campus masterplan

Campus Masterplan 2012 – 2022

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Campus Masterplan2012 – 2022

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The Estates Masterplan, which was approved by theUniversity’s Board of Governors in 2012, will create a singlecampus and will involve the construction of new teaching andresearch buildings, student facilities and major improvementsto the public realm.

The first phase of the plan, costing around £700 million, will bedelivered between now and 2018. It includes the building of thenew Manchester Engineering Campus Development, newcentres for the School of Law and Manchester Business School, amajor refurbishment of the University Library, a bigger and betterStudents’ Union and a new Medical School for our students inDover Street. There will also be investment in a Combined Heatand Power Facility, as well as a new car park and therefurbishment of the telescope at Jodrell Bank.

The University will also spend several million pounds to improvethe University’s public realm and landscaping in order tocapitalise on the future improvements to Oxford Road, which willsee wider pavements, tree-lined boulevards and the removal ofall cars during 2015. Students will benefit from major ITupgrades, a new teaching block, refurbishments of manyteaching rooms and an extension to the Students’ UnionBuilding.

Outline plans have been drawn up for a second phase which isexpected to cost more than £300 million and would begin in2018 and end in 2022. This second phase would create aBiomedical Campus around the existing Stopford Building, a newhealth centre for staff and students, and includes refurbishmentsin the Schools of Computer Science, Earth, Atmospheric andEnvironmental Sciences, Mathematics and Chemistry.

Director of Estates and Facilities Diana Hampson said: “Since themerger of the two universities in 2004, it has been our ambitionto bring all of the academic activity together on a single sitesouth of the Mancunian Way, which will improve efficiency,improve the student experience and reduce the University’scarbon footprint.

“This visionary building programme will give us one of the mostmodern campuses in the world, where the vast majority of ourstudents will be studying in brand new or refurbished buildings.”

The new investment is in addition to the £750 million spent since2004 which has already seen the completion of ten newbuildings and many large scale refurbishments.

The completion of Phase One of the Masterplan will see theUniversity moving out of most of the buildings on the North

The University of Manchester is toinvest £1 billion over the next ten yearsto create a world-class campus for ourstaff and students.




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Campus, although it will retain some of the buildings to thewest of Sackville Street, including the ManchesterInterdisciplinary Biocentre. The University is already working withpartners from the City Council and New Economy to identify asuitable use for the buildings on the North Campus, which willbe vacated by 2018.

The majority of schools will not move out of their present baseon the North Campus until the Manchester Engineering CampusDevelopment is completed in 2018 and the University willcontinue to invest in and maintain the North Campus to a highstandard, with significant investment over the next six years.

President and Vice-Chancellor of The University of Manchester,Professor Dame Nancy Rothwell, said: “For the first time, we willdeliver a single site for The University of Manchester, whereengineering, arts, biomedicine, business and all of our otheractivities live side by side, and our students will be at the realheart of a campus.

“Our long-term aim, as restated in our Manchester 2020 Vision,has been to create a world leading university that wouldcompete with the best universities in the world and wouldoccupy a single, outstanding campus, where some of ourbeautiful old buildings would stand alongside the very best inmodern facilities for our research and our students.”



When developing the new Estates Strategy the following keystrategic issues needed to be addressed:

• Single campus – for the benefit of staff and students

• Carbon reduction – to create a new energy efficientcampus. Our Carbon Management Plan aims to reduceemissions by 40% by 2020 against 2007/8 baseline

• Space efficiencies – some of our historic buildings dateback to the 1890s, so we need more new buildings thatreflect the needs of 21st century students

• Student experience – to improve the student experienceand provide quality accommodation consistently across thecampus

• Building condition – a substantial proportion of ourbuildings on the North Campus are in poor condition andwould be very expensive to refurbish

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North Campus

Engineering andPhysical Sciences


Phase One: 2012-2018

Phase One:2012-2018

The completion of Phase Oneof the Masterplan will see theUniversity moving out of mostof the buildings on the NorthCampus onto a single site,bringing together engineering,arts, biomedicine, business andall of our other activities.

