canadian political issues in the early 1900s

CANADIAN POLITICAL ISSUES IN THE EARLY 1900S - South African - Boer War - Alaska Boundary Dispute

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Canadian Political Issues in the Early 1900s. South African - Boer War Alaska Boundary Dispute. 1. South African War. Boer War – 1899-1902 Countries Involved - British, South African-Dutch (Boers), Canadians - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Canadian Political Issues in the Early 1900s


-South African - Boer War-Alaska Boundary Dispute

Page 2: Canadian Political Issues in the Early 1900s

1. South African War

Boer War – 1899-1902

Countries Involved - British, South African-Dutch (Boers), Canadians

Issues – Gold and diamonds were discovered in South Africa, which made the land very valuable. Things got very tense between the British and the Boers and the two sides went to war over this land

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Canadian Response

Conflicted viewpoints within Canada – Many Canadians supported Great Britain and wanted to go help fight this war.

However, there were many in Canada (especially the French-Canadians) who did not support this war, and did not want Canada to go at all.

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Wilfred Laurier – Prime Minister of Canada

Wanted to please both French & English Canadians

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Sir Wilfred Laurier

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Laurier’s Response

Prime Minister Laurier of Canada did not force men to go to South Africa.

Instead, he announced that the government would equip, train, and transport 1000 volunteers to the war.

Overall this move worked well and the British won the war in June of 1902.

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2. Alaska Boundary Dispute - 1903

Countries Involved – Canada, United States and Great Britain

Issues/Facts – The United States bought Alaska from the

Russians in 1867 Some of the borders were not that clear. No one seemed to care about this land until

gold was discovered there in the 1890’s. Then both countries wanted the same land

and a dispute started.

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Conflict for Canada

Canada & the USA were disputing over land called the Alaskan Pan-handle

The Americans were not backing down on this issue and Canada did not want to give up land that was rightfully theirs.

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Blue is USA claimed border

Red is Canadian claimed border

Yellow is the current border after negotiations with Britain in 1903

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The British ended up siding with the Americans and giving them a very favorable land claim.

The British felt war in Europe might break out and they wanted the Americans on their side.

Many Canadians were upset about this ruling, especially after Canada had helped with troops in the Boer war.

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The Election of 1911

Laurier lost the election in a landslide, even losing in his home province of Quebec who were weary of his “pro-American” economic policies

Robert Borden won the election and the conservatives took control of the Canadian government

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Laurier on the election trail

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Robert Borden