canary wharf magazine may 2013

CANARY WHARF seasonal fashion, trends & events in Canary wharf with ted baker, haCkett, l.k bennett, hobbs, Jaeger, and more Summer STYLISH The developing nations hitting new highs ON THE RISE The smartest tailoring for power couples POWER GAMES

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Welcome to the May edition of Canary Wharf magazine, celebrating the dynamism of the area and bringing you the latest features, articles and reviews in the definitive guide for luxury modern living.


Page 1: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013


seasonal fashion, trends & events in Canary wharf with ted baker, haCkett, l.k bennett, hobbs, Jaeger, and more


The developing nations hitting

new highs

The developing


The smartest tailoring for

power couples


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12 trib te margaret thatCherEMMA JOHNSON pays tribute to the late Margaret Thatcher and looks back on her illustrious political career

14 the age of ind stryGEOFF MARSHALL delves into how the arrival of the West India Dock continues to impact the once industrial Isle of Dogs

18 serio sly differentFrom Hollywood pin-up to dramatic lead, Matthew McConaughey talks frankly to STEPHEN MILTON about his serious ambitions


26 langes legaCyRICHARD BROWN speaks to A. Lange & Söhne CEO Wilhelm Schmid about the most famous name in German watchmaking


39 nations on the riseDANIELLE BANCHI evaluates how developing markets are overcoming local challenges to break into the global economy

42 taking the l ngeANDY ROSENBAUM examines how volatile markets are driving investors to think outside the box to avoid losses

LIFESTYLE 60 ower layThis spring, men and women are power dressing in classic suits, structured pieces and muted colours

76 ret rning to the waves The Venture Cup is on the brink of becoming the most prestigious powerboat race in the world, writes RICHARD BROWN


seasonal fashion, trends & events in Canary wharf with ted baker, haCkett, l.k bennett, hobbs, Jaeger, and more


The developing nations hitting

new highs

The developing


The smartest tailoring for

power couples


Image courtesy of Ted BakerSpring/Summer 2013 CollectionCanada Place /

23 Watches + JeWellery

57 lifestyle: her

67 lifestyle: hiM

72 Motoring

80 food + drink

89 business travel

93 escape

107 property


FOOD & DRINK84 flavo r of the yearJAMES LAWRENCE’s essential guide to ordering wine in restaurants


96 seCond bite of the big a leRICHARD BROWN revisits New York and unapologetically fails to explore the path less travelled

102 treas re islandAIMEE LATIMER experiences how exposure to nature doesn’t mean a lapse in luxury at Qualia on Hamilton Island in Australia

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Page 8: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

the W-LIST

When? vaisakhi n ay an estimated

30 000 people ill congregate in Trafalgar S uare to celebrate aisak i t e Sik e ear. T e S uare ill

be bu ing it array of music dance a contemporary B angra

set and acti ities for c ildren.

Where? the world on regent street espite globalisation being an integral part of society

t e Britis can sometimes lose touc it t eir global family. T e orld on egent Street on 12 ay brings toget er t e best music arts and fas ion from across t e orld for a global t emed festi al in t e eart of ondon. T e local s ops and restaurants ill be oining

forces in a bid to entertain attendees and pay omage to t e city s cultural di ersity.

ERICA MUSANGO highlights the key people, places and events not to be missed in May. This month we remember the late Baroness Margaret Thatcher, and London celebrates its diversity with the World Festival in Regent Street and

celebrations in Trafalgar Square to welcome in the Sikh New Year

Who? margaret thatCher n ay 1 Baroness argaret T atc er became

t e rst oman to be oted into umber 10. S e ent on to make istory again en s e became t e longest running Britis Prime inister of t e 20t century after ser ing t ree consecuti e terms. icknamed t e Iron ady T atc er as reno ned for being a domineering

force in t e patriarc al political eld and for introducing T atc erism a political ideology still ali e in Britis politics today. er deat on pril sa t e loss of one of Britains most iconic gures. T atc er as been immortalised by ten artists in an e ibition of political portraits on display at ondons allery ifferent. Selected works, including this image from Cane Griffiths will feature at Westminster Underground Station,

Why? may day Spring bank olidays are normally spent attending local attractions and trying to soak up any unlikely sun. et for some political bodies pensioners and trade

unionists t eir ay bank oliday ill be dedicated to g ting for fairer orkers rig ts at t e annual ay ay

demonstrations on 1 ay. idely ie ed as contro ersial due to its istory of iolent riots t e day re ol es around marc es t at protest against ork e ploitation in bot t e and abroad.


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Managing EditorEMMA JOHNSON





Editorial AssistantAIMEE LATIMER


Senior DesignerSARAH CONNELL


General ManagerFIONA FENWICK




Head of FinanceELTON HOPKINS

Managing DirectorEREN ELLWOOD

itek12 / S a id o ler / S

Bike orldtra el / S Padmayogini / S

T andy iramonte / S

What? eriC Cla ton at the royal albert hallT oug es been inducted into t e ock and oll all of ame ric Clapton CB admits to not a ing played muc guitar in recent times and also claims t at t is tour s all be is last. ere sure e asn t lost is touc e en if is oie de i re for t e ectic lifestyle is aning.

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Page 10: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

P L E A S E E N J O Y O U R C H A M PA G N E R E S P O N S I B L YD R I N K AW A R E . C O . U K

PJ - A4 master:Perrier Jouet UK.qxd 4/4/08 15:38 Page 1

Page 11: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

MAY“Disciplining yourself to do what you know is right and important, although difficult, is the high road to pride, self-esteem, and personal satisfaction.” Margaret Thatcher

The Iron Lady is talking here about having the conviction to push forward, amid criticism, dissent and division, never

faltering from your path or what you believe to be best. It’s a challenging way of thinking – learning from mistakes and

being influenced by the world and people around us is a part of life – but it perfectly epitomises the ex-prime minister’s

approach to her leadership. In our tribute to her life and legacy on p. 12, we have focused on the impact she had on the

economy, changing the face of British business for the better. During her time she implemented numerous measures

designed to kick start the economy, measures which included the development of Canary Wharf, something

unilaterally agreed to be a key factor in the development of the UK’s position as a global financial power.

And, while we recognise all that Thatcher achieved to ensure London became the financial stronghold it

remains today, it’s fascinating to look back at a time when it had a different sort of focus. On p. 14,

Geoff Marshall takes us through Canary Wharf’s illustrious beginnings as an industrial hub, tracing

the history of the docklands’ ship yards and boat-building industry from the late 1700s.

Elsewhere, we look at the key developing nations across the world, from Latin America

to China (p. 39); consider how recent fluxes in foreign exchange calls for evermore

innovative ways to protect your investments (p. 42); and for a bit of light relief

talk to Matthew McConaughey about being charming and breaking out of

stereotypes (p. 18).

Finally, Richard Brown previews the most dramatic and exciting

competition on water – powerboat racing – once big enough to

rival F1 (p. 62), and Matthew Carter takes the new Rolls for a

spin (p. 72). Well, why not?

Enjoy the May bank holiday…


MAY 2013 CW 11

Emma Johnsonditor

Page 12: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

Prime inister argaret T atc er stands it er arms raised at a Conser ati e Party conference in Brig ton. T e I tried to assassinate

er it a bomb earlier in t e day. Bettmann/C BIS 12 ctober 1

Being powerful is like being a lady. If you

have to tell people you are, you aren’t.

Page 13: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013


MAY 2013 CW 13


It is often said that when the length of your life is written

out – in the case of Thatcher ‘1925 – 2013’, that the

important thing is not your birth or your death, but that

small dash inbetween – the sum total of your life. How

you fill that gap is what defines you; and how Thatcher

filled that gap is most certainly what has defined her.

Just as in life, Margaret Thatcher has divided opinion

in death. Minutes after her passing was announced, politicians,

famous figures, journalists, and even clueless boy-band members,

scrambled to share their two cents worth via the mediums of

Twitter, tabloid front pages and blogs; eulogising her passing with

appropriate commentary; while world leaders, such as David

Cameron and Barack Obama released statements bursting with the

kind of grand rhetoric only reserved for a

rare few at their death. Obama talked of

her championing of “freedom and liberty”,

while Cameron declared her, “a great leader,

a great prime minister and a great Briton.”

As Cameron cancelled his appointments

in Europe and flew home, details of her (all

but) state funeral plans began to emerge

– including the news that the taxpayer

would pick up the bill. It was then that the

voices of dissent began to shout in earnest, and the day culminated

in (literally) riotous celebrations in Brixton, Bristol and Liverpool,

which involved so-called ‘death parties’ and reports of burning

effigies. In the days to follow, sales of The Wizard of Oz song ‘Ding

Dong the Witch is Dead’ threaten to reach Number 1 in the charts,

forcing the BBC to make a tough decision about whether to play it if

it did achieve the top spot.

The strong reaction to her death was unsurprising; she herself

noted that she wanted to be a politician not of ‘consensus’ but

‘conviction’. And so dissenters and objections to her politics were

to be expected, but perhaps what was surprising was the strength

of feeling generated with her passing. While some raged about

those ‘speaking ill of the dead’, others hit back saying that those in

a position of extreme political power must expect their decisions

and character to be fair game for criticism, even in death. “That

one should not speak ill of the dead is arguably appropriate when a

private person dies, but it is wildly inappropriate for the death of a

controversial public figure, particularly one who wielded significant

influence and political power,” said Glenn Greenwald writing for

The Guardian on the day of her death.

And so in turn, commentary turned to focusing on the specifics of

her politics, where her influence has been most strongly felt. The fact

she made a difference seems indisputable, but whether this was a

difference for good or bad has become the subject of the discourse.

In the City, the overall feeling was one of gratitude for what she

achieved in the business world. In his editorial the day after her

death, Allister Heath, the editor of City AM, acknowledged that:

“Her policies were painful – shutting down unsustainable firms

and improving productivity levels led to a surge in unemployment,

which has remained with us ever since.” But he went on to state

how her conviction that growth and wealth comes from business

not from government saw not only the return of the City to a

position of global dominance, but heralded a new dawn for its place

in the world as a financial powerhouse. “She was a superb prime

minister, the best peacetime leader of the 20th century… Thatcher

saved Britain from economic and cultural


The City that we work in today was

transformed by her policies, the deregulation of

the stock market – or the Big Bang – allowed a

new breed of workers into the City, changing

the ‘old boy’ culture for one that encouraged

entrepreneurship; the elite gentry made way

for young men from a variety of backgrounds

who flooded into the City, bringing with them a

fresh energy for business; the development of Canary Wharf began,

bringing a second physical financial centre to London; and our

economy grew and flourished, ensuring Britain’s position as a global

financial capital. The selling of state-controlled industries gave rise

to the success of companies such as BA and Jaguar Cars, providing

a platform for the highest levels of business acumen and innovation

to compete in a global market place; and it was in this environment

that people like Richard Branson began to prosper.

Her policies without question sent out the message that wanting to

make money was not immoral; that in fact, it is something to work

hard for, a symbol of personal success and achievement, a message

which provided the impetus for our economy to boom and flourish.

The City as we know it, would not be what it is today without her.

And so, how will we remember her? As the powerhouse who ‘made

Britain great again’? As the first woman to lead our country? As a

milk-snatching, community-destroying bully? As the brave prime

minster who led us to victory in the Falklands? As a leader with the

strength and courage of her convictions to follow through, no matter

what the cost? As the survivor of an IRA assassination attempt? As an

advocate of the philosophy that a hand up is better than a hand out?

Perhaps all these things and more. However we remember her,

one thing is for certain: it is impossible to forget her.

The news of Margaret Thatcher’s death on 8 April was initially met with the standard tributes expected when a well-known figure dies; but it was quickly, and perhaps unexpectedly, followed with much gnashing of teeth, violent protests and angry debate. EMMA JOHNSON looks at how London’s financial world will

remember Margaret Thatcher

It is not the creation of wealth that is wrong, but the love of money

for its own sake

Page 14: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013


est India Dock was

built, in short, to

counteract theft,

smuggling and the

impossible congestion

in the Thames.

Two men were instrumental in bringing this about – Patrick

Colquhoun, former Lord Provost of Glasgow, who campaigned

vigorously for a river police force in the late 18th century, and

the London merchant William Vaughan, who wrote at the time:

“The West India trade has been for years labouring under the

severest burthens from delays, charges, losses and plunderage…

it is therefore necessary from increased imports and growing

impediments to commerce in all its branches, to apply some

remedy, and none can be more effectual than the creation of docks

and quays, with an extension of warehouses”.

The situation had become intolerable. Goods had, by law, to be

off-loaded at special quays on the north bank of the river – known as

the Legal Quays – between London Bridge and the Tower of London.

The most important import from the West Indies at the time was

sugar, transported on ocean-going vessels which were too big for

the river. These vast ships would anchor downstream and transfer

their cargo to lighter boats (lighters). At any one time as many as

200 lighters would sit, laden with sugar, waiting to gain access to

the Legal Quays; which, even when the lighters had arrived, had

barely enough space to house the vast quantities of sugar flooding

into the capital. In effect, these poorly equipped lighters had to act as

temporary warehouses and were consequently open to theft.

Something had to be done. The West India Dock Act came

into force in 1799, to provide two parallel docks across the Isle

Despite its close location to London, the Isle of Dogs was once an isolated and remote place; all that changed with the arrival of the West India Dock, says

GEOFF MARSHALL as he delves into the fascinating industrial past of London’s docklands


of Dogs, and a ship canal, known as the City Canal, to enable

a short-cut between Blackwall and Limehouse and to avoid the

long journey around the Isle of Dogs. An inscribed plaque, still

there today, describes the laying of the foundation stone on 12

July 1800. It was a grand occasion, and at the time, an excuse

for a public holiday. Later in 1802, in the presence of the prime

minister, Henry Addington, the dock was officially opened when a

ship named after him, bedecked with the flags of all nations, sailed

into the dock in some style.

The West India Dock was

London’s first enclosed dock,

constructed specifically for

handling cargo. The dock

was something of a fortress,

surrounded by a 30-foot-high

brick wall, on the outside of

which was a ditch 12 feet

wide and six feet deep. Inside

there were sentry boxes and,

in the early days, troops. All

this was to stop the rampant

pilfering and to ensure that customs revenues were not compromised.

In place of the ‘Legal Quays’, a series of bonded warehouses were

constructed by the father and son team of architects, the Georges

Gwilt. Two of these fine warehouses remain to this day, one housing

the Museum of Docklands. The success of West India Dock, saw a

raft of other docks built, including the London Dock in Wapping,

the East India Dock at Blackwall, St Katharine Dock, Surrey Docks,

Millwall Dock and finally the vast complex of the Royal Docks.

Once the docks were founded, the ship-building industry was

West India Dock was something of a fortress, surrounded by a 30-foot-high brick wall designed to stop rampant pilfering

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MAY 2013 CW 15


Top: T ames Iron orks Bottom: Building S T underer at T ames Iron orks bot courtesy of

e am ocal Studies ibrary

Page 16: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

quick to follow. This area already had a solid history of ship-

building; the East India Company’s dry dock for ship-building and

repair at Blackwall first built ships here in 1612, as well as providing

over 80 warships for the Royal Navy. Ship-building thrived at

Blackwall Yard, as well as at surroundings shipyards at Deptford, Bow

Creek, Victoria Dock, Millwall and Greenwich; and between 1840 and

1866 the workforce at Blackwall tripled from 500 to 1,500 men.

By now, ships were being built of iron rather than wood. The

Crimean War had revealed the shortcomings of wooden ships

and, furthermore, France was challenging Britain’s long held

and jealously guarded naval domination. Prince Albert, after

inspecting French capabilities at Cherbourg, stormed: “The war

preparations of the French are immense, ours are despicable. Our

ministers use fine phrases but they do nothing. My blood boils

within me”. It was against this background that the Warrior was

ordered. This mighty ship, with four vast decks and a crew of

700, was built for speed and firepower. She was steam-powered

but had sails for day-to-day use. Constructed at Bow Creek,

with her engine and boilers coming from the firm of Penns in

Greenwich, on 29 December 1860 she was launched by First Lord

Sir John Pakington and fitted out at nearby Victoria Dock. She

was the largest, fastest and most powerful warship in the world –

380 feet long, 58 feet beam, 6,000 tons and 1,250 hp – but never

fired a shot in anger; no-one dared challenge her.

During this time, John Scott Russell, who had acquired the

Millwall ship-building yard in 1848, had set about with Isambard

Kingdom Brunel to build the Great Eastern – the largest ship

ever launched on the Thames – for the Eastern Steam Navigation

Company. The company wanted to exploit the growing trade

with Australia but was hampered by having to maintain a series

of coaling stations, en route, for the ships to re-fuel. The solution

was the Great Eastern, which was designed to hold enough coal for

the entire round trip, as well as room for plenty of passengers and

cargo. The mighty ship was released to the river on 3 November

1857 and well over 100,000 people from all sections of society –

including beggars, bankers, dignitaries of the church, old women

and young men – gathered both in Millwall and across the Thames

at Deptford to witness the sight. They were to be disappointed

though; Isambard Kingdom Brunel’s complicated system of

hydraulic rams, chains and brakes failed to launch his ship

broadside, and in the ensuing chaos one man was killed and others

walked off the job. The ship was finally launched, sideways to the

Thames, in January 1858 to the sound of the bells of the church of

St Nicholas, Deptford, ringing in the background.

T p : est India ockpposite page top : orrests ife Boat ard ime ouse ottom ain ate est India ock all courtesy of To er amlets ocal istory ibrary

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MAY 2013 CW 17

While its location on

the Thames meant that the

majority of industry here

was trade or boat-related,

there was space for other

industries. Morton’s jam

factory was on the Isle

of Dogs in Millwall, for

instance, and the football

club that now plays in

New Cross was founded at

Morton’s factory in 1885,

as Millwall Rovers, by a group of workers of Scottish descent

(hence their colours of blue and white). They lost their first game

5-0 to Leytonstone but then went on to put together a 12-game

unbeaten run. Their first ground was near Millwall Dock and

it was only in 1910 that they relocated across the river to the

Den. In addition, the area was also renowned at one time for

its manufacturing; only the cotton mills of Lancashire had more

Boulton and Watt steam engines than London.

Geoff arshall is author of ondon s ndustrial eritage, , he istory ress, out now

“The Warrior was a mighty ship, with four vast decks and a crew of 700. She was steam-powered, built for speed and firepower”

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MAY 2013 CW 19

Afew years

back, Matthew


made several

repeat visits to

the north east

corner of Hyde

Park, near the


by Marble Arch. It was a compulsion

he simply couldn’t resist. Staying in an

apartment in Knightsbridge while shooting

interior scenes for the 2005 flop action

flick Sahara, on the outskirts of the

central green space, he found himself

pulled to Speaker’s Corner, or ‘Preacher’s

Pulpit,’ as he christens it, fascinated

by what he discovered, and ultimately

learned, on each return.

“I loved how anytime you went down

there, you could find any kind of individual

speaking passionately about what they

felt about,” he coolly drawls, in that

unmistakeable Texan burr. “You had guys

talking about politics, religion, the end of

the world, the apocalypse, animal rights.

“It became like this addiction, and anytime

I had a couple of hours off, I would skip

down there, park myself on a bench and take

it all in. Course it helped that you folks were

Matthew McConaughey made his name charming the brightest and best of Hollywood darlings in a string of popular rom-coms; but his recent work – The Paperboy and, most recently, Mud – speaks

to a darker side, and a man who wants to get serious, says STEPHEN MILTON

having an actual string of sunny days, I don’t

think anyone would have come out hadn’t it

been for that.

“That’s actually what I love about London,

soon as the ball of fire comes out, y’all hop

out straight away, like lizards to a rock.”

McConaughey’s always been a

Hollywood star who’s marched to the

rhythm of his own drum. Or bongos, as

it were, if we’re to recall the notorious

incident where the actor was arrested for

naked frolicking while playing a set of the

lap-friendly percussion instrument.

Interestingly, the memory of that

legendary episode in ’99 has left its impact

on the burly 43-year-old. Tempted to hop up

on Speaker’s Corner himself, the concern of

press manipulation convinced him otherwise.

“One day, I was really tempted to get

up there,” he smiles, clasping his hands

together. “But you know, if the press got

wind of that, you know they’d have fun

with it. I’d be naked, playing drums on a

pulpit in Hyde Park. I’m sure one of them

would have that spin and I just couldn’t

be doing with that again. That story really

will follow me round forever.”

The one-time undisputed rom-com King

of Hollywood crosses his legs in a pair of

rather worryingly tight jeans, stretching

his tanned, impossibly taut arms across

both sides of a faded settee in a suite at

Claridge’s. The howling wind and pattered

raindrops against the window suggest a

lack of preachers at Speaker’s Corner today.

After a promising start in Spielberg’s

Amistad and John Grisham’s A Time

to Kill, his repertoire soon morphed in

a litany of fluff, featuring at least one

standard obligatory torso shot, duration of

near and about four-and-a-half minutes. It

was a tried and tested recipe for success.

The Wedding Planner, How to Lose

a Guy in Ten Days, Failure to Launch,

all middling adventures in mirth, all

with enough box office clout to maintain

McConaughey’s reputation as a safe draw.

But being safe didn’t satisfy the star and by

the end of shooting Ghosts of Girlfriends

Past a couple years back, yet another

adequate exercise in unremarkable cinema,

Matt felt unsettled. “I kept getting scripts

that were like, ‘Yea, I’ve seen that before,

or I’ve kind of done that before’ and some

I was like, ‘That’s pretty much a complete

regurgitation of what I’ve done before’.

Nothing was new and fresh.

“So I just sat back, spent time with the

family, worked on some music videos. Took

some time out to get a little clarity.

McConaughey’s always been a Hollywood star who’s marched to the rhythm of his own drum


Page 20: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

I get to play a beautiful character, a poet, a dreamer, a guy who really is that example of unconditional love. He’s like a Labrador, no matter how many times this woman’s kicked him off the porch, he keeps coming back


20 CW MAY 2013

I was paying my rent right, putting

food on the table, I didn’t have to work

right at that time. So I did that and what

happened, I started to get different calls for

different scripts.

“Richard Linklater called for Bernie;

Friedkin called for Killer Joe; Soderbergh

called; Jeff Nichols, who wrote Mud; Lee

Daniels; something sort of switched because

I said no to doing other things. And I won’t

go back there unless I find something that

really turns me on.”

A deranged bounty hunter in Killer Joe

saw McConaughey in a chilling, murderous

new light, while Soderbergh’s Magic Mike

played on his penchant for disrobement.

But as an unhinged, somewhat other-

worldly leather-panted stripper, Dallas, the

actor tapped into a cleverly dippy bravado,

resulting in much rumourings for an Oscar.

Alongside Nicole Kidman, The

Paperboy was an exercise in suffocating,

sinister gloom set in Florida’s Everglades

and for his latest release, Mud, Matt

maintains the steamy backdrop of the

Deep South for a story of redemption, love

and chaotic revenge.

Set on the Mississippi river, the film tells

the story of a boy and his friend who come

across Mud (McConaughey), a man on

the run for a crime, who has come back to

the area to find the love of his life Juniper

(Reese Witherspoon).

Innocently, they help their new

acquaintance in his quest, unaware of the

dark chain of events they’re inadvertently

setting in motion.

For Matt, the film’s authentic portrayal of

the American South was important. “There

are very few films about the Deep South

that are accurate, and I feel like this is one of

them,” he explains. “It’s a beautiful story, we

shot what he [the author] wrote and it’s in a

beautiful language about a young man who

learns about life and love through this convict

that he meets, me, Mud, and what he learns.

“I get to play a beautiful character, a

poet, a dreamer, a guy who really is that

example of unconditional love. He’s that

guy who’s like a Labrador, no matter how

many times this woman’s kicked him off

the porch, he keeps coming back saying,

‘Will you give me a pat?’

“But there’s a dark edge to this film,

which is fascinating. It explores areas that

you wouldn’t expect, asks questions you

would never think to ask.”

Noticeably less buff thanks to an

extreme diet for his next film, The

Dallas Buyer’s Club, McConaughey was

determined to lead the movie based on

the life of Ron Woodruff, who given six

months to live after being diagnosed with

AIDS during the mid-80s, studied the

disease and smuggled non-FDA-approved

medication for AIDS patients, changing the

way modern medicine treats the disease.

“It’s a really interesting, arresting

character and story and I’ve been trying

to get it made for the past four years so

it’s been a labour of love, but I’m really

happy how it’s turned out. It’s an important

project for me. The dieting though was

pretty hardcore. I was losing seven pounds

every week. I’d have a Diet Coke, two egg

whites in the morning, a piece of chicken,

then another Diet Coke. That was rough.”

And, while his career has taken a stark

change in trajectory, last year also saw

changes in his personal life, when he

married his long-time Brazilian partner

Camilla Alves, mother of their three

children, in June at their sprawling Austin

estate. And it seems married life has

transformed the father-of-three. “I just feel

that now, Camilla and I, Levi, Vida and our

little baby [Livingston], we’re like this oasis

in the storm, this homely little unit and I

don’t think I’ve ever been happier or more

satisfied with my life.

“The day I got married was pure magic,

everything I could have hoped for and

more and I just thank God I have been

blessed four times. I’ve found a partner

in life, and starting a new adventure with

three new little people. Y’all know it

doesn’t get much better than that.”

ictured abo e is in cinemas ay

Page 21: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

WEST END 56-57 BURLINGTON ARCADE W1J 0QN - T +44 (0)20 7499 6814 - CITY 9 HATTON GARDEN EC1N 8AH - T +44 (0)20 7831 3333

Famous For Engagement Rings



CanaryWharfMay2013.indd 1 28/03/2013 10:59

Page 22: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013


The Bullion Tel: +44 (0)20 8877 1616

Ettinger Bullion Ad Mayfair Jan12 297x210.indd 2 14/12/11 1:24 PM


The Bullion Tel: +44 (0)20 8877 1616

Ettinger Bullion Ad Mayfair Jan12 297x210.indd 1 14/12/11 1:24 PM

Page 23: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

COLLECTIONWatches : Fine Jewellery: Luxury Goods

Coloured gemstones a e often been deemed t e poorer relations of diamonds. o e er

e belie e t is is soon to c ange t anks to em elds collaboration it 3 leading e ellery designers all c osen to demonstrate

t e beauty of coloured gems. C inese in uences ere pre alent in t e ruby pieces

by endy ue and ickson e n ile Step en ebster and S aun eane broug t a c aracteristically dangerous edge to t eir emerald e els. s ell as s o casing t e ersatility of t e gemstones

t e pieces also dre attention to t e issue of et ical responsibility in ol ed en sourcing and o ning gemstones. em elds as al ays been committed to transparency somet ing ic ne ly appointed Brand mbassador ila unis is also keen to stress Its a real lu ury to o n e ellery and gemstones i en t at I t ink its important to pay attention to at youre earing and ere it came from. By c anging current attitudes to ards coloured stones em elds as cast a ne ray of lig t on contemporary e ellery design.

