can use commas accurately · reality: commas can be used to indicate parenthesis, separate items in...

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Page 1: Can use commas accurately · Reality: commas can be used to indicate parenthesis, separate items in a list or separate a main clause from a subordinate clause/adverbial. Commas should

Commissioned by The PiXL Club Ltd.July 2020

© Copyright The PiXL Club Limited, 2020

This resource is strictly for the use of member schools for as long as they remain members of The PiXL Club. It may not be copied, sold nor transferred to a third party or used by the school after membership ceases. Until such time it may

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Can use commas accurately

Year 6 Autumn Transition Therapy

Page 2: Can use commas accurately · Reality: commas can be used to indicate parenthesis, separate items in a list or separate a main clause from a subordinate clause/adverbial. Commas should

Teacher Guidance

Common misconceptions to be aware of:

Incorrect belief that a comma can be used to separate two main clauses, e.g. Don’t snatch things, it’s rude. Reality: commas can be used to indicate parenthesis, separate items in a list or separate a main clause from a subordinate clause/adverbial. Commas should not be used to separate two main clauses. You should either use a full stop or, if you wish to show that the two main clauses are closely linked, you could use a semi-colon/colon. (See Year 6 resources on PrimaryWise).

Misconception that a comma should never be used before the word ‘and’. Reality: the serial comma or Oxford comma (where is comma is placed before the last item – and therefore before the word ‘and’ – in a list) is not accepted by the DFE. However, a comma may be used before ‘and’ in some situations, for example where commas have been used around a relative clause, e.g. They ate crisps, which were stale, and drank some orange juice.

Page 3: Can use commas accurately · Reality: commas can be used to indicate parenthesis, separate items in a list or separate a main clause from a subordinate clause/adverbial. Commas should






Put these words in order. Explain how you have ordered them.


Shades of meaning

Page 4: Can use commas accurately · Reality: commas can be used to indicate parenthesis, separate items in a list or separate a main clause from a subordinate clause/adverbial. Commas should


Page 5: Can use commas accurately · Reality: commas can be used to indicate parenthesis, separate items in a list or separate a main clause from a subordinate clause/adverbial. Commas should

Using commas

The children were allowed to choose whether to draw, paint or have some extra time in the library.

Tomatoes can be used in a salad, in soup and as a delicious pizza topping.

The new boy anxiously opened the door, smiled at the teacher and took his seat at the back of the classroom.

Commas can be used to separate items, actions or descriptions in a list sentence.

Page 6: Can use commas accurately · Reality: commas can be used to indicate parenthesis, separate items in a list or separate a main clause from a subordinate clause/adverbial. Commas should

Commas in a list

I speak English. I speak French. I speak Portuguese.

A comma is placed between each item in the list. Commas should not be used before the final item which is usually joined with and/or.

I speak English, French and Portuguese.

Page 7: Can use commas accurately · Reality: commas can be used to indicate parenthesis, separate items in a list or separate a main clause from a subordinate clause/adverbial. Commas should

Commas in a list

Abel glanced behind him. He ducked into the shadows. He ran, without looking back.

Lists can help join smaller sentences. This can sometimes make your writing flow better, create a sense of movement and create more excitement or

suspense for the reader.

Abel glanced behind him, ducked into the shadows and ran, without looking back.

Page 8: Can use commas accurately · Reality: commas can be used to indicate parenthesis, separate items in a list or separate a main clause from a subordinate clause/adverbial. Commas should

Your turn

Junior dug the hole, planted the seed, and watered it.

We have been classifying reptiles, amphibians, birds and mammals this week in our science lessons.

At the bottom of his backpack was a collection of disgusting things: there were half-chewed pencils, an apple which had gone brown, a handful, of coppers and something that was decidedly sticky.

Which of these sentences uses commas correctly?

Page 9: Can use commas accurately · Reality: commas can be used to indicate parenthesis, separate items in a list or separate a main clause from a subordinate clause/adverbial. Commas should

How did you do?

Junior dug the hole, planted the seed, and watered it.

We have been classifying reptiles, amphibians, birds and mammals this week in our science lessons.

At the bottom of his backpack was a collection of disgusting things: there were half-chewed pencils, an apple which had gone brown, a handful, of coppers and something that was decidedly sticky.

Which of these sentences uses commas correctly?

