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  • 7/28/2019 Cardiac Physical Examination


    Bayu Laksono

    Kartika Kristianto

    Gloria Tanjung

    Cardiac Physical Examination

  • 7/28/2019 Cardiac Physical Examination


    A. Inspeksi jantung

    Tanda-tanda yang diamati :

    (1) bentuk prekordium

    (2) Denyut pada apeks jantung

    (3) Denyut nadi pada dada

    (4) Denyut vena

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    bentuk prekordium

    Pada umumnya kedua belah dada adalah simetris

    Prekordium yang cekung dapat terjadi akibat

    perikarditis menahun, fibrosis atau atelektasis

    paru, scoliosis atau kifoskoliosis

    Prekordium yang gembung dapat terjadi akibat daripembesaran jantung, efusi epikardium, efusi

    pleura, tumor paru, tumor mediastinum

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    sternotomy pada garis tengah menunjukkanbypass sebelumnya, torakotomi lateral

    menunjukkan operasi bypass minimal invasif (left

    internal mammary artery to left anterior

    descending coronary artery) atau katup mitralsebelumnya

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    Denyut apeks jantung (iktus kordis)

    Dalam keadaaan normal, dengan sikap duduk, tidur terlentangatau berdiri iktus terlihat didalam ruangan interkostal V sisi kiriagak medial dari linea midclavicularis sinistra

    Pada anak-anak iktus tampak pada ruang interkostal IV

    Sifat iktus :

    Pada keadaan normal, iktus hanya merupakan tonjolan kecil, yangsifatnya local. Pada pembesaran yang sangat pada bilik kiri, iktusakan meluas.

    Iktus hanya terjadi selama systole.Oleh karena itu, untuk memeriksaiktus, kita adakan juga palpasi pada a. carotis comunis untukmerasakan adanya gelombang yang asalnya dari systole.

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    Denyutan nadiApabila di dada bagian atas terdapat denyutan

    maka harus curiga adanya kelainan pada aorta

    Aneurisma aorta ascenden dapat menimbulkandenyutan di ruang interkostal II kanan,

    sedangkan denyutan dada di daerah ruanginterkostal II kiri menunjukkan adanya dilatasi a.pulmonalis dan aneurisma aorta descenden

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    Carotid pulse Diperiksa amplitudo, kontur, variasi, waktu carotid

    upstroke berhubung S1 dan S2

    Penyebab menurun pulsasi termasuk penurunan

    stroke volume dan faktor di arteri seperti penyempitan

    atherosclerotic atau penyumbatan Pulsus alternans, bigeminal pulse (beat-to-beat

    variation); paradoxical pulse (respiratory variation)

    Delayed carotid upstroke in aorticstenosis

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    Denyutan vena

    Vena yang tampak pada dada dan punggungtidak menunjukkan denyutan

    Vena yang menunjukkan denyutan hanyalah

    vena jugularis interna dan eksterna

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    Peningkatan tekanan menandakan CHF,constrictive pericarditis, tricuspid stenosis, or SVC


    98% spesifik untuk peningkatan ventrikel kiri dan

    rendahnya fraksi ejeksi ventrikel kiri dan ini

    meningkatkan resiko kematian dari gagal jantung

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    Palpasi jantung

    Urutan palpasi dalam rangka pemeriksaanjantung adalah sebagai berikut :

    Pemeriksaan iktus cordis

    Pemeriksaan getaran / thrill

    Pemeriksaan gerakan trachea

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    Pemeriksaan iktus cordis

    Hal yang dinilai adalah lokasi, diameter, terabatidaknya iktus, dan apabila teraba dinilai kuat

    angkat atau tidak, dan durasi.

    Kadang-kadang kita tidak dapat melihat, tetapi

    dapat meraba iktus

    Pada keadaan normal iktus cordis dapat teraba

    pada ruang interkostal kiri V, agak ke medial (2

    cm) dari linea midklavikularis kiri.

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    The apical impulse may be displaced upward andto the left by pregnancy or a high left diaphragm.