Boundaries are indicative only.Reproduced from Ordnance Survey Land-Line data with the permission of the controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office © Crown Copyright 2008.

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“A single, outstanding campus”

Phase One:2012-2018

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This is a proposed seven-storey extension to the recently completed (2012) James ChadwickBuilding. Located on the corner of Booth Street East and Upper Brook Street the ground floor of thenew extension will contain a suite of seminar and teaching facilities together with general officeaccommodation for the School of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science.

The remaining five upper levels will provide a mix of teaching and specialist research laboratories,write-up areas and social space, whilst the top floor will accommodate academic offices.

Manchester Engineering Campus DevelopmentAt a cost of £200m, this project will be thesingle largest construction project ever deliveredat the University.

A significant part of the Estates Strategy is torelocate all academic accommodation from theNorth Campus to the South, so we need tocreate the Manchester Engineering CampusDevelopment near Oxford Road.

The new engineering campus will be located onthe site bounded by Grosvenor Street, UpperBrook Street and Booth Street East. The site iscurrently occupied by the Grosvenor Halls ofResidences and the Materials Science Building,

and these will be demolished to clear the sitefor this project.

The campus will include new accommodationfor the School of Mechanical, Aerospace andCivil Engineering, the School of Electrical andElectronic Engineering, the School of Materialsand the School of Chemical Engineering andAnalytical Science, all of which will contributehugely to enhancing the student experience inthe Faculty of Engineering and PhysicalSciences. The Manchester EngineeringCampus Development is expected to open forbusiness in 2018.


Phase One:2012-2018

James Chadwick Building, Phase Two

Michael SmithBuilding AdditionalOfficesIn order to create additional officeaccommodation within the existing MichaelSmith Building, a new café will be constructedwithin the courtyard area of the building.Following completion of the new café theexisting café space will be vacated and thenconverted into office accommodation.

The total cost of these works is in the orderof £1m and the works will be completeduring next year.

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Phase One:2012-2018

A long term Masterplan has been completed forthe Faculty of Medical and Human Sciences andLife Sciences, which enables a series of projectsto develop over many years which will ultimatelyresult in a series of new buildings and aremodelled and refurbished Stopford Building.

Phase One of the Masterplan is to significantlyremodel, refurbish and extend the listed DoverStreet Building to create a new facility for theMedical School. The scheme will also includea number of rooftop greenhouses forspecialist research.

The total cost of the planned works is in theorder of £26.5m and the works will be completein 2015.

In addition to the new Medical School Building,a number of existing laboratories will berefurbished within the Stopford Building. Thetotal cost of these works is in the order of £5mand the works will be complete in 2016.

Further phases of the Faculty of Medical and Human Sciences and Life SciencesMasterplan will be delivered in Phase Two of the Estates Strategy.

Dover Street Medical School andStopford Building Laboratories

The National Graphene InstituteThe £61m National Graphene Institute willprovide a state-of-the-art research facility whichbuilds upon the highly acclaimed work of NobelLaureates Professor Sir Andre Geim andProfessor Sir Kostya Novoselov of The Universityof Manchester.

The Institute will be the focal point for bothcontinuing academic research andcommercialisation of the major past and futurediscoveries on graphene.

Located on a vacant site on Booth Street East,the four-storey National Graphene Institute will

house state-of-the-art clean rooms andlaboratories, as well as academic offices andancillary accommodation. Work is due to starton site shortly, and it is anticipated the facilitywill be fully operational early 2015.

Professor Geim said: “Creating a NationalGraphene institute here at The University ofManchester will allow our world-class scientistsand researchers to further explore the limitlesspotential of graphene. To have such a facilityhere is a testament to the expertise at theUniversity and will offer fantastic opportunities

for Manchester researchers to work closelywith industry and business.”