The Green Light

em elds brand amabassador

ila unis earing t e aberg omano necklace P

Page 24: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

24 CW MAY 2013


ONE TO WATCHSandy ad ani S o room anager at a id obinson in Canary arf selects is atc of t e moment

WATCHESFor treasured timepieces, horological heirlooms and modern masterpieces, watch this space...

“A marriage of colours and materials, Rolex’s Oyster Perpetual Datejust Lady 31 manages to boast both timeless femininity and contemporary elegance.”

charitable chronography

ore t an procuring somet ing striking for t e rist purc ase I C s latest creation and you ll be elping support disad antaged kids across t e globe.

ttingly at letic looking release for a c arity t at aims to better t e li es of youngsters t roug sport t e Portuguese ac t Club C ronograp

dition aureus Sport for ood oundation features

a signal red stop atc and black rubber strap

and is ater resistant to bar. Its case back also

comes engra ed it t e inning entry to I C s Time To o e c ildren s dra ing competition. imited to 1 000 pieces it s yours for 0.

virtual reality It s a digital rist atc t at tec nically ill do less t an your smartp one. y t en ill t e entry le el Slyde set you back 00

een to nd out e trialled one. ur erdict is t at if you re a gadget

lo ing gi mo ors ipper you ll en oy sliding o er a touc sensiti e screen to c ange t e appearance of se eral s anky irtual mec anisms. If you prefer more understated timepieces t is isn t t e atc for you. ing to t e t ree or four seconds t e Slyde takes to ake itself up after it s turned itself automatically off nor is it for anyone o demands to read t e time in an instant. ic en it comes to

atc es is sort of t e point.

ARTISTIC PROFUSION s t e collection as designed to pay omage to Britis botanical

art it as only tting t at ac eron Constantin s tiers d rt loril ge as un eiled at e ardens arianne ort allery last mont . Created e clusi ely for omen t e dials of t e

trilogy of atc es combine t e artistic crafts of enamelling guilloc age and gem setting in a tribute to t e illustrations

it in obert o n T ornton s 1 h m o o a. Boasting a our po er reser e and comprising

1 karat ite gold cases and dials C s tiers d rt loril ge as been created as a limited series of

20 collector s atc es eac priced at 0 00.


support disad antaged kids across t e globe.

ttingly at letic looking release for a c arity t at

a signal red stop atc and black rubber strap

and is ater resistant to bar. Its case back also

Sandy ad ani S o room anager at a id obinson in Canary arf selects is atc of t e moment

For treasured timepieces, horological heirlooms and modern masterpieces,

“A marriage of colours and materials, Rolex’s Oyster Perpetual Datejust Lady 31 manages to boast both timeless femininity and contemporary elegance.”

virtual It s a digital rist atc t at tec nically ill do less t an your smartp one. y t en ill t e entry le el Slyde set you back 00

een to nd out e trialled one. ur erdict is t at if you re a gadget

ole adies yster er etual ate ust ady in ellow olesor, ,

ailable at a id obinson, ubilee lace, Canary Wharf

Page 25: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

Bespoke ETA 2824-2 Jumping Hour automatic modification by Master Watchmaker Johannes Jahnke / Each piece, of only 250, personally assembled by Johannes and his team in Switzerland / 43mm, surgical grade stainless steel case with sapphire crystal and transparent case back / CITES certified, premium grade, Louisiana alligator deployment strap / 5 year movement guarantee

Swiss movement, English heart

099_ChristopherWard_Vantage.indd 1 08/04/2013 10:28

Page 26: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

Few brands have the ability to unite watch

enthusiasts in near universal adulation. Rolex

is perhaps one, Patek Philippe the obvious

other. The trouble with the former is that

when you produce more than a million units

a year, it’s hard to continue peddling the

notion of exclusivity; unfortunate for the

latter is that when your creations command the highest prices in

the industry, both at auction and retail – whether justifiably so

or not – discourse has a tendency to centre on money rather than

mechanical mastery.

Step in A. Lange & Söhne, a brand which, as purveyor of

some of the world’s best performing, and arguably best looking,

timepieces – themselves produced in numbers still loyal to

the word ‘exclusive’ – occupies a hallowed ground within the

watchmaking world. To discuss the value of an A. Lange &

Söhne, or a ‘Lange’ for short, is to talk not about money but

about aestheticism and craftsmanship. So revered, in fact, is

Lange in the mind of Philippe Dufour (of ex-Jaeger-LeCoultre and

Audemars Piguet status) that the now-independent watchmaker

considers the brand practically peerless. “Take ten movements

out of the current range of any contemporary brand”, he said,

speaking to watch magazine Revolution, “put them next to a

Lange movement, and comment honestly on what you see. That is

the best way to judge — by examining the truth.”

Established in Glashütte in 1845, the name defined German watchmaking for more than a century. 168 years later, having survived two World Wars, disbandment and expropriation, A. Lange & Söhne has re-established its position at the top of

the watchmaking hierarchy. RICHARD BROWN speaks to company CEO Wilhelm Schmid, the man charged with the task of keeping it there

Lange’s LegacyLegacy

Lange’s Legacy


Inside t e mo ement 0 . 2 of t e rand ange 1 umenll images courtesy of ange ren mb

i e of t is years debuts by . ange S ne from left 1 1 attrapante Perpetual Calendar

1 1 p/ o n Sa onia nnual Calendar rand ange 1 and

rand ange 1 umen

Page 27: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013


MAY 2013 CW 27

The truth of the matter

is that A. Lange & Söhne

possesses something every

watch manufacturer wishes it did:

genuine authenticity. As a firm whose

roots lie 168 years in the past, and

as a company that continues to make

watches by hand in tiny numbers in

small workshops at the base of sleepy,

snowy-covered mountains, A. Lange

& Söhne is the genuine article, the real

McCoy, a brand manager’s dream. Still presided over by the

ancestors of its founding fathers, it’s a brand with a human

story to tell; something that no amount of money or PR-spin

can buy. This story began in 1845 in the then remote town of

Glashütte, near Dresden, East Germany. In the December of

that year, Ferdinand Adolph Lange set up the first production

pocket-watch workshop, aiming to turn 15 apprentices into

accomplished watchmakers. Under Ferdinand, the man also

responsible for introducing the metric system to watchmaking,

and his sons Emil and Richard, Lange garnered a reputation for

producing some of the world’s finest timepieces.

One hundred years

after the company’s

formation, and the firm’s

main production building

lies in ruins, having been

destroyed by Allied bombs.

Three years later, the

company’s assets are seized

and expropriated by the

new communist regime.

The name A. Lange & Söhne is about to pass into legend. Had it

not been for the determined endeavours of one Walter Lange four

decades later, the story may have ended there.

Luckily, for anyone interested in the instruments we use to

measure time, it didn’t. In November 1989, following the collapse

of the East German government, the Berlin wall came down

and two Germanys became one. For Walter, great-grandson of

Ferdinand Adolph, the reunification of Germany presented an

opportunity he’d waited his adult life to materialise. Armed with

little more than an unfaltering ambition to once again make the

best watches in the world, and a friend in the name of industry

expert Günter Blümlein, he re-established the Saxon company and

set forth in the image of his forebears.

“The example given by his courageous ancestors had taught

Walter Lange and co-founder Blümlein that, even under extreme

conditions, with a clear goal in sight and by planning every step

carefully, it is possible to establish a company and guide it to

success,” says Lange’s present-day CEO Wilhelm Schmid. “Walter

and Günter are credited with reviving the A. Lange & Söhne

rand ange 1

istoric ead uarters of . ange S ne in las tte c.1 20

alter ange it t e bust of is great grandfat er

1 1 attrapante Perpetual Calendar

As a firm whose roots lie 168 years in the past, A. Lange & Söhne is the genuine article

Page 28: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013


28 CW MAY 2013

brand after a hiatus of 40 years by supplying a convincing

answer to the question of what a Lange wristwatch should look

like at the end of the 20th century.”

That answer was presented in 1994 in the shape of four highly

sophisticated timepieces: the Lange 1, the Saxonia, the Arkade

and the Richard Lange Tourbillon Pour le Mérite. “For almost

four years we had worked hard, often under extremely difficult

conditions,” explains Walter in his memoirs, The Revival of

Time. “We had built the production areas, renovated a building,

developed technology, recruited new technical personnel… We

had developed four new watches under enormous pressure.”

Walter will never forget showing his collection for the first

time. “They lay on the presentation table under the critical eyes

of the 12 most reputable jewellers in Germany, Austria, and

Switzerland. I am convinced I will never experience something

like that again. Normally, dealers order watches discreetly, cool

calculators as they are, as they don’t like the competition to

be able to see their hands. But due to the fact we only had 123

watches to offer them at this time, they put their usual reserve

aside. Their opinion was euphoric and they ordered the watches

openly. And the jewellers ordered as many pieces as we could

give them… Since there was no way of dividing 123 watches

evenly by 12, the last pieces had to find their new owners by

chance – the shorter end of a matchstick finally pointed to the

new direction a Tourbillon would be taking.”

Via an unswerving dedication to realising the aim on which it

was re-founded, and with the assistance of several Swiss watch

manufacturers, including IWC and Jaeger-LeCoultre, A. Lange

& Söhne was back in business. Nearly 20 years on, thanks to

the seminal success of watches like the trailblazing Datograph of

1999 and the trilogy of watches launched to commemorate the

brand’s 165 year anniversary in 2010 (165 Years – Homage to F.

A. Lange), the brand continues to excite watch experts as much

now as it did then. Indeed, anyone in need of proof of Lange’s

continued commitment to its manufacturing philosophy need only

consider the company’s Grand Complication, launched earlier

this year. With seven functions, including a grande sonnerie, a

perpetual calendar, and a split-seconds chronograph accurate

to 1/5th of a second, it features a density of complications

uncommon even in the category of grand complications. It has

14 indications, spent seven years in development and takes a full

12 months to make. It’s the most complicated wristwatch Lange

has ever made, and it’s yours for 1.9 million euros.

In the last three months, Lange has launched five new watches

and opened boutiques in Singapore, Paris and Palm Beach. As

reputation has spread, demand has soared. With the lucrative

opportunity posed by this fact, will output at the small Saxon

manufacturer be heading skywards? “Without compromising

on quality, we will moderately increase our production to meet

the growing global demand for our watches,” Schmid tells me.

“Emphasis is placed on ‘moderately’. To maintain the high levels

of quality the share of manual work and the degree of vertical

integration is more likely to increase. We will extend our premises

in the first place to improve production processes. The training of

new talents will be another key measure in the years to come.”

The two most regurgitated buzzwords you’ll hear in the watch

industry are ‘tradition’ and ‘innovation’. As a firm so loyal to its

Saxon roots (without Lange there would be no Glashütte) and

as a company so devoted in its quest for perfection, A. Lange &

Söhne is a brand to whom the words still attach meaning. With

the passing of Blümlein in 2001, and the well-earned retirement

of Walter on the horizon, one of the most revered names in

timekeeping is at risk of falling into the hands of businessmen

rather than watchmakers for the very first time. Fortunately for

the brand’s admirers, Schmid realises the importance of Blümlein

and Walter’s story to A. Lange & Söhne’s future. “By striving to

implement their vision,” he says, “we continue their life’s work.”


T e ange 1 Tourbillon Perpetual Calendar in platinum

n . ange S ne pocket atc presented by aiser illiam II to Sultan bdul amid II on t e

occasion of is isit to Turkey in 1

Page 29: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

w w w . a u s t r i a . i n f o

Yo u r p e r s o n a l H o l i d a y I n f o r m a t i o n L i n e : 0 8 4 5 1 0 1 1 8 1 8 ( c a l l s c h a r g e d a t l o c a l r a t e s )

Just a couple

of hours from home.

And yet a world away.

oe anary arfMag 210x297 aterfall 2.indd 1 2 .01.1 10:1

Page 30: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

No fewer than four exceptional mechanisms enhance the precision of the RICHARD

LANGE TOURBILLON “Pour le Mérite”: the tiny fusée-and-chain transmission,

the delicate tourbillon, the ultra-thin Lange balance spring, and – not least –

the patented stop-seconds device for the tourbillon which makes it possible to

set the watch with one-second accuracy in the first place. Never before has an

A. Lange & Söhne watch been endowed with so many complications that

simultaneously enhance its rate accuracy, settability, and readability. And so,

this remarkable timepiece truly deserves the honorary attribute “Pour le Mérite”.

We prefer not to be measured by dimensions.Unless it’s a new dimension of accuracy.

Arije 165, Sloane Street London • George Pragnell 5 and 6, Wood Street, Stratford-upon-Avon

Hamilton & Inches 87, George Street, Edinburgh • Harrods 87–135 Brompton Road, Knightsbridge, London

Watches of Switzerland 16, New Bond Street, London • Wempe 43-44, New Bond Street, London

Lange Uhren GmbH • Tel. +34 91 454 89 82 •

inal J en ingtonAnd el ea P M P 210x297 A M 02 12.indd 1 0 .02.2012 1 : 2:4 r

Page 31: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013


MAY 2013 CW 31

ROAREveryone’s gone Gatsby crazy this month; see how 20s style has transcended from the screen to the street

of the Twenties t t 2 20 ac eron Constantin ac eron t p t t o o t o 2 0ara Bo inc larabo moot o p o t spinal of ondon Cabot Place t p rakes ondon drakes o t 10 ar ood ondon mar o o m t t 130 Illeste a illeste ot t o o p t o to t p 2 00 I C i B o pp t o spinal of ondon as before o t t p o 3 eeffe

to o 1 ackett Cabot Place t o 2 0 ound ell 69


e Co


sy o

f ac





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0844 411

Page 33: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013


MAY 2013 CW 33

JEWELLERYJewels, gems, pearls and diamonds; the essential components of any lady’s jewellery collection

VANITY FAIRPeacocking as become a popular term in contemporary culture to describe someone

o is a strutting s o off. In myt s and legends o e er peacocks are depicted as noble beautiful creatures t at bring good luck and fortune. raff s peacock diamond brooc recently un eiled at T e uropean ine rt oundation T e ibition in aastric t s o s t e bird in all its glory its feat ers are adorned it e uisite coloured diamonds fanning out in true ceremonial style. t t e eart of t e brooc sits a 20.02 carat fancy deep blue pear s aped diamond one of t e rarest blue diamonds in t e orld. T is can be detac ed and orn separately from t e brooc . It comes as no surprise t at t is is one of raff s most aluable pieces ort an astounding million reinforcing t e company s dominance in t e diamond industry.


soMething olde ellery dealers tell us at to look

out for en buying intage e ellery

1. pt for signed pieces by ma or designers i.e. Cartier orTiffany Co.

2. Spot t e ne t big t ing natural pearls ent up in alue dramatically

e years ago ile editerranean coral is starting to increase in alue.

3. Buy from an establis ed dealer it a good reputation. ook for signs of members ip of one of t e t o trade

associations B and P .

. Buy e ellery not only because you lo e it but also to increase your

c ances of making a sound in estment.

. C eck t at t e piece asn t ad any ma or repairs or t e stones replaced.

. sk if t e stones a e been eat treated. atural stones ill

al ays be ort more.

. In est in pieces it bot earability and style.

lym ia nternational ine rt nti ues

air, une, olym ia art anti

CUTTING EDGEiriam Salat launc ed er namesake collection of resin sterling sil er and 1 karat gold ermeil

in 2010. er S/S13 pieces are once again inspired by t e designers lo e of tra el and culture. “The Miriam Salat woman is the new

gyp-set [gypsy + jetsetter]. Adventurous and free-spirited, she is a bon-vivant

who travels off the beaten track. Whether

shopping in a Moroccan souk or exploring the ancient temples of Bhutan, she is always distinctive, always put together and never loses

her impeccable chic” o : il ye na y resin ring 1 . t: a y resin rt eco earrings 21 iriam Salat a ailable at arrods

true colourse ellery designer iki

c onoug is not afraid of colour. In fact er signature trademark is

using semi precious stones in an array of

bold and daring colours making

er a pioneer in modern ne e ellery

design. T ese pretty interc angeable drop earrings by iki

c onoug come in citrine blue topa amet yst green amet yst and lemon uart so you can no pick

and c oose your stones in arious cuts s apes and colours an easier and more ef cient

ay to buy and ear coloured

e ellery t is spring.

iriam Salat launc ed er namesake collection of resin sterling sil er and 1 karat gold ermeil

trc onoug is not afraid

of colour. In fact er signature trademark is

using semi precious

amet yst green amet yst and lemon

Page 34: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

The American

Nothing can top the glamour and decadence of the 1920s; emulate Carey Mulligan and Isla Fisher in Baz Luhrmann’s

The Great Gatsby with Art Deco accessories this spring

DREAMThe AmericanThe American

The Great Gatsby with Art Deco accessories this spring

6 mo p t m oo P Boi in on s o it ucas arities at rt nti ues ondon ensington ardens 12 1 une aug mo p P

usausoy on s o it ucas arities at rt nti ues ondon as before mo o t t 3 0 ic ard gden ric p t m mo 12 0 eirlooms net a p t t mo t nya indmarc anya indmarc .com p t t oo 12 Butler

ilson Susan Caplan intage Collection t 0 enny Pack am ennypack t o t pp mo c.1 3 from obin aydock P rays nti ues graysanti

Page 35: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

MAY 2013 CW 35











t o p t m t o t mo le ander Tillander mic aelrose e t m t p o t mo t o p p mo o t p t P from a selection at ikimoto t o t pp

mo p 3 00 ic ard gden ric t mo t p t m P arry inston arry t P ancocks ondon ancocks t t 21 iriam Salat arrods o t m mo t P

ancocks ondon ancocks t o 3 e ind intage ffairs farfetc .com t o 22 .3 an in farfetc .com o t p o t mo 3 1 0 Susanna o is susanna lo

Page 36: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

BUSINESS DIGESTWe keep tabs on the movers and makers shaping the worlds of business and finance

save our softWare Trusted across industries bot globally and nationally S S nline Backup pro ides ome and business users e tremely secure and reliable automatic backup for t eir PCs acs e ternal ard dri es and mobile de ices. nlike many online backup pro iders S S arc i es all backups meaning users can reco er long lost les it ease.

sosonlinebacku .com en uk

Mergers Make Mantels ntries for t e ational Business ards are no open until t e 2 ay. T e 1

categories range from ackno ledging start ups to accolades for leaders in t eir elds. T e nig t begins it dinner follo s it a ards for t e best of Britis business and concludes it drinks and dancing. T e a ards ceremony ill be eld on Tuesday 12

o ember at t e ros enor ouse on Park ane. er entry,

teaM building by the docksIt may be ust minutes a ay from t e Cel centre T e 2 rena and Stratford City but Cro ne Pla a ondon ocklands offers a a en of peace from t e ustle and bustle of ondon life. To ensure you catc a good nig t s sleep black out curtains double gla ing and e tra pillo s are a ailable in e ery room. n top of four star accommodation t e otel additionally pro ides cutting edge business facilities it speci c business tra eller rooms tted it desks it telep one points and dataports pro iding ired ig speed internet and a comfortable ork area. T is on top of i and nine modern conference rooms makes t e Cro ne Pla a ondon ocklands t e perfect ost for corporate team building days it an edge. Priced from 1 per person t e otel s egal Package offers return cable car tickets a ri er cruise clay pigeon s ooting lunc t e use of a meeting room and concludes it a t ree course dinner. lternati ely for t e more ad enture minded from per person t e T rill Seeker Package includes lunc and refres ments t e day use of a meeting room and t e c ance to akeboard and orb. ccompany t e e perience of your team building day it a nig t s stay at t e Cro ne Pla a ondon ocklands from 1 per room ere upgrades to superior rooms and suites are a ailable. To impro e your companys performance retreat to t e oyal ocks. c

Page 37: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013


oute in is an inno ati e sc eme t at lets candidates arrange con dential meetings it leaders in t eir elds to gain direct industry insig t and inter ie practice et er t eyre ust graduating or orking in an establis ed profession. oute in creator and former in estment banker agali cIntyre spoke frankly to ana ha about le elling t e playing eld.

o t om o t oute s net ork members offer ambitious candidates

t e uni ue opportunity to get unbiased ad ice and feedback from e perienced e ecuti es outside t eir natural net ork. Simultaneously elping t ese candidates ac ie e t eir academic or career goals is re arding for our carefully selected members

o a e t e additional bene t of earning e tra income.

o o t to p o o p o p op p t t t

T e top rms are no offering a panel of brilliant insig t programs but t ey are massi ely o er subscribed and restricted to a number of uni ersities. f course it makes absolute sense for t em to focus on a andful of and picked students.

ost graduates rely on information recei ed at uni ersity during career fairs and company presentations ic lack a personal focus. lt oug t ere are do ens of ebsites offering insig t on careers in nance its dif cult for candidates to assess t e accuracy of t e information t ey nd. s an e ample I read recently on a graduate career ebsite t at in estment bankers ork really

ard sometimes e en past pm en ob iously t e reality is muc more contrasted. n top of t is t ey often don t realise t e ariety of roles it in t e sector. at t ey are really lacking is

personalised ad ice and direct and onest feedback.

o m t t o o o o t

t s important as e er

in todays competiti e market. Talking to people from t e industry you are targeting is t e opportunity to get t e ad ice and t e information you need to get an edge. It is ard

ork to prepare for t ese inter ie s and alt oug connections alone on t land you t e ob of your dreams it can make a difference in a competiti e process.

o t t o p t o o t o mpo t t t t to t t t t o m tIt is key. e ant to be able to assist professionals to prepare for t eir ne t career mo e ere er it takes t em and understanding t e speci cs of in estment banking in ong ong or pri ate e uity in ubai is a pre re uisite not only to get ready for an inter ie but also to understand t e implications of suc a big personal and professional mo e.



MAY 2013 CW 37


s of arc loyds Banking roup as launc ed a set of money management tips for people it dementia and t eir carers to kick start its t o year c arity partners ip

it l eimer s Society and l eimer Scotland. loyds relations ip it t e c arities follo s t e arc

announcement of t e Prime inister s C allenge n ementia campaign t at aims to deli er ma or impro ements

to dementia care and researc by 201 . ngela ippon coc air of t e ementia riendly Communities C ampion group and l eimer s Society ambassador e plains t e bene ts People in t e early stages of t e condition often feel locked

out of t e system it all t e many pass ords and personal details t ey are e pected to remember. en a carer takes o er t e pressure of getting to grips it po er of attorney can be stressful. Tips from loyds Banking roup and t e

l eimer s Society s i e ell partners ip are a great guide to elp na igate at can be a really tricky time. T e tips encourage sufferers and t eir families to take t e rst steps to ards t e management of t eir nances. or e ample by offering ad ice on o to arrange a po er of attorney or o to apply for t e correct bene ts. lloydstsb.comul




/ S





Page 38: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

New Zinc showroom now open1 Chelsea Wharf, 15 Lots Road, London SW10 0QJ

0 79 in en ington el ea Ad A r12 A .indd 1 09/0 /2012 1 : 1

Page 39: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

business feature

may 2013 CW 39

As developing nations start to overcome local challenges and the impact of the 2012 world crisis, 2013 is likely to be the year that sees developing brands in developing

markets become global players, says Daniella bianchi


On the rise

Page 40: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

tangible and intangible assets, including brands.

The results immediately became evident in the stock exchanges

as significant efforts were put into keeping foreign investors

motivated, although their blue chips’ value did not reach the

numbers predicted by analysts. Many anticipated major branding

projects for the year suffered from deep cuts in marketing budgets

and, consequently, were either postponed or evolved at a slower

pace. Although mergers and acquisitions did happen among

relevant companies (prompted by consolidation trends), their brand

investments were less generous, in light of the big picture.

Nevertheless, 2013 will not be another static year. After five

years of furious economic growth, followed by a short lull, Latin

America’s main growth industries, headed by the banks as well as

infrastructure and commodity companies, are now prepared to

pick up the pace and outperform developed markets once again.

This time, however, a more mature and conscientious approach is

expected, setting off the next growth cycle in which brands will be

recognized far beyond the continent.

Led by China – with an expected growth of at least eight per cent

according to a central bank adviser – the BRICS will continue to

push the economic growth of developing markets. In Russia, Putin

wants to brand the country as the “explorer of innovative goods

started off with

high expectations

for economic

growth in most


markets. But as the world crisis finally hit these ‘promising

nations’, the strings and players that were once pushing the

economies forward became instantly inert. All of a sudden it was

time to settle down and rethink the frantic rhythm of investments

towards the ‘lands of opportunity.’ Needless to say, there is still

a lot of money to be made in these booming economies, but it

now seems to be the moment in which developing markets are

confronting the mirror and facing their problems with a more

practical and less presumptuous attitude.

The lingering battle against the endemic issues of growing

economies such as corruption, inflation, lack of infrastructure,

poor education and precarious health systems seems to be the

main cause for the inertia that hit these markets in 2012.

While governments concentrated their efforts on solving

their own dilemmas, the private sector – from banks to mining

companies, from orange juice to coffee, from oil and gas to pulp

and paper – had to bring down their top investments both in

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MAY 2013 CW 41

and services.” His goal is to maintain its growth level in an unstable

environment, thus welcoming the participation of foreign investors

in the privatization of state-run companies.

Brazil is now accelerating the rhythm to keep up with the

expectations generated by the 2014 World Cup and the 2016

Summer Olympics. Although

the population remains

somewhat sceptical, there is

still hope that the country

will recover its growth and

be able to honour its position

at BRICs. Natura, Havaianas

and Itaú are among the

brands heading towards the

internationalization path of

Brazilian brands, which will

bring their “bossa” abroad.

India, despite being challenged by a decline in private investments

and weak external demand, still has a growth forecast of five per

cent or more. Mexico has been performing extremely well through

the last decade, and everything indicates that this trend should

continue in 2013. At the same time, Peru is growing and regaining

confidence as a nation. It is now considered one of the most

exclusive destinations in South America.

