教学用“科技英语课” 本课程主要是介绍“科技英语语法”的核心内...

1 教学用“科技英语课” 本课程主要是介绍“科技英语语法”的核心内容,它是 影响大家阅读科技书刊的关键所在。而语法课往往是苦燥乏 味的,但对准确理解科技文献资料是极为重要的,特别是对 成年人学外语更是如此,它是学习外语的“拐杖”,特别是当 遇到一个长句不能理解时,就要借助于语法把它分析清楚, 这样就容易理解了。不久前教育部有关领导提出“国家重点 建设大学应逐渐转向不设公共英语课,学生入学后直接接受 双语教学的方式。”其它类型的学校高年级的“专业英语课” 也必须采用双语教学,也就是说,学生都要用原版教材上课, 甚至专业教师要用英语讲课。为了使学生能顺利而确切理解 英语原版教科书,就必须使他们熟悉科技英语在语法上的核 心内容和英美科技人员喜欢而惯用的句型。若要用英语撰写 科技论文,则语法更显得特别重要了。目前我国许多研究生、 专业教师、科技人员的科技英语写作能力比较薄弱,许多句 子写成了“中国式的英语”,其根本在于他们不了解科技英语 语法中的特殊内容和常用句型。 当然语法不是一切,我们反对过度的句子分析。学习语 法时应把重点放在你感到困难的地方以及与汉语表达方式不 一样的地方。如果句子的含义已经理解了,则就不要去分析 它了。 学好外语,并非易事。毛泽东同志说过,“语言这东西不 是随便可以学好的,非下苦功不可。”英语专家们指出, Learning English is a pretty(相当)tedious(冗长乏味的; 使人厌烦的) task, no matter how good the teachers and textbooks.本课程使用的教材: “科技英语语法高级教程”(西安电子科技大学出版社出版, 秦荻辉编著) 下面我们先来做几个翻译练习,大致看看大家的英语水 平。 1英译汉 1All the satellite needs in order to move in its orbit is the initial (初始的) speed given it by the carrier rocket (运载火箭) . [ = All that is necessary (needed) for the satellite to move in its orbit …]

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语法中的特殊内容和常用句型。 当然语法不是一切,我们反对过度的句子分析。学习语



它了。 学好外语,并非易事。毛泽东同志说过,“语言这东西不


“Learning English is a pretty(相当)tedious(冗长乏味的;

使人厌烦的) task, no matter how good the teachers and textbooks.”

本课程使用的教材: “科技英语语法高级教程”(西安电子科技大学出版社出版,

秦荻辉编著) 下面我们先来做几个翻译练习,大致看看大家的英语水

平。 1、 英译汉 (1)All the satellite needs in order to move in its orbit is the initial(初始的)speed given it by the carrier rocket(运载火箭).

[ = All that is necessary (needed) for the satellite to move in its orbit …]

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[ = In order to move in its orbit, the satellite need only have the initial speed …] [All you need to do is press this button.] (2)In any one example, h will either always be odd(奇的)

or always even(偶的), which is all that matters, so that ( – 1 )h will always be uniquely(唯一)determined(确定). 2、 汉译英 (1)这台计算机的体积很小。 可能出现的答案有: The volume of this computer is very small. The size of this computer is very small. This computer is very small in size. (2)这些书都没有解释这一现象。 可能出现的答案有: All these books do not explain this phenomenon. None of these books explain this phenomenon. (3)输出随输入的变化是很大的。(要求:用“变化”作句

子的主语。) The variation of output with input is great. 下面正式讲课。要求大家课上记好笔记。每次课所讲的内 容一定要努力听懂。 今天我们开始讲第一章“词类”。根据我的教学体会,词




及其功能没有搞清楚而引起的。 第一章 词类

I、冠词 1、译法:有以下三种可能性(只能根据汉语的表达习惯来确

定,即要采用“试探法”) (1)必须译出来 (2)不得译出来 (3)可译可不译 A table is generally made of wood. An example follows. [ = Here is an example.] β is a parameter. The proof of the theorem(定理)is difficult. The unit of electric current is the ampere.

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2、 冠词的基本使用原则 (1)可数名词单数前一定要有冠词 (2)特指的或上面已提到过的名词前要有定冠词 如果把电压加到电路的两端,在电路中就会有电流流动。

If a voltage is applied across(two ends of)a circuit, an electric current will flow in the circuit. 工程师能创造以前从来没有过的东西。 An engineer [Engineers] can create what has never existed before [things that have never existed before; something that has never been available before]. 3、位置 (1)正常位置:处在名词短语的 开头。 (2)特殊位置 ① 定冠词




+ the + 名词

这里的飞机都是从国外进口的。 All the aircraft here were imported from abroad [from foreign countries]. ② 不定冠词




+ 形容词 + a / an + 单数名词

中国具有数倍于法国(France)那么大的面积(area)。[要求:把“中国”作为主语,“具有”为谓语,并使用“as … 名词 as”句型] 可能出现的译文有: China has an area several times as large as France (does). China has an area several times as large as that of France (is). China has an area which is several times that of France (is). China has several times as large an area as France (does).

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于它能测出电流的微弱变化。 This is so sensitive an ammeter that it can measure the slight change in/of current. 必须确定为提起这块石头需要一个多大的力。 It is necessary to determine how large a force is required [needed; necessary] to lift this stone. 感叹句中也会出现不定冠词的特殊位置:

这是一台多好的仪器啊! What a good instrument (it is)! How good an instrument (it is)!

又如: What an important instrument is one that adequately(适当

地)displays the Fourier transform of a function of time, even when the interval of integration is not infinity(无穷大)! 4、不定冠词的特殊用法 在某些不可数名词前,英美人习惯用不定冠词(我们应善

于观察),特别是当表示“……一下”或“作一……”时。如: An increase in pressure always causes a decrease in volume. We shall start with a study of forces. This section makes a comparison of radio waves with water waves. A short calculation will convince(使相信)you that this is indeed true. 练习: (1) 英译汉

① Iron is not as good a conductor as copper. ② That is too small a current. ③ We find that we are dealing with too large a class of

circuits. ④ So instinctive(本能的)an act(行为)as choosing a

gradual(平缓的)slope(坡度)of a hill(小山)to walk up instead of a steep(陡峭的)slope is based on the principle of the inclined plane(斜面). (2) 填冠词

① In this function t is ____ independent variable(自变

量). ② ____ amplifier(放大器)can amplify ____ signals.

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③ ____ tungsten(钨)is ____ metal used in ____ electric



④ To do this, ____ knowledge of power calculation(功率

计算)is necessary. II、介词(不能单独使用) 1、介词短语的语法功能 (1)状语(位置灵活) There are many components(元件)in this device. Their channel resistances(沟道电阻)will be relatively low, of the order of 500 Ω. (2) 定语(只能后置) The switch on the wall near the door of the room is for the ceiling light(顶灯). These are batteries for mobile phones [hand sets]. 注意在句尾名词后的介词短语功能的判别(只能采用“试

探法”): Vector v represents its velocity at point A. We place the ball at point A. (3) 表语(在连系动词后) The emitter is at the ground potential(零电位)for all ac signals. The supply current(电源电流)specified(标明)in the data sheet(数据单)are for static(静态)dc conditions only. The small-signal-current directions shown in Fig. 6 – 1 are into the network. (4)补足语(多数情况是与不少及物动词搭配使用的“as短语”) Energy is defined as the ability to do work. We refer to this type of electronic device as a robot(机器

人). (5) 插入语(只是一些固定的短语) in fact, of course, for example, … (6) 介词宾语(只能在少数介词后,特别是在 from 和 except后) It is possible to use the energy from within the earth. That equation does not hold except in this special case.

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(7) 表示数值范围(这时介词短语处在被修饰词之前) The earth is between 4 and 5 [ = from 4 to 5] billion years old. (8) 构成各种动词或形容词短语 depend on remind sb. of sth. equal to capable of familiar with (请参阅书上第 19 页的“介词短语功能图”) 2、科技文中七个常见的、具有多个词义的介词的常见用法 (1) of

① “of + 某些抽象名词








” = 相应的形容词

This point is of great importance ( = very important).

② 表示“在……之中”⎩⎨⎧



Of all the computers here, this one works best. Of these three new chapters, the first deals with radar. ③ 表示其前后两者的同位关系 The science of chemistry is very useful in the modern world. The concept of potential difference will be introduced in the next section. This battery can supply a current of 4 mA. ④ 其后面的名词是其前面名词(来自于不及物动词)的逻辑

主语 Attention should be paid to the variation of the transistor current with temperature. ⑤ 其后面的名词是其前面名词(来自于及物动词)的逻辑宾

语 ⑤

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The separation of aluminum from its ore(矿石)was very difficult at that time. ⑥ 引出特殊的不定式复合结构的逻辑主语 The ability of a body to do work is called energy. (2) with

① “with + 某些抽象名词




” = 相应的副词

It is now possible to change ac into dc with great ease. ② 与 vary, change, increase, decrease, rise, fall 等连用时表

示“随着” This parameter(参数)varies with temperature. ③ 构成“with 结构”

With the switch on position 1, the output impedance(阻抗)

will be maximum. This parameter shall be measured with Ep grounded(接地). ④ 表示“用”(多数情况下后跟有形的东西)

We can see distant stars with this telescope(望远镜). ⑤ 在句首时,往往表示“对于;在……情况下;有了”。

有时还可表示对主语的附加说明 With the alternating current, things are different. With a diameter(直径)of 3,138 km, Europa(木卫二;欧

罗巴)is slightly smaller than our own moon. ⑥ 表示“与”

A comparison of the experimental result with the computed one has been made. (3) by ① 表示除时间、距离外的任何参量的数值

In this case v and i differ in phase by 50o. ② 在推导中常表示“根据;按照”

By Ohm’s law, we can write out the following equation.

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③ “by + 动名词(或动词性名词)”意为“通过……” By studying this model, one can understand the structure of the atom. ④ “by + method”表示“用…方法”

The equation can be solved by this method. (4)for ① 表示时间或距离的长短

This output may stay high for a long time. ② 放在句首表示条件“对于;如果;当……时候”

For x<1, this equation holds. ③ 与动词“solve”连用时表示解方程的对象

In this case we need to solve this equation for x. ④ 引出动词不定式的逻辑主语,构成不定式复合结构

It is necessary for us to determine what this angle is. ⑤ 表示对象(特别是常用在 method, technique, algorithm,

condition, requirement, language 等词的后面) This problem is too difficult for students. The necessary condition for this inequality(不等式)is x≤1. (5) in ① 表示度量单位的“用”(其后除 hertz 一词外,均要用复

数形式) Capacitance(电容)is measured in farads and frequency in hertz. ② 后跟 direction 一词时表示“朝” The current in a diode(二极管)flows only in one direction. ③ 后跟 way, manner 时表示“以,用” We should try to solve the problem in every possible way. ④ 表示“在……方面” These devices differ greatly in size. ⑤ 后跟动名词或动作性名词时,可表示“在……期间[时候];在……过程中;在……方面” In using the above equation, it does not matter which surface is considered as 1 and which as 2. ⑥ 在 reduction, decrease, increase, change, rise, fall, drop等词后多用 in This ammeter can measure the slight change in current. The inclusion(接入)of Re causes a decrease in amplification

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(放大量). ﹡⑦ 与一般将来时的终止型动词或状态动词连用时意为

“在……以后 They will leave for Beijing in a few days to attend an international conference on communications. The wave will be back in a fraction of a second. (6) on/upon 后跟动名词或动词性名词时意为“一当……(就)”、

“在……以后”、“在……时”。 Upon substituting the actual magnitudes, it turned out that v is the velocity of light. III、等立连接词 1、and Certain materials, such as silver and copper, have many free electrons. And some materials have practically(几乎)no free electrons. When an emf(电动势)is applied across two ends of a wire, many free electrons progress(前进)along the wire and a current results. Air has weight and occupies space. We can go one step further and take into account(考虑)the nonzero slope(斜率)of the actual curves.




and …

Try hard, and you will work the nut(螺母)loose. (祈使句+and = if 条件句) 句型: 一般: A, B, C(,) and D 强调: A and B and C and D 2、or R, G, or B video voltage indicates information of that color. This variable(变量)should be compared with the ideal, or desired value.

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There are three main laws of mechanics(力学)or three laws of Newton(牛顿). Computers are particularly useful in such systems as telemetry(遥测), where signals must be quickly recorded or be lost. It is important for the reader to learn and understand the basic concepts and operations presented here, or the development(讲述)and the applications of later topics will be difficult to comprehend(理解).






tan…… or ……

The greater the resistivity(电阻率), the greater the field(电

场)needed to establish(建立) a given current density(密度), or the smaller the current density caused by a given field. 句型: 一般:A, B, C(,) or D 强调:A or B or C or D IV、数词 1、分数表示法 (1)一般公式 分子(基数词)/ 分母(序数词复数;但若分子≤1时用单数) 1/3 → one third 5/6 → five sixths 1/2 → a [one] half (绝不能用“one second”) 零点三克 → three tenths of a gram ; 0.3 gram 零点几克 → a few [several] tenths of a gram 这个电阻上的电压为零点零几伏特。 The voltage across this resistor is a few [several] hundredths of a volt.

