cardiac adaptation to chronic high-altitude hypoxia

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  • 7/30/2019 Cardiac Adaptation to Chronic High-Altitude Hypoxia


    Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology 158 (2007) 224236

    Cardiac adaptation to chronic high-altitude hypoxia:Beneficial and adverse effects

    B. Ostadal , F. Kolar

    Centre for Cardiovascular Research, Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic,

    Videnska 1083, 142 20 Prague 4, Czech Republic

    Accepted 6 March 2007


    This review deals with the capability of the heart to adapt to chronic hypoxia in animals exposed to either natural or simulated high altitude.From the broad spectrum of related issues, we focused on the development and reversibility of both beneficial and adverse adaptive myocardial

    changes. Particular attention was paid to cardioprotective effects of adaptation to chronic high-altitude hypoxia and their molecular mechanisms.

    Moreover, interspecies and age differences in the cardiac sensitivity to hypoxia-induced effects in various experimental models were emphasized.

    2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    Keywords: High-altitude hypoxia; Permanent; Intermittent; Adaptation; Age; Reversibility; Heart; Protection; Molecular mechanisms; Hypertrophy

    1. Introduction

    Chronic myocardial hypoxia as the result of disproportion

    between oxygen supply and demand at the tissue level may

    be induced by several mechanisms. The most common causesare undoubtedly (i) ischemic hypoxia (often described as car-

    diac ischemia), induced by the reduction or interruption of the

    coronary blood flow, and (ii) systemic (hypoxic) hypoxia, char-

    acterized by a drop in PO2 in the arterial blood but adequate

    perfusion. For the sake of completeness we could add (iii) ane-

    mic hypoxia, in which the arterial PO2 is normal but the oxygen

    transport capacity of the blood is decreased. In terms of rele-

    vant chronic clinical syndromes, ischemic hypoxia is manifested

    primarily in chronic ischemic heart disease whereas systemic

    hypoxia is associated with chronic cor pulmonale of varying ori-

    gin, sleep apnea, cyanosis due to a hypoxemic congenital heart

    disease, and changes in the cardiopulmonary system inducedby a decrease in barometric pressure at high altitude (Table 1).

    In two cases, however, systemic hypoxia can be considered as

    physiological: (i) the fetal myocardium adapted to hypoxia cor-

    responding to an altitude of 8000 m and (ii) the myocardium

    of subjects living permanently at high altitudes. In both situ-

    ations the myocardium is significantly more resistant to acute

    Corresponding author. Tel.: +420 296 442 553; fax: +420 296 442 125.

    E-mail address: [email protected] (B. Ostadal).

    oxygen deficiency but in populations in lowlands this prop-

    erty is lost soon after birth (Moret, 1980; Heath and Williams,


    Although the heart obviously has the capability to adapt to

    various forms of hypoxia, this review relates only to effects ofchronic high-altitude hypoxia (HAH). From the broad spectrum

    of related problems we have concentrated on the development

    and regression of adaptive responses of the myocardium as they

    were described in experimental studies. Since most of the recent

    papers published on the different aspects of myocardial adapta-

    tion to HAH refer almost exclusively to studies published in the

    last few years, particular attention was paid to original reports

    on the discussed questions.

    2. Definition, experimental model

    It should be pointed out that the term adaptation has been

    described in different ways, which occasionally leads to seman-

    tic problems in biology. According to the glossary edited by

    the International Union of Physiological Sciences (Bligh and

    Johnson, 1973), adaptation is change which reduces the phys-

    iological strain produced by a stressful component of the total

    environment. In contrast, the definition by Adolph (1956) dis-

    cards the notion of benefit: adaptations are modifications of

    organisms that occur in the presence of particular environ-

    ments and circumstances . . . not limited, as is often done, to

    1569-9048/$ see front matter 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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    B. Ostadal, F. Kolar / Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology 158 (2007) 224 236 225

    Table 1

    Experimental models of chronic hypoxia

    Model Human relevance

    Hypobaric hypoxia

    Permanent Life at high altitude

    Intermittent Repeated ascents in mountains (mountaineering,

    tourism, pilgrims), high-altitude training

    Normobaric hypoxia

    Permanent Hypoxemic congenital heart disease, severe chronic

    obstructive lung disease, severe chronic ischemic

    heart disease

    Intermittent Exacerbations of chronic obstructive lung disease,

    ischemic heart disease (acute coronary syndrome,

    exercise), sleep apnea

    modifications that seem favorable to the individual. In fact,

    adaptation to chronic HAH is an adjustment that does not imply,

    in an obligatory sense, that it is beneficial. Functional adap-

    tive changes require time to materialize; they occur through

    (i) genotypic adaptations, which result from genetically fixedattributes to those species that have lived for generations in

    their environment, and (ii) phenotypic adaptations (including

    accommodation, acclimation, and acclimatization) which are

    labile processes occurring within the lifetime of an organism,

    and decay when these circumstances no longer exist (Bouverot,

    1985). The term adaptation as used in this review, refers to

    changes in cardiac structureand function that resultfrom chronic

    exposure to natural or simulated HAH.

    The most frequently used experimental model in research

    on HAH is either the natural mountain environment or hypoxia

    simulated under laboratory conditions in a normobaric or hypo-

    baric chamber (Table 1). This model permits the study of thetime-course of development of beneficial and adverse adap-

    tive changes, the possibility of their spontaneous reversibility

    when the animals are removed from the hypoxic atmosphere,

    and/or the pharmacological protection against unwanted mani-

    festations. As compared to simulated high altitude, other factors

    such as cold or physical activity have to be taken into account

    in a natural mountain environment, though hypoxia remains the

    main stimulus. Chronic hypoxia is, however, not always perma-

    nent; it is often of intermittent nature, e.g. in repeated ascents in

    mountains, in exacerbations of chronic obstructive lung disease

    during an acute respiratory infection, or in sleep apnea. Like-

    wise, hypoxia is not continual in myocardial ischemia, when

    it depends on the actual regional coronary blood flow (Ostadaland Widimsky, 1985; Ostadal et al., 1994). Experimental data

    comparing the effects of permanent and intermittent HAH on

    the myocardium are, however, very sporadic. In addition, cur-

    rent experimental protocols of intermittent hypoxia vary greatly

    in cycle length, severity and number of hypoxic episodes per

    day and number of exposure days. It is evident that these fac-

    tors are critical in determining whether intermittent hypoxia is

    beneficial or harmful (Beguin et al., 2005). Another interesting

    methodological problem is the difference between effects of nor-

    mobaric and hypobaric hypoxic exposures. Similarly as in the

    previous case, the available literature is not conclusive. Whereas

    Sheedy et al. (1996) have found that both hypobaric and normo-

    baric hypoxia induced the same degree of right ventricular (RV)

    hypertrophy, remodeling of pulmonary arterioles, and increases

    in hematocrit, Savourey et al. (2003) have demonstrated that,

    compared to normobaric hypoxia, hypobaric hypoxia led to a

    greater hypoxemia, hypocapnia and lower arterial oxygen satu-

    ration (myocardial parameters were not investigated).