    Lateral displacement from cardiac enlargement in

    congestive heart failure, cardiomyopathy,

    ischemic heart disease. Displacement in

    deformities of the thorax and mediastinal shift.

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    Pemeriksaan getaran / thrill Adanya getaran seringkali menunjukkan adanya

    kelainan katub bawaan atau penyakit jantungcongenital.

    Disini harus diperhatikan : Lokalisasi dari getaran

    Terjadinya getaran : saat systole atau diastole

    Getaran yang lemah akan lebih mudah dipalpasi apabilaorang tersebut melakukan pekerjaan fisik karena frekuensi

    jantung dan darah akan mengalir lebih cepat.

    Dengan terabanya getaran maka pada auskultasi nantinya

    akan terdengar bising jantung

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    Thrills dapat menyertai keras, keras, ataugemuruh murmur sebagai pada stenosis aorta,

    patent ductus arteriosus, defek septum ventrikel,

    dan stenosis, mitral

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    Pemeriksaan gerakan trachea

    Pada pemeriksaan jantung, trachea harus jugadiperhatikan karena anatomi trachea

    berhubungan dengan arkus aorta

    Pada aneurisma aorta denyutan aorta menjalar

    ke trachea dan denyutan ini dapat teraba

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    Pemeriksaan arteri perifer Palpate the radial pulse with the pads of your fingers on the

    flexor surface of the wrist laterally. Partially flexing the patients

    wrist may help you feel this pulse. Compare the pulses in both


    -Prominent veins in an edematous arm suggest venous

    obstruction brachial pulse. Flex the patients elbow slightly, and with the

    thumb of your opposite hand palpate the artery just medial to the

    biceps tendon at the antecubital crease

    - check arterial insuffieciency

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    femoral feel at the midinguinal point (midway between thesymphysis pubis and the anterior superior iliac spine, just inferior

    to the inguinal ligament)

    popliteal feel deep in the center of the popliteal fossa with thepatient lying on their back with their knees bent

    - widened femoral and popliteal pulse suggests an aneurysm of

    the popliteal artery. Neither popliteal nor femoral aneurysms are

    common. They are usually due to atherosclerosis, and occur

    primarily in men over age 50.

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    posterior tibial feel behind the medial malleolus

    dorsalis pedis feel over the second metatarsalbone just lateral to the extensor hallucis tendon

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    The dorsalis pedis artery may be congenitally absent or maybranch higher in the ankle. Search for a pulse more laterally.

    Decreased or absent foot pulses (assuming a warm

    environment) with normal femoral and popliteal pulses suggest

    occlusive disease in the lower popliteal artery or its branches a

    pattern often associated with diabetes mellitus. Sudden arterial occlusion, as by embolism or thrombosis, causes

    pain and numbness or tingling. The limb distal to the occlusion

    becomes cold, pale, and pulseless. Emergency treatment is

    required. If collateral circulation is good, only numbness and

    coolness may result.

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    Careful percussion will usually reveal

    whether the heart is normal in size or

    whether it is definitely marked


    One should use the lightest percussion

    possible and, with experience, rely

    more and more upon the vibratory

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    To determine the left border of the heart,percussion should begin at the lateral side and

    percuss toward the sternum. The dullness usually

    reveal along mid clavicular line.

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    To determine the left border of the heart percussfrom left lateral toward medial.

    The left border : the anterior axillary line.

    The right border : the right sternal line.

    the upper border (base of the heart): 2nd left


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    Physiologic changes in the area of

    cardiac dullness

    The position of the heart, and with it the area ofcardiac dullness, is influenced by the level of the


    In deep inspiration the diaphragm descends,producing a decrease in cardiac dullness, while in

    forced expiration the diaphragm rises and produces

    an increase in the cardiac dullness.

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    In the later months of pregnancy thediaphragm is pushed upward, causing the

    heart to lie more horizontally and closer to the

    chest wall, thus increasing the area of cardiac


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    Cardiac dullness in

    abdominal distention

    A variety of pathologic conditions such asascites, an ovarian cyst, or peritonitis may

    cause an elevation of the diaphragm with an

    increase in the area of cardiac dullness.