Argentina is boldly struggling with its brand under President

Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner. Luxury brands are leaving the

country in response to import barriers, currency controls and

soaring inflation. Yet, the country boasts strong brands like

Havanna and Quilmes that are conquering the hearts of consumers

in neighbouring nations.

Chile is investing heavily in retail branding with Falabella.

National carrier LAN also plays a major role in the merger with

Brazil’s TAM, which originated LATAM. The moment calls for

multinational efforts towards building the next major global airline

company. On the same path, Avianca, owned by nearby Colombia,

was considered the airline company with the biggest growth in the

past year. Both companies will be essential for attracting tourists

heading south in years to come.

All in all, 2013 is likely to be the year that marks the consolidation

of developing brands in developing markets, as they are now

prepared to overcome local challenges and become global players.

aniella ianchi is e ecuti e director of strategy at nterbrand Sao aulo

his article originally a eared in nterbrand What s in Store for

After five years of furious economic growth...Latin America’s main growth industries are now prepared to pick up the pace

C /





Page 42: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

In the past two years, we’ve had currency volatility as

never before.

We’ve seen the euro jump as high as 1.40 against the

dollar, and we’ve seen it plunge as low as 1.22 versus

the same currency. The British pound hit its lowest level

in two years against the dollar and the euro in March.

Meanwhile the Australian dollar has climbed against all

the major currencies, giving it unusual strength.

“The traditional strategies that companies use to manage

their foreign exchange risk are no longer working; hedging,

the most traditional tool of the company treasurer to handle

volatility on the currency markets, is being sharply tested as a

strategy,” warns Shubhi Rao, head of treasury, risk and capital at

PricewaterhouseCoopers in London.

One exporter points out that every one percentage point change

in its base currency translates into 30 basis points of impact on

the firm’s operating margins. So imagine the effect on a company’s

balance sheet when the yen unexpectedly plunged on 4 April, after

the Bank of Japan surprised financial markets with its new phase

of monetary easing, and the dollar and the euro rose more than

three per cent against the Japanese currency.

“Even companies that follow a consistent hedging policy must

have been hit,” points out Derek Halpenny, foreign currency

strategist at Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi. “This turned out to be a

real gamechanger.” The best traders, like billionaire investor George

Soros, will have made sizeable profits on the move – Soros reportedly

pulled in an additional billion or so by shorting the yen just before

the announcement (thus repeating his famous “breaking” of the

British pound in 1992 when he invented the strategy).

Traditional hedging is a fairly simple strategy, yet it had worked

for most companies for years until the financial crisis moved the

goalposts. A recent study by the Bank of Canada shows, however,

that a majority of companies still engage in hedging as their

primary approach to forex risk management.

“The problem here,” points out Professor Gunter Dufey, of the

Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan, “is that all

forms of hedging involve predicting what is likely to happen on

the currency markets in the near future.” As the recent example

of the plunging Japanese yen shows, that’s getting harder and

harder to do. And, Dufey adds, it’s a real challenge for CFOs and

Extreme volatility in the foreign exchange market is driving investors to try new methods to avoid losses, says Andy RosenbAum

treasurers for whom the greatest risk would be making a major

forex miscalculation.

So CFOs and treasurers are seeking to adopt innovative

approaches to forex management. Unfortunately, these are

expensive. “But making a big mistake with millions of receivables

would be more expensive, and probably a career-shortening

move,” as one CFO points out.

One technique is that of upgraded forecasting. This is where firms

collect historical data on forex movements, and then run scenarios

based on past movements to predict future ones. Most companies

have to beef up their hardware and software in order to do this, but

it is a technique that is relatively accessible to smaller companies, as

opposed to some of the more complex techniques.

Rao explains that some companies combine this higher level of

forecasting with good old-fashioned forward hedging. “This is in

many respects the simplest approach, but one has to bear in mind

that scenarios do not necessarily predict the future. The challenge

is that mathematical modelling isn’t a sure thing. Some firms in

this position can suffer regardless of their hedging strategy, as

probably occurred when the yen plunged.”

More sophisticated corporates are using an options-based

strategy. The great advantage here is that the CFO or treasurer has

the right to exercise the option, but no obligation to do so. Should

currency rates move accordingly, the manager can choose to use

the premium from a sold option to pay for the premium

of a purchased option. The options are capped to

protect the buyers from rising interest rates, while

floors protect lenders from falling interest rates. Or

a treasurer can sell call options and buy put options

against a revenue stream in a foreign currency. The call

and put options provide a range within which the currency can

float and, should the currency pass beyond the range boundaries,

the manager can choose to exercise the call or the put.

Larger companies are moving into an even more sophisticated

strategy, one that is very complex but also among the safest and

most rewarding. Companies that receive payments in a large

number of different currencies can create their own “netting

centre,” that is, they can trade their receivables at their own in-

house bank. “This is, first of all, a considerable cost saver,” explains

Rao. “Foreign exchange transactions made at external banks and

TAkIng The

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MAY 2013 CW 43

brokers cost fees, quite apart from exposing the company to the

danger of losses.” Keeping the deals in-house also means that the

in-house bank can choose which currencies to exchange against,

which ones to hold, and which ones to sell off outside the company.

“It provides enormous flexibility as well,” Rao adds.

A good example is the experience at London-based miners Evraz.

An extremely decentralised business, with operations on three

continents, Evraz suffered from disconnected handling of cash

and foreign exchange receivables. Clearly the answer was internal

netting. The treasurer set up a Netherlands-based structure covering

26 currencies. At 11am each day, the balances in each currency

account were converted to euro at a market rate. Surpluses were

then used to offset debt or invested in a money market fund. The

structure was backed by a parent company guarantee. During the

following year, debt levels dropped by nearly 20 per cent at Evraz.

“The advantages from centralised netting of foreign exchange

are indeed very considerable,” Rao comments.

Not every company can afford sophisticated options trading

software or in-house banking support. But, whatever a company can

do, it clearly should do to face the growing challenge of handling

foreign currencies. After all, we live in a world where, the OECD tells

us, most of the growth is to take place in Asia and Latin America.


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44 CW MAY 2013

In January The Guardian

newspaper revealed that the

Department of Work and

Pensions had dismissed 11 civil

servants for their use of social

networks. These were not

isolated cases; in fact, there have

been 116 cases of disciplinary action taken

on these grounds by the DWP since 2009.

Following a Freedom of Information

request by think tank Parliament Street, it

has since been revealed that both the Home

Office and Department of Transport have

made similar moves to dismiss staff for

their engagement with social media. The

civil service response has been unflinching;

the DWP stated that access to social media

is “completely restricted” for almost

all employees.

MIXED MESSAGESMeanwhile, in the same way that

businesses worldwide have joined the

social revolution, the UK government

has been developing digital strategies to

boost its departments’ engagement with

the public. And as it is commonplace for

companies to involve social media in their

communication strategies, a plethora of

sanctioned profiles now share government

news, updates and information across a

range of social media platforms.

The conflict between these messages

mirrors a difficulty faced by the businesses

of today. Companies wish to use the online

world and its social media channels to

actively engage and communicate with

customers, yet are concerned about their

own staff members’ use of it. In many cases,

double standards have arisen around the

personal use of social media.

The DWP serves as an example for this

kind of disparity; its standards of behaviour

policy permits employees to use email

facilities for reasonable personal use, but

not social media. However, sensitive or

embarrassing information can be passed

just as easily through one as the other – I’m

sure we all remember the ‘hot girlfriend’

email between two City workers which

quickly worked its way around the Square

Mile and straight into the newspapers!

THE RIGHT TO ACCESSThe bigger issue that businesses must

grapple with in this case is that of freedom

to access the internet. Our society no

longer strictly separates our work and

personal lives, and traditional boundaries

between “work” and “home” do not

exist to the same degree. The same mobile

technology that allows employees to be

“always on” and accessing emails and

taking phone calls for work outside

working hours has helped to fuel the surge

of social media use in the workplace.

Restricting access to social media is

increasingly outdated and shortsighted –

and I believe that, in the next five years,

doing so will be equivalent to curtailing

access to email or telephone. Why should

employers have a right to limit access

to an extremely important form of

communication and news?

If we can trust employees with access

to physical files, emails, USBs, confidential

business information and so on, how can

we refuse to trust them to act responsibly

and safely on social media? As adoption

and engagement with social media

platforms grows, restrictive policies make

less sense.

As founder of the company that created

virtual private network Hotspot-Shield,

I have first-hand evidence of consumers’

appetite for a free and unrestricted internet,

and their ability to find ways to remain in

control of their access to the information

they want.

What businesses should be doing is

accepting that access to the internet is

becoming a ‘right’ in the modern world

and educating employees about how to

use it responsibly. We need to take a hard

look at internet freedom and work towards

creating social media policies that actually

reward and work in today’s social society,

rather than penalise people for the way they

choose to communicate.

a id Gorodyansky is C and founder of nchor ree

While social media continues to push the boundaries of innovation and new ways of doing business, using it for personal reasons during working hours is far muddier



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Page 47: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013


MEMORIAL TRIBUTE FOR PETER WADEThe East End recently came together at the East Wintergarden at Canary Wharf to celebrate the life of Peter Wade, who sadly died last year.

Peter was a big part of the history of Canary Wharf, bridging the di�erent eras. He worked on the docks when they were a bustling hub of industry, served as caretaker for the derelict West India Docks, was a forthright community activist, before going on to lead the community relations team at Canary Wharf Group for many years as the area expanded into one of the world’s premier business and shopping districts.

Peter was a hugely well-respected figure both within Canary Wharf Group and across the local community, which he never stopped advocating for throughout his life.

A SPORTING CHANCE IN TOWER HAMLETSNine Tower Hamlets’ sports clubs are cumulatively better o� to the tune of £12,000, thanks to grants recently distributed by Canary Wharf Contractors Limited, the construction arm of Canary Wharf Group.

The clubs were presented with the grants at a ceremony at One Canada Square by Cormac MacCrann, Executive Director of Canary Wharf Contractors Fund Limited, who said “I am very grateful to the supporters of our Fund for helping us raise these significant amounts of money. Much of the funds that we raise go to help children’s hospitals and hospices, so it is good to be able to help children involved in sporting activities also.”

Canary Wharf Contractors Fund have now distributed over £1m to local charity organisations over the past decade. The full list of 2013 grant recipients comprise Bethnal Green Sharks Swimming, Morpeth Community Table Tennis, Millwall Rugby, Tower Hamlets Athletics, Tower Hamlets Cricket Club, Tower Hamlets Under 11 District Football, Bishop Challoner Cricket, Embrace Dance and Kaizen Academy Karate.

PESACH CELEBRATED AT CANARY WHARF170 people recently celebrated the Jewish festival of Pesach or Passover at the East Wintergarden, thanks to the e�orts of Canary Wharf Group.

The Jewish community from around Canary Wharf and Greater London attended the event, including elderly people from the Stepney Jewish Community Centre, Nightingale House and representatives from East London Synagogues, enjoying a bu�et lunch provided by Hermolis Catering.

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Canary Wharfbars & restaurants • fashion & style • arts & events






A p



*Terms and conditions apply. See website for details. @yourcanarywharf

Page 49: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013


Coral And Gold Twist Bracelet, £45, Jaegar Womenswear,

Cabot Place

Wristlet Purse, £75, Whistles, Jubilee Place

Invitation Pandora Dress, £179, Hobbs,

Canada Place

Sowa Treasured Orchid Bow Clutch, £59, Ted Baker,

Canada PlaceMixed Colour Earrings, £6,

Warehouse, Canada Place

Fun Tailored Bubble Dress, £140, Karen Millen, Jubilee Place


Tie Front Bikini Top and Brief, £20, Warehouse,

Canada Place

Lemine Floral Embroidered Dress, £225,

Reiss, Jubilee Place and Reiss Womenswear,

Cabot Place

Alex Monroe Hummingbird

Necklace, £132,Charles Fish, Cabot Place

Bonno Summer Bloom Shorts, £89, Ted Baker, Canada Place

Perlaa Wallpaper Floral Dress, £159, Ted Baker,

Canada Place

Kiley Rose Silk with Sonoma Gradient Sunglasses, £195, David Clulow, Cabot

Place and Jubilee Place

Zelita Patent Peep Toe Wedge£170, L.K.Bennett, Jubilee Place

Jas T-Bar Sandals, £45, Dune, Cabot Place

Bonno Summer Bloom Shorts, £89,

Sunglasses, £195, David Clulow, Cabot Sunglasses, £195, David Clulow, Cabot Place and Jubilee Place

Zelita Patent Peep Toe Wedge£170, L.K.Bennett, Jubilee Place

Porcelain Pebble Brook Street Bag, £695, Aspinal of London, Cabot Place

Page 50: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013




BOISDALE OF CANARY WHARF Boisdale of Canary Wharf was recently named “Whisky Restaurant of The Year” at Whisky Magazine’s Icons of Whisky Awards. It holds over 1,000 bottles of malt whisky and is undoubtedly one of the most extensive and magnificent whisky bars in the world. Elsewhere, the restaurant’s Caviar & Oyster Bar serves a definitive range of oysters, Hebridean shellfish, Scottish smoked salmon and a superb range of caviar, all of which can be enjoyed on Boisdale’s awning-covered heated terrace overlooking Cabot Square fountains.

Boisdale of Canary Wharf, Cabot Place020 7715 5818

IBÉRICA LA TERRAZAIberica’s Canary Wharf terrace is now open, bringing Spain’s famous outdoor culture to the capital. Ibérica La Terraza offers bespoke cocktails and al fresco dining with its limited edition menu, which includes the restaurant’s signature style of traditional Spanish tapas served with a contemporary twist.

Located opposite Ibérica Canary Wharf in a leafy corner of Cabot Square, Ibérica La Terraza offers visitors a unique opportunity to experience the authentic atmosphere of Madrid’s famous terrace culture. La Terraza will be open from breakfast through to evening with a selection of hot and cold tapas created by Ibérica’s Executive Chef Nacho Manzano, who was awarded two Michelin Stars for his flagship restaurant in Northern Spain, Asturias. Enjoy delicate dishes with a glass of Ibérica’s red wine sangria, offering refreshing flavours of mint, cucumber and fresh fruit. Now let’s just hope for a summer full of sun.

Iberica La Terraza, Cabot Square020 7636 8650

THE PARLOUROverlooking Canada Square Park, The Parlour’s capacious terrace and bar, shaded by giant umbrellas and lit by fairy lights is without doubt one of Canary Wharf’s most popular haunts. Celebrating all the fun of the fair, The Parlour’s innovative new cocktail menu will deliver a carnival of concoctions. Soak in the atmosphere as the smells from their barbeque waft through the air, tuck into punchy salads and gourmet burgers and sip on stylish summer cocktails – the perfect place to spend an afternoon or enjoy a post-work drink.

The Parlour, The Park Pavilion0845 468 0100

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JAMIE’S ITALIAN Dedicated to top-notch seasonal produce and a menu that has its roots in traditionally rustic Italian cooking, Jamie’s Italian serves flavoursome delicacies from the world-famous chef. Embrace the sun this summer and try some of their impressive new dishes on the restaurant’s invitingly cosy outdoor terrace.

Jamie’s Italian, Churchill Place020 3002 5252

WAHACA A popular favourite, Wahaca continues to bring the soul of Mexico to the heart of Canary Wharf. Now that summer is here, the restaurant is taking things outside via a charming roof top terrace bar. Try the restaurant’s delicious cocktails, which blend the best of Wahaca’s mezcals and tequilas with other iconic Mexican flavours such as tamarind, lime, hibiscus, grapefruit and mint. A Mexican table football, swing chairs and a living plant wall makes this a buzzy and unique destination to enjoy pre and post dinner drinks and after-work cocktails. Alternatively, grab a take-away burrito or salad and enjoy in Canada Square Park.

Wahaca, The Park Pavilion020 7516 9145

ROKA CANARY WHARF Specialising in robatayaki – a Japanese-style barbecue – prepared on the restaurant’s central robata grill, Roka’s food is regarded as some of the best in the capital. And where better to taste it than on the restaurant’s second floor terrace. A tranquil oasis from the hustle and bustle of city life, that offers stunning views of Canada Square Park, the terrace’s exotic foliage and low lounge style furniture create a relaxed, intimate atmosphere where drinks and light meals can be enjoyed.

Roka, The Park Pavilion020 7636 5228

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SUMMER IS SERVEDTHE PEARSON ROOMBrand new to Canary Wharf, The Pearson Room showcases a menu of sharing plates, whilst the bar will be open for drinks from lunch until late. A number of signature charcoal-grilled dishes are offered, under the direction of head chef Vagner Matos and general manager Johnny Gonzalez- both formerly of The Swan, Shoreditch House and Cecconi’s. The cocktail and drinks menu will be led by Victor Matos, formerly of The Soho House group. Inspired by the seasons, the opening cocktail list will include Lychee and Honey Cress Martini and Rhubarb and Chilli Vanilla Bubbles.

The Pearson Room, Canada Place020 7970 0920

ROCKET RESTAURANT & BAR Rocket is a fun, lively and stylish restaurant and bar. Its first floor restaurant and balcony, with its stunning views of the O2, offers large fresh salads and creative 13” stone-baked wood-fired pizzas. Its ground floor bar and outside terrace offers a large range of cocktails, wines, beers and Champagnes at excellent prices. During the month of May, all of the restaurant’s classic cocktails will be priced at £5. The restaurant does not reserve tables outside, so there is always an opportunity to soak in the sunshine. Head there on Friday evenings to hear music supplied by DJs.

Rocket Restaurant & Bar, Churchill Place020 3200 2022

OBIKÀ MOZZARELLA BARItalian export Obikà Mozzarella Bar centres on top quality Mozzarella di Bufala Campana served alongside carefully-sourced, typically Italian artisan products. Obikà is located in the spacious and airy West Wintergarden, where customers can enjoy a range of mozzarellas and accompaniments, as well as a choice of delicious pizzas and pastas. Its bright and open surroundings make it perfect for summer lunches.

Obikà Mozzarella BarWest Wintergarden020 7719 1532

PLATEAU Offering not one but two terraces, Plateau provides stunning views over Canada Square Park. The beautiful restaurant terrace is open for lunch during the summer and can also be used for al fresco events, including private dinners and canapé receptions. From mid-June the Grill terrace will host a beautiful new ‘pop-up bar’, creating a relaxing space to enjoy the finest English wines and delicious food in the sunshine.

Plateau Restaurant, Bar & Grill Canada Place, 020 7715 7100

Page 53: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

Window Galleries

The Art & Design galleries in Canada Place are open daily and showcase up-and-coming artists, designers and craftspeople. This month the galleries display:

THE PHYSICALITY OF SEEING: SCULPTURE BY EILÍS O’CONNELLEilís O’Connell’s unfaltering interest in landscape and the natural world, and her pleasure in working on a large scale, are revealed in this exhibition in the internal and external spaces at Canary Wharf, which includes large-scale and smaller sculptures in bronze and in resins. Even the smaller items manifest qualities that would sing fortissimo if realised monumentally. A further focus is O’Connell’s love of materials. In her hands the most unlikely of basic fabrics, natural forms and found objects can become sculptures of beauty and mystery. Clear resin pieces enclose objects that the artist holds dear, found on walks or given by friends – a vulture’s feather, sheep’s skull, whale’s vertebra, a piece of coral. These appear in suspension, devoid of their natural context like specimens in a museum but for O’Connell their innate beauty is paramount.

Lobby, One Canada Square & Jubilee Park Canary WharfUntil 24 MayFREE Exhibition supported by Culture Ireland as part of Ireland’s EU Presidency Culture Programme 2013

AMBER FEVER The Amber Fever Collection – The work of a collection of talented jewellery designers – is inspired by the Baltic port of Gdansk, where Baltic amber is cultivated. It is renowned throughout Europe for jewellery design and craftsmanship and has been since the Middle Ages. The designers employ the finest materials and skills for each piece created.amberfever.comJubilee WalkFree

DANIEL PREECEDaniel uses the city as a starting point to explore formal issues of geometry and colour in paintings that hover between abstraction and figuration. On show are paintings from a project that celebrated London’s Olympic year. Daniel was one of 3 artists invited to make work based on a helicopter flight across London at dusk, resulting in an exhibition that explored their di�erent interpretations of the Walk Free

@yourcanarywharfFor more information visit


Page 54: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013






TVCC CARDETTES DANCE TEAMUS dance troupe, TVCC Cardettes, present their spectacular dance and drill routine for a lunchtime special at Canada Square Park. To kick start our Arts & Events outdoor summer season, this sensational troupe of dancers will entertain us with their dancing skills from pom to hip-hop, high kick to modern with a touch of jazz thrown in.

Friday 17 May 12noonCanada Square ParkFree

VIVA LA DANCE! SALSA NIGHTSalsa the night away to the infectious rhythms of the sensational live Cuban band, Son Yambu. Indulge your passion for salsa at Canary Wharf with a night dedicated to the fusion of Latin rhythms and styles. Start by exploring the essentials in a friendly workshop lead by instructor Geraldo Reynos, and then take to the floor to dance the evening away. And for those well earned breaks, our professional dancers will provide dazzling displays to keep you entertained! Come along, enjoy a drink with friends and soak up the atmosphere of our salsa experience.

Wednesday 8 May 7.30 – 10.15pmWorkshop from 6pmEast Wintergarden43 Bank Street Canary Wharf£12 (includes a complimentary glass of bubbly on arrival)

Booking:0871 220 fee applies)

Tickets available on the door subject to availability Full bar and cloakroom

Page 55: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

@yourcanarywharfFor more information visit

THE LUNCH MARKET Our delightful lunchtime feast arrives at the vibrant open space of Wood Wharf with more delicious food on o�er. This al fresco setting is just a short stroll from Montgomery Square so come along for a lunch time with a di�erence. Inspired by outdoor markets around the world, The Lunch Market o�ers a range of global cuisine where hungry visitors can choose from more than thirty stalls o�ering an array of delicious savoury and sweet dishes created by local producers. Don’t miss new artisan treats from marshmallows to local cheeses, exotic fruit to locally sourced Italian-style charcu-terie, Chinese cakes, Japanese Takoyaki and melty Scottish toasties.

Tuesday 28 May 11am – 3pmWood WharfCanary WharfFree to visit

Fearlessly descend 230ft down 50 Bank Street while raising essential funds for the charity, Scope. No previous experi-ence is required as training is provided by fully qualified instructors but you must be over 18.

Saturday 11 & Sunday 12 May8am – 5pm50 Bank StreetCanary Wharf


£20 registration fee£250 minimum targetRegistration: 020 7619 [email protected]


A perfect opportunity to get fit, have fun with friends or make new ones as you jog round the circuit to help vital funds for the British Heart Foundation. Last year 1500 people took part and raised over £35,000 for the nation’s leading heart charity.

Wednesday 22 May6 – 8.30pmAround Canary Wharf, starting from Canada Square ParkFree to registerTiming chip £2 (optional)

Registration:0845 130

Page 56: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

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Page 57: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

MAY 2013 CW 57

THE KNOWLEDGEAn essential round up of need-to-know news and the latest in luxury lifestyle

Summer inspires t e fantasy of effortlessly natural make up ere a slick of mascara is all t at s needed to top off t e glo of golden skin before tousling your air as you nip out t e door. But t e reality for many omen is t at lea ing t e ouse it out t eir

ar paint in any season is less t an desirable. ortunately a tiny disc of bron er is t e P otos op of makeup. It

blends and smoot s t e edges arming skin and buf ng o er its blemis es. ot surprising t en t at a Terracotta Bron ing Po der from beauty po er ouse uerlain is sold e ery 20 seconds.

Tailored for all seasons and skin tones t e Bron ing Po der is t e gure ead of uerlain s Terracotta range. It comes a ailable in a suitable ue for e ery skin tone from lig t skin it a pastel

pink blus to gently ig lig t to dark skin ere a reddis blus adds armt .

or a spring glo mi all four s ades and s eep t e poder o er your ole face to create a buildable tan. or summer up your natural colour and de ne your features by combining t e s ades and dra ing a 3 on eac side of t e face trace t e combined colours from your temples do n and across your c eekbones and t en along your a line in a continuous s eep. S ading on t e a line slims t e face ereas t e de terous can additionally lig tly s ade t e sides of t eir noses to contour t eir pro le for a natural not naked all year glo . Guerlain erracotta Seasons ailor ade ron ing owder, .

Second SkinBEAUTY:


Page 58: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

THE PERFUME EDITSummer elcomes bare skin and fres er scents. e e found t e must a e ne perfumes of t e season

GILDED CAGEulian C ic ester dra s on classic orkmans ip to create

contemporary pieces. T e nna Bedside is adapted from a larger nna collection. ni ue but understated t e single dra er table features delicate fret ork o er an eglomis a style of gilded glass popular in 1 t century art backing for subtle glamour.


Must have

ed Carpet Paris range of pretty insoles slip into any pair of s oes to discreetly cus ion t e feet alle iating t e pain of ig eels. redcar et

: n elegant take on t e Prada Candy fragrance t is updated scents signature as notes of ite musks and caramel it top

notes of fres fruit de eloping into delicate oral transparency.

ml, ,

T mp : T is limited edition fragrances

s irling blue bottle is designed by li ia Putman. Its lig t oral

base carries a kick from pepperypink carnations and closes it

romantic notes of, . ,

o o m t B o om o o : ailable from ay t is limited edition e otic

cologne as a burst of smant us blossom o er a base of cas mere ood.

ml, , o aloneubilee lace

t o t o m: fres

and yout ful interpretation of alentina. ayers of sambac

asmine orange blossom and patc ouli irt enticingly bet een oral and fruity.

ml, ,

eglomis a style of gilded glass popular in 1 t century

Must have

ed Carpet Paris

Page 59: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013


MAY 2013 CW 59

ACCESS EXCESSesigner duo elder elder fa ourites of lorence elc

and i anna a e launc ed a ne e bouti ue. T eir noa ailable utumn/ inter 2013 collection is structured around a faded palette of draped fabrics and c annels a romantic rock n roll aest etic.