    Sensitivity to hypoxia is characterized by marked interspecies

    differences; this raises the question of suitable experimental ani-

    mals. Cattle and pigs are among the most sensitive animals,

    sheep and dogs seem less liable to develop hypoxic pulmonary

    hypertension and RV hypertrophy, while rats and rabbits fall

    between these two groups (Tucker et al., 1975; Herget and

    Palecek, 1978; Reeves et al., 1979; Wauthy et al., 2004). Thesig-

    nificance of experimental results for clinical practice depends on

    the extent to which observed changes are comparable to findings

    in humans. Pulmonary hypertension, RV hypertrophy, muscu-

    larization of the pulmonary arterioles and the enlargement of the

    carotid body occur in both rats and humans; the development of

    their ventilatory adaptation to chronic hypoxia is comparable

    (Heath and Williams, 1995; Ostadal et al., 1998). It is obvious,that the attempt to summarize the existing data on the effects

    of chronic HAH on the myocardium is complicated by different

    experimental models, duration and degree of hypoxic stimulus

    as well as by the selected experimental animals.

    Adaptation to HAH is characterized by a variety of functional

    changes to maintain homeostasis with minimum expenditure of

    energy (Durand, 1982). Such adjustments may protect the heart

    under conditions that require enhanced work and consequently

    increased metabolism. Adaptation thus increases cardiac tol-

    erance to all major deleterious consequences of acute oxygen

    deprivation. Furthermore, chronic permanent hypoxia may have

    a significant antihypertensive effect, due to decreased periph-eral resistance in the systemic circulation (Henley et al., 1992).

    In addition to protective effects, adaptation to chronic hypoxia

    (as also with other types of adaptation) also induces other adap-

    tive responses including hypoxic pulmonary hypertension and

    RV hypertrophy, which may under excessive hypoxia result in

    congestive heart failure. We shall, therefore, deal with the devel-

    opment of both beneficial and adverse effects of myocardial

    adaptation to chronic HAH.

    3. Cardioprotective effects

    3.1. Adult heart

    In chronic HAH, the myocardium must preserve adequate

    contractile function in spite of lowered oxygen tension in the

    coronary circulation. Such an environment requires genotypi-

    cal adaptation or acclimatization (in lowlanders after prolonged

    residence at high altitude), which may have cardioprotective

    effects. It was reported already in the late 1950s (Hurtado, 1960)

    that the incidence of myocardial infarction is lower in people

    who live at high altitude (Peru, 4000 m). An epidemiological

    survey from New Mexico (Mortimer et al., 1977) gave some

    evidence that even living at moderate elevations (2100 m) could

    result in protection against death from ischemic heart disease.

    In addition to chronic hypoxia, however, other factors such as

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    226 B. Ostadal, F. Kolar / Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology 158 (2007) 224236

    Fig. 1. Typical examples of cardioprotective effects of adaptation to chronic intermittent HAH in rats. Reduction of infarct size, normalized to the area at risk (IS/AR,

    Neckar et al., 2002a,b), decreased number of premature ventricular complexes during ischemia (PVCs, Asemu et al., 1999) and improved recovery of postischemic

    contractile function (Widimsky et al., 1973).

    relatively increased physical activity and reduced obesity have

    to be taken into consideration while explaining the protectiveeffects of living at high altitude.

    Epidemiological observations on the protective effect of high

    altitude were confirmed in experimental studies using a model

    of HAH simulated in a hypobaric chamber. In this connection,

    it should be pointed out that the first experiments were carried

    out in Prague in 1958 by Kopecky and Daum. They found that

    cardiac muscle isolated from rats exposed every other day for

    6 weeks to an altitude of 7000 m recovered its contractile func-

    tion during reoxygenation following a period of acute anoxia

    to a higher level than that of control animals. These results

    were later confirmed by Poupa et al. (1966, acute anoxia in

    vitro, isoproterenol-induced cardiac necrosis) and McGrath and

    Bullard (1968, acute anoxia in vitro). Furthermore, it has been

    reported (Widimsky et al., 1973; McGrath et al., 1973) that a

    similar protective effect can be induced by a relatively short

    intermittent exposure of rats to simulated high altitude (4 h/day,

    a total of 24 exposures up to 7000 m). Moreover, a significant

    sex difference was demonstrated in the resistance of isolated car-

    diac muscle to oxygen deficiency; the myocardium of female

    control rats proved to be more tolerant to hypoxia. Chronic

    HAH resulted in enhanced resistance in both sexes, yet the sex

    difference was maintained (Ostadal et al., 1984b).

    These findings were later repeatedly confirmed in studies

    using various experimental models, adaptation protocols, and

    different end points of injury. It has been found that the heartof animals adapted to HAH develop smaller myocardial infarc-

    tion (Meerson et al., 1973; Turek et al., 1980; Neckar et al.,

    2002a), exhibit better functional recovery following ischemia

    (Tajima et al., 1994), and had a lower number of ventricular

    arrhythmias (Meerson et al., 1987, 1989; Asemu et al., 2000).

    Examples of these cardioprotective effects are shown in Fig. 1.

    The antiarrhythmic protection was critically dependent on the

    experimental model and the degree and duration of hypoxic

    exposure (Asemu et al., 2000). Moreover, Henley et al. (1992)

    observed that adaptation to HAH attenuated the development of

    systemic hypertension and left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy in

    spontaneously hypertensive rats. In this connection it is inter-

    esting to mention the study ofMilano et al. (2002), comparing

    the cardioprotective effect of permanent (5500 m, 2 weeks) andintermittent(1 h/dayexposure to normoxia) normobaric hypoxia

    in rats; they have found significantly better protection upon

    reoxygenation in rats exposed to intermittent hypoxia. More-

    over, Zong et al. (2005) demonstrated robust cardioprotection

    in a novel canine model of chronic intermittent normobaric

    hypoxia (FIO2 10%): 20-day program of 58 daily cycles of

    short hypoxia (510 min), with intervening 4-min periods of

    normoxia prevented development of ventricular tachycardia and

    fibrillation upon reperfusion.