Professor Novoselov said: “The NationalGraphene Institute is fundamentally important to continue the world-class graphene research started in Manchester. Our researchers and scientists will be able tocollaborate with colleagues from otheruniversities and from some of the world’sleading companies, which can only serve toenhance scientific research.”

Jodrell BankFollowing the recent investment into a newhome for the Single Kilometre Array Project,the University’s investment will continuewith a number of key projects. We willembark on a programme of maintenanceand repair works to the Lovell Telescope,remove redundant structures and buildingsaround the site and significantly refurbishthe telescope control building.

The total cost of the planned works is in theorder of £11m and the works will bephased over a five-year period starting laterthis year.

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Phase One:2012-2018

Students’ Union (Oxford Road)In addition to around £1m being invested in refurbishing existing accommodation over a three-year period, the building will be extended to provide much needed additional accommodationto accommodate staff moving from the North Campus Students’ Union. The total cost of theextension works are in the order of £2m and the works will be complete in 2018.

The exciting Manchester Business SchoolRedevelopment Project will create a newhotel, Executive Education Centre andredeveloped School buildings to enableMBS to co-locate on one side of OxfordRoad in the strategically important OxfordRoad Corridor.

The project will be delivered in several phases,with construction scheduled to begin laterthis year, and will provide MBS withsignificant new facilities to service its growingstudent population, as well as the increasinglypopular leadership and managementprogrammes it delivers for significant nationaland international organisations.

The first phase will see the development of anew four-star hotel and Executive EducationCentre. The hotel will provide a base for thenumerous visitors to the Business School, aswell as adding to the high end hotel space inand around Manchester.

The second and third phases will provide anew entrance to the School, refurbished

academic staff offices and new teaching andadministrative homes for the School.

The final phase will include a resources andlearning centre as a striking centrepiece tothe refurbishment and remodelling of theexisting MBS buildings.

The project’s core vision is for the newManchester Business School to become alandmark gateway to Corridor Manchester, at the heart of the city’s knowledge-ledeconomy. The ethos of the School is aboutapplying original thinking to make positivechange and the new development echoes thisphilosophy – both in its design and function.

As the School moves towards its goal ofbecoming a truly world-class business school,the hotel and conference centre will providean excellent base from which to exploreManchester and will play a key role inattracting inward development to the city.

Bruntwood have been appointed as preferred developer.

Manchester Business SchoolSimon BuildingThe Simon Building has seen recent investment ina new Computer Cluster, a new shared servicesfacility for Human Resources and conversion ofthe basements into new lecture theatres. Thisinvestment will continue with a £12m programmeof long-term maintenance works and the creationof additional teaching spaces.

The Simon Building will also be the new home forThe University of Manchester Staff Associationand the Wellbeing Centre.

The works will be complete in 2015.

Teaching BlockA major new teaching block is required toreplace both departmental and centralteaching accommodation contained within theNorth Campus. The £32m building willcontain general teaching accommodation,including large lecture theatres and smallerseminar spaces.

The building will be located on the plot of landbetween the Booth Street multi-storey car parkand the Alan Turing Building. It will provideapproximately 8,600 m2 of accommodationand the project will be complete in 2018.

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Significant investment in the Samuel Alexanderand Mansfield Cooper buildings will result inmajor remodelling of office and teaching spacefor the School of Arts, Languages and Culturesand the creation of breakout areas wherestudents can mix and carry out group work.

The work will complete the co-location of theSchool onto three sites on South Campus and

will facilitate the vacation of Oddfellows Halland bring the English Language TeachingCentre onto the main campus.

The budget is around £11m for both buildingsand will combine the remodelling andrefurbishment required by the School with somelong-term maintenance investment, and willtake up to three years to complete.