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(2) 科技上的一种常用形式(一般表示比较小的分数) 分子(基数词 + part(s))/ 分母(in a + 基数词 [ in + 阿拉伯数字; per + 基数词]) This mass(质量)change is less than 1 part in 1011. Its error is only 5 parts in 106 [ in a million; per million]. 2、数词作前置定语的特殊情况






+ ① the, its, their +名词 ② that + 后置定语 ③

what 从句 Its output is 100 times (as great as) the signal applied to the amplifier(放大器). 两根平行的 (parallel) 橡皮筋 (rubber band) 所提供的力

为一根橡皮筋的两倍。 The force provided by two parallel rubber bands is twice (as large as) that provided by one rubber band. 或者: Two parallel rubber bands provide twice as large a force as one rubber band. 这个电压为原来的 2/5。 This voltage is two fifths what it was. [ = two fifths its original value] 3、 两个句型的汉译法 (1) The LEO(低地球轨道)system requires 20 times more satellites than a GEO(同步地球轨道)system to cover(覆盖)

the globe(地球). The average Nu is found to equal 23.5 or nearly 4.5 times greater than the ideal Nu of 5.38. XVI is used to express the number of 16. To express a number a thousand times larger, the Romans put a line above that number. 这本书比那本厚 3 倍。 This book is four times thicker than that one. 规则: “n” times + 比较级 = “n” times as 原级 as 即: 英译汉减一倍;汉译英加一倍

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(2) This transisitor(晶体管)causes the signal current to increase by a factor of 100. The initial(起始的)photon(光子)number was taken to be 10 times the inversion(反转) ratio for solid(实心的)curves, whereas a factor of 10 less was used for the dashed(长划的) curve . 规则 : 用“a factor of n”来表示“增减”的倍数时,等

效于“n – 1”倍 (factor = multiplied by) V、动词 要注意以下几点: 1、 特殊的连系动词(由其它动词演变成的):常见的有

remain, stay, go, prove, seem, appear, look, sound, get, turn等等。

判别公式: 动词(主动)+ 形容词 (复合谓语) This result looks reasonable. In this case the input goes low while the output stays high. 2、 半助动词:常见的有 remain, appear, seem, happen, prove,

turn out 等。 判别公式: 动词(主动)+ 动词不定式 (复合谓语) 宇宙中电荷似乎只有两种。 In the universe, there appear to be only two kinds of charge. 在日常生活中,力似乎是靠“直接接触”来传递(transmit)的。 In everyday life, forces seem to be transmitted by “direct contact.” 这些技术问题有待于解决。 These technical problems remain to be solved. 3、 代动词:只有一个“do (does; did)”,主要用在比较和方


分。 Copper conducts electricity better than aluminum does.

In general, solids expand and contract as liquids and gases do. An electric lamp produces much more heat than it does light.

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Most computer facilities(设施)continue to protect their physical machine far better than they do their data. Impedances(阻抗)in series(串联)and parallel(并联)

combine as do resistances(电阻). ***有关动词非谓语形式,将在后面详细讨论。 VI、副词 请注意以下几点: 1、作表语:在科技文中主要表示状态。 Transistor Q1 is off. 2、作补足语:表示状态。 This signal can make transistor Q2 on. 3、作定语:只能后置。 (1)某些表示地点的副词:常见的有 above, below, here, there, around, nearby, up, down, on 等等。 The two equations below are very useful. [The following two equations …] [The two equations which follow …] The brain must keep in touch with the world around. The capacitance(电容)of a capacitor depends on the size of the plates and their distance apart. (2)某些表示时间的副词:常见的有 now, then, today 等。 The problem now is how to solve the equation. (3)“数量状语+副词(apart, away 等)” Electronic mail enables one to establish contact with the people half a world away. This type of keyboard puts the keys in two curved wells(弧

形凹槽)a shoulder distance apart. The scientists 50 years ago could not do that. We proceed(出发)from this point to a point a little further on. VII、形容词 要注意以下几点: 1、作后置定语的情况 (1)为了加强语气:常见的有 available , obtainable, achievable, responsible, permissible, possible, usable, necessary, total 等。

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All the textbooks available mention this point. In this case there are two directions possible. This videobandwidth(视频带宽)is equivalent to 1,200 voice channels total. (2)少数几个形容词必须后置 present “存在的;出现的” else “其它的;别的”(放在疑问代词和不定代词后) what(so)ever “任何的”(放在 no 和 any 修饰的名词后) The energy within the spectrum is distributed smoothly(均

匀地)among the various wavelengths present. The numerator(分子)may be any polynomial(多项式)

whatever. In this case no rotation whatsoever will result. (3)形容词只能放在以下 12 个不定代词之后








There is nothing new in this paper(论文). Everything electronic will be done digitally(数字式地). (4)“状语(主要是数量)+ 形容词” We shall have giant televisions one inch thick. Fig. 5 shows two parallel wires two meters long. 2、单个形容词作状语的情况(在科技文中主要是“un~ed”形式的形容词作方式状语) These machines can work unattended(无须照管的). In this case the signal waveform can be transmitted(传输)

undistorted(未失真的). Even if a student can follow every line of every example in this book, that doesn’t mean that he or she can solve problems unaided. [ “He” should be read as “he or she” throughout this book.] The sun’s rays come to the earth almost parallel. Cast iron(铸铁)is usually machined(加工)dry. A body whose average density(密度)is less than that of a liquid can float partially(部分地) submerged(浸没的)at the free upper surface of the liquid.

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3、形容词短语 (1)构成(狭隘的定义) ① 形容词 + 介词短语

similar to … different from … capable of … small in size

② 形容词 + 动词不定式

able to (do) necessary to (do) ready to (do) free to (do) too … to (do)

③ 形容词 + 状语从句(比较和结果) ④ 由并列连词连接的两个(或多个)形容词 (2)功能(与单个形容词类同) ① 表语 This computer is similar to that one in quality. ② 补足语 This property makes substances different from each other. ③ 定语:只能后置。 The acceleration(加速度)due to gravity(重力) is essentially(基本上)constant. The more the spring is stretched(拉伸), the greater the force necessary to stretch it. The coming years will witness(见证) the arrival of microprocessors with performance and complexity levels so high that such devices would have been inconceivable(难以

想象的)only a decade ago. A useful approximation, good to within 1%, is

1 foot = 30 centimeters. This text is a help to digital designers both new and old. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical. The truth table(真值表)gives us a means of handling problems too complex to be solved by inspection(目测). ④ 状语(其逻辑主语一般应该就是句子的主语) A、在主语前:(用试探法来确定确切的含义,以“原因”

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和“补充说明”为 常见)








Light, durable(经久耐用),simple and inexpensive, such devices are warmly received by users. Accurate in operation and high in speed, computers can save man a lot of time and labor. Free from(不受)the attack(侵蚀)of moisture(潮湿),

a piece of iron will not rust(生锈)very fast. Large or small, all circuits will contain the same kinds of components(元件). Contrary to common belief, forces are not transmitted(传

递)only by “direct contact.” Medium-sized and coeducational(男女生兼收的) , Washington University ranks among the nation’s leaders in higher education. ***准备工作: “but”的用法: Air is not visible, but it is matter. The atomic furnaces(反应堆)will not work but it has enough fuel. We cannot discover any material in an element but itself. An element is made up of but one kind of material. There is not a single substance but has resistance to the flow of electrons. “expose/exposure”的用法: This roll of film(胶卷)has been exposed to light. This book should be useful in exposing computer scientists to the latest technology. Excessive exposure to X-rays is harmful to one’s health. Prior(先前的) exposure to advanced mathematics is

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required. 分析并翻译下面的句子: Familiar to all with but the slightest exposure to scientific literature, this model shows the atom as a miniature(微型的)

solar system. B、在句尾(用试探法来确定其确切的含义,以“方式”








The gas is restored to its original temperature, ready to repeat the cycle again and again. The current reaches the maximum value when ω = ω0, similar to the situation in a series(串联) resonant(谐振的)

circuit. The force M acts perpendicular to the earth’s surface. The conductor is moving parallel to the magnetic field. It must be noted that the current increases proportional to every decrease of resistance. 分析并翻译下面这一长句: The absence(不存在)of atmosphere(大气)in space will allow the space telescope(望远镜)to show scientists light sources as far as 14-billion light years away, some seven times farther out than those visible to the biggest ground-based optical(光学的)telescopes. VIII、代词 1、 物主代词与其修饰的名词之间存在以下 4 种逻辑关系 (除“所属关系”外,这时物主代词一般应译成人称代词)

(1)所属关系 That is our Hi-Tech Development Zone. (2)主表关系(它所修饰的名词来自于形容词) Light is needed by the green plants(植物)to make them green and they cannot survive for long in its absence. ( = without it = if it is absent)

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Water and carbon(碳)dioxide(二氧化物)are among substances that absorb(吸收) in the infrared(红外线). Their presence in the atmosphere has an insulating(隔离)effect(效

应). (their presence ≈ they are present) (3)主谓关系 ① 其修饰的名词来自于不及物动词 There is a capacitance(电容)across the PN junction(结). And its existence causes some problems at high frequencies. ( its existence ≈ it exists) A baseball(棒球)that lands(落)in an open(开阔地)

soon comes to rest(静止)because of its interaction with the ground. ( = because it interacts with the ground) ② 其修饰的名词来自于及物动词 Decision tables(判决表)are very compact(简洁的)in their representation of information. (representation 来自于 represent“表示”,“of”引出了它的逻

辑宾语) Thus far(到目前为止)our discussion of the principles of mechanics(力学)has been concerned(关心;涉及)primarily(主要)with particles(质点). This is possible because of our assumption that the transistor is a linear(线性的)amplifier(放大器)over the range of voltages and currents of interest(人们感兴趣的). (that 引导的从句从

语法上讲是 assumption 的同位语从句,但从逻辑概念上讲是

它的宾语从句) (4)动宾关系:其修饰的名词来自于及物动词(有时也可

看成是被动的主谓关系)。 The Fourier transform(傅氏变换)is a very powerful tool that is used to a great extent in engineering. However, the limitation defined by Eq. (2 – 1) restricts its use in important situations. Attention focuses on the floated(浮型)gyroscopes(陀螺

仪)because of their utilization as an essential component in ballistic(弹道的)missiles. The result of an experiment forced(迫使)the abandonment(放弃)of Thomson’s model and its replacement by a new

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model. 2、代词的代后问题(即用 it, its, they, their, our 等等代替后面

出现的东西) (1)代替后面的主语 When they get hot, all metals melt(熔化). Because of its simplicity, the circuit is widely used in power supplies(电源). In their study of electricity, physicists defined the electric field(电场)intensity(强度)at a point in space as E = F/q. (2) 代替后面整个句子 It can not be proved here, but the rational numbers do not take up all the positions on the line. Surprising as it may seem, this was the first direct verification of the reality of molecules. Strange as it may seem at first, threads(线程)communicate by sending “messages”(消息)to one another and vie(争夺)

for the ownership(拥有权)of various “semaphores.”(信号灯) ***I’d appreciate it very much if you could give him a chance to study in your university. IX、名词 1、名词短语可用作为定语 (1)作前置定语(一般与科技知识密切相关) These microwaves(微波)are emitted(发射)in pulses(脉

冲)of less than one millionth of a second duration(持续时间)

at a rate of 1,000 per second. I2 is the virtual(有效的)moment(矩)of inertia(惯性)

coefficient. Aerospace(航空)Applications of Artificial Intelligence (人

工智能)Annual Conference(年会) (2)作后置定语:主要表示尺寸、大小、数值等 In six years we will have a computer the size of a watch. (= as small as a watch) Wires one hundredth the diameter(直径)of a silk thread(丝

线)are used to connect the components(元件)in the chip(芯

片). The nucleus has a diameter only 0.01% (of) that of the atom itself. Oxygen(氧)has a mass about 16 times the mass of a

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hydrogen atom. Standard chains(链条)are made in widths approximately 1.5 to 12 times the pitch(节距). the size of → as large as the height of → as high as the length of → as long as the depth of → as deep as 2、 作状语 (1)表示数量、距离、时间等 In this case, most of the channels(信道)will be idle(空闲

着的)most of the time. The whole mass(质量)is concentrated at one point a distance k from the center of rotation. In a time t, each particle(质点)advances(前进)a distance vt. It is not physically(物理上)possible to have a function(函

数)(either voltage or current) change a specified amount in zero time. (2)表示方式或方面状语(修饰某些动词或形容词,本身不

带冠词):实际上来自于构词法。 ① 作方式状语 Trunk calls(长途电话)were operator connected. ( = connected by operators) We can radio control this device. (= control this device by radio) It is necessary to heat treat these tools before they are used. B-52s carpet(地毯)bombed(轰炸)the enemy’s positions(敌人阵地)yesterday. ② 作方面状语 This solution(解法)is time efficient. This material is acid(酸)resistant. The antenna requirements are application dependent. We must amplitude(振幅)modulate(调制)the carrier(载

波) 3、 名词短语作其前面整个句子(或一部分)的同位语.