    In contrast to protective effects of adaptation to chronic

    HAH, Joyeux-Faure et al. (2005) have recently observed that

    an extreme model of chronic intermittent hypoxia (FIO2


    40-s cycles of hypoxia followed by 20 s of normoxia, 8 h/day,

    a total of 35 days) makes the heart more sensitive to ischemic

    injury, probably through the excess of reactive oxygen species

    (ROS) production. In addition, persistent systemic hypertension

    is a common maladaptation to severe intermittent hypoxia (e.g.

    Kolaretal.,1989) andin modelsof obstructivesleepapnea, obvi-

    ously as a result of increased sympathetic activity and oxidative

    stress (Fletcher, 2001, Zoccal et al., 2007).

    3.2. Effect of age

    Thecardioprotective effect of adaptation to HAHis markedly

    influenced by the age of experimental animals. In a recent study,La Padula and Costa (2005) examined the effect of aging: they

    submitted 7-week-old rats to sustained simulated altitude of

    5000 m for their entire lifetime. They have found that whereas

    cardiac tolerance to acute hypoxia was in adult animals (up to 18

    months) significantly increased, it was lost in senescent rats (25

    months). Loss of adaptation involving an exaggeration of pul-

    monary hypertension (chronic mountain sickness) is frequent in

    aged people living at high altitude in the Andes. Whereas an

    increasing number of data is available concerning the protective

    effect of adaptation to HAH on the adult myocardium, much

    less is known about the possible cardioprotective effect on the

    immature heart. In this connection it is necessary to mention that

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    B. Ostadal, F. Kolar / Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology 158 (2007) 224 236 227

    healthy immature myocardium is more tolerant to ischemia than

    that of the adult (for review see Ostadal et al., 1999). However,

    only a few studies compared the tolerance to oxygen depriva-

    tion in chronically hypoxic versus normoxic immature hearts.

    We observed (Ostadal et al., 1995) that chronic HAH, simulated

    in the barochamber, results in a similarly enhanced recovery of

    the contractile function in rats exposed to chronic hypoxia either

    from the fourth day of postnatal life or in adulthood. Similarly,

    Baker et al. (1995) demonstrated that adaptation to hypoxia

    increased the tolerance of the developing rabbit heart (day 7

    to day 28 of postnatal life). Our experiments (Ostadalova et al.,

    2002) have shown that the protective effect of chronic hypoxia is

    absent in newborn rats.Prenatal exposure (i.e.pregnant mothers)

    to simulated HAH fails to further increase ischemic tolerance in

    1-day-old hearts; this protective phenomenondevelops only dur-

    ingthe first postnatal week. As faras theclinicalrelevanceof this

    developmental approach is concerned, metabolic adaptation to

    chronic hypoxia and activation of protective pathways has been

    observed in the myocardium of children with cyanotic congeni-

    tal cardiac malformations (Samanek et al., 1989; Ferreiro et al.,2001; Rafiee et al., 2002).

    Recent experimental studies have shown that perinatal expo-

    sure to chronic HAH can change the susceptibility of the adult

    heart to ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury. Li et al. (2003) and

    Xu et al. (2006) have found that prenatal chronic hypoxia sig-

    nificantly increased the sensitivity of the adult male rat heart

    to oxygen deprivation as indicated by increased infarct size,

    decreased postischemic recovery of LV function and increased

    LV stiffness. Similarly, Hampl and Herget (1990) and Hampl

    et al. (2003) have shown that perinatal hypoxia increases the

    susceptibility to hypoxic pulmonary hypertension later in life.

    Our study (Netuka et al., 2006) demonstrated that the late effectof perinatal exposure to intermittent hypobaric hypoxia is sex-

    dependent: it increased cardiac tolerancein adult female rats; the

    effect in males, as judged from the incidence of ischemic ven-

    tricular arrhythmias, was quite opposite. These results support

    the hypothesis that chronic perinatal hypoxia is a primary pro-

    gramming stimulus in the heart that may lead to sex-dependent

    changes in cardiac tolerance to acute ischemia in later adult life.

    This fact would have important implications for patients who

    have experienced prolonged hypoxemia in early life.

    4. Molecular mechanisms of cardioprotection

    Although the cardioprotective effect of chronic HAH againstvarious manifestations of acute I/R injury has been known

    for half a century, its molecular mechanism did not receive

    major attention until recently and thus it remains far from

    being understood. Among numerous potentially protective fac-

    tors associated with chronic hypoxia, only a few have been

    addressed experimentally so far. The situation is further compli-

    cated by the fact that various experimental models of hypoxia,

    animal species and methodological approaches employed as

    well as various end points of injury examined do not allow to

    compare data from different research laboratories and extrapo-

    late them to a common picture. It cannot be excluded that the

    detailed involvement of individual factors is species-dependent

    and may differ in the protective mechanisms induced by, e.g.

    sustained or intermittent, mild or severe, hypoxia, etc. Neverthe-

    less, it seems that various protective phenomena, including both

    short-lived preconditioning and long-lasting effects of chronic

    hypoxia, utilize essentially the same endogenous pool of protec-

    tive pathways, although with different efficiency (Neckar et al.,

    2002a,b). In contrast to classic preconditioning, chronic hypoxia

    not only activates these signaling pathways but it also affects the

    expression of their components and other proteins associated

    with maintaining oxygen homeostasis via transcription factors

    such as, e.g. hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF-1, for rev. see

    Semenza, 2004). As molecular mechanisms of cardiac protec-

    tion by adaptation to chronic hypoxia were recently reviewed

    elsewhere (Kolar and Ostadal, 2004), here we present only a

    brief updated overview.

    It is well known that exposure to chronic intermittent hypoxia

    is initially associated with oxidative stress (Yoshikawa et al.,

    1982; Herget et al., 2000; Chen et al., 2005; Kolar et al., 2007)

    and increased adrenergic stimulation (Ostadal et al., 1984a).