2 IN 1iliyang is a ne lu ury accessory range t at combines C inese style it Britis design.

Its ardrobe staple Sianna Tote is beautifully crafted to practically conceal t o bags. o e er its embossed calf s leat er and gold ig lig ts

are ust for style.

esigner duo elder elder fa ourites of lorence elc and i anna a e launc ed a ne e bouti ue. T eir no

around a faded palette of draped fabrics and c annels a

tWenties glaMourh a a s lm released t is ay as inspired a re i al of 1 20s glamour. or

a earable take on t e eras dramatic make up indulge in t is seasons latest berry s ades to create smoky eyes and bitten lips for a modern day amp look. To capture a sil er screen glo e recommend Bobbi Bro ns ne ong ear en inis Compact oundation. s a fuss free compact ersion of t e original li uid foundation it pro ides a smoot te ture it a less co erage for o er 12 ours of ear. To nd your perfect s ade drop by Bobbi Bro ns ne pop up s op in Canada Place for a speedy make up tutorial.

or t e 20s signature bold eyes e recommend Clarins ne limited edition Splendours Colour uartet ye iner Palette. Try s ading t e darkest copper colour along t e crease of t e eye before blending out t e edges it t e lig ter s ades of pink and pale gold co ering t e middle of t e lid and inner corners. C annel t e drama of t e era by lining t e eyes in t e deep plum liner it t e compacts precise angled brus . ip balms and stains preser e better in t e eat t an lipstick and t ey can be ust as arresting. ur must a e is Clini ues ne C ubby Sticks Intense in Broadest Berry and randest rape to recreate t at legendary apper pout.

Clarins Splendours Colour uartet

ye iner Palette 31 Boots Canada


Clini ue C ubby Stick Intense oisturi ing ip Colour Balm 1 Boots ubilee Place

Bobbi Bro n ong ear en inis Compact oundation 32 Bobbi Bro n Canada Place

Page 60: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013


T T rancesca Barro T ianni iliberto

This spring, City boys and girls are opting for classic suits, with strong structures and muted colours in black, blues and greys, for a look that inspires confidence

Page 61: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013


MAY 2013 CW 61

im S irt 1 Trousers and Tie P all alp auren ralp

er Bla er 0 Trousers 3 bot lberta erretti

et Set eat er Tra el Bag 13ark/ iusti

Page 62: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

Blazer, £POA, Trousers, £POA ,both Ermmano Scervino, ,; The Stole Hero scarf in Shark 100% silk twill, £125, Jane Carr,; Altiplano skeleton watch, £34,000, Piaget,

Page 63: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013


MAY 2013 CW 63

imSuit P rmanno Scer ino as before T e Pearly ing ecker scarf in Claret 100 silk t ill 1 0 ane Carr as before 1 3 loafer in bro n leat er it

orsebit detail 3 0 ucci ltiplano skeleton atc as before.

erite silk acket 1 0 ite silk trousers 0 bot Tom ord

T e Pearly ing ecker in Coal 100 silk t ill 1 0 ane Carr as before aldi a s oes in black satin 00 anolo Bla nik manolobla ou erneur

atc 30 000 Piaget as before.

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64 CW MAY 2013

imSuit S irt P bot alp auren as before a olce ita mosaic tie T e atsby mosaic pocket s uare and ilano igid laptop bag all ark/ iusti as before iamante s oes in ite/black 00

anolo Bla nik as before ltiplano skeleton atc as before.

erSuit S irt Tie P all alp auren as before Bring Back Time mosaic pocket s uare ark/ iusti as before iamantina s oes in ite/black

0 anolo Bla nik as before ou erneur atc 30 000 as before.

Page 65: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013



imTrope silk cotton popeline dandy acket it

alf plain lining 12 0 1 3 loafer in ite leat er it orsebit detail 3 0 bot ucci

as before S irt P alp auren as before ltiplano skeleton atc as before.

erBla er 0 lberta erretti as before ite

silk trousers 0 Black patent s oes it gold eel 0 bot Tom ord as before.

t to t t: rancesca Barro at

oto p ianni iliberto t t: Takanori amaguc i using Bumble

and Bumblep t t: eiko akamura

o : eorge at odels1 and ily at Bookingso t o : T e scar ilde suite at T e Cadogan

Sloane Street ondon S 1 S 020 23 1 1

Page 66: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013



by P





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Page 67: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013


MAY 2013 CW 67

THE KNOWLEDGEAn essential round up of need-to-know news and the latest in luxury lifestyle

Britis eritage brand uascutum as establis ed around its founder o n marys in ention of t e raincoat gi ing it ne credentials for

rescuing t e nglis in unpredictable eat er. marys lig t ater proof ne material as in ented to keep is aristocratic clients dry.

o e er t e military soon took notice and t e rest of t e orld follo ed making t e aterproof trenc coat t e icon of 21st century fas ion it is today.

Pre empti e of t is years dragging inter uascutums ne mens Spring/Summer 13 collection is an ideal t for t is years muddled seasons due to its mi ture of lig ter fabrics it softer colours. T e Casual Club s irts in 100 per cent cotton are bot lig t and comfort

able for laid back eekends and t e summer ready ging am c eck is tailored in a mature and faded palette of na y reds and greys. T e Barton and Birley s irts follo a similar ein of cool fabrics and clean tailoring in a range of pastels t at are neit er too loud nor optimistic s ould t ere be any sudden do npours or cold snaps. ig lig t of t e ne collection is t e iley SB single breasted raincoat. nlike a typical trenc t e iley SB is fastened it a single button at t e t roat and kept in place it concealed buttoning. In block camel t e s ift s ape creates an asserti e but modest sil ouette t at is suitable for bot ork and after ours. a

Come Rain or ShineFASHION:

Page 68: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013



aMi dogtooth check

linen Jacket

Matchesfashion coM

schott shearling

collar leather Jacket

Mrporter coM


PERMANENT MARKERor e ery ontblanc Signature or ood product sold bet een 1 arc 2013

and 31 arc 201 ontblanc ill donate part of t e proceeds to support IC s education programmes. ac piece in t e collection is indi idually

numbered and en registered can be used to monitor t e initati es progress.eisterstuck Signature or Good Classi ue ountain en, , ontblanc, Canada lace

AUTO PILOTStyle Pilot is an interacti e mens ebsite ere you are ad ised on clot es depending on your build and features.

fter ards you are t en linked directly to t e pieces retailers ebsite to buy.

a igating t roug t e arious out t builders and price sliders makes t e site feel a bit like a ideo game ere at t e end you in a umper and a list of all t e t ings you ne er s ould a e orn t at your friends eren t bra e enoug to tell you. style

panto laMp poa

verpan coM



a pc classic boMber

Jacket apc fr

BACK ONBackpacks are one of t e only acceptable forms of man bags t ese days and also appen to be one of t e most practical. Clean s apes and gro n up fabrics make t em a eekend staple. T e ate bag as a raised base

for a slimmer profile and a padded lining for comfort.

lly Ca ellino ate ag, , allyca

Page 69: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013



Take inspiration from alp auren omes ne eft Bank collections mi of rela ed comfort it industrial conceptualism. Contrast furniture stripped to its skeletal structure it softening te tiles and statement pieces to build a sop isticated urban retreat. eft ank Collection illianne Single ier Chandelier,

, , ral eft ank Collection ayfair Salon Chair, , ,


locker rooM starn 1 ay olton Bro n is releasing t e ne

Sport Collection. Its gure ead is t e in 1 Sports as for body face air and s a ing. It contains e eryt ing from guar gum to soften stubble for a closer

s a e to cassia bark to deodorise t e ultimate all in one. S ort Collection, from

, olton rown, ubilee lace




ubilee lace

the transforMer In 1 03 an nglis mat ematician named enry rnest udeney orked out o to turn a perfect s uare into an e uilateral triangle by dissecting t e s uare into four distinct s apes and rearranging t e pieces. Inspired by t is geometric breakt roug t e Table is a fully functioning 3 pu le t at is easily

e ed into eig t different positions. Intelligent and elegant eac fraction as its o n storage purposes including s el ing units and lidded compartments.

T e designers be ind t e Table are t e ondon based aus. T e aus Company is aiming to build at t ey call t e rst dynamic ouse a ouse it parts t at can be mo ed to form different s apes. T is concept as originally concei ed as a li ing solution for people in t e rctic Circle ere a dynamic design meant omes could be adapted to suit t e c anging en ironment. In t e ars dark inters t e rooms could be closed into an insulating s uare ereas t e open triangle s ape ould enable in abitants to en oy t e long ours of summer suns ine.


Page 70: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013


A NEW PERIODICALery once in a ile you get a brand t ats t oug t of e eryt ing t ey deli er

in letter bo si ed parcels e eryt ing is in tra el ready 100ml bottles and you can e en order by app. Scaramouc e andangos packaging c annels a touc of Breaking Bad and its products are all made in Britain. o t ats c emistry not rocket science. rom . ,

70 CW MAY 2013

We dare you C allenge yourself and raise money for Scope a c arity for t e disabled and t eir families by abseiling on 11 12 ay on Canary arf s 0 Bank Street. Training ill be pro ided on t e day so all you need is ner e a 20 registration fee and a commitment to raising a minimum 2 0.sco

book in bike outit t ousands tired of tube commuting bicycles

a e become t e ultimate accessory. Canary arf based eft eld Bikes ork by appointment

designing bespoke bikes and elping you select from t eir pus and electric collection it e pert ad ice. Product ig lig ts include t e ountain Trike eelc air t at enables users to go on multiple terrains suc as sno to sand and allo t em t e freedom to do e eryt ing from alking t e dog to camping.

polygon bookcase

blackandkeyco uk

gants ss neW brogues and

deck shoes deserve to be seen

What a good e cuse to put

your feet up docker shoes

gant canada place




Page 71: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

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Page 72: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

One of the stars of this year’s Geneva Motor Show takes Rolls-Royce along a new path. By MATTHEW CARTER

promises performance


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MAY 2013 CW 73

Rolls-Royce has never really ‘done’ performance. In the

past it left its erstwhile stable mate Bentley to such

vulgarities as motor racing and warp factor acceleration.

But things are about to change. Launched at the

recent Geneva Motor Show is the new Wraith, billed as

the most powerful Rolls-Royce ever with, whisper it, a

rakish fastback design.

Although based on the Ghost saloon, Wraith is a far more overtly

sporting offering. It’s driven by the same 6.6-litre V12 engine, but the power

has been increased by 60bhp to 624bhp…enough for a 0-60mph time of just

4.4 seconds.

It sits on a shorter wheelbase than the Ghost – though there’s still ample

room in the rear for two passengers – while access, as ever with a Royce, is

easy via huge rear-hinged ‘coach’ doors. More worryingly, given the comfort

expected of a Rolls-Royce, the suspension has been stiffened, though the

company claims: “Wraith is no GT bruiser. Agility improvements have been

achieved with absolutely no compromise to the sensation of riding on a bed

of air.”

Perhaps the best thing about the Wraith, though, is the way it looks. The

dramatically sloping roofline and steeply raked rear screen bring a sense of

drama to the car, while the Palladian grille at the front is better integrated

than on the Ghost, less ‘in your face’. It’s a car that really lends itself to two-

tone paintwork, as well.

Inside, there’s all the luxury you’d expect and even runs to a twinkling

headlining which incorporates 1,340 fibre-optic lamps to give the impression

of a starry night sky. Advanced technology includes the transmission which

uses GPS data to read the road ahead and then selects the most appropriate

gear for the terrain: the modern-day equivalent of a riding mechanic.

Deliveries are due to start towards the end of the year and the price tag will

start at £212k.

Perhaps the best thing about the

Wraith, though, is the way it looks. The dramatically sloping roofline and steeply raked rear screen

bring a sense of drama to the car...

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Page 75: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

MAY 2013 CW 75


The best car in the real world? Easy. A BMW 320d

Touring. Great to drive, offers ample everyday

performance mixed with excellent economy, and

is more practical than the equivalent saloon.

At least, that used to be the case. For the

Touring now has a serious rival for top honours.

It’s the BMW 320d Gran Turismo. Longer, taller and wider than

the Touring, the fastback GT has more space inside for passengers

– especially in the rear – and a bigger boot to, er, boot. Thanks to

its longer wheelbase, there’s more legroom for rear passengers than

there is in a 5-series saloon, while there’s 25 litres more luggage

space than in the 3-series Touring.

According to BMW, the GT mixes the dynamic ability of the

3-series saloon with the practicality of the Touring and the looks

of a coupé. It’s a formula that was first tried on the 5-series GT,

but whereas that model is a more ungainly SUV than a genuine

Gran Turismo, the 3-series GT is better balanced and far more

aesthetically pleasing.

Due to arrive in showrooms in late spring, GT versions of the

3-series will cost around £1,500 more than the equivalent Touring

model. The range will mirror the engine and trim options found in

the saloon and estate, with the 335i, powered by a 305hp 3-litre

six-cylinder petrol engine at the top of the price lists.

The ‘real world’ version of choice, though, will be the 320d, an

184hp 2.0-litre diesel which will top 140mph yet can return up to

57mpg. Meet the new boss.

BMW introduces the 3-series GT, writes MATTHEW CARTER

gets betterThe best

Page 76: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

It’s a major new sporting event that will become the most prestigious powerboat race in the world, says its organisers. Ahead of its London-based prologue, RICHARD BROWN discovers how the Venture Cup is

re-imagining powerboat racing for a new generation


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MAY 2013 CW 77


hen it comes to glamour in sport, Formula

1 has it covered. Think luxury brands,

sun-kissed tracks and super-yacht-infested

marinas. For advertisers and racing

aficionados alike, there can be few more

appealing images than the 200mph machines

that tear through the streets of Monaco,

Melbourne and Singapore each year.

Rewind to the 1970s, however, and there

was another sport vying for the title of the

planet’s most prestigious: powerboat racing.

Believe it or not, four decades ago,

motor racing and powerboat racing were

on a level par across the world, each

enjoying huge audiences and a global

appeal. In fact, it was commonplace for

the best drivers at the time to compete

in both disciplines as, off the water,

motorsport legends mingled with royalty

and movie stars.

It was only when Formula 1 built a

new professional structure around itself

in the 1970s, thanks in no small part to

the endeavours of a one Bernie Ecclestone,

that it pulled away from powerboat racing

and became the number one name in

desirable sport – a position that, according

to the organisers of the Venture Cup, is

about to come under threat.

That’s the name of a new competition

that in 2012 was announced would run

as a series of ‘ultra-marathon’ offshore

powerboat races every two years.

Contested across 2,400 miles of the

toughest conditions the ocean can muster,

offshore of some of the most fashionable

cities in the world, it’s an event that hopes

to mirror the glitz and glamour of its land-

based counterpart.

“The Venture Cup brings back all of the

wonderful glamour from the 70s, but

The Venture Cup brings back all of the wonderful glamour from the 70s, but

delivers it in a contemporary model

Page 78: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013


78 CW MAY 2013

“The first key elements are great start

and finish locations,” says Foley. “We’ve got

London as our start and Monte Carlo as our

finish. London is the absolute ultimate start

location for us, and always has been. The

glamour of starting the race at Tower Bridge

is going to stay forever in the minds of our

spectators, racers and organisers.”

Before the prologue race on 8 June, the

Venture Cup event village will be open

from Thursday 6 June at Canary Wharf’s

Wood Wharf. The glistening towers and

shimmering docks of Europe’s foremost

financial centre is somewhere Foley

believes will provide a suitably vibrant

backdrop to the inaugural race.

“Canary Wharf is a truly amazing

location. This is where the public can really

get a sense of the event, where they can get

up-close-and-personal with the greatest

powerboats in the world. Wood Wharf is,

without a doubt, the greatest venue in the

greatest city we can think of. We’re really

looking forward to showcasing what the

Venture Cup is all about.”

A total of 50 crews will take to the

seas to compete for the Cup, which sees

crew members crash through wave after

wave for up to five hours a day, over 15

days. The brutal, bone-shaking marathon

promises to push men and machines to the

limit. “It’s very simple,” says Foley, “our

race is truly one of the world’s greatest

adventures. It’s brimming with challenge,

risk, personality and bravery.”

See the stars of the show in Canary Wharf from une

delivers it in a contemporary model,”

explains Aidan Foley, the competition’s

event director. “It’s a very different world

now than it was back then, and we’ve got

a lot more hoops to jump through in terms

of health and safety and environmental

matters – all of which we wholly embrace

and champion. What hasn’t changed is the

allure of a genuine adventure, something

people can understand, enjoy, engage with,

and possibly aspire to.”

The first race proper of the Venture Cup

is scheduled to take place in June 2014 from

London to Monte Carlo (via Cowes) – a

replica of what many consider to have been

the greatest powerboat race ever held, the

1972 London to Monte Carlo meet. Before

then, Londoners will get a chance to see what

all the fuss is about courtesy of a prologue

race setting off from the heart of the City.

Commencing from Tower Bridge on

8 June, the prologue will see competitors

take on a 750 nautical-mile adventure

designed to allow the teams to test crews,

boats, officials, processes and technologies

in advance of the big race in 2014. The

main race will involve distances and

challenges that haven’t been faced by

anyone in more than 40 years.

As an event that takes place way out at

sea across thousands of miles, Foley admits

that, on paper, the Venture Cup isn’t the

most spectator-friendly of sports. Instead,

the organisers say, the Cup relies on the

“awesome live experience” it offers fans

watching online and on television and the

appeal of the cities chosen to act as hosts.

the vent re C rolog e raCe

T : ent illage at ood arf est India ock

opens to t e general public.

T : ace begins from To er Bridge at am. rom 11am t e eet arri es at Brig ton for a

mandatory stop.

Brig ton to uernsey in t e afternoon

ay ay in uernsey it a local festi al ospitality and arious classes of po erboat racing.

: ace begins at am eet race around C annel

Islands to St Cast.

leet returns to uernsey ia t e C annel

Islands and t e uillot Passage in t e afternoon.

T : ace begins at am eet race nort to

Sout Coast making t eir ay to a nis line at Bournemout Pier it nal pri e gi ing and an e ent party in Poole.

Page 79: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

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Page 80: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

nuMber one stop ne modern uropean restaurant and

cocktail bar is due to open in t e lobby of ne Canada S uare. Coming to Canary

arf in September t e interior of ne Canada S uare ill be designed by reno ned arc itects a id Collins Studio and ill cater for t e 30 co er bar and a 100 person restaurant it a me anine

oor. ne Canada S uare

ill be open for breakfast from am and ill

ser e business lunc es post

ork cocktails and rela ed dinners as ell as leisurely Saturday brunc es ser ed until pm.


FOODThe best fine dining has to offer, right on your doorstep


taMil in toWn ne ne dining Indian restaurant as

opened ust 30 meters from Cross arbour . Called an al Tamil for turmeric

after t e brig t ombre spice t e c efs combine t eir 0 years of e perience to craft e citing and beautifully presented takes on traditional recipes. T e restaurant offers e eryt ing from formal dining and business lunc es to take a

share the loveCanary arf s latest restaurant T e Pearson

oom as ust opened at 1 1 Canada S uare. T e eclectic menu focuses on s aring plates and c argrilled dis es suc as s tacos and guinea fo l cro n made under t e direction of ead c ef agner

atos formerly of S oreditc ouse. T e large restaurant and accompanying bar offer a modern interior designed around accents of gal anised steel and ric eritage leat er. Perfect for after

ork drinks seasonal cocktails are ser ed alongside a superb ine list compiled by sommelier Sunaina Set i inner of agat s 30 under 30 a ard. the

In case you adn t noticed ondon is a ing somet ing of a steak moment. rom arty pop ups to e ork inspired ne dining institutions steak centric restaurants are opening in t eir do ens.

are I say it you mig t e en t ink you are o er t e cra e. ell a isit to elais de enise ntrecote ill force you to t ink again.

Its laid back atmosp ere offers a refres ing take on t e steak trend a renc place t roug and t roug t eres a de nite oie de i re in t e air en e isit on a riday e ening. round us groups of friends are pitc ing up at t e ro s of little tables s aring miniature bottles of red ine and alternating bet een li ely c atter and mout fuls of moreis food.

ntrecote is a place ere e eryones in it toget er in a ay t at isn t cro ded or o er bearing and creates a bubbly and cosy ambience. T e restaurant as built its name on doing t ings simply and t at means steak in its delicious secret recipe sauce fries and not a lot else. uests start it salad in a mustard dressing lea ing plenty of room for t e main course ic is ser ed in t o elpings to ensure it stays arm and t e meat tender and beautifully rare.

ile t e surroundings may be rustic and t e no reser ations policy laisse faire t e steak is seasoned and cooked to perfection and e detect tarragon and pepper in t e tangy smoot sauce. T e fries are ust as you d ant t em to be too uffy crisp and lig tly salted true to t e art of a renc bistro.

I promise t at once you e en oyed t e onderful steak on offer elais de enise ntrecote ill feel like an old fa ourite e en from

t e ery rst time you isit.

acken ie Walk, relaisde

food for friendsGABRIELLE LANE samples steak the French way




Page 81: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013


MAY 2013 CW 81

DRINK What gatsby it t e long a aited Ba u rmann cinematic adaptation of h a a s released t is ay ondon is ing it t e same

electric e citement t at dro e t e greats of t e T enties to dance late and drink ard. ood and drink riter ark ouglas ill as inspired by t e golden a era en creating t e ultimate Bloody ary li ueur. S allo ed it a kick from its ery fusion of spices and ot peppers it embodies t e spirit of t e age.


SEAFOOD WITH STYLEAIMEE LATIMER tries divine Nordic cuisine at Canary Wharf’s must visit restaurant,

T e ock Seafood estaurant is located on t e cur e of buildings on t e sout side of Canary arf an area often o erlooked for dining despite its close pro imity and accessible footbridge. ere T e ock offers ne dining

it out pretension t e clean monoc rome interior sports comfortable c airs and no fuss table decoration ile t e

ine list is c alked across t e alls and stylis lamps ang o er t e counter in t e corner of a me anine oor it ie s of t e neig bouring ilton otel.

T e menu is s and c ips alongside ordic cuisine. T e s and c ips are as tasty as any you ll nd on a innis

board alk. rri ing grease free t e s is fried in groundnut until you can e en ear t e batter crack under fork and t e c ips are t ick simple and a ailable to take a ay.

et t e ordic inspired dis es are t eir true speciality. Call in ad ance to arrange a tasting menu as no ock dis s ould go untried. ery ingredient from t e asparagus so fres you can snap it to t e s sourced from nearby Billingsgate is delig tfully tasty. T e ordic in uences from e tensi ely talented ead c ef artyn eid are fantastically t eatrical

it e ery imsical detail slicks of s uid ink abound creating an elaborate and elegant mi of a ours t at inspire and surprise it eac ne layered combination. T e contrast of ingredients from simple o ers to tomato po der t at takes se en days to create in ouse and t e acute attention to detail is staggering t e end result being some of t e nest seafood you ill taste in ondon if not any ere for a ery modest price.

ig lig ts included a deconstructed c eesecake eaten ile smelling a paper s uare infused it all t e scents

of t e dessert and topped it raspberries in ected it a s uidge of fruit gel. r gra la traditional ra cured salmon t icker and bolder t an sas imi it t e saltiness of ca iar complemented by tangy pickled cucumber. nd as for t eir presentation ell e eren t surprised to see nearly all t e diners taking p otos of t eir food. e ere too.

astmaker oad,

RAISE A GLASSBoisdale of Canary arf as been named isky estaurant f T e ear at h s a a n s Icons f isky ards. It as rig tly applauded for its passionate staff and one t ousand strong collection of Scottis and global iskies.

THE BUZZSign up for an e clusi e partners ip it our Pure oney to rent your o n e ealand bee i e for t e oney season. ecei e p oto updates on a pri ate ebsite as you follo your bees making acti e manuka oney. In pril t ey collect t e orlds only unblended oney and

package it in Italian oney ars. eli ered to your door en oy t e purest oney traced straig t to t e source.


Page 82: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013


82 CW MAY 2013

Fifty years ago in the most upscale restaurants, across London

and the UK, your wine selection was generally limited to perhaps

Burgundy, famous Bordeaux names, German Riesling and a few

bottles from Rioja or Tuscany – if you were lucky! Fast forward to

2013 and there has never been as many choices for the oenophile;

more wines from more countries, better wines and wines made

from grape varieties that until recently, no one had ever heard of.

In the mid-80s New Zealand appeared on our wine lists, by the 90s Chile was gaining

a foothold and as the nineties progressed, South African and Argentinian wines were

making headway in the UK.

These were the ‘invaders’ from the so-called New World – in other words, wines

from countries outside the traditional vine-growing areas of Europe. Their pedigree

had not been established in the mindsets of many consumers, but they did offer

intense fruit flavours and a price that didn’t upset your wallet.

Now ‘New World’, the often quoted catch-all term, appears hopelessly outdated

and even slightly patronising. Take Chile and Australia for example – Chile’s

viticultural history began in the mid-16th century with the arrival of the Spanish

Conquistadors. By the 19th century, both Chile and Australia had extensive vineyard

planting, in 1831 a total of 19 million vines were planted in Chile. These countries

have been producing high quality wines for many, many decades – hardly novices to

the wine business. And their wines are nearly always better value.

So if there is a New World today then it certainly doesn’t reside in South America

or Australia, rather we should look toward India, China, Eastern Europe and even

Costa Rica. Sula wines for example, a mere three hours’ drive from Mumbai, were

established in 1999 and their Chenin Blanc wines can now be found in Indian

restaurants across London. This is the true ‘New World’ of wine – newcomers to wine

production who are slowly starting to export and appear in our stores and wine bars.

They have a long way to go but are showing much promise.

The really exciting thing is that the consumer can now enjoy their favourite clarets

and Burgundies for a fraction of the price. Established regions like Hawkes Bay in

New Zealand and Oregon in North America are full of derivatives – wines made to

emulate their European counterparts as closely as possible.

alternatives to the e ro ean s erstars

o o p t B t o t

t t T is superb C ardonnay from t e coolclimate argaret i er region s o s great nesse elegance and structure all for at least alf of t e price of a top ontrac et.

o o o t Bo t T t o B

Coleraine is one of t e nest left bank Bordeau blends I a e e er sampled outside Bordeau . t a fraction of t e price of a top Cru Class you get an e uisite ine.

o o B t t ot o t o o

ta angi s Pinot oir s o s a dept

and comple ity t at most i i Pinots only int at a sublime structured red fruit dri en Pinot oir t at ill make Burgundy lo ers s oon.

o o o t T m m C ile is a relati e ne comer to Syra but t is e ample from Tamaya estate in t e imari alley s o s real class and elegance all for under 12 at Berry Bros.

the fallacy of the

NEW WORLDNo longer does France, Italy or Spain dominate the choices available for wine

drinkers. New World wines are the new cool, says JAMES LAWRENCE

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Contrary to popular belief, there isn’t an

art, or certainly not a science, to choosing

wine at a restaurant. It’s simply a matter of

taste, budget and food preferences; neither

is it as some wine writers like to claim a

‘terrifying experience.’ That’s preserved

for being in the back seat of a Neapolitan

taxi when the driver is two hours late for his dinner. Choosing

wine at a restaurant is easy, all you really need are a few tips to

ensure you can choose wine intelligently and not get ripped off for

substandard wine.

