career websites

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  • 1. CAREER WEBSITES: Companies that put up their own career websites are recruiting proactively, thereby increasing their chances of finding suitable employees. In an iLogos survey for Fortune 500 companies, 83% of respondents reported posting jobs either to their career website or a job opportunity section on their corporate site, representing an increase of almost 11 percent from two years prior.

2. Career Website Objectives: Before spending a lot of money and effort loading up yourwebsite with attractive graphics and inviting verbiage, be clear as to your primary objective. Any recruiter who has ever used a recruitment source that did not carefully target applicants with the required credentials or skills.What Applicants are Looking For: Many job hunters report that they can learn a great dealabout a potential employer from its website. According to Steve Pollock, president of WebFeet Inc., a California recruitment technology provider, the best websites provide helpful information about the company and make it easy to apply for a job. 3. In particular, businesses need to focus on four areas:content, navigation, branding, and functionality. Research conducted by Pollock reveals that about half of job hunters became more interested in working for a company after visiting its website, while one in four lost interest in a company based on their website. Enhancing your companys website to make it more applicant-friendly is not difficult. Here are some factors to incorporate:Make job listings easily accessible. Keep postings current.Avoid slow-to-load images. Dont get carried with the latest bells and 4. Allow submission options (e.g., online applications, e-mail, or fax). Offer cut and paste capability so applicants can edit an existing resume. Provide detailed information about the history of your organization, its products or services, the culture, and benefits of working there. Provide information about the geographic area, including housing, taxes, schools, and recreational and cultural activities. Enable applicants to register to receive updates about new jobs. Ensure that the contents of your job postings are in full compliance with employment laws. Provide a calendar of career-related events. 5. Getting Started with Career Websites: Career websites are generally organized according to job function, geographic location, or business unit. A statement as to the organizations mission isoffered, as is generic information about the work environment and benefits of working there. A table of contents allows job seekers to browsetopics of interest, including specific job offerings. The overall appearance and visual design of awebsite creates an important first impression for 6. For example, too much text can cause readersto glaze over, and huge graphics that slow downloads to a crawl are likely to make viewers impatient. Companies generally start with a bare-bonesonline presence: a home page that provides the company name; geographic locations; phone, fax, and e-mail numbers; and basic information about the company in terms of its history, primary product areas, and who to contact 7. Website Upkeep: Once established, maintaining a career website is crucial.Job listings should be current. Few things prove more irritating for applicants than sorting through old listings and dated information. Also, keep up-to-date with regard to new design elements, including colours and backgrounds, and effects, such as flash demos. And to keep from appearing complacent, give the site a face-lift every six months or so.Hypertext Markup Language: As long as you have a computer connected to the Internetand the software to manage a website, job seekers browsing the Web can view whatever you post. The actual documents are ordinary text and graphics converted into a special programming language called Hypertext markup 8. Online Recruitment Guidelines: Here are some additional guidelines to make your career website a success: 1. Make searching for job openings easy. 2. Make the site navigable. 3. Be prepared to respond to applicants quickly. 4. Maintain an up-to-date employment opportunity 5. 6. 7.8. 9.database. Screen out unqualified applicants. Balance content with design. Keep it organized. Take advantage of all the information you can learn about your Web Visitors. Make your address easy to remember. 9. International Electronic Recruiting: Websites offer a global presence as an increasing number of companies are posting their job openings online in more than 100 countries. Not surprisingly, most of these sites are produced in English. Since English is the most widely spoken language in this world, this may seem advantageous. However, for most people, English is a second language. They may be familiar with the basic structure of the language and able to converse in or read it. you can, however, develop one site in one language that most people will be able to understand. This requires a focus on how you speak and read the English language. Here are some guidelines: 1. Avoid Jargon 2. Select proper word usage 3. Use proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling 4. Do not avoid Clichs 5. Be careful about how you use numbers 10. Electronic Web Sources: This list of specific publications, services, or institutions is for informational purposes only and is not be considered an endorsement. That said, here are some electronic Web sources and sites, viable as of the date of this publication.Internet Address Recruiting Online in INDIA: 1. 2.3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Monster Jobs Bazaar India Indian Job Site Placement India Freshers World 11. Internet Address Recruiting Online in INDIA: (CONT...) 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.