    Both events were traditionally considered as injurious but now itappears that they are also involved in the development of cardiac

    ischemia-resistant phenotype. Recent observations suggest that

    increased sympathetic activity results from the elevated caroptid

    chemoreceptor response to hypoxia that is mediated by ROS-

    dependent signaling and HIF-1 (for rev. see Prabhakar et al.,

    2007). The experiments ofMallet et al. (2006) demonstrated that

    robust cardioprotection in terms of infarct size-limitation and

    elimination of life-threatening ischemic ventricular arrhythmias

    in a dogmodelof intermittenthypoxia was completely prevented

    by administration of the 1-adrenoceptor antagonist metopro-

    lol before each hypoxic session. In our experiments on rats,

    antioxidant interventions (administration ofN-acetylcysteine orexposure to hypercapnia) during adaptation of rats to inter-

    mittent (Kolar et al., 2007) or sustained (Neckar et al., 2003)

    hypoxia, respectively, significantly attenuated the protective

    effect on infarct size reduction. Milano et al. (2002) suggested

    that repeated reoxygenation is crucial for the induction of pro-

    tective response: the recovery of contractile function was better

    in hearts isolated from rats that had been reoxygenated for

    1 h/day throughout the hypoxic adaptation protocol compared to

    those maintained under sustained hypoxia. These data suggest

    that both ROS and catecholamines contribute to the induction

    of cardioprotection by chronic hypoxia but the mechanism is

    unknown. It should be mentioned that adaptation to hypoxia

    decreases cardiac adrenergic responsiveness by inhibition ofmyocardial -adrenoceptor-adenylyl cyclase signaling system

    (e.g. Voelkel et al., 1981; Hrbasova et al., 2003) that may pro-

    tect the heart against excessive stimulation by catecholamines in

    the setting of I/R. It seems likely that chronic 1-adrenoceptor

    antagonism could prevent this beneficial adaptation in the study

    ofMallet et al. (2006).

    Based on the effects of nitric oxide (NO) synthase inhibitors

    or NO donors, it has been proposed that increased generation of

    NO plays a positive role in the protective mechanism induced

    by chronic hypoxia in neonatal rabbit (Baker et al., 1999) and

    rat hearts (Ostadalova et al., 2002). It remains unclear whether

    NO produced by the hypoxic myocardium originates from con-

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    228 B. Ostadal, F. Kolar / Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology 158 (2007) 224236

    stitutive NO synthase (eNOS; Baker et al., 1999) or inducible

    NOS (iNOS; Rouet-Benzineb et al., 1999; Ferreiro et al., 2001;

    Grilli et al., 2003; Ding et al., 2005). However, it should be

    perceived that there is an optimal concentration of NO for pro-

    tection: too little or too much may be detrimental. The role of

    NO in myocardial I/Rinjuryand in adaptive protective responses

    of chronically hypoxic heart is extremely complex (for rev. see

    Manukhina et al., 2006; Zaobornyj et al., 2007).

    Bothadrenergic stimulation and increasedproductionof ROS

    and NO can change the activity and/or expression of numerous

    signaling and effector molecules. Among them, various protein

    kinases were studied regarding their role in protection of chroni-

    callyhypoxic hearts. Severalreports demonstrated up-regulation

    and permanent activation of protein kinase C (PKC) in the

    myocardium following adaptation to chronic hypoxia (Rouet-

    Benzineb et al., 1999; Morel et al., 2003; Ding et al., 2004). Our

    experiments revealed that, unlike PKC isoform-, PKC- was

    strongly upregulated in chronically hypoxic rat myocardium and

    redistributed mainly to mitochondria and nuclear/perinuclear

    area (Neckar et al., 2005). These effects were ROS-dependentas they were prevented by antioxidant treatment during the

    hypoxic adaptation (Kolar et al., 2007). Cardioprotective effects

    of chronic hypoxia were inhibited by the general PKC inhibitor

    chelerythrine or PKC--selective inhibitor rottlerin (Ding et

    al., 2004; Neckar et al., 2005) suggesting the involvement

    of this enzyme in the protective mechanism. Another study

    demonstrated that PKC- andmembersof thefamily of mitogen-

    activated protein kinases, p38 MAPK and JNK, were activated

    and translocated from the cytosolic to the particulate fractions

    in chronically hypoxic infant human and rabbit myocardium,

    and inhibitors of these kinases abolished cardioprotection in

    hypoxic rabbits (Rafiee et al., 2002). Limited evidence suggeststhat many other protein kinases such as phosphatidylinositol

    3-kinase (Crawford et al., 2003; Ravingerova et al., 2007), pro-

    tein kinaseA, Ca2+-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase (Xieet

    al., 2005), cGMP-dependent protein kinase (Baker et al., 1999)

    or extracellular signal-regulated kinase (Crawford et al., 2003)

    may contribute to the protective mechanism of various types of

    chronic hypoxia. Significance of these pathways,their regulation

    and mutual interactions remain to be elucidated.

    Activated protein kinases may exert their protective effects

    by phosphorylation of numerous target proteins. Concerning

    chronic hypoxia, the identity of these proteins is a matter of

    debate, and the evidence available so far is mostly indirect

    and not sufficiently conclusive. One of the potential candidatesis the ATP-sensitive K+ channel (KATP), which was studied

    by several groups. It was demonstrated that chronic hypoxia

    led to the activation of KATP in various tissues (Cameron and

    Baghdady, 1994) and already 24 h of mild hypoxia in culture

    increased transcription of the channel subunit SUR2A in rat

    heart-derived H9c2 cells (Crawford et al., 2003). Several recent

    reports point to the role of KATP in the cardioprotective mech-

    anism of chronic hypoxia though certain controversy exists

    regarding the importance of the channel type that is localized

    either on the sarcolemma (sKATP) or the mitochondrial inner

    membrane (mKATP). Because the molecular identity of mKATP

    is unknown, the majority of these studies rely on pharmaco-

    logical tools in order to distinguish which of the two types

    are involved in protection. Thus, experiments performed mostly

    on rats using selective mKATP blockers, 5-hydroxydecanoate

    or MCC-134, and openers, diazoxide or BMS-191095, suggest

    that mitochondrially located KATP plays a crucial role in the

    protection of chronically hypoxic hearts against all major end

    points of I/R injury (Asemu et al., 1999; Neckar et al., 2002b;

    Ostadalova et al., 2002; Zhu et al., 2003; Kolar et al., 2005 ).

    Activation of both mKATP and sKATP seems to contribute to

    improved postischemic recovery of the contractile function of

    chronically hypoxic immature rabbit hearts (Baker et al., 1997;

    Kong et al., 2001). As pharmacology of KATP does not seem to

    be sufficiently discriminative, novel methodological approaches

    are needed to resolve this issue.