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    Changes in position of

    cardiac dullness

    A left-sided pleural effusion will push the heart

    to the right, and increase the cardiac dullness

    to the right of sternum, the left border in suchcases can usually not be made out. A right-

    sided pleural effusion increase the cardiac

    dullness on left side.

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    In pneumothorax the heart is displaced toward

    the normal side, but in massive collapse of the

    lung the heart is displaced toward the affected


    Pleural adhesions may pull the heart to the

    affected side with resulting changes in

    cardiac dullness similar to those produced bycollapse of the lung.

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    Decrease in the area of

    cardiac dullness

    A decrease in the relative cardiacdullness may occur in pulmonary

    emphysema. The absolute cardiac

    dullness is usually decreased insuch cases, since the lung is

    increased in size and covers a

    greater area of the heart than


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    Increase in the area of

    cardiac dullness

    An increase in the area of cardiac dullness is

    most strikingly seen in patients with cardiac

    disease. we cannot detect by percussion an

    appreciable increase of the cardiac dullness inhypertrophy of the heart unless there is an

    accompanying dilatation.

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    Cardiac enlargement

    Enlargement of the left ventricle produces anincrease in the relative cardiac dullness to the

    left and often downward on this side.

    The heart silhouette looks like a shoe

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    Enlargement of the left ventricle appears inaortic insufficiency, in aortic stenosis, in mitral

    insufficiency, in longstanding hypertension

    and in chronic nephritis. It is called aortic


    Right ventricular enlargement, the cardiac

    dullness will extended to left and upward. Ifthe right ventricular is severely enlarged, the

    right border of the heart will extend to the right.

    It is seen in cor pulmonale, in mitral stenosis,

    in tricuspid insufficiency etc.

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    Both the left atrium and pulmonary arteryenlarged, the pulmonary artery will be

    exaggerated to leftward. The cardiac

    silhouette is like a pear and called mitral heart,

    it is frequently seen in mitral valve stenosis.

    The heart silhouette is like a


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    Aortic dilation, aneurysm of aorta, pericardialeffusion, all those diseases may cause thebase border of heart enlargement, so that thebase border of the heart will be widened.

    Congestive heart failure, severe myocarditis,Keshan disease, dilated myocardiopathy maycause the heart silhouette extending both to

    right and left.

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    Pericardial effusion

    The cardiac dullness is increased in alldirections and assumes the form of a triangle

    with the apex at the level of the first or second

    intercostal space or a general globular


    The heart silhouette is like

    a flask

    The heart silhouette is like a globe

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    Adhesive pericarditis

    The degree of enlargementdepends on the extent of the

    adhesive process. The relative, and

    especially the absolute, cardiacdullness are both markedly

    increased to left and to the right.

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    Increase in the absolute

    cardiac dullness

    Increase in the absolute cardiac dullnesswithout demonstrable cardiac enlargement

    occurs when the left lung is retracted and a

    larger area of the ventricle is exposed.

    It also occurs in mediastinal tumors when the

    heart is pushed up against the chest wall and

    a large area of the ventricle comes into directcontact with the anterior surface of the chest.

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  • 7/28/2019 Cardiac Physical Examination


    First Heart Sounds S1 is produced by closure of the mitral and tricuspid

    valves in early systole

    is loudest near the apex of the heart

    it is high-frequency sound best heard with

    diaphragm of stethoscope

    mitral closure usually precedes tricuspid closure

    they are separated by only about 0.01 sec

    so,, human ear appreciates only a single sound

    if right bundle branch is blocked mitral &

    tricuspid may be audible split due to delayed

    closure of tricuspid valve

    F d i h i i f

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    Factor determinate the intensity of


    the distance separating the leaflets of the openvalves at the onset ventricular contraction

    relates to PR interval

    the mobility of the leaflets (normal or rigid due to


    the rate of rise of ventricular pressure

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    Altered Intensity of S1

    accentuated S1 shortened PR interval

    mild mitral stenosis

    high cardiac output states or tachycardia (eg.