Page 10: Can use commas accurately · Reality: commas can be used to indicate parenthesis, separate items in a list or separate a main clause from a subordinate clause/adverbial. Commas should

Your turn

Lunch choices:

• cheese baguette• jacket potato with tuna• spaghetti with meatballs• vegetable stir fry

Write a sentence that lists all the information given in the box below. Use commas to punctuate the list.

Page 11: Can use commas accurately · Reality: commas can be used to indicate parenthesis, separate items in a list or separate a main clause from a subordinate clause/adverbial. Commas should

How did you do?

E.g. For lunch, your choices are cheese baguette, jacket potato with tuna, spaghetti with meatballs or vegetable stir fry.

Write a sentence that lists all the information given in the box below. Use commas to punctuate the list.

Page 12: Can use commas accurately · Reality: commas can be used to indicate parenthesis, separate items in a list or separate a main clause from a subordinate clause/adverbial. Commas should

Your turn

Lily and Ardi

Write out the words from the boxes below to create one sentence. Punctuate your sentence correctly.

took out their binoculars

marvelled at the view

walked up the hill


Page 13: Can use commas accurately · Reality: commas can be used to indicate parenthesis, separate items in a list or separate a main clause from a subordinate clause/adverbial. Commas should

How did you do?

Lily and Ardi walked up the hill, took out their binoculars and marvelled at the view.

Write out the words from the boxes below to create one sentence. Punctuate your sentence correctly.

Page 14: Can use commas accurately · Reality: commas can be used to indicate parenthesis, separate items in a list or separate a main clause from a subordinate clause/adverbial. Commas should

Your turn

Billy felt a knot of ice-cold sadness in his stomach. Billy’s eyes clouded with tears. A tiny whimper left his mouth.

The strange figure towered above them. The figure leaned down. The figure stared them straight in the eyes. The figure let out a howl.

Rewrite each set of sentences below so that they become one list sentence. Punctuate your writing correctly.

Page 15: Can use commas accurately · Reality: commas can be used to indicate parenthesis, separate items in a list or separate a main clause from a subordinate clause/adverbial. Commas should

How did you do?

Billy felt a knot of ice-cold sadness in his stomach, his eyes clouded with tears and a tiny whimper left his mouth.

The strange figure towered above them, leaned down, stared them straight in the eyes and let out a howl.

Rewrite each set of sentences below so that they become one list sentence. Punctuate your writing correctly.

Page 16: Can use commas accurately · Reality: commas can be used to indicate parenthesis, separate items in a list or separate a main clause from a subordinate clause/adverbial. Commas should

Commas to separate clauses

As the performers took a bow, all the children cheered and clapped.

Commas are used to separate clauses when a subordinate clause is before a main clause.

subordinate clause main clause

All the children cheered and clapped, when the performers took a bow.

subordinate clausemain clause

Page 17: Can use commas accurately · Reality: commas can be used to indicate parenthesis, separate items in a list or separate a main clause from a subordinate clause/adverbial. Commas should

Your turn

After, we had finished painting our masks we left them to dry.

Once the clock chimes midnight, the fireworks will begin.

Even though we had been given some tips, it was hard to hit the target.

Choir was cancelled this afternoon, because the music teacher was ill.

Which of these sentences uses commas correctly?

Page 18: Can use commas accurately · Reality: commas can be used to indicate parenthesis, separate items in a list or separate a main clause from a subordinate clause/adverbial. Commas should

How did you do?

After, we had finished painting our masks we left them to dry.

Once the clock chimes midnight, the fireworks will begin.

Even though we had been given some tips, it was hard to hit the target.

Choir was cancelled this afternoon, because the music teacher was ill.

Which of these sentences uses commas correctly?

Page 19: Can use commas accurately · Reality: commas can be used to indicate parenthesis, separate items in a list or separate a main clause from a subordinate clause/adverbial. Commas should

Your turn

If the siren sounds you must make your way to the assembly point.

Ever since I was a baby I have loved performing for others.

When you have finished with the measuring cylinder leave it on the table.

Before you go any further please make your predictions.

Insert the missing comma in each of the sentences below.

Remember: the comma(s) should separate the extra information from the main clause.

Page 20: Can use commas accurately · Reality: commas can be used to indicate parenthesis, separate items in a list or separate a main clause from a subordinate clause/adverbial. Commas should

How did you do?

If the siren sounds, you must make your way to the assembly point.

Ever since I was a baby, I have loved performing for others.

When you have finished with the measuring cylinder, leave it on the table.

Before you go any further, please make your predictions.