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(1)句型 A 一个句子,a/an + 形容词 + 名词(有时 + 介词短语) 译法:① “这是 …… 的一种[个] ~” ② “这种[一] ~ 是 ……的” A magnet ( 磁 铁 ) attracts iron material, a familiar phenomenon. Series(串联)resistances waste power, a serious(严重的)

drawback(缺点)in high-power circuits. (2)句型 B 一个句子,a/an + 名词 [或 something] + 后置定语







译法:“这一[种] ~ → ”

AC can be changed into DC, a process referred to as rectification(整流). In every atom in its normal state, the number of protons(质

子)equals the number of electrons, something [ = a fact] which is directly related to the electrical properties of the proton and the electron. The careful study of spectral(谱的)lines shows that many of them actually consist of two or more separate(分开的)lines that are close together, something that the Bohr theory cannot account for(解释). Computers are electronic devices capable of processing information 一 a process which previously could be accomplished only inside our heads. 4、在某些情况下,主语的同位语可放在主语前(为了加强语

气和句子平衡) A new technology introduced in the 1960’s, laser can pierce the hardest substance such as diamond. An instrument for measuring electric resistance, the ohmmeter is widely used in electrical engineering.

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An Ivy League university(长青藤名牌大学)located in Philadelphia(费城),Penn(宾大)was founded by Benjamin Franklin and has been a pioneer(先驱)in education and research for more than two hundred years. 西安电子科技大学是全国重点大学之一,它创建于 1931年。 One of the national key universities, Xidian University was founded in 1931. [54 所是信息产业部重点研究所之一,它创建于二十世纪

五十年代初期。] (One of the key research institutes of the Ministry of Information Industry, the No. 54 Research Institute was founded in the early 1950’s.) 第二章 词汇搭配和句子成分 I、词汇搭配 1、固定词组(在词典中可以查到) in a word, take place, take the place of, as a matter of fact, as usual, …… 2、习惯的搭配关系(会出现在词典的例句中或各种文章中,

望多观察) (1)某些名词必须与特定的动词连用 提高质量 improve the equality 提高效率 raise the efficiency

提高能力 increase [improve] the ability 提高警惕 enhance [heighten] one’s vigilance 取得成就[进步] make achievements [progress]

取得一致意见 reach complete agreement of views 取得教训 draw lessons 取得成功 achieve success 取得同意 obtain the consent 作一分析[比较,研究] make an analysis [a comparison,

a study] 作一介绍 [ 描述,说明 ] give an introduction [a

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description, an explanation] (2)某些动词、形容词、名词要与特定的介词连用

Electrons are emitted at the screen(荧光屏). Laser beams are sent at the moon.




int … at [朝向] ~

① 某些名词前必须用特定的介词 Radio waves travel in all directions. At this temperature the metal melts. For this purpose [To this end], we must try hard to scale the heights of science. on a large scale to a great extent [degree, point] in a great measure ② 某些名词后必须要用特定的介词 These students are doing an experiment in physics [on electricity]. They are attending a lecture [a report, a conference] on mobile communications(移动通讯). the answer [key, solution] to a problem the preface to a book an exception to a rule the current through a component the voltage across a component ③ 名词与介词的一种常见而有用的搭配模式(注意其汉译

法) 名词 of A 介词 B (A 和 B 也是名词) A、该“名词”为普通的抽象名词(译成“A……B 的 ~”)

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This section(节)describes the advantages of AC over DC. The advantage of TDMA over SCPC is that more ground stations can share(共享)a single satellite transponder(应答器). Speed is defined as the ratio of distance to time. The effect [influnce; impact] of temperature on [upon] the resistance of a semiconductor must be taken into account. The distance of the moon from the earth’s center is 240,000 mi. The effectiveness(有效性)of this force depends only on the perpendicular distance of its line of action(作用线)from the hinges(铰链;折叶).

the superiority of A to B the similarity of A to B the relation(ship) of A to B


主语;译成“A……B 的 ~”) This curve shows the dependence of the output on [upon] the input. (depend on [upon]) The variation of the conductivity of a metal with temperature is very small. (vary with) Ellipses(椭圆)are used to describe the motions of the planets(行星)round the sun. (move round) All conductors offer small resistance to the passage of electrons through them. (pass through) The control engineer is usually interested in the response of a control system to unit step(单位阶跃), ramp(斜波), and parabolic(抛物) functions(函数). (respond to)

the deviation of A from B (deviate from) the interaction of A with B (interact with) the projection of A on B (project on)






in / of A with B “A 随 B 的…而~”

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A gradual increase in resistance with speed is characteristic of friction between the boat’s bottom and the water. *** Fig. 1 shows the variation of current with impedance.

the graph of current as a function of impedance. the graph of current against impedance. the graph of current versus [vs.] impedance.


语;采用“动宾”译法) The definition of electric current as a flow of charge is familiar to all of us. (define A as B) The separation of aluminum from its ore(矿石)was very difficult at that time. (separate A from B) In this case, exposure of the body to sunlight helps to overcome anemia(贫血)and stimulate(刺激)metabolism(新

陈代谢). (expose A to B) The resolution(分解)of a force into x- and y-components is possible. (resolve A into B) A comparison of Eq. (1 - 4) with Eq. (1 - 6) leads to the following relations. (compare A with B) ***注意以下形式: “名词(来自及物动词)of A(逻宾)[介词 B(逻状)] by C(逻主)” What is the date of the discovery of America by Columbus? The formulation(确立)of the theory of relativity(相对论)

by Einstein is one of the most significant events of the 20th century. Niels Bohr, in 1913, first applied these ideas to the emission of light by atoms. II、句子成分 1、分类 主 表




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2、同位语的位置及译法 (1)正常位置









+ 同位语

译法:① ~这个[这一]…… The term “sensitivity”(灵敏度)is often used in radio engineering. The word “radar” comes from RAdio Detection And Ranging. ② 单独译成一句(一般有逗号分开时) The rigid body(刚体),a body with a perfectly definite and unchanging shape, is itself an idealized(理想化的)model. We cannot sense X-rays, a form of energy similar to visible light.

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Arithmetic(算术), the science of numbers, is the base of mathematics. The quiescent(静态的)dc power dissipation(功耗)in this case is typically 5 nW, an extremely small figure(数字). The decibel(分贝)is one tenth of a bel, a unit named after Alexander Graham Bell. ③ 译成“也就是”或用破折号引出 The above analysis describes the steady-state(稳态)

condition of a circuit, the condition that prevail(盛行;存在)

after the circuit has been connected to the source for a long time. This chapter examines the properties of an important nonlinear(非线性的)device, the diode rectifier(整流器). (2)特殊位置 ① 主语的同位语处于主语前(一般译成独立的一句;或译

成“作为……”) 同位语,主语 …… An electroacoustic(电声) transducer(传感器) , the loudspeaker(扬声器)converts audio-frequency(音频)power into acoustic power. ② 一个句子的同位语处于句子末尾(译成单独的一句) A car noses up(车头抬起)when it accelerates(加速), a familiar effect. The current density(密度)in a wire carrying alternating current(交流电)is not uniform(均匀的)over the cross section(横截面)of the wire but is greater near the surface, a phenomenon known as “skin effect.”(集肤效应) The resistance of a wire is indirectly proportional to(反比

于) the cross section, a fact that was verified(证实)

experimentally by Ohm. *** This yields an increase in resistivity(电阻率), in agreement with observations. (可看成在逗号后省去了“a fact that is”) 3、插入句(即带有主谓结构的插入语,把它去掉后不会影响

句子的结构和含义) (1)在主句中 Living things too, it now seems certain, obey(遵循)the laws of physics and chemistry. This book is, we hope, a concise(简明的)introduction to communications systems.

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1− 1− , it was agreed, should be replaceable(可替代

的)at will(随意地)by – 1. What, you may wonder, does 54/74 stand for? Potential energy, it is true, might not affect the sense of touch(触觉)in the same way as kinetic energy(动能)would. (2)在从句中 The machine seems to do many tasks which one would have thought required intelligence(智力). Last year RCA demonstrated(展示)a new technique for a wall-hung TV that it was predicted would be on the consumer market “close to 1990.” [Chaplin(桌别林)was criticized for not being an American citizen(公民)and for his political views, which some people thought leaned(倾向)toward communism(共产主义).] One of the major problems which faced me in writing this book was “digesting”(消化)the vast(大量的) literature(文

献)on computer-aided library systems and presenting(介绍)

it in what I hope is a clear and concise manner. Technology experts have a tendency to use their knowledge as a lever(手段)to get to what they feel is the right solution(解

决方案). (3)使用“say = let us say”[比如说] 或某些特殊的“what 从句” In this case a resistor of say 100 ohms may be connected across C2. Well-grounded students can absorb Chapters 4 and 5 in say three weeks. The atomic number(原子序数)is equal to the number of electrons per atom or, what is equivalent, the number of protons(质子)per nucleus. what is more “而且;更有甚者” what is more important “更为重要的是” what is the same thing “换个说法” what is equivalent “或者说” what amounts to the same thing “换个说法(也


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第三章 否定、被动语态、比较等级 I、否定 1、全否定:一般要用“none, no, neither”来表示,意为 都;

均。 普通的窗户均承受(withstand)不了这么大的力。 None of the ordinary windows [= No ordinary windows] can withstand so large a force. 2、部分否定:一般用“all, both, every”+ not 来表示,意为 并非都。 This parameter(参数)does not change during all time intervals. Eq. (1 – 5) cannot be satisfied by all values of x. 3、否定的转移 (1)主句中有表示“相信”、“认为”等臆想动词否定式时,


not +





sup + that 从句

They don’t think that this answer to the problem is right.

(2) ⎪⎭



的否定式 + ⎩⎨⎧动词不定式


It does not appear that this value satisfies the equation. This computer does not seem to be so good as that one. (3) 主句中有 not [no, rather than, instead of] + as 从句或

短语(或 the way …):译成“并不像…那样~”。 This disease does not affect most animals as it does humans. These layers(层)are not “stretched”(能拉伸的)as a rubber sheet would be. The presence of the minus sign indicates that the current of 1.5 A flows from C to F, and not from F to C as shown.

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The HIGH-level output voltages for both OR and NOR are between – 0.81 and – 0.96 V rather than – 0.8 V, as predicted(预

计)by Eq. (2 – 9). The majority of distance communication in the future could well be computer-to-computer, not person-to-person as at present. The Maxwell relations(关系式)are not modified(修正)

by relativity(相对论)as Newton’s relations are when particle(质点)velocities approach the speed of light. II、被动语态 1、带有双宾语动词(tell, inform, convince, give, assign, deny等等)的被动语态(在谓语后存在一个“保留宾语”) In this case some of the users will be denied(拒绝给予)

permission(允许). Each of the users has been assigned a frequency band. We are told by Ohm’s law that the current in a circuit is proportional to the applied voltage. If the reader is not convinced that P is a maximum when R = r, he should verify it by the used (惯常的)calculus(微积分)

method. In 1858 Darwin(达尔文)was sent a scientific paper by a man called Alfred Wallace. A thorough exposition is accorded principles of a computer in this book. We are given that the coefficient of sliding friction(滑动摩

擦)between box and floor is μ. 2、“不及物动词+介词”= “及物动词”的被动语态 Electronic radar systems are relied on for a safe flight from one airport to another. In this case the work done is accounted for by an increase in potential energy. This topic will be dealt with in the next chapter. Actually, this result could have been arrived at intuitively(直

观地). 3、“及物动词+名词+介词”= “及物动词”(make use of, pay

attention to, take care of, make mention of 等等)的被动语

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态 Full use must be made of the computers available. 注意:这里并不是“be made of [由……制成]”这一词组的含

义。而是“make full use of”的被动形式。 The computers available must be made full use of. 又如: Use is made of this characteristic(特性)in feedback(反馈) amplifier design.

The protective(保护的)resistance should be made use of in the usual way.

In the quantum(量子)theory of the atom no use is made of these models. ***汉译英: 必须充分利用现有的设备。(要求使用“make use of”的被

动形式) Full use must be made of the devices available.





