can thoughts be transmitted and received by electronic devices

CAN THOUGHTS BE TRANSMITTED AND RECEIVED BY ELECTRONIC DEVICES? It is “no secret” that we are losing data at unfathomable speeds. What good would it actually accomplish if it were true that we could have access to everything people are thinking and they had access to what you were thinking; if we all think to a false standard of facts, fed to us by automated data systems? Don’t get me wrong, digital systems have proven to be good slaves for mankind but make very bad Masters and horrible professors. Are Thoughts Empirical Objects? by G. N. O’Dell

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It is “no secret” that we are losing data at unfathomable speeds. What goodwould it actually accomplish if it were true that we could have access toeverything people are thinking and they had access to what you werethinking; if we all think to a false standard of facts, fed to us by automateddata systems? Don’t get me wrong, digital systems have proven to be goodslaves for mankind but make very bad Masters and horrible professors.


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It is “no secret” that we are losing data at unfathomable speeds. What good would it actually accomplish if it were true that we could have access to

everything people are thinking and they had access to what you were thinking; if we all think to a false standard of facts, fed to us by automated

data systems? Don’t get me wrong, digital systems have proven to be good slaves for mankind but make very bad Masters and horrible professors.

Are Thoughts Empirical Objects? by G. N. O’Dell

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Concerning thoughts, are thoughts tangible empirical objects? If we consider electricity as tangible and empirical objective activity, than thoughts must be tangible empirical objective activity. In fact, we generate electrical impulses every time we think. We generate impulses all the time, when we walk, talk, or speak. There is a popular concern, technology exists today that electronic devices have access to your thoughts from remote stations. If true, the best counter of such devices would be, don’t think!

Michael Persinger, winner of the 2007 Best Lecturer Competition, on "Just Suppose You Could Know What Others Are Thinking: No More Secrets" suggest thoughts that are projected into the atmosphere by individual thinkers, is a collective known possibility within the earth's electromagnetic spectrum and in theory can be collected as a micro-universal that can be read and understood by electronic devices.

"No More Secrets", according to Persinger, would mean a utopia State, because there would be no more secrets held by government, individuals, or revolutionaries. Persinger suggests collective thoughts could be harnessed by scientific engineering which suggest an empirical device that could be accessed by all, "Suppose you had access to every other brain on this planet and they had access to yours - no more secrets (Persinger)." He makes a claim for example, "That if the whole world could feel hunger in Africa or your stomach as empty, that hunger would be a thing of the past" he guarantees it.

Michael Persinger believes that the greatest philosophy ever developed is science, which in a contemporary sense; most people believe "Science is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe (wiki)." Who would disagree that science is the greatest technological advancement of human kind? If we consider science defined as, "refers to the body of reliable knowledge itself, of the type that can be logically and rationally explained (wiki)."

Also, who can argue against the fact that science is limited to the domain of binary associations? It makes good sense; science is still an Aristotelian definition, the theory of observation or "the assessment or observation of phenomena."

The last remains of true Mysticism (from the Greek μυστικός, mystikos) or universal knowing can be traced before Socrates 850 BCE; unfortunately, his pupil Plato just did not understand the higher ground and assimilated an inferior teaching to his student, Aristotle. Aristotle’s telos teachings were self-motivating political strategies used to control others. The pseudo philosophers of his time were nothing more than corrupt politicians and reason in itself, the conspiracy.

The wave of new thought came to a crest and crashed on the beach of social order. Academia was borne, a cancerous degeneration of self-analysis and objective logic, backed by power egos which, over time, led to the complete destruction of the Roman Empire and plunged the world into the dark ages just as integrated digital systems collapsed the global economy at the beginning of 21st century.

The mystical life style which I describe as a trans-personality was common place thousands of years ago before humanity began to degenerate, dwelling more in the lower worlds of thought instead of the higher

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transpersonal state of consciousness. To think about something is to acknowledge the fact that the thinker does not know. To know requires no thought. Thought is an instinctive animal by-product only useful in the binary worlds. Take for example, mankind’s closet relative, the common chimpanzee, whose reasoning ability is astonishing and well documented in the animal’s own habitat by primatologist.

Chimpanzee societies are made up of individuals that associate learned behavior, and rely on group relationships to survive. Chimpanzee raiding parties have been observed attacking neighboring chimpanzee communities. These clashes are planned, orchestrated and deadly. Male chimps actively seek apes outside their own community and kill which sometimes includes death of infants. Within their own group, seldom is another chimp killed. Just as in human society, where reason promotes virtue, so too does it breed vice. Anytime nature gives up a portion of instinct for logic, the phenomena of stupidity occurs.

Logic, rationality, and even mathematics are imperfect sciences based on at least one exception to reason, lending the mind to a linear way of thinking, or a popular belief in Linearism [Materialism], a view point that life is a rigid time line controlled by known laws of physics, ignoring what we do not know or will we ever get there by standardizing false beliefs as facts.

This age old epistemic dilemma is an absurd notion that reason is a process, or product of thinking. Contrary to everything scholars deem holy, reason is not the product of thought, reason or the logos is a “known.” The best example would be Persinger’s own words:

"Also one of the interesting things that are taking place, as the amount of communications systems increase, the number of usual phenomena, the so called paranormal phenomena, are decreasing. In fact, we now realize that as the density for cell phones and other kinds of electronics increase, the number of spontaneous phenomena, particularly in Britain, called haunts and others, are decreasing at the same rate. And it not simply an artifact that people are becoming more educated or less interested in the phenomena, the phenomena is just simple disappearing."