My first strategy after being seated is to order a glass of

house white/red or sparkling while perusing the wine list.

Its quality will clue you in as to whether this is a cellar to

take seriously. A poor, flat or neutral house wine is a likely

foretelling of what’s to come; a good example means that you

can probably spend with confidence. Then, I start browsing

at the back of the list, where the New World section is often

placed and is much shorter and easier to get to grips with. If

the restaurant is switched on then they will attach style/tasting

notes to the wine – light, rich and oaky, etc – rather than

simply listing by country, region and producer.

If you feel like spending serious sums on an expensive bottle

of Bordeaux or Burgundy then please do take precautions.

These wines can be memorable, but remember you are paying

Navigating those encyclopedic wine lists can be a major headache, but follow these pointers and you

should never need the advice of a sommelier again, says JAMES LAWRENCE

of the Yearof the YearFlavour

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MAY 2013 CW 85

Cheat sheet

a som o h o a an n n a s o n a a o a ho h s ss s an a s o ha n n a

t Bo o 200 2002 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1t Bo t m o om o 200 2002 1 1 2 1 1

B 200 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1t B 2003 1 1 1 3 1 1

on s h a h n a s o n a oo o ot Bo o 200 200 200 2001 2000 1

1 1 0t B Bo t m o om o 200 200 200 2001 2000

1 1 0 B 2010 200 200 2002 1 1 1 0t B 2010 200 200 200 2002 1 1

over the odds, as that bottle will often cost at least two to three

times the retail price.

There is also the crucial issue of vintage. The quality of

the harvest in a particular year is everything in regions like

Bordeaux and Burgundy: the more cynical sommelier will buy

up weaker vintages at a discount price, slap on that mark-up

and count on a name selling the wine.

Of course, the best wines from the regions I’ve mentioned

are wonderful but if you want better value then the New World

offers some real gems. Wines from Chile or South Africa, for

example, are likely to deliver more flavour for your buck than

their French equivalents (although less exalted regions like the

Beaujolais cru or the Loire can offer nice surprises). European

wines from Germany, Italy and Spain are usually slower to

move and also better value for it. Seek out the less familiar,

but stay away from the second cheapest wine on the list. It’s

the wine with the highest mark-up, as restaurants know that

nobody wants to look a cheapskate, so diners usually go one

up from the house red/white. In my experience, it is rarely

worth the money.

Finally, be confident – you don’t want to go to bed with your

waiter/waitress (usually) so you don’t need to impress them

by overspending. And remember that however judicious your

choices are, your choice can only ever be as good as the wine

on their list. Sometimes it really isn’t you, it’s them! rieke


os /





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HEARTBREAK?HCA Hospitals unite to highlight the impact long hours and associated

behaviour patterns could be having on your heart health

Eer e ten ing orking ho rs esk

o n ith no ti e for a l nch reak

an net orking late into the night

as a nation e are no tting in the

longest orking ho rs in ro e ith

the a erage eek totalling to a assi e

ho rs isco nting the o erti e that

often goes n oc ente i

his esire to kee ith the co etition an reach targets

at all costs can see an she to the oint of e ha stion

an iss e that has a reso n ing i act on o erall health

n fact recent st ies ha e sho n that those orking longer

than the tra itional eight ho rs ha at least a greater chance

of e elo ing heart iseaseii erts link these orking ho rs

to an increase in stress an a correlate ten enc to engage in

negati e eha io rs that irectl i act heart health

NEGATIVE COPING MECHANISMS Dr Wyn Davies, Consultant Cardiologist at The Harley Street Clinic o tlines the acti ities that co l e i acting o r heart health

Smoking: Whilst lighting a act as a stress iff ser

thro gho t the a s oking fa o rs the e elo ent of

cholesterol e osits in the linings of the arteries aking this a

artic larl a aging ha it hen it co es to atters of the heart

Convenience Eating: Working late at the office often sees

orkers s a n tritio s ho e cooke eals for con enience in

the for of high in sat rate fat rea eals hese nhealth

foo choices lea to eight gain an increase cholesterol le els

oth of hich increase the risk of car iac isease

Turning To The Bottle: lcohol can eco e a so rce of

relief for the o er orke e lo ee t rinking too ch can

increase loo ress re an lea to eight gain oth of hich

irectl i act the risk of heart isease e elo ing

Sleep Disruption: onstant orr ing a o t i en ing

ea lines can lea to chronic slee e ri ation a con ition that is

associate ith calci il in the arteries his il can

constrict the a o nt of o gen that reaches o r heart increasing

the likelihoo of ha ing a heart attack

REDUCING THE RISK Dr David Lipkin, Consultant Cardiologist at The Wellington Hospital e lains the i ortance of tackling these negati e co ing

echanis s hea on

deall , those under intense stress need to take a step back and

anal se their ork life balance. n man cases simpl orking less

ill provide a ne lease on life, but for those ho have to put in

e tra hours, orking from home can help to put emplo ees in a

rela ed state, ensuring a more positive frame of mind is achieved.

f ou re feeling under pressure choosing behaviours that ould

in fact benefit health, as opposed to harm it are vital. Taking up a

ne form of e ercise over hitting the pub for e ample can ensure

ou channel our negative energ into something productive.

SEEKING HELP Dr Michael Erwin Jan Wise, Consultant Psychiatrist at London Bridge Hospital e an s on hen orkers sho l seek

rofessional assistance

an orkers are placed under demands the simpl cannot

cope ith, if this e tends for a long period of time the stress ill

undoubtedl cause behavioural change.

f ou notice this is going on for more than a couple of eeks,

it s causing ou problems, and ou can t change it ourself, then it s

time to see a therapist. therapist can help ou to evaluate our

lifest le and hone in on hat is trul important, providing ou ith

the techni ues to manage our ork life priorities in a a that

on t cause future cardiac complications later do n the line.

i http .dail health article orking hours da raises riskheart disease .html

ii http .dail health article orking hours da raises riskheart disease .html


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HCA Hospitals – World-Class Healthcare


Is your heart giving you cause for concern?Do you ever think you might be at risk from heart problems?If so, it’s time for a check up. Don’t leave it too late.

For more information about HCA Hospitals’ Heartcare or to book an appointment call 0843 249 7755

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MAY 2013 CW 89

BUSINESS TRAVELEssential information for anyone who travels the world for work

s C inas dominance in t e global economy as gro n so as its popularity as a destination for business tra el. et beyond necessity one of t e greatest dra s of isiting C ina and its surrounds on business is t e countrys culture of t e ceremony of business ere eti uette and entertainment ent ine. T e Peninsula otels ags ip ong

ong property c annels a perfect balance bet een age old C inese ospitality and tec nological ad ancements. T is year t e otel is

celebrating its t anni ersary it a series of celebratory e ents and grand reno ations of its business facilities. T e ne anni ersary Conference Centre on t e si t oor as a modern but elegant d cor creating a professional but lu urious space. It osts t o spacious ne

conference rooms a special e ents salon and a business centre it on demand catering from t e otels team of on site c efs. In furt er consideration t e otel as launc ed T e rt f T e eeting ser ice t at is a ailable until arc 201 . T e ser ice adapts C inese eti uette for an international clientele by offering a range of options and bespoke details to ensure all business entures run smoot ly gracefully and conclude it a lasting impression. Ser ices can include IP airport transfers complimentary t o nig t stays for e ecuti es and c arge reductions across audio isual rental e uipment. hong kong

Business Hospitality


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FRASER PLACE, CANARY WHARFig ty per cent of rasers ospitality residents are from ortune 00

and orbes listed companies representing t e brands e pertise in creating lu ury tra el for a discerning business clientele. To meet customer demand raser Place Canary arf as undergone a 2. million refurbis ment to increase accommodation from 3 to apartments during 2013. it only eig t stylis apartments per oor tted it kitc en amenities and ample space t e otel offers a calm

sense of ome in t e eart of t e t ri ing business district. rasers e ident appeal comes from t e combination of bouti ue style suites

it modern tec nology t at caters for e ery type of guest. usiness ackage from er night, london canarywharf.frasershos

HÔTEL LE PÉRA, PARISPerfectly located ust steps from t e pera arnier in Central Paris

tel e P ra is situated near of ces for t e day and s ops and s o s for t e e ening. T e tel e P ras balance bet een larger suites it marble bat rooms and spacious lounges to its stylis rooms dressed it riting desks caters for tra ellers of all intents and tastes. it in t e elegant Parisian interior lies a business centre and four meeting rooms of different si es including one tted it a spectacular glass roof to let in natural lig t. T e meeting rooms are prepared it e ery essential from ideo pro ectors and sound e uipment to a range of catering options. T e otel is renc c ic at

eart but it as a mindset for global business.Single rooms from er night, hotelle




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MAY 2013 CW 91

london transport facing

M cutse s of a planned refurbis ment at ondon

Bridge comes at a time en t e rest of ondons transport system is facing cuts

of 0 million o er t o years. T e ne s is part of t e spending cuts announced by eorge sborne in ecember 2012. Transport or ondon a e announced t at t ey intend to meet cuts by lo ering e penditure as opposed to raising money else ere. T e decisions ill reduce funding for t e day to day running of t e Tube as ell as for its capital in estment.

TAKE A SEATTo encourage cycling in t e businesses are being asked to sign up for T e Cycle Stands or mployment sc eme it Transport or ondon to recei e free bike stands. umbers

cycling in t e a e dipped recently despite a report by t e S nding t at a 20 per cent increase in cycling by 201 ould sa e t e economy 20 million in reduced traf c congestion and 2 million in S costs. Businesses also stand to gain from an increase in cycling as t e S report also found t at employees o cycle to ork took fe er sick days and felt more alert during t e day.

In addition to appier ealt ier employees signi cant economic bene ts are possible. In 2011 t e la oSmit line Cycling roup found t at eac cyclist not re uiring a parking space sa es S 00. urt ermore per cent of its cyclists said t ey felt more producti e. T e density of businesses in Canary arf makes it ideal for cycling local businesses t at a e taken t e initiati e recently include nig t rank and adisson. or more information see or a ly for free cycle stands at t .go .uk


eat ro as announced t at it as secured an additional 3 billion of in estment on top of t e 11 billion t at as been in ested since 2003 making it one of t e largest pri atesector in estments in infrastructure. T e money ill be spent in part on impro ing Terminals 2 and t e construction of ne ta i ays and t e de elopment of an integrated baggage system. eat ro is currently t e s only ub airport accounting for per cent of all long aul ig ts from t e .

SLEEP EASYelta ir ines is transforming t e e perience of

sleeping in t e air by offering estin ea enly In lig t bedding designed and manufactured e clusi ely for elta in all of its Business lite cabins from une 2013. Business lite customers

ill recei e a estin ea enly sleeping pillo and du et it passengers on ig ts of si or more ours also recei ing a lumbar pillo .

estin re olutionised t e tra el industry it t e launc of t e ea enly Bed in 1 t at inspired ot er otels to retire t eir tired t in linen for lu urious plus bedding.

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MAY 2013 CW 93

From long-haul retreats and weekend breaks, to chic city stopovers and tropical hideaways, these are some of the world’s top haunts


ONCE IN A HUNDRED YEARSBelo ed by royalty and a a en for celebrities t e tel Pla a t n e is entering its centenary. T e otel is t eatrically celebrating t e milestone by planting 100 lime trees in t e grounds of t e Palace of ersailles releasing 100 balloons in t e otels Cour ardin creating a time capsule containing items dating back to its opening year 1 13 and offering t eir most loyal guests unlimited IP e periences. T e otel is oined in celebrating a centenary by t e T tre des C amps lys es ere t e famous ballet n as rst performed 100 years ago.

n packages in ite you to see y t ey e been talked about for a 100 years. la a athenee

southern coMfort

country ouse otel in 10 acres on artmoor t e stunning idleig Park as immortalised by former poet laure

ate Ted ug es en e described it as t e en y of t e surrounding e on countryside. It as since on numerous a ards and accolades from t e likes of ic elin and Cond ast and t is year as a arded t e Tra eller C oice

ard from Tripad isor. T e otel s restaurant currently olds t o ic elin stars and on 1 ay idleig Park oins

it Perrier ou t to old a black tie e ent it a ic elin star menu and e ceptional c ampagne.

rice of e ening including accommodation is from er head,

bags of styleoncrief s andmade carry on luggage is

tailored for tra elling from its stain resistant leat er si ing in accordance it airline

and luggage regulations and its complimentary c arcoal cas mere blanket to keep you snug in t e skies. T e classic s ape in an array of beautiful colours ill remind you t at t e oliday starts on t e plane. merald Carry on Case, , , moncrie

SURF’S UPT e e star otel T e ita os ust 30 minutes from isbons city centre as launc ed its ne Sur ng Break package. irst time surfers can learn from t e leading pro surfer in Portugal and four time ational C ampion uben on ale before inding do n it a t o nig t eekend in t e otel including massages in its acclaimed spa. Portugal is kno n for being t e best sur ng location in urope and it is truly t e only destination to catc a es in t e suns ine it out catc ing long aul ig ts. Surfing reak ackage starts at , theoita

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faroAIMEE LATIMER experiences the historic past Faro has to offer, alongside some very modern luxury accommodation


94 CW MAY 2013


where to stay The Residences at Victoria Clube de GolfeThe Residences at Victoria Clube de Golfe is a five star hotel located only

five minutes from the centre of Vilamoura. Ideal for the golf enthusiasts who

frequent the region, the hotel is located near three courses: The Millennium,

Laguna and The Victoria Golf Course, for which the hotel offers guests a

direct entrance from an underground buggy park. Furthermore, the hotel

offers guaranteed starting times at several Algarve courses. If you’re away

golfing with the guys, the palatial Presidential Suite covering 250m2 offers the

best rooms in the hotel and includes a secluded deck equipped with lounge

beds, a Jacuzzi and a private butler service.


where to eat . Restaurante Boia BarHead here for a lunchtime bite, and relax on the restaurant’s beachside terrace

while enjoying delicious fresh fish bought locally from the market in nearby

Sagres. Clean, simple interiors complement the oceanic surroundings and the

welcoming staff are happy to advise you about the daily specials.

what to do The Ruins Of MilreuLazing an afternoon away on one of more than 100 beaches in the Algarve,

world-famous for their cool and clean waters, is almost a given. However,

for a break to take in the region’s culture, visit The Ruins Of Milreu, only a

20-minute drive from Faro. Once a third-century AD luxury Roman villa, the

site has since been turned into a thriving farm. Take a slow walk round the

crumbling baths, pagan temple and 22-column colonnade. Famous for the well-

preserved mosaics, the site is of crucial historic importance to Portugal’s Roman

past and is surrounded by peaceful fields and beautiful landscapes, perfect for

an afternoon away from the buzz of the seaside towns.

dont miss MonchiqueFaro has its most dense tourist population during late July and August. Take

a step away from the crowds and visit Monchique, a hillside town consisting

of white-washed homes and blooming wild flowers staggered around a central

church. Monchique has grown around handcrafts, including pottery, tiles and

sculptures, but it is now becoming increasingly popular with holiday home

buyers. The hideaway provides easy walking and pictureseque alleyways,

perfect for a relaxing stroll through old Portugal.

monchi ueunco

rom top to bottom T e esidences at

ictoria Clube de olfe s imming pool

at T e esidences at ictoria City all aro T e uins of ilreu onc i ue.

Britis ir ays ies daily to aro from ondon City irport and at ick. Customers ying from ondon City irport bene t from a uick and easy

ser ice it transfer from kerbside to airside ust 1 minutes. Book it

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A Second Bite of

RICHARD BROWN revisits New York and unapologetically fails to explore the path less travelled

A Second Bite of


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MAY 2013 CW 97

I have been to New York twice now. Both at times

when temperatures have been subsiding from the low-

twenties to the late-teens and the colour of Central

Park is shifting to signal late summer’s decline into

fall. Bookended by the soaring heat of August and the

biting cold of Christmas, it’s the ideal time of year for

a long-weekend Stateside – cool enough to wander the

streets without breaking sweat, warm enough, in my case, to be

the only short-sporting man in Manhattan. Well, you can take the

man out of England…

On both occasions, too, I’ve been gripped by a unique, pre-trip

sense of excitement, a heady giddiness that, to me, seems quite

distinct to New York jaunts; the adult equivalent of a child about

to board a flight to Disneyland. It had been building in me for

weeks and both times exploded into an infantile state of elation

as I emerged from the Hugh L. Carey Tunnel toll road, which

connects Brooklyn to Manhattan, to be met by that skyline.

This time around, coincidentally, I had emerged from the toll

tunnel to be met by a poster promoting British Airways, the

company that had just gotten me here. ‘We fly to serve’, the

poster proclaimed. They had certainly done that.

After a 15-minute check-in-to-departure process, I had been

aboard the ‘largest’ plane allowed to take off from London City

Airport. Large by London City standards maybe, but comprising

just 32 seats, which reclined fully to become flat beds, this bus

of the sky was more private jet than commercial aeroplane – a

feeling only extenuated by the fact that entertainment was

provided for via personal iPads, that meals were ordered from

a menu designed by Heston Blumenthal, and that we were each

provided with fully-functioning phone and internet access while

30,000 feet above the Atlantic Ocean. Flying via Shannon in

Ireland so as to clear US customs there and arrive at JFK as a

domestic passenger, we were collecting our bags moments from

landing and out of the airport in less than 20 minutes. BA, I

salute you.

The Ritz Carlton on Central Park would be my abode for

the weekend. A home-from-home for anyone accustomed to

the splendours of its London counterpart, the hotel was ranked

by Travel & Leisure as the best place to stay in New York in

both 2011 and 2012. Enter your room and it’s easy to see why:

oversized marble bathrooms with deep soaking tubs mean that

bath time could easily last for hours, while feather duvets, feather

beds and a choice of seven types of pillows (yes, seven!) cater for

even the fussiest of sleepers. The provision of a telescope in the

rooms that face the park will keep twitchers at their windows

scanning the tree tops for birds, and everyone else (or maybe

just me) spying on unsuspecting people down on the street.

Stepping out to see

the towering shapes that

surround Central Park

the next day, (having

demolished a stomach-

splitting breakfast at the

hotel’s Auden Bistro &

Bar – a combination of

fried favourites and baked

delicacies that you would

usually be embarrassed

to eat in a single sitting),

university memories

flooded back and I was reminded of seminars studying the

sublime. Wordsworth had evoked it with a cliff, I could recall,

Shelley with a waterfall. This morning, against a brilliant blue sky,

New York was doing it with its buildings.

From the Rockefeller Centre in Midtown to Freedom Tower

in the Finance District, New York City is an ode to the high rise,

a place where spires and turrets race to scrape the sky. Should

our own 1 Canada Square be ranked against its New York

counterparts, by way of comparison, it would appear only after

19 taller buildings had gone before it.

To comprehend the distances that dictate this city and the sheer

number of skyscrapers that line its streets you either visit the

From the Rockefeller to Freedom Tower, New York City is an ode to the high rise, a place where spires race to scrape the sky

littleny / S driano Castelli / S gary yim / S

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Empire State, head to the Top of the Rock or take to the skies

in a helicopter. Having chosen to explore the first option on my

initial visit, and without the monetary means to afford the last, it

was to the top of the Rockfeller Centre I went.

Based some 16 streets uptown from the Empire State, and

encircled by a greater number of buildings of similar height,

views from the Rock are arguably better than those from the

ESB; Central Park is closer and you get a better overall sense of

the stretch of land that is Manhattan. For most visits, though,

it’s one building or the other, and for the general experience it

offers, and the more educational narrative it tells, I’d opt for

the Empire State (unless you’re going at night, in which case the

lights that surround the Rock are hard to match).

As with any city, a visit to New York comes with a list of

certain attractions that need to be seen and ticked from the

list. Embarking on a whistle-stop tour of Time Square, Central

Park, Madison Square, Macy’s and the Avenue of the Americas,

I did just that. As evening approached, I also found time to visit

the 9/11 Memorial Site. Sitting within the footprints of where

the Twin Towers stood, the two twin reflecting pools that have

replaced them are nearly an acre in size and feature the largest

manmade waterfalls in the North America. Inscribed in bronze

panels along the edge of the pools are the names of every person

who died in the 2001 and 1993 attacks. It’s a place that’s both

eerie and inspiring, allowing for moments of quiet reverence in a

City that really does never sleep.

My first bite of the Big Apple had been a whirlwind of a

romance with Manhattan’s most famous attractions. So, the

next day, with this trip running the risk of becoming the same, I

decided to depart the island for one of NYC’s other five boroughs:

the ultra-cool, hipster hangout that is Brooklyn. I’m glad I did.

A mix of red-brick warehouses, art-adorned underpasses and

cobblestone streets, the area known as DUMBO (Down Under

the Manhattan Bridge Overpass) is another New York entirely.

An overflow of indie bars, vintage clothes shops, art galleries and

antique dealers – think Shoreditch on steroids – a fascinating place

to get lost for a few hours, albeit depressing when you realise

you’ll never be as cool as the people that abide in Brooklyn.

Above any other metropolis on Earth, New York City is a place

of gargantuan proportions, implausible spaces and movie-set

magnitudes. Fitting, then, as we prepared to check-out on the

evening we leave, that one of cinemas’ most celebrated movie-

stars should be sitting in the foyer of the hotel, surrounded by

security, in deep discussion with a Scorsese-lookalike. In a city full

of celebrity, it was a scene that excited few but a certain group of

English journalists about to board a plane home. As part of that

starstruck group, it provided me with a neat way of wrapping

up this piece. And so, to borrow from one of the ex-Californian

Governor’s most famous lines… New York, I’ll be back.

ritish irways e clusi e all business Club World ser ice ies from ondon City

ir ort to ew ork twice daily. ead in fares on the ritish irways ondon City

ew ork ight start from . return including ta . ickets are a ailable

through and direct through reser ations on .

My first bite of the Big Apple had been a whirlwind of a romance with Manhattan’s most famous attractions

98 CW MAY 2013


e ork City s T e it Carlton Central Park

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DeauvilleNormandyBrest Brittany


Paris Orly






ToulonCôte d’Azur

Milan Linate











business in europe. Where do you start?A CityJet flight from London City Airport is where you should start doing business in Europe.

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Page 100: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

As the annual HPA Gaucho International Polo tournament returns to The O2 in May, Jamie Morrison, England polo captain,

shares his experience of the thrills and spills of playing polo


GamePolo is often synonymous with grass Pitches,

sunshine and Picnics – what does Playing in an arena

bring to the game?

I actually think playing in an arena is much more exciting for the

spectator! It’s very fast-paced and because you’re sitting within close

proximity of the game you can feel the power and adrenalin close up.

and what makes the o2 venue so sPecial to Play in?

The O2’s become an iconic venue in London, both for music and

sporting events, so I’m really excited to be playing again this year.

It’s a unique place to play polo in.

would you like to see Polo become as big as

football in the uk?

I don’t think it’s about competing with football – it’s a sport that

has its own skill and appeal. I love encouraging more people to

get into polo – so if anyone going to the Gaucho International at

The O2 enjoys watching the match (which I’m sure they will do!)

then I’ll be happy. Even better if they fancy a go themselves – you

just need to give your local club a call to try it out.

what has been the highlight of your career?

Probably winning medals, including two gold medals at the FIP

European championships.

what about one of the most challenging moments?

One of the most challenging times any sportsman faces is injury, as

it usually means you can’t compete and there can be long recovery

periods. I’ve had to tackle broken eye sockets, I’ve broken both

kneecaps and I’ve had numerous hand injuries (amongst others!)

Recovering is such a huge challenge so overcoming each injury is a

great achievement and very rewarding.

Polo has always been synonymous with entertainment,

food, wine, luxury – do you think this is an imPortant

asPect of the game?

Absolutely – I think for spectators it’s such a great sport to watch.

I recommend going with a group of friends, getting dressed up

and making a day out of it – watching polo while tasting food and

great wine, is fantastic fun.

where will the 2013 Polo calendar be taking you?

After the Gaucho International at the end of May, the UK polo

season starts so I’ll be based in Berkshire over the summer. I’ll

probably then head over to Spain and perhaps to Copenhagen for

international matches.

Jamie goes head to head with Argentine Captain Nacho

Figueras at the upcoming HPA Gaucho International Polo

at The O2 on 21 May.

Tickets from £20, available at

Page 101: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

APRIL 2013 CW 83


argentine ins iration

Per aps you e been lucky enoug to isit t e sultry Sout merican gem of rgentina en oying uicy steak full bodied ine and a little polo ile youre t ere. ou may a e stumbled upon icolas udeberts C e al des ndes estate set it in t e beautiful ine region of endo a surrounded

by t e ineyards and facing t e ndes you ll also nd a polo pitc rig t at its centre. T ats t e rgentinian ay. nd luckily for us e can get a taste

a little closer to ome at T e 2 t is summer.

e ll be aiting it bated breat as t e orlds greatest polo players y in to T e 2 to compete in t is prestigious tournament. T roug t ree

international matc es players ill be ying for t e onour of taking ome t e c ampions ip on Tuesday 21 ay 2013. ffering delicious Sout

merican food by auc o li e music and top s alongside t e polo t ere really is no better ay to kick off t e summer sporting season.

s ngland take on t e mig ty rgentina at t is year s P auc o International Polo matc ngland captain amie orrison ill go mallet to mallet it rgentinian ri al ac o igueras. e ll be

sipping on t e local ines as e atc t e biggest consumer e ent e er staged in urope and 0 of rgentinas best ineries ill y o er

especially for t e occasion presenting more t an 200 arieties.

eu e Clic uot ill be creating a uni ue C ampagne garden at t e IP after party eld at Indigo2 ile Tan ueray in ill be osting a ringside party and ospitality package. e ll be taking up t e Club auc o

premium ospitality package ic includes meeting t e players a eu e Clic uot reception IP access to t e arena and after party. Post

matc you ll nd us en oying t e T ames side ie s on board t e Polo press Clipper a 1 0 seater catamaran.

on t miss t e t ird annual P auc o International Polo e ent at T e 2 in ondon on Tuesday 21 ay 2013

Tickets from 20 gauc

ollo t e latest ne s on auc o Polo ia social media gauc opolo gauc ogroup and auc ointernationalpolo

or furt er information contact info gaucho

s onsors

on n s s onso sh o am En an an a o n h a s n s a n n n o a ho s onso am

n na a a na an E as a a a so a n o s as o a m han s n an o a a a n s o a a

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han an on sm n s

amie orrison

rgentine captain ac o igueras ngland captain amie orrison

Page 102: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

With the right

airline the

holiday starts

on the plane,

making a


flight to

Australia with the luxury of Qantas’

first-class both a necessity and a pleasure.