+ 过去分词”构成的被动句(强调状态)

The energy that is stored in the inductor(电感器)and capacitor eventually( 终)gets dissipated(消耗)by the resistor. The air throughout the room becomes heated by convection currents(对流的气流). The gate(门电路)will remain closed by the low input until the clock pulse arrives. This system can come equipped with a radio frequency wireless keyboard and mouse (optional). [备有] 5、科技文中不能有被动形式、不得用过去分词作定语的常见

情况 (1)不及物动词 the resulting equation; the existing algorithms; the newly emerging approach (几个特例:the fallen leaves; the elapsed time; the arrived train;

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the worked hours) (2)表示状态的及物动词(have, afford 等) (3)表示被动含义的“不及物动词+介词” consist of “由……组成” result from “由……引起” arise from “由……引起” serve as “用作为……;起……作用” act as “用作为……:;起……作用” function as “用作为……;起……作用” behave as “用作为……;起……作用” (4)表示被动含义的“及物动词+名词”(find use [applications]“得到应用”) III、比较等级 1、表示“……得多”的句型 一些程度副词 + 比较级 常见的程度副词有:much, very much, far, by far, well, greatly, a lot, a great deal, considerably, appreciably, significantly, substantially, incredibly, enormously, immeasurably 等。 This computer is much smaller than that one. Most computer facilities(设施)continue to protect their physical machine far better than they do their data. This circuit requires many more components(元件)than the circuit shown on page 3. If q2 is HIGH, it means that two more CLi pulses(脉冲) than CLo pulses arrive. Equation (8 – 10) contains much more than a mere description of how the gain(增益) saturates(饱和). 2、表示“越来越……”的句型 (1) 常用的方式 对单音节词: 采用“~er and ~er” 对多音节词: 采用“more and more ~” Electronic devices are becoming smaller and smaller but more and more complicated. (2)采用“ever + ~er”(主要用于单音节词) Computers are ever smaller. (3)采用“increasingly + 原级”(主要用于多音节词) Computers are getting increasingly complicated.

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(4)“含有比较级的主句 + 表示时间的 as-从句[随着]” The skin effect(集肤效应)is more pronounced(明显的)

as the frequency increases. The accelerating(加速)force becomes smaller as the body approached the center. 3、“as 形容词 as 数量”要译成“ ~ 达[到]……” 这块芯片(chip)薄达零点几毫米(millimeter)。 This chip is as thin as a few tenths of a millimeter. [ ≠ This chip is a few tenths of a millimeter thin.] 地球离月球的距离远达 24 万英里。 The distance of the earth from the moon is as great as 240,000 mi. Efficiencies of as much as 99% are achieved in large transformers(变压器). 4、在“as …as”句型中省去第 2 个“as 部分”的情况 Digital transmission need not have as high an S/N ratio. [可看成省去了“as analog transmission”] To dissipate(耗散)50 watts of heat, the temperature difference must be twice as great. Measuring anything means comparing it with some standard to see how many times as big it is. [可看成省去了“as the standard”] How many times as great is the kinetic energy if the velocity is doubled? A force which causes a body to have twice the acceleration(加速度)another force produces must be twice as great. 5、一种特殊的“as … as”句型 as many (+名词 A) as there are + 名词 B 译成“有

多少个 B 就有多少个 A” There are as many designs as there are designers. These energy bands(能带) are actually composed of a multitude of(许许多多)individual(单个)energy levels(能

级), as many as there are atoms in the crystal(晶体). 6、句型“more 名词 A than 名词 B”译成“与其说是 B 不如

说是 A” The design and implementation(实现)of programming languages has been more art than science. 7、“much 和 long”常起形容词和名词的双重作用

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The flip-flop(触发器)can stay high for as long as 2 min. The recommended practice is to let Rs contribute as much of 45 Ω as possible. 8、表示 高级的比较范围“在……之中”时“of”和“in”的用法区别 in:后跟表示整体的集合名词单数 of:后跟可数名词复数 Of all physical properties of matter, electrical resistance perhaps shows the greatest range of values. 9、表示“……越~,……就越~”的句型 (1) 通常的句型 “the + 比较级 …[条件从句部分], the + 比较级 …[主句部

分]” 导线越细,你获得的电阻就越大。 The thinner the wire, the more resistance you will obtain. 该物体被提得越高,它具有的位能就越大。 The higher the body is lifted, the more potential energy it possesses. The smaller the time interval ∆t, the more closely does v∆t approach the actual displacement(位移). The greater the nuclear mass, the less of the neutron’s(中子

的)energy is transferred(转移) to the nucleus(原子核). 颜色越深,它吸收(absorb)的热就越多。 The darker the color (is), the more heat it will absorb. (2)特殊句型 特点:① “主句部分”在前,“从句部分”在后 ② 两部分之间无逗号分开 ③ “主句部分”的比较级前一般不用“the” Skin effect is greater the higher the frequency.

The particles move more freely the higher the temperature.

第四章 动词非谓语形式 I、动词不定式 1、普通不定式:其功能有“主、宾、表、定、状、补” (1)主语 特点:ⅰ、句子谓语必定为单数第三人称形式 ⅱ、往往可用形式主语“it”的句型 ① “It + 系动词 + 表语 + 不定式”

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It is of great interest to study the three laws of motion. It proves convenient to describe the ability to conduct current in terms of conductance(电导). It is possible to (do …) “我们能够……” It is necessary to (do …) “我们必须……” It is a simple matter to (do …) “……是容易的” ② “It + 及物动词(take, require, do, make)+ 宾语 + 不定式” It takes sunlight about 8 minutes to reach the earth. 磁化(magnetize)这些物质需要一个强磁场。 It requires a strong magnetic field to magnetize these substances. 解这个方程花了我们两个小时。 It took us two hours to solve this equation. ③ “It + 不及物动词(suffice, work, help, occur)+ 不定

式”(不常见) It suffices to give one example here. ④ “It + 被动语态(desire, leave, find, propose)[ + 主补

等] + 不定式” It is desired to solve the equation for the unknown(未知量). It is left as a problem to show that these equations reduce to(简化成)Eq. (2 – 7) when the point lies on the x-axis. (2)宾语:注意以下两点。 ① 不定式的被动形式作宾语的情况 These problems deserve to be further studied. [ = It is worth studying these problems further.] ② 一个用形式宾语“it”的常用句型 “主→谓→it→宾补→不定式” We find it very difficult to solve this problem. We consider it necessary to make measurements with accuracy. (3)表语 特点:ⅰ、主表概念相等 ⅱ、只能是主动形式的不定式 ⅲ、一般只能用“is”,且可译成“是” [否则是一种将来时形式,译成“将;要;应该;会”] The function of an antenna(天线)is to transmit or receive radio waves.

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*** We are to discuss this point in the next chapter. *** This component(元件)is to be chosen so that the transistor operates linearly(线性地). *** Suppose that this milliammeter(毫安表)is to be used as an ammeter(安培表)with a full-scale deflection(满刻度偏转)

of 2 A. *** Several points are to be noted(注意)in connection with the circuit. *** Feedback control systems are to be found in almost every aspect of our daily environment. 注:若在句子的主语部分有实意动词“do”的任何形式时,

作表语的不定式的标志“to”可以省去。 What … do is (to) ~ All that … do is (to) ~ The best way to do is (to) ~ The only thing we must do is (to) ~ All we need to do is measure the voltage across this resistor. What we can do is consider the input to be a sum of functions(函数). (4)定语 ① 普通不定式作定语时,往往可表示“能够”或“将来”

之意。 An ohmmeter is a device to measure resistance. [≈ that can measure resistance] R is the resistance to be measured. [≈ that will be measured] ② 不定式作定语时与被定词之间存在以下四种逻辑关系: A、主谓关系(可以是主动的,也可以是被动的,可扩展

成定语从句,如上面两例) B、动宾关系(可扩展成定语从句) There are two cases to consider. [≈ that we shall consider] We now have four equations to solve. [≈ that we shall solve] C、不定式短语尾部的介词与介宾的关系(可扩展成定语

从句) Will you please give me a sheet of paper to write on? [ = on which to write ≈ on which I can write]

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Each member has a switch with which to indicate a YES or NO vote(投票). *** An anchor point(抛锚处)refers to a place where [= at which] to secure(栓住)a ship with an anchor(锚). D、纯修饰关系(在某些抽象名词后,如:time, purpose, ability, tendency, way, aim, objective, attempt 等等,一般为主动

形式) The ability to do work is called energy. The purpose to write this book is to give the reader a brief introduction to electronic computers. We call the time to complete one cycle(周)the period of the sinusoid(正弦波). 注:科技文中常出现下面这种逻辑上为目的状语的定语。 The use of trigonometry(三角学)to describe the electrical signal has proved very valuable for engineers. (5)状语 ① 在句首(一般只表示目的,译成“为了;要”) To operate a computer well, it is necessary to do a lot of practice. ② 在句尾:既可表示目的(可译成“来;以便于”),也可

表示结果(可译成“而;以致于”) This device can be used to measure the strength of the signal. Many elements combine with hydrogen(氢) to form combustible(易燃的)liquids. In a free state, atoms usually combine together to form molecules(分子). ③ 构成固定短语或搭配关系 in order to … require [use; need] to … too ~ to … sufficient(ly) [enough] to … so as to … able to … so ~ as to … try to … such as to … aim to … such ~ as to … act [serve; behave; function] to … In a liquid, enough intermolecular(分子间的)forces exist to keep the volume of the liquid constant. In long-distance communications, a transmitter is required to process the incoming information so as to make it suitable for

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transmission and subsequent(随后的)reception(接收). This section serves to introduce the subject of Communications Systems. (6)补足语 A net(净的)force applied to a body causes it to be accelerated(加速). Ordinary matter is said to be electrically neutral(中性的).

“is said”= ⎪⎩





The science of electronics may be said to have begun with the discovery of electron tubes(管子). Let it be required to develop(展开)f (x) into a Fourier’s series(傅氏级数). [关于动词不定式的功能图,请参见教材第 138 页。] 2、不定式复合结构 (1)构成 for + 名词(或代词)+ 不定式 注:由无任何词义的“for”引出不定式的逻辑主语。 (2)功能:主、宾、表、定、状(为什么不能作“补足语”?) ① 主语 It is possible for us to solve this problem by a computer. It takes about 8 minutes for sunlight to reach the earth. ② 宾语(一定要用形式宾语“it”的句型) This property makes it possible for metals to be made into any shape. ③ 表语(很少见) The main job now is for scientists to continue measuring and studying the buildup(聚集)of carbon dioxide(二氧化碳)in the atmosphere. ④ 定语(与被定词之间存在除“主谓关系”外的其它三

种关系) The job for a computer to do is to measure or count. Pavement(人行道)is a paved(铺平的)path at the side of a street for people to walk on. The time for the capacitor to become fully charged(充满电)

depends on the product(乘积) of circuit resistance and

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capacitance(电容). This is a necessary condition for the electric field to be zero. 在“ability, tendency, desire 等”词后通常要用“of”

来代替“for”: Energy is defined as the ability of a body to do work.

Gravity(万有引力)is the tendency of all objects to attract, and be attracted by, each other. The desire of man to control nature’s forces successfully has been the catalyst(催化剂)for progress throughout history. ⑤ 状语


使……(能够)~”。 For the arithmetic unit(运算单元)to be able to do its required tasks, it must be told what to do. vBE and vBC both exceed VT by a sufficient amount for us to neglect(忽略)the –1 terms(项)in Eq. (2 – 2). In this case, the time necessary for the current to reach its maximum value is changed. This signal is too large for the transistor to handle. The oscillating(振荡的)signal has three characteristics that can be varied in order for it to convey computer-generated data (amplitude, frequency, and phase). For the series, therefore, to be convergent(收敛的)and represent(表示)loge (1 + x) –1<x≤1. 3、名词性不定式 (1)构成






+ 不定式

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结构中,但在科技文中发现它可以与“how, what, …”等引

出的这一结构一起使用。 (2)译法 ① 若是“疑问副词 + 不定式”:采用“顺译法”(即按词

序来译)。 ② 若是其它情况:一定要按“动词→宾语→补足语等”的

顺序来译。 (3)功能:主、宾、表、介宾、同位语 How to determine the weight and size of an atom is a question interesting to many of us. We have now to consider what path(路径)of integration(积

分)to take. It is necessary to find how large to make r so as for the series(级数)to converge(收敛). The reader may have no idea which of these operations(运

算)to do first.

the ⎪⎩



(of; about; on; as to) + 名词性不定式

*** This book attempts to present(介绍)not only the major technical solutions for controlling Internet security, but also the necessary business(商务)managerial(管理的)perspectives(前景)on why, when, and how to implement these controls. 4、反射式不定式 先共同做以下两种练习: 动词填空 These metals are generally difficult ________ (machine“加

工”) We find this equation easy _________ (solve). 改错 Small houses are more comfortable to live. That table is unfit for a child to write. The Atlantic(大西洋)was too dangerous for Americans to send enough men and war materials. I wish to thank the publishers(出版社)for their assistance

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throughout and for being so easy to work. 定义: 若句子的主语(或宾语)是句尾不定式(或这不定式短语


定式”( 常见的情况是形式主语或形式宾语“it”被句尾不

定式的宾语替代了的情况)。 5、“there be”句型的不定式形式:(一般只用于书面语言)

仍表示“存在;有”的含义。 (1)不定式复合结构 for there to be … We have found it possible for there to be free electrons in a crystal under the influence of an electric field(电场). For there to be life, there must be air and water. ***时间太晚了,没有公共汽车了。 It is too late for there to be any bus. (2)普通不定式 ① 在主动句中 there to be … (看成“宾语与宾语补足语”

的关系) We assume there to be two variables(变量)in the function(函数). The students expected there to be more reviewing classes(复

