carolyn canetti - social networking sites and the music industry


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Post on 22-Jan-2015




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Carolyn Canetti Social Networking Sites and the Music Industry

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Social Networking Sites and the Music Industry

How to people become famous these days?

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“Hey, Lucas. I've decided I'm going to start a band.” “The first thing you need is a name. Then you'll know what kind of band you've got.” “Right, right. I was thinking about, um, Marc. How does that sound?” “Is that with a C or with a K?” “Well my name is with a [checks his nametag] K, so I was thinking my band's name could be with a C. That way it's kind of that psychedelic, you know, trip thing.” “Always play with their minds.” -Mark and AJ, Empire Records

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The Music Industry Pre 2000

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The Old Wave

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Bruce Springsteen

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The New Wave

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Justin Bieber

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“The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There’s also a negative side.” –Hunter S. Thompson

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Search for anomalies

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Smithsonian Folkways

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•  "I would advise you to keep your overhead down; avoid a major drug habit; play everyday and take it in front of other people. They need to hear it and you need them to hear it.”

James Taylor (1995)

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Unsigned bands

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Love and Logic: diligent

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Jon Sandler: incompetent

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Old beats New

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Viral videos

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Sony’s Mistake

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Free music anyone?

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"Rock 'n' roll can save the world"? "The chicks are great"? I sound like a dick!” “You are a dick.” -Jeff Bebe and Russell Hammond, Almost Famous

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Carolyn Canetti

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