can you hear me god? the power of prayer presented to you by ml truth

Can you hear me God? The Power of Prayer Presented to you by ML Truth

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Post on 22-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Can you hear me God? The Power of Prayer Presented to you by ML Truth

Can you hear me God?

The Power of Prayer

Presented to you by ML Truth

Page 2: Can you hear me God? The Power of Prayer Presented to you by ML Truth

What is Prayer?

Definition of Prayer:• to speak to God especially in order to give thanks or to ask for something

• to hope or wish very much for something to happen

• to address God or a god with adoration, confession, supplication, or thanksgiving

Page 3: Can you hear me God? The Power of Prayer Presented to you by ML Truth

How Do We Pray?

Jesus set a great example of how we should pray. We now know this prayer as the “The Lord’s Prayer” and it is used in, if not all, almost all denominations of Christianity.

Matthew 6:9-13Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

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Why Should We Pray?

There are many reasons for why we pray!• We pray for Thanksgiving• We pray for Healing• We pray for Forgiveness• We pray for Wisdom/Knowledge• We pray for Needs/Want• We pray for Strength• We pray to Communicate• We pray to Glorify/Worship God• We also use it to confess our sins

Page 5: Can you hear me God? The Power of Prayer Presented to you by ML Truth

What Should We Pray For?

• After looking at the platform that Jesus gave us and understanding why we pray, we can figure out what to pray for! However there are some times where we might be at a loss of words and unsure of what to say to God!

• Fear not because the bible tells us that God knows what we want before we even ask him! Matthew 6:8

Page 6: Can you hear me God? The Power of Prayer Presented to you by ML Truth

Is Prayer for Everyone?

Prayer is for anyone who is seeking or already has a relationship with God! Many believers may even start out by talking to God through prayer before even picking up a bible! You don’t need to be a pastor or a Christian of 20+ years. If you want a relationship with Jesus then you can start by talking to him and he will listen!

Psalm 145:18 - The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.

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Is Prayer Truly Powerful? Is It Really Effective?

• God promises that he will listen and answer our prayers!

• Matthew 7:7 – Ask and you shall receive, seek and you will find, knock and it will be open unto you.

• However there are times where God may say NO!

• James 4:3 – When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.

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Always Pray!

• One of the biggest reasons we pray is to have that personal connection with Jesus. What better way to get closer to someone than to talk to them? Prayer is a way for us to directly communicate with our Lord and Savior! He’s always listening and he wants the relationship with you!