习课)before the final exams. ② 在被动句中 there + 被动语态 + to be … (看成“主

语与主语补足语”的关系) In this case there is said to be a potential difference(电位差)

between the two charged bodies(带电体). There is found to be a radial(径向的)electrostatic field(静

电场)near the earth’s surface. II、分词 1、普通分词的功能 (1)定语:基本规律 单分在前;分短在后 These moving electrons form the current. The applied voltage is 220 V. A capacitor is a device consisting of two conductors separated by a non-conductor. The cathode ray(阴极射线)is a stream(流)of electrons emitted by a heated wire called a cathode. 注:① 为了强调分词的动作性,单个分词(特别是单个

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过去分词)也可作后置定语。 Some technical problems remaining are outlined here. the current flowing the force acting the energy resources existing The voltage applied is 220 V. Hydrogen is the lightest element known. ② 有时不能按定语译,而要采用“顺译法”。 Voltage is equal to current multiplied(乘)by resistance. Speed is equal to distance divided(除)by time. A lamp connected to a voltage source forms a simple circuit. An increased bandwidth(带宽)will also contain additional noise(噪声). ③ 一种特殊的定语:逻辑上的方式状语。 This chapter deals with the implementation(实现)of Boolean functions(布尔函数)using these types of gates(门电

路). A second example is the integration(积分)of a square wave(方波)using a simple RC circuit. (2)状语:其逻辑主语一般应该是句子的主语(有时是整个

主句或暗指“我们;读者”)。 ① 在句首:可表示 条件:“如果;若” 时间:“当……时候”;“在……以后”(一般为完成式的分

词) 原因:“由于;因为” 对主语的附加说明:译成一个并列的分句

Expressed in a formula(公式), the relationship between voltage, current, and resistance can be written as V = IR. Having studied this chapter, the reader will understand the principles of a radio receiver. Having a large number of free electrons, metals are good conductors. Originally standing 147 m high, the pyramid(金字塔)was made of 23 million large stone blocks(块). Being a current operated instrument, the voltmeter is not suitable for purely electrostatic(静电的)measurements. Often called a chain hoist(链式起重机), this device is used

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to lift heavy objects in factories. ② 在句中(主要插在主谓之间):与在句首时类同(但要

从逻辑概念上与非限制性性定语区分开来) This battery, properly used, may last for a long time. Air, being elastic(有弹性的), may be compressed(压)into a small container(容器). The maximum efficiency, neglecting the loss in Re, is only 42%. *** Potential difference, sometimes called electromotive force(电动势), is measured in volts. ③ 在句尾:要通过其逻辑主语来把它与非限制性定语区分

开来。 这时它可表示:

进一步说明(顺译下去) 结果:“从而;这样就”(在分词前往往可有副词“thus,

thereby”) 条件、方式、原因等

using … following … assuming … depending on … based on …

Σ is the Greek letter sigma, meaning “the sum of.” Silver(银)is the best conductor, followed by copper(铜). The light liberates(释放出)photoelectrons(光电子)within the metal, rendering(使成为)it a better conductor. This reduction(减化)of Boolean expressions(布尔表达

式)eliminates(去掉)unnecessary gates(门电路), thereby saving cost, space and weight. In this case, the transition matrix(转换矩阵)can be determined within prescribed(规定的)accuracy using only a finite(有限的)number of terms(项). If you walk along a horizontal(水平的)floor carrying a weight(重物), no work will be done. This flowchart(流图)illustrates the steps necessary for the expression(表达式)ax3 + bx2 + cx + d, given numerical values for a, b, c, d, and x. ***Let us consider a more general case, illustrated in Fig. 1 – 8.

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(3)表语(已看成是形容词了) The iron bar(棒)has become magnetized(磁化). (4)补足语 The driver’s object(目标)is to keep the automobile(汽车)

traveling in the center of a chosen lane(车道)on the road. This machine has its program(程序)stored in the computer’s memory(存储器). 2、分词独立结构 (1)构成 名词[个别情况为代词] + 分词(短语) (逻辑主语) (这种结构来自于作状语的分词,由于该分词的逻辑主语并


关系了,因而是“独立的了”。) (2)功能(位置和判别法与普通分词作状语时类同,不过它

一般不出现在句中) ① 在句首 There being a change in the current, the magnetic field will change as well. This done, the function becomes much simpler. Miniature(微型的)devices(器件)being used, electronic equipment has been made small in size. ② 在句尾 The transistor consists of three parts, emitter(发射极),base(基极),and collector(集电极),the base region(基区)being very thin. The purpose and general guidelines (原则) of each experiment are given, the details being left to the instructor(教

员). Whenever there is a change of current in a conductor, an emf(电动势)is induced(感应)in the conductor, thus this kind of emf being called a self-induced(自感的)emf. Now let us determine the path of a projectile(抛物体), the resistance of the air being neglected(忽略). 注:在分词独立结构中由连系动词变来的“being”可以

省去。 This force can be resolved(分解)into two components(分

量), one of them vertical(垂直的)and the other horizontal(水

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平的). Here are five bottles(瓶子), each of a weight of 400 grams(克). 3、with-结构 先做几个句子: 你们可以打开着书回答我的问题。 You may answer my questions with your books open. 让我们以原点(origin)为圆心(center),作一个半径

(radius)为 R 的圆(circle)。 Let us construct [draw] a circle of radius R, with the origin as its center. 带眼镜的那个人是谁? Who is the person with glasses on [ = … the person wearing glasses] ? 我们必须紧跟以胡锦涛同志为总书记的党中央。 We must follow closely the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Hu Jintao as the general secretary. (1)构成

with (without) + 名词(代词)+









注:① “with”无词义。 ② 该“名词”与其后面的“介词短语、形容词、副


间存在“主谓关系”。 ③ 该名词后的东西有可能是作后置定语而并不是构

成“with 结构”的,这只能根据全句的含义来判断。 (2)功能:绝大多数在句中作状语和定语。 ① 作状语 A、在句首:可表示 时间:“当…..时候;在……以后” 条件:“如果;在……情况下” 原因:“由于,因为”

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让步:“即使;虽然” 对主语的附加说明:(译成一个并列的分句) With the battery terminals reversed, the result will be quite different. With the amplifier off, Pout/Pin = 0.001. With friction present, a part of power has been lost as heat. Without the air to hold(保存)some of the sun’s heat, the earth at night would be freezing cold, too cold for us to live. Without the temperature or pressure changed, matter can never change from one state into another. With topics ranging from “atom smashers(粉碎器)” to the most distant star systems, this part of the course(教程)is usually called modern physics. B、在句中(不多见):(与在句首时类同) Gate A, with at least one of its inputs 0, must have a 1 out. The operating lifetime of the transistor, with no hot filament(灯丝)to burn out(烧毁), is indefinitely(无限地)long. C、在句尾:可表示 进一步说明:(顺译下去) 结果:“因此;从而” 条件:“在……情况下;如果” 方式:“以……” Each planet revolves(旋转)around the sun in an elliptical(椭圆的)orbit, with the sun at one focus(焦点)of the ellipse(椭圆). Its Fourier transform can be obtained from Eq. (2 – 4), with the lower limit(下限)replaced by zero. The United States has the fourth highest percentage of Internet users in the world with 35% of its population connected to the Internet. Silver has the smallest resistivity(电阻率)of any metal, with that of copper not much greater. In this case, a violent(剧烈的)explosion(爆炸)occurs with water as the product(产品). This current gain(增益)shall be measured with Ep grounded(接地). The Internet Protocol(协议)was not designed with security in mind.

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***With circles of radii(半径)approaching zero, Cauchy’s theorem(定理)can be applied. ② 作定语 The earth is perhaps the only planet with life on it. The equation to the circle with its center at the origin and of radius a is x2 + y2 = a2. This is an equality(等式)with zero on the right. Equations with radicals(根式)in them are normally solved by squaring both sides of the equation. The device with bottons(按键)on it is called a keyboard. III、动名词 1、普通动名词:可作主、宾、表、介宾。 (1)与不定式的主要区别 不定式:具体的某一动作或将来的动作。 动名词:不涉及时间含义的一般性动作;作主语时

一般不使用“it”句型。 (2)在某些动词后只能用动名词作宾语 常见的动词有:consider, avoid, involve, facilitate, finish, suggest, require, practice; mind, enjoy, deny, postpone, escape, delay, put off, can’t help 等等。 Let us consider designing a voting machine. The final step involves obtaining the inverse(反的)Laplace transform(拉氏变换).

In this case, it is possible to avoid using shift registers(移位

寄存器). (3)科技文中动名词大量地用作为介词宾语 The watt(瓦特) is the unit for measuring the power expended(消耗)in the circuit. Potential energy is capable of being readily(容易地)

changed into kinetic energy. (4)注意以下形式的汉译法 ① “by + 动名词”:译成“通过……” When a cell(细胞)has reached its limit of growth, it reproduces(繁殖)by dividing in two. ② “on [upon] + 动名词”:译成“一当……就”,“在……以后”(有时“在……时”) Upon substituting these values in Eq. (1 – 5), we have the

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following result. ③ “in + 动名词”:译成“在……时候[期间]”,“在……过程中”,“在……方面” In using this equation, we must pay attention to the sign(符

号). (5)动名词可作“call”要求的补足语 We call this method completing the square(凑平方法). Finding the possible values of these symbols is called solving the equation(解方程). (6)几个句型 ① There is no use [in] doing sth. It is [of] no use doing sth. 把这一点接地是没有用的。 There is no use [in] grounding this point. ② 人 + spend + 宾语 + on sth. [或:(in)doing sth.]

They spent a lot of time on this problem. (in) solving this problem. ③ 人 + is [are] + busy + with sth. [或:(in) doing sth.] He is busy with his work. (in) doing his work. ④ 人 + has [have] + difficulty [trouble] + with sth. [或:(in)

doing sth.] We have some difficulty with the experiment. (in) doing the experiment.

(7)反射式动名词(其定义与反射式不定式类同) This book is worth reading. That problem deserves studying further. This computer needs repairing. This work piece(工件)is too complex to finish machining(加工)in such a short time. An old house badly maintained would not be worth spending money on. 2、动名词复合结构 (1)构成






+ 动名词(短语)

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(逻辑主语) 注:当逻辑主语由“名词通格”表示时,要从全句的含义

来把它与现在分词短语作定语区分开来。 (2)功能:主、宾、表、介宾 ① 作主语 Like poles(同性磁极)repelling each other is a very useful physical phenomenon. ② 作宾语 The existence of quanta(量子)prevents our being able to describe the motion of atomic particles in the conventional way. ③ 作表语(极少见到) The first step in a nuclear reaction(反应)between two colliding nuclear particles is their joining together to form a compound nucleus(合成的原子核). ④ 作介词宾语( 常见) The wonder(奇妙)of the computer lies in its being very quick and accurate in doing complicated calculations. We know of the earth’s acting as a big magnet. This effect is due to V being zero when no signal is present. A current flows through the resistor as a result of there being a potential difference(电位差)across it. ***Operation beyond this hyperbola(双曲线)will result in diode power dissipation in excess of(超过)its maximum rating(额定值)of 1 W. (在“dissipation”后省去了“being”) 第五章 各类从句 I、状语从句 1、两个句型的译法 (1)“… not … until ~”→ “直到~后才……” The machine will not work until it receives a signal. (2)“… before ~”→ “直到 ……后才~” The body will move on for some distance before it stops. Something must be done to the amplified(放大了的)signals before they are sent to the transmitting antenna(发射天线). The values of most things must be converted(转变)from decimal(十进制)to binary(二进制)before computations can begin.

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***Bohr kept the manuscript(手稿)locked(锁)in his desk for almost two years before deciding to send it in for(交付)

publication. 2、“once”的不同词类和译法 This signal is used to trigger(触发)the gate(门电路)once. Communicating via(通过)satellite is no longer the novelty(新奇事)it once was. Once started, the machine will be able to work automatically. 小结: (1)作副词:“一次”、“曾经”。 (2)作从属连接词:“一旦”。 3、“while”当从属连接词时的不同词义 While it is recording each purchase(买卖), the computer is also checking(检查)the store’s(商店的)inventory(库存量)

for reordering(再订购)purposes. Even if no current is flowing, the voltage is there while the generator(发电机)is operating. The book has potential energy(势能)while it is on the desk top(桌面). While there has been an enormous(巨大的)amount of literature(文献)about ATM(异步传输模式)over the past two years, many networking(建网)books have not focused(侧重

讲) on ATM itself. Transistor Q1 is on while transistor Q2 is off. While energy is the capacity to do work, power is the quantity of work in unit time. 小结: (1)表示“当……时候”、“在……期间”。[从句多为进行时

态] (2)表示“虽然”。[从句一般处在主句前;有时在主句的主

谓之间] (3)表示“而”。[从句与主句的句型一般是相同的。从句一

般处在主句后;但为了强调,从句也可处在主句前] 4、“as”作从属连接词的不同词义 As the current flows, energy from the battery goes to the resistance.