Our destination is the Qualia resort on

Hamilton Island. An island located in the

heart of the Whitsundays, surrounded by

the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park.

What you notice immediately on

landing, in addition to the glorious

warmth, is the scent of the island.

Hamilton Island and its surroundings are

committed to ecological sustainability

from its waters to its infrastructure.

Without typical city fumes you breathe

pure air; you can smell the heat, the

AIMEE LATIMER visits Qualia on Hamilton Island where nature and luxury are entwined and unforgettable days are ensured

eucalyptus leaves splitting underfoot and

the salt simmering off the water. Water

that is so clear, you can see patches of

green seaweed tangled far into the horizon.

We head straight to our ‘room’, a

Windward Pavilion, one of 60 interspersed

around the resort to ensure privacy. Our

eyes travel straight through the sprawling

room to the open doors and out to the

private plunge pool that spills over into

a view of the azure Coral Sea. ‘Qualia’,

pronounced kwah-lee-ah, means a

collection of deeper sensory experiences

and every detail here is tailored for,

alerting the senses through relaxing,

indulging and witnessing beauty. Within

moments we are sitting, sandals off, on our

private sundeck lost in a rare seat between

complete stillness and iPod connectivity.

The floor-length windows are part of

the pavilion’s interior of timber, stone

and glass that creates a seamless step into

nature. In the spacious rooms the double

bed faces the sea and the eucalyptus

leaves flutter against the balcony, creating

a deep sense of freedom and serenity. Too

entranced to leave the pavilion, we order in

from Qualia’s 24-hour premium pavilion

service that discreetly covers everything

from laundry to cocktails. We sip glasses

of wine while sharing a plate of chef-

prepared sharers, including oysters in shallot


Qualia offers complete submergence into nature, relaxation and memories that will romance you forever

Page 103: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013


MAY 2013 CW 103

more information

To stay at ualia prices start from per nig t for a ee ard Pa ilion

including breakfast based on t o people s aring a room.

e nig t stay it r rs Smit costs from 3 3 per couple. ly from ondon to amilton

Island it antas from 1 12 per person. To book go to mrandmrssmit .com or call t e

Tra el Team on 0 03 0 00.

or more information on amilton sland isit

vinaigrette and Thai fish cakes dipped in

sweet chilli jam, our toes dangling in the pool.

Tearing ourselves from the serenity of the

resort one night, we visit the Bommie Deck

at the Hamilton Island Yacht Club. The

restaurant is nicknamed after the shortening

of the Aboriginal word ‘bombora’, which

refers to colourful reef patches found in the

area. We dine on grass-fed Tasmanian beef

and pan-seared scallops before heading to

the Reef Lounge for an evening of local live

music and our own bad dancing.

We decide to truly test the sensory

intensity of the resort by taking a trip to the

on-site spa that offers a range of indigenous

and Australian treatments. Walking to the

treatment rooms through geometric pools

skimmed by hanging ferns and warm ochre

corridors for an Aquum Elixir facial with a

thermal eye mask, suitably titled ‘nature’s

facelift’, is pure escapism. Also on offer is

a range of treatments especially for men

that include the Earthy Encounter massage.

Warm, mineral-rich mud is massaged over

your entire body followed by a rhythmic

massage with warm stones to relieve tired

muscles. Once warmed and unwound, an

outdoor rain shower cleans away the last of

the mud and knots.

For a sunset dinner we head to Qualia’s

Long Pavilion Restaurant. By evening the

sun has slid down into the sea, setting the

waves alight. As a Long Pavilion signature,

we begin with a pre-dinner amuse-bouche

tropical fruit cocktail and choose from a

menu of fresh cuttlefish poached in squid

ink and beef ribs. As the various menus

across the resort reflect, Australia is a

culinary melting pot influenced heavily by

its multiculturism that serves up a mixture

of fresh seafood, prime meats and Asian


We finish with a walk along the cool

sand of Pebble Beach where we spent our

days snorkelling before lounging down with

frozen mango yogurt. For our final day, the

Qualia activities team organise the perfect

send off with a beach drop-off on a remote

stretch of sand to enjoy a gourmet picnic.

It is one of many tailored and creative

experiences that they offer to guests.

The sensory boasts of Qualia are no

delusion. A stay at Qualia offers complete

submergence into nature, relaxation and

memories that will romance you forever.

Page 104: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013


DAVID CLULOW OPTICIANSCabot Place020 7345 9181Jubilee Place020 7519 6284

DOVE SPA @ VIRGIN ACTIVEWestferry Circus020 7519 6657

REEBOK SPORTS CLUBCanada Place0844 558 1329

SEAN HANNAJubilee Place020 7513 2660

SK:NCanada Place020 7516 0106

THE GENTRY HAIR & SPACanada Place 020 7519 6660



TONI & GUYOne Canada Square0844 445 7722

URBAN BEACH TANNING & BEAUTYJubilee Place020 3200 2000

VISION EXPRESS OPTICAL LABCanada Place020 7513 2408

THE DIRECTORYWhether you want to dine or to drink, to purchase gorgeous gifts and stylish outfits, to keep fit or to be pampered, Canary Wharf is home to a wealth of services and amenities


ASPINAL OF LONDONCabot Place020 7719 0727

CARAT*Cabot Place020 7516 0347

CHARLES FISHCabot Place020 7512 9595

DAVID M ROBINSONJubilee Place020 7538 2332

GOLDSMITHSCanada Place020 7512 9779

LINKS OF LONDONJubilee Place020 7519 1767

MONTBLANCCanada Place020 7719 1919

PANDORACabot Place020 7987 9801

TIFFANY & CO.Cabot Place020 7409 2790

TUMICabot Place 020 7513 2456


ARTISAN FINE ARTCanada Place020 3229 0172

BROWN’S LONDONCanada Place020 7513 2757

CARPHONE WAREHOUSE Cabot Place020 7513 0811

CHARBONNEL ET WALKER Cabot Place020 7512 9168

CURRYS DIGITAL Cabot Place020 7513 0330

EVANS CYCLES30 South Colonnade020 7516 0094

FRONTISPIECE THE GALLERYOne Canada Square020 7363 6336

HMV Canada Place020 7512 9222

HOTEL CHOCOLATCanada Place08444 93 13 13

JESSOPS Cabot Place020 7719 1999

REEBOK SPORTS SHOP Canada Place02079700900

RUNNERS NEEDChurchill Place020 7512 9107

WATERSTONES Cabot Place020 7513 0060 Jubilee Place020 7719 0688

FASHIONACCESSORIZECanada Place020 7512 9352

ALFRED DUNHILLCabot Place020 7519 6326

AQUASCUTUM Cabot Place020 3069 8790

CECIL GEE Canada Place020 7993 1318

CHARLES TYRWHITTCanada Place020 7513 2988

CHOICEJubilee Place0845 271 9909

CHURCH’S ENGLISH SHOES Cabot Place020 7538 9730

DOROTHY PERKINSCanada Place020 7512 9707

DUNE Cabot Place020 7715 4755

ENGLISH TAILORING 14 South Colannade 020 7512 9991

FAT FACE Canada Place020 7719 1836

FRENCH CONNECTION Jubilee Place020 7512 9110

GANT Canada Place020 7715 7470

GAPCanada Place020 7512 1335

AL FRESCO FOODIb rica a Terra a is no open and offers bespoke cocktails and al fresco dining it its limited edition menu ic includes t eir signature style of traditional Spanis tapas ser ed it a contemporary t ist.

Page 105: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

APRIL 2013 CW 105

HACKETT 10 Cabot Place020 7513 0400

HOBBSCanada Place020 7513 2763

HUGO BOSSCabot Place020 7715 5302

JAEGER Menswear, Cabot Place020 3589 2948Womenswear, Cabot Place020 3328 9440

KAREN MILLENJubilee Place020 7519 6153

KURT GEIGERCabot Place020 7673 9869

L.K. BENNETT Jubilee Place020 7719 0090

MASSIMO DUTTICabot Place020 7718 5030

MONSOON Canada Place020 7512 9543

TED BAKER Canada Place020 7519 6588

THOMAS PINK Cabot Place020 7513 0303

TM LEWIN Canada Place020 7519 6292Jubliee Place020 7519 6292

TOPSHOPCanada Place020 7512 1996

WHISTLESJubilee Place020 7519 6132

VIVA LA DANCE, SALSAIndulge your passion for salsa at Canary arf it a nig t dedicated to t e fusion of atin r yt ms and styles ednesday ay.

Canteen T e Park Pa ilion a aca T e Park Pa ilion bik o arella Bar est intergarden oka T e Park Pa ilion


ALL BAR ONEReuters Plaza020 7516 0191

AMERIGO VESPUCCICabot Square020 7513 0288

BATTERY CLUB Westferry Circus020 8305 3089


BYRONCabot Place020 7715

CAFÉ BRERA Cabot Place020 7512 9191Jubilee Place020 7516 9090

CARLUCCIO’SReuters Plaza020 7719

CANTEENThe Park Pavillion020 7513

CORNEY AND BARROW Cabot Square020 7512 0397

DAVY’S WINE BARFisherman’s Walk020 7363 6633

FIRST EDITIONCabot Square020 7513

GAUCHO CANARYCanary Riverside020 7987


HENRY ADDINGTONMackenzie walk020 7719 1114

IBERICA CANARY WHARFCabot Square020 7636

JAMIE’S ITALIANChurchill Place020 3002

LE RELAIS DE VENISE L’ENTRECÔTE18-20 Mackenzie Walk020 3475

NICOLAS WINE MERCHANTOne Canada Square020 7512 9092

OBIKÀ MOZZARELLA BAR West Wintergarden020 7719 1532



REEBOK BAR & RESTAURANTCanada Place020 7970 0920

ROCKET RESTAURANT & BARChurchill Place020 3200 2022

ROKAThe Park Pavilion020 7636

ROYAL CHINAWestferry Circus020 7719

SLUG AND LETTUCEReuters Plaza020 7519 1612

SMOLLENSKY’SReuters Plaza020 7719 0101smollensky’

SRI NAM1 North Colannade020 7715 9515


THE CAT AND CANARY25-28 Fisherman’s Walk0207 512 9187

THE PARLOURThe Park Pavilion0845 468

WAHACAThe Park Pavilion020 7516

Page 106: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013
Page 107: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

Interiors project by March &© Kilian O’Sullivan





On the Map

Page 108: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

Wharfside Point, Poplar E14 A well proportioned one bedroom apartment situated on the sixth floor of this portered development. Bedroom, bathroom, reception room, open plan kitchen, concierge. EPC rating D. Approximately 41 sq m ﴾441 sq ft﴿ Guide price: £225,000‐Wharf 020 7512 9966 [email protected]

Millharbour, Isle of Dogs E14 A fantastic fourth floor one bedroom apartment situated within 41 Millharbour. Bedroom, bathroom, reception room, kitchen, concierge. EPC rating B. Approximately 59 sq m ﴾635 sq ft﴿ Guide price: £330,000‐Wharf 020 7512 9966 [email protected]

St David's Square, Isle of Dogs E14 A one bedroom apartment with seperate study situated on the third floor of this popular development. Bedroom, bathroom, study, reception room, kitchen, concierge, private parking. EPC rating C. Approximately 46 sq m ﴾495 sq ft﴿ Guide price: £275,000‐Wharf 020 7512 9966 [email protected]

Concordia Wharf, Isle of Dogs E14 A well proportioned top floor apartment offering fantastic views of the River Thames and O2 Arena. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, reception room, kitchen, balcony, private parking. EPC rating C. Approximately 74.1 sq m ﴾798 sq ft﴿ Guide price: £415,000‐Wharf 020 7512 9966 [email protected]

CW & The City May Page 1 - 19 April 2013 - 35652 19/04/2013 10:04:25

Millharbour, Isle of Dogs E14 A well presented two bedroom apartment situated on the tenth floor of this popular portered development. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, reception room, kitchen, balcony, concierge. Approximately 70.2 sq m ﴾756 sq ft﴿ Guide price: £425,000‐Wharf 020 7512 9966 [email protected]

The Wheel House, Isle of Dogs E14 A wonderfully presented two bedroom apartment with direct views across the River Thames. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, reception room, kitchen, balcony, concierge, private parking. EPC rating C. Approximately 75.7 sq m ﴾815 sq ft﴿ Guide price: £450,000‐Wharf 020 7512 9966 [email protected]

Boardwalk Place, Blackwall E14 A recently refurbished apartment located on the second floor of this popular development. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, reception room, kitchen, balcony, concierge, private parking. EPC rating C. Approximately 71 sq m ﴾764 sq ft﴿ Guide price: £450,000‐Wharf 020 7512 9966 [email protected]

Conrad House, Limehouse E14 A well proportioned 2 bedroom apartment brought to the market in excellent condition. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 reception rooms, open plan kitchen, balcony, private parking. EPC rating C. Approximately 84.6 sq m ﴾910 sq ft﴿ Guide price: £550,000‐Wharf 020 7512 9966 [email protected]

Cw & The City May page 2 - 19 April 2013 - 35658 19/04/2013 09:59:43

Page 109: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

Wharfside Point, Poplar E14 A well proportioned one bedroom apartment situated on the sixth floor of this portered development. Bedroom, bathroom, reception room, open plan kitchen, concierge. EPC rating D. Approximately 41 sq m ﴾441 sq ft﴿ Guide price: £225,000‐Wharf 020 7512 9966 [email protected]

Millharbour, Isle of Dogs E14 A fantastic fourth floor one bedroom apartment situated within 41 Millharbour. Bedroom, bathroom, reception room, kitchen, concierge. EPC rating B. Approximately 59 sq m ﴾635 sq ft﴿ Guide price: £330,000‐Wharf 020 7512 9966 [email protected]

St David's Square, Isle of Dogs E14 A one bedroom apartment with seperate study situated on the third floor of this popular development. Bedroom, bathroom, study, reception room, kitchen, concierge, private parking. EPC rating C. Approximately 46 sq m ﴾495 sq ft﴿ Guide price: £275,000‐Wharf 020 7512 9966 [email protected]

Concordia Wharf, Isle of Dogs E14 A well proportioned top floor apartment offering fantastic views of the River Thames and O2 Arena. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, reception room, kitchen, balcony, private parking. EPC rating C. Approximately 74.1 sq m ﴾798 sq ft﴿ Guide price: £415,000‐Wharf 020 7512 9966 [email protected]

CW & The City May Page 1 - 19 April 2013 - 35652 19/04/2013 10:04:25

Millharbour, Isle of Dogs E14 A well presented two bedroom apartment situated on the tenth floor of this popular portered development. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, reception room, kitchen, balcony, concierge. Approximately 70.2 sq m ﴾756 sq ft﴿ Guide price: £425,000‐Wharf 020 7512 9966 [email protected]

The Wheel House, Isle of Dogs E14 A wonderfully presented two bedroom apartment with direct views across the River Thames. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, reception room, kitchen, balcony, concierge, private parking. EPC rating C. Approximately 75.7 sq m ﴾815 sq ft﴿ Guide price: £450,000‐Wharf 020 7512 9966 [email protected]

Boardwalk Place, Blackwall E14 A recently refurbished apartment located on the second floor of this popular development. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, reception room, kitchen, balcony, concierge, private parking. EPC rating C. Approximately 71 sq m ﴾764 sq ft﴿ Guide price: £450,000‐Wharf 020 7512 9966 [email protected]

Conrad House, Limehouse E14 A well proportioned 2 bedroom apartment brought to the market in excellent condition. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 reception rooms, open plan kitchen, balcony, private parking. EPC rating C. Approximately 84.6 sq m ﴾910 sq ft﴿ Guide price: £550,000‐Wharf 020 7512 9966 [email protected]

Cw & The City May page 2 - 19 April 2013 - 35658 19/04/2013 09:59:43

Page 110: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

All potential tenants should be advised that, as well as rent, administration fees will apply when renting a property. Please ask for details of our charges.

Kean Street, Covent Garden WC2BOutstanding apartmentA newly developed studio flat to rent in an exclusive location in the heart of Covent Garden and London’s West End. Sleeping area, modern shower room, reception area, open plan kitchen, comfort cooling, wooden floors and a private balcony with panoramic views across London’s skyline. EPC rating C. Approximately 41 sq m (452 sq ft)

Available furnished

Guide price: £525 per week [email protected] 020 8166 5366


Cinnabar Wharf, Wapping E1WContemporary penthouseA spectacular duplex apartment in this modern development on Wapping High Street. 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, reception room with floor to ceiling windows, fully fitted kitchen, guest cloakroom, two private balconies, porterage, underground parking, lift access and spectacular views to Tower Bridge and the Shard. EPC rating D.

Available furnished

Guide price: £1,100 per week [email protected] 020 8166 5366 (ASP111244)

Page 111: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

All potential tenants should be advised that, as well as rent, administration fees will apply when renting a property. Please ask for details of our charges.

Free Trade Wharf, Wapping E1WNewly refurbished A stylish and well presented apartment to rent on the edge of Wapping and Limehouse. 1 bedroom, modern shower room, reception room opening onto a large private terrace with lovely river views, fully fitted kitchen, wooden floors, an interior designed furniture package, 24 hour porterage and an underground car parking space.

Available furnished

Guide price: £425 per week [email protected] 020 8166 5366


St Thomas Wharf, Wapping E1WAttractive developmentA beautifully presented apartment in this sought after development on Wapping High Street. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, reception room with double doors leading onto a private balcony, semi open plan fully fitted kitchen, wooden floors throughout and lovely river views. EPC rating B.

Available furnished

Guide price: £695 per week [email protected] 020 8166 5366(ASP160702)

Page 112: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

night rank co uk anary harf cwharf knightfrank com020 7512 9955

an eninsula, anary harf Millharbour, Canary Wharf E14

( )

Available furnishedAvailable furnished

uide price , per week Guide price: £1,995 per week

Available Now Available NowApartment to let on the th floor of ondon s tallest and most spectacular residential building bedrooms, bathrooms, reception room, open plan kitchen, concierge, gym, swimming pool rating

Deluxe duplex penthouse apartment designed to the highest standard. 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 2 reception rooms, dining room, open plan kitchen, parking. EPC rating C.

Page 113: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

illharbour, anary harf

Available furnished

uide price , per week

Available owelu e duple penthouse apartment designed to the highest standard bedrooms,

bathrooms, reception rooms, dining room, open plan kitchen, parking rating

night rank co uk anary harf cwharf knightfrank com020 7512 9955

Page 114: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

Wherever you are, whatever your dream home, talk to Savills.

ONSLOW SQUARE, SW75 bedrooms u 3 reception rooms u lift u EPC = D

Guide £8.5 million Sloane Street - 020 7730 0822

for sale

WATERFORD ROAD, sw63 bedrooms u double reception room u EPC = D

Guide £1.75 million Fulham - 020 7731 9400

for sale

SPENCER PARK, SW186 bedrooms u direct access to private park u EPC = E

Guide £6.5 million Wandsworth - 020 8877 1222

for sale

ILCHESTER PLACE, W17 bedrooms u library u pool and gym u EPC = D

Price on application Kensington - 020 7535 3300

for sale

ARLINGTON HOUSE, SW14 bedrooms u 2 west-facing roof terraces u EPC = C £8,000 per week Super Prime Lettings - 020 7584 8585

to let

PAN PENINSULA SQUARE, E143 bedrooms u river views u 24hr porter u EPC = C £1,400 per week Canary Wharf - 020 7531 2500

to let

WATERSIDE POINT, SW113 bedrooms u 2 reception rooms u parking u EPC = B

£1,995 per week Battersea - 020 3402 1900

to let

CHESTER TERRACE, NW15 bedrooms u lift u roof terrace u EPC = D

£8,000 per week St John’s Wood - 020 3043 3600

to let

COURTENAY AVENUE, N67 bedroom suites u cinema u 3 car garage u EPC = C £18,000 per week Hampstead - 020 7472 5030

to let

26 offices in London, 80 offices in the UK and

500 offices globally.for sale

WILLIAM HUNT MANSIONS, SW132 bedroom suites u 2 parking spaces u EPC = D

Guide £1.1 million Barnes - 020 8939 6900

Page 115: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

Wherever you are, whatever your dream home, talk to Savills.

ONSLOW SQUARE, SW75 bedrooms u 3 reception rooms u lift u EPC = D

Guide £8.5 million Sloane Street - 020 7730 0822

for sale

WATERFORD ROAD, sw63 bedrooms u double reception room u EPC = D

Guide £1.75 million Fulham - 020 7731 9400

for sale

SPENCER PARK, SW186 bedrooms u direct access to private park u EPC = E

Guide £6.5 million Wandsworth - 020 8877 1222

for sale

ILCHESTER PLACE, W17 bedrooms u library u pool and gym u EPC = D

Price on application Kensington - 020 7535 3300

for sale

ARLINGTON HOUSE, SW14 bedrooms u 2 west-facing roof terraces u EPC = C £8,000 per week Super Prime Lettings - 020 7584 8585

to let

PAN PENINSULA SQUARE, E143 bedrooms u river views u 24hr porter u EPC = C £1,400 per week Canary Wharf - 020 7531 2500

to let

WATERSIDE POINT, SW113 bedrooms u 2 reception rooms u parking u EPC = B

£1,995 per week Battersea - 020 3402 1900

to let

CHESTER TERRACE, NW15 bedrooms u lift u roof terrace u EPC = D

£8,000 per week St John’s Wood - 020 3043 3600

to let

COURTENAY AVENUE, N67 bedroom suites u cinema u 3 car garage u EPC = C £18,000 per week Hampstead - 020 7472 5030

to let

26 offices in London, 80 offices in the UK and

500 offices globally.for sale

WILLIAM HUNT MANSIONS, SW132 bedroom suites u 2 parking spaces u EPC = D

Guide £1.1 million Barnes - 020 8939 6900

Page 116: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013


Guide £925,000 Leasehold

Reception room ø open plan kitchenø 3 bedrooms ø 2 bathrooms ø terraceø balcony ø parking space ø conciergeø 151 sq m (1,632 sq ft) ø EPC = E


Savills Canary Wharf [email protected] 020 7531 2500

Guide £1.1 million Leasehold

Reception room ø kitchen ø 3 bedroomsø 3 bathrooms ø terraceø balcony ø 2 parking spacesø 150 sq m (1,602 sq ft) ø EPC = C


Savills Canary Wharf [email protected] 020 7531 2500

Guide £550,000 Leasehold

Reception room ø kitchen ø 2 bedroomsø 2 bathrooms ø balcony ø 24 hour porterø swimming pool ø gym ø parking spaceø 83 sq m (894 sq ft) ø EPC = C


Savills Canary Wharf [email protected] 020 7531 2500

Guide £425,000 Leasehold

Reception room ø kitchen ø 2 bedroomsø 2 bathrooms ø porter ø terraceø balcony ø 2 parking spacesø 72 sq m (780 sq ft) ø EPC = C


Savills Canary Wharf [email protected] 020 7531 2500


Guide £1,299,950 Leasehold

Reception room ø kitchen ø 3 bedroomsø 3 bathrooms ø balcony ø 2 parkingspaces ø conciergeø 156 sq m (1,680 sq ft) ø EPC = C


Savills Canary Wharf [email protected] 020 7531 2500

Guide £1.95 million Leasehold

Reception room ø kitchen ø 4 bedroomsø 3 bathrooms ø roof terraceø 2 parking spacesø 204 sq m (2,198 sq ft) ø EPC = C


Savills Canary Wharf [email protected] 020 7531 2500

Guide £2.85 million Share of Freehold

Reception room ø kitchenø 4 bedrooms ø 3 bathroomsø terrace ø parking spaceø 246 sq m (2,644 sq ft) ø EPC = C


Savills Docklands [email protected] 020 7456 6800

Guide £3.5 million Leasehold

3 reception rooms ø kitchen/breakfast roomø 5 bedrooms ø 4 bathrooms ø balconyø patio ø 359 sq m (3,874 sq ft)ø EPC = C


Savills Docklands [email protected] 020 7456 6800

Page 117: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013


Guide £925,000 Leasehold

Reception room ø open plan kitchenø 3 bedrooms ø 2 bathrooms ø terraceø balcony ø parking space ø conciergeø 151 sq m (1,632 sq ft) ø EPC = E


Savills Canary Wharf [email protected] 020 7531 2500

Guide £1.1 million Leasehold

Reception room ø kitchen ø 3 bedroomsø 3 bathrooms ø terraceø balcony ø 2 parking spacesø 150 sq m (1,602 sq ft) ø EPC = C


Savills Canary Wharf [email protected] 020 7531 2500

Guide £550,000 Leasehold

Reception room ø kitchen ø 2 bedroomsø 2 bathrooms ø balcony ø 24 hour porterø swimming pool ø gym ø parking spaceø 83 sq m (894 sq ft) ø EPC = C


Savills Canary Wharf [email protected] 020 7531 2500

Guide £425,000 Leasehold

Reception room ø kitchen ø 2 bedroomsø 2 bathrooms ø porter ø terraceø balcony ø 2 parking spacesø 72 sq m (780 sq ft) ø EPC = C


Savills Canary Wharf [email protected] 020 7531 2500


Guide £1,299,950 Leasehold

Reception room ø kitchen ø 3 bedroomsø 3 bathrooms ø balcony ø 2 parkingspaces ø conciergeø 156 sq m (1,680 sq ft) ø EPC = C


Savills Canary Wharf [email protected] 020 7531 2500

Guide £1.95 million Leasehold

Reception room ø kitchen ø 4 bedroomsø 3 bathrooms ø roof terraceø 2 parking spacesø 204 sq m (2,198 sq ft) ø EPC = C


Savills Canary Wharf [email protected] 020 7531 2500

Guide £2.85 million Share of Freehold

Reception room ø kitchenø 4 bedrooms ø 3 bathroomsø terrace ø parking spaceø 246 sq m (2,644 sq ft) ø EPC = C


Savills Docklands [email protected] 020 7456 6800

Guide £3.5 million Leasehold

3 reception rooms ø kitchen/breakfast roomø 5 bedrooms ø 4 bathrooms ø balconyø patio ø 359 sq m (3,874 sq ft)ø EPC = C


Savills Docklands [email protected] 020 7456 6800

Page 118: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013


£475 per week Furnished

2 bedrooms (1 en suite) ø further bathroomø reception room ø allocated parkingø porterage ø administration charges applyø EPC = D


Savills Docklands [email protected] 020 7456 6800

£695 per week Furnished

2 bedrooms ø 2 bathrooms ø balcony withriver views ø 24hr porterage ø on-site gymø administration charges apply ø EPC = C


Savills Docklands [email protected] 020 7456 6800

£465 per week Furnished

Bedroom ø bathroom with a separate w.cø allocated parking ø balcony with riverviews ø 24hr porterage ø administrationcharges apply ø EPC = D


Savills Docklands [email protected] 020 7456 6800

£475 per week Furnished

2 bedrooms ø 2 bathrooms ø balconyø allocated parking ø administrationcharges apply ø EPC = C


Savills Docklands [email protected] 020 7456 6800


£570 per week Furnished

2 bedroom suites ø separate w.c ø 24hrporterage ø allocated parkingø administration charges apply ø EPC = D


Savills Canary Wharf [email protected] 020 7531 2500

£725 per week Furnished

2 bedrooms (1 en suite) ø further bathroomø reception room ø allocated parkingø 24hr security ø administration chargesapply ø EPC = B


Savills Canary Wharf [email protected] 020 7531 2500

£375 per week Furnished

2 bedrooms ø bathroom ø 2 balconies withmarina views ø allocated parkingø administration charges apply ø EPC = C


Savills Canary Wharf [email protected] 020 7531 2500

£340 per week Furnished

Bedroom ø bathroom ø residents access toleisure facilities ø cinema and roof topchampagne bar ø 24hr porterageø administration charges apply ø EPC = B


Savills Canary Wharf [email protected] 020 7531 2500

Page 119: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013


£475 per week Furnished

2 bedrooms (1 en suite) ø further bathroomø reception room ø allocated parkingø porterage ø administration charges applyø EPC = D


Savills Docklands [email protected] 020 7456 6800

£695 per week Furnished

2 bedrooms ø 2 bathrooms ø balcony withriver views ø 24hr porterage ø on-site gymø administration charges apply ø EPC = C


Savills Docklands [email protected] 020 7456 6800

£465 per week Furnished

Bedroom ø bathroom with a separate w.cø allocated parking ø balcony with riverviews ø 24hr porterage ø administrationcharges apply ø EPC = D


Savills Docklands [email protected] 020 7456 6800

£475 per week Furnished

2 bedrooms ø 2 bathrooms ø balconyø allocated parking ø administrationcharges apply ø EPC = C


Savills Docklands [email protected] 020 7456 6800


£570 per week Furnished

2 bedroom suites ø separate w.c ø 24hrporterage ø allocated parkingø administration charges apply ø EPC = D


Savills Canary Wharf [email protected] 020 7531 2500

£725 per week Furnished

2 bedrooms (1 en suite) ø further bathroomø reception room ø allocated parkingø 24hr security ø administration chargesapply ø EPC = B


Savills Canary Wharf [email protected] 020 7531 2500

£375 per week Furnished

2 bedrooms ø bathroom ø 2 balconies withmarina views ø allocated parkingø administration charges apply ø EPC = C


Savills Canary Wharf [email protected] 020 7531 2500

£340 per week Furnished

Bedroom ø bathroom ø residents access toleisure facilities ø cinema and roof topchampagne bar ø 24hr porterageø administration charges apply ø EPC = B


Savills Canary Wharf [email protected] 020 7531 2500

Page 120: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

Beyond your expectations

We have arrived.

