to have fun, get tougher and in better shape.

He came up with the idea that we could play basketball with each player having one

 boxing glove on a hand while using the other hand to handle the basketball. Now is

this basketball? No! These were not the rules of basketball, which is why he called

it boxing basketball. See, it is ok to change the rule, but just call it what it is. Don’t

try to make it the same game. It’s not the same game. Call it a new game and agree

on the rules.

The rules show us our strengths and weakness.

Romans 5:20 “God’s law was given so that all people could see how sinful they were.”


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[GAME: Strength and Weakness]


{Have Hoola Hoops ready and ask for everyone who can make a hoola hoop work to

raise their hands. Then ask who cannot make a hoola hoop work to raise theirhands. Call a family forward and give each one a hoola hoop. Tell them to work it.

Some will be able to hoola hoop well and others will not. What is the difference?

Everyone has their strengths and weakness. Is it the fault of the hoola hoops that

 we cannot make them work? No! The hoola hoops only allowed us to see our

 weakness; they didn’t cause it.}

[Sin is in our way. It uses what was for our good to make us do wrong.]

Romans 7:13 "But how can that be? Did the law, which is good, cause my doom? Of 

course not! Sin used what was good to bring about my condemnation. So we can see

how terrible sin really is. It uses God’s good commandment for its own evil




{Make paper airplanes. Hand out paper to each family. Have them write their

family name on their plane. Stand them all on one side of the room and see whose

airplane flies the longest time. After all airplanes are on the ground, point out thatno one's airplane is still in the air.}

Stand them all on one side of the room and see whose airplane flies the longest time.

 After all airplanes are on the ground, point out that no one's airplane is still in the


 Why is this? What law makes the airplanes come back to the ground?

Law of gravity.

Does this mean that the Law of gravity is wrong?

No, it is just a law. No matter what you think it is still a law. No matter how much you would like to fly and stay in the air you are going to come to the ground. You can

come up with any plan or scheme but you will have to deal with the law.

If you don’t want to follow the law of gravity and you just don’t want to follow the law 

then just go to the top of a tall building and jump. What will happen? You will face

death. Death from our rebellion to the established law. The law of gravity points out

our weakness.

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Does this mean that the law of gravity is bad or should be eliminated?

No, we cannot eliminate it so we have to learn to live with it.

Sin uses the law to condemn us. It makes us feel guilty or like failures. When really 

the law just points out the weaknesses in us and we must grow and learn how to

change our character to do what is right.

[The rules are not the trouble—We are the trouble.]

Romans 7:14 The law is good, then. The trouble is not with the law but with me,

 because I am sold into slavery, with sin as my master.



{Have everyone find a partner. Have an adult with a child. Have them face each

other and have the adult be the leader. Ask the leader to perform an action and the

person in front of them is to follow the action as performed. Continue doing things

and following. Ask:}

 What are we doing? We are imitating.

 Who are we as Christians supposed to imitate? Jesus

 Why? Because God sent him as his son and God himself to become flesh to be an

example to us here on earth and to defeat sin and death. Then who is better toimitate than Jesus so that we can defeat the sin in our lives.

 You can make your children obey your rules when you are around, but how do we

accomplish getting our children to obey the rules and not have to experience the

consequences of their rebellion when we are not around?

[Worship comes from within.]

Matthew 15:8 "The people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.

They worship me in vain."

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SLIDE 1.10

{Have a member of the audience come up and ask you to play catch with a 

 basketball. When he asks, tell him you are busy, but you really want to spend time with him. Let your lips do some talking but demonstrate that your heart is not in it

 by your inability to perform.

Have him call up another member of the group who demonstrates that he wants to

play catch. Enthusiasm.}

Can you see the difference in the two people?

The one gave lip service and the other showed by his actions that he really wanted to

do the task.

 Worship is a lifestyle. God wants us to worship in the good times and the bad times.

[Who sets the rules?]

 Who sets the rules? Who set the rules of basketball?

God set the rules over our life.