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As the usage(使用)of the Internet increases, its scarcity(缺

少)of built-in(内在的)security(安全措施)becomes more and more of a problem. The force of gravitational attraction(万有引力)between two bodies decreases as the distance between them increases. As air has weight, it exerts(施加)force on any object immersed(浸沉)in it. Electrons move round the nucleus just as the planets move round the sun. This machine works as well as that one (does). Small as they are, atoms are made up of still smaller units. 小结: (1)表示时间: ① “当……时候”。[主从句两动作一般同时进行] ② “随着”。[在从句中有表示变化的动词,主要有 change, vary, increase, decrease, rise, fall 等] (2)表示原因:“因为;由于”。[一般只能从整句的含义来

判别] (3)表示方式:“如同”、“像……一样”。[往往在“as”前

有程度副词 just, exactly, much, somewhat] (4)表示比较:“如……”[“as … as”同等比较句型中的第

二个“as”] (5)表示让步:“虽然”[从句的一部分(在科技文中主要是

从句的表语)一定要倒置在“as”之前] 5、“provided (that)”= “if” The current through a conductor is directly proportional to(正比于)the potential difference(电位差)across it provided there is no change in the physical conditions of the conductor. The amount of deformation(形变)is directly proportional to the applied stress(应力)provided the force does not exceed(超

过)a certain limit(限度). 6、在科技文中有时“such that”= “so that”[“因此”]的用

途 With the cell(电池)of EMF E2 in place of(代替)the first cell,a new balance point is found such that AC = L2. Now we suppose that L1 and L2 approach infinity(无穷大)

such that the turns ratio(匝数比)remains constant.

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7、the ⎭⎬⎫

momenttins tan

= as soon as “一当;在……时”



time = whenever “每当;每……一次”

It is not always necessary to replace a set of belts(皮带)the instant one breaks(断)or becomes too badly worn(磨损)for use. Without a good deal of friction(摩擦), a screw jack(千斤

顶)under load(负荷)would simply(就)unwind(松开)the moment the applied force was released(释放). Every time you turn on your phone, you are asked to enter your PIN(个人密码—Personal Identity Number). II、同位语从句 1、一般情况 (1)公式







/ + 某些抽象名词 + that 从句[“that”在

从句中无词义、无成分] (2)译法

① “~ ⎩⎨⎧的

这一 ……”

The assumption that β = constant is often made to simplify analysis. R = r is the condition that power delivered(提供)by a given source is a maximum. Here we have used the definition(定义)that acceleration(加

速度)is the rate(速率)of change of velocity.

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② ⎩⎨⎧以下的

这一 ……:~

This accounts for(解释)the observation(观察到的情况)

that the resistivity of a metal increases with temperature. The latter(后一)form has the advantage that it can be extended(扩展)to complex quantities. ③ “动宾译法”:这时该“抽象名词”来自于可带有宾语

从句的及物动词。 During the past several years, there has been an increasing [a growing] recognition [realization; awareness] within business(商务)and academic(学术的)circles(界)that certain nations have evolved(发展)into information societies. The main theoretical development in this decade(十年)has been in the recognition that material properties should be included in analytical models. This is equivalent to a statement that everything is attracted by the earth. A consequence(结果)of the discovery of electricity was the observation that metals are good conductors while non-metals are poor conductors. (3)几个句型: ① “there is evidence that …”→ “有证据表明……” There is evidence that Ohm’s law applies only to metallic conductors. ② “there is no doubt that …”→ “毫无疑问……” There is no doubt that mercury(水银)is a metal. ③ “there is every possibility that …”→“完全有可能……” There is every possibility that satisfactory results will be obtained. 2、由名词从句转变成的同位语从句(实际上在从句前省去了

“of; about; on; as to”) The question now arises whether this series(级数)converges(收敛). The reader may have no idea what this symbol stands for. The users have no guarantee(保证)how long this kind of device will be operating.

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III、名词从句 1、一般情况 (1)引导词 ① 连接词:在从句中无成分

that → (无词义) whether → “是否”

if →“是否”(只能引导宾语从句时用) ② 连接代词:在从句中要作某一成分。科技文中常用的有: what →“什么”、“……的 [内容;方向;情况;话;……]” which → “哪个 [本;枝;……]、哪些” ③ 连接副词:在从句中一般作状语

when → “何时;……的时间” where → “何地;……的地点” why → “为何;…….的理由” how → “如何;……的方式[原理]”

(2)采用形式主语“it”的几个句型 ① “it is well known that …”→“众所周知,……” It is well known that Ohm’s law applies only to metallic conductors. ② “it is clear [evident; apparent; obvious] that …” →“显

然;很清楚……” It is clear that this equation has two roots(根). ③ “it follows that …”→ “(由此)得出[到]……;因此……” From Ohm’s law it follows that the current is directly proportional to the applied voltage. ④ “it does not matter …”→ “……是没有关系的” It does not matter how the two numbers are added. ⑤ “it makes no difference …”→ “……是没有区别的” It makes no difference where the radiation(辐射)comes from. (3)以介词开头的主语从句和宾语从句(≠ 介词宾语从句 [它是介词后的一个完整句子]) It does not basically make any difference in which direction an NPN transistor is operated(运用). You must determine for what values of x the following series(级数)is convergent(收敛的). ***The potential energy of a body depends upon where we choose the base height(基高)h = 0 to be.

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题) (1)普通情况 ① “what”是一个疑问代词,译成:“什么;哪个[本;…]”或“多大[表示尺寸、大小、数值]” It is necessary to understand what inertia(惯性)is. It is necessary to find(求出)what that angle is. ② “what”是一个复合关系代词(what = the thing[s] that):译成“的[话;情况;内容;东西;原因;方向;……]” What I have said above is not necessarily correct. What this book deals with is very useful. Its actual(实际的)direction is opposite to what has been assumed. Energy is what brings changes to materials. This is close to what has been observed. Gas takes the shape of what is holding(存放)it. What a battery does is to change chemical energy into electrical energy. The turning of the earth on its own axis is what makes the change from day to night. The particular mix(混合)of these frequencies is what determines the pitch(音调)of a person’s voice. The simplified assumptions do not correspond to what actually takes place in operation. To compose(编写)a book of finite length(有限篇幅), the material must be tailored(使适合)to what the reader needs to know and already knows. 注:“what”的上述两种译法到底应采用哪一种,只能通

过试探来确定。如 They don’t know what we need. What we need is a computer. (2)几个特殊句型的译法 ① “what is called + 补足语”→ 译成“人们所说的[所称

的;所谓的] + 补足语” 注:“called”可用“named; termed; described as; known as; recognized as; referred to as; spoken of as 等”来替代,它们也


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In 1895, a German physicist discovered what are known as X rays. Sending a signal from one place to another is what is referred to as transmission(传输). Late in 1947, they discovered what was later to be named the “transistor” effect(效应). In order to explain what are commonly called electrical effects, it is necessary to ascribe(归因)to certain “particles” the property of charge. Fig. 2 shows an NPN transistor in what is known as the common-emitter configuration(共发电路). 我们所说的机器人(robot)只不过是一种特殊的电子设

备(electronic device)。 What we call a robot is no more than [just] a special kind of electronic device. 注:“so-called”为形容词,一般表示贬义,所以在科技

文中不常用。 ② “in what follows”(= in what is to follow = in all that follows = in the following):译成“在下面”。 In what follows, we use t to stand for time. ③ “what + 系动词 + 表语[特别是名词时]”→ 只译“表

语” This concept can be introduced in what is a clear and concise(简明的)manner. After so many years, the bottom of the sea rose up and became what is now the stone forest(石林). What is more important to the programmer is that for the computer to understand an instruction(指令), it must be represented in binary(二进制). ***A scientific law is merely(仅仅)a statement of what we believe to be true(真实的). ④ “what it is [they are]”→ 可译成“现在这个样子”或

“it, they”所代的名词 “what it was [they were] →可译成“原来[过去]那个样

子”或“it, they”所代的名词 After a chemical change, a substance is changed to something different from what it was.

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In this case, the magnetic induction(磁感应强度)is 5500 times what it was. On the surface of the moon, the gravitational force(重力)

on a body is only 1/6 what it is here on the earth. (= … only 1/6 that [the gravitational force] here on the earth.) 注:由于“what”这个引导词的特殊性,它可以引导“补

足语从句”。 It was genius(天才)that made Faraday(法拉第)what he was. [ What has made Red China what she is?] (3)“whatever”引导的名词从句 ① 当在从句中起名词作用时,“whatever”= “anything that” The term “force” may be interpreted(解释)as whatever may be producing the distortion(形变). During these expansions(膨胀)the piston(活塞)exerts a force on whatever it is attached(连接)to, and thereby performs work. ② 当在从句中起形容词作用时,“whatever”= “any + 它修饰的名词 + that” Pressure(压力)is always perpendicular to(垂直于)whatever surface is being acted upon(作用)。 These instruments can indicate the d-c component(成分;分

量)of whatever signal may be under observation. IV、定语从句 1、引导词 它有双重作用: A、在从句中一定有成分; B、一定要代替前面某个名词[或整个主句]。一般代哪个

词,从句就定那个词。 (1)分类 ① 关系代词

that:用于人或物;一般不能引导非限制性定语从句 which:只能用于事、物 who:只能用于人(在从句中作主语) whose:用于人或事、物(在从句中作定语,译成“其”) as:科技文中主要用于事、物(它有固定词义“像……

那样[的]”) *but:= that/which/who … not

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This device can produce a sound “dit-dah-dit”(滴-嗒-滴)

that a radio operator who knows the Morse code(莫尔斯电码)

will interpret(翻译)as the letter R. There is no material but will deform(形变)more or less under the action of forces. With the introduction of the electronic computer, there is not a single complicated problem but can be solved in a few hours. ② 关系副词


方程式,译成“这里、式中、其中”[ = in which];还可修饰地点、程度、情况(place, point, degree, extent, case, situation)等

when:修饰时间(time, moment, instant, point, occasion, cycle, day, …)

why:修饰“reason”一词 whereby:= by which wherein:= in which as : = in which ( 主 要 出 现 在 “ in the same

way/manner/direction as …”中 ) whence:= from which (从句中的谓语一般总是省去的)

Ohm’s law can be written as V = IR

where V represents voltage, I — current and R — resistance. Electromagnetic induction(感应)is the means(方法)

whereby nearly all the world’s electric power is produced. The phenomenon is analogous to striking(敲)a bell(铃)

a sharp mechanical blow(猛击)with a hammer(锤子), whence the origin of the term “ringing(振铃).” (2)在修饰事物时,只能用“that”而不能用“which”的场

合: ① 先行词为不定代词时(“something”除外) All that the user has to do in order to access the records is start a web browser(网浏览器)and visit the web site(网址). Anything that is hot radiates heat. ② 先行词被序数词修饰时 The first component(元件)that will be chosen in design is the transistor. ③ 先行词被形容词 高级修饰时

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Computers are the most efficient assistants that man has ever had. This is the largest aircraft that has ever been manufactured in China. ④ 先行词被“only, no, very, any”修饰时 The only thing that must be done is to measure the voltage across the capacitor(电容器). (3)在“介词+which”开头的定语从句中,“介词”的选择

法 ① “介词”是从句中某个动词、形容词或名词所要求的 The material of which this conductor is made is copper. The concept of the “computer center” as a room with a large computer to which users bring their work for processing is now totally obsolete(过时了). β is the amount of amplification(放大)of which a transistor is capable. How to live longer is a question to which man has tried to find a good answer for hundreds of years. ② “介词”是主句中的被定词所要求的 One of the great advantages of AC is the ease with which its voltage can be changed. The accuracy of measurement depends on the instrument used and the care with which the reading is made. The frequency depends on the purpose for which the device is designed.






at which …





by which …

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with which …

③ “介词”根据全句所要表达的意思来确定 The substance in which there are many free electrons is a good conductor. 2、引导词可省去的场合(只能在限制性定语从句中) (凡在一个句中有两个谓语而找不到任何并列连词和从句


名词中间分开来就可找出定语从句来。) (1)关系代词在从句中作及物动词的宾语时 All clocks do is cause interrupts at well-defined intervals. In this case the power in the load will be the maximum the source is capable of supplying. (2)关系代词在从句中作介词宾语而把介词置于从句末尾时

(在科技文中不常见) Copper is one of the metals we are most familiar with. (3)在下述名词后可省去关系副词或“介词 + which”,也

可用关系副词“that”来替代 the time [moment, instant, cycle, point, day, …] the reason the way [manner] the direction the distance the amount the number of times [units, places“位”, days, …]

The current starts flowing at the moment the circuit is closed. The diagram(图)shows the way the current changes with time.