Hamptons Canary Wharf is now open.Adding to our formidable international network of 85 branches, including 29 in London, Hamptons Canary Wharf is now open for business. Working particularly closely with our Tower Bridge and City branches, as well as our international associates, the exposure we can offer locally and globally is second-to-none.

Our trusted reputation affords us access to a wealth of international investors. Equally our Corporate Services & Relocation Department works with many of the world’s leading blue-chips. So rest assured, where other agents promise the world, we deliver it.

To discuss how our unique blend of local expertise and international reach could benefit you, contact us today.

Hamptons Canary Wharf

Level 33, 25 Canada Square, Canary Wharf E14 5LQSales. 020 7745 7121 [email protected] Lettings. 020 7745 7120 [email protected] dial in full. If you have already appointed another agent, you may be subject to a restrictive contract.


CQ_ad_84110_19_57AW.indd 1 19/4/13 2:52 PM

Page 121: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

Beyond your expectations

We have arrived.

Hamptons Canary Wharf is now open.Adding to our formidable international network of 85 branches, including 29 in London, Hamptons Canary Wharf is now open for business. Working particularly closely with our Tower Bridge and City branches, as well as our international associates, the exposure we can offer locally and globally is second-to-none.

Our trusted reputation affords us access to a wealth of international investors. Equally our Corporate Services & Relocation Department works with many of the world’s leading blue-chips. So rest assured, where other agents promise the world, we deliver it.

To discuss how our unique blend of local expertise and international reach could benefit you, contact us today.

Hamptons Canary Wharf

Level 33, 25 Canada Square, Canary Wharf E14 5LQSales. 020 7745 7121 [email protected] Lettings. 020 7745 7120 [email protected] dial in full. If you have already appointed another agent, you may be subject to a restrictive contract.


CQ_ad_84110_19_57AW.indd 1 19/4/13 2:52 PM

Page 122: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

11 Westferry Circus, Canary Wharf, London, E14 4HE

Artemis Court, E14 - £560,000 Leasehold

Landmark East, E14 - £680,000 Leasehold

Pan Peninsula, E14 - £669,995 Leasehold

Pepper Street, E14 - £1,200,000 Leasehold

Page 123: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

[email protected]

020 7715

St Davids Square, E14 - £395pw 41 Millharbour, E14 - £410pwBaltimore Wharf, E14 - £325pw

Canary Riverside, E14 - £650pwLandmark West, E14 - £470pw Ability Place, E14 - £520pw

Aqua Vista, E14 - £300pw New Festival Quarter - £300pwIndescon Court, E14 - £270pw

Page 124: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

020 7519 5900 [email protected]

Estate Agents | Land & Development Consultants

The Panoramic Collection has been

created to be the finest residences in

the City of London. This extraordinary

collection of 12 lateral and one duplex

apartment occupies four floors above

the 30th floor of The Heron, a 36 storey

tower in the heart of London’s financial

district. Offering an enviable sense

of open space, coupled with breath-

taking views, the Heron must be

seen to be believed. Show apartment

coming soon!

Redchurch Lofts is an exclusive

development in the heart of vibrant

Shoreditch. Comprising of just 9

loft apartments; this development

offers luxury living within London’s

most fashionable and fascinating

locale. Modern Shoreditch has

evolved into a sophisticated

creative centre, synonymous with

loft-style living. Positioned midway

between Westminster, and London’s

Docklands – Shoreditch is the ideal

location for anyone wanting to stay

in touch with everything London has

to offer.

The Heron, EC2

Redchurch Lofts, E2

New Homes

From £3,600,000

£799,995 - £1,475,000

Page 125: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

Estate Agents | Land & Development Consultants

Redchurch Lofts, E2


Simply one of the best two bedroom apartments in Canary

Wharf. A rare chance to own a spectacular apartment

situated in the desirable New Atlas Wharf development.

Accessible through a private entrance the property boasts

two large double bedrooms, a spacious living room,

separate kitchen and a unique private terrace offering far

reaching views of the City skyline & River Thames. If this

wasn’t enough the property also includes secure parking

and a Share of Freehold.

This duplex ‘Premier apartment’ is situated on the

42nd & 43rd floors in the East Tower of the Pan

Peninsula development, arguably the most prestigious

in E14. This stunning & rare apartment boasts 154.51 sq

m (1661 sq ft) of internal space. Offering contemporary

and high specification throughout featuring double

height ceilings, open staircase, two terrace balconies,

offering breathtaking panoramic views and two spacious

double bedrooms.

Set in this quiet gated mews is this stunning property.

Having been meticulously maintained and refurbished

by the current owners the condition is immaculate.

Benefits include allocated parking, three bedrooms, one

with en-suite, walk in wardrobe and storage, dining room,

kitchen, reception and conservatory leading to a mature

decked garden.

New Atlas Wharf, E14

Pan Peninsula, E14

Mercator Place, E14


OIEO £600,000




Page 126: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

020 7519 5900 [email protected]

Estate Agents | Land & Development Consultants

Larger than average one double bedroom apartment set

within the desirable Apollo Building, E14. The property has

an extremely spacious open plan living room/kitchen with

additional entrance space suitable for a spacious study

space. The property also comes with a good sized double

bedroom with plenty of fitted storage and views of Canary

Wharf. The living room has a large balcony with partial

river views. Excellent condition throughout, on site porter

and gym facilities. The property is fully furnished and

available in May 2013.

A brand new two bedroom apartment located on the

21st floor conveniently located for Blackwall DLR and

Canary Wharf. The apartment has been fitted with a brand

new furniture package and comprises reception with

ceramic tiled flooring, open plan fitted kitchen, two luxury

bathrooms, two double bedrooms with fitted wardrobes

and a large balcony. With stunning south facing views

down the river towards Greenwich. Available now.

Apollo Building, E14

Streamlight Tower, E14


£325 pw

£450 pw

Immaculately presented maisonette within very close

proximity to Muchute DLR. On the first floor the property

offers two double bedrooms with balcony overlooking the

docks with a clean and bright family bathroom. On the

ground floor there is a well appointment kitchen and bright

spacious livingroom leading to outside private garden/

terrace with views across the Docks. An absolute must

see. Available now.

Undine Road, E14

£395 pw

Page 127: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

Estate Agents | Land & Development Consultants

A modern one bedroom apartment located within

Indescon Square. The apartment is furnished to a

high standard, including TV, and boasts wood flooring

throughout, high specification, fitted kitchen and balcony.

The development is located conveniently for access to

South Quay / Canary Wharf and benefits from concierge.

Available May 2013.

Indescon Square, E14


£470 pw

£325 pw

Newly refurbished end of terrace three double bedroom

house set within a gated development and very short walk

to Westferry DLR. The property has been almost entirely

refurbished throughout with lovely wooden flooring,

contrasting white walls and a variety of new fixtures and

fittings. The property comes with outside private patio

space with additional storage, allocated secure parking

and en-suite to master. The property is fully furnished and

available now.

Berber Place, E14

A stunning array of two bedroom apartments in The Heron

development. These well-proportioned apartments will

range from floors seven to thirty, with various aspects

and some spectacular views of London’s iconic buildings.

The apartment will comprise two double bedrooms, two

bathrooms with en-suite to master bedroom, spacious

reception areas with access to balconies and floor to

ceiling windows. With additional benefits of concierge,

valet parking (to units which include a parking space), a

private club, pool and an exceptional gym.

The Heron, EC2

From £1,150 pw

Page 128: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

We knoW Why people love living in london’s villageslively communities, pretty parks, good pubs and restaurants, characters all of their oWn. We love london’s villages and We knoW Why tenants do too.

[email protected] | [email protected] | [email protected]

Located in close proximity to the stunning pubs, bars and restaurants of St Katharines Dock, as well as being within walking distance to both Wapping Overground and Tower Hill stations. With Summer fast approaching be sure to visit The Scandinavia Show at Tobacco Docks for some Finnish music, Danish food, Swedish dancing and much more.

Truly stunning and unique two double bedroom penthouse apartment. The property boasting a fantastic bright lounge leading out onto a private dual aspect roof terrace offering stunning skyline and dock views and floor to ceiling windows with vaulted ceilings. Offered furnished to a high standard, exceptional in every way.

kennet street, e1W £350 pW

meridian place, e14 £420 pWFantastic studio suite in sought after development in South Quay. Bright and airy throughout with wood floors, modern kitchen, bathroom suite and lots of storage. Exquisitely furnished throughout. Secure development with concierge. A short walk to South Quay DLR and Canary Wharf. Perfect for the City professional.

indescon square, e14 £300 pW

Wapping 020 7488 4886 ref: fjl00004 | epc – d

canary Wharf 020 7093 1600 ref: fjl0002 | epc – c

Beautifully styled with a luxurious atmosphere, this fabulous two double bedroom apartment offers spacious accommodation on the first floor of a historically located conversion. Based on Rotherhithe Street with its boutique bars and riverside walkways, this property is perfect for relaxing after a busy day.

east india court, se16 £370 pW

surrey quays 020 7064 8109 ref: fjl00003 | epc – d

canary Wharf 020 7093 1600 ref: fjl0001 | epc – c

[email protected] | [email protected] | [email protected]

Page 129: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013


[email protected] | [email protected] | [email protected]


[email protected] | [email protected] | [email protected]

Canary Wharf Mag: Trim size 210 x 297mm SALES

A stunning top penthouse apartment set with this sought after luxury ‘Berkeley Homes’ development. The property boasts a great sized west facing terrace, two good sized double bedrooms with a stylish en suite to the master bedroom, a spacious reception room with floor to ceiling windows leading to the terrace, secure parking and concierge.

This River Thames facing duplex penthouse apartment comes with a huge roof terrace and some of the best views in Canary Wharf. With two double bedrooms, two large bathrooms and a contemporary interior this rare apartment must be viewed.

TIMES SQUARE, E1 £575,000

NEW ATLAS WHARF, E14 £750,000

WAPPING 020 7481 8811 Ref: FJL027705160 | EPC – C

CANARY WHARF 020 7987 6776 Ref: FJL026904039 | EPC – D

This stunning Premier Apartment is positioned high up on the 36th floor of this exclusive private development in Canary Wharf. Expanding to 1554sqft, this two double bedroom apartment offers amazing views and an incredible specification.

PAN PENINSULA, E14 FROM £1,350,000

CANARY WHARF 020 7987 6776 Ref: FJL026904034

A rare gem on Rotherhithe Street is this unique warehouse conversion set directly on the river, the property is on the top floor of this small development and offers amazing views from the private balcony as well as private garage.

HAYS COURT, SE16 £725,000 - £775,000

SURREY QUAYS 020 7237 2320 Ref: FJL113200741 | EPC – C

Page 130: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

Franklyn James

E14 Pan Peninsula, Canary Wharf

Contemporary styled two bedroom 9th floor apartment set within the desirable Pan Peninsula tower. This property has been furnished to a high standard and consists of a modern fitted kitchen, family bathroom suite, sizeable living area and two private balconies.

E14 Naxos Building, Isle of Dogs

Fantastic 1650sqft two bedroom penthouse apartment. This property boasts an incredible amount of living space and features two luxury bathrooms, a large private terrace and an additional balcony overlooking the Thames. The property comes with parking and use of a gym.

£995 PW £620 PW

E14 Goodhart Place, Limehouse

A beautiful one bedroom apartment set on the raised ground floor. The property boasts wonderful dock views as well as a modern kitchen with breakfast bar, large reception and a sizeable bedroom with built-in wardrobes. Located just moments to Limehouse DLR.

E14 Seacon Tower, Isle of Dogs

Gorgeous two bedroom, two bathroom apartment with a private balcony allowing for stunning direct river views. The property is furnished to a high standard and comes with secure allocated parking as well as 24hr concierge and use of the gym.

£450 PW £340 PW

Page 131: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

[email protected]

Canary Wharf 020 7005 6080 Bow 020 8983 2930 Limehouse 020 7791 1777

E14 Brightlingsea Place, Limehouse

Charming three bedroom townhouse set over four floors. This property consists of a large reception room, a stylish eat-in kitchen, a separate study and three luxurious bathrooms. There are also two balconies, access to well-maintained communal gardens and underground parking.


Beautiful 17th floor one bedroom apartment set within the desirable Landmark East Tower. The property has a fully integrated kitchen, a modern bathroom, generously sized double bedroom and floor to ceilings windows in lounge allowing for stunning river & city views.

E14 The Landmark, Canary Wharf £390,000

Page 132: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

Bow 020 8983 2930

Canary Wharf 020 7005 6080

Limehouse 020 7791 1777

Page 133: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013


homes property &





The London Docklands is a unique area for property investment due to the fact that Canary Wharf is a major business district with around 90,000 people working in the area and is home to the world or European headquarters of many banks, service firms and media companies. Many employees want to live close to work and therefore look to either buy or rent in the area. We find that many of our Canary Wharf buyers have

large deposits due to the nature of their work, so favourable mortgage rates are available which usually results in a situation where it is actually cheaper to buy than rent.

Cash rich individuals have seemingly limited options regarding where best to invest their money. The stock market can be seen as volatile and requires constant supervision whilst savings rates are historically low with pension funds underperforming. Investing in a Docklands property can offer the benefits of a return of five to seven per cent gross, proven capital growth and high quality tenants from the business district if buying to let.

The Docklands property market was built on buy-to-let investment and the amount of stock resold from this sector still determines supply to some extent. With many landlords reverting to low standard variable rates rather than choosing to remortgage, many are realising excellent profits and see little incentive to sell, thus reducing the amount of sales stock on the market. Whilst the base rate remains low, very few rental portfolios will be remortgaged and clever landlords are channelling profits into repaying their mortgages, thus reducing their overall debt to help leverage more favourable terms when remortgaging is required.

How should you choose a letting agent? My advice would be to use an agent who is accredited by one of or preferably all of the following voluntary associations: Safe Agent, National Approved Lettings Scheme (NALS), Association of Residential Letting Agents (ARLA), National Association of Estate Agents (NAEA) and The Property Ombudsman (TPO). Together these accreditations offer landlords, tenants, vendors and purchaser’s peace of mind that they are dealing with an estate agent who is fully trained, has an audited client account and follows stringent rules of conduct with independent redress. n

Lourdes Estate Agents020 7538





The weather may have you thinking that we are in a different time of year but the spring market is well and truly upon us. Estate agency is thought of as being a seasonal business with highs and lows throughout the year but in more recent years, with the lack of instructions, business levels have been surprising as we have had many record breaking months in what would normally be a quiet time. Traditionally

the spring market would see many home owners looking to sell and buyers queuing up on open days to view, however only the buyers remain strong in numbers whilst the vendors are a bit slow off the mark. This is a situation that all agents are facing in central London. It would seem that the buyers want to take full advantage of the current mortgage rates available to them should they be applying for finance and the cash buyers / investors are drawing their money out of the banks and putting it into property.

Mark Horne, director of City-based Asset-Cap, agrees 2013 has got off to a very vibrant start with confidence slowly returning to the mortgage market. He acknowledges that mortgages up to the value of six times a client’s income are now available and says: “This coupled with various government funded schemes — such as Funding for Lending and New Buy Schemes has seen a recent upsurge in buyer activity. Further still, many lenders have introduced innovative solutions for first time buyers where, in one guise or other, parents or relatives can step in. Over-riding everything else though is how cheap mortgages currently are. Incredibly you can fix your payments for five years at sub three per cent, which is the lowest they’ve ever been. When you then consider that a recent and reputable think tank suggests that property prices will increase “nationally” by 20 per cent in the next five years, then surely now is the right time to invest in property. ”

If you are thinking of selling or letting your property in the near future please call into one of our three offices where we will be delighted to advise you on the local market and the current value of your property. n

Franklyn James Estate AgentsDocklands, Limehouse & Bow020 7005

Page 134: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

96 Three Colt Street, Limehouse, London, E14 8AP

Michigan Building, Canary Wharf, E14• One double bedroom• Close to Canary Wharf

• Balcony• On site facilities

EPC = B £275,000

Boardwalk Place, Canary Wharf, E14• One double bedroom• Immaculately presented

• Minutes to Canary Wharf• Secure parking

EPC= D £389,999

St David’s Square, Westferry Road, E14• Penthouse apartment• Two/three bedrooms

• Duplex• Popular development

EPC= D £509,000

New Providence Wharf, Canary Wharf, E14• Three double bedrooms• Premier suite

• Direct river views• Prestige apartment

EPC = D/E £925,000

Page 135: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

[email protected]

Campania Building, Limehouse, E14• One bedroom apartment• Secure underground parking

• River views• Large terrace

EPC = D £310 per week

Sheernes Mews, Royal Docks, E16• Two double bedrooms• River views

• Two bathrooms• Immaculately presented

EPC = C £340 per week

Duke Shore Wharf, Limehouse, E14• One bedroom apartment• Allocated parking

• River views• Large reception room

EPC = D £350 per week

Neutron Tower, Canary Wharf, E14• Penthouse apartment• River views

• Secure parking• 24 hour concierge

EPC = C £600 per week

lourdes-estates.com020 7538 9250

Page 136: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

Hong KongLevel 17, AON China Building

29 Queen’s Road Central

Central, Hong Kong

T: (852) 3978 2670

E: [email protected]



Ask Henry…

Page 137: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

H e n r y W i l t s h i r e E s t a t e A g e n t s1 – 2 L a y b o u r n e H o u s e , A d m i r a l s W a y , L o n d o n , E 1 4 9 U H


Hong KongLevel 17, AON China Building

29 Queen’s Road Central

Central, Hong Kong

T: (852) 3978 2670

E: [email protected]



Ask Henry…£679,995Baltimore Wharf, Canary Wharf, E14

This two bedroom, two bathroom apartment in a modern living development consists of 24 hour concierge, gymnasium and swimming pool. The apartment is on the 10th floor with two balconies overlooking the dock and river. It is a contemporary design with top quality fittings and furnishing. Close to local shops, bars and restaurants and Crossharbour DLR station. Available now.

£395 per weekLandmark Tower, Canary Wharf, E14

We are pleased to offer this amazing one double bedroom apartment found within the brand new Landmark Tower. With unique features that are hardly found elsewhere in Canary Wharf, this apartment features floor to ceiling windows with excellent views from the 9th floor. With a brand new style open plan kitchen this apartment offers wonderful dining options. The block is conveniently located within walking distance of Canary Wharf and Canary Wharf Jubilee Line tube station is close by. The apartment is furnished to a high standard. Viewings are highly recommended. Available now. [email protected] 020 7001 9160HK: +(852) 3978 2670 [email protected]

H e n r y W i l t s h i r e R e a l E s t a t e H o n g K o n gL e v e l 1 7 , A O N C h i n a B u i l d i n g ,

2 9 Q u e e n ’ s R o a d C e n t r a l , C e n t r a l H o n g K o n g

Page 138: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

ea2 Estate Agency Heritage Court | 8-10 Sampson Street | Wapping | London E1W 1NA

t: 020 7702 3456 | f: 020 7702 9168 | [email protected]

Cinnamon Street, Wapping, E1W 3NJea2 are pleased to o�er for sale this modern built 3 storey townhouse. The property comprsises of 3 bedrooms, 2 with en-suite shower rooms, L-shaped lounge with balcony, Kitchen diner, utility room, ground floor cloakroom, garage with parking space to front and garden.

Hermitage Court , Wapping E1W 1PWThis modern built top floor apartment comprises of 4 bedrooms, 2 with en suite shower rooms. There is an additional family bathroom. Reception room with a terrace and views across London. Separate kitchen diner. Additional balcony with views over the residents internal courtyard. Also secure underground parking space and benefits from porterage.

£1,285,000 Leasehold £680,000

£1,300,000 Share of freehold

Capital Wharf , LONDON E1W 1LYThis top floor 2 bedroom 2 bathroom apartment benefits from having a Juliet style balcony. The master bedroom incorporates a balcony and an en-suite bathroom and guest shower. Separate integrated kitchen with granite work surfaces. There is also a residents gymnasium, 24 hour porterage/security and a secure underground parking.

£799,995 Leasehold

Cinnabar Wharf Central, Wapping E1W 1NQClose to the historic St Katharine’s Docks is this fabulous riverside 3 double bedroom apartment, situated within one of Wapping’s most prestigious and sought after luxury developments. O�ering an open plan kitchen, reception, 2 bathrooms, secure underground parking and a terrace overlooking the River Thames. 24 hour concierge.

Page 139: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

Waterman Way, LONDON E1W 2QW2 Double bedroom modern house. Fitted kitchen. Breakfast area. Reception. First floor bathroom. Own garden. Oak wood flooring. Situated close to the City and within easy access to Canary Wharf. Wapping station is nearby. ‘Waitrose’ supermarket is close.