2Samuel 22:31 As for God, His way is perfect; The word of the LORD is proven; He is

a shield to all who trust in Him.

God sets the rules:

 Whether we like the rules or not, they are the rules.

God’s rules are the law and are the truth.

Get in line with the law or face the consequences.

 What happens if we jump off of a building to defy gravity? What happens if we defy 

Gods law? Death

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[TEACHING: What is Worship?]

SLIDE 1.11

Romans 12:1 "Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your

 bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual serviceof worship."

 Worship is the attention that we give to what we value the most.

 Worship is an activity of the human soul. Everybody Worships something.

How do you know what you are worshiping?


 Where do I turn when I experience a crisis?

 When I am hurting or afraid, to whom do I go?

 When I have a financial problem, whom do I want to tell first?

 Where do I seek comfort when I am under stress or discouraged?

 Worship is about time, energy, affection, allegiance, belongings.

[TEACHING: Who is to Worship?]

SLIDE 1.12

Psalm 86:9 "All the nations you have made will come and worship before you, O

Lord; they will bring glory to your name."

God’s master plan is that all humans will find Him and worship Him.

Matthew 15:8-9 "These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far

away. Their worship is a farce, for they replace God’s commands with their own

man–made teachings."

Jesus said this to the Pharisees—the religious leaders of his day!!

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[End of Session One]

That ends Session One of Camp Six. We will have breakfast tomorrow morning at 9

am and will meet back for session Two at 10:30 am. We will discuss: How we

 worship, when we worship, where we worship.


SLIDE 1.13

{Have slide of Family Huddle come up and gather your family to pray. Do not tell

others what to do. Lead by your example. Pray with your family.}

Let’s have a Family Huddle. Let’s pray that God show us this weekend how we have

missed the mark. Let’s ask God to open his Word to us this weekend and bring it intoour hearts so that we may have the wisdom and understanding that we need to run

the race He has set before us. Let’s ask the Holy Spirit to help us to correct

ourselves. Let’s thank Jesus for giving his life to that our sins can be forgiven and

that we have no condemnation or guilt.


SLIDE 1.14

Discuss with your family what we have learned in Session One. Discuss:

 What is worship?

 Why do we worship?

 Who do we worship?

Return tomorrow morning ready to discuss your conversations!


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Camp Seven Main Idea: 

To take what you have learned and share it with others.

Key Scriptures:

Mark 16:15 "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation."


 We have been through six camps which have taken almost two years. So the

question is, “What are you going to do now? What do you do with your hard work?

 What do you do with your new habits?”

 What does God say that you should do with it? That’s right, give it away.

In Mark 16:15 Jesus tells his disciples, “God into all the world and preach the gospel

to all creation.” They were kind of in the same place that we are if you think about

it. They had spent three years following Jesus and learning from Him and now His

time was over and it was up to them.

 We have worked hard for two years. Some successes and some failures. But, always

 working to this end. Now it is time to make a decision. What are we going to do?

 Well, we will end Camp Seven of American Family Camp with some homework that I

strongly encourage you to do.

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 Who in this room has ever been on a mission trip? {Wait for a show of hands. If no

one has ever been on a mission trip, then use as an example a mission trip that you

have been on.}


 When did you go on a mission trip?

 Why did you go on a mission trip?

 Where did you go?

 What did you do?

 What did you get out of it?

How do you set up a mission trip?

This is your homework. The ones of you who have been on a mission trip, help the

others that haven’t. I encourage you to do something big. If possible, go out of the

country and really do something big. You must set this up and do it yourselves. I am

not going to do it for you. Share the responsibility. Don’t just have a few people set

this up. Work as a group and as a family. Leave no one out. Discuss, prepare and

achieve the goal to share with others. I can participate with you and help you any  way I can, but I want you to set it up.

 When you have completed this Camp Seven Homework, I want each of you to return

to your church, speak with your church leaders, show them what you have

accomplished and set up a family ministry in your church. I will help you to do this.

 You have all the material and you just need to do it for all the other families that

need it. And they all need it!

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