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The product(乘积)of the force and the distance a body moves is called work. The amount a solid material will expand when heated is measured by its coefficient(系数)of linear expansion(线膨胀). The voltage gain(增益)is the number of times a stage(级), or a number of stages, amplifies the signal. It is necessary to count the number of places(位)the decimal point(十进制小数点)has been shifted(移动). ***试区分下面两句中“that 从句”的种类: They went there for the simple reason that they wanted to learn something new. The reason that they went there was that they wanted to learn something new. (4)关系代词在定语从句中作“there be”句型的主语时 The thermometer(温度计)does not tell us about the amount of heat there is in the liquids. These are the books there are on the subject. Maxwell’s four equations summarize(概括)everythng there is to know on electromagnetism(电磁学). (5)关系代词在从句作表语时 Communicating via(通过)satellite is no longer the novelty(新奇事)it once was. The total energy of the spring(弹簧)at all times equals the value it was originally. It is unfortunate(不幸的)that early cancer(癌症)is painless(不疼的); otherwise, cancer would not be the problem it is. In the case of the theory of relativity(相对论), space and time are not the independent entities(独立的东西)they were always believed to be. 3、以“of which”开头的定语从句 (1)“of which”在从句中作状语:“of”是从句中动词或形

容词所要求的。 consist of capable of be composed of descriptive of be made of representative of be made up of characteristic of be constructed of symptomatic of be built of aware of

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The two elements of which water is made are oxygen and hydrogen. The force of which we are aware in our daily life is the force of gravitational attraction(重力) exerted on every physical body by the earth. This is the maximum amount of amplification(放大)of which the transistor is capable. (2)“of which”在从句中作定语 这时“of which”在从句中修饰宾语和表语;也可修饰主


后)。 The vector(矢量)sum is the diagonal(对角线)of a parallelogram(平行四边形)of which the given vectors form two sides. When a single bond(键)cannot rotate rapidly, two identical(相同的) functional groups (功能团) are chemically non-equivalent, of which Fig. 2 – 11 is an example. The line of action(作用线)is a line of infinite(无限的)

length, of which the force vector is a segment(段). I am particularly grateful(感激的)to the editors(编辑)

of the series(丛书)of which this book is a part. The equivalent resistance(等效电阻)of a set(组)of interconnected resistors is the value of the single resistor that can be substituted(替代)for the entire set without affecting the current that flows in the rest of any circuit of which it is a part. We can find a few conditions of which only two [= only two of which] are necessary. All matter consists of one or more basic materials called elements, of which there are over 100. The nucleus(原子核)is itself made up of elementary particles(基本粒子)of which there are two principal(主要的)

sorts(种): protons(质子)and neutrons(中子). There are over 100 elements known, of which 92 [= 92 of which] have been found in nature. 4、“介词+which”在从句中作普通定语时一般要放在被定词

之后 An alternating(交变的)current is a current the direction of which changes regularly.

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The open end of the tube is connected to the apparatus(设

备)the pressure within which is to be measured. This equation is of the form dx (t) / dt + ax (t) = b the solution to which is x (t) = b/a + Ae-at. What we understand by a field(域)is a region at every point of which there is a corresponding value of some physical function. 其上面每一点的 Y 坐标(coordinate)均为零的曲线就是

x 轴(axis)。 The curve the Y-coordinate of every point on which is zero is just the x-axis. 5、以“短语介词+which”(在从句中只能作状语)开头的定

语从句 by means of which … in terms of which … as a result of which … with respect to which … according to which … in accordance with which … on the basis of which … because of which … by virtue of which …

There are no simpler quantities in terms of which length and time may be expressed. Any mechanical device by means of which heat is converted into work is called a heat engine(热机). We keep all the variables(变量)of the function(函数)

constant except one with respect to which we are differentiating(微分). Chemistry deals with changes in matter as a result of which it is possible to form a new substance. 6、由“which”引导的、修饰前面整个主句(或其一部分)


在过去时或将来时时,可译成“that”。 (1)修饰整个主句的情况

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① ~[主句],which





Simplification(简化)results if one axis coincides(重合)

with one of the forces, which is always possible. The image(像)distance is positive, which means the image is a real one(实像). ***The output voltage is the integral(积分)of the input signal, in conformity with(与……一致) harmonic-circuit analysis(谐

波电路分析法). ② ~[主句],in which case …

at which time [level] for which reason

A standard may be an actual object, in which case its main charateristic must be durability(强度;耐久性). Points A and B are an infinitesimal(无限小的)distance apart, in which case the cord(弦)and arc(弧)are equal. This circuit was analyzed previously (see Fig. 5 – 21), at which time we obtained the following expression(表达式). ③ ~[主句],after which …

from which because of which as a result of which

A beam of white light is separated(分解)into beams of various colors, from which we conclude(下结论)that white light is actually a mixture of light of these different colors. (2)修饰主句的某一部分(不常见) Metals can conduct electricity, which non-metals cannot. You might think it’s because Excel has so many great features, which it does. If a is small, which it is in this case, then tan a = a. Doing so, which requires a much greater analysis effort, yields the following expression(表达式).

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语,但它仍具有“比”的含义) The book doesn’t go into more detail than a student wants. A system which provides more energy at the output than is given at the input is said to be active. Chains(链条)give a more compact(结实的)drive(传

动)than is possible with belts(皮带). Many more problems are presented than need be given as homework assignments. This text concentrates on an understanding of computers at a lower level than is found in a text that introduces programming in a higher-level language. 8、由时间状语从句(when, while, as, since, before, after)修

饰其前面名词的情况 Let us consider the case when the torque(力矩)is zero. We must first determine the limit(极限)as C approaches(趋

于)infinity(无穷). 9、由“as”引导的定语从句:“正如……那样[的]” (1)引导非限制性定语从句:位置灵活(句首、句中、句尾) As the title(标题) indicates, this chapter deals with non-linear equations(非线性方程). As was discussed in the previous(前面的)chapter, the direction in which the body is moving is also important. Temperature changes also influence the forward characteristic(正向特性曲线), as can be seen in Fig. 4 – 3. This waveform(波形)has a dc component(成分), as can be shown by computing the average value. ***“顾名思义”:

“as the [their, its] name




AC, as its name shows, is the current whose direction changes periodically(周期性地). (2)引导限制性定语从句(往往与“such, the same”连用) We can now solve such differential(微分)equations as occur in physics.

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It is possible to find a single force which will produce the same effect as is produced by the simultaneous action(同时作

用)of the given forces. Here we can use a push-pull(推挽)amplifier(放大器)as was described earlier in this section(节). (3)一种特殊的定语从句 “as”在从句中作动词“call, know, refer to 等”所要求

的补足语,该从句往往与“or [即;也就是]”连用,可放在


所谓的”。 The model shows concentric(同心的)orbits or, as they are now frequently called, rings(电子环)or shells(电子层). These flaws(缺陷), or “bugs”(虫子)as they are often called, must be found out and corrected. The laser(激光器),as we call it, is described in detail in the next chapter. Scientists are worried by the “population explosion,” as they call it. (4)一种特殊结构:译成“像…..那样[的]” ① 形式

as + ⎪⎩





② 功能:状语、定语、表语、补足语 As pointed out in the last chapter, the emf(电动势)of a battery is generated by the chemical reaction(反应)within it. As with many other physical quantities, the mass of a body can be measured in several different ways. Let us first consider the simplest circuit as shown on page 2. A block diagram(方框图)of a radio receiver is as shown in Fig. 1 – 1. In this case the circuit may be redrawn(重新画)as shown in Fig. 2 – 3

第六章 虚拟语气 I、三种语气简介 1、陈述语气 2、祈使语气:注意三种否定形式。

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Don’t be fooled(受愚弄);some very simple circuits can be quite useful. In this case, let us not apply KCL(基氏电流定律)at this node(节点). Don’t you dare to do that! 3、虚拟语气 (1)与事实相反的情况;不可能或难以实现的情况。 (2)表示主观愿望、要求、建议等。 (3)表示客气和语气委婉。 II、科技英语中虚拟语气的主要形式 1、条件式 先做几个动词填空题: _________ (be) there no resistance of the air, all bodies at the same height would fall at the same speed. The instrument _________ (not damage) had the voltage not been so high. _________ anything abnormal(异常的)_________ (happen), switch off the power supply at once. 从句 主句 涉及现在、将来: 过去时 (be → were) 过去将来时




+ 动词原形

涉及过去 过去完成时 过去将来完成时




+ have + 过去分词

涉及将来 (should +)动词原型 过去将来时 were + 不定式 一般将来时 He probably could have added the same three numbers with paper and pencil in much less time than it took him to write the program.

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If the sign of inequality(不等式)be reversed, u has neither a maximum nor a minimum. If the positive charge did move in a wire, it would move from the positive to the negative. ***注意:当“if”省去后,从句要发生部分倒装(与一般

疑问句类同)。 Should the bomber(轰炸机)encounter(遇到)such an air-defence system, the result would be fatal(致命的). The morning’s newspapers predicted(预计)a dire(可怕的)

disaster(灾难)that day should a widespread computer virus(病

毒)detonate(起爆)its logic bomb. 2、在主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句中 虚拟形式: (should +) 动词原形 这种虚拟语气与主句中的某些及物动词、形容词、名词有

关。 常见的及物动词:require, suggest, desire, propose, recommend,

necessitate, request, demand, order, … 常见的形容词:necessary, essential, imperative, important,

possible, impossible, desirable, natural, reasonable, preferable, better, …

常见的名词:requirement, suggestion, necessity, importance, recommendation, request, philosophy, condition, constraint, restriction, restraint, …

填动词练习: It is of paramount(至高无上的)importance that correct measurements _______(carry) out at every step. It is evidently desirable that resistance of the instrument _________(be) much smaller than that of the remainder(其余部

分)of the circuit. Their suggestion is that the water level _________(raise). A necessary condition that this ________(be) the case is that Euler’s Equation(尤拉方程)_______(satisfy). Long, long ago, a scientist suggested that the earth _________(be) round(圆的). suggest: “建议”→要用虚拟语气 “认为;表明”→要用陈述语气 insist: “坚决要求”→要用虚拟语气 “坚持认为[主张]”:→要用陈述语气

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3、在某些状语从句中 (1)“as if [as though]” 对现在的情况:用过去时 对过去的情况:用过去完成时 We have for simplicity been speaking of the current in a conductor as if all of the free electrons moved with the same constant velocity. At that time it looked as if the instrument had been damaged. (2)“whether … or …”句中省去“whether”时一定采用 “be it [they] … or …” 形式 Everything around us, be it air, water or wood, is matter. (3)在“lest(以免);in case(以免);for fear that(恐怕)”

引导的句中: 虚拟形式: (should +)动词原形 Batteries should be kept in dry place lest electricity leak away(漏掉). (4)有些人在“in order that”引导的从句中使用虚拟语气 虚拟形式: (should [shall] +)动词原形 In order that this expression(表达式)be a definite form(定

界形式),the following condition is necessary and sufficient. (5)有些人在由“no matter ~”引导的从句中使用虚拟语

虚拟形式: (should +)动词原形 This equation holds, no matter what [= whatever] the independent variable(自变量)be. 4、表示客气或语气委婉





+ 动词原形

It would not be difficult to prevent road accidents(车祸)

with the help of electronic apparatus(设备). One might think that friction is always undesirable(不希望

有的). ***几个一般的考试中常考的句型: ① “It’s time + 定语从句(用过去时)”→“该……了”

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It’s time we began our class. ② “wish [if only] + 句子”→“但愿;要是……就好了”

涉及现在:从句用过去式 涉及过去:从句用过去完成式

I wish I had studied law at university. ③ “would [had] rather + 句子”→ “倒希望”

涉及现在或将来:句子用过去时 涉及过去:句子用过去完成时

They would rather we had not gone there yesterday. 第七章 句子成分的强调手段 I、强调句型 先做下面一个改错题: It is in 1984 which China launched her first comsat(通讯卫

星). 1、句型:

It ⎩⎨⎧









+ that [which; who] + …

注:① “be”的形式还可以是“has been; will be; may be; must be; must have been”等。 ② “状语”可以是“副词;介词短语;状语从句;不定

式(目的)”。 ③ “that”一般可用于强调任何东西;“which”只能用


强调介宾时,可用“介词+which [whom]”或用“that [which; who] ……+介词(在句尾)”。 2、译法 (1)一般译成“正是;是;就是;只是”。 (2)当强调疑问词、连接代词、连接副词时,要译成“到底;

究竟”。 3、例句 It is when an object is heated that the average speed of molecules(分子)is increased.