Insert the missing comma in each of the sentences below.

Remember: the comma(s) should separate the extra information from the main clause.

Page 21: Can use commas accurately · Reality: commas can be used to indicate parenthesis, separate items in a list or separate a main clause from a subordinate clause/adverbial. Commas should

Your turn

I love competing at sports day in the high jump, the long jump and the hurdles.

Participating with team mates, cheering each other on and showcasing our skills is so much fun.

Once the competition is finished, the scores are tallied to find a winner.

As the results are read out, we all congratulate every team.

Decide whether the commas in each sentence have been used to separate clauses or to separate items in a list.

Page 22: Can use commas accurately · Reality: commas can be used to indicate parenthesis, separate items in a list or separate a main clause from a subordinate clause/adverbial. Commas should

How did you do?

I love competing at sports day in the high jump, the long jump and the hurdles. (separate items in a list)Participating with team mates, cheering each other on and showcasing our skills is so much fun. (separate items in a list)Once the competition is finished, the scores are tallied to find a winner.(separate clauses)As the results are read out, we all congratulate every team. (separate clauses)

Decide whether the commas in each sentence have been used to separate clauses or to separate items in a list.

Page 23: Can use commas accurately · Reality: commas can be used to indicate parenthesis, separate items in a list or separate a main clause from a subordinate clause/adverbial. Commas should

Commas to separate clauses

Subordinate clauses that do not begin with a conjunction need a comma to separate them from the main clause.

Soaring through the sky, the red kite hunted its prey.

subordinate clause

The red kite scoured the landscape, hopeful for what it might find.

subordinate clausemain clause

main clause

Page 24: Can use commas accurately · Reality: commas can be used to indicate parenthesis, separate items in a list or separate a main clause from a subordinate clause/adverbial. Commas should

Your turn

Scurrying through the undergrowth, the hedgehog searched for shelter.

The children all whizzed down the helter-skelter screaming delightedly.

Biting his lip Teddy fidgeted from one foot to the other in anticipation.

The line of trees stood as still as sentinels, protecting the landscape.

Which of these sentences uses commas correctly?

Remember: the comma(s) should separate the extra information from the main clause.

Page 25: Can use commas accurately · Reality: commas can be used to indicate parenthesis, separate items in a list or separate a main clause from a subordinate clause/adverbial. Commas should

How did you do?

Scurrying through the undergrowth, the hedgehog searched for shelter.

The children all whizzed down the helter-skelter screaming delightedly.

Biting his lip Teddy fidgeted from one foot to the other in anticipation.

The line of trees stood as still as sentinels, protecting the landscape.

Which of these sentences uses commas correctly?

Remember: the comma(s) should separate the extra information from the main clause.

Page 26: Can use commas accurately · Reality: commas can be used to indicate parenthesis, separate items in a list or separate a main clause from a subordinate clause/adverbial. Commas should

Your turn

Scared to be out alone at night Jojo raced home avoiding the alleyway.

He sat down to complete some colouring letting his mind wander.

Desperate to find out what would happen next the boy read on.

The train pulled into the station ready to let its passengers disembark.

Insert the missing comma in each of the sentences below.

Remember: the comma(s) should separate the extra information from the main clause.

Page 27: Can use commas accurately · Reality: commas can be used to indicate parenthesis, separate items in a list or separate a main clause from a subordinate clause/adverbial. Commas should

How did you do?

Scared to be out alone at night, Jojo raced home avoiding the alleyway.

He sat down to complete some colouring, letting his mind wander.

Desperate to find out what would happen next, the boy read on.

The train pulled into the station, ready to let its passengers disembark.

Insert the missing comma in each of the sentences below.

Remember: the comma(s) should separate the extra information from the main clause.

Page 28: Can use commas accurately · Reality: commas can be used to indicate parenthesis, separate items in a list or separate a main clause from a subordinate clause/adverbial. Commas should

Commas to separate clauses

When the relative clause splits the main clause, the commas must come around the relative clause.

The girl, who had curly black hair, enjoyed creating art from nature.

relative clause

The badger, which had distinctive black and white stripes, dug up the bulbs.

relative clause main clause

main clause

Page 29: Can use commas accurately · Reality: commas can be used to indicate parenthesis, separate items in a list or separate a main clause from a subordinate clause/adverbial. Commas should

Commas to separate clauses

Using commas around a relative clause can change the meaning of the sentence.

Apples, which come from Kent, taste juicy and delicious.