    Recent reports demonstrated that chronic hypoxia protects

    cardiac myocytes against I/R-induced cytosolic Ca2+ overload

    by preserving functions of transport and regulatory proteins

    that are involved in maintaining intracellular Ca2+ homeosta-

    sis, such as Na+/Ca2+ exchanger, sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+

    pump, ryanodine receptors (Chen et al., 2006) and phospho-lamban (Xie et al., 2005). Another study from the same group

    showed that chronic hypoxia protected mitochondria against

    Ca2+ overload, and delayed mitochondrial permeability tran-

    sition and cytochrome c release upon reperfusion (Zhu et al.,

    2006). The latter effect, together with increased expression of

    antiapoptotic factor Bcl-2 and decreased expression of proapop-

    totic Bax, can be responsible for the reduced rate of cardiac

    myocyte apoptosis induced by I/R insult in chronically hypoxic

    hearts (Dong et al., 2003). However, it should not be neglected

    that chronic hypoxia per se can stimulate apoptosis (Bianciardi

    et al., 2006).

    Studies of Cai et al. (2003) showed that production of ery-thropoietin, dependent on activation of HIF-1 pathway, plays

    an importantrole notonly in thestimulationof hematopoiesis but

    also in the increased ischemic tolerance of chronically hypoxic

    mouse heart. Angiotensin II type 1 receptor-mediated effects

    seem to underlie the improved postischemic recovery of the

    contractile function afforded by chronic hypoxia in neonatal rat

    heart (Rakusan et al., 2007). Last but not least, opioid peptides

    seem to contribute to the antiarrhythmic protection in chroni-

    cally hypoxic rats (Lishmanov et al., 1998). Obviously, the list

    of factors and molecular pathways mentioned above is far from

    complete and manyothers(stress proteins, antioxidant enzymes,

    thyroid hormones, prostanoids, etc.) can be expected to play

    a role in the complex cardioprotective mechanism of chronichypoxia. Better understanding to this phenomenon is the subject

    of further focused research.

    5. Other beneficial adaptive responses

    5.1. Blood oxygen transport

    An increased oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood by

    elevated hematocrit and concentration of hemoglobin was tra-

    ditionally considered as an effective adaptive mechanism to

    chronic HAH. Indeed, birds and mammals (including human

    subjects) introduced to high altitude develop a variable degree

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    B. Ostadal, F. Kolar / Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology 158 (2007) 224 236 229

    of polycythemia associated with a shift of the oxygen disso-

    ciation curve to the right due to an increased concentration of

    2,3-diphosphoglycerate (Monge and Leon-Velarde, 1991). This

    response mainly results from the stimulation of the erythroid

    precursor cells in the bone marrow by erythropoietin produced

    in hypoxic kidney. Modern understanding of the biology of ery-

    thropoietin has made it clear that hypoxia initiates erythropoietin

    gene transcription and that hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-1 is

    the pivotal oxygen-regulated transcription factor responsible for

    this pathway (Semenza, 2004). Gore et al. (2006) have, however,

    observed that chronic intermittent hypobaric hypoxia did not

    accelerate erythropoiesis despite the transient increase in serum

    erythropoietin. This alludes to the requirement of a larger and

    more sustained critical level of erythropoietin to yield a substan-

    tial effect on the red-cell compartment. Interestingly, mammals

    and birds genotypically adapted to high altitude show modest or

    no increase in hematocrit (Banchero et al., 1971). This avoids the

    potentially harmful influence of increased blood viscosity due to

    polycythemia and suggests that increased blood oxygen content

    is notessential for theadaptation.The role of myoglobinconsistsin storing oxygen and facilitating its transport to tissue. Several

    studies demonstrated an increased concentration of myoglobin

    in chronically hypoxic myocardium, but significant differences

    exist depending upon species and age (Moret, 1980).

    5.2. Tissue oxygen transport

    The cardiovascular system provides the supply of oxygen to

    the tissues at high altitude by changes in the cardiac output and

    by alterations in the distribution of blood in the body. As men-

    tioned in Section 4, exposure to HAHbe initially associated with

    increased adrenergic activity and elevated plasma concentrationof catecholamines, which results in positive chronotropic and

    inotropic stimulation of the heart leading to increase in cardiac

    output. The data on the response of the systemic circulation to

    the prolongation of hypoxic exposure are, however, rather con-

    troversial. Whereas according to Heath and Williams (1995), the

    overall effect of the chronic HAH in humans is to reduce cardiac

    output, Calbet (2003) has found no change in cardiac output in

    lowlanders after 9 weeks of exposure to HAH, despite persisting

    elevation of catecholamines. Similar heterogenous result can be

    observed also in animal studies. For the explanation of these dis-

    crepancies, the type, degree and duration of hypoxic exposure

    have to be taken into consideration.

    Coronary blood flow in high-altitude residents (Moret et al.,1972) as well as in healthy subjects transferred to high altitude

    (Grover and Alexander, 1971) is lower. There are, however, dis-

    agreements with respect to thecoronaryflow anddevelopment of

    myocardial capillaries in animals exposed to hypobaric hypoxia.

    For example, Turek et al. (1975) and Scheel et al. (1990) found a

    greater coronary flow in rats and dogs, whereas functional mea-

    surementsin dogs did not reveal any effect of chronic hypoxia on

    coronary collateral flow. Whereas Rotta (1943), Clark and Smith

    (1978) and Smith and Clark (1979) found a decrease in the cap-

    illary density in chronically hypoxic guinea pigs and rats, Miller

    and Hale (1970) and Zhong et al. (2002) found an increased cap-

    illary density in both ventricles. Rakusan et al. (1981) as well as

    Pietschmann and Bartels (1985) found no evidence of increased

    myocardial capillary density in adult animals exposed to high

    altitude. Mutual comparison of these studies is difficult due to

    variations in experimental models and other factors. Among

    these, the interspecies differences in adaptation to hypoxia may

    play an important role. Rodents, for example have been shown to

    have a relatively higher capacity for myocardial vascular growth

    than other mammals. Another important factor may be the age

    at which the animals were exposed to HAH, since the degree

    of angiogenesis decreases with the age of animals (for rev. see

    Rakusan, 1999; Tomanek et al., 2003). Recently, Rakusan et al.