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It was Faraday who first discovered electromagnetic induction(电磁感应). When an electron and a proton(质子)attract each other, it will be the tiny(微小的)electron that will do most of the actual(实际的)moving. It is the nurse(护士)with whom the patients(病人)spend most of the time in a ward room(病房). It is not clear yet why it is that this is so. Fig. 1 – 3 shows how it is that a coil of wire(导线圈)

induces(感应)a current in another coil when the current in it is turned on or off. ***Computer software has become a driving force. It is the engine(发动机)that drives(推动) business decision making(商务决策). ***PM = 1.5 P when m =1. This is important because it is the maximum power that relevant(有关的)amplifiers(放大器)

must be capable of handling(处理)without distortion(失真). II、利用某些词汇来强调某些成分 1、“助动词‘do (does, did)’+ 动词原形”→ 译成“的确;

确实;一定;真的;务必” β does vary with temperature. Mathematical analysis shows that these methods do work, but it is not clear yet under what conditions it is that they may be used. (There does exist a generation gap(代沟)between parents and children.) 2、“形容词 ‘very’ + 名词”→ 译成“就;正; ;一” The current starts to flow at the very moment the circuit is closed. The alternating current is the very current that makes radio and television possible. Although charging(充电)occurs at an exponential rate(指

数速率) , the very beginning of the exponential curve approximates a straight line. 3、用副词“only, merely, simply, never, right, even, alone”等

等 III、采用倒装句型

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So small are atoms that we cannot see them with our naked eyes(肉眼). This property(性质)we call inertia(惯性). Electricity makes possible a great many things. 第八章 句子成分的倒装 I、定义 正常语序: 主动句:主语→谓语→宾语→宾补







倒装语序:凡是与上述语序不同的语序,就称为倒装。 II、分类 1、全倒装







+ 系动词 + 主语

Of wider application is the fact that matter usually expands when its temperature is increased and contracts(收缩)when its temperature is decreased. Of particular value has been the constructive criticism(建设

性的批评意见)of many teachers. More important is the fact that the reverse(反向的)current increases exponentially(指数地)with temperature. Here is an experiment.






+ 不及物动词 + 主语

From this condition follows Euler’s equation(尤拉方程). The center of mass is the point through which passes the resultant(合力)of the reaction forces(反作用力)when a body is accelerated(加速). In this case there results a potential difference(电位差)

between the two points.

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There remain many important features about all lasers(激光

器)that have yet to be addressed(处理;讲解).


过去分词 + is (are, …) + 主语

注:汉译时可用“what 从句”来等效。 Moving round the nucleus are negatively charged particles(微粒)called electrons. (= What are moving round the nucleus …) Surrounding the earth is a layer of air of unknown thickness(厚度). (= What surrounds the earth …) Shown in Fig. 1 –1 is the block diagram(方框图)of a radio transmitter(发射机). (= What is shown in Fig. 1 – 1 …) Superimposed(叠加)upon these considerations(考虑因素)

is the need to conserve(保存)energy and material resources. (= What is superimposed on these considerations …) However, remaining open(未解决的)is the question of whether WSI (= wafer scale integration“晶片规模集成”) will enjoy a time in the sun. 2、部分倒装 先做动词填空题: By no means ______ positive charges _______ (move) in a wire. By linear operation(线性工作)________(mean) the ability of an amplifier to amplify a signal with little or no distortion(失

真). There ________(show) a block diagram of a digital computer in Fig. 1 – 1.









开头的句子要部分到装(其方法与构成一般疑问句类同) Only when the force is known as a function(函数)of time can this integral(积分)be evaluated(求值).

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By no means do positive charges move in a wire. 常见的一些否定副词有:never(永不), hardly(几乎不), scarcely(几乎不), rarely(难得,几乎不), not only(不仅), not until(直到……后才), little(一点也不), seldom(难得,

几乎不), not always(不总是),neither, nor 等等。 常见的一些否定含意的短语有(一般都可译成“决不,绝

不”):by no means, in no way, at no time, in no case, on [under] no condition, under no circumstances, on no account 等。



+ ⎩⎨⎧



be + 主语

By a family of curves(曲线族)is meant a specified(特定

的)set(组)of curves which satisfy given conditions. In Fig. 2 – 1 are shown an ammeter(安培表)and a voltmeter(伏特表). Into the ends of the hose(软管)are thrust(插)glass tubes 10 to 12 inches(英寸)long. Consider first the RC filter(滤波器)of Fig. 2 – 7 to which is applied the square wave(方波) of period(周期)T. Fig. 2 – 5 shows a block(木块)on which are exerted(施

加) two forces F1 and F2. There is shown the block diagram of a digital computer in Fig. 1 – 4. To each point of S let there be assigned(赋予)a definite(确

定的)number, n. There is present a magnetic field which varies with time. The purpose of this article is to present a critical(评论性的)

survey(综述)of the field of language data processing, by which is meant the processing of natural language data by computer. ***中国在任何情况下均不会首先使用核武器(nuclear weapons)。 Under no circumstances will China be the first to use nuclear weapons. (3)把要强调的部分或较短的部分提前 ① 把要强调的部分放在主语前 A、“宾语→主语→谓语→~” This process we call automation. This point we shall discuss in detail later.

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B、“状语[表语等]→主语→动词→~” With pressure(压力)the gaps(间隙)decreases. Of one thing we can be sure: If the charges(电荷)are at rest, there is no electric field(电场)within the metal ball. Certain it is that all essential(关键的)processes of plant(植

物)growth and development(发育)occur in water. ***Said Dr. Samuel Rankin, head of the mathematical sciences department at Worchester Polytechnic Institute(工业学院)in Worchester, Mass.: “The further you go out into the scientific and technological frontiers(新领域), especially in the kinds of things we are seeing today, you are going to find mathematics.” ② 把较短的部分提前 A、“主语→谓语→宾语补足语→宾语→~” Electromagnetic waves make possible radio broadcast(广

播)and television. Friction(摩擦)makes necessary a good lubrication(润滑)

system. We call insulators(绝缘体)these substances which prevent the passage of electricity. The advent(出现)of large scale integration(大规模集成)

has now made commonplace (普通的) computers with instruction set(指令组)capable of directly accessing(存取;

访问)and flexibly(灵活地)manipulating(处理)a number of different data types and sizes. That still leaves(留有)to be explored(探索)an area ten times as great as the continents(五大洲)of the earth. B、“主语→谓语→状语→宾语~” Only when we exert(施加)on an object(物体)an upward(向上的)force sufficient in magnitude(数值,大小)can we lift(提起)it. The oscillator(振荡器)maintains between its terminals a sinusoidal alternating potential difference(正弦交变电位差). 第九章 句子成分的省略 I、并列句中的省略:第二个分句中与第一个分句相同的东西


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时用分号):① 在连词后似乎是“乱七八糟”的;② 对照前

面的分句,找出省略的东西。 The emitter junction (发射结)of a transistor requires forward bias(正向偏置)and the collector junction(集电结)

reverse bias(反向偏置). Matter consists of molecules and molecules of atoms. Capital letters(大写字母)are used to denote(表示)matrices(矩阵)and lower-case letters(小写字母)to denote vectors(矢量). The x-components(分量)which are directed toward(指向)

the right of the origin(原点)are considered as positive, and those toward the left, negative. A great many kinds of transistor exist, and many versions(型

号)of each kind. The load resistance(负载电阻)may be small and the applied voltage of the order of several volts. The first condition for equilibrium(平衡)ensures(确保)

that a body should be in translational(平动的)equilibrium; the second, that it be in rotational(转动的)equilibrium.

In the table(表), a notation(标记)of infinite(无限大

的)impedance(阻抗)indicates that the terminating(终端的)

impedance should be a minimum( 小值)of 10 to 100 times the nominal(标称的)impedance at the specific port(特定端口), and zero that it should be well less than a tenth the nominal impedance at the port and less than a hundredth if possible. II、两个介词(或一个介词和一个动词等)共用宾语的情况 It is necessary to find out the current through, and the voltage across, the resistor. In the primary(初级)the induced(感应的)voltage is practically(几乎)equal to, and opposes, the applied voltage. This voltage is always greater than or equal to 0.4 V. The student should enjoy, rather than be intimated(恐吓)

by the quantum(量子)nature of the laser. The acceleration(加速度)is directly proportional to, and in the same direction as, the applied force(外力).

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It is the existence of and the ability to control recisely(精确

地)these two independent charge-transport mechanisms(传送

电荷的机制) that make possible all junction (结型)

semiconductor devices. Behavior of and Requirements for Internet Firewalls(防火

墙) Chapter 4 Measurements of, with, and in the Presence of Noise The consultation(磋商)activities of and the pertinent(中

肯的)suggestions and corrections made by the late(已故的)

Emery L. Simpson, are gratefully acknowledged(深表感谢)as being of utmost(极大的)aid in the preparation(撰写)of the first two editions(版本). ***这位教授(professor)在研究(research)和应用(application)沃氏函数(the Walsh Functions)方面起了积极的作用。 This professor has played an active role in the research on and the application of the Walsh Functions. III、省略式状语从句 1、一般形式








(省去了“it is [was]”或“they

are [were]”) Metals expand when heated. A constant number, however [= no matter how] large, is never spoken of as infinite(无穷大). 2、固定表示法 if any if so if not





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Each new deleopment is naturally(自然)at first very imperfect(不完善的)and few, if any, people recognize its possibilities. 3、在由“no matter ~ [ = ~ever]”引导的从句中可省去“is; are; may be” The same physical principles are involved(涉及)whatever the shape of a conductor. The ammeter(安培表)(whatever its resistance) reads the current through it. IV、一个特殊句型:由“hence [thus]”引出的句中一般均省

去谓语动词“comes [results]” The stream(流)of electrons is emitted from the cathode(阴

极)of the electron gun(电子枪), hence the name “cathode ray.” The transistor in the figure(图)has its semiconductor materials arranged p-n-p; hence the name pnp transistor. Proteins(蛋白质)are essential(必不可少的)to the growth and the rebuilding(恢复)of body tissues(人体组织)— hence their importance. The meter bridge(米桥)is usually 1 m long — hence the name. V、从上下文容易理解的省略现象 Although the proof of Fourier’s theorem(傅氏定理)is beyond(超出)the scope(范围)of this book, the application is not.

第十章 句子成分的分隔

I、主语与其修饰语的分隔 句型:

主 语 → 谓 语






→ 主 语 的 修 饰 语

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A feeling(感觉)has developed in society that technology must be controlled. No chance exists for such a device to be realizable(可实现

的). The evidence(证据)is conclusive(确凿的)that electric charge is not something that can be divided(分割)indefinitely(无限地). A study will be made of the percentages(百分比)of usable and defective(有缺陷的)parts produced by a particular machine. II、两个后置定语同时修饰某一名词的情况 1 、被修饰的名词 定语① 定语② (1) 短语 短语(特别注意“of 短语”) (2) 短语 从句 (3) 从句 从句 (4) 从句 短语 This illustrates the coupling(耦合)between input and output terminals inherent(固有的)in transistors. Instability(不稳定性)is the tendency in certain systems of a quantity(量)associated with(与…有关)energy, such as current, to increase indefinitely(无限地)in the absence(不存在)of excitation(外部激励). What lies behind this meeting is an increasing awareness(认

识)around the world of the urgency(迫切性)of reducing global warming. These basic virtues(优点)of personal computing have resulted in the growth of what was a cottage industry(家庭工

业)in the early 1980s to the multi-billion-dollar(上百亿美元)

PC hardware and software industries today. The control-system engineer finds many functions of interest which are not periodic(周期性的).

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This is what is meant by the statement sometimes made that “the pressure in a fluid(流体)acts in all directions.” There are a great many problems which arise in the various fields of technology which require for their solution methods beyond those available for algebra(代数)and trigonometry(三

角). Now we shall study the effects that forces have on motion. The opposition that a conductor offers tending to impede(阻

止)the transmission(输送)of electricity is called electrical resistance. 2、两个句型 (1)“名词 + 介词短语 + of 数量” 定语① 定语② The solid-state(固态)radar has a mean(平均的)time between failures(故障)of 1,400 hr. This analysis yields(产生)a thermal resistance(热阻)from the ferrite(铁氧体)to the coolant channel wall(冷却剂通道

壁)of approximately 36oC/W. (2)“名词 + 介词短语 + of-短语” 定语② 定语① 这一结构主要来自于搭配关系“名词 + of-短语 + 介词短语” 定语① 定语② (主要因为②比①短的缘故) Collector modulation(集电极调制)has the advantages over base(基极)modulation of better linearity(线性), higher collector efficiency and higher power output. What the forward bias(正向偏置)achieves essentially is the injection(注入)into the depletion layer(耗尽层)of electrons from the conduction band(导带)of the N-type material. (the injection of A into B) Evaporation(蒸发)from the soil(土壤)and transpiration(蒸腾)from vegetation(植物)are responsible for the direct return to the atmosphere of more than half the water that falls on the land(大地). (the return of A to B)

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An added advantage of this method is that it makes it possible for us to see the effect on the overall(整个)waveform of the absence(缺少)of some of the constituents(成分)(for instance, the higher harmonics(高次谐波)). (the effect of A on B) These graphs(曲线图) summarize the variations with frequency of the resistance of a resistor, and of the reactances(电抗)of an inductor(电感器)and of a capacitor(电容器). (the variation of A with B) Pollution(污染)may be caused by the release(丢弃)by man of completely new and often artificial substances into the environment. (the release of A into B by C) III、其它情况 Let us use for the upper limit(上限)on the integral(积分)

the variable(变量)t. For the circuit above, let the current i (t) that is produced by the source be described by the function of time shown in Fig. 1 – 4. The material(物质)exhibited(呈现)unique(独特的)

properties as it melted(熔化)from a solid to a liquid state that could not be explained by the naïve(幼稚的)understanding of matter at the time. There has arisen from the Internet the kind of community(社

区)and culture that can serve as a model for business and other cooperative(合作性)enterprises(企业)well into the next century.

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