£450 PW

ea2 Estate Agency Heritage Court | 8-10 Sampson Street | Wapping | London E1W 1NA

t: 020 7702 3456 | f: 020 7702 9168 | [email protected]

Spirit Quay , LONDON E1W 2UTThis 2 bedroom modern duplex apartment is situated within the sought after canal side development of West Wapping. Reception, fitted kitchen & Bathroom, allocated parking. The historic ‘St Katharine’s’ docks is nearby. Within easy access to the City & Canary Wharf. These properties are in demand and a prompt viewing is highly recommended to avoid disappointment.£424,995

Page 140: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

“ T h e f i r s t t h i n g w e b u i l d i s t r u s t ”

VA N E T P R O P E R T Y A S S E T M A N A G E M E N T3 7 B M I L L H A R B O U R , A B I L I T Y P L A C E C A N A R Y W H A R F, L O N D O N , E 1 4 9 T X


MILLHARBOUR - £389 ,500

· 2 Bed, 1 Bath· Wooden Flooring· Balcony – 7th Floor· Parking Space· Semi-Separate Kitchen· Excellent Location· Canary Wharf, E14

Studio Flat • Riverside Development •On-site Leisure Facilities • 24-Hour Concierge • Integrated Kitchen Appliances • 17th Floor • Canary Wharf, E14

ONTARIO TOWER - £280,0001 Bed, 1 Bath • Balcony - 6th Floor • Modern Furnishings • Integrated Appliances • Excellent Location • Close to Local Amenities • Canary Wharf, E14

2 Bed, 2 Bath • Sunny Balcony • On-site Leisure Facilities • 24-Hour Concierge • Fully Furnished • Desirable Location • Canary Wharf, E14

LANTERNS COURT - £330,000 ABILITY PLACE - £490,000

1 Bed, 1 Bath • Fully Fitted Kitchen •3rd Floor • Integrated Appliances • 24-Hour Concierge • Excellent LocationCanary Wharf, E14

MILLHARBOUR - £289,5002 Bed, 2 Bath • Gym & Health Facilities • 5th Floor – Lift Service • 24-Hour Concierge • Integrated Appliances • Excellent Location • Canary Wharf, E14

Studio Apartment • Leisure Facilities • 24-Hour Concierge • Desirable Location • Fully Furnished • Great Transport Links • Canary Wharf, E14


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T E L : + 4 4 ( 0 ) 2 0 7 0 4 2 0 0 3 2FA X : + 4 4 ( 0 ) 2 0 7 6 8 1 3 3 6 8i n f o @ v a n e t . u k . c o mw w w. v a n e t . u k . c o m



· 2 Bed, 2 Bath· 17th Floor· Fully Furnished· 2 Balconies· 24-Hour Concierge · Leisure Facilities· Canary Wharf, E14

2 Bed, 2 Bath • Balcony • 24-Hour Concierge • On-Site Leisure Facilties • 7th Floor - Lift service • Parking space • Canary Wharf, E14

NEW PROVIDENCE WHARF - £530pw 1 Bed, 1 Bath • Canary Central Development • Fully Furnished • Private Balcony • Concierge Service • On-site Leisure Facilities • Canary Wharf, E14

2 Bed, 2 Bath • Private Balcony • Fully Furnished • 24-Hour Concierge • Communal Gardens • Excellent Location • Canary Wharf, E14


1 Bed, 1 Bath • Parking Space • Excellent Location • Internal Communal Gardens • Wooden Flooring • Fully Fitted Kitchen • Westminster, SW1

VINCENT SQUARE - £495pw1 Bed, 1 Bath • 20th Floor • Fully Furnished • On-site Leisure Facilities • 24 Hour Concierge • Balcony • Canary Wharf, E14

1 Bed, 1 Bath • Residents’ Gym • Private Balcony – 9th Floor • Partial River Views • 24-Hour Concierge • Integrated Appliances • Canary Wharf, E14


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homes property &


Vanet is a young and dynamic letting and management agency that puts its customers at the centre of everything it does. We have a multicultural staff with most members speaking at least two languages. There is an emphasis on speaking Mandarin and Cantonese

which is a deliberate choice on our part as we want to be able to communicate with a growing customer base from the east.

As we have staff of so many nationalities in the office, developing an authentic company culture that brings everyone together is one of our most important achievements. We recognize that our staff spend more time in the office than they do with their families, so the onus is on me to provide a working environment that’s challenging, stimulating and fun. Our core company values are communication, teamwork, transparency, and innovation. We recruit against these values and we benchmark our performance against them.

We have a flat organizational structure with everyone working together in an open plan glass walled office. The lay out of the office was a deliberate choice to encourage communication and transparency. Our management layer is thin and the objective is

to support and guide the team, not to control it. We really value an entrepreneurial spirit and several employees have been backed to start their own property related businesses. One ex-employee in particular is now managing director of his own company which itself has a multi-million pound turnover.

The directors of Vanet are landlords themselves and we manage the property of others in the way we would like our own to be managed, with a high level of customer service. To make good on that promise the structure of our company is different from what you might find at a more traditional agency. Each of our landlords enjoys their own dedicated concierge-style relationship manager that knows their property portfolio inside out. That relationship manager is the landlord’s point of contact at Vanet and is able to work with them across lettings, management, accounts, renewals, maintenance, re-finance, re-sales and re-purchases.

One of our biggest tools in the delivery of customer service is our Online Management System (OMS). OMS increases transparency in our dealings with landlords whilst simultaneously putting the landlord in control of all data and paperwork generated by his asset. OMS provides our landlords with a secure online document locker. Through this secure tool they can access every document produced in relation to their unit, whilst it has been under our management.

Upgrades to this system, currently underway, will offer landlords a customized reporting facility. This will allow a user to create graphical histories of rent, maintenance, service charge and void periods and to track income and expenditure ratios over any given period using any given variable. Having been co-creating this with our customers we know that there is a significant demand for a platform that allows for robust data analysis.

Our managed portfolio has grown exponentially over the last few years. Despite this we keep that boutique mentality that enables us to be creative, committed and above all caring when meeting the needs of our customers who choose to place their very valuable assets under our management. n


Vanet Property Asset Management020 7042

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Three bedrooms, two bathrooms, two balconies, short walk from Mile End station. Available now.

£495 pw Furnished

One bedroom, reception room, separate kitchen, bathroom. Half a mile from Mudchute DLR. Available mid May.

City & East Office 020 7790 9832

Canary Wharf Office 020 7790

Ellison Apartments, E3

£280 pw Furnished

Arden Crescent, E14

Two bedrooms, two bathrooms, open plan kitchen/reception, stunning river views. No onward chain.

£359,950 – Leasehold

Two bedrooms, one bathroom, reception room, separate kitchen, river views. No onward chain.

Western Beach, E16

£339,950 – Leasehold

Ferguson Close, E14

Two bedrooms, one bathroom, reception room with open plan kitchen, rear garden. No onward chain.

£239,995 – Leasehold

Two bedrooms, one bathroom, reception room, separate kitchen, in need of work. No onward chain.

Mallory Close, E14

£177,500 – Leasehold

Langdon House, E14

London’s Oldest

Independent Estate Agents

020 7790 1111

London’s Oldest

Independent Estate Agents

020 7790 1111

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London’s Oldest

Independent Estate Agents

020 7790 1111

Page 146: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

A superbly appointed contemporary residence with almost 6,000 ft² (557 m²) of living space, creatively constructed giving a feeling of light and space within easy reach of train services to Central London and the City

A beautifully presented Edwardian residence prestigiously located in one of Wimbledon Village’s most highly regarded roads within easy reach of train services to Central London and the City

Reception hall • 3 reception rooms • super kitchen/dining/family room • 6 bedrooms • 5 bath/shower rooms • fabulous 233’ garden • gated drive • ER/C

5/6 bedrooms • 4 bath/shower rooms • super kitchen • lovely reception rooms • galleried office • large garage • gated carriage drive with parking for several cars • ER/E


Wimbledon Village

Wimbledon Village’s Premier Estate Agent - +44 (020) 8947 9833



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At home in the heart of London

*Prices correct at time of going to press. Distances sourced by There is no affiliation, endorsement, sponsorship or support of Fitzroy Place by any person or company in this advert.

Apartments from £900,000 to £15,000,000. Located just 5 minutes’ walk from Oxford Circus.*

020 7323 1077

A development by Sales representation by

FP_ads_CanaryWharf_magazine_210x297_portrait_AW1_v01.indd 1 05/04/2013 18:12

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If your New York property is not located in a block, you may have problems finding a good property manager. Instead, talk to Citywise Real Estate. We manage and rent all kinds of property from beautiful apartments to townhouses. Unlike many, we’re at your service 24/7. And we even have a London office so you can talk through your needs personally. Block or no block, try us.

London Office: Citywise Real Estate 83 Baker Street, London W1U 6AG T: 020 70347011 E: [email protected]

There are too many block heads in NYC property management.

Page 149: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

The Royal Borough’s grandestscheme to date.

A brand new cosmopolitan waterside village for Greenwichcomplete with a new Waitrose,restaurants & bars.

Concierge service and secureunderground parking available.

Raising the barFOR GREENWICH



Apartments from £325,000 - £1.5 million


020 7620 [email protected]


Galliard_NCQ_CanWharf_FPC_26.4.13 23/04/2013 12:22 Page 1

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Your reward for all the late nights in the office.

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Your reward for all the late nights in the office.

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A statuesque new home of c.5800 sq ft, located on the exclusive and private Farnborough Park gated estate. Nearing completion, this 6 bedroom, 5 bathroom home occupies a third of an acre plot and has planning consent for a swimming pool with pool house. The property is fitted with a luxurious specification including an Opus 600 Media system, CCTV and integrated security. Energy Efficiency Rating B.

£2,500,000 F/HPlease contact our Locksbottom office for more information:Tel: 01689 882 988 Email: [email protected]

UNIQUE HOMES, UNIQUE SERVICE, UNIQUE PEOPLEA tailored service from Langford Russell & John Payne for distinctive and exc lusive homes


Detached family house which has undergone a major refurbishment programme, located in the much coveted area of Park Langley. Approached via electric gates there is a beautiful galleried staircase through the centre of the house, 4 receptions, large gymnasium, exceptional master bedroom suite with dressing room and en-suite, plus four further bedrooms. Energy Efficiency Rating C.

£1,395,000 F/HPlease contact our Beckenham office for more information:Tel: 020 8663 4433 Email: [email protected]

Internal images are indicative

UNIQUE is a Specialist Division of Langford Russell & John PayneOffices Across South East London & We advertise online at

Pond Road, Blackheath, SE3 Bedrooms: 7 Receptions: 4 Bathrooms: 3 Type: Detached House EPC: DMore info at: or call 020 8318 1311 to arrange to viewGuide Price £3,650,000 Freehold

Occupying a prominent plot on this highly regarded residential road within Blackheath’s private Cator Estate, this is a beautifully presented and imposing seven bedroom, three bathroom Grade II listed Regency style family home. Approached via electric gates and a generous drive the property, over recent years, has been modernised and refurbished to an exceptional standard including the installation of a magni� cent galleried double height conservatory with a most impressive and bright additional reception area which provides access to the beautifully landscaped gardens and a neatly hidden air conditioned underground gymnasium and wine cellar. Overall this is a well con� gured, elegant property which o� ers super family-friendly accommodation arranged over four � oors, all of which are � nished to a high standard and include an abundance of features such as solid cherry wood � oor and bespoke staircase, built-in sound system, air conditioning, under� oor heating, stunning landscaped gardens to the front and rear, a full double garage and exceptional reception space throughout the hall and garden � oors.

johnpayne.comOur website is mobile friendly

Page 153: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013


A statuesque new home of c.5800 sq ft, located on the exclusive and private Farnborough Park gated estate. Nearing completion, this 6 bedroom, 5 bathroom home occupies a third of an acre plot and has planning consent for a swimming pool with pool house. The property is fitted with a luxurious specification including an Opus 600 Media system, CCTV and integrated security. Energy Efficiency Rating B.

£2,500,000 F/HPlease contact our Locksbottom office for more information:Tel: 01689 882 988 Email: [email protected]

UNIQUE HOMES, UNIQUE SERVICE, UNIQUE PEOPLEA tailored service from Langford Russell & John Payne for distinctive and exc lusive homes


Detached family house which has undergone a major refurbishment programme, located in the much coveted area of Park Langley. Approached via electric gates there is a beautiful galleried staircase through the centre of the house, 4 receptions, large gymnasium, exceptional master bedroom suite with dressing room and en-suite, plus four further bedrooms. Energy Efficiency Rating C.

£1,395,000 F/HPlease contact our Beckenham office for more information:Tel: 020 8663 4433 Email: [email protected]

Internal images are indicative

UNIQUE is a Specialist Division of Langford Russell & John PayneOffices Across South East London & We advertise online at

Pond Road, Blackheath, SE3 Bedrooms: 7 Receptions: 4 Bathrooms: 3 Type: Detached House EPC: DMore info at: or call 020 8318 1311 to arrange to viewGuide Price £3,650,000 Freehold

Occupying a prominent plot on this highly regarded residential road within Blackheath’s private Cator Estate, this is a beautifully presented and imposing seven bedroom, three bathroom Grade II listed Regency style family home. Approached via electric gates and a generous drive the property, over recent years, has been modernised and refurbished to an exceptional standard including the installation of a magni� cent galleried double height conservatory with a most impressive and bright additional reception area which provides access to the beautifully landscaped gardens and a neatly hidden air conditioned underground gymnasium and wine cellar. Overall this is a well con� gured, elegant property which o� ers super family-friendly accommodation arranged over four � oors, all of which are � nished to a high standard and include an abundance of features such as solid cherry wood � oor and bespoke staircase, built-in sound system, air conditioning, under� oor heating, stunning landscaped gardens to the front and rear, a full double garage and exceptional reception space throughout the hall and garden � oors.

johnpayne.comOur website is mobile friendly

Page 154: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

Hawks Mews, West Greenwich, SE10 Bedrooms: 3 Receptions: 1 Bathrooms: 2 Type: Coach House EPC: EMore info at: or call 020 8858 9911 to arrange to viewGuide Price £1,350,000 Freehold

Unique opportunity to purchase this three bedroom detached coach house which was restored some 40 years ago and has never been brought to market before. O� ers a wealth of character features, a stunning upstairs drawing room and kitchen/dining room, and a tranquil garden.

johnpayne.comOur website is mobile friendly

We advertise online at

The Paragon, Blackheath, SE3 Bedrooms: 5 Receptions: 3 Bathrooms: 4 Type: Georgian Apartment EPC: FMore info at: or call 020 8318 1311 to arrange to viewGuide Price £1,850,000 Freehold

Occupying a heathside position and forming part of this Grade I star listed Georgian crescent, this is a unique opportunity to purchase the largest single property available within the Paragon, providing in excess of 3,000 square feet of beautifully presented space arranged over three levels. Internally the property has been the subject of a thorough, tasteful and sympathetic refurbishment programme.

BlackheathGreenwichWestcombe ParkLeeLettings

020 8318 1311020 8858 9911020 8858 6101020 8852 8633020 8318 0243

1 Montpelier Vale, Blackheath Village, SE3 0TA227 Greenwich High Road, Greenwich, SE10 8NB11 Stratheden Parade, Westcombe Park, SE3 7SX119 Burnt Ash Road, Lee, SE12 8RA39 Montpelier Vale, Blackheath Village, SE3 0TJ

Breakspears Road, Brockley, SE4 Bedrooms: 6 Receptions: 3 Bathrooms: 2 Type: Detached House EPC: EMore info at: or call 020 8852 8633 to arrange to viewGuide Price £1,395,000 Freehold

A superb double fronted detached Victorian family home retaining many period features and o� ering generous accommodation arranged over three � oors. Situated within the Brockley Conservation Area with Hilly Fields Park, Brockley and St Johns main line train stations close by.

Oak Yard, Blackheath, SE3 Bedrooms: 4/5 Receptions: 4 Bathrooms: 2 Type: Detached House EPC: CMore info at: or call 020 8318 1311 to arrange to viewGuide Price £1,525,000 Freehold

Situated on Blackheath’s private Cator Estate on a winding leafy approach road, this is a � ne 4/5 bedroom detached modern family home designed and built by eminent architect Graham Morrison for his own occupation. Internally, the property o� ers light, spacious and well-proportioned accommodation over three levels, a� ording views over the attractive landscaped gardens from the principal rooms.

Page 155: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

Hawks Mews, West Greenwich, SE10 Bedrooms: 3 Receptions: 1 Bathrooms: 2 Type: Coach House EPC: EMore info at: or call 020 8858 9911 to arrange to viewGuide Price £1,350,000 Freehold

Unique opportunity to purchase this three bedroom detached coach house which was restored some 40 years ago and has never been brought to market before. O� ers a wealth of character features, a stunning upstairs drawing room and kitchen/dining room, and a tranquil garden.

johnpayne.comOur website is mobile friendly

We advertise online at

The Paragon, Blackheath, SE3 Bedrooms: 5 Receptions: 3 Bathrooms: 4 Type: Georgian Apartment EPC: FMore info at: or call 020 8318 1311 to arrange to viewGuide Price £1,850,000 Freehold

Occupying a heathside position and forming part of this Grade I star listed Georgian crescent, this is a unique opportunity to purchase the largest single property available within the Paragon, providing in excess of 3,000 square feet of beautifully presented space arranged over three levels. Internally the property has been the subject of a thorough, tasteful and sympathetic refurbishment programme.

BlackheathGreenwichWestcombe ParkLeeLettings

020 8318 1311020 8858 9911020 8858 6101020 8852 8633020 8318 0243

1 Montpelier Vale, Blackheath Village, SE3 0TA227 Greenwich High Road, Greenwich, SE10 8NB11 Stratheden Parade, Westcombe Park, SE3 7SX119 Burnt Ash Road, Lee, SE12 8RA39 Montpelier Vale, Blackheath Village, SE3 0TJ

Breakspears Road, Brockley, SE4 Bedrooms: 6 Receptions: 3 Bathrooms: 2 Type: Detached House EPC: EMore info at: or call 020 8852 8633 to arrange to viewGuide Price £1,395,000 Freehold

A superb double fronted detached Victorian family home retaining many period features and o� ering generous accommodation arranged over three � oors. Situated within the Brockley Conservation Area with Hilly Fields Park, Brockley and St Johns main line train stations close by.

Oak Yard, Blackheath, SE3 Bedrooms: 4/5 Receptions: 4 Bathrooms: 2 Type: Detached House EPC: CMore info at: or call 020 8318 1311 to arrange to viewGuide Price £1,525,000 Freehold

Situated on Blackheath’s private Cator Estate on a winding leafy approach road, this is a � ne 4/5 bedroom detached modern family home designed and built by eminent architect Graham Morrison for his own occupation. Internally, the property o� ers light, spacious and well-proportioned accommodation over three levels, a� ording views over the attractive landscaped gardens from the principal rooms.

Page 156: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

AREA FOCUSThe South East is Booming

Latest Launch: Greenwich Square

I n late 2012, the final phase of the East London Line Extension connected areas of South East London to the Underground network for the first time, facilitating travel between Shadwell and Clapham Junction and giving its surrounding

areas a long awaited boost. Now residents can be whisked into the City in a mere four minutes and this, coupled with the recent regeneration prompted by the 2012 Olympic Games, has left neighbourhoods such as Greenwich, Blackheath and Dulwich simply bursting with new venues, shops and amenities. Not surprisingly, the relatively low property prices which the South East has enjoyed for decades are attracting those in-the-know who are keen to take advantage of the lifestyle, convenience and investment potential that the location affords. This up-and-comer won’t stay London’s best kept secret for long. n

The former Greenwich District Hospital site is well on the way to being transformed into a vibrant community of 645 modern homes. Hadley Property Group have partnered with Mace, the team behind The Shard, to oversee the £225m regeneration scheme in East Greenwich which is supported by the Mayor of London.

Properties at Greenwich Square will include apartments and maisonettes with balconies and family-focused townhouses with gardens with an emphasis on providing excellent recreational facilities for residents. A vibrant community feel will be fostered with a broad range of shops, cafes and restaurants as well as a new centre equipped with swimming pools, a gymnasium, health facilities and a library. n

0800 077 8177


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homes property &

A gent in the A rea: Three of the BestROBERT SARGENTCEO

The Acorn GroupIncorporating John Payne

Central Park, SE10Family 020 7089 1315

Bermondsey South, SE16L&Q 406 9800

Galliard Homes www.galliardhomes.com020 7620 1500

Attractive one and two bedroom homes situated one mile from Surrey Quays, within easy reach of Canary Wharf and London Bridge. Apartments have either a balcony or patio, modern kitchen and bathrooms and access to communal gardens. Priced from £56,250 for a 25 per cent share

High specification one and two bedroom apartments just 800m away from Greenwich Royal Park. The development has excellent green credentials and includes part solar-powered electricity. Apartments have balconies and the option of car parking.Priced from £225,000 leasehold

Residents at New Capital Quay, Greenwich’s new waterfront village will enjoy stylish apartments, penthouses and duplexes with designer kitchens, bright, open-plan reception areas and attractive communal spaces. Many homes have a balcony or terrace, while all will benefit from 24-hour security and the option of underground parking.

Waitrose is a notable partner in the scheme and an 18,000 sq ft superstore for every convenience is on-site, together with its dedicated home entertaining service. Children’s play areas and a heritage museum, in keeping with its Thames-side setting are other highlights.

As The Acorn Group CEO, Robert Sargent controls some of the highest profile Estate Agency brands in South East London and Kent. His company most recently completed the acquisition of John Payne Residential, which has five offices operating in Blackheath, Greenwich, Westcombe Park, Lee and Charlton.

Talking to Canary Wharf magazine, Robert explained “Acorn’s expansion strategy is not simply about increasing numbers of offices or adding geographic locations to its business, but most importantly acquiring the most talented and experienced personnel in the industry. Therefore, if this goal comes at a significant cost and involves acquiring the company most synonymous with success in The Royal Borough of Greenwich, then so be it”.

The management team at John Payne have almost 95 years’ experience between them and are only too aware of the unique demographic in which they operate. With Blackheath Village, Greenwich Park, The O2, Canary Wharf and The City literally on its doorstep, it is little wonder this pocket of South London remains one of the most desirable in which to reside.

When asked whether property in Blackheath and Greenwich was still a solid investment, Sargent smiled and retorted, “When hasn’t it been? How do you value an early morning walk across Blackheath, or a boat ride from Greenwich to your office, not to mention the buzz of Marathon day? Priceless surely!”

John Payne, Greenwich 020 8858 9911John Payne, Blackheath 020 8318 1311


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1 & 2 bed apartmentsoverlooking the city

Sleek & Stylish


For further information

Prices �om£225,000*

SlJubilee Heights

Final Release

GREENWICH11 mins**

*Based on 1 bed apartment. Prices correct at April 2013. **Approximate walking time. Source:Google maps. All Jubilee Heightsapartments have a predicted Energy E�ciency Rating ranging between 69-80 (C) on the Predicted Energy Assessments (PEAs).

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The first time buyer boom


It comes as no surprise that Wapping, The City and Limehouse are hugely popular locations with first time buyers working in the City and Canary Wharf. This benefits all concerned; it puts our clients who are moving out of the area to larger homes in the country in a favourable position as there is no chain.

The reassurance that the Bank of England base rate is set to stay at 0.5 per cent for some time yet, along with the availability of cheap rates on mortgages,

even with higher loan to values, has certainly impacted our core market. Demand is up year-on-year for one to two bedroom flats priced up to about £800,000. These are ideal for young city professionals looking for a short commute to a quiet area, and viewing numbers are strong.

The only frustration is that the supply of property is still relatively low on the ground making it difficult for prospective buyers to clearly gauge the market, they’re keen not to miss an opportunity but aren’t able to conduct the research they feel they ought to do.

The upper end of the market is also busy as many buyers, who in the past might not have considered east London, are at last realising that this area has a lot to offer. Properties that have been refurbished tastefully and to the highest standards are stealing the show and attracting multiple buyers. We are regularly asked whether it is worth refurbishing a property. The answer is “do it for yourselves, do it well and enjoy it, but don’t spend the money to immediately gamble on guessing someone else’s taste”. n

Knight Frank Wapping 020 7480




The rental market evolves


The rental market in east London is changing. I joined the Wapping office of Knight Frank ten years ago as a keen negotiator and we rarely let apartments above £1,000 per week; it was mostly one and two bedroom flats sub £750 per week.

However, over the past few years we have started to see the larger apartments and penthouses that were previously kept for the sales market drifting to the lettings side of the office. Additionally, as

developments like NEO Bankside and One Tower Bridge raise the bar in terms of on-site services (concierge, spa, business centres) and include superior interior specifications and high-tech gadgets, the quality of properties available is becoming much higher.

The investment market in Asia continues to remain strong and the appetite of overseas clients for this type of high-end, new build rental stock hasn’t changed. Off the back of this, institutional landlords have moved in to the rental market and are holding large chunks, or whole developments, for long periods of time before selling. The positive news for these great flats is that there is a reasonably healthy tenant base for them. Previously, the only direction the senior corporate tenants headed when they stepped off the plane was west, but due to the quality of property now available on the rental market, the City fringe has become an attractive option. Spending half the morning getting to the office from Kensington or Mayfair isn’t nearly as appealing when your colleague is able to walk to work from a top-quality flat in a great location such as Wapping. This still remains a much smaller part of the rental market and flats from £300 per week continue to keep us very busy on a daily basis, but if this growing trend towards high-end quality rental properties carries on, this market will continue to develop. East could be the new west in the next few years. n

Knight Frank Wapping 020 7480


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For more space, more time and more leisure

Proud to be a member of the Berkeley Group of companies

Delivered in proud partnership with:





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Look no further than Kidbrooke Village New phases, Blackheath Quarter and Meridian Gate - now launched

For an outstanding choice of quality homes that includes smart contemporary apartments andinnovatively planned townhouses, surrounded by parkland and amenities, it has to be Kidbrooke Village.

Manhattan Suites, 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments and 3, 4 and 5 bedroom townhouses

Contact us to book your appointment to view - call 020 8150 5151

50 acres of itis part of

Kidbrooke Village.

Our Vision. Your Future.

In the last ten years,The Berkeley Group has

created 436 acres ofpublic open space

Sales & Marketing Suite and Show Apartments now open daily 10am to 6pm

(Thursdays until 8pm) Weigall Road (off Kidbrooke Park Road) London SE3 9YY

Appointed agent:

All this, only 15 minutes from London Bridge*

Page 162: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

homes property &


PROPERTY SHOWCASER ecreation on the R iv er


Savills Canary Wharf

020 7531 2500

S ituated within the only residential development on the private Canary Wharf Estate, this is an outstanding example of value for a west-facing, high-rise, riverside property with superb and far-reaching views from the 14th floor. There are three large bedrooms with three

en suites as well as a modern kitchen, a large reception room, excellent storage throughout, two parking spaces and a balcony.

The building benefits from a concierge service and its own 24 hour security. On site is a classic Virgin Active gymnasium as well as the Four Seasons Hotel and residents can also make the most of attractive private gardens.

Local transport links are excellent with a ferry stop situated a stone’s throw away. The development is also close to Canary Wharf underground station providing access to the Jubilee Line and DLR. n

Page 163: Canary Wharf Magazine May 2013

Greenwich Square Marketing Suite100 Vanbrugh Hill, London SE10 9FT

Marketing suite now openGreenwich Square is an exciting new residential address created around a vibrant public square, including leisure facilities and a range of retail amenities.

• High specifi cation one, two and three bedroom apartments available.

• Balconies with views towards Canary Wharf and the O2 or across the new public square.

• On-site cafés, restaurants, retail and a new leisure centre.

• Short walk to Maze Hill station with direct trains to London Bridge in 11 minutes.

Prices from £249,950

Register your interest now

the lifestylequarter

*Terms and Conditions apply. Prices are correct at the time of going to press. Computer generated images/photography is for illustrative purposes only. Travel time source: www.tfl All apartments within the fi rst release have a predicted Energy Effi ciency Rating ranging between 83-88 (B) on the Predicted Energy Assessments (PEAs).

Call 0800 077

First 20


Stamp duty &

legal fees paid*

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