    (2007) have found that chronic intermittent hypoxia of relatively

    short duration stimulated angiogenesis in both RV and LV of the

    immature rat heart. Moreover, caveolin-1 level, a good marker

    of capillarization, increased parallel to the vessel density. On

    the other hand, this angiogenic response was completely pre-

    vented by angiotensin II type 1 receptor blockade, suggesting

    that the AT1 receptor pathway plays an important role in coro-

    nary angiogenesis. Hypoxia-induced myocardial angiogenesis

    is undoubtedly influenced by extracellular matrix environment,increased expression of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF),

    vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and other signaling

    molecules (for rev. see Tomanek, 1999).

    Nevertheless, it seems that coronary angiogenesis and

    increasedcoronary floware effective compensatory mechanisms

    at the beginning of the adaptation process; later their impor-

    tance may decrease. This view is supported by normal or even

    decreased coronary blood flow in residents living at high altitude

    (see above).

    5.3. Energy metabolism

    Bert (1878) was the first to postulate that tissues may grad-

    ually alter their cellular metabolism during adaptation of the

    body to high altitude. According to Moret (1980) this effect may

    involve increased capacity of cardiac anaerobic metabolism,

    increased energy utilization capacity, and possibly selection of

    metabolicpathwaysor substrateswith a higher energy efficiency,

    which would decrease the oxygen requirements. This view is

    supported by the findings in chronically hypoxic rats in which

    both ventricles had a significantly increased glucose-utilizing

    capacity (hexokinase) as well as the capacity for the synthe-

    sis and degradation of lactate (lactate dehydrogenase). On the

    other hand, the ability to break down fatty acids (3-hydroxy-

    acyl-CoA-dehydrogenase) significantly decreased (Bass et al.,1989;Deindletal.,2003). Many ATP-dependent processes, such

    as ion pumping or protein synthesis, are down regulated dur-

    ing exposure to chronic hypoxia (Hochachka and Lutz, 2001).

    This regulation allows the ATP level to remain constant even

    while the ATP turnover rate greatly declines (Nouette-Gaulain

    et al., 2005). Pissarek et al. (1997) found that chronic hypoxia

    induces an increased expression of B-creatine kinase subunit,

    which could represent an efficient adaptation in cellular energy

    transport, because of the colocalization of glycolytic enzymes

    and cytosolic creatine kinase isozymes. The experiments of

    McGrath and Bullard (1968) showing that the protective effect

    of adaptation was lost after treatment of the animals with the

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    230 B. Ostadal, F. Kolar / Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology 158 (2007) 224236

    glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase inhibitor, iodoac-

    etate, suggested that the protective influence of adaptation might

    be due to the increased glycolytic capacity. Furthermore, adap-

    tation to chronic hypoxia induces an increased expression of

    cardiac myosin isoform with low myofibrillar ATPase activity

    in both RV and LV (Pelouch et al., 1985; Pissarek et al., 1997).

    Recently, Letout et al. (2005) found, that this chronic hypoxia-

    induced shift (i.e. from myosin heavy chain with high ATPase

    activity to -myosin heavy chain with low ATPase activity) was

    similar in rats adapted or native to high altitude. In addition,

    adaptation to high altitude lowers the specific activities of sev-

    eral sarcolemmal ATPases and at the same time increases their

    affinity for ATP (Ziegelhoffer et al., 1987). These effects can be

    considered as an adaptive mechanism at the enzyme level that

    permits more efficient utilization of ATP and helps to prevent

    changes in membrane transport under conditions of low energy


    Chronic hypobaric hypoxia increased the number of cardiac

    mitochondria and slightly decreasedtheir meanvolume (Costa et

    al., 1988; Novel-Chate et al., 1995). Mitochondrial metabolismis involved in the adaptation to high altitude via energy regula-

    tion, generation of ROS, and apoptosis (Chandel et al., 2000).

    Nouette-Gaulain et al. (2005) have shown that chronic HAH

    decreased ATP synthesis as a consequence of an alteration in

    mitochondrial respiratorychaincomplexes in both ventricles but

    that this effect is delayed in the RV. However, when RV hyper-

    trophy was fully developed, mitochondrial energy metabolism

    was decreased as in the LV, suggesting some specific, but tran-

    sient, adaptive processes at the onset of the RV hypertrophy. The

    results concerningthe time-course of highaltitude-induced alter-

    ation in energy metabolism in the RV deserve further discussion.

    It should be mentioned, however, that it is often impossible todistinguish the direct effects of hypoxia from those of hypertro-

    phy and other factors, including the decrease in food utilization

    associated with exposure to high altitude (Barrie and Harris,


    6. Right ventricular hypertrophy

    6.1. High altitude-induced pulmonary hypertension and

    right ventricular hypertrophy

    Sustained hypoxia exerts opposite effects on the systemic

    and pulmonary vascular smooth muscle, bringing about vasodi-

    latation in the systemic circulation but vasoconstriction andconsequent structural remodeling in the pulmonary circulation.

    Pulmonary hypertension develops as a result of chronic hypoxia,

    whereas the systemic blood pressure is normal or even below

    normal in well-adapted subjects (Heath and Williams, 1995).

    Reliable investigations of the effect of high altitude on the car-

    diopulmonary system started some 50 years ago. Rotta et al.

    (1956) first reported that healthy men and women living at high

    altitude have some degree of pulmonary hypertension and RV

    hypertrophy. These observations in people living in the Peru-

    vian Andes were later confirmed by Penaloza et al. (1962) and

    Sime et al. (1963) for the same geographical region as well as

    by Vogel et al. (1962) for residents living at high altitude in the

    United States, and by Singh et al. (1965) for temporary residents

    in Himalayas. The critical altitude for the development of pul-

    monary hypertension and RV hypertrophy in men was specified

    to be 3000 m (Hurtado, 1960).

    Chronic high altitude-induced RV hypertrophy is a beneficial

    adaptation, allowing the RV to cope with an increased afterload

    and to maintain a normal cardiac output. It has been shown

    in rats that RV hypertrophy could already be seen at the time

    when chronic pulmonary hypertension was not yet developed

    (Widimsky et al., 1973). This suggests that RV hypertrophy can

    be induced by intermittent pulmonary hypertension present only

    during the stay of experimental animals in the barochamber.

    The LV weight remained unchanged and increased only during

    prolonged exposure to high altitude (Widimsky et al., 1973; La

    Padula and Costa, 2005; Cazorla et al., 2006).