Samuel Alexander and Mansfield Cooper Building

Phase One:2012-2018

In addition to the major projects planned,the University will continue to invest in itsEstate as follows:

• £8m investment in refurbishing andcreating additional teaching spaces rightacross the campus, building on therecent investment into new environmentsfor teaching and learning

• A new Directorate for StudentExperience ‘Hub’ in University Place,which will provide a focal point forstudent information, advice andguidance. This will involve partialremodelling of the ground floor area toprovide a new reception and informationpoint, as well as additional studentservices on the first floor

• Major investment into IT infrastructure,which will include improvements to back-up power supplies, the data centre andtelephone systems

• Public Realm works and landscaping,both around the new developments andaround our existing buildings

• Fire Safety and Disability DiscriminationAct works, including fire alarm andemergency lighting renewal across thecampus and a further package of worksto ensure our campus is more accessible

• Long-term maintenance is included inthe Masterplan at a cost of around £25mper annum to address issues such asreplacement windows, roofs, boilers,heating and ventilation, electrical powerand lighting

Other campus-wide projectsand long-term maintenance

The University is committed to reducing itscarbon emissions by 40%. A feasibility studyhas been commissioned to determine howCombined Heat and Power (CHP) technologiescould be used to reduce energy costs andcarbon emissions. This study will recommendwhat our long term CHP strategy should be andhow this can be phased and delivered inaccordance with our programme of work withinour Estates Strategy.

Combined Heat and Power

The University ofManchester LibraryFollowing investment into the refurbishment of the ground floor of the University of ManchesterLibrary and the creation of the impressive Alan Gilbert Learning Commons, significant investment inour Library facilities will continue over the coming years.

The University Library will be significantly remodelled and refurbished in order to relocate the JouleLibrary from the North Campus, and to provide enhanced and modern library facilities.

The total cost of the planned works is in the order of £11m and the works will be phased over athree-year period completing in 2018. Further investment in the Library is planned in Phase Two ofthe Estates Strategy.

Coupland 3Coupland 3 is a listed building located onthe Rear Quadrangle of the University’scluster of historic buildings. It was theoriginal home of the School of Medicineand large parts of the building have beenvacant for some time.

Significant investment is required both tothe fabric of the building and internally toconvert the building into a facility suitablefor modern research, teaching andadministration.

Following completion of the project thebuilding will be occupied by the School ofLaw, the Directorate of Student Experienceand the Faculty of HumanitiesAdministration.

The total cost of the planned works is in theorder of £29m and the works will becomplete in 2016.

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Phase Two: 2018-2022

Phase Two:2018-2022


Engineering and Physical Sciences (EPS)

Medical and Human Sciences (MHS) & Life Sciences (LS)

Humanities (HUM)


Boundaries are indicative only.Reproduced from Ordnance Survey Land-Line data with the permission of the controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office © Crown Copyright 2008.

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Phase Two:2018-2022

Phase Two of the Estates Strategyincludes around £400m of investmentinto the following schemes:

Faculty of Medical and HumanSciences and Life Sciences• Completion of the later phases of the

Faculty of Medical and Human Sciencesand Life Sciences Masterplan

• Interim refurbishment of teaching labs

• Infrastructure upgrades to the WolfsonMolecular Imaging Centre

• Refurbishment for the relocation ofPsychology

Faculty of Engineering andPhysical Sciences • Chemistry refurbishments

• Computer Science refurbishments andsome new-build

• Rationalisation and refurbishment for theSchool of Earth, Atmospheric andEnvironmental Science

• Works for School of Mathematics

• Further work at Jodrell Bank

• Fit out top floor of the Alan Turing Building

Faculty of Humanities• Music practice rooms

• Works for School of Environment andDevelopment and School of Social Sciences

Non-Faculty• Support Services facilities refurbishments• Teaching room refurbishments• Sports projects• Further Library investment• Museum refurbishments• Health centre• Chancellors refurbishments• Roscoe refurbishment• Public realm and landscaping

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The University of ManchesterOxford RoadManchesterM13 9PLtel +44 (0)161 306

Royal Charter Number RC000797M376 02.13