This sentence suggests that all apples come from Kent.

Apples which come from Kent taste juicy and delicious.

This sentence suggests that only those apples that come

from Kent taste juicy and delicious.

Page 30: Can use commas accurately · Reality: commas can be used to indicate parenthesis, separate items in a list or separate a main clause from a subordinate clause/adverbial. Commas should

Amphibians, which are vertebrates, need water to survive.

Mammals, that are found on every continent are warm-blooded.

Tropical climates are rich in species, which makes them interesting to visit.

Reptiles, which are covered, in scaly or bony skin are cold-blooded.

Your turn

Which of these sentences use commas correctly?

Remember: the comma(s) should separate the extra information from the main clause.

Page 31: Can use commas accurately · Reality: commas can be used to indicate parenthesis, separate items in a list or separate a main clause from a subordinate clause/adverbial. Commas should

Amphibians, which are vertebrates, need water to survive.

Mammals, that are found on every continent are warm-blooded.

Tropical climates are rich in species, which makes them interesting to visit.

Reptiles, which are covered, in scaly or bony skin are cold-blooded.

How did you do?

Which of these sentences use commas correctly?

Remember: the comma(s) should separate the extra information from the main clause.

Page 32: Can use commas accurately · Reality: commas can be used to indicate parenthesis, separate items in a list or separate a main clause from a subordinate clause/adverbial. Commas should

The first coins which were made over 2,700 years ago were found in Lydia in the Middle East.

Rhinos eat only plants which makes them herbivores.

Vincent Van Gogh who is a famous artist only sold one painting in his lifetime.

Your turn

Insert the missing comma or commas in the sentences below.

Remember: the comma(s) should separate the extra information from the main clause.

Page 33: Can use commas accurately · Reality: commas can be used to indicate parenthesis, separate items in a list or separate a main clause from a subordinate clause/adverbial. Commas should

The first coins, which were made over 2,700 years ago, were found in Lydia in the Middle East.

Rhinos eat only plants, which makes them herbivores.

Vincent Van Gogh, who is a famous artist, only sold one painting in his lifetime.

How did you do?

Insert the missing comma or commas in the sentences below.

Remember: the comma(s) should separate the extra information from the main clause.

Page 34: Can use commas accurately · Reality: commas can be used to indicate parenthesis, separate items in a list or separate a main clause from a subordinate clause/adverbial. Commas should

The trees which are deciduous have lost all their leaves.

The trees, which are deciduous, have lost all their leaves.

Your turn

How does the use of commas in the second sentence change the meaning?

Page 35: Can use commas accurately · Reality: commas can be used to indicate parenthesis, separate items in a list or separate a main clause from a subordinate clause/adverbial. Commas should

The trees which are deciduous have lost all their leaves.

The trees, which are deciduous, have lost all their leaves.

The use of commas in the second sentence suggests that all the trees are deciduous. The first sentence suggests that only

the trees that are deciduous have lost their leaves.

How did you do?

How does the use of commas in the second sentence change the meaning?

Page 36: Can use commas accurately · Reality: commas can be used to indicate parenthesis, separate items in a list or separate a main clause from a subordinate clause/adverbial. Commas should

____________________________ Jay practised the guitar daily.

____________________________ Kia was excited to arrive.

Your turn

Complete the sentences below with a subordinate clause.

The wizard __________________ desperately tried to cast his spell.

Wales ______________________ has a great history.

Complete the sentences below with a relative clause.

Remember: use a comma(s) to separate the extra information from the main clause.

Page 37: Can use commas accurately · Reality: commas can be used to indicate parenthesis, separate items in a list or separate a main clause from a subordinate clause/adverbial. Commas should

E.g. Since he had begun to take lessons, Jay practised the guitar daily.

After a long and boring journey, Kia was excited to arrive.

How did you do?

Complete the sentences below with a subordinate clause.

E.g. The wizard, who was not very good, desperately tried to cast his spell.

Wales, which is a country in the United Kingdom, has a great history.

Complete the sentences below with a relative clause.

Remember: use a comma(s) to separate the extra information from the main clause.

Page 38: Can use commas accurately · Reality: commas can be used to indicate parenthesis, separate items in a list or separate a main clause from a subordinate clause/adverbial. Commas should

Comma after a fronted adverbial

With total pride, she took her place on the podium.

Hurriedly, they gathered up their belongings and left.

Later, it will be the ideal visibility to see the space station pass overhead.