    Since hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction exists in all adult

    mammals, it is not surprising that exposure to high altitude,

    either natural or simulated in a barochamber, may induce pul-

    monary hypertension and RV hypertrophy in different animal

    species including mouse, guinea pig, rat, cow, rabbit, pig, dogand sheep. As mentionedabove, thereare significant interspecies

    variations in the pulmonary hemodynamic response to chronic

    hypoxia. Moreover, native high-altitude mammals including

    llamas, alpacas, and vicunas have largely lost their hypoxic

    pulmonary vasoconstriction response (Heath, 1988). They have

    thin-walled elastic and muscular pulmonary arteries and do not

    develop muscularization of the pulmonary arterioles. Such a

    thin-walled vasculature in the lung is associated with low pul-

    monary artery resistance and pressure; thus, these animals do

    not develop RV hypertrophy.

    6.2. Functional adaptation of the right ventricle

    Experimental data dealing with the RV function of animals,

    exposed to HAH are scarce and comparison of the function of

    the right and left heart is still lacking. This approach would

    be very useful for the dissociation of the effect of increased

    workload (RV) and hypoxia (RV and LV). Kolar et al. (1993)

    have found that the resting values of RV systolic pressure mea-

    sured in open chest rats were about 25 mm Hg in the control and

    43 mm Hg in animals exposed to high altitude. After acute liga-

    tion of the pulmonary artery, the RV systolic pressure increased

    by a maximum of 52 mm Hg in the controls and by 73 mm Hg

    in hypertrophic ventricles. Similar changes were observed also

    for the maximum rate of contraction. Analysis of an isolatedpreparation of the RV working heart has revealed that mechan-

    ical performance during the compensated phase of hypertrophy

    was almost doubled in chronic HAH exposed animals, while the

    index of contractility remained unchanged;this indicates that the

    enhanced ventricular performance is merely the consequence

    of the increased muscle mass. The ability of the RV to main-

    tain cardiac output against increased pulmonary resistance was

    markedly improved (Kolar and Ostadal, 1991). Interestingly, the

    RV contractile function is also generally preserved in patients

    with chronic obstructive lung disease suffering from pulmonary

    hypertension and RV hypertrophy. On the other hand, RV failure

    is observed with prolongation of exposure or degree of hypoxia

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    B. Ostadal, F. Kolar / Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology 158 (2007) 224 236 231

    in which worsening of hypoxemia induces a marked increase

    in afterload. Data dealing with the LV are rather controversial.

    La Padula and Costa (2005) using isolated rat papillary muscles

    from the LV have observed increased contractility in adult ani-

    mals exposed to chronic HAH. The explanation of this finding

    is not clear since cell shortening and baseline calcium transients

    were not changed in LV myocytes isolated from hearts of rats

    adaptedtochronicHAH(Chenetal.,2006). Similarly, Cazorlaet

    al. (2006) did not observe any increase in the LV stroke volume,

    LV end-diastolic diameter, calcium sensitivity of myofilament

    activation as well as transmural gradient of passive tension in

    single skinned myocytes isolated from the LV in rats exposed

    to simulated HAH. For the explanation of these controversial

    results, a different duration of hypoxia and different functional

    parameters studied have to be taken into consideration.

    Development of chronic hypoxia-induced RV hypertrophy

    in adult rats is accompanied by significant changes in the pro-

    tein profiling both in the hypertrophic RV and non-hypertrophic

    LV (Ostadal et al., 1978a). Right-to-left differences, character-

    istic for animals living in normoxic environment, e.g. highercollagen concentration in the RV and higher concentration of

    myofibrillar proteins in the LV did not change. HAH also

    modulates qualitative and quantitative changes of collagenous

    proteins: the proportion of this protein fraction was increased,

    whereas the collagen I/collagen III ratio is decreased, sug-

    gesting an increased synthesis of collagen III (Pelouch et al.,


    Cardiac enlargement may be the result of both an increase

    in the number of individual cell elements (hyperplasia), which

    is limited to the early phases of ontogeny, and an increase

    in their volume (hypertrophy). The literature concerning the

    influence of age on chronic hypoxia-induced pulmonary hyper-tension and RV hypertrophy is insufficient and not concise.

    Smith et al. (1974) reported that young rats exposed to chronic

    hypoxia had a lower RV hypertrophy than adult animals, but the

    young group was not acclimatized before the 21st day of life.

    Rabinovitch et al. (1981) compared cardiopulmonary changes

    in rats exposed to permanent hypoxia starting either from the

    ninth day of life or in adults. They found that the age differ-

    ence in pulmonary hypertension and RV hypertrophy was not

    significant. We have observed (Kolar et al., 1989) that inter-

    mittent HAH-induced chronic pulmonary hypertension and RV

    enlargement in rats exposed to hypoxia from the fourth day of

    postnatal life or in adulthood was comparable. Interestingly, rats

    secondarily adapted to altitude and animals born and living ataltitude for many generations exhibit a similar degree of RV

    enlargement, likely to be related to hypoxia-induced pulmonary

    hypertension (Letout et al., 2005). In young animals exposed to

    HAH from the fourth day of postnatal life, the concentration of

    contractile, collagenous and sarcoplasmic proteins increased in

    the RV already after the seventh hypoxic exposure, when a RV

    enlargement was not yet observed (Pelouch et al., 1987). HAH

    delayed the transformation of to isoforms of myosin heavy

    chain, which normally occurs during rat ontogeny (Lompre

    et al., 1981). In young rats high altitude increased both types

    of collagen, but the elevation of collagen III was significantly


    7. Regression of adaptive changes

    7.1. Cardioprotective effects

    An important feature of adaptation to chronic HAH is that

    the protective effect may persist for a relatively long period

    after removal of animals from the hypoxic atmosphere (Ostadal

    and Widimsky, 1985; Faltova et al., 1987; Neckar et al., 2004;

    Fitzpatrick et al., 2005). It is unknown at present how long the

    recovery period is needed to achieve complete reversibility of

    protection. A recent study (Neckar et al., 2004) has shown that

    residual protection persists for at least 35 days of normoxic

    recovery. Duration depends, however, on the measured end-

    point of injury: in contrast to persisting infarct size-limitation,

    the antiarrhythmic protection had already disappeared during

    the first week after the hypoxic exposure. The attenuation of

    systemic hypertension in adapted spontaneously hypertensive

    rats dissipated when the rats returned to normoxic conditions

    (Henleyet al., 1992). As highaltitude-inducedcardiac protection

    against acute I/R injury lasts markedly longer that any form ofischemic preconditioning (for rev. see Ostadal and Kolar, 1999),

    it suggests some possibilities in the search of clinically relevant

    protective mechanisms against cardiac ischemia.