Persinger’s statement, concerning the decrease in unexplained phenomena which he rightly labels "So called paranormal phenomena,” is misleading, in fact the number of unusual event activity is not decreasing, the number of reports of such unexplained phenomena is decreasing. People are simply not reporting these phenomena. Relying solely of linear statistical systems is problematic; the knowledge base tends to standardize so called facts without question or critique from inquiring minds.

A good question from an inquiring mind in the audience explains "No Secrets" contradictions: "So if we start with the assumption that there is a materialist basis for consciousness and we realize the brain is a finite organ, then there stands to reason a sort of quantitative threshold for amount of consciousness that can be experienced."

Persinger answered the question by explaining, we have two states, mater and energy, which is not true when describing the conscious state of “no secrets.” There are two states of "no secrets", unknown and known, which includes the laws of physics that are still unknown or unrecognized by academia; particularly, by the linear materialistic view.

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Any anomalous activity that deviates from scientific reasoning is considered paranormal phenomena such as Orbs, Spirits, Ghost, Aliens, Greys and UFOs. Anomaly enthusiasts obsess on the mystifying unexpected experience while the scientific community avoids any research outside observable, empirical and measurable evidence. Both views falsely presuppose the existence of two separate worlds, the empirical outer universe and the mind.

Neurologist claim a breakthrough to view and read human thoughts will soon be a reality; however, most of these scientists will never get there, because they have been conditioned by scientific standards and academic oppression. The viewing of visual images is not a new age phenomena. The sources have been lost to the digitalization of text books, periodicals, and scholarly papers. A demonstration of capturing thoughts on photographs was well presented in an ABC documentary in 1967.

It is “no secret” that we are losing data at unfathomable speeds. What good would it actually accomplish if it were true that we could have access to everything people are thinking and they had access to what you were thinking; if we all think to a false standard of facts, fed to us by automated data systems? Don’t get me wrong, digital systems have proven to be good slaves for mankind but make very bad Masters and horrible professors. A good example would be the most obvious deletions of terms established by the original Webster’s Dictionary by digitalization such as the term 'transpersonal'. Transpersonal is best defined as anything outside of yourself including yourself.

This immaterialist position called idealism, a claim that all objects are actually ideas, makes good sense, especially when operating on multidimensional planes that are made up of those very ideas. Of course, any rational idealist would border the absurd to think it possible to crash head on into a concrete wall without suffering the effects of a Rock Hard Concrete Idea! It is equally absurd to think that there exists something other than the mind. Where would this substance come from?

Idealism solves many of the problems of today’s scientific separatism view which falsely presupposes the existence of two separate worlds, the empirical outer universe and the mind. We might consider our humble beginnings as the Big Bang of Consciousness- no longer a subject-object relation of rocks, dust, gases, and things, but the shadows of ever-expanding awareness illuminating the dark unknown of our universe.

Persinger uses a very good example of false data feed to the public by automated systems, Engle Swan’s ability of what the CIA calls remote viewing which is also mislabeled, in part or in whole because the infamous separatist view. By-the-way, Engle was a poor subject to experiment with to demonstrate remote viewing, if the CIA and Russians used experts in the field in War World I and World War II. Engle is not an anomaly, which makes you wonder about the CIA presupposed omniscience. The separatist view is a Western ideology, compared to the other four and one half billion of the world’s thinkers. If Pesinger’s theory of collective thinking is true, than the idea of separatism would no longer be valid or would Pesinger’s argument.

Persenger speaks about altered states and altered states while dreaming: however, he did not consider those who do not dream. If all that can be known, is already known here now, then "no more secrets" has been tapped sense the dawning of time by those individuals that can shift their attention away and beyond binary associations such a mystics, gurus, yogis, and monks. Simply put, if you don’t want others to read your mind, don’t think.

I know of no other ethnicity group that has this mastered than the Irish from knowledge passed from generation to generation, dating back thousands of years ago, thoughts can be transmitted and received without any electronic device. Again, if you do not want anyone to know what you are thinking, don’t think.

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Many believe, we have forgotten the errors of our past in the year BC (Before Computer) and now doomed to repeat! We cannot continue with the insanity of building on faulty foundations of presupposed theories of binary schemas, and expect new innovative results.

Sadly, even our youth have been conditioned to accept false judgments by huge linear systems, allowing facts to be change with a few strokes of the fingers for political control, global monetary values, and academic oppression.

The light of intuitive reasoning has been darkened by illusions of monetary gain by safely dwelling in a domain of social standards, instead of the glory of hard won discoveries at risk, paid with the price of failure.

Our only saving grace will be paradigm shift beyond the binary worlds, naturally induced by a new way to live, think, and view the world.

G. N. O’Dell 04/24/2012

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"No More Secrets by Michael Persinger « blomblad i vinden." blomblad i vinden. blombladivinden, 23 Apr. 2012. Web. 24 Apr. 2012. <>.

O'Dell, Gregory. "Transpersonalism." Linearism.Org. Gregory O'Dell, 22 Oct. 2008. Web. 24 Apr. 2012. <

O'Dell, Gregory . "Sanskrit Planes of Existence P32 - P33." LinearismOrg The Logos Is A Known Journal Texas Mystic. Gregory O'Dell, 3 Jan. 2011. Web. 24 Apr. 2012. <

O'Dell, Gregory . Anatomy of the Human Grey Body Grey Anatomy. North Charleston: BookSurge, 2007. Print.

Persinger, Michael . "Just Suppose You Could Know What Others Are Thinking: No More Secrets." 2007 Best Lecturer Competition. 2007 Best Lecturer Competition. Best Lecturer Competition, New York. 15 June 2007. Lecture.

Persinger, Michael . "Just Suppose You Could Know What Others Are Thinking: No More Secrets." 2007 Best Lecturer Competition. 2007 Best Lecturer Competition. Best Lecturer Competition, New York. 15 June 2007. Lecture.