    exercise or anemia)

    diminished S1

    lengthened PR interval: first-degree AV nodal block

    mitral regurgitation

    severe mitral stenosis

    stiff left ventricle (eg. systemic hypertension)

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    Second Heart Sounds S2 results from the closure of the SL valves has 2 components:

    aortic (A2)

    pulmonic (P2)

    Components of S2 are heard varying sounds with

    respiratory cycle: (this situation is termed normal

    or physiologic splitting)

    theyre normally fused as one sound during


    theyre audibly separated during inspiration

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    during inspiration expansion of the chest intrathoracic pressure more negative

    capacitance ( impedance) of the intrathoracic

    pulmonary vessels temporary delay in the

    diastolic backpressure of the pulmonary artery P2 is delayed (occurs later during inspiration

    than during expiration)

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    Abnormalities of S2

    alteration of its intensity changes in the pattern of splitting

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    Alterations of its intensity of S2

    Depends on: velocity of blood coursing back toward the valves

    from the aorta and pulmonary artery after the

    completion of ventricular contraction

    the suddenness with which that motion is arrestedby the closing valves

    In systemic of pulmonary artery hypertension

    diastol pressure in respective great artery

    velocity of blood surging toward the valve S2 Severe aortic and pulmonary stenosis

    the valve commisure are nearly fixed in position


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    Changes in splitting in pattern

    Widened splitting refers to in the time interval between A2 and P2

    the 2 components are audibly separated even

    during expiration and become more widely

    separated in inspiration

    result from delayed closure of the pulmonic valve

    (eg. right bundle branch block, pulmonic valve


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    Changes in splitting in pattern

    Fixed splitting refers to abnormally widened interval between A2

    and P2 that persist unchanged through the

    respiratory cycle

    results fromASD (ASD chronic volume

    overload of right-sided circulation

    capacitance, resistance pulmonary pressure

    delay the backpressure responsible from

    closure of pulmonary valve P2 delayed thannormal)

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    Changes in splitting in pattern

    Paradoxical splitting = Reverse splitting opposite of the normal situation

    refers to audible separation of A2 and P2 duringexpiration that disappears on inspiration

    the most common cause is Left Bundle BranchBlock (LBBB)

    LBBB electrical activity within LV impaired delayed ventricular contraction late closure

    aortic valve A2 followed P2 when inspiration, normally P2 occur later and A2

    earlier but in LBBB due to A2 delayed P2 andA2 are heard as one sound.

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    Extra Systolic Heart Sounds

    May occur in early, mid-, or late systole

    1. Early Extra Systole Heart Sounds = ejection


    occur shirtly after S1 and coincide with the opening

    of the aortic or pulmonic valves

    have a sharp, high pitched quality heard best

    with the diaphragm of stethoscope, placed over the

    aortic and pulmonary areas

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    Extra Systolic Heart Sounds

    indicate: Aortic or Pulmonic valve stenosis: sound occurs as

    the leaflets reach their maximal level of ascent intothe great artery, just prior to blood ejection

    Dilatation of the Pulmonary artery or Aorta: sound isassociated with sudden tensing of the aortic orpulmonic root with the onset of blood flow into thevessel aortic ejection click:

    Is heard at both base and apex Doesnt vary with respiration

    pulmonic Ejection Click: Is heard only at the base

    Intensity during inspiration

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    Extra Systolic Heart Sounds

    2. Mid

    or Late Extra Systolic Heart Sounds result of systolic prolapse of the mitral or tricuspid


    leaflets bulge abnormally into the atrium during

    ventricular contraction.

    often accompanied by valvular regurgitation

    mitral louder than tricuspid

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    Extra Diastolic Heart Sounds

    opening snap(OS)

    the third heartsound (S3)

    the fourth heartsound (S4)

    QuadrubpleRythm or


    the pericardial


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    Opening Snap

    refers to sound that are produced by the mitral ortricuspid valvular stenosis when they open

    a sharp, highpitched sound, and timing doesnt

    vary significantly with respiration

    OS is heard best between apex & left sternalborder, just after the aortic closure sound (A2)