    7.2. Pulmonary hypertension and right ventricular


    Even severe chronic hypoxia-induced changes (body weight

    loss, polycythemia, pulmonary hypertension, RV hypertro-

    phy and alterations in cardiac function and metabolism) were

    completely reversible after removal of rats from the hypoxic

    atmosphere for a sufficiently long period of time (Ressl et al.,1974; Ostadal et al., 1985; Bass et al., 1989; Kolar and Ostadal,

    1991). The regression of muscularization of distal pulmonary

    arterioles was, however, incomplete (Leach et al., 1977; Herget

    et al., 1978). The first fully normalized parameter was the body

    weight (2 weeks after the end of hypoxic exposure); hemoglobin

    and RV weight were normalized 2 weeks later. The protein com-

    position of the ventricular myocardium of rats exposed to HAH

    remained, however, significantly different from the controls: an

    increased proportion of the collagenous fraction persisted even

    when the RV weight was already normal.

    7.3. Pharmacological treatment

    In view of the potential value of chronic hypoxia for car-

    dioprotection it would be ideal to reduce the development of

    adverse changes and simultaneously preserve the beneficial

    signs of the process of adaptation. From the relatively nar-

    row spectrum of promising drugs, calcium antagonists were

    investigated for their combined vasodilatatory and cardiopro-

    tective effects (Ostadal et al., 1981). Preventive administration

    of verapamil (before each of the hypoxic exposures) signifi-

    cantly reduced the degree of pulmonary hypertension and RV

    hypertrophy and partially prevented hypertensive changes in

    the pulmonary vasculature. Unfortunately, the beneficial sign

    of adaptation (i.e. cardiac resistance to acute hypoxia) was also

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    232 B. Ostadal, F. Kolar / Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology 158 (2007) 224236

    diminished. Therapeutic administration of calcium antagonists

    when the cardiopulmonary changes were already developed was

    without effect. For an explanation of these findings, the rela-

    tionship between calcium metabolism in pulmonary vascular

    smooth muscle and the degree of hypoxia should be taken into


    Since ACE inhibitors are known to reduce LV hypertrophy

    and fibrosis in experimental systemic hypertension (Weber et

    al., 1991), an attempt was made to determine whether treatment

    with ACE inhibitor enalapril could also reduce the increased

    ventricular concentration of collagen in animals recovering from

    hypoxia-inducedpulmonaryhypertension (Pelouch et al., 1997).

    It was shown that enalapril significantly decreased the heart rate,

    systemic arterial pressure and LV weight in both hypoxic and

    control animals. However, the pulmonary blood pressure and

    RV hypertrophy remained unchanged. On the other hand, the

    content of collagen was reduced in both ventricles from the

    enalapril-treated animals. These data suggest that the regres-

    sion of cardiac fibrosis due to enalapril may be independent of

    changes in the hemodynamic load. In addition, the inhibitionof ACE attenuated the process of morphological reconstruc-

    tion of pulmonary vasculature (Herget et al., 1996). Recently,

    Rakusan et al. (2007) found that the AT1 receptor pathway plays

    an importantrole in coronary angiogenesis and improvedcardiac

    ischemic tolerance induced in neonatal rats by chronic hypoxia.

    Further studies are required if we are to fully appreciate the role

    of the renin-angiotensin system in the process of adaptation to

    chronic hypoxia. Moreover, it would be very interesting to know

    whether new therapies approved for the treatment of pulmonary

    hypertension (prostanoids, endothelin-receptor antagonists and

    phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors) will be more successful in this

    respect (for rev. see Ghofrani et al., 2006).Attempts have been made to reduce pulmonary hypertension

    and RV hypertrophy by blocking the adrenergic pathways. It

    has been reported that administration of-adrenoceptor block-

    ers propranolol (Moret and Duchosal, 1976) or metipranolol

    (Ostadal et al., 1978b) to high altitude-exposed rats significantly

    reduced the values of RV systolic pressure and RV hypertrophy.

    These results were later confirmed by Ostman-Smith (1995) and

    Tual et al. (2006), suggesting that the adrenergic system partic-

    ipates in the development of HAH-induced cardiopulmonary

    changes. Moreover, beta-blockade significantly reduced also

    the polycythemic response of hypoxic animals (Ostadal et al.,

    1978b; Voelkel et al., 1980), probably by its effect on the pro-

    duction of erythropoietin (Zivny et al., 1983).

    8. Conclusions

    It maybe concludedthat adaptation to chronic HAHincreases

    cardiac tolerance to all major deleterious consequences of acute

    oxygen deprivation in both adult and immature heart. In addi-

    tion to the protective effect, chronic hypoxia also induces other

    adaptive responses, including hypoxic pulmonary hypertension

    and RV hypertrophy, which, in the case of an excessive hypoxic

    stimulus, may result in congestive heart failure. It is evident

    from experimental studies that the type of hypoxia (perma-

    nent versus intermittent, normobaric versus hypobaric), duration

    and severity of hypoxia and frequency of hypoxic episodes are

    critical factors determining whether chronic hypoxia is bene-

    ficial or harmful. Unfortunately, despite the fact that the first

    experimental study on the cardioprotective effect of adaptation

    to HAH was published almost 50 years ago, no satisfactory

    explanation of this important phenomenon has yet been pro-

    posed. Although many potential factors have been suggested

    to play a role in the cardioprotective effect, the available

    data are not sufficiently conclusive and its detailed molecular

    mechanism remains unknown. As compared with the tempo-

    ral character of ischemic preconditioning, cardiac protection by

    adaptation to chronic HAH may persist even after the regres-

    sion of other hypoxia-induced changes, such as pulmonary

    hypertension and RV hypertrophy. This fact offers a more opti-

    mistic view on the future of effective protection of the ischemic


    As far as the clinical relevance of the experimental research

    on adaptation to high altitude is concerned, it is necessary to

    stress that chronic hypoxia and hypoxemia are not confined

    to life at high altitude, but can be found in chronic ischemicheart disease, chronic obstructive lung disease, sleep apnea, and

    in children with cyanotic congenital heart disease. It may be

    assumed that elucidation of the mechanisms involved in experi-

    mental adaptation to high altitude may be at least partially used

    for the explanation of mechanisms involved in cardiac effects of

    chronic hypoxia in humans.


    This study was supported by grants from the Ministry of

    Education of the Czech Republic (1M0510) and from the Grant

    Agency of the Czech Republic (305/07/0875).


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