Commas are used after a fronted adverbial/adverb at the start of a sentence.

Remember: use a comma to separate the extra information from the main clause.

Page 39: Can use commas accurately · Reality: commas can be used to indicate parenthesis, separate items in a list or separate a main clause from a subordinate clause/adverbial. Commas should

With anticipation, they took their seats in the auditorium.

Quickly one, of them ran to the car and fetched the umbrellas.

After, some time it seemed that they had run out of options.

Honestly, she couldn’t believe that they had made such a silly mistake!

Your turn

Which of these sentences use commas correctly?

Remember: the comma(s) should separate the adverbial from the main clause.

Page 40: Can use commas accurately · Reality: commas can be used to indicate parenthesis, separate items in a list or separate a main clause from a subordinate clause/adverbial. Commas should

With anticipation, they took their seats in the auditorium.

Quickly one, of them ran to the car and fetched the umbrellas.

After, some time it seemed that they had run out of options.

Honestly, she couldn’t believe that they had made such a silly mistake!

How did you do?

Which of these sentences use commas correctly?

Remember: the comma(s) should separate the adverbial from the main clause.

Page 41: Can use commas accurately · Reality: commas can be used to indicate parenthesis, separate items in a list or separate a main clause from a subordinate clause/adverbial. Commas should

In November you can see many migratory birds as they stop off in the United Kingdom on their way to milder climes.

Unfortunately the service may be slower than usual due to the number of customers that we have dining with us this evening.

At the end of the day you must make sure that the doors are all locked.

Your turn

Insert the missing comma or commas into the sentences below.

Remember: the comma(s) should separate the adverbial from the main clause.

Page 42: Can use commas accurately · Reality: commas can be used to indicate parenthesis, separate items in a list or separate a main clause from a subordinate clause/adverbial. Commas should

In November, you can see many migratory birds as they stop off in the United Kingdom on their way to milder climes.

Unfortunately, the service may be slower than usual due to the number of customers that we have dining with us this evening.

At the end of the day, you must make sure that the doors are all locked.

How did you do?

Insert the missing comma or commas into the sentences below.

Remember: the comma(s) should separate the adverbial from the main clause.

Page 43: Can use commas accurately · Reality: commas can be used to indicate parenthesis, separate items in a list or separate a main clause from a subordinate clause/adverbial. Commas should

Commas in complex sentences

In the blink of an eye, the shadowy figure, who seemed to

be following them, had vanished from sight.

Complex sentences are made up of an independent (main) clause and one or more dependent clauses. This means that several commas may be required to punctuate it correctly.

Comma after a fronted


Commas around a relative clause

Main clause Dependent clauses

Page 44: Can use commas accurately · Reality: commas can be used to indicate parenthesis, separate items in a list or separate a main clause from a subordinate clause/adverbial. Commas should

Your turn

Edit the passage below, inserting the missing commas.

Famous for being the largest hot desert in the world the Sahara is located in North Africa. With a land area almost the same size as the United States of America it spans a whopping eleven countries! Incredibly temperatures

can reach up to 57 ֯Celsius and there is rarely any rainfall. As a result of this the wildlife that inhabits the desert has had to adapt to some pretty

extreme conditions: intense heat fierce winds and huge temperature swings. The dromedary camel which is the most famous animal in the

Sahara can go for days without food and water.

Page 45: Can use commas accurately · Reality: commas can be used to indicate parenthesis, separate items in a list or separate a main clause from a subordinate clause/adverbial. Commas should

How did you do?

Edit the passage below, inserting the missing commas.

Famous for being the largest hot desert in the world, the Sahara is located in North Africa. With a land area almost the same size as the United States

of America, it spans a whopping eleven countries! Incredibly,temperatures can reach up to 57 ֯Celsius and there is rarely any rainfall. As

a result of this, the wildlife that inhabits the desert has had to adapt to some pretty extreme conditions: intense heat, fierce winds and huge temperature swings. The dromedary camel, which is the most famous

animal in the Sahara, can go for days without food and water.

Page 46: Can use commas accurately · Reality: commas can be used to indicate parenthesis, separate items in a list or separate a main clause from a subordinate clause/adverbial. Commas should


• Commas are used to separate items in a list.

• They are used to separate clauses when a subordinate clause is before a main clause.

• Commas can be used to separate a relative clause from a main clause.

• They are also used after a fronted adverbial/adverb at the start of a sentence.