    The severity of stenosis can be approximated by

    the time interval between A2 and OS :

    advanced stenosis interval A2 OS

    In mild interval A2 OS

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    Third heart sound after S2

    result from tensing of the chordae tendinae duringrapid filling and expansion of the ventricle

    occurs in early diastole, following the opening of theAV valves during the ventricular rapid filling phase

    a dull, low pitched sound best heard with the bell of

    the stethoscope S3 normal in children and young adults

    implies the presence of a supple ventricle capable ofnormal rapid expansion in early diastole

    S3 sign of disease in mid age or older adults

    indicating volume overload due to CHF, ortransvalvular flow that accompanies advanced mitral ortricuspid regurgitation

    Pathologic S3 Ventricular Gallop

    Fourth Heart Sound before

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    Fourth Heart Sound beforeS1

    is generated by the L or R atrium vigorouslycontracting against the stiffened ventricle

    occurs in late diastole and coincides withcontraction of the atria

    usually indicates the presence of cardiac disease spesifically ventricular compliance typicallyresult from ventricular hypertrophy or myocardialischemia.

    a dull, low pitched sound best heard with thebell

    loudest at the apes when patient lying in the L.Lateral decubitus position

    S4 atrial gallop

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    Quadrubple Rythm or Summation

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    Quadrubple Rythm or Summation


    in patient with S3 and S4 in conjunction with S1and S2 quadrupic beat

    if this patient develops tachycardia duration of

    diastole S3 and S4 coalesce summation

    gallop (heard as as long mid diastolic, low-pitchedsound, often louder than S1 and S2)

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    Pericardial Knock

    results from the abrupt cessation of ventricularfilling in early diastole

    appears early in diastole soon after S2 ; but

    slightly later than OS and is louder ; and earlier

    than ventricular gallop uncommon, high pitched sound

    hall mark of constrictive pericarditis

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    the sound generated by turbulent blood flow the mechanisms which produce murmus:

    flow across a partial obstruction (eg. Aortic stenosis)

    flow through normal structures (eg. Aortic systolic

    murmur associated with high output state, anemia) ejection into a dilated chamber (eg. Aortic SM

    associated with aneurysmal dilatation of the aorta)

    regurgitant flow across an incopetent valve (eg.

    Mitral reg) abnormal shunting of blood from 1 vascular

    chamber to a lower pressure chamber (eg.

    Ventricular septal defect)

  • 7/28/2019 Cardiac Physical Examination


    Description of Murmur

    1. timing whether murmur occurs during systole,diastole, or continous

    2. intensity is typically quantified by a grading systemsystolic murmurs

    systo l ic mu rmurs grade 1/6 (or I/VI) : barely audible (eg. medical students may not

    hear it) grade 2/6 (or II/VI) : faint but immediately audible grade 3/6 (or III/VI) : easily heard grade 4/6 (or IV/VI) : easily heard and associated with a palpable thrill

    grade 5/6 (or V/VI) : very loud; heard with a stethoscope lightly on thechest

    grade 6/6 (or VI/VI) :audible without the stethoscope directly on thechest wall

    dias to l ic m urmu rs grade 1/4 (or I/IV): barely audible

    grade 2/4 (or II/IV): faint but immediately audible

    grade 3/4 (or III/IV): easily heard

    grade 4/4 (or IV/IV): very loud

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    3. pitch frequency of the murmur High are caused by large pressure gradients

    between chambers (eg. Aortic stenosis)

    Low smaller pressure gradient (eg. Mitral

    stenosis)4. shape how the murmur changes in intensity

    from its onset to its completion.

    CresendoDecresendo (diamond shaped)

    Decresendo Uniform (intensity doesnt change shape)

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    5. location the murmurs region of maximalintensity

    6. radiation murmurs are often heard to radiate

    to other areas of the chest from their primary

    location7. response to maneuvers maneuvers can alters

    the hearts loading conditions and can affect the

    intensity of many murmurs.

    maneuvers: standing upright, Valsava (forceful

    expiration against a closed airway), clenching of

    the fist

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    Thank you