capability overview - objective · capability overview ... figure 1 – objective presents...

Meets International Standards ISO 15489, ISO 2788, MoReq, TNA 2 and VERS. Comply with industry standards through transparent approach to records management for business users. Consistent handling of physical and electronic records as they are managed in the same file. Lifecycle management from creation to disposal - records are kept according to statutory and business requirements. Easy to Use with all objects controlled within the same contextual folder hierarchy and user ability to set common keyword terms PRODUCT FEATURES Centralised or Decentralised Record Management Multiple Classification Schemes Long Term File Formats Records Manager view Remote Census Bulk File Management OBJECTIVE RECORDS MANAGEMENT SOLUTION DELIVERS A PLATFORM FOR COMPLIANCE AND ACCOUNTABILITY OF BUSINESS INFORMATION WITH EFFECTIVE LIFECYCLE MANAGEMENT. IT SUPPORTS RECORDS MANAGERS’ CLASSIFICATION, AND SENTENCING AND DISPOSAL MODELS, YET BUSINESS USERS ARE NOT BURDENED WITH THE COMPLEXITIES OF RECORDS MANAGEMENT, GREATLY ASSISTING COMPLIANCE THROUGHOUT THE ORGANISATION. RECORDS MANAGEMENT CAPABILITY OVERVIEW BUSINESS BENEFITS THE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Complying with regulatory obligations is now mandatory across most industries. While it’s commonly accepted that implementing a records management solution will help organisations with compliance, traditional recordkeeping systems and methods are only effective if everyone throughout the organisation fulfils their recordkeeping responsibilities. This is difficult in most organisations because recordkeeping practices and processes are an additional burden for people already struggling with the demands of meeting deadlines and performing their daily business processes. While records management is necessary, the key for organisations to obtain a real business advantage lies in how organisations approach records management. How do you enforce rules and policies on knowledge workers without impeding efficiency or slowing productivity? How do you encourage people to comply with the processes? How do records managers optimise value from their records collections? Rather than burden users with additional processes or a new application on the desktop, the answer is to have the rules embedded in the systems and processes that people use in their daily work – to effectively hide the records management function from the user. OBJECTIVE RECORDS MANAGEMENT An integral component of its Enterprise Content Management (ECM) platform, Objective Records Management underpins the full range of content and processes used in an organisation, by providing the ability to manage both physical and electronic records, of any kind, in a single solution. Objective Records Management delivers comprehensive and standards-compliant controls to records managers, while allowing business users the freedom to work as they always have. Not only does it help meet compliance obligations, it also functions as an intelligent business support system. By providing the means to capture, authenticate and provide long-term access to business critical information, Objective Records Management is the foundation for sharing and collaboration of that information throughout the organisation. CONNECTED. COLLABORATIVE. COMMUNITY.

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Post on 29-Aug-2018




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• MeetsInternationalStandardsISO 15489, ISO 2788, MoReq, TNA 2 and VERS.

• Complywithindustrystandardsthrough transparent approach to records management for business users.

• Consistenthandlingofphysicalandelectronicrecordsas they are managed in the same file.

• Lifecyclemanagementfrom creation to disposal - records are kept according to statutory and business requirements.

• Easy to Use with all objects controlled within the same contextual folder hierarchy and user ability to set common keyword terms


• Centralised or Decentralised Record Management

• Multiple Classification Schemes

• Long Term File Formats

• Records Manager view

• Remote Census

• Bulk File Management




Complying with regulatory obligations is now mandatory across most industries. While it’s commonly accepted that implementing a records management solution will help organisations with compliance, traditional recordkeeping systems and methods are only effective if everyone throughout the organisation fulfils their recordkeeping responsibilities. This is difficult in most organisations because recordkeeping practices and processes are an additional burden for people already struggling with the demands of meeting deadlines and performing their daily business processes.

While records management is necessary, the key for organisations to obtain a real business advantage lies in how organisations approach records management.

• How do you enforce rules and policies on knowledge workers without impeding efficiency or slowing productivity?

• How do you encourage people to comply with the processes?

• How do records managers optimise value from their records collections?

Rather than burden users with additional processes or a new application on the desktop, the answer is to have the rules embedded in the systems and processes that people use in their daily work – to effectively hide the records management function from the user.

OBJECTIVE RECORDS MANAGEMENTAn integral component of its Enterprise Content Management (ECM) platform, Objective Records Management underpins the full range of content and processes used in an organisation, by providing the ability to manage both physical and electronic records, of any kind, in a single solution.

Objective Records Management delivers comprehensive and standards-compliant controls to records managers, while allowing business users the freedom to work as they always have. Not only does it help meet compliance obligations, it also functions as an intelligent business support system.

By providing the means to capture, authenticate and provide long-term access to business critical information, Objective Records Management is the foundation for sharing and collaboration of that information throughout the organisation.




Objective provides the management controls to adopt a decentralised, enterprise-wide approach to records management. People across the organisation, in the course of their daily work, use Objective to capture, access, revise, review, approve and publish documents or participate in workflows, as defined by the business rules.

The requirements for compliant records management are inherent in these rules so users are not burdened with an additional task of managing records, but practice compliant recordkeeping without even knowing it.


For organisations practicing centralised records management, Objective provides the ability for records managers to: register, sentence and dispose of multi-part files; produce and make use of barcode labels; create archiving schedules with system or user-defined triggers; transfer records to storage agencies or move to inactive storage; and use Objective to track and report on moved, requested, borrowed and overdue items from anywhere in the system.

Organisations use Objective Records Management to add an unobtrusive layer of rules, protection, policy and control to all enterprise content, without users even needing to be overtly aware of these rules. Records Management functions span the spectrum of ECM, they are delivered seamlessly to the users.

Objective meets international recordkeeping standards for governments globally with its certifications, including: ISO 15489, ISO 2788, MoReq2, The National Archives UK, TNA 2 and VERS. It is also used to meet a raft of other compliance requirements across many industries including: security processing at international ports, Food and Drug Administration and Therapeutic Goods Administration for biotechnology and pharmaceutical organisations, Quality Assurance within a range of industries and many more.

As a business support tool, Objective Records can be used as the foundation for project governance, to support legal case management and can supply a cohesive, standard structure for geographically distributed organisations. One of the most significant features of Objective is that it provides a single view of all objects (physical, electronic, workflows etc) associated with a single business matter.

Figure 1 – Objective presents information relevant to the type of user.The Records Manager’s view (left) includes published versions and file parts, whereas the Business User’s view (right) simply presents the content in context.


Records Managers are provided with an administration Repository, presenting all the information they need to manage records over their lifecycle, as illustrated in Figure 2.

This includes all requests made for records, all records requiring disposal or sentencing, all records borrowed and a location-centric view of all records in the system. It is a complete records support centre in one place.

Figure 2 - All records functions are presented to the Records Manager from the one screen.


Creating new files is made easy though file templates, file creation wizards and file request workflows. Any existing file can be used as a template to fast track the creation of similar files. Records Managers can rapidly create multiple files from the one dialog. In organisations where the creation of files is tightly controlled, users can request files to be created to assign and track the file creation process.


The ability to convert electronic records to a format that is sustainable over the long term is fundamental when retaining records beyond the life of their authoring application.

PDF is considered the industry standard for long term file formats. Objective can render records to PDF, based on publication and archiving policies.

Furthermore with Objective’s VERS module, records with their metadata can be converted into the VERS long term electronic record format.


In addition to the traditional folder hierarchy for classification, Objective offers a variety of alternative means of capturing classification metadata. Keywords can be used to classify any object be that a folder, a document or even a file. Objective’s keyword browser then enables users to navigate through a keyword hierarchy in the same way they would a folder hierarchy or use the powerful search engine to find an object via a keyword. Objective also integrates with a number of third party thesaurus products, for importing classification schemes and disposal schedules.


Moving files to other sites or locations is a fundamental process for any system managing physical records. Often files need to be transferred in bulk, for example, in the case of: restructured government agencies; returning evidence files from court; or archival to off-site storage. Objective manages a wide range of bulk file movements using Archive Boxes and Physical Containers.

Transfers can be requested by the user, as illustrated in Figure 3, or be based on various events and criteria such as archival procedures, or changes in file location. Tracking file movements is simple with Objective’s extensive reporting capability and is easily identifiable through Objective’s “status at a glance”. Compliance is assured with all transfer actions being recorded in the audit log.


To ensure there is evidentiary proof of compliance with regulations and industry standards, Objective provides a pervasive Audit Trail across all managed objects. This

allows for the discovery of interaction history through navigation, search and reporting. Objective’s audit log is unalterable and can capture changes made to objects and their metadata, workflow processes, thesaurus terms, file closures, disposals, searches and more.


Fundamental to any organisation is the ability to make informed decisions. Reports often form the basis of these decisions. It is crucial that a wide range of reports are available dependent upon the information required.

Objective provides two levels of reporting. At the simplest level, reports can be generated from easy ad-hoc searches or saved searches. Otherwise, for more advanced

Figure 3 - Meet Service Level Agreements through assigning timed alerts to a single step (as shown) or across the entire process.



ObjectiveCorporationis an established leader and specialist provider of proven content, collaboration and process management solutions for regulated entities.

Objective’s solutions are used by more than 250,000 people on a daily basis.

Since its inception, Objective has been at the forefront of the Information management industry. Objective is headquartered in Sydney, Australia with a further thirteen offices across Asia Pacific, North America and the United Kingdom.

Copyright ©2014 Objective Corporation Ltd.Content of product subject to change without notice, please contact Objective representative for information related to specific release.


reporting Objective Reports provide a wizard driven interface to Crystal Reports. Report definitions can easily be formatted as a result of the tight integration between Objective and Crystal Reports, which also maintains the security levels of the user creating and running the reports – ensuring that security is never compromised. With this capability all records related reporting is covered – Disposals, Archive, Consignments, Key Performance Indicators, Space, Sentencing, and more.


Often, borrowed physical records and files are not always where they should be and reconciling their location is difficult. However, with Objective and a handheld barcode scanner, keeping stock of physical records is as simple as walking through the office and scanning files and locations. Reports can be generated that assist in the reconciliation process. Lost files are found, files still missing are highlighted, and overdue files returned.


Objective ECM is a comprehensive Enterprise Content Management solution that connects your people to your enterprise content and business processes.

Objective ECM effectively manages the entire range and life-cycle of an organisation’s unstructured content – electronic documents, records, email, web content, engineering drawings and more. It manages document-centric processes, controlling automating and optimising business processes.

Organisations implement ECM to capture and leverage corporate memory, minimise processing costs, prove regulatory or industrial compliance, provide security and accountability of information and most importantly, make effective decisions based on complete information.

Managing content alone however is not a solution. In order to leverage content as a strategic asset, it should meet the needs of the people who rely on content in their daily work. Staff, suppliers, contractors, partners and customers – all consume, manage and contribute content to an organisation’s knowledge store.

Objective meets the diverse needs of all of these people, delivering a compliant and